, , T^^TTr^ . ' ;Vr ■pT-' '•■„ . ;4 .• , 11

K.- ;• ' T h e W ea th e r Average Daily drealation rateaeet ef V. We For the Menta of fehnnury, IM I Fair eng toatlanee aeM teMglrt. .Wegeeaflay fair wttti etowly rtaiag 6,677 ' tamperatera.

• I tiM AoflM 0 i af' CSfcalatlsos Hanchettit^A City of Vaiagm Charm


Five Killed, 114 Hurt in Wreck Laid to Sabotage Woodrum Avers Aid

Waterbury Bonds

Increase Rapped Will Bring Ultimate

By jury Member Finish for Dictfdors

Baldwin Criliciaes Re- Taber Declares Effort Heavy Fines luction in Tax Rate at Must Be Successftil, Churchill Says Nazi lame Time O ty Seeks Levied on 2 /Otherwise We Are in

^To Borrow More; Re- Trouble’ ; $7,000,- Cruisers Also Sent fers to Fuss Made in State Firms 000,000 Bill Sent to

Bridgeport Refunding. Floor of House with

Hartford Oil Burner To American Coast Admonition America State Capitol. Hartford. March 18.— (4*)— S e n a t o r Concerns and Officers Must Become Arsenal. Clarence F. Baldwin (R ). Found Guilty ‘of Vio- Declares British Ship* Sunk on American Side by

member' of the Waterbury lating Wage-Hour Act. Warships as Well as U-Boats; Announces Cer- Washington, March 18.— special grand jury, criticized (/P) — Representative W pod- tain Destruction o f Three German Submarines; that city today for reducing New Haven, March 18—(P)— rhm (D., Y a .), opened House

its U x rate at the same time Federal Judga Carroll C. Hindu Destroyers from U. S. Coming into Action Now. debate on the $7,000,000,000

that it sought legislative au- today fined two Hartford oil burn- British aid bill today with a

thority to increase its bonded er concern* and two of their offi- London, March 18.— (4*)— Prime Minister TVinston Chuixh- irediction that the vest e f-

indebtedness. He voiced his cer* a total of $1,099, in closing ill declared today (hat “not only German U-boats but battle 'ort it contemplates would the flrat criminal prosecution in criticism as the Senate ap- cruisers have crossed to the American side of the Atlantic jring about "the ultimate Connecticut under the wage and proved a bill authorizing W a- and succeeded in sinking British ships. At the same Um® ( ownfall” of all dictetors< hour* act. terbuiy, which has a Demo- The fine* were levied against he announced the "certain destruction jest/rday of three ie gave his Views to e crowd-

cratic administration, to is- German submarines in the continuing Battle of the Atlantic— ed and quiet chamber which

sue $2,000,000 in bonds for a (Continued On Psge ’

new water pipe line. - tive Taber (R.. N. Y .), that fought in all the annals of war.” ______/ Baldwin, a member of the Fi- The prime mihlater apoke at * .— — the effort must be successful, nance Committee, aald he did not Japs’ Envoy Pilgrims luncheon at which he in- united States government yeater- that "otherwise we are in oppoae the bill, but aald he ob- troduced John O. Wlnant. United ' jj,*t a German aubmarine waa trouble.” ject to the elmultaneous reduction State* ambaiaador to Britain who . toward the weatem At- of Waterbury’* tax rate from 32.8 promlaed the Brltlah ahlpe. pUnea j atUck ahlpa loaded with The House Appropriation* Com- mittee sent the legislation to th* to 31 mill* and Irtcreaae of iU To See Reds and gun* “with the utmoat a p *^ United Statea-manufactured aup- bonded indebtedneas. in the greatest volume and with floor with an admonition that .tbs Same I**ue In Bridgeport all the akill” at the command of xhe prim* mlnUter eald the United State* must drive "whola- hesrtedly, enthusIsstlcaUy and ax- Baldwin contended that the At Moscow the American ^ople. ■ orm an warahlpa had aunk vea- Reference Not Cleat ■ weat a* the 42nd mertd- pediUoualy'* to become th* “*r- aame laaue w *« Involved when aenal and atorehouae" for "bel**- Bridgeport recenUy , Churchlll’a reference to aubma- ^he American aide of the rinea and battle cruiser* did not ------guered democractea” — thority to refund bond* while it Matsuoka to Pause on Five neraon* were killed and 114 Injuted In the wreck of this Cleveland-PIttaburgh passenger train Otherwlae. the committee aald, nropoaed at the aame Umo to re- make clear whethei he waa refer- „VMitlaued Ou Page Eight) His Trip to Berlin for n»ar RaHpn p * which Official* of the Pennsylvania Railroad C!omuany aald wa* caused by sabotage. I ring to Information given the (Contiuueo uu rugu a the United Stales would be atamp- duceitt tax rate. Without men- Above—car* apiiled from the right-of-way. Below— the locomotive, derailed by the alleged removal o ed "a faltering welcher." ' tioning Soclaliat Mayor Jaaper Parleys Which May A f- spikes from the track. Must Kaiee Money from Tsxaa McLievy by name, Baldwin ed that another mayor then had fect Role in Axis’ Plans "How are we going to pay the been called a “political faker by 1 Family of Five Buma Expect Moves bill? 1 don’t know," aallt Wood- Senate Democrat*, To Dealh While Asleep rum. “But we will have to rala* Waterbury’* two Tokyo, March 18.—(J’) the money from th# taxpayers ef aenatora, Michael BlanafleW w d Minister Yoauke Matauoka.^ British Defeat British Bombers Sink Binghamton. N. Y., March 18. To Counteract America, i don’t know whether Edward P. Egan, defended the route to Berlin and Rome, will —(/p)—A family of five bunted this will be enough hut I *m con- pauae in Moscow two days, it waa vinced that unless we take this fiacal pollciea of Mayor Vincent to death while they slept today Scully of Waterbury. ’^ e y cc^- announced today, for talks which Italians Again ‘Enemy’ Supply Vessel in a wind-whipped fir* that de- Strike Delays action we'll find th* day coming Tendid that the Waterbury w d obaervers believed would vitally stroyed their four-room home when our own couatsii. will. hSMS. Bridgeport altuatlona were not affect Japan’s role In Axia plana A------■ fit near-»ro weather. • to meet the dictatora and have to com »m ble becauae, they aald, for a new world order. 800 Captured meet them alone.” The Clyde Matthews. theirclty aought the bond* to_re Attaching ths-rMgbsst signifi- Auack Wilhelmshaven, 37, a *h ^ factory worker: his ‘Definite Action’ Seen Taber senior Republlcait mem- fund an old indebtedneaa. canceCRnco toLO theLoe announcement,miuivum;eniviiv, thesevuvw \ At Least 125 ber of the Appropriations Con%- wife, ^ m a , 81. and their chil- On Wright Field Di^ Conatructlon of the pipe line had sources expresaed the opinion R e n u ls C C o u n te r -'A tta c k s Bremen, Rotterdam, dren, Lsvanne, six: Isabel, five, mtttee, asserted that regardless of been urged before the Flnante Japan la seeking guarantees from . • «? • the "fantastic and ridiculous pro- Oldenburg; Start Fires and Kenneth, three. pute; May Name Medi- posals of HR 1778” It was tha Uw_ Committee as a Soviet_ Ruasla to safeguard ------her in 1 Qjj Positions in Eri- Hurt in Train Sheriff Earl J. Daniels said witneaae* **yin« tereats bordering Siberia before an overheated wood-burning ation Board Members. at present had only one pipe line At Both Naval Bases. (Coattaued Oa Pag* Twe) committing herself to any con Irea with Heavy Losses stove apparently caused the and that lU Induatrle* might b6 Crete acUon in partnership with Crash in Ohio hamper^ ahould anything happen T o Forces o f Fascists. London, March 18.— <4^— Are. By The Associated Press Germany and Italy. Two quick governmental movee to that line. It waa also understood the for- Royal Air Force bombers last 1 Approve* Trade School Bouda Cairo, Egypt, March 18.—(O — to counteract strike deUy* In de- eign minuter would pauae in Mos- night sank a large "enemy” | Freight Plows into Si^e In addlUon to authortatag ^ cow cm hi* return from Rome and ItalUn counter-attacks against fer.!* Induatries wer# expected supply ship off the Frisian F l a s h e s ! 32.000,000 laaue, the Berlin, and observers said bU dU- pos'itions recently captured by the Of Passenger Train Warmer Air generally ■ hy official Washing* (Lata Balletla* af th* (^ Wtm> approved a bill e m p ^ «2«S Wat- cuaaiona in the weat would be Islands in addition to attack- British In Eritrea have been re- erbury to laaue $100,000 bon< made condiUcmal upon what oc ing Wilhelmshaven, Bremen,, Carrying 700 Workers ^**Army ^*ourcea predicted t ^ t curred in Moacxiw during both of pulsed With heavy Fascist losses, FI;Ight To Save Gaeoltae a trade achool. Rotterdam and Oldenburg, Moving East the War Department would t ^ e Both bill* were aped to the hU atop-overa there. British general headquarter* de- To Site of New Arsenal a “daAnlt# acUon” in connecUon Nm.Jew Orleaas, March lS.-i-— House under auapenalon of the Neutral circles suggested ce the A ir Ministry announced Til* ■aeead Mg fire la tM* clared today. with a Juriadtctlonal rtrik* w l ^ ' rule*, but that du mber «lelayed mentlng of relaUons with the The BrltUh aald the Italians left tonight. Windham, O., March iS.—IT)— lulled work on t $6,900,000 wtlhla a week today awept tl To Oust Cold the mala # • * * #* the 5L- - v. «Uoli on them Soviet wa* no less Important from over 800 prisoner* |n their hands. “Numerous exploslona and fires A freight train plowed Into the elde Army Air Corpa P«>* motion of Rep. C. the Japanese point of view than . (This, presumably, was at , were observed in dock and Indus- Gulf Refialag Campany la adjan- of a nine-car Erie passenger train gram at Wright Field. OWo. (R-Hamden). Finance Committee the solution of the conflict with (jheren, m'ountain stronghold bar- trial areas" of the German ports In a broader move affecting th# tag Jeffersea pariah (cennty)* Amoaat ef damage waa ao* Imme- ch a ^ M .^ ^ ^ .uapended It* r u ^ China, which now la .taking so ring the Britlah way toward As- I of Wilhelmshaven ' and Bremen, carrying 700 conatructlon workers T oll o f at Least 78 in enUre defense producUon pro- much of Japan’s enerrry and re- mara. the capital of Eritrea, and both naval baaes, the communique to the government’s $19,000,000 diately determtoed. Dnam* * f to psM a measure autooriring tte Cold Wave, Storms; gram. President Roosevelt waa « - gaeolla* aad Inbrtrattsg oU e x p ir- m aource*. Masaaua, Ita chief port. The ■aid. Ravenna arsenal today. At least pected to name an 11-member state comptroller to dyluct pay- Hint German Mediation British command said yesterday 125 of the defense workers were ed like glaat firecrackers a* fira- Large Fire la Oil Tanks. No Moderation Seen in F^cral Mediation Board to deal men foitabt the Sames to mva menU for hoapiUl Japanese newspapers have that Important heights outside A t Rotterdam, In occupied Hol- injured. 40 seriously. aurance plan* from the pay An Erie Inveetigatbr said on* with labor disputes. SM,0M gallona of gaaeUne e to M hinted that Germany might be Cheren had been taken, land, it said, a large Are broke out East Until Tom orrorrow. A Wsr Department spokesman of AUte employe*. asked to take a hand in mediating (The Rome war bulletin also re- man waa killed. Qther men were la aearby leaks. The Galf »a ^ - urged laat week by Governor Hur- among oil storage tanks, and in a precarious efindiUon in Ave Isg Compaay plaat Is Jmt oataMs the war in China, and some quar- ported Italian counter attacka and single aircraft also attacked the Pres/ (OtaittiHiad On Pago Two) ley, waa tabled In the Houa« on tern Inclined to the belief Matau- hospitals to which - thsy were By The Associated P of the city llmlta Ofikore ex- German ports of Emden and Old- A warm air mass'moved east oka also might seek Berlin’s aid (Continued On Page Eight) . taken. preieed the belief the fire (Couttaoed Ou Pag* Two) ^ - enburg, about 25 milea northwest The commuter train, carrying started by sparks from in Ircming out the Russian prob- ward out of thq Rockies today, of Bremen. men from the Youngstown district, truck. lem. The “large enemy supply ves- bringing j-elief from Arctic cold Six Navy Men • s • Matsuoka expected by was hit as it hacked Into' the sel” was said to have been sent 24,000-scre government reserva- and storms that took at least 7g Meridea Oruggtot Bobbed these quarters to take the attitude Five Vessels down In a torp^o attack by an MerMea, March IS.— Negroes Held , that Japan la willing to cooperate tion. The giant freight -locomo- Uvea. airplane of the coastal command. tive sheared away almost half the Biting cold, howaver, chlUed the Die in Crash Ptgeoa, weU kaowa Narth W In a united spring puab against The communique-said all tba Ekiat where no moderation wad ex- 1 druggist, was held up M X*® 9**"* Britiin, provided (Jhina and Rus- Afth coach, turning It over, and In Robberies Prey of Sub Britlah planes returned from their ■mashed the fourth coach, derailing pected until tomorrow. The cold- by a yoatbfnl baadit ask lubbrt sia are eliminated from the picture overnight raiding aaaignmenta. eat place In the nation last night •bent SIOO la Ms pharmacy —otherwlae Japan la not in a ppsi- It also. Planes Collide Over Pa- but the government announced Backing Across Track Coloay *treet abe^ 11:1# adaek Two Captured Within tiem to act. .pp»r«. ..rtiwiy Anolher Merehant Ship that In air operatlona over Eng- Tha freight train was proceeding (Coattaued O* Pag* Two) cific; Bodies of Two la>t Blgbt wbra be wa* ptepart^ land today two fighters, having east oa Ita Cleveland-Youngatoa'n to cloae the cetabllehmenL Aa borne out by an article In the In Sunk by Planes------k Scout— ■pent their ammunition, were shot run.-ind the computer train was Officers Are Recavered ■ooa a* be •ecared freedeaa fra * • Five Hours of Series ing Over North Sea. down by German planes and two backing across Its track to enter closet wbeib tb* baadit bad Of BiWen Holdups. (CeattaiM Oa 'Page Twe) German bomber* were shot down th* arsenal grounds. Assert Valona Wsabington. March 18—

