8, 194() --.::: • r Portly Clou/y 1CS Whip ~h:: ~i::I::':UI... I IOWA-Partly cloudy today IUId Learue Pennant. :-l I4morrow; warmer j ill eut See story on Pa'ie 4. portion toci..,. " 2, JI _ I ne )-year,old [I·S. Virgil it of the 'd CIt her , Monday I from a I be h el d )t Rolfe h r. Mrs: .f the new How Italians Push Across E s ident ot 'f ' * *1*· u*. * t* t A** *. A* t* -: Steadily Increasing Force Of 11 be bur • Ber ln nln S a XlSC lOn Nazi Attacker Leave Heavy •eside At. • who died en in the gil Jr., 9, After Ribbentrop's ·Visit ,::a;::::::~e:o:~~::n • British Fly~rs Retaliated With Attacks On Ydungesl ry serious Spain, Egypt Senate Seeks to Aid Draftees French,BelgianCoats ,ncher has LONDON, Sept. 19 (Thursday) (AP)-Thundering toni ving home Seen Involved of high explosives showered on battered London and BUb­ a time. By Easing Financial Burdens urbs last night and early today from a teadily increasing force of nazi attackers who Jeft heavy damage and a mount; In Parley ing list of casualties in the empire capital. Textbooks Attacked as Red Defended More planes took part in the raid-the 12th overnight at­ Rome Commentators Gives F.D.R. tack since Germany began her "all out" assaults on London By Professor in Georgia Hearing -than it! the Tuesday-Wedne day overnight raid which Say U.S. Destroyer Right to Adjust caused heavy ca ualties. Deal to Be Discussed But while the Germans dumped their bomb on London, ATLANTA, Sept. 18 (AP)-.subsequently was removed from 1 British bombers were vi iting destruction on German bases ' his highway job. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Georgia board of education Allowances on the nazi·held French and Belgian coast in violent attacks today asked its textbook commit­ Tempers flared at the lengthy against "invasion ports." -BERLIN, Sept. 18-All informed tee to re-examine certain books hearing. Cries of "throw him TRANS',"'" \ WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 (AP) The German boroners caused great dest.ruction in the slums JOR.OAN \ circles in Germany stressed to­ used in elementary and high out" greeted a Georgla Tech pro­ night that Joachim von Ribben­ schools after a hearing at which lessor who arose to delend the -Seeking to ease the fi nancial of east London in the early phases of the raids. Now they ) burdens of men drafted for mili­ have turned their attention to the fa ihonable sector of the II, inlllllltd -._ .... --- trop's forthcoming conversations a Columbia university professor Columbia professor. in Rome will result in axis "ac­ tary training, the senate wrote in­ capital as well, subjecting them to heavy bombing. ,cook foNs defended books he wrote against Kelly shouted accusations at to the excess tax bill today broad tion-not words," and it was charges they were tinged with Dr. Rugg in a speech on the floor In the late t puni hing attack, coughing men and women )lIt IC'MIr hinted that Spain and Egypt are authority for the president to es­ communistic teachings, at the hearing, At one poInt Dr. tablt,h allowances for dependents. ~ tumbl ed from fa hionable the primary subjects for consid­ The board ordered that further Rugg replied: "I am willing to apa.rtments after direct hitl eration. distribution ot the books be dis­ waive my legal rights thus lar, He al 0 would be empowered to Tinles Abandons establish an insurance system were scored by incendia.ry Foreign Miriister Ribbentrop continued until the textbook com­ but If Captain Kelly says again in tor the men and make modlficlltions bombs in ce ntral London. left today to consult Benito Mus­ mittee makes a report. public what he has just said now, F.D.R. upport; in the present social security reg­ Bill bombs were hurled at the solini and other leaders of fas­ Charges against the books were he ,will render himself liable to ulations for their benefit. metropolis from the north rim to cist Italy, and it was learned to­ brought by Jack Kelly, a state legal prosecution." Turns to Willkie night that on his return he agam high way patrol officer, aod a The Columbia professor told It acted while the war depart­ the south, ea t and west. will see Ramon Serrano Suner, member of the state defense corps. the board he was not a commun­ ment, waiting for President Roose­ NEW YORK, Sept. 18 (AP)- The shoppin, area, lon, the velt to sign executive orders es­ Berlin's highly-placed Spa'nish vis­ Later other persons protested ist, had never been affiliated witli The New York Times tonight IIn- home of many the world's lam­ tabli:shing the machinery, rules ot itor. This fact was taken in pol­ against use of books written in the communist party, that he was nounced its support of Wendell ous fashion stores, was hit allain itical circles as lending added and regulations for conscription, L. Will"ie lor lhe prt:sldency, the whole or in part by Dr, Harold not a socialist and had never been reported that numero\.lS states significance to Spain's place in Rugg, Columbia professor: Kelly associated with socialist groups. first time it has back dill' pub- and again by high exploslv pro- what Germans call the coming were announcing progress on pre­ lIcan presidential candldat since jecUles. parations lor their part in the scheme of things. 