iS* MAi^unfifnin evBwinO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY.^^CH 1%, 1941- Rejects Bid Campbell Devotes Talehts Mothers’ Club Unoccu^ that wlU Oluminat* the dark path- See §ix Possibilities Senate on a bill extending from way they are treading.” Sweet Given Lists Lecture Let Receive Grain Car freight .engineer told Win ha *1»d a 34 to 4fi hours the time In which des During* SopfUea MarahaU’a View* -From Movies To British Armored Cars clear signal." Arthur«. Qillis BCcldenU Involving pereonal In- Obituary Tha report supplied this testi- ^te Guard Cleveland launched an Uii’eauga jury or property damage over 135 mony by Gen. George C. Marshall. , ' For Surprise Gases Miss ][da Butler to Speak Washington, March 18—(O — * A Red Crooa staff In Tree Gontract By Alfred MTaB ^ An arraiwsment tor. shipment of j now Is diatrtbatlag a oqsgo tIAtt muat be reported to the Motor Funeral Riles Array chief of etiaff, on th# poael- Student Prefers to Fin- Beeenny.&ve of the injured Is Volunteer Vehicles Department. The Wll London, March 18.—(IT— Blr Here on March 24 on American grain ta unoccupied ; children’s suppUas rseatved ca 1 biUty that the United SUtea might Malcolm Campbell ha# turned hla Head N ^ed werTuken to W erw '‘‘V also provides that such reporU strip Itaslf at becesaary equipment .ish College Course Un- Prance under terms acceptable to j S. 8. .Gold Harbor, and 1# — U l; othere to Toungatown^, Raven I F u n e r a ls ‘ I Lo 4»1 Man Signk Com Break Through W idely Fail to. Dynamite Bridge talent for Qwed to the benefit of Defense. Great Britain was reported near | ing.by for th* alxmouth rtiipaMa^: muat be made by the. drivers of Mr*. Ernest Hodge Pass- in helping other nations: na and the Areenal field der Maude. Adams. tha British armored can foroea. I.oc«l Registrant Re- municipal and hoeplUI vehlclee " I think that as we now have tract to . Keep a Crew Held MiUtary and Sci- A§ Photographer* Wait at hand today. ' All Warren doctors nere called to ' im e e t Hedge es A w ay W h ile H us- The Sd-jrew-old Briton whose Thle month's meeting of the Informed sources said the __ ^y f o r m e r N « t i o i i « l hitherto exempted, among them The .funeral of. Emcat Hodge, a matter* arranged, the result will ’Blueblid” motor boats and auto- aid ae well as the Red Croae. quests-That H e Be In* police care, fire department appa- Busy for a Year. entific B elief N o New Hollywood, March 15—(JV—Pet- Manchester Mothers’ Club will be agreement probably would follow j ^ M p i o TT»# crash, at 7:0« a. m. (e. a t.), former employee of Chae Broth- band Being Buried. be to our advantage. Our own ac- mobUcs have been setting tecorda Gaudemen Pleiwed «t ratus, and ambulances. tual reaources will not bo dSmin- Fort Oglethorpe, Gh., March er Pan—toe real one— who pro- Itoene lines; Sufficient French ------occurred within the government eluded in Quota. ers, waa held thla afternoon at 3 for SO years, haa designed a new held on Wednesday evening, j v' v 'frozen” in tola coun- Pnasee Highway Bllle. lsi.ed untU toe Onlsbed producU Harry F . Sweet, of 38 Putnam Poison ,to Be ExpetAed; W lto newspaper and mised she would never grow old, Naming of Maxwell. reaeri-ation. at Its norlheaatern o'clock at tha W. P. Qulah funeral While members of the family is still young enough to be more type of armored car and haa turn- March 24. at the South Methodtat try, would be released to pur- : .. r-.ui. 12* Snnicel House paaspd a group of home 335 Main street. Rev. Dr, E. come o ff to* production tine and street, tree surgeou^ has 'been news reel photographers ed out a number of Invention*, one church, 'nie program committee FEjHALE comer. Construction of the plant Arthur V. CalllA of 125 “ P'' '* highway bllla, among them one of Emeat, Hodge were at the W. a>e rMdy for abipment. Increaied standing by. toe Sixth Caval- attractive than two movie makara chase the grain; It would be stow- ■ierted last fall, and late U»1s aum- E. Story of the South Methodist awarded a contract by too South- (Editor's Net*: In thle ae^ of wbteh has been accepted by toe has been able to secure as speakar 1U » Cbnan- XaUoeml Ouanl^ street, a-local Selective S e rv ic e l"'*"nalnihg' ^ the - connecting------link w be- production Yrtll ^ add t o ' our ern New Engbmd Telephmie Com- end e< three stertes for to# ry'# demolition squadron was with checkbooks. ed on two French ships now In mer worker* there are scheduled church cotiducted the aerviccs. The P, Qulah funeral home just before British Array. Mlaa Ida Butler, who was original- New York harbor; the British fttrtfcef 4Bduc«B«nt registrant, today volunteered for tween the Wilbur Croea‘ parkway •trength unUl the'time for distri- pany for the trimming of trees, cut- Aeseeintod Free* ^ art to dynamite a bridge to She stood today between them COMPLAINTS the O onaectt^ to turnout thellt at the rate of a bearers were John Carlin, Lucius 2 o’clock thia afternoon, to attend and a pretty plan they had lor * Sir Malcolm, with two other ly scheduled to speak to the club would relax their blockade to let Try Lfdia X rakbaak P u MrtH and the Boaton Poet Road In MU- bution begins. ting brush and trees over rights of HemM. Hewnrd W. Blnkeeiee "check the enemy.” In Jahuary, but was called to New Oonpouad to help rtUM* SSSSS 2 JIr<3n»rd today when tt »-aa minionfroundainion(rounds a month.momn. "I priority Induction. Hla order 'hum'- Poster, Montgomery Morris, A l- hla funeral, they received a call pretty Sioux Falla. 8. D., brunette. British speed- kings—John Cobb to* ship# through, and toe sup- The Erie aaid Its information In- ], 21*0. but he la anxious to ford aa the "Milford Parkway.” bert Todd, Joseph Callshsn and "I will go turther and say tola: way and along roads throughout tarns to poaalbUIttes ct Troops rushed across toe and George f • T. Eyaton—stored York to do work for the Red Crass pain, basdsehea. baekaeb* aso ttelr former eatecu- that Mrs. Hodge waa dying. The That 1 would be a much happier toe Hartford Division area. The devetopmento In th* field of span toe enemy sup- The movie men, Preston Stur- pllea would be distributed In unoc- ALSO eaha tnaM o ----- — *“ dlcated that none of the trainmen. I the service with the next Others designated the highway Osorge Anderson, sU employees of ges. newest directorial aensaUon, hla speedy cars and boats shortly In connection with the defense pro- cupied France under supervision moDUOy ru o c iio o a l i membera of th* family were tak- man today if 1 thought be nad job Yvin keep himself and four men chemicnl wnrinre. Toiiierrow: posedly in pursuit. No explo- either on the freight or on the ^ygii«ble quota. ------between Cobalt-and_ Colchaater as Case. Brothers. The burial waa In and WlUiam Melklejohn, Para- after England went to war In Sep- gram at that time. Fortunately of the American Red Croas. ^ PUYkhem’a Ce commuter train, waa Injured. Manchcater's next two quotas. I jg „ the Henry Champion end to the home of Mrs. Hodge. reuched a point In our production employed for a yetu* and will start Flame-Throwers.) sion occurred. Again #|nd atlU she is again available, and her talk to baip traOd the East cemetery. tember, 1539. ' Expected To Ease Tenalen .dlatrata of " Warren hoeplUlf. said some of j i on March 24 and t'^o on March highway, and a highway between 150 Porter street, where she pass- development where we actually Monday. Mr. Swset was selected a g ^ toe squadron attempted Ha refused a promotion from hla will be on the aubject "National !S ;5 Sr5 M»e aew state Onart because of hla past experience and By Howard W. W n k ^ one the_ e men brouj^lit tnere by buR had ^9 arp already flUed. Conaeqoentiy |pf.^ton and Oroton aa th« Col. ed away at 2:30, just as the funer- had more capacity than we re- to set off the charge. Two preaent captalnay. Instead organis- Defense In toe American Red Such an agreement was expect- MaaweD wae at oim al aenrlcee were coming to a close quired. That would be toe moat equipment. - - J New York. March 15—<^V- hours passed and toe photog- Ctoaa.” ed to ease the tension demonstrat- of the battaMon of bnilaea to ahow for their •*- young Callla wtU Uke h»i william Ladyard highway. ing and commanding a motorcycle Expect Moves and Mr. Hodge was being buried in favorable attuatlon poaalble for The Southern New England Tel- Three major and three rhlnOr P®*‘ Native of Hartford , ed in a recent statement by Ad- perlence. * phyaical eaamlnation a week from ^ Stnaia. BibUlUes for new, surprlm pol^n raphers atlU Waited. company. OuardauMi which com* the East cemetery. us, In vlew^of present conditkma." ephone Company is planning ex- Twilight fell. The squadron Miaa Butler is a native of Hart- miral Jean Darlan. French vice local Qahrd uaita. now Brie ofncUila, who had et first, tomorrow. He will be assigned-to | House received from Its Pl- war gases are described in toe Movea lato Laborntory reported that the two trains tele- the next Mancheeter quota call for nance Committee a favorable------— re- Death waa caused by a shock Details oif proposed expenditures pansion In toe state that will cost announced the bridge would ford and ia a graduate of the Hart- premier, that convoy’s might be Fjriu iW a Dwtnc thia Ubm. a Chemical Warfare Bulletin of toe From that he moved Into the ford hospital. 9he senred overseas scoped on the same eaatbound j which haa not yei been received. port on, a bill providing that all of To-Counteract suffered by the death of her hus- had been withheld, the report said, over a half million dollars. Wl>*“ be destroyed later In toe used unless sufficient food was MMchtna eohf waa made up . In to keep "from certain foreign laboratory, and for aeveral months In the flrat World war, and ha* permitted to pas* the blockade. track, dispatched a rescue train pCallaU la Arm y a atatc Rurpluf In of #1.* band. are to be placed in cables and l^^doxen week. baa been spending long hours in Z h o M aad waa uacd during Mrs. Hodgs Is survived by a governments and toslr diligent are to be placed underground, since made many trips to Europe Gaston Henry-Haye, French —~ aBcampmenta while t^ from Kent to clear away the] The Uical Selective Service board 000.000 than be ear-marked, for n. through a widely held mlll- experimental work. viTeckage. was today notified that William Strike Delays daughter, Mrs. Arthur Puller, and agenta dstailed information which company Is buying rights or In the work of the Red Cross. She ambassador, called at the White oa aettve member of the retirement of outstandl^ , and ecienUflc belief that no "A ll my life my hobby haa been ■ucceeded the late Miss Clara D. House yeaterday to dlscuaa the Marshall Miller, ton of Mr. and state bonda. a procedure urged by two aistera, Mrs. Emil Jarvis and they should not have.” I added: for the laying of their conduits _ polaon gasea of m lllUry value "Tb* committee ventures to ex- spe^,” he aaid. "I’ve always work- Noyesi.ujra (also(BiBu Ka iiB.ivnnative uiof Connecv.uiuicv- rnatter, and Vlacount Halifax, Mre. John M. Miller, of Vernon, Governor Hurley In his budget (OonUausd Prori Page One) Mrs. John HUderbrant, all of Man- where overhead wires or cable# are are to be expected In tola wan Exercises Held ed with speedy motor boat# and formerly of this town, baa enlisted chester and another slater, Mrs. press the hope tost what might b* strung the necessary tree trim- ticuti aa Director of Nursing in Britlah ambaaaador. later visited jkHhooch the data for the nrrt message. Storiea of gasea powerful cara. Now I find myaelf abaorbed »h. rbH r-rnaa wtth 8t*t* Department. i May Hold Up In the regular ai*my. Young Miller James McGowan, of Rockville. The considered by some to be 'Interest- ming la to be taken car# of by the the American Red Cross, with A ill o ( the local uatta at the State Pavers Dlacretlonary Powers declined to reveal the nature of that a few pounds will destroy all with entirely different automotive Sir Maleohn Onmplell headquarters in Waahington. She la at present In CalUornla. He waa the steps to be taken at Wright funeral arrangements art In ing news' to toe citizens of this company. It Is for preparation of An informed British source in- Ctaard haa not yet been aet, it wm Prom the Senate Motor Vehlclee life for mllea around, toe re ^ rt At Art Gallery problems and I am pleated that ia now an honorary member of dicated hla government would ac- dealroui of leaving thin country Plaid, whtra work has been atop- charge of W. P, Qulah. country shall not becomt 'stra- thia work that Mr. Sweet has been says, may to dismissed as fantas- that ttie riret Bat. in my experiment# have proved of that organization’# National Nura- quiesce In the agreement, wlto the Projcel Funds Iin'd going to Cana'de to enlist in I pad-Mnee-eeriy thla month. A t tha tegic news’ elsewhere to toe harm engaged. . ^ . tic. speed to armored car#, he has the U Csnedlm, Air Force but j P?rt «n k j»l_ g lv b »» t h s ^ J ^ of toe very countrlea we are try- aome value.” three decades of experience behind Ing Committee, and la chairman understanding that toe supplies oonstnictton scene, however, Isaac The Hartford area extends Into The realities are nothing so ob- Roosevelt Accepts Edi- Whether Sir Malcolm'# experi- for the State of Connecticut on ing to asalat and to ourselves.” Lltclifleld county, to the state line would be distributed in such a under lelecUve Service regulstlone hide -.^odlc exsroi Pennar, New York electrical con- Woodrum Asserts vious, and are based on a re-exam- ments alao Include work on Ehig hla work. National Nursing Defenae which thla could not be granted. Conae- power* to i^ u lr e ^ r t ^ ‘| in Hartford county and takea In all Sir Malcolm was the flrat man way toat Germany would not be ,t4 V pc ps m pv Setup fo r tractou^eclared last night be had Forbids Pay To Subversive InaUon of toe reasons why scien- fice and Masterpieces land’s faat motor patrol boat* waa committee haa recently sent out a ess*^ quently he decided to enlist in the nation of certain drivert. B ^ h « of Hartford county and part of tists think no new military poison to drive a motor car more than 300 aided directly or Indirectly. rejectra a request from an un- Aid Will Cause One provlaloa written In th* bill not disclosed. Offlrtally. hla work queatlonaire to all registered In Contrast To Prevlou# Stand Handling Development l a An.y ..d »« .w.,t h„ !«.. ™ Tolland county. Th# men to be As G ift to People. mllea an hour, speeding 30133 At Least 125 1 5 - i S ' namad Army officer to discharge by the committee forbids use of gases are likely. ' la termed ” mllltorily secret" nuraea in the state for toe purpose Thla attitude was In contrast to I draft call. a crew of CIO workmen. employed vrito Mr. Sweet In this ■ Wen EstabUsbed Natural Law* miles an hour near Salt Lake of a general aurvey. **.'aa00«^ Finance* Not Ready. Attorney Herman Yules, who orda disclose accidents, convic- any of toe measure's money for work are Manchester men and he But If he should be, he might Britain’s previous sUpd. which N * Choice For Contractor End to Dictators paying the salary or wagea of a • ’^ e s e reasons are well Waahington, March 17—(IT) City. Utah. In 1935. With such a background and Hurt in Train voluntaersd for priority Induction tion*, or complaints or who may la to provide transportation for lished Uw* of nature. Although make thoae patrol boat# hard to had restricted shipments to such A P L building trades members person who . advocates, or Is a Titian’s famous Venus gazed com- (In 1535 Cobb hurtled hla Rail- training, Miaa Butler ia in con- It waa Indicated today by Town some weeks ago, is today being haV* phyalcal or mental Inflrml- them to and from Manchester each there are hundreds of thouianda of catch. Shortly before toe war supplies aa milk and vitamin con- walked out when the CIO men member of an organisation which broke out. Sir Malcolm skittered ton Red Lion along the same stant demand aa a speaker. Gen- centrates, medicines and children's Treasurer George H. Weddell that given s phyalcal examination by Uea. ^ A went to work. Peaner aald be had (Ootttinoed From Page One) day. * compounds already known to posedly In her mirror today, un- Besides the Waterbury bond advocatea, the overthrow of the j Maude Adams hla Bluebird II over the water# of same course at 369.28 miles an eral arrangements for the meet- clothing. Britain In fact had re- Crash in Ohio approval of aeveral Manchester the medical advisory board for no cb^ce but to stick with the chemists which can make disturbed by the social flurry at- ing are In charge of Mrs. Philip bills, the Senate alao approved of the land the program of aiding government of the United Stotea Lake Conlaton In England 141.74 hour.) fused to sanction the shipment of development projects, for whieh Hartford county. The county cx CIO, with whom ha had a con- relatively few are gases at ordi- Sir Malcolm’s own statements Nelson, and chairman and co- TUkaH sraicnv HiiinaS to a measure authorising Now Britain certain countries must continue. by force or violence. tending toe formal mount studio’s casUng director, miles an hour. Present patrol boaU 300 tons of oatmeal on the S. 8. -^aaclty *f t p « ^ CtoOi Trala. W PA defense hinds are sought amlning board haa considerable tract. nary temperature. her new home—the $ 1 6 ^ . ( ^ chairman of the hostess commit- niSCHAM II* APVAMCB riem rage One) to Issue $260,000 In public Im- He asserted: Even before the submarine re- wanted to sign Danna Schroyer to do posalbly half that. Indicate, however, that he may be Exmouth, which left Jersey City may be delayed for a short tim etcaaea______ahead and for thla' reason , Secretary of Labor Perkiiia and This at once rule# out most of National GaUery'of Art wlto Its working on aome entirely different tee are Mrs. Edson Bailey and "Regardless of what anyone’s ports—stIH unconfirmed— were re- Japs’ Envoy a contract. Three Decade# of Experience on a French mercy mission today. until the ncceaeary mechlnery la Attorney Yules waa not called to provement bonda Sidney Hillman, aanoctate director th* compounds. SUU fewer of $80,000,000 collection of painting phase of automotive engineering. Mr#. Clarence Elchman. M M went t » from the wreckage. attitude might have been as to ceived, only scant rumblings of But the young lady said "No. If he Is trying to give more I Darlsn’s convoy warning followed hcNEW haven rwady to handle eppllcatlona. Man- take hla examlnaUon until today. while the two houses worked on of the Office of Production Man- these substance# whose vapors are "W h y?" asked the surprised WMta^hced man la the other the embarking upon a program of opposition to the bill had been poisonous, are heairter than air. and statuary. that action. _ Hmkaa up but suffering chaster’a applications, fleet In thle ------— — the mlacellaneoua batch of prppot- agement, told reporters Mr. To See Reds Venus was toe envy of many aid to Great Britain, to my mind heard. Demdcratic leader* were They have to to heavier to to ei- Sturges. BHIe bat benlsee and cuts, went- ■tate, aaked funds for Installstlon n i ala, the special commlaalon Inqulr- Roosevelt would name the new last night when President Roose- "Because,” replied Miss Schroy- of aewer, water and W a f f x r n i i r V DOIMIr Ing Into the aUte civil service tys- there can be no question but what ready to picture toe urgent need fecUve for military purpose# m grounda of the Fort Stanton Ma- Aul Will Force te tka rHCue. ‘Hiay removed mediation tribunal today or to- velt accepted toe g a lle y er, "Pd rather finish studying with facUlUeo in the Greenwey Park ^ a i C F l f U l y roaumea lU execuUva hear- we have embarked upon that pro- for prompt action In auch a way AtMoscow the open. . • Crew of Columbus rine Veteran# hospital in toe foot- iHst two men with eever^ a r w morrow. Employers, employes and gram and that we muat furnish Thus toe poleon gasea for war masterpiece* as a gift to tne Maude Adams.” hills of the Sierra Blanca moun- and Pin* Acre* Terrace aecUons. - inxa with Lawrence Smith, former that they expected to hold the American people. She wasn t step- Teaching at College Balkan Action • s i otbert with skaU and leg frac- ths public are expected to be rep- enough aid to Great Britain to are restricted to compoundi of talna. As much as $200,000 may be in- I n c r e a s e K a p p e c l ‘SSr.U nt^reonnel director, as s opposition to only 30 or 40 votes ped on or jostled by toe throng of Remember Miss Adams when volved before these projects are resented In a 4-4-S ratio, but no permit Great Britain to ivin. Oth- (Continued From Page OncK low molecular weight; that la, 111 C C C B a r r a c k s Its lumber, adobe and U r paper hoIR booflres to ward off Uia witness. Smith was rscently dia- werd of the probable mefflberablp out of the House’s 436. 7 900 especially Invited guests who shs played the mythical Peter lEs the Flavor that Counts completed, part of the expense be- erwise, we are In trouble." Many Republicans likewise wera ■ I I - . ’' r autotances having amall construction contrasU sharpl.v mlaacd from the post, which he was forthcoming from official jammed the east wing of toe Pan? Srtie has. herself, refused to ing contributed by the developers By Jury Member HuU Adviaas Full Aid talking of quick approval, but cules. Hence, chemlats already wlto toe German#’ quarters aboard laUnbul, Turkey, March 1$— kitting the eomrouter had heid provisionally pending the sources. fluentlal newspaper Aashl, which monumenUl pink marble struc- appear In films. And now, white- AfUr with the town as sponsor. The committee acted with speed, there was no party unanimity on Know for almost a certainty every- Fort Stanton. N. M.. March 18. toe $80,000,000 luxury liner. Co- —The newspaper Ikdam asserted the^ freight______loeomoUve appointment of a permanent as- Production was slowed down by declared that after "an exchange ture, ^ of the late Andrew W. haired out still lovely, she is teach- 'Phis morning Waddell said he I after hearing Secretary HuU, in toe aubject. A private three-hour thing that can to made Into poison lumbus, which they fired Dec. 17. today the United SUtea’ promise Into an embankment, and (Ooattaned Frem Peg* Qne) alatant through civil service exam- St Isbor dispute yesterday at the of frank view* with German and Mellon, Pittsburgh financier and ing at Stephens College, Olumbla, —(jp)—The crew of the acuttled had no idea when the plans might { testimony made public today, ad- caucus of tha minority members 1939, off toe Virginia coaat. to ea- of increased aid to BriUln would 1 Its stda. Beventeen ination. huge Bethlehem Steel corporation vice "full out” aid for countries Italian leaders unfathoinably im- ^^*Moreover, It la well established, secretory of the Treasury under Mo. German liner Columbus set to be a p p r o i^ yesterday produced widespread Miss Schroyer studies there, and cape the Britlah. force Germany to act quickly in lo f Uwm splintered ssun motion of Republican Leader W il- plant at Johnstown, Pa. A CIO resisting aggression lest "would- portant results are expected to be •ays the article, that activated three presidents. work today to make a home of n Hka jselmtmws seross differences of opinion, aome legis- obtained from Japan’s future dip- is visiting here with 700 other The Germans were brought here the Balkans. liam L. Hadden. ^ steel workers organiser claimed be conquerors" get a chance to charcoal, the stuff used 1. g w "The dedication >of thla gallery renovated CCC barracka In toe “'We must now expect Germany ba n g h t - o f - w a y As th* Legislature tackled the lators urging a reduction In toe lomatic strabegy.” to a living past, and to a greater students on their annual spring from Angel laland. Sah Prandaco, Warmer Air 5,000 of 15,000 employes stayed deal with the United States "as total, others demanding that all la with one or two noiaoie mounUlna of the aeml-arid qouth- to play her trump card, as speed SALAM T An Bta ttoTisUgatee said tha work rtf a new week. Rep. Everett they hsve been dealing with Eu- Assail.Roosevelt Speeeh and more richly living futur^ tour. In the course of their travels, where they had been Intehied alnce away from work; the management available English security be post- exceptions, a->EOwerful abaortor W®St. ^ has become a matter of life and C. Wadhama (R.. Bloomfield! rope and Asia." The Japanese press was unanlr aid President Roosevelt. “ U the they \rere given a leaaon In pic- their rescue by U. 8. destroyers. Weddings Indicated that only "sevaral hun- ed. and stUl others advocating for all gases oTSw # kin^ So ture-making w lU y. Sturgea the Six thousand mllea aepwated death for her,” toe paper said. chairman of th# Houae Agriculture dred" workers were out. The union A grimly dramatic note waa mous In assailing President Rooae- iieasure of the earnestness of our toe 411 Nazis from the Fatherland Committee, told reporter# a aub- Moving East that only part of the big auin be that even If a new,'" powerful gas teacher. Turkish newspapers made no protested Installation of ballot added to the Proceedings by re- velt’s Saturday night neech. and StenUon that the freedom of the and more than a tenth toat dis- Rare Sentence commlttee considering Governor made available In cash and the of this sort Is found, toe charcoal He directed two of the glrla In mention of foreign reports toat boxes inside the mill by the Em- ports, that a Nazi U-Boat was en Aaahl said toe United SUtes was luman spirit shall go on.” tance aeparated the aallora from Hurley’s milk bill hoped to hold rest In authorizations. almost certainly will stop It. a scene from his latest picture, British troops had landed in TBA-BAO S heading straight for war.” Priceless Workp Of Art A sentence that conUlna all the Prenllce-Derby To Oust Cold ployes Representation Plan for route to Aroerlqan waters and by Clnea Supplied by Germans. ■The Lady Eve.” Then he ran off the nearest sea coast. Greece, nor did they hint at Tur- executive hearings dally through nomination of candidates for 47 this asaertlon In London by Win- Nlchl Nlchl agreed in principle He pointed out toat toe prac- letters of the alphabet, with none Mlse Merlon Frances Derby, the week to discuss Ita provielona The clues to ways to get around the same scene# from the real Their new home, presumably for key's intentions In ths tens* elt- representative posts, declaring the ston Churchill; "Not only German with toe presldenfa stand that Ucally pricelea* works of art, the duration of toe war. conslaU repeated. U: "J. Q. Plow might America’s I%iar Tea daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John with repreeentatlvea of all Inter- (Continued Prom Page One) this barrier of nature were sup- picture. uatlon. latter organisation had been held U-boats but German battle cruis- Heavy Fines small nations should be protected, given by Mr. Mellon. Samuel H. of 20 odd frame buildings on toe vex Z. D. Burk’a fancy.” M. Darby, of IS Vernon Street and ests in th* Industry. Labor and plied by toe Germans In toe World Kress and others, Included master- Tenders Usual Contract Harry Walker Prentice, son of Mr. Illegal by the Labor Board ers have crossed to the American but asked; war. One was musUrd. a gas The word went out that Mia# constimer spokesmen also will be was Whlteface Mountain, N. T.. aide of the Atlantic and have al- "How many small nations have pieces of German painters, such ana Mrs. John A. Prentice of Invited to give their views on the Pay Raise Settles Strike which burns toe skin. Schroyer waa good. Soon Melkle- with 22 degiee* below serd.' A pay raise of two cents an hour ready sunk some of our Inde- Levied on 2 been deprived of thetr righU by as Holbein and Durer, of Itolians, TalcottvlUe, were married this af- issue, he said. < however.. Is not a gas. but a Uquld john wo* hand, tendering the Although temperatures remain-; resulted In settlement of a strike pendently routed ahipa not sailing BriUln?” auch as Raphael and Botticelli, ternoon at four o'clock at the Engmgea Terkaloal Consultant ed below normal In nearly all aec- j • t ordinary temperatures. and of Frenchmen, Spaniards and usual aeven-year contract for tol- home of the biide'a parent*, in the The committee has engaged of 660 employes of The.S. S. White In convoy.” State Firms The other clue came from nau I anted youngaters. , ^ tiona from the Rocky Mountain# I Dental Manufacturing Company, The committee' waa reported to •rtisto from the low countries. "Do you mean It? " Danna aaked reaenc* of the Immediate faml- Harry PollKoff, a New York attor- eastward, relief was felt from the •eating smoke*, which warn nrt "To accept this work today on S*a. whose plant op Staten Island holds have approved the bUl unanlmous- n s m but very flne parUclea. iw ney, as a technical consultant on mountains to th# Miaalsalppl val- iv, after defeating effort! to cut (Costinned From Pag* One) Hospital Notes The ceremony was performed the bill, reliable eourcea said. government contracts for airplane ley. the total to $6,000,000,000 and $3,- im S l that It was difficult to make cratlc nation, toe chlrt | on sUrvation rations by the Ray. C. Norma Derby of PolikoS, a former assistant attor- Instruments. A F L members had girls here fy u £/uum d O f f h i e i D A m c ^ At Billing*. Mont., a rise of 34 600,000,000 and a motion to raise The Serv-Well Burner Corporation »n y Alter to keep them from pen*- continued, ” ls to assert the belief Brooklyn, N. Y „ aunt at the ney general In the atata of Penn? degrees In 24 hour* wa* reported. nought larger increases, but the I ®®®k* remaining differences were to be the fund to $10,000.000,000. and The Ameroll Burner Corpora- Admitted yeaterday: Mrs. Ollv# traUiig gas masks. of the people of this nation In a Finally she and Melklejohn com- bride, and formerly a missionary ■ylvanla who e. rtied aeveral cases The mercury climbed about 20 de- tion and George and Gabriel Gro- W lto these two facU In mtod, human spirit which now is every- worker In China. The oouple were arbitrated. Membera aald another motion Chamberlain. 37 1-2 Apel Place; promised. It she wanU to com* In Involving tha oonstitutlonallty of grees In northern Wyoming, east- bard, brother*. Thomaa Henderson, Rockville: the article say*. It 1* obrtoua toat where endangered, and which, in June, when ahe graduates, toe of- attended by John M. Derby, Jr., the Pennsylvania milk control law Striking CIO workmen at The defeated would have limited use of ern Colorado, the eastern Dakotas In addition, toe court ordered Harry Schleldge. 35 Elm atreet poimn "gasea” need to lim- many countries, where it first fer Is still open. She had to* last JU STA tmiVtO FROM THE FAGWRr! JusU around brother of the bride.- and Mias to the U. 3. Supreme court, will be Aluminum Company of America tha fund# to two years from date and northern Minnesota., of enactment of the bill, rather that restitution amounting to ap DUcharged yeaterday: Mra. it e d t o toe compounds made of found form and meaning, has been word as they parted. Marjorie Prentice, sister of th* given $25 a day and expenses as The goveminent forecaster at plant at Edgewater. N. J.. agreed rooted out and broken and de- to work In the plant today long than to June 3. 1643. proxtmately $6,000 be* made to Myrtle Walton. AndoVer: Chariea amaU molecules, or “ Well,” she remarked, "see you biidegioom. compensation, these sources re- Chicago said relief would come to gaiee at ordinary weather tem- tKe corner — enough to load 163,000 pounds of 8ee Few Votes Opposing their employe*. Sturtevant, 15 Lincoln atreet. stroyed. . ^ » I In pictures.” The occasloa was also- the ported. .more rapidly tonight and that The defendants pleaded nolo 'T o accept this work today la to aluminum needed by the U. S Speaker Rayburn told bta preaa Admitted today: Thomas Miner. twenty-fifth annlverMry of tha The House session was high- Smuch warmer weather would reach contendere to seven of 12 counts ***On'*toe contrary, such ^Ison assert toe purpose of the people of bridegToom'a parents. lighted by a bitter personal clash Navy. The 3,000 men have been conference that "It would be migh- Coventry. ^ ^ you nuyiited • the Atlantic coast by Thursday. against The -Serv-Well Corpora- Discharged today: Henry Trot- oua sutotanesa may to found any- America toat toe freedom of toe T l r t T I l l t v - , . — ---^ > between Rep. Fred Holbrook (R., The modification expected in the on strike since laat Wednesday in ty flne psychology" If the Houae human spirit and human mind r O r i l i e r I P C p U E J passed the measure practically tion chargl^ failure to pay toe ter. 158 Center atreet. where in the vast catalogue of Madison), chairman of the Educa- Elaat tomorrow, he said, will be a Tklaput* over overtime pay pro- minimum wage of 35 or SO cents which has produced the world s ^ visions of a 1539 contract. unanimously tomorrow. H# pre- Census: 74 pattenU. cheljstry. This izisuTdiice with Public ReGoi*tl8 tion Commltts*. and Rep. Edward due to changes within the cold air an hour, failure to pay time and a i m ^ hundreds of thousands of great art and all lU science—shall D l C S l U P r i S O I l D. Seger (D.. Colchester), over a Labor negotiations In the soft dieted that "there won’t be very maas. many votes against it." half for overtime tor all houri rtready-madi not be utterly destroyed.” group of blJlB affecting the' Untver- Ught local anowa fell from the coal industry remained at a stand- worked In excess of toe maximum HopM for livin g InsUtutloa Quitclaim still yesterday. Operators are The Appropriation* Ckimmlttee perha^ mUHons of others that BOLDEN-NELSON CO. By quitclaim deed recorded at ally of Connecticut, unfavorably Great lAkea region eastward to work week, and deliberate falsi- Paul Mellon, son of toe former i •_ / * » _ rcMrted by the committee. aouthem New England whUe mod- meeting In New York with repre- asked that President Rooaevelt'a can to eyntoeslxed. Im . the office of the town clerk, pro- fication of records. First Major Peeeihlllty. cabinet member. decUred toe V ‘chy. The measures, among them pro- erate to heavy anew piled up In sentatives of 450,000 ClO-.Unlted recommendations for the expendi- a n Mala Bt. Ib L M l* perty on Eldridge street haa been STATE The Jlpst major poeslbUlty of a lery was "toe reaUzaUon of a plan "The posals to eliminate all fees charg- Maine and New Hampahlre. South Mine Workers In the 8-state Ap- ture be approved with a single > Five Counts Olaatlased I formed by my father many year* 1 mer Deputy PhUl^rt conveyed by the Bavlnga Bank of palachian region who are demand- change and a rephrasing of anoth- ’p e T ^ p o iS n S i then. 1. dls^ve^ Rockvill* to Ida M. Piahbeln. ed against students who are resi- and central Texac and the Loulal- Five of the counts wef* dis- TODAY and TOMORROW S^^n a??er he-came.tollfrMh- Merce^^^^ dents of the state and for the ana coast were drenched by thun- ing $1 a day wage Increaaea. er section.' missed on recommendation of As- ^ an excepUonal compound In Ington" As a trustee, young Id el-1 ing toe last decade of theTTilrd Bin Of Bale ReWdy To Guard Buses The change would provide that Here’s a clinch that Th* she* bualnefa conducted by election instead of appointment of derstorms and shower*. alatant U. S. Attorney Valentine lo T expressed hope t h e ^ U e r y Reoubllc w ^ t ^ ! T * S v a * ^ th* unlveralty*# tniateea were kill The northern atstes. however, New York's - police commission- any defense article procured with Saco. ~ makes klaatory! toove It would become "not a static but a I a laugh, died two days ago at Maurice Dtemond at 1015 Main er, Lewis J. Valentine, announced the $7,000,000,000 thould be re- to Ana to show tleorge a | street has been sold to the. Shaer ed over the protcata of Sager, who bore the brunt of the cold wave The defendants also pleaded that chemically » P P ^ accused Holbrook of "using th* and storms of the last two days. last night that a phtbolman would retatned by a government depart- nolo contendere to two charges ^ *ktng or tw o.. .on a koo- l y t o to worked. ThU Is a ^ “1X ^7X '5^ii»ld New York "iS ig?toom in th* ride of fel- Shoe and Rubber company of .Wor- be assigned to every bus if opera- ment at the discretion of the presi- ' eymoon for. tbrea! ceater, Maas., according to a bill whip " to obtain committee dlaap- The death toll In Minnesota and that Tha Amsroll Corporation chain store owner, was the flrrijlow ’ tor* of two strike-bound bus com- dent. Instead of being disposed of tioiet like smoke, which w w w of sal* filed today at th* office of proval of them. North Dakota, center of the atorm , ^ njade shipments in Interstats com- collector to heed the ri,, A Msike at The Allls-Chalmcni any point In the program * h ^ d the ground that hU posltloa with lection of Italian art, described by In building th* Ward tunnel of roll call on hie debate-cloalng mo- 4, Wlaconaln 3. Ohio 2, MichlgaA,^*(Manufacturing Company p lan t^ t preclpltoualy become more Import- the company wa# virtually tha,t of aome crlUcaA* toe flpest in private southern OaUfornto. ®>?®® ®®® , Milwaukee entered its 66U\ A y , (LtaaSHHIiAN * Um tion, aaaerted that he waa backed 2, and Pennsylvania 1. ant than th# furnishing of aid to salesman. •tss* hands, Mytng: pounds of explostvea and 1,150,000 C*rd of Thank* by tile committee. . . . Temperatures moderated aome- with $45,000,000 In defense orders a country whose defense the presi- The Serv-Well Corporation was HONEYMOON /a t THREE *1 love my paintings, having liv- pounds of drlU steel were used. ' Wa wilh to thank our friantla and ” At the hearing.^ Holbrook aald. what'In the mlddleweat but aub- tied up. CIO automobile workers dent had deemed vital to the de- fined a total of $245. The Ameroll ed surrounded by them for many nalBHI>«ra (or klndntha and iyntpR- "be (Segerl aald he waa juSt sero cold peraiated In 1^ iaconaln seek a union shop. Wage Increases fenae of the United States, the ihy aho»n tbin wlU go to to* gOUoiY- 6.8 Gtt. F t 1941 Modd city forced air trafffc to use. tarj-----' authortty In toe basic clients. Defense Attorney Georg# PLUS . • . . ••BOBIANCE O i The-third method to to surround b Cu. Ft. 1941 Model FEESH EGGS. LARGE lOMTCoueNt the House wa* one proposing a re- which would permit the use of the RIO GRANDE" The gallery, located on the mall l due leootds.. .eeaed the first time, the new Gravelly poae of a maximum of $ L 3 W .O ^ H. Cohen, aald that as toU was •the gas mask with such & h » v y 6.9 Cu. F 1941 Model 1 ducUon In automobile dtiYrers' 11- troops to Insure operation of de- toe first ca^ of lU type in toe west of the capltol. waa opened to SIZE. wldwuc*Mo^". Point airport for emergency land- 'OOO worth of existing ro*nc£?r*tk« ttot the public today. Only on Chrtot- Cold W all cenaa fees from $3 to 50, but Rep. ing* at Waahington. D. C. fense industries where It was de- area, the men could not have been breaks through. T h t ^ »># d ^ dosen...... 2 /C Samuel Couhset ( R., Stonlngton) M d e to# total avaUable for Brit- maa and New Years Day will the Galea swept MaryUnd and oth- termined that a majority of the positive if to « law was codatltu- it to saosrtitt bp epori*! armor- Dditte Fitted Fri^dure I cbalmian of the Motor V ^ c le a . employes opposed a ' work atop- ish aid th* Mg brooM doors bs closed visi- Folly Fitted Frigidare er area* on the seaboard, flarly Thd committee p ro w ld e d ^ t w ional before the recant Supreme plsretogtorils flrqd Into to Belloffg’*^ ■yViSBg ; Oommltte# asserted that another page. SAMBIY SPRINGS tors. arPKOVtO BY 7 CINlNAIIOhS today the mercury touched *ero president may reimburse, f r o m j^ court dlvlaion, and thsLjiaymeRl Ir en cl^ fortificatloos. Thera to AU-Brmn.^ OMmArre providing for the cut, at Bir Savage mountain In weat- $7 000.000.000 fund, any rtenarl-depart of a heavy flne would make It dif- •fOtla,ilaaB. .•Iready on# new high “ P*o**w \ ' urged In the' Republican state em Maryland. Wind and aleet delenae ficult for toe defendant!, to make WIB Appear In plcryl ffuorid*. which, e x ^ o d i^ l^n- ARROW TIES Ibtc* pk£T. platform, was sUU under consid- Bombers Sink ment for tha value at Singer Will Give storms damaged uUUty article# It dlsposso of. . ^ ^ toe restituUona to their employcea cm r VIEW O A jI^ hall ,M ^ a n enClooura. to such a lethal Be sore you clwoee eration. . . aome .aecUona of Maine. Maine * "This transfer provlaiM. to w who number about 50 to 75 Keeney 8U Wed-. March Ittb With Arrow Shirts 174 Y«Dqw Etb The Houae. concurred with the Umperature# r a n ^ Judge Rlncks, In passing aen *^^Tiie first minor poorihOlty to Award to Qiarity Supply Vessel extent It U avall^ An MoBerm and OM l boeonat Seuste on a measure validating «ero. Gal# winds subsided In Mas- upon your D lOnt. IC4- B*bb*, pkr- to reduce the ceiling of •W®®;®®®* tence, stated that as It was too Dnnelag Fredi g I* 12 UM of carboh smokes or oO top to 14 0 Entirely Nc th* acts of Public Works Oommls- aachusetts' Continued cold was '^C54-14Si^ 000.” toe committee I'cport « o . flrat case of Its type he felt com- choke up ths flltrire of a mask and 134 • New Snper ai'-ner Georg* L. Burke from the forecast for New Hampahlre and (CeatUined Frem Page Oae) Philadelphia. M arch IX — loriv* a h ^ 995-$300 craft were reported over the capi- Durnooes, the celling of aid su m GIANT SHOW! naU v* of Philadelphia, w aa pra^ New Phe5a Uhel (ten Enow Whnt Ten Oat Dapis SI MODELS vent there being any question of S^Srida tomorrow , while tal. total of W . ^ 00O .W . In whkdi penetrate Into the Ixidy Bafeco^U eS? *** the state's UU* to land taken for fmesinff t e m p a r a lj^ w*re pre- aentad th * aw ard on tha stags ef TenEny) B a k fa if P o w d er. TO CHOOSE PROM! Witnesae.# aald one O rm an stead of $8JOO.OOO.OM and the the Academ y of M usic bofers a I Onn$ Mow FX A T m m the Army airport project at Wind- dieted lo r the gYllf . plane fell Into the sea In flames. amount nvailabla u n d e r t o w StouS SPtoS’w * frthclpto IB-OB. c a n ...... A Hr* drove tOto cchUdr*h_frpm a vvan dtotlngulalMd audlenca that — —- — - _ inii In- apparently the victim of antl-alr- for new aid hecomrt W^5()0,000,000 About Town • of toe poison arrow. cbeerad aa ahd respondsd "I real- [ ElUotaatas Tewa Audtter* grade ^ i i f i ^ ^ S o m e a 5 - i guns near th# mouth of the , Tim th* bnltotln oug R«dioB - Victroln* ▲Jao adapted by the House were . Instead of » » ®®® ®®® ® 2 A » . ♦- I Mats, win be able to catch up with toe th * b ig an d d eep sig n lflcen ce o f Frigidsire S e I cs End Serrlcc "Either tb# U aiteA -' Btatea th e h o n o r. flsnaU biUs eUmlaatlag town au- \ f^*i^tblta. Ulfk wlaA w«l ! comparative ntcana what It taW in "an ^ I S l t o i r method#, but tha dto- ditors from the list of municipal JSdham perwl Bremen flghUng • ^ comparative Dr. Georgs O’Hanlon, director at The money,” ah* N*w Arrow Combination* w Jersey a t y Medical Center .coverto# wlU be on# riep ahead. omeer* to b* choeen I. electk^ ftrea at Buffalo. It^heaUr. promote the d e fe w PLUS _iab le SOSOS poor, un fortun ate, bu t ,«Sy < SUtes' aad goes la w b o le h e a w - and medical consultant tha Ask About Our Tim e PE ym «t FIem. Home-Recorder* RepieosntaUv* Brock explained \ csilcaffo, and Reeaaelaer, N. Y. , ®*rasM ty at nevertheleos tatontsd peopta to do 1^ ehthuaiaaUcaUy. and Memorial hospital, was a visitor JAMES CAGNEY , ! Traeoa Given BtsM Of Way Ilmr Anew Ties .I n c . that th* adoption ef th* uniform A^M day dry apell Ui the 8^ i^er wwM thiBg at which thi^ hsvo 1 •IJB oualy to baoom* the ^ •I ‘ municipal audit law mad* the i clflc northereat waa broken ^ today at ths hoapItaL PAT O’BRIEN iB ‘ V ichy. Prance, M arch X 8-^ff)— droanM d all thair pon n g IH sX " Boda Craeken. storebouae of defense articles for The aw ard w as lotabHahsil hi Sale* and Service election of theoe officers uaneoeo- . ymterday' The r ^ aid to tha baleoguered demoC T a ^ A renant psrtormaiife “The “HERE COMES THE ) A daw traffic coda for Q arm an- C E. HOUSE S4h.{diR- • .«• « oory. threats of wid*si»ro*d, bruabwand lacUvitv over some wtdely-separM- at 1521 by Edw ard A . B ok for the whom wa hava avowed to *J «stla MUcado" hy ths T . M. C. A p la y NAVY" - TeL 5680 person w ho has “perform ed an act ^ & SON, INC 763 Main Street R ^ . Chaunoey Hutchlna (R.. I fo n rt Area HundreA of iS T n a order to prooaoU our oem ^ c n win be given in ths Whiten or oontrlhutcd to a servlca • • • Harwlntoo). who proU etedi^^M buriMd 1* W a a h ln * ^ and jo f E i ^ d and Bcotjayl. but M f m n r " to* cooiwlttee said. ^ Award way at ueasroaito and peohlbita against cooaidaratkm of a almUar. orsffoa daiiag tha dry parted. | caeualtlee. wera reported, Ms mortal aodltoshim at flOS to- PLUS! jdrtW n from hnnklng throogh affUa.tytaS to ad van ce the bast in- j bottk London was without an air alarm we becoBse a fWtertog w * » ^ «* night Tbs anbmt and SulUvan ta r a o t o f i: hlQ last weak bqcause h- a , aald------the- !------^theaobara------New Meadco^ dug toe HI rioilisi wa bav* held out to troqfx . . Wdl L KRAH Ueuoa abeuld flint pane . oa a ' out of * record laU wtoter storaa. for th* flrat time In lb menthb. iunfitta 'waa presented on Fri