1908. The plate IIlass In the window. draft. The British base at Marsah Mat- mand. Soli urn, on the EgYPtia~ Cautiously, some inspired com- In a three-column editorial, the of one department store which mentators argued in talkinjr with Many governors, It was said. ruh, on the Egyptian coast (see side of the Libyan frontier, is now foreign ' correspondents that the have been selecting men tor the times, which describes itself as was not touched heretolore was map) , is the objective of Italian occupied by Italian forces. ' War Anglo-American trade of destroy­ local dra ft boards and a rranllng independent-democratic, said: smashed by a bomb exploding in troops now marching across Egypt planes of the type that are p~r- ers for defense bases will also be tor regular election offlcial$ to "We give our own support to the street In front of the store. Down 1rom b4ses in Libya, accol'ding to ticipating in (he drive are P IC- considered duririg the Rome talks. handle the gigantic task of r g\s­ Mr. Willkie primarily fol' these Two Ralden reports from the Italian high com- tured above. The German press, which 'at an tering 16,500,000 eligibJe y ',InJ reason : because we believe that London's anti-alrcrart lIun b~~ _ _A·--.. __ .........r==-- ___---_ - obvious hint from above has con- Successor's Work < men on Oct. 16. )) Is better equlppPd thl\n 'Mr, l'l'Ile brought down at least two of I The provisions adopted by the Roosevelt to provide this country the faiders-one of them a Jun­ ·C RehabI·litatI·on VI-tal sistently n:inimized the sig nlf~- Will Be to Euse Free. Movie. senate were purposely vague, so with an adequate defense; because ker 88, Germany's latest type III ECOnOmI cance of thiS matter, made no dl- we believe he is a practical IIb- bombing plone. I rect reference to the United Existing Strain that senate and house conferees 'Highlights of Iowa' may work out more explicit lan­ eral who understands the need of The raiders violently trated the increa:sed production; because we I center 01 London, dropplnlf fat, As Defense, Willkie Declares States, h?:oev:;~e Egypt' WASHINGTON, Sept. IS (AP) gllage later on. They were adopt­ To Be Shown ed as a substitute for an amend­ believe that the fiscal policies of blazing oil bombs in an effort to Egypt now has been invaded by -Japan's ambassador to the Unit­ Mr. Roosevelt hove failed disns- set lires In the city to guide 1I\em Italian armies in what the Ger­ ment by Senator Vandenberg (R­ ed States, Kensuke Horinouchl, is Movies of the University of Mlch) de igned to continue, old trously; because we believe that to their targets, Nom.iuee Tells Crowd man press has been calling a at a time when the traditional Flame bombs showered ov l' the Hoover Urges battle for the liberation of the going home this month with a re­ Iowa, "Highlights 01 Iowa," will age pension and unemployment Arms Aren't Enough be shown In Macbride auditorium credits tOl' draftees and national safeguards ot democracy are fail- central area 01 London. Egyptians from the British. It port that scarcely could inspire ing everywhere it is particularly A tremendous explo Ion jarred U. S. to Defend seems logical that German troops for all students this evening at 8 guardsmen called into active ser- For U.. in Crisis optimism for his successor's o'clock. A repeat showing of the important to honor and preserve a buildin, In central London; a might be used to help Italy in vice. Economic Polic.v chances to ease the present strain movie will take place at 9 o'clock. The outlay fot' dependents is ex­ the American tradition again trow ot hou s In nOI·th London PHOENIX, Ariz., Sept. 18 (AP) this push. vesting the enormous powers of was demOlished; and a heavy in this wee l{ sent Ramon in American-Japanese relations, No tickets are needed for ad· pected to be comparatively small - Rehabilitation of domestic econ- Spa , the presidency in the honds of any bomb fell near a shopping center, PHILADELPH1A, Sept.
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