V I ( MANCHESTER EVENTKG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. ^ S D A ^ , MARCH 18,1941 \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MARni lS. IM l four Stars in Feature at the State Urges Study |[ Mancheaier' Found Guilty Carload Lot ' B o l t o n iL In l e aping ^Mthsissippi Barge Lines Of Contract L_£2fl-£2± P o u ltry R aisers M eet M tt. Olydt MartkxU* Of Frigidaires Tealght News FboM 4$57 Preparing for Big Year . . a ^ V I "The Mikado" repeat perform- Local, C.. of C. Issuesunce by YJg.CA. players at Parker Repudiates Con- T o n igh t in E llingto n Paul Neron, tKree year old ton The la»t dam at caarkeville. Mo.. Kemp^s Get Shipment Sun»«,t Conlrlte. Mr. Keen spoke urday when the sled on whlck he EUlington Wednesday morning to go to her Shortage jn the Line., Motay at Masonic Temple; Session to Be^Held in was riding^ became entangled In ing a resolution was introduced by Mrs. W. W. Grant I ! ■ itvtnc up to the fondest watorv over the 660 milea Stockton, CkOlf.. March/18.—ngregatlonal church. ing her mother Who was obsen,-- evening at 7:.70 p. m., at the the Men'a Club vyUI be held In tee Wlndsorvtlle Methodist ebureb win I - Traino Increisalng Rapidly ready arrived, aa a recent an- that It hak been advised that this May 3—Ladles' Night, Manches- the related theft of yVilUamS' of short Sunday. Hit subject was an In- the Center school on Monday eve- yr’ tjTt Ve ■eiissf It---- Year Petroleum products, coal and nouncement points out "•^at ter Rod and Gun club, South Cov- teresting one, ."Can a Man Be ning. Four grammar school scouts The church choir rehearsal will Ing her 86tee birthday. church, with Miss Edith Ransom Congregational church veatry on serve a supper In tee church par- 'll concern works on a theory that a Ooilty of Both Chargoa -pMkert on ^ be t\eld Thursday night at 8:30 of Rockville assisting with Easter Ti.eaoay evenlpg March 2.6,11. The lors Thuriday evening from 5:80 Ahd with the openlnf of the nain comprise the bulk ®f river Aluminum will be one of the first fifty per cent charge la made on entry, ■|ieUri an d ^ rg x n lta tlw ^ m Born Again?" or "Can something who are working for a musical nkTrmtr* at hand, the men who trade, although barge line i»«flciai» such meUla that would possibly May 4 — Lithuanian-American Despite Parker’s plea >Of iitJ be made out of Nothing?' badge presented the *y*’’b'8 o’clock. ^muslc. An invitation ia extended speaker will be J. O. Christian of to 7:30. the first 6100 ooUacted and twen- M in e r t «•** '-** °*** Miss PrltcllU Chapman enter- S^te on the inland wateriwys say traffic Is Increasing rapidly In receive first call by defense pro- Cltlaen’s Club Amateur Night and cence and his insistence that rz ttinW only by *" Increaae In.egg In the evening the Hebron and _gram which Included: "Irjsh to all who can to come and aaslat Storra. head coach at the Univer- "Honeymoon for Three” and what a honeymoon, with Ann Sheri- ty-five per cent on all otheH col- tained several young friends In in the singing. sity of Connecticut. The Ladies Monkeys On Gibraltar . 37M dnf to a record-amashlng other lines and they expect to duction fsetortee as an essential lecUona. In addlUon, a charge of Ball at Uberty Hall on Golway waa drunk the night of Feb. 2 consumption. Gilead churches Joined In attend- Woman" a• recoi~cordlng;' paper John Stafford Springs In their requlremenU." dan springing dne surpriss after another on George ** and knew nothing of the Williams detailed ___ by Hrien Maneggie;honor of her twelfth birthday Frl The all day sewing for War Re- Association will serve a turkey come In for a siseable portion ^ moo^or Thw" is the riotous ttlm comedy being shown today and to- fifty cents for each account turn- street. The following is the Ing a Lenten service at Coventry \ McCormick' ^^^I^Bnage on the upper Missis* national defense business this Fully Equipped May 34-26 — 26th annual con- kidnaping. It took the Jury only 22 8 p. m. Sound motion record of his work; song, “Calm day p. m., at her parents home. John O. Netto lief sponsored by the Federated dli.ner. Gibraltar still has wild ed over to them la deducted froita proKiTun. o |/. \ at wuicnwhich Mr.4»*. »aasj*wMilne conducted William Russell, secretary of YlaH year, the hrst the aqua* summer. ^ . All the models received In thla morrow at the State theater. • vention of New England Confer- minutes to decide he waa guOty of pictures on NatlonM Poultry I"'* meditation, on "Forgivenets.' Flowing River’’ by the members of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Chapman of 473, Stafford ('hiirch Union Misalonary socirty keys. TTiey are tee laat of the ^'■talrcaM pio)ect waa In opera- any first money collected. ence Luther League at Eipapuel will meet Thursday, March 20, at the Tolland County Y. M. C. A. la first dwellers of Europe, and re- •The boat buUdlng Industry Is shipment come iully equipped Olvea An Exainple both charxes. Ate wUl ba sentenced provpment V*m :^20 p. mgmith. son of Mr. and the troop; a round direct^ by Maple avenue. Uml totaled i;oU.»M tona a g ^ so taxed with bualnesa right now Lutheran church. at 10 a. m. Friday. Shirley Andeiaon: paper. "Victor John Trela, 45. of Ellington, a in a. m.. with the I.jtdies’ Aid so- arranging for a County basketball ceive protection from, tee British with the many aluminum outflU tlve In Masonry slnca he waa raised The Chamber points out that 1941 NaUonal Egg Edward A. Smith, was home Raymond Houle of Stafford tourney to be held In the Hall Me- of 1JOM.OT6 tone over iM f and 1,- that It la quite difficult to place a that added so much to the effi- Parker, who had been reload^ Harold ^ t M l ^ a ^ r rf ^ale SclenUfic Herbert” by Betty Lou Massey; a Polish laborer, was presented be- ciety president. Mrs. Howard government. aM.iOT over IfU - in Continental lodge. Waterbury, under thto basla If 100 acoounU from Folsom prison last Nov. 9 Victor Herbert record; sot^, fore Trial Justice O ri A. Ooehrtng Springs, member of tee faculty Ayers. The ladles are asked to morjdl school gymnasium at South contract for even single pieces of ciency of Frigtdalre, and a factor State Masons In 1603. He became a 33d degree were ^rned over to the Syndicate New EngUnd Erert l^ g I ^ t« w . weekend. Accompany- at tee Borough Junior school and Wljllngton. The local team, tee This Is according to equipment,” Colonel Elliott sUted. alio to be considered la the possi- after serving 14 years for ^ k “Stars of a Summer Night” by In Ellington Justice Court Monday bring sandwiches. TTie hot-dish ■IM at the various loeka ^ the Mason In Lafayetto Consistory, there would be \an Immediate rJL IellV er tffOOClS robbery, waa IdentUed by WUllama 8:40 p. m. ing him waa a friend from Yale, group; round directed by Mae morning on a charge of Intoxica- official basketball referee wn-t 1 and coffee will be furnlahed by Coventry Congoa. will participate. He added that while only a few bility of a rise In the price of these Bridgeport. In 190$. He waa mas- charge of $60. If $100 were col-' thatUIBl haw nsvo -Hi,.,™- - r ^ - I Roi^ TODey.Tobey. uuiereOthers aiat the me oiuiwSmith ------ruiu.ii •• elected president of tee Eastern / Vdetor Snyder of Greenfield. of Ool. Malcolm Elliott, yean ago the government-owned g o ^ and with thla thought In and highway patrolmen who a r- and marketing Returns, Panel Dla I ' end were Mlaa Murdock: record, Peggy ONell. tion to which he pleaded guilty. He the hostess. flatted Stataa Army dhrialon engl- Meet Saturday ter of his lodga and thrice Uluatri- lected fifty per cent would be de- rested him at Stockton. B:20 D. m. importance of home «®r tee wre^^ Refreshments ^ .ham-waa fined $6.00 and coats. Being Connecticut Board of Approved ^Maaa., was a week-end visitor of Pederal barge lines bad a virtual mind Kemp's Inc., made thla pur- oua master of Waterbury Council, ducted, which le another $60 or a Latest Slogan cusalon; »:20 p. im 1 'Marie and her brother Edwin from Basketball officials st tee annual Mrs. Ina P. Beebe and family. monopoly on the Mlsalselppl aye- chase now, so that their customers Williams told of picking up ConnecUnrt Poul^ tee University of OonnecUcut. rock cupcakes and candy were without funds he waa committed •Ah my aaaoclat^ and ^ R. A 8. M. He also U a past grand total of $i00, the entire amoimt Parker aa a fare in Oakland and, tee University served by all members of the to tee county Jail at, Tolland. Trela meeting Sunday afetrnoon at tee tem, *ita business now la exceed- could have the benefit of present chancellor of the Itolghta of OasUer. Durham. Preridenl ^ n _orh encouraged by the increaaea low market prices, aa well as the To Gather to Pay Tri- collected. when Parker made motions to^hr nertlcut Ponltor Association, 6 ^ Clifford Wright, so far tee’ only troop.The troop under tee dlrec- was found lying In a anow bank Allyn Home In Ledyard. Mr. Medical Parodiae «tl^r!^06l6nel lOllott ed" by that of the privately own- I^thlaa. The Chamber eaya: "We there- New York, March 18—m —"De- draftee from Hebron, writes his Houle succeeds Max Heller of South Coventry ed carriers. security of Immediate delivery. liver the goicdion Select Masters from 23 cities and is being assisted by Myron Noble, American government measures main some time longer where he place going toward Manchester. of education, totalling $05,812. makers of Frigldatre, have shown are necessary "to Insure prompt nounced tee follo w ^ ticut board to tee State board. towna In Connecticut will aaaemble of Naugatuck, deputy Illustrious Kent Headmaster is. He plans to make a week end The car the g u ^ reus on I N o r t h C o v e n t r y ] Francis Henry Aldrich, 83, s An additional sum of $4.50 was 5f.,' that In a combination, of quality, ^ 1 1 oenve!delivery of war materiala to the for tee remainder of March. 1 0 , voted to cover a bill from the Tax .«avtwB )Hast'ISV ■ economy In ‘price, and In upkera, in Waterbury. Saturday evening, master, and William J. Slater, of Hine Watchman, Mansfield. We Wash Our ^ t visit here in the near future. He the right hand ride of the road former resident of Stafford THihC4 cdrilHC > I N Y M S t . J I M - Y Waterbury. principal conductor C r a s h Auiee writes courageously of hts train- doing considerable damage to the Commissioner for the town audit 1 WHY ooe t aa well as In convsnlsncs, Frigl- March 22, to pay tribute to Dr. Injureil in . committee appealed forj'lm- Dress; 19. We Wwh Ow The C. O. D. class made a profit Springs died recenUy at hla home riNC.NOW iTj Bridge Work The annual convention of the grand Dress; 16, Somers, Rennlshing, M, ing, does not find it too rigorous. radiator and front fenders. of $16.10 on their entertainment for the yenr ending August 31, OOCSN'T Recreation dalre win again be accepted as Frederick C: Marggraff, grand mas- mediate and adequate” appropria- To Stand Guard The road through the Notch was In Hartford. He waa a master toil, this amount being over snd sw-YH* eao S T , Mother Knows Best the leader In the world of m^han- ter of the most puissant grand council will be held In W aterbury qtAffo'rd 'B etter Dress with Miss and is interested In all teat goea held last Friday evening. Moyles painter, and waa a cousin of Miss kooar tions under the lend-leaae act for: very slippery between tee hours above the $3,50 allowed In the bud- holOV o»r aa J Because when »he was a youngster *hs 3 r Ical refrigeration. council.of the state. High rank- next June. "Repair of Allied Naval veaaela EUen Van Cleef. specialist from on. He ia in tee Signal BatUUon. consisting of sports cartoons, Mary Smith of Highland Terrace. TM‘ ooouoac CLURKK. Bids Received Center Items Kent. March 18—(ff)—The Rev. tee University of Connecticut; 26, Company A, 67te. of ten and eleven a. m. th^_many comedy and travel were main get for this purpose. There was took Father John’s Medicine to relwre Samples of all the models have ing Masonic leaders have signified Dr. Freilerlck H. SUl. headmaster in American waters; supplying to Mechanic FaUi, Me., March 18. motorUts found It Impossible to tee He leaves several nieces and considerable discussion of this wtzaxv.vai been placed on tha show room their Intention of attending, among Tolland, We Wash Our Best Dress; A committee meeting of the 'Tri- features with members of tee class nephews. Funeral services were (je teT i ABOUT CBoe colds and as a body builder—** now of the K w t school and noted row- the Allies of all poaalble merchant _(>P)_Voter8 In thU community make tee slight grade and their matter, tee total amount of the IHSUXAHCS ’ Today: floor at Kemp's and they extend them Dr. T. Frank Casaldy. of New Contract tonnage; transfer to the Allies of 25, Andover. Oounty Union was held at Colum- These psoceeds go toward the fund held In Hartford and the body was bill being considered excessive. J she gives it to her little Five ContPRCti ing enthusiast, was recovering to- care slid into tee side of the girl for the same pur- lliree of 6-6—dunlon boy's game room a cordial Invitation to come In and Hartford, grand commander of the day from minor Injurlea suffered additional destroyers and other of 200 homes discussed "impend- Every Mothers Club bia Sunday afternoon. The Rev. for redecorating tee church.. To brought here for burial In the, LeRoy Schweyer served aa moder theae wonderful models In Knights Templar: Charles L. The Every Mothers Club will H. R. Keen represented St. Peter’s Notch. _ singing solba between tee reels, Afect New Span on open (E. 8. and W. 8.) Affects 8,500 In an automobile accident at Naval craft; permission to the Al- ing war clouds" at yesterday a Coming Meetings and Date* Stafford Springs cemetery. ator. wlte I.k)u Is A. Kingsbury, P®**-After effects of > cokta u 6-7—Hawks va. Mohawks bas- 1641 Frlgldslres. Stewart, of Norwich, representing Ues to organise convoys In Amer- hold a meeting tela evening at church at tee meeting. Plans were date tee claas has earned about A daughter was born Sunday to clerk. Pawling, N. y . town meeting and decided to hire made for a pageant to be held in The Women’a society for Chris- can he serious. Don]t Connecticut River. ketball gams (E. 8.) Arthur N. Brown, supreme deputy Fathet 8111, who suffered cute ican porta, ana convoy Of ships a night watchman to stand g u w . their rooms on Lawrence $64.00. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Botnlck of The town Voted $2,5 for the for the Scottish Rite txxUes In the with American Naval vessels, If The hoatesses will be Mra. Pauline a couple of weeks at the West- tlan Service of the Quarryville Rev. Leon H. Ailkttn spoke hesitate—get the medi- 7.g_ inUrmedlate beaketball Waterbury, March 18— — and bruises and his sister, Mrs. One cltlaen told the meeting that Methodist church will meet In the Main street and to Mr. and Mrs. ConnecUcut R\irsl Ronds Improve- cine NOW and get re- sU te; F.ugene EUls. of Naugatuck, need be.” BUnn and Mrs. Eaixabete Blatter. chester church. on "Gratitude------or^ Ingratitude," Max Oershlek of Somers. Michael ment Assoc’intlon. It was-voted to Hartford, March ll.— —The play-off (B. I.) Hoover Will Be More than 8,600 employes of the Mary Juller of New York, were the town—a rail Junction—offwad Funerals • ^ I Earl Porter has returned from a icnuiT.,,church v,..on Wednesday------—aftern^n at , Which? at the Sunday morning sults that l»ve toilt M 6- 7—-Bmall gym open for boxing grand high priest of the Royal Waterbury, Torrington and An- Injured yesterday when an auto- It also asked "congressional re- "untold poaalblUtles” for bombing Cavar of West WlUIngton Is a expend the town aid funds on uiv reptitation d u r i n g _8S itate Highway Department an- Arch Masons, and Walter M. vision of legislation In order to The funeral of Mrs. Elirelwth I vacation spent in Virginia. 1 j. Mrs. William A. service. He read Luke, 17 chapter patient at tec hospital where he keep of the present town hlgn- (E. 8.) . u . sonla plants of The American mobile In which they were paasen- or sabotage by a foe. Quinn, 76, wife of Edward Quinn, I made tee return trip by air- as leader and tee s u b j^ of the from tee eleventh verse on using years. Rich in vitamins BffmHwd today apparent low blda 7.9—Snell gym open for hand- ^ C h i e f S p e a k e r Pickett, of New Haven, grand mas- gers figured In a head-on collision permit the recruiting of Ameri- The watchman's chief duty will la receiving treatment for 'burns wsyn and to uae the balance A and D. it hc1ps_ build ter of the state's blue lodges. Brass Company went to work to- cans who wish to serve voluntari- Sr., of 7 Cherry street was held on 1 punei meeting will be "Th* Church in tee seventeenth verse for the text. far aa It will go, to re-aurface and tiHeimg $636.1X4 on live contracts, ball (E. 8.) day under a new labor relations ^th another. Mrs. Juller suffered be to keep a lookout for saboteurs. Monday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Daisy Humphreys of Hart- Question.” to his bote hands. His condition CLAfRK-E strong, sturdy bodies. • ___ 7- 6—Women's plunge period (E. All of the grand ofllcera of the- a “fractured nose. Both were ly In the a n l ^ or clvUlan forces The choir sang tee anthem "My Is reported to be Improving. oil, etc., the Ripley Hill road from thtoa of thorn In coenoctldn with contract. of those natlOTS whose defense la His salary waa set a t $1,040 an- Rev. K. Otto Klette, pastor of tee gpendlng a two week's vaca- I Bolton Orange Home Eronomics Redeemer.” The flowers were given Peterson's corner on Route 6 to ^H4u/I045 M. C. A. officials announced today by repreeentatives of the manage- firmary. The bearers were Thomas Neill, gp^ing instead of going to Florida Central Pomona Home Bk»nomics the Kingsbury family. Mr* L«on land Terrace la spending several nt Hartford. (E. 8.) Former Pi^ldent Herbert Hoov- Templar, are exjiected to attend. weeks* in S t Petereburg: Florida. 1 easterly to the White-J.cobwm Naomi chapter. Order of Eastern ment and the United Mine, Mill Joseph NelU. Charlea Usk. H e n ^ „ ugugj Committee at a region^ meeting Austin furnished thre other bou- JL oontTRct for about flvo mlioa 6-10—Bowiing alleys reserved er would deliver the principal ad- and Smelter Workere' Union Uak, Samuel Usk and James Llsk. 1 uiss Ruth Kinney was home for I in East Hartford on ^ for P. Emond'a group (E. S.) dress on March 3$ at a banquet Star, Is In charge of the dinner, to quets. Next Sunday Mr. Austin of hitumtnoua 'pavamant on Routs ba served In Masonic Temple, Wat- (CIO), became effective Immedi- Burial waa in Grove Hill cemetery. weekend from her duties con- at 10:30 a. m^The meeting will he will have the fifth of his series 64 hatween PhoenUvlUe and Pad. Sa laag a t all men ere free to speak Ihelr Tuesday of each month instead of cent heart attack which she suffer- nesday at 7:30 p. m. recenUy. ■teta Highway Oommlaaioner ant foreman who arbeted tha caaa, FOR THIS WEEK Wight you, revealed to ed St her home. Mlrs Adda White, ^ r. and Mra. Arthur Heckler Greatest Knee-room And Ford hat made riding more comfort- to twice a monte as was orlginaUy Mbit Passenger Room WOhaai J. O n arlll dlacuas thb not criminally rreponalble fbr mkidt, pul lhak HiewgMt lol* primed a relaUve, Uvea w ith her as com- and daurtiten Adelaide and De- able—srtth a brand new engineering d ^ - aapacti of tha, conatruc- Carr'a death, Coroner Healy de- you in your own arinchair. werds. Hie Irwih w « eut let oaa mitlad scheduled during tee organisation Army Clap4al*i nise ofNew York, apent the week- opment—" SLOW-MOTION SPRINGS. ttoa of brtdgea over the Ooonectl- .period. panion. _ „ clared: But you keep tbe power, •r mitlalermed paper bring o felts te- Misa Alberta,'-daughter of Mr. «nd at their cottage. . Widest Doors «tt rivar at Hartford and the "From the evidence, 1 am un- Approachlag Marring* Norwalk, March 18—(ff)—H ar- Biffgest Inside Lenfth "Jarring” and ”iouncing” are now ebmi- ^ Any Men’s or Ladies* the CONTROL of thinga. ^^^lAnnouncement IS made of tee and Mrs. Albert W, HUding. has Mrs. George Keller and daugh- . Thaaaa rivar at New Lbodoo. ■ able to find th at the caae. wlu • pert, end onelhtr wM refute M. Let ene acoepted a clerical position with ry Herbert of Hartford, former ter Hilda, spent tee weekend at oated. You gtUe oree bumpt. There new Othar apaakara listed . Included How? Why can you RELAX, adverlitar mitttate hit c W ^ , and hit r^^Plvroachlng marriage of Mias SyracuM and Boston University "Slow-Motioo Springs” plut new m bthw , overtoaded and tha^ tha accident I ~Ylute Ferguson of RockviUe to Ed- tee Hartford ConnscUcut Trust the home of Mrf. Walter Keller to Lonfcrt Springbase Greatest Viaibilitr Bryant Buikbard of the Yale Bu- was due to that cauae. The de- yat know every fact and opinion that dr- Kinrfatte Company.______Since hef _ graduaUqn football star and for tee past fourmake ready for M n Keller’s home stilfcr fnun€ • imi iwproTw! shock sbsorbers .nau of atrect traffic reaearcb; cariipeHtart wM bring ht ward Ungewltter of Broad Brook. acripUon of the eye.wltneaa of culataa here or abroad? The ceremony will take place on from*^ Beriter OoUega she haa heW | y e a n execuUve stenSMry at tee cofniniT- give the Ford a ride th tt't re*sp/rte/y a « r/ Brarideat Samuel P. Senior of Tba what be sa'w aa the caae fell leads Only In m dfOatowMp^ where gevern- severe] poata but gave teem up un-1 Jewish Center here. ,h4r resigned Mias Flora Rslmln, e# Rock Hill, Bridgeport' HydrauUc Company; Saturday. March 29. Mlaa F*>XU- Sec iu new ROOMINESS. Try me to the conclusion that the leg* mam cantral* who* man may taa and son is being entertained at a num- til Mm could find-.someteihg JuM I to become a captain In^the U. 8. •pent the wsriMiid srlte Mr. and Winiam G. Qrne, dealgnlng en- on tha-case gave wav from tome to her Uking. lAnhy in El Paso, Texas it was Mr*. GUbart Storra. RIDE. Discover the foster "getaway” glcaar of tba State Highway De- (Except White*. Fur Trimmed and Vehreti) You ^ve to your NEWSPAPERS ^ job boor, coa tha truth ba ceacaolad. Wbam ber of sbomera, both In RockviUe Mr*. Hcrbtrt H. Tomlinson Jr., the Ford's POWERFUL V-8 Economy En- partm ent; and Prof. Arthur N. latent defect In their manufac and Broad Brook. Mim Helen Grom of New York (m orted today. Prior to laaving ture." of "EXPLORING* FOR YOU. It ia their fraadam af axpraaaibn haldt, #aeft wiB a viaitor - at the home of herUgr Texas, Herbert will spend and soa G*n* who have b*en gine. Then get our "deal” on your ptesent Vaaderilp of the University of Offleers Named opanding tb* part week wlte 3fr*. TW-e Utheni herloualy Injured. taak to STAND GUARD, tO WATCH, tO rula. OpMoni may vary, In Amarko^ Canhaal Flower troop Giri sister, Mrs. Ire Turaben. Mlm period in training at Fort cor. Come-io—today! GbnnacticuL Dry Qeaned and Pressed Gross accompanied Mr. ’Diraben, ibinUnMa'* parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Carr waa Instantly IciUed by the REPORT, to explain aa clearly and quick- bat nm avaa ana—tha matt stupid ana Scouts at America of the Union caae which fell on him. and two —af Amarteo’t aawtpapart wW know- church have named the fbUowlng his two cbiktasn. Lottl and Rich- other worheni who were serioualy ly •• ttey can what goea on in tha wcffld officers: Juliette Low, membenblp. ard. and LoU HUding, on a trip to MW w m a E M l i r u M U S T Fees Are Sought injured. They had aterted to around you. in g rapoit a ka at a fart Miss Loll Carpenter, RockviUe; Manchester, N. H.. where they Cadled For and DeBvered witnessed tee Tournament Events fill the abelvea of a nearby ci They watdi the dty haU. the county treasurer, Mlaa Zita Gregel of b ST For Reorganizing with nuts, bolts and serein* when Regularly 75c Per Garment Why? Becauae America ia FREE. Some Vernon; troop acribea, ICiaa 1-ucy in which Wlndhaiq High school lumwwmWiM B* l*ww the already filled case collapsed. oourthome, the ritete capitd, Wariiinftan, othi p^ o c aome other pereto wffl^ Rick, Mlm Nancy Prescott took part. The position and height ,of. the the market piaoee, the capitale of the world Second Selectman EdBiund H. SSTTc-rw* mw ware* • stawb Our Dry Cleaning Senicea WIH Include All Typea of Men’a, Women’a evHaUy diaoover the aetoff ana, b e ^ Horton has returned from a visit service hand truck from which the —to report both THE GOOD AND THE% fine, use it to ahame tha erring paper for Boston. March 16—UP)— Fees men were taking the bolts, nuts Wearing Apparel — Glovca. Hats — Fur Cleaning and Fur Storage — Uphobtefed to WaMdngton, D. C„ on 80U C o n - __ 1 axpenses aggregating $2,231,- and BcreM. said Cononer Healy Furniture — Curtalna, Drapea, Carpeta and Ruga. BAD DEEDS of thoee in piaoee of trust. ita derriktion. Hebron servation bualBsm. w 873 for New Haven Railroad raor- *^indoubtedly aaved the Uvea of You, by yourself, could never do eU Mrs. John Palmer has returned g««u— woik are aought in 36. the other two men working on the from Eustte, FU.. where she spent patltlons for aoeeonta placed ba- ANY SHADE OF THE SPECmtUM.' FAST COLORS this. While you wetd ied in ONE quaiiar, owing to the fact that there tee winter. Her husband died Job.” EXPERT DtElNG.. haa been a deUy in forwarding whUe In tba south. Mra.. PsUner OLD RA lY sarL solM I isR Xaterstate Commaroa Com- GUARANTEED!’ fqsn# p o liti^ ecpundrel or some oookad mlasinniir Harvey H. Wllldnann. I oiiAibiire wtsn 'm i^ t rob you in AN* Please, America, 1 ^ it thk material for Rad O om wtnfe from haa with bar relaUves who plan Tha petitiana. opened for haar- headquarter* there, waa no meet- to live with her. Herbert HUU, who OTHER,OTHER. Or, u r, justJUB4 aa cs u«ay.h k ^ . emne heroic ^ h S ^ ing onrorksn IConday afternoon went south wRh the family, has hK yaaterday, presented fees of Influenza Drops SERVICE $Lfn.3SS and axpenses of $364,- EMEkGENCY DRY CLEANING W’ H E N N E C M S A R Y . and mmUngi wUl be omitted un Teturasd. He is a son of Myron To Four Cases yo^nothearofitmtanatotondyour U1 material la received. HlUa who Uvea on Godfrey HUl. Wlttrtaswi camjdeted bsartng on I t la uiMterstood th a t th* work- Mi *. Raymond Canfield of Hart- A half-pint of Old Rirea for a ■“ —^ttena of ths law firm of ^^Sedom depend on TH13 KIND are for Windlmm Oonummlty Me- ford Is spending a few days here *^-dW tor/ That’a our ^acfol Han and Btswart which Yougivatoyouriiewapapwsthajobof VWR NEWSPAPERR morial boepital win hold their visiting her rister, Mrs. Howard _ _ •3X5,066 In foor aecounta. Hartford. March" IS—(4V-Tbe , iBMUngB 'DMSday afternoons aa •niompson. •are to orek* a*w friandt watching and reporting on bueinem. on nusawvm Actfotot see Aaoeng other accounts present- Connecticut Department of Health : educatkm. on religion—even on n atm .i with Mn. Vorua Nlcksxaon *by Boston law fln a s wsre^^Hob- today repeated there were only 4 i The Dougan Dye Works, V in •ifiwnn, and wiU continue the BUT NOW t a Dodg^ caacs -of influci _ asm __ a itaelf! What would a newspaper ba with- ■miring of surgical appliances __ ^ Comidf ___ Rugg.__ 'week. garments, ctq. M n. Nick- Before timprice BBSS upl DILLON SALES and Dyers Furriers out the weather report, ^ aam o fta - om-tootmOmgmmmv When the upper eige o( tea Bentkre '^ Warren and Number of lobar pneumonia., Qeanjers Tailnrs erson mrm • i cu es dropped to 41 57 the j men behavior, the news of new A o p ^ ^ ------true ■*«. a* correctad for refrae-1 ISO CENTER STREET W. Midcahy. SURpOO trim - V th* work ptagm m aad .a A _ L\a.C MAUI fon tot lowpocf MEtUr Tcek law'previous week. Incidence of otbar Harrison St. Phone SKyT-^lOB new discoveriaB, new vahiee y d w ort^ ■nelal^^.lasniqysdiar tkswoi^ tien, Urn to in egntoct with th* m m 1 jamee H. Brew-. sleknsaawi were: 62 of acarlet fev- white ak^ toyour dCBBfbrt and hS C fte ••.Oanmaiw. d» Laringtea Ave^JIme Vw*. . ■■ . ' J.' I toon at M ptoMk >t to iV"i' ^ I'ti 1 ■?r./

\ • ' • \ TACX MA|?CHESTER EVENTNG HERALK MANCHESTER^ONN- TUESDAY. MARCH 18^ 1941 MAWCHE8TER EVBKIKG HERALD, MAKCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, MAR^ltt 18. 1941 Communiiy*» Only iFire Trpek Al the Qpcle Today and Wedn^a^ l ^ e e l e r Se es U r g e s U n it y Stolen Second Time in 'Mot of ptoblamaUeal but poaatbty grant that b« a«»y 41*a«**®****y R o o se v e lt H a t SERIAL STORY ImpoAanaa. On the other side U T r e n d to W a r Ifa itft rfit r r ^ Ml. H « BMjr ■«* at al^ M Possihitity o f New Forms O n D e f e n se the near eartolnt'y that if this Srat Moscow, Pa., March 18—(F) —aihUxuMody leas thaa a * ta )i^ joaaa’t ha afin baeow* tba W j break la made In the European B r in g s $ 3 ^ 0 0 1 DOLLARS TO DOUGHNUTS bad .wott that nob^r*# afraid of O f Taxation Is M inim b^ff Wirt Be Glad to Have ReridMito Of to li Mato policmaa*. tiffing 9tralb food blockade It will ba immadiaU- CMVRIBNT. ISXt. vanla community hops to* case or goroo as retattoc that: ' MCA s a RVt CB. I NC. Army., Ordnance Chief PUBUliUKUBT THB any mora. . ly followed by loud and paralatant. €Y EDITH ELLINGTON Willkie Him on the missing fir* truck” doesn't get He went to New Yorii by . muo.p PRiNt^ oo, othaf Robinson Splits Bill Asserts * There’s No habit. I after s quawl at hi* bofito. M damanda from the liloovarttea that Wa^lngtoB. March 1 ^ . Speaking Tour. tt naMl) BtraM Itqms that the tax yield wwild be Lord H alifax, to Speak MAaehaMcr, Cm *. We Had Them Then, Too the hare be Igt down, for tha feed- High Treasury offlctola tald today With bou ^s «t Holly- Yaaterday: Tbe glri Toby atared down at the money, Room for Bickering. ‘“MOSCOW’S only fire ^ck w « tnOMA* rE^OOBOTt dlaappolnting. tera, la certola BeBtrtM « j J5^rh( toe Chicago post of toe A m y grcaaional conferences on the tax Actor Melwyn Douglas. How they lat kind of cake do you make hla first tormal addreae to 8:80 ()ueaUon Bee; 8:30 New Ume Ordnance AasoClaUon last n l^ L speaking tour In opposition to imI------^ r t ha%-a frown, ■« to employ tha French navy In tha World war. fourth floor of a walk-up In Ftot- jyjj^^.,” t* aatltlae la the aae ar _ problem are atheduled about April However, Treasury spokesmen propose to share tbe bat waa not Uke? tnis country before that organisa- for Science Rountable; 10:15 Rep. He explained “ artificial interfer- mlnlatratlon foreign policies. convo>’lng of food ships — with tha biuh. Aa Toby Masters turned the "CUieeae cake,” said Toby. Jennings Randolph on "Highways whelmingly sgnlBst AmeridM Britain and a few Inter ^^V:r•',U?7.h.‘,!:?:r^'^.e^7^•^'«n«•oh b lffr and mora t.rrlb l^ Indicated that they preferred first made clear. key in the lock, she told Beatrice tion. encea" as relay* arising from "sel- Word circulated yeaterday that bankers determine our fa risk of a resultant lining up of tha More aensatlonal plana for rais- Robinson won . tbe prise—tbe “That's expensive. for Defense;” 11:30 discussion of fishness, fear or arrogance” on toe Wlllkle was thinking of following partlcipaUon In th# war. but he thie paper ana alee the »«eel aewe i j,tl11 there are a food to jnerease the Income "surtax" gaily, "We have to be careful not charged that line# the November policy.” French ships on the Naal-Faaclat ing money have baen bruited about, rates—the graduated four to 75 president's famed campaign hat Jean Dalrymple. “What ths War WlU Do to Liter- part of government, management, Wr.eeler on th# stumping cam- *"a 11* HahlV^Ta? repehltaaltoa a* ; many of ua older folk to p-hom by congressmen and others. The to get up from a chair topjiudden- After Vera was gone, Beatrice writer often coocema Itaeff with election th* president and Wlllkle Wheeler atin haa not mad# < side of the war—waa th# playing per cent rates Impoaed on larger which he gave Jean Heraholt re- ly, or we knock each other down." fttUTD**' or labor. . ^ paign to apeak againat what he nlte plana for hla tqieaktoff^ ' apaciel aieeatchee herela are |f Civil W’ar day. An do nnt not aeamaaem ao Buggeatlona have Included a five felt a bit daaed. "You two certaln,- acrlDto for toeeter and radio, coi- MBS—7:15 Here’s Morgan; 8:15 "have been vying with each other reeareea. Incomea In addition to the "nor- cently, commenting "1 won't need But when the door bpened, Bea- PhyMcal DUHeoltlea Ahead term* American "laolatlontom." but baa been oonaultoig of an.ace at a very crucial mo- per cent tax on, all wages, fo be this again"—after spirited bidding ly lujderstand each other,” ; lalxmted with PhlUlp ^ SelecUve Service talk; 9:80 Nor- "I should like very much to In their advocacy of steps that I verj’ remote; a’ho can recall fal- mal" rate. In' this manner, they trice yaw that the apartment had said. "And she's one of tbe I turn out "Forever. Now. » come- Asaertlng that there were physl- , I other opposition senatora mil aarelca ellent «f ment,' something that can neither deducted by employers, and a gen- said, they thought the tow could at the "Gambol of the Stars.” ton Guild orchestra. Bashful Jack Benny and Fear less Fred Allen seem to be feud- | have Mr. Wlllkle defend the wUI lead ua Into war. •errtre la«. __ i lant turnout, of the veteran, of eral isles tax, to M paid by manu- I been lovingly decorated. There beauUful girls I've ever scenj^ ^ dy tor toe mlcrophwe. She had ctal difflculUes ahead “which may "I hava no doubt but what Mr. Ing poBslble arraagemsnto. H* ! be Ignored nor mat in any spirit be kept closer to the Intended Will Gk> to Relief Fund was a studio couch doing duty aa ‘.‘Yeah, she's beautlfuL But spe Helen Hayes to mind aa the lead Intorfere seriously with our pro- Ing ■vain over the attention of lovely Mary Martin above. In a i Roosevelt policies,” In the put, Roosevelt, with Mr. WlUkle's aid, sche^Ied a radio (vpsscii Pahllahara Rapraeanialteaa that war while they ware .till facture ra. "tax according to capacity to pay" The auction was conducted by a sofa. It waa covered In gay, What to expect Wedneaitay: The ducUon program,” Gen. Wesson ■cenr*from toe laugh hit "Love Thy Neighbor" at toe New Orcle j nnd now that Mr. NBCTs Red network Thnrafi ” younf men - a lot younger than of mere obstinacy. doesn't use It Of course, she snd wrote in the hope toe Kript. win tak* to# country to war un- JaltW n .th .^ ATr*a'M Doobl If Majority Will Agree theory. » President Edward Arnold of the flowered linen. makes her living that way. What War—CBS 8, 9 a. m., 3:65, 8:10 added: theaur TeSa^^Ld t o L r i i w . ^ e companion f« t u r . |. "Here them 1 am sure the president Is 10:30 pjn. to reyly to new Terk, Chleaae. What both the United States Since the corporate Income tax would go Into her broadcast. Isaa the people let toe president Reetna. i ovir own Ijeglonrialraa are today. Treasury offlciato said thay Screen Actora' Guild and Preal- " I made that myaelf. Remnants I mean to, she “P V** Producers of t^ H a y m p n « w p. m.; NBC 8 a. m., P- ® i 'Delay* ar* beginning to crop Comes toe Navy" and sUrs James Cagney and Pat O Brien. wrong. know In no uncertain term# that 1 Roosevelt’s foreign poUey and Britain are up againat la not rate already 1s up to 24 per cent, NBC Blue 8:55 (*. m., 6:30, 8:45 Wheeler said hr was poslUva BORBa O OP j And Who can recall llrat hand tolea doubted if a majority of the law- dent Ken Carpenter of the Amer- from HunUngton's, at employe dto- dest specimens to faU In love had other ideas. Ttow J up m a number of instances, due they are opposed to letting Great I of laat Saturday. irmiBKR AtrmT maken would agree to auch Inno- the chief addlUonal tax bills for count,” Toby explained. p. m.; NBC-Red 9 a. m., 6:25 p. prinolpaUy to the failure to ob- Aniertcan sentiment was over- ClRCtn-ATIONR i of thoaa daya aa told by parent, any particular change In tha prin- ican Federation of Radio Arttota. with! With that face, she could fit Into toelr schedule. But tMt vations. corporations were expected to re- The $3,200 will be contributed to There were two club- chain, m.: MBb 10, 11. 11:49 a. m., 2. 5 tain scheduled deUveriea of ma phates which, he said, apparently ciple of the situation—not any fascinate a banker, couldn't she, Isn’t to keep toe yam from the p. m^.NTC-Red-12:80 NeUle The Heraia Pritittna , Caa^nj* who actively participated In tha The Treasury, as well aa Con- sult from drastic revisions In the the Gulld'a Motion Picture Relief i "Reduced.” said Toby. There waa and have diamonds. air: rather. It rww Is to get a chine tool* and of special equlp- indicated Britain’s desire to con- tKc.. Mnwt* •• ftumcltl r#eo»nBl* new condition which modlBaa tha exceaa profito act. a long Uble with a radio.) maga- ReveU Interview; 1:80 BophlaUcrt- tnenL” serve shipping by Increasing home ailuy tar trpacraphleal arrom JP* fighting or In the rtvlllan actIvlUea grats, Is aearcblng Intently for Fund, to care for the Industry's "But no. Booalng rsporters, and y...ra to offer «rect compeUtiOT P la n In c r e a se fact that to feed unoccupied more revenue because the Britlih Offlciato generally were oppoaM zines, a cigant box and a really ed Ladles trio; 3:45 Vic and Bade. The defense program requires food, production. arlaa In adeartleamaaiB In taa of tha hour. Who may have a own- . ^ l . n n thto nut of a photographer,, and a to Ui— H a y ^ next Sunday night C3S—3:46 auidren Also Are Peo- BBPekoatar Beaalna BaralC ______aid program haa boosted the next to changing many of the excise Tha bidding atarted at $100, hiwdKime lamp. craky actor who'd like to be Ham- naUonal teamwork, he said, “It quite vivid roainory of asking, per- Franca will be a dellnita aid to adapUon o f “ A UtUe ple; 6:30 Portland, Me., Womens Deliveries Next Fall ftocal year's outlay to more than taxes. Theae levies, which Include climbed quickly to $1,000—a figure •'here's the kltchenet." It had let If he could only act And a Itto Usted for toe NB^Blue calls for no bickering nor petty I n P h o sp h a t e Hitler- but the. question whether those on gasoline and theater ^ r u a ; 8:15 Hedda Hopper. NTC- animosiUes. It calls for hard work He added that deliveries from Tucaday, March l i haps a doaan year, after Ap- $20,000,000,000 while the most telegraphed by Eddie Cantor. been managed out of a closet. saxophone player wfio only plays Star Spangled theater at 8. w the new unit,probably would be ahaer stratagtc conalderatlona do optlmiatlc eatlmatea of the govem- ticketo, are about as big money Shelves held dishes, poU, a canto Biue__1:16 Between toe Bookends; and aacriflee • • • ." pomatto*. ”Wbat waa Mr. Brown Jimmy Cagney boosted It to hot He's so hot In-fact he spends .ame U ^ M ls s k w d < ^ 2:16 Let's Talk It Ovw; 4:45 Ed- made next fall, althowh release of ment'B Income during that period rataera as Income taxes at present. ter of coffee, a tiny bread box. Un- his night Jamming with a bunch on toe eastern half of t ^ Tbe general asserted that newly A n gry YogoBlmTiB in the war, Dad?" And getting the not call for a-yielding In this par- But offlciato healtote to tamper $1,800, Robert Montgeroery to $1.- gar Gueat poet MBS—1 How of Congress Approves 50 conserved stocks might permit Im- do not exceed $10,000,000,000, tak- 500. Producer Joe Pasternak to derneath was a tiny alnk, a two- of other swUig-happy saps Md chain. Leads wUl be taken kvMar- created defense facUiUes, duto aa anawar: "Brown T Wall, to tall tha ticular Inatonca. with these taxes In the belief that serial dramas; 6:16 SluMter Park- plants for ths , manufacture of mediate shipments to England. Tbare la a chance that aoma- log account of tax Increases which $1,750. Jock Whitney made It I burner gaa stove, and a little cabl hardly ever even plays a club go of sUge and screen and Donald er’! Clrcus...8ome short waves; Per Cent More Output truth. Brown waa a Copperhead. Aa merely the leaser of two avlla were effective this year, and the changes might be required later net hung above the stove. "Thafa C ^ k of Broadway. tanks, small anna, and exploslva*. TVA la now producing 100,000 tklBf In tha way of wlahful think* on to curb price Inflation tenden' $1,800, Sam Gddwyn $2,100, Ctog- HAT4 Dudapmt 7:S0 PtiUhar* should not be scrapped after "t ^ Al Muscle Shoals Plant tons of coeicentrated phosphates It may be tha part of wlidom to upturn In butlnest. ney $2,300 and Montgomery our grocei y aupboard. Spaghetti, BeatriceC«$V8$Lr« wwsdidn’t w understand —all of But Ifa Juat aa well not to bring cles In specific commodities. They cannM soup, other stuff we keep 5d^; current need Is met," he said that annually. Ullenthal said, while tag may ba entarlng Into tha al* give way In this matter. But It The Treasury waa particularly It. but ahe got the drift Toby toM- Tuning tonight — The *“ Berlin 8:19 News; GSC O S^O TL that up." akepttcal of a sales tax. Officials don't want to waate this antl- $2,400. for the end of the week when « .ler a clean towel, indicated the they should be kept in "atand-by Birmingham. Ala., March 18 — private Industry la putting out moat unlvaraal belief that Tugo* cannot by any maana ba permitted inflatlon weapon for the sake of Mrs. Arnold went to $2,600, but ed he NBO^ ir London 9 Music of Britain; TOWA 246,000 ton*. Dad. you tea, waa charllabU. predicted that before Congress > s're broke... ” bathroom, and when Beatrice em- 10, 11, 12:30, CBS 8:65, 10.46, 12, condition to meet our armament (jP)\-Director David E. Lilletithnl atavia haa adopted a daflnlta pol- a little more revenue now. Douglas chimed In with $8,000. "I think it’s lovely," Beatrice Guatemala 10 opera "FausL needs for years to come.” “With our production up to 150,- But charity didn't keep him from to masquerade aa anything but a would pass such a levy. It would Cagney stopped at $3,100. erged. Vera and Terry were back, NBC-Blue 9:65; NBC 13- icy of raalBtance to Oarmany and said. loaded down with brown paper of Uie Tennessee Valley Authority 000 tons next fall." he added, “we passing along a good deal of fac- tactical retreat. It cannot ba al- Presented First Scroll that tha Tufoalava and tha Turka "Wait till you see our bed- report^ today congressional ap- hope private Industry esn step Its tual Information. So moat mem- lowed to aatabllah a precedent for Another feature of the evening Terry was shorter than Ver^ ISSO k. Pays Huiidred Times Her Tax output up an addlUonal 146,000 are toally prepared to hfht If tha 1SS9 totaled 7,927,848—nearly twol waa the preaentatlon to Maude room!" . 1040 k. W D R C proval 6® P**' increase In ban of tha flnt poat-Clvll War Blmllar yielding on other fronts. and a half million more than In Their bedroom was smaller. If He had burly, broad shoulders and wnc 225 B . phosphate ^production at TVA's tons by 1942.” Naala attempt to Invade Oraaca— M a n A b o u t Adama of the gul’d's first scroll 'possible, than the Uvtng room. tumbled tawny hair. H « had a pair 288 SB. Elkhart. Ind.—(F)—City Treas- ganaraUon came to know a good 1987. The number of whole Bibles for distinguished service to the Two narrow, headless beds and a urer Frank X311* sent an elderly Muscle Shoals plant. but tha llkaUhood that tha opU- separately published Teatamento" of fuxxy eyebrows that quirked to- Tnesdsy, blarob IS He said the Xxpansion called for deal about Copparhaada, what Used-Up Word theater. Mtoe Adams, now a dra- tall chest of drawers crowded It ^jther as Toby Introduced Bea- Toesday, Marek IS woman a statement for $2.72 for TPtam la baaalaaa la very amall In* amounting to 1,268,914. Compare P. M. taxes on her radio and refrigera- Installation of axpew furnace cost- JoKftlrv they did and what they aaid and Manhattan matics professor at Stephens Col- so that you could barely navigate trice. . . , P!M. Habitual misuse of words tome- thla with earlier yeara when the lege. Columbia. Mo., was a gueat 4:00—Portia Faces life. tor and got back postal money ing $1,(X)0.000 aria an Increase In Mlsrrp (■ • # « I -ly G mc s* Tiickto- from door to closeL "The beds are " I’d like to take some shoU ol 4:00—Backstage Wife production from 1081,000 to 150,000 •nie" prepent probablUtlea aaem what they triad to do and timas backlashes. For a good many cenaua takers dipped Into the at the affair with 11 theatrical simply twin mattresses on twin 4:16—StcUa DaUas 4:18—We, Th* AbbotU. ' orders for $272. He telephoned to you. That patrician look. Say, 4:30—HUltop House. tons annually. \ what people thought about them. publishing builneaa. In 1935, there New York—We know a physi- veterans who had playod with he^ springs with legs. Clever, huh ? you’d make a swell model.’ 4:30—Lorenso Jones tell her she'd made a mistake. She to ba all on tha aide of raalatanca. years it baa been customary. In were 501,173 BIblea published; in 4:48—Kate Hopkins. ■aid she hadn't noticed toe decimal The expansion will be financed Copparhaada wan Northarnen Including C. Aubrey Smith, David The chest belongs to Vers, so I "Oh, no. thanks!” Beatric'- cried 4.,46—Young Wldder Brown from existing appropriations. Thera la a dlapoaltlon In thta common speech and In newspaper 1933, there were 666.448; and In cian who to not altogether pleas- Torrance. George Irving, i^ude 8:00— Ad lin er, dance program. polnL The woman called at hla jpho oppoaad tha war, not only be- contributed the full-length mirror In quick panic. "I—my Pictures g|oo_airl Alone Ulienthol also disclosed that country, <|ulta a natural ona, tp., print, to refer to anything bigger 1931, the number waa 1.876,680. ed over the fact that hU young Leslie. Hobart Bosworth and Fred- on the closet door instead of a always come out dreadfully. I m 8:16—Lohe Journey 8:18—Th* O’ Nelir*. office, got a $280.28 refund and re- fore 11 atarted but after It waa un- 8:80—Ad Unsr. marked: "I thought taxes were a Great Britain had ordered \40.000 attribute tha sudden aUSanlng of than a snow flurry aa a "bllaaard." While the Bible buslneaa was daughter, aged 12, has corralled erick Santley. ^ bureau.” , ^ not photogenic at all." She coulita t 5:30—Jack Armstrong I tons of TVA's concentrated phos- soaring. Action did a nose dive. Most of Hollywood attended the Toby took Beatrice's hat and 8:48—Scattergood Balnea. UtUe high." tha Tufoalav attitude to tha pat* der way. Thay wen called Cop- Juat now they have been having a all the beaux In tha neighborhood. let this boy take pictures of her 6:45—Ufa Cnn Be Beautiful In 1939. 6nly 13,511,181 volumes party, paying $11 a plate for din- Jacket. Just before she stowed and perhaps have some newspa- 8:00—News and Weather 8:00—News, weather. 21 partaeads bacauaa tha pro-war Everytime he comes home the 6:08—Hsdda Hopper’s Hollywood a aft of tha laaaa-land bill and to great frigid storm In Mlhneeota of Action were published, com ner. them in the closet, she turned the per or magazine get hold o* one. 8:15—Strictly Sport* with Bob IPrasMant Rooaavalt'a Inaplrlng Northarnen ngardad them at be and North Dakota In which acorea pared to 25,454,185 In 1937. town, porc*h, and houM la littered little mink topknot of her finger "Never mind. Terry." sal—By Kathlbsn NoMs. at they baUavad to ba tha pusll* —^ R y Jack "Why. certainly." he ealdT'*'*' "Walking around the»hlock with time to her life “f : 10:45—Ttoa Guiding l i g h t But afteiward—w h ^ tha war H ottelet A llow ed ed blood. tually helped with this task tM t U:00—H m Man 1 Married 10:15—Myrt aad Marge. dmity of the Balgrad'' govam* Waahlngton —Tbought-for-To- think that'll be Am ." This blood clot tends to bloc* Terry.” ' araa a"on and tha Union praaarvad, day Dep't—According to the Toby turned to Beatrice. Ter- InevltJibly followed every m ^ « e 11:15—Againkt Tbe Storm 10:80—Stiqiniotosr. H o w c a n I c o n tin w T o g ^ h er W ith T h e N ew Lo w ___at and frankly tbraaUnad to T o H ave C loth ing the free flow of blood along the ry is one of Vera’s Insanitlsa He’s had ever eaten. She 11:80—The Road of 10:45—Woman at Oouragt and tha Boya in Blua came march Treasury Department the govern- Aa a footnote to our recent com- veins and. If It happens In one of Buddy ovnrthrow it "If It atgnii anything ment has Just completed transfer a photogr:.pher, without a grain and he aneered at her, 'Don’t dab! 11:45—David Hamm 13:00—Treat Tlih* with tng home agaln^ where wen the ment on the longest word In the the smaller veins the blood _ to WiD6*'* ' 12:00 Noon—Gen# aad esarit. Oarman, even tb mudh as a dinner of nine billion dollars from ths dictionary —4 antl-dlsestabllshmen- of common sense. He spends his Copparhaada? Right out on th# Beriln, March 18- (F>-Richard then shunted to one of the other money for films, flash bulbs, He'took the towel out of her PM. 31:15—Martlm WsbStor. \ t h e ir Prices M akes Electric Co o kin g check.” Assay Office ’ In New Yocb City C. Hottelet, American correspond- tartonlam—we aM thto note from canals In exacUy the same manner edge of tha aldaSralk. In the very to the "bole In th'e ground" at Fort chemicals and $100 cameras, mi hand, at last ”A fine wife you’U 12:15—Aa Ths Twig la Beat 11:80—B ig CMstor. \- Also tha Tugoalnv army, which ent who was arrested last Satur? a tody la Riverside, Calif.: an automobile will make a de- the InsUUment plan. And right make aome miserable man. Go « 12:30—Weather Man 11!45—Aunt Jenny’s Storisa front of tha crowds, cheering thair Knox, ky. day, waa pefmltted today to re- "I taught BagUsb and spelling tour to avoid congestion In traffic. to there and decorate the ep-e. At !■ a paralatant factor In tha coun* Tble lateet transfer took elgbi now, he'8 downstairs waiting for 12:35—Day Drsama 32:00—Kate Smith Spsaks. T h e O u tst a n 4 > H g M ethod In eight grades, and tried to teach But If oi>e of the larger and more ImsL you’re goow at tbaL” s e c u r it y ? New Bake-Fast 1 try'a poUtica—and in - the laat heiyla off and stopping tha weary months. The gold waa shipped ceive a suitcase of hto' clothing and Vera to get me talked around to 12:45—Stagin' Sam P# Me y personal necessities. He to held pupils to notice the different syl- Important veins • to flooded with a inviting him up here for dinner. Hto «yee narrowed. "You know. 1:00—Newa. Weather 32:15—Whan a Girl Marrisa. -Las nnalyaia In a poaitton to ba a con* \1cton on tha back and shouting. by registered mall In 45 trains, m what DNB (German news lables. Our result waa ‘aupemon- clot of blood, the condition to seri- Isn'tV that lt, "Vera? You .have...... sev- 1 ':eep Mvtog the feeling that I’ve 1:15—The little Show 12:80—Romanes of Helen Ttcat with trolUng OOP—la vary generally ba- "By tha Lord Harr>-. I knew you'd consisting of 387 cars. Thirty- dlstlngutohabllatlveneas.' We built ous and the patient must do ovtry- en cento and Terry's probably got seen you before.- - Somewhere. t ewhe That 1:30—Marjorie UlUa T o d ay. four Army enlisted men and two agency) said were charges of 32:45—Our Gal Sunday. Uavad to have token the aama at- do. I t ! " "suspicion of espionage ’ It up ^ m 'distinguish.' I am now thing possible to get well. The one." Uttle tut to your chin—th ew ay 2:00—How TO Enter a Oontost 3:00—New*. WMther. officers, in addition to Bureau of eighty yeara old, and persona who chief danger Is that the clot m ^ you wear your hair— You remind titude aa. the paaaanto and the Wa have aoma Copperhead Indi- the Minty guards, accompanied HottsleL a member of the Ber- Vem sank dovrii Into a chair and Win 1:05—Main BtrasL Hartford. are now grandp'arento remind of be carried to,.90>BlL other me of iomethtog. It's v a ^ l y 2:15—Tha Cripnlad CSiUd—Louis 3:15—Woman ia TYhlt*. vlduala and a vary few Copper- every train. The gold Is In the lin staff of The United Press, an and stretched out her long, love- people ganarally. So that the veto American news gathering and dis- that word." where It might cause t«»“ ble. swimming around to tha back Spektor, M.D. 3:80—Right to HappInM. head nawapapan now^ slander form of standard gold bricks While phlebitis Is uMially caused lylY lege.$«•■. “ Xe •a matteraaa^ww— ow- ' fact, --r Toby, - - - my head. Some kidd of en o|^m t YOUR F A l^ Y ia well protected now, while you •PC liepe to OB tbe Court of tha regent's gov* tributing agency. Is receiving g ^ When Edward G. Robinson was that’s It 1 thought maybe he had 2:20—M edl^ Tims 3:48—Ltfs------CanO B* ~ Beautiful. " (mint bars I which are Just a little as I have jUat described. It may ■eqne goes with It—I canT thtoto- cnmant, now aaamlngly 100 per mongan who give you day and treatment and will be permitted in Now York recently he to said aome money, so I phoned him, but 2:20—Gtibert aad Sullivan Pro- 2:00—Young Dr. Mafcms. take care of them. But later on. . . ? Does the spectre of imaller than standard building to have purchased a seal from follow auch dtoordera aa varicose T o u must be mtotaken," eht gram 2;15—Joyce Jordan, girl Interne. cant alfactlve, appeara to ^ v a data and dollar ftgures and names counsel, the German Foreign Of- U N IVERSAL bricks. However,* that doesn't booking company with Instruc- veins, typhoid fever. tonsUltls. ei^- “You thought maybe he had heard hersdlf saying coolly, 3:00—Mary MarUn Ftetoher WIUw. and everything to prove beyond make them good for us* pounds - and besldea AtUcbea said tha embassy was it is a good plan for the patient you. I used tc be a pubUri^ hardship mar your thoughts o f their future? Tugoalavta la no mean military yet made a good plane and prob- assured he also will be permitted a jgew one to being substituted. and haul him up here. No, w ait 3:45—>Te and Side 8:15—Golden Trsasury of Song. RA N GES •acb one IS worth |14;QO0 and . . . Harry Delmar, ^loneeome for with the disorder to take a fruit [Here’s a ddUar. Send him around eraman, you .know. MonIki*h 3:80—N*w England Home. and fnistee, power. It haa an actli^ army of ably never will, that we are paying who would be tossing money .like to receive vteltors aa soon as an Juice fast aa this wlU help to bring Point, Miami Beadi. Palm Springe ..then'how easy it is to name us 'as your executor JOOOOOP investlgatloa of hto case Is com- the Jittery, catch-aa-mttch-can Ufa to the deUcateaaen, first" 8:45—Musical Moments. half a million men and a raaerve five prices for our'guns and not that around. Completion eg thto of a producer, la back again on about the abaorptlon of the clot to I Bestride opened her handbag —swell resort hotels—" 8:55—War commwitary, weather thus providing the experienced management that is the very Priced At getting a twenUeth part enough, latest transfer brings the total of pleted! Broadwaii with pinna for a new ■ aattofactory n anner. Usually the ■Toby, let me. After aU, I ’m the •That must account fo: the Ja m es R oosevelt three Umea aa large, all well train- body will accompUah the absorp- ipolmt acenee.” e^d that the tank output may be use- gold buried In the vaulU of Fort musical. Hto last producing at- one, who—” _ _ May we explain these Lew At ed becauae two yeara of miUtory Knox to $14,579,591,387.22. Uon within about seven days, al- 'You’ve got me mixed up wlth- foundation o f financial security, $ 8 9 j o ful In the next war but certainly tempt was with "Delmar’s Rev- "Yea, I forgot to teU you,” To- C o n fin ed to B ed • ■arvlce is universal and compul- What gives Treasury Secretary els." . . . Although Ed Wynn tried though in aome cases a longer time by put to, careleasly, to Verg. someone etoe. " —-* 1 M ed ical A rticles never In this one, that we never Morgenthau'a announcement Its Quotations may be required. Many doctors Terry's eyes were etiU narrow^ sorviees? INSTALLED aory. It haa a real air force which ----- dropping top pricea for hU revue ‘This la Bee Davla, shs’s spending and "Maybe. W ♦ —T- ■thoughtful twist" to that Just seem to feel that there to aome the night with ue. Tm talong her last year was equipped with aomq j had a chance to catch up wrlth the from $4.40 to $3.30, It wasn't too danger in ths. becoming small- who’s toe gal Tva get you mixed San Diego, CaUf.. Mardi 18.—(F) G ive n to F re n ch! when thase tratoa were pulling succeasful, aad he will now go on down to the Store to the morning —A minor opsratioo for a vari- - SOO plance. And Its people have | Germans and never ought to have out of Pennsylvania station In Before tiie Jury of Its oWn er In that It may more easily be- up with?'* the road. . . . The greatest boa- to see about a Job." ^ (To Be Oenttaued) cose vein kept CapL Jamas Room- First Flooni la One, and T w o -F ^ ^ B vakireua military record. Serbia, | made them, mad by trying to. In New York under a blanket of Ideels. the mind of America atands come dislodged from the site of Beatrice handed 32 to Vera. officc successes ot>r«ceat years formation and thus be encouraged velL the praaident’a oldest son, Vichy, Fraaca, March 13—(F>— Honses. S«cond and TWrd Floor* SHghtlf in particular, while first victim o f ' short, exactly the same kind of a great secrecy. Dr. William D, OO IHr I- have been found on tbe road—no- —Dr. Alan Valantlne, president, to circulate with the blood, but In confined to a bed at the U. 1. esaytoa B. WflUamA pastor of | Higher. Carman-Austrian invasion and ; group aa the Civil War Oopper- Coolldge, General Electric's di- tably with the Lunta la "There Naval boimital today but medtoal rector of research was errttlng an Bochenter University. — my experience I have iret to aee tog maUrial fumtoh another In- nrtot to your column the re c c ^ ths Assatleaa churrii ta Parla, haa CBaquest to the World War, never bead*. ShaU Be No N Igh L" and "Ab e thla happen. Onihe contrary, with I t o use tor maktog cream of to- omeen said he probably would ba article for a national maganlne Lincoln.” . J, ^ flammatory condltlon’of toa veto. back at his dnttoa hxnoirow. givaa ITOS^woctb of msdical aqnip- csBSii to retost and wound up the And when Hitler to smaabad, tt (American magastoe). Ha ema Ivory tower Indeed! Oo a college toe uae'of toe f l i t good reeu)ta are mato imup?” • and toe blood clot Oaptatn Roomvelt haa baan la mtat to ths Frsach ascratary of war to a Waae of glory to the Sa- to psrfecUy safe to predict, thay talking about the eraya young faculty poUUeal activity to Just usually lecu red------Qneatlene Aad Anewera Answer: I have found toe fol- about twlee aa potooaous as any wUI be absorbed with toe result lowing cream e f ■***? traU&g with tbs Marin* Oorpa hsatto and family. It waa ai Lo w A s lO^o D o w n Paym ent A n d tl***'* campaign which forcad the will bs right up to front at the poople of today might make fame (Need ler V*ntor V n iM > her* for several months. Ms waa nooscDd toduf* A s and fortune. Doctor OooUdge ru over eee la the etaie bouse. Po n d ers M iracles that toe blood once more Sows ______aroclM to be very healthful, appe- capltulatlan of Bulgaria, first Jubilee meetings, presntog them- freely through toe veto In its ac- QueatlM: 3lra E. C. Ven» a Ifarla* Osrp Reaarrist Milk and clothlag from the | aaid: "Pva been wondering erbat —Dr. OdeU Shepard. CoanecUcut's ! ; '"Will you kindly |lva me tising and popular: Canned tomato la tbe Oentrsl Powers, and aelvce mightily oa bekwging to the poet • profeneor - btogrepber- customed way. writes: julca is exceuent tor maktog tola Unltod Ststas, ualoadsd from toa T H E we should do If our lmme “ your opinion re»rd tog T h re e Years T o Pay Balance. heutsnnat-ffovemor. O f M oth er C ab rin i Local treatment over toe affect- soup. To Urea cupaful of Juice lAamricaa ah^ Cold Harbor at army triumphantly marched winning side. board of gold becomas valual< . tteut sumption of one g»»ee gfaisriUs, was tumad over, moaB-1 as sonM economists predict. Gold, ed veto should consist of asveral use one cupful of fresh or cannad > ito own capital of Belgrade Ju^ history repeating itoelf. appUcatloRS ef hot* moist towels every fifteen ^ C h eese W ill B e whUei to eomsrittaas ia each d pampered aristocrat among nMt- The world erlaia today to not an cioam. mixtog togetoinr quickly Vaticaa Qty. March 13.—iift-- «^ c h are wrung out of water as weight Thla ia claimed by aonw partassat ef uaoeeaptod Fraa Slightljr Higher On Tanaa. ligh t days before tbe algning of tato, to', of gttto practical good. oM mna'e affair: It waa brought while cold. Place over tho fire aad Tha Oongregatlon of Ritas has be- hot as may ba boma and then plac. aiitoorttles to be tba w r r e « continue sUrrtog until very hot but R atio n ed Soo n uadsr Aamricaa Rad Ckoas aupar- , gtnanl AraMtlee of Com- SesM day we may nave to tsM tt on by youth and must be settled amount vrhUe othara cons*der It vtatoo. Madidaaa wars turned over M A N C H ESTER Feeding UneecBided Frsaes gun cosukSeration of mlraclae at- td over the petofol area. If tba not boUtog. Lot toe soup stand b a ^ to tba laboratory and work by youth. to to* sserstaiy ef health. —PreeldeBt JanMs L. McOonaughy tributed to Mother Fraaeee Severio trouble is to toe leg, it is some- where It will keep hot tor about TBrfcay« Tufotoavta, It to clear that If tba United out aoma usatuL manlal task for times helped to use ia hot water *‘*AMW»r: I do not bSUeve that jt LoBdou. March It. Tba man who dtooovem what of Wesleyan University. cabrini, proposed for sanctiSca- ten minutes, turn Into soup tureen Statee uace Its influence with tbe bottle against toe foot, while it Is la advisable to set a definite to toe bottom of which haa been >ood Mintotiy annoimead 41 R *w T h e AAanchesler Electric Divisfon M three uaito to appotoBg to do wttb gold may make a for- tlon. ard of tho amount of cbeea* would b* rationad sooi 'a furtbar prograaa to Ybe Brttiata government—which could Health Isn't sscrely something Mother Cabrini was beatified to toe arm, then It should ba placed placed a haU cup of whipped tune;” Noy. 13. 1838 — toe first Ameri- a g a l^ toe hand. Or. heat may Uken accordl^ to 1 ^ earn; or a spoonful of wtCpped Ths assount to ba allowod H cag Keag and are aided bff two or scarcely fail, to be oonclutove—for • • . ^ negaUve—the fact of *M>t being iU; uaoont of srator *^*4*?^*5r Forty-oos asar TR UST CO. be appUed by electrical maana „«a m and a ^nlakltog of finely not dIsolBMSd. hot a Mataassit There to food for sermons In It la atoo poelUve, conoamed with cas ever thus hooorsd. hnadrad tbouaaada BHUata tbe admlaaton of Ajnerlcan food Several cases of miraculous re* The patient should rcM to bed. varioB a great cbonpad parsley may ba added to farm srork m sad sriiiin wouM .reportad da Brittoh tbs Census Bureau's latest sur- keeping quiet until toe sweiUnff vbtanls, tha amount of ® tecM v laigw aBstamats ta 130 ths aad tbe whole Brititoi Medt- gratoa into unooeupied France, It Huxley. Britlatt blolofist eoverlee from tllacse have been oqthnary foodstuffs, and tho each sennag. MfOfibOT Fad«rfil DafasH laa. Corp. /7S S t P tsI vey of tbs book pubUsklag Sald^ attributed to Mother Cabrini. urho has gone down and pain has dla- othsr grsupa. total Boidaigbt Frl-i Seet aad air fane HR* hrlir be engagtog to a |bJabla. On Nat only to tbs Bible stlU A m a ^ exorcloo taken. lda>. MortattU** eonttaued bi| ' the word “lei died to CMcago In 18XT and la appaared. Once the patient la en ’ TenqMrature ef ths earth 1»- ITUs win b* 81111101. first allo- tba etoe toda to tbe hhaUbood of ca*a bast nsitor. way aad The fact la that m h m asost o f to * victlau aaM $ to ha op agalait BOBto- ... .Do buried to New Yock. The Omgre- the road to recovery he should re- 9) ereaaea one degtt Fahrenheit for ht sasclal amssats of food such BCtton oreattog a bettor aplr- bat tbs BOito bustasns t o ___ ..sure” never lannlree Becssber that It ia Im portotto Bve (1 to# ______Mtar saw to his easart- ire want a lot eg le|ailelaute? Is leisure •atloa ef Rites munt he eonvlaoed every *W feet of depth, a ns it never ban b^ore. Tbe total of at least three miradcs before correctly so that the blpodJ(*“ “ “ to;-**— — ' '* tt a^ the.pnrt of tbe French geepie . nntput of jgtoias. the anal? 1 thlak not. iBtohBl,' W lah b which to a matter | qg - J . V Frteatly. Brtttoh novalM. Mother Chhcfnl mny be eetnted *t. V' 'kC- S \ . ' .. I Trade School Receive* Clast B Trophy ^ MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALp. MANCHESTER., CONN. TPESDAT, MARCH 18.1941 T^ree Veterans Oone pa's Oppose Gems in Series Finale Tonig: EIG H T T About Town ToBringUp - Prominent in Affairs of Coventry Two From Baseball Scene Rivals Vie in To Direct IHay Fradin’s Shop Bobby Maltick Conn McCreary Started »1d H earing Hearings Set The Women's Foreign Miaaion- Street’s Cost ary Sqfeiety of the Church of the 'V — Fifth Game at Is Remodeled Nazerene will hold sits mcmthly Emit Pli n u id Joe Hub. Sent to Short As Jockey by Accident In Jaffe Case One Before Commission meeting and election of officers Selectmen to Discuais’ lard Reported Through Local Sport tomorrow, evening at 7:80. DeIe-< For the Reds Hartford Gym Force of Men Working And Other Before Lo gates to the district convention of Reconstruction at Ton With Sport H ere; Nlck^ Miami. Fla.. March 18-(JV- An first two weeks at Tropical’s the FMS wUl be named. Chatter _ WitncMes Will / morrow’s Meeting. accident 'to a fellow |'Pj®* unassuming, On Interior; To Be cal Board of Appeals* Angelo Without Team. gave Con McCreary the chance | poker-faced youngstsr-i- he’s "Book Night" will be observed Johnny "Wink" Wlnzler. who McKeehnie See* jSome- I ^ f t l Gagers Make Btli ^ i « f y in New Yor k Open on Thurwfiay. PTOsMcU concerning the recon- that started him on the road to- only 19—to unusually powsrful for • Two zoning meetings, one A* aea- by the Professional Women of the By Jack Dw7 er ptoys a lot of guard for the Ual- Start in 17 Day* and i C t u r t Tomorrow. / Center church tonight at 7:80. The struction of Main street may ^ varstty of Oouectlcut varsity, thing in Youth That ward the year’s Amerlesn riding his 98 pounds. Hs Is buUf like a aih of the Board of Zoning Com- Unless something drastic ^ p - , wrestler, with niuch of his weight fr'-’ " — This morning a force of men In hoateaaes will be Lola Parker u d discussed tomorrow night as the earned honorable mention on the champlonriilp. ’ Seek ;22nd Win in 24 ^ mlaeioners and the other a hear- Boanl of Selectmen meeU to auth- pens between now aqd the begin- All-New Bnglud Cniference bas- Cub* Mi»«ed; Peawon In the shoulders end chest. MM tiMt hmi iU b«cinnin(S pie employ Of the Wennergren Lucille Slou. Eddie Connolly, a promising Strangely enough, McCreary's ing of the Zoning Board of Appeals orize paymsht of the month’ll-bnis ,nlng of the lo<^ basabs’ll cam- ketball team for hto efforts during Game*; Play 9 O'Clodt Mvcrsl «»onO« •*» will b« Conatnictlon Compuy "t®rtcd ex- u d to transact other public busL Welcomed «* Slabster. youngster, took a spill at an early •mall stature may be a factor to tensive alterations at FrwUn a rif- ^ scheduled within the romlng Among the 930 students of Yale paign, three wiU knoWn figurez 1 the pas'I t season . . . he'll be one of Hloleah park program thto year » tbs N«w Tor* State Su- neSB. Town Engineer ' J. F ru k conn standbys as a senior deprive him of one of a Jockey'e victors In 22 out of 24 game# whlrh are designed to make It the few days. On Thursday at 8 p. m University who have attained the will be missing friSm the 'Twl Lea- the Uce By Harry Gmyeon fend McCreary was picked to sub- big thrllle—a mbunt in the Ken- GDBTt tomorrow whan ttmt the Zotong Board of Appeato^U'l Deu'a List for the first half year Bowen, who was asked at the last this season. In the course of vablch 1 oonaiiten teaUmony In the loveliest women’s shop in town, in Board meeting to make a survey iie competitidh. Two old timers, ^ ®**^ jrear NEA 8er\lce Sports Editor stitute for him on Frances Keene, tucky Derby. order U> get a head .itart on these act on two petitions, one restow*®* are G.. W. Cheney, R. W. Lucey, Germu- an unknown filly He Is under contract to the they annexed the State^ f^ltob o( JalTe varaua the Metro- a large tract adjolnlnij Main, St. O. B. Hunt of Muebester. Cfiicney of the cosU and plana, may pre- mll PUtt, coach of the Local cage fans who witnessed Temps, March 17 — WlUlim Iterations. Fradln's will be cl«wed sent some information on the sub- Ameiicaiis, and Joe Hublard, Frances Keene pounded home, f w^odvale farm and would gat to League Utto and W |^rn MasSA- i^Utan Ufe Inawanca com ply | James and Forest »tree^ o ^ e d to a senior, Lucey to a Junior and S the New England interscholastlc Boyd McKechnle saw eomethlng ; $04.60 for two, and McCreary I y ,, highly-regarded Our BooU '^SSn^tnc an insuranoa- ciaim the all day tomorrow. On Thursday, ject. Today, however, Bowen was sponabr-thanager of the Green, chuoetts tourney, ^ e Polish-Amer- however. they will be open by Mra Adeline Cheney Olcotfc Hunt a sophomore in the Univer- tourney at'Manchester, N. H., last the Cub# missed last season, so ..ss off on his amazing string ol j y trainer Steve Judge gave the hold U payable to h ^ Mrs. Olcott desires permission to confined to his home with Illness, have decided to call it quits, and week-end say that Bristol was far icans travel to Hartford tonight to Jaffa, local resident who promptly at nine with a three-day Members of the Anderson family pictured sity. u d hto report may be delayed. it developed at the first meeting Bobby Mettlck- geta e chance td succeeaes both at Hialeah an<^ at | gyt Our Boots will have to light: Frederick H. Anderson. O. Ootfried Anderson, Miss Gertrude use part of thU tract for the erec- from championship form In cop- the Tropical meeting now under- engage the Gems in the fifth and la aWicrl to have died by 1^ Alteration sale which will bring During the past week he haa con- of the Twl League that Nick An- play ehortatop for the Reds. carry 126 pounds at Louisville Spring's newest fashions to local A. Anderson u d Mrs. O. G. Anderson. tion of a garden type apartment The regular meeting of the ping ths title . . . but it mvatjha way. Derby day, and Judge may decide deciding clash of thrir cage eeriee over a year ago. Spectfically b'ulldlng. The Main street frontap ferred with engineers of the sUt* j^ lo will not manage a team this considered that the Men of'Mona- Though Billy Myertr shorUtop- ' tialaiante are minora, women at worthwhile sarings. Army u d Navy Club will oe held highway department on plus. Th^ ped the ClnclnnaUe to two pen- There Was nothing In the tiny that 30 pounds of lead le too much at the Hopkins street gym. Both would not bo affoctod by tomorrow evening at the clubhouse hand aaif action no leps than four St. Louis rider’s early record to dead weight. losses suffered by the Amerks were ' Wncc S, Jaffe, Efrem Jaffe. and The alterations when completed sUte engineers are contlnuallyp „ Indefinite timee In one week, playing Wind- nanta and a world championship, will give Fradin’s an entirely new tlon. In the second request, Clifford at 8 o'clock. ngslo Is sacretary and treasur- foreshadow his remarkable de- Owners usually pick only exper- meted Out by the Gems end the 'Zaldon M. Jaffe. reprveented by Massey wishes to erect a house on constructing various types of high- ham In the state finals Monday, Bill McKechnle decided the club appearance. Wall cases, .which ways which might fit In here, u d of the Twi circuit again but At a special aseembly at the local State Trade School yesterday required a new hand at the posl- velopment. He was astride only 10 ienced stake riders for the Derby, later rule as favorttaa tonight • Oadr guardian Oscar Suasman. Family Contributes Freely William street nearer the Jilghway Vermont In the N. E. opener but McCreary has picked up so because the local stalwarts wiU en-' <#lm $10,000. MiRM Ha»el Orlgga have until now extended only part Town Engineer J. Frank Bowen It was decid'd that their sugges- Nlc'kle without a t«am to like ap- afternoon, Captain Leo Katkaveck of-Trmde’s state B bailwt^U winners between tlje time he first th u regulations permit. Both ex- ple pie without cheese. He has Thursday, Windham again Friday ^mplonli proudly receives the ClAC’s beautUul trophy froin Martin triumphed In July.'1939, and hla much racing lore ha atUl may get ter the fray,without Bnmo •’Buck" C m the bearing way up. will be heightened to the is confined to his home today by- tions would be sought. and then Rindge Tech of Cam- The Chicago#, which finished Miss Ma».el Dftgg*. well knonm ceptions to the zoning rules will worked hard for the past ten or Phelan of Lewis H t^ of Southington while Oosch Harry Kltchlng start with Frances Keene. the mount. Bychotokl. foremoet scorer In the I token from a n»}iubar of lo ^ celling Itself, with recessed display be discussed at open hearing u d Illness. Proposes Federal O rut bridge, Mass., in the finals Satur- fifth, had the seme idee. four previous games. mmsb of the IncldenU regard- local reader, ta directing the cast nooks at regufSr Intervals. A re- To Community's Welfare This morning Selectman David twelve years and for the most part lo^K on smilingly. High tribute was paid to the ca^rs '>«‘®« So It was e simple matter to Since that victory on Francte 80 short he often must let his u y Interested person may speak. has been connected with Morlarty day . . . you've got to be super- valet unsaddle hto mounU, Mc- This wiU be the PA'S eighth gaffe’s death, and a tranKilp- of characters f«^ amiDK^iTicnt of the waU cases will •The Board of Zoning Qommls Town Treasurer George H. Wad- Chambers said that he would think human to withstand a pace like first Trade School entry to annex the title. Speakem Included Mr. arrange e trade, especially when Keene, however, McCreary haa h iSM Ot this testimony was eubmu- Aiiih'R nlav. ’^American, Very be made also and Will provide the cost, whatever It might . be, Brothers in both baseball and foot- Phelan, Director J. O. Echmallan and Erik Modean Th« H ^ ld . the Bruina were willing to toes ridden the amazing total of 88 win- Creary neverthelaas haa shown tart in 17 days, one of tbe moat themselves Into the C.O.D. Class sloners will hold a continued hear- dell haa returned from a trip to ball. He haa given hto all for the that . . . ' ' world of courage and confidenct In strenuous campaigns ever attempt- to New York. Renea-al of the Early,” »t High ’^^,' 3 much needed additional fitting Coventry. March -18—(Special) ^ Florida occasioned by the Illness of could be defrayed in part at least Gold basketballs were given the Individual players and taey atop In James J. Oleeson, a swift, ners. He booted home 43 more _Few towns can boast of a fam- u d for two years have consistent- ing on the application of E. J. HoU sport and yet he would not com- witch and extra base hitting out- at Hialeah before the meeting clos- beating highly-regarded jockeys In ed by a Manchester array and the there has resulted In day and Friday e^nlng. April 3 rooms. At the rear of the shop, \ ly earned money to be used for next Monday night at eight his father, Thomas Waddell of by federal gru t, but this aspect The set-up of the New England ceived letters or stars, certificates and tie clasps, the prm iR ^ ily contributing more freely to the has not yet been IhyestlMted. mit blmaelf as to his plans for this by Clifford’s. Lettsrs went to Wally Parclak, Chet B^holskl. Lro fielder who batted .813 through- ed and has ridden 15 during the , c l o s e f i ni s he s . only defeat auatalned in that *lMal petaona being *®v*^.v* display nook will be flanked with the future redecorating of the o’clock. Holl desires to chuge the St Petersburg. season bsyond a statement, ‘Tve event Is a constant source of period was the 47-57 decislan earn- ’'4tolhar atatomenta In New York, “ oeneral windows attracUvely made up welfare of the community th u Chambers calculated It Would take puBzlement to the pubUc, and to Ota, te s te r Klrka. Charlie Hlrth, Joseph Draghl and M w ^ er Alto^ out a campaign In which the pltch- .‘^ g ^ t e ^ t l m l r own voU t^ play are in charge of Helen the town of Coventry can. Here church edifice. All of this h u been zone of property consisting of the over $20,000 to reconstruct Main not made up my* mind yet’ '»r# exceeded their usual authority. ed by the Gems In the third meet- with Venetian blinds. done under the direction of their Rockledge tract on Middle turn- Fire Comndsstoner E. L. G. Morlarty Brothers nave an- us, too . . . we can’t explain Just Perrett while stars wars given to Katkaveck, Zlground Wally ing of these keen rivals. The PA's a New York summons u not finance chidrmaaXof the New fluorescent lighting fix- lives the family of Mr. u d Mrw street from the center to the tow lck . ^ arlle Packard and Mitchell Rubacha, who had already ^JJeacon McKechnle no doubt Page teacher. pike east from AA to A residence Hohenthal haiii returned from nounced their intention of how the entries are selected but a took .into consideration Myers evened matters last week with a I here In such a case. club. tures are to be installed, u d a O. Gotfrled Anderson on Oakwood terminus, the part which Is under few years ago it was the practice won letters. Music was furnished by the school orchestra. idlM Drigga baa for yeai^toy- Farm at the center of the com- Miss Anderson U the present 11- At a hearing already held on this trip to the‘south during which he soring the former Bluefields-Leg- lump at the plate and the feet 52 to 43 triumph. The Gems won a tsstlfytng tomorrow wlU moat attractive linoleum floor cov- brariu of the Porter Library As- petition, action was not taken u consideration. ion array for the 1941 season wlui to select one team from each of Not a Fight in Sight ^ ffoHcemen Joasph A. Pren- ed a prominent part In munity. , ^ _ visited several of the winter cen- There have been some officials that MatUck to six years younger the opener by 44-41 but the eting will cover the entire floor sociation of Coventry u d the only two members of the Zoning ters u d stopped at some of the Felix McEvitt as manager and tbe six states, a second entry from Amerks took the aecond clash bera and Raymond Oriffln. theatricato and apace of the shop. John McCann, Mr, Anderson catne here from who have fdvored merely re-sur- the sUte that was host to the Mattlck Improves As haa played In productlona o f the New Havera Mrs. Anderson la a chalrmu of the current executive Board were preeent. There was op- new army camps being con- facing the street with top dressing Jim Foley as coach. Players who Double Vision Fades by 48-44. local painter, will do the decorat- board. She will be Installed as As- position from nearby property structed in Florida u d Georgia, pastimed with the Gas Housers tourney and the other place was Mattlck wasn’t precisely a Hon Coach Johnny Falkoakl will have Mark Twain Maakera of Hartford\ ‘-g following a color scheme of native of the town, being the of binding mi tcrial, but today such rotated between the various statea Among Baseball Heads inrchill Says The choice of the cast la now daughter of the tote Mr, u d Mrs. sociated Matron of Climax Chap- owners at that time. Including Camp Blanding where town officers as commented on the last year are expected to be un- Down 6 Times in 1st, us Wagner—with a stick mark of one newcomer on hU equadi name- ua u d peach. ter. No. 98. O.E.S., of Merrow, on local -Guardsmen are training. der the banner of Sllbros. . . . now OoimecUcut and Maasa- .217, but McKechnle didn’t need ly, Al "Putt” Saimonds of the completed and reheareaU are well Anders Olsen. Their two children, -J ^ ;ob thought a complete rebuilding chtiseTta fumiah two teams apiece RFor m u y y?ara Fradin’s have Gertrude Alyda u d Frederick March 19, 1941. operation ought to be planned, Had Some Fin} feaiti hla spectacles to m the son of Green and Hamiltons, who went Cruisers Sent under way. Aseoetote Patron and Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island Chick, the old White Sox flyches mighty well against the Springfield enwed u enviable reputaUon In Huntington, attended the Coven- At 12:46 a. m. today A car being la Traffic Hazard Hublard has had some great and New Hampshire have one Pa(stor Finally Wins Major and Minor Loop j Cowley Almost the vromfn'a wear field. Now, with try schools. Miss Anderson enter- Frederick H. Anderson has Federal Food driven on HlllstOwn road by Gray- Abandoned car rails now run the teams In the past that were al- er, come on during the last half Armory at' Holyoke Sunday. In served as Worthy Patron of Cli- apiece . . . Mosul. HoU SeMionj . XT A'lwriu wur Across Atlantic ent of the leaae-lend program tbejM proposed alteraUona, ed they the employ of the Aetna Life lu d Clough of 498 North Main length of the street, creating a ways up there with the top rank' 1 ' ^ of the grind. ^ ^ have cWmed he had learned thla from will be 'to a better posiUon to dis- max Chapter for the past year, Ing teanu In Manchester. His "I don't know why the Cubs Koee, Inauruce Co. Immediately upon street crashed into a utUltles pole. traffic hazard all the time. The The last four states mentionsd To Di»cu.. A g r e e m e n t I N C W M a r k ••thoroughly reliable play fauloht for women In a set On March 19, 1941 he will again For Students presence of the rails makes proper name baa be«i coupled with base- didn’t like him," says Wllkinsburg Bychotokl. tOmrttaned ffrem Tags Ooe) graduating from Manchester High The car was demolished and crown a state champion but Broadway • Bob Rallies* I and accused Halifax of getting the ting to ifoXthem JusUce. Shopping School. She entered as a typist be InaUlled as Associate Patron Clough suffered head bruises, not care of the roa'a impoaslble, it Is ball for. the past 16 years and Sports Roundup Will, with the thin smile he twIsU Say Lanili* Blundered. Ekldto HaraburdA Stan Qralach, Up to "frighten the SUte DepAf*;: at Fradln’sXwlll be mors of a and will serve as a tompanlon of- when ha started on that barren Massachusetts has an esatern To Gain Vordict Over his face Into when he feels he has aa. v» s a 'r ^ a .1 1 KurlowlcE and Johnny Vojeck. and file clerk but soon became as- serious however. He toU police said. It it considered doubtful if and western titUst so both are ic. Ithe t»n«> men and the American P«<‘P>*- pleasure thah. ever In these new, ficer with hla sister. Mr. Anderson the road Is merely recoated, that spot of ground known as Jarvis By Eddie Brietz put something over. H i* P o i n H o l a l Thea# toda were worn and wearg. mllss east of Nsw sociated with the magazine called Three Local Sthools to his auto skidded on u Icy. patch. chosen . . . why >>Ui the Nutmeg McKechnle has been eyeing Mat By Gayle Talbot Wheeler placed little credence in delightful surroundings. "The Aelna-Ieer.” Since then she la a mechanic at Colt Patent Fire u y binder would stick to the rails. Grove he gave ffeeely of hto time Tur k Thompson in Fu' New York. March 18.—Broad- J In Sunday but thsy’ve had 48 houra and money to put the Green on champ and runner-up should be tick since 1937, when he was quite St. Petersburg, Fla.. March 18. p a s s e d O n ly U n c e in ready,-to make a ____ _ 1 reoalved the the InformaUon. , ^ . .v- bah assisted In editing this maga- Arms In Hartford. Participate in New If such recoating alone is to be rious 'Battle on, C o a s t. way hears Shipwreck Kelly has Other Bourcha reported that the Mrs. O. G. Anderson la serving The Board of Park Ckimmissiqn- done, the necessity for re-construc- the map. He had Ideas of getting entered is logically explainsd, we sold his football Dodger stock to a ball player with Los Angeles _(fl>)_If everybody concerned Is N a tio n a l H o c k e y L o o p , 'trong bid'for the payoff uit. at A s certain _ Information was obtained from an zine while serving as sccreUry to ers will meet Friday at five o’clock a public playground at the Green think, by the comment we heard and when he suffered double vision ivuuuuaai » J I The Ctome’ llueup win Include J. K. Luther. Last year she cele- her second very prosperous year Project for Children. tlon would only be delayed. It is Los Angeles, March 18—(JO—' Sonja Henle, the wife of Dsn Top- telling the sbsolute truth, then the V-Boato,” he toM hla audl- intercepted message pent to at as president of The Ooventnr in the mimiclpal bulldlng.it was and a suitableiltaT------place for his------teams the other day. "It takes a Connec- ping, who was Shipwreck’s part- as the result of being struck on player-coach Herb Peteraon, Benny •Hdt tlnce October, 1M$, Pick Officers brated her fifteenth Aetnaversary. said, because as toon as the under- ticut team to eliminate a Connec- Broadway Bob Pastor punctured Mbhtreal,'March 1*-(F )— Bin least one German submarine, be- Fragment Society. She Is a very Although both school and town unounced today by Park Super- ground wooden ties begin to rot, a to play. The small, but comfort- ner... our Mr. Bid Feder breezed the head by the ball. The trouble meeting of major end minor Zajec, Henry Zajac, Joe Noca. I bean cheered by auch lieved to be n type capable of long Hecond Year As Mastor intendent G. Philip Skewes. Plana able clubhouse on East Middle ticut team” . . . you ain’t lyin’, another California bubble of the correcting Itself. The boy took league baseball executlvea here to- j Boston'e great playmaker, Mias ^nderson to never tiring In active worker In the gruge where officials In charge profess to have depression will be formed that will ring last night, but it took all the in from Havana via Miami today Larry Bernabeo, Wally Urbaa and range operations for an extended she has served on the degree team for spring win be discussed u d Turnpike was also his idea. He brother! with a tip that the Giants will treatments all winter. morrow threatena to be K”*®*- only ha# outdlaianced all Na Fred Ferrie. tae, caniTChlll add For DeMolav her wllHitgneas to perform official slight information o nthe subject, routine business will be taken up. have to be corrected. gave color to local baseball and heart and experience he could Without Mattlck, McKechnle Wtter la tba naod of Hlt- length of Ume. or mentoli$aka for her commun- and various committees. it was sUted today by Town An Alternatlv’e command to do it. bust loose with a big deal any day There Isn't a fight In sight, iney tlonal Hockey League rival# in A preliminary wiQ be played at Oakwood Farm Is a moat pleas- his passing from active manage- The Armory Five of Springfield would not be afraid to risk It all hia gang to cut the sea Validity Not Reoognlaed ity. She Is nbw serving her second Treasurer George H. Waddell that Probably the Selectmen will Pastor punched out a 10-round now...MaJ. Bob Neyland of Ten- with Eddie Jooat, who performed al) declare. . • ^ 7:30 o’clock with the main attrae^ ing little spot tucked away DelU Clhaptcr, Royal Arch Ma- favor an argeement with the Con- ment win be a loss to the great was both the luckiest and unluck- nessee is telling friends privately "In fact." added William O. •twaen Oraat Britain and A submarine operaUng In the Edward Millhouse Is year as the Mq.iter of Coventry he believes a distribution of fed- national pastime. iest entry in the Holyoke tourney decision over 'young Turkey at second, ahortstop and third base ed‘ ' ancw^rerord*f oraaatotA^^' h^ J •utod Statos and, having « - western AUantlc shipping tones Giangc. No. 7», F, of H. Previous- against a bank on a aide road eral commodities la to go to three sons, will meet at the Temple at necticut company whereby the Thompson after lifting himself he expects to be recalled to Army Braroham, head of the minor 7:30 tomorrow night to confer the Hublard withdrew from the Twi . . . thto dark horse array nipped term and even filled in acceptably I J,?nt-total rorpamed only tlMM m lfhty powera. to de- would be Inside the Pan-American Master Councillor pf ly the served as Lecturer of this close to the center of the com- local schools to be gnven to tmder- rails will be, removed, and a new league In 1940 as most of his team, off the oanvas six times In the duty within three months—despite at first base when Frank McCor- leaguera. "I wouldn’t be aurprlaed munity. Here is where "Daddy" Royal Arch degree on a group of road will be built, perhaps paved the Foster Machine cagera of War Department statements It If It turns out to be the most har- neutrality none, now patrolled Grange for six consecutive years. nourlshed children. The provi- which represented the Green, was Westfield. Mass., 37-85, then edged first round, in s bout that kept mick waa hurt on the spring ex- an* Ofttnlatle N ^ dally by air u d surface ships of John Mather Chapter. For some years she has taught a shines. Mr Anderson is a particu- sions will be used to provide prominent Manchester men. It with concrete. the crowd of 14.000 howling. has no plans for same. Meybee monious meeting In history. We larly good gardener, which profes- will be the tost time that Ray Reconstruction presents many made up of other players from Twl tbe Holyoke Worthington Pumps hibition tour. minor leaguera certainly have no game coming up tonight. P*' aasakbig with an opUmla' the U.. 8. Atlantic fleet. However, Sunday School class at the Second lunches, and In some cases to aid teams. At about the middle of the by 31-29 to enter tbe flnsU, only That first round, with, good they mean immediate plans... Why Percentage Player haa a record of 15 g ^ t o e®d _4® ] ^ ^*** ______,T a g ^ n g BrltalnV the Europeu belligerento \ have John Mather chapter. Order of Congregational Church, 61 which sion he followed formerly. He to a In the domestic science courses. Warren will preside at the con- difficulties in grading, for one side season he dropped his whole club looking Bob bouncing around like Mike Jacobs Is strictly kosher, but McKechnle la UnWorried quarrel with the big leaguera. aaalsta for 60 polnta. Hto nearest very capable carpenter and, with ferring of this degree. of Main street to higher than the to bow to the local PA’s in a •That’s right." asserted Presi- nrt recognised the validity of the DeMotoy, held its semi-annual she la a member, and haS- been Schools to receive goods from the and went over ;o the Blueflelds- whirlwind finish, 29-28 . . . Al a rubber ball—once he was belted he was born in a Celtic neighbor- A third straight flag la tougher rivals, tied at 44 polnta aro Bone In which the American repub- election of officers at Its meeting Secretary and Treasurer oil the his own hands, has created a de other u d in adviition to this there Leglon taking that team Into the through the ropes—set the tempo hood and never misses a-St. Pat- to win than the second, but Mc- dent Ford Frick of the National Bryan Hextall and Lomn Patrick, lightful house u d surrounded It first shipment of foodstuffs are the are several hills ' between Center Grenert, New York University LeagTie. "I know we don’t want «a fen the autumn and win UcB have buned hoatlUUea. In the Masonic Templo tost night. sante for eight years. Her Bunce. Barnard and Nathu Hale Manchester haa one case of Trl-Coimty League to finish out hoopster who appeared In two for the furious/exchangei that fol- rick's day parade. Which la why Kechnie, the percentage player, of the New York Rangers, and Colleges Open ^ taenaatogly eomlng Into Officers for the ensuing six months with rock gardens, rose 'gardens, street and the terminus. Drainage lowed. he flew back from Miami for yes- to fight anybody. I get enough of If a U-boat la en route to Amerl- now conalsU of twenty-two of the schools. lobar pneumonia, according to the the season, games with the Holyoke Ward isn't worried. Gordie Diillon and Syl Appe. of the Our own OotUlaa are grow^ cu waters, qualified persona here term were named ss Jollows; Mas- moRl promising younger set of the nlnubs U d vegetable gai^^n, weekly report of the SUte Health Is a prime consideration, and if it Thompson, fighting his twelfth terday’s spectacle He knows pltcMng to 78 per cent that dTirlng the regular aeaaon Toronto Maple Leaft. all at whom Has SUte Approval. Is not carefully planned, water putt Long in Game Six, earned high scoring honors W to"oum bar. Our air power ov believe that It probably would be ter Councillor, Milton Stratton: community. They have organised therein to bring up his children. department. One case of measles in the tourney and was swarded a main event, did everything but or more of baseball, and he has wh-ner: the past three weeks Is not In .flood easterly side streets. enough. The New Yorker came Ed Barrow is bouncing around —, , To Dlacuwi Agreement ^*(^wley’e assist total to nght George VI sent a measage Junior Deacon, Kandall Brown. other towns. It was said, u d has The present condition of Main Just why he stopped this year can back to capture the second round, Suck a subroarinc carries a crew eluded this week.' be understood by some of us who At the height of yesterday’s Florida wearing a straw hat and Gene Thompson, Monte Pearson, The announced purpose of to- over the -former record made, by Duquesne Face* Ohio jtflS fe gatbeftag «ytng *our of 66 ud has a range of aboRit Theac elective officers and the the approval of the sUte welfare street with a cracked u d holed floor Turkey in the third with a . Whltey Moore, Joe Joe Prlmeau of Toronto nine yearo — wahxmw” to Cha new Teacher Wms department and the federal com- were close to him. We respect hli brief snowstorm, Clem Pontlllo, an overcoat.. .and old Hans LO' morrow’s all-day gathering le to at 10.000 miles without refueling. appointive officers will be Install- British Defeat surface to considered a danger to right to the stomach, drop the bert is helping coach the Phils Begga, and ago. The only Wgher point totals And CCNY M c^* V i r dor "will tosUfy to the ed on Monday evening, April 7 at modtUes division. All the past presidents of the cars, u d repair money is mainly wishes but feel It can be safely reputed to be the master mind be- fourth, and then take every other go thoroughly Into the major- The dlatuce 'between New York Americu Legion auxiliary are said that he has taken the wrong hind the Dairymen's success In dolled up in a baseball cap, sweat huge John Hutchings, not to men- minor league agreement which ter- were establtohed in the 19W-S0 that are upparnioat in all a public Installation. Waddell said that application wasted on a Job that needs com- chapter. tion , Bob Logan and season, when Cooney Welland aet ginia in First Game*.' today eff gniutuda to Uw ud Bordeaux in occupleil France Party Award for the food had been made by asked to meet tomorrow, night at plete re-doing. It Is said. slant on his reason. His teams softball last season. Issued Offi- Twice more Thompson hit, the er, shorU, baseball shoes and i minates next year and see what to 8,800 nautical mtlea aq a sub- Hpring D ui-e Italians Again; Witt Guise, the totter two season- the all-time record of 737 olnta and whon he represents Md o< The annual DeMolay Spring school and education board offi- eight o’clock at the home of Mrs were good. If he could get them cial communique No. 8242-A In deck, in the eighth. Once he seem- wrist watch. can be done about improving It. mark. marine of this type could cross the David Thomas, 46 Oourtland together at one time and were al- which he stated that he was plan- ed left-handers. two others paaeed the New York, ^ March 1»—(F>—, .jtkm tor tha great o t a ^ Dance will be held on Friday night cials In the town. ed more tired than hurt. The oth- Junior Thompson accounted for There can be no definite action Conditions were.eomewhat dl^ r-lj.j^ p college basketball MU who atands at their head." Atlutlc, cruise for an additional street. ways sure to cause plenty of trou- ning to take hto team to the south er time a barrage of rights and Biwy Man’s Newepnper now. as any suggestions made by 3.000 miles In opfirattons and still of this week In the Temple. Wil- 800 Captured 188 Mary Young An In the first shipment, to be re- Bakery Suspends 16 engagements in 1940. thoujih ent then, with emaller squads pv-1 whose combined efforts during the. ;^|atMduclng the V nlM BUtea fred Maxwell and hto Modernalra. ceived today, are 30 dozen eggs. ble. He stated at the first annual Immsdlstely . . • south Bolton . . . lefts sank the Turk for an eight Tom Lacey, Harvard’s wrestling out eeven weeka with a epl this meeUng will have tp be voted Mador to tha luncheon audl- have ample fuel for the return trip. banquet tost year that h®, wm Ing the playsre more time on thetp^ season produced *4 vtctcrtsM a well known local orchestra will nounced HoUler_ of 510 pounds of grapefruit. 54 cans The meeting of Gibbons Assem- count. champion, has authored 160 poems wound. upon by all leagues, big and little, ice and a libera, off-elde rule In 12 defeats open the fourth ns- ChurchUl predicted th^ "the (Continued From Page One) bly, Catholic Ladles of Columbus, through but it’s nstursl for all old Still a dangerous opponent, the ...and Dick Harlow, the footbfcU before their adoption. furnish the music for the dance. of peaches, 450 pounds of apples. Business Today tlmsrs to make such a statement McKechnle feele that Peareon’e » .. .n,i FricK I effect for part of the season which tionn, intercollegiste InvitaUaB arm ooaM when the British Claim R eport ITorA- Maxwell’s band Is well -htiown to Number on Hope Che8t 30 pounds of butter, cereals and which was scheduled to he held In Negro shook Pastor In the tenth coach, knows Intimately each of rincipal dllfflculty with the Besides and Frick ‘ J gave the attackers an overwhelm- basketball tournament at Madtoon a and tha UnlUd BUtea will all who attend the Manchester said both sides had suffered heavy and no one took him seriously. Yet Rugby Planned but couldn’t follow through and his 600 varieties' of birds, their dried fnilt. the K. of C. home tonight, haa like Hublard he missed his first ankeee was that Joe McCarthy those here for the c o ^ Square Oardet tonight. together the soleKm but (?/ *W'ar In citers' High school baakelbaU games losses.) Miss Mary Young, of 104 Wash- been postponed u d instead The Blue Ribbon bakery, which was taking punishment at the lineage and history, likes and dlA ^ M n e h i n e - O u n T t w i p a win Twl meeting in eight years iMt got off him. George Tautman. president of the potion of thto second-place ^ rtcortU at id dutlea which are the BerUn, March 18 Author- There will be facilities for check- ington street, a teacher In the be held Friday evening' in St. has been located in the one-story finish.----- J, I likes. . .Tennessee Is going to Walters, Derringer end Thomp- American Association; Dr. “•’ - - —-• -* *-u -• i««iin»i. • - fijgt-rouad ing and jrefrealinients will be An R. A. F. communique said week which gives credence to hto By Grid Coach Tho fight was har^y 30 seconds ,^j.ks Import B^th Atlantic quartet and of 1 laaet aa good,’ wUl play fl at victory.** ized BOurcea aald today reports of Hollister street school, was u - James’s School hall. brick building off Main street at 1940 prediction. son prompUy welcomed Pearson Wilder at the finals ara Th Supply Britola served. - British planes dive-bombed an,d Assert Valona the rear of the State Service Sta- * when Thompson s long left ^ Florida feel at hoine by 1 a mem^r of a Big Four. League; Trammell 11 Scott of the goal-getter won t I *««»«• Wedneeday. Semi- an alleged Oermu long dlatanrr nounced the winner of the hope Ixical bsseball’s loss will be neqted with Bob’a the final W Ihut declared that / ^ e U-boat being en route to Arqcrt- ttolrioUc Uecorations mflchln^-gxinntd ItAllEii troops The special bus run by the tion, went out of business yester- keenly felt as the season progress- ^hmoson putUng tand on the home gridiron Vander Meer,Z’ the „ consecutive AssociaUon; SyWoWe^f Si ^d'w ople have now girded •The decoration committee haa gun poaltlonH In the Cheren area chest. and contents awarded at Grayhound Line from Hartford to day. The trouble started when dif- Tom Lieb .of Florida went down for three, Thompson I H Wade of the Charlotte no-hit, no-run hero of 1938, to Pby* jopiii Harrldge of the •^*®*rlcan I • .n(< • fair chance to I . ^ c u waters were a "put-up Job by Now Wrecked es. AU three of these men were closed In, flghUng viciously. Pea- ln ...ca m .^ ck l|«t Ed*Barrow. New VorK ha« « send Du- __ to give Britain ships, Amertcai\ war Inciters.’ arranged to give a patriotic motif ud attacked the railroad south- the St. Patrick’s Day entertain- Boston for the Flower Show in ferent men who bad been buying heart and soul in the national Observer tags Sid Hudson slcally fit again , , guna. munitions u d f<^ to the dec*)ratlvc scheme for the tor took counts for two, three, fall to Win three games, including Universtty They zaid that, while ordinarily east of the town. One Italian ment given in St. Bridget’s Hall, Boston, stopped at Depot ^uare goods at the bakery and delivering pastime and all three were Hope* to Mold Boll beautiful, young pitcher.” Good Yankees;fees; Clark Griffith. Washing-1Washing- B.uer »®<>*®0 1Nw’y7 a tba utmost speed in t ^ dance. Red. white and blue colors plue was reported shot down. (Conttoond From Page One) this morning where six Manches- even, five and fiver—and atill tbe one that clinched the rag. no Information la given on military them over different routes in u d sportsmen, who were true to came back in the last 10 seconds neee, Gertrude... the only two ton tors; warren Giles, S^w Cln- ^ Mdle “ ‘^Vlsemsn Wiseman of BosUm,;^^^^^BoSton. vdth »» ,“ L S t % i^ v e r s it y 1 Tolumia u d with all the will dominate the scheme and a British planes attacked the last night. ter women, who were to attend Handlers, Not Brute*. home games Wyoming U. cagera OtoeeoB Aad Mele Add clnnsU Reds; Leo Bondy. New flni.hed^th w ^ S i r - u p to Col- matters, they did not hesitate to large DeMoliry emblem will be The hope chest, in the shape Of around Manchester secured _em- convictions, fought hard and lost to stagger Thompeon wrlth a blow _ _ _ their command." Italian stronghold of Tripoli in heavy toll on both aides among thb show, were picked up. ployment In different factories the same way, which 1s as It lost thto season were on the nighta Wallop To OntfloM York Giants, and •f?»«Ph 26 goato. but Boston’s Roy Ck)ns- sAo^uto “I,'' hueaklng In public for the first label this report "clumsy propa- suspended at one end of tha hall a lowboy, purchased u d filled by GalneavUle, Fla., March 18—{JCi to tbe atomach, his foe’s weak Jim Olooson and Albert Mele guda.’* t^’estern Ubya Sunday night, men who battled through the win- where war supplies are being man- should be. that loom ing’s cowboy-governor, tier, representing the Oeveland j, sweeney S^rt®«f t S ^ i ^ p J S ^ v e r w r d r t ^ I ttu a to M bla arrival In Btogtond>l No more reserved table tlckeU starting large' fires on the south women of the church, attracted ter In Albulm’a uow-banked The Luther League of the Eman —If the University of Florida point. add a badly noedod wallop to an They, called It an attempt by the unusual Interest this year. For the ufactured. Recuperating jrapldly. Pastor Neto H.' Smith, didn’t elt on the Indiana „ of Toronto only two goals tohlnd Playing a "blg-t^ms'^ Wftaant told the. Britiab-AmeriCan will be sold after Thursday. side of tl» harbor. In hangars and mounUins. The other lost his legs uel Liitheru church will hold a bench...Irish Eddie Brink, the old outfield which tost season wes iminltlons Industry to create war Members of John Mather chap- past five years they have been fol- One after another followed the BMelwIl Chatter tunis up with dlxxy doings on the feinted end danced aroimd the good enough-with Jim Ripple. Baseball CommlMloner K. M. There’s no doubt about ^ sea- tj,* DiBue won 17 games he would do "al* within ray among military stores, the com- when machine-gunned. Missionary Program tonight at 8 first of l^e delivery men and busl- lightweight, is host at Tony Pas- Lendls doe# not elt In on thto one, j jjgn title. Jimmy ^tondo state and De Paul- to carry out" the rTOmmon panic In the United States and ob- ter will make a trip to vlalt with lowing this way of raising funds They grinned back here at The dri^m ay blow a lot of lo- gridiron nfext fall—charge It off to puioled Thompeon in the second, Mike McCormick, and rved: ."We are not ad naive la to Hartford chapter tomorrow night. munique said. but this year they $e.t out to raise o’qlock at Its regular meeting with neep at the bakery continued to twice becking him Into ths ropes toris Greenwich 'VlUage spot as he will be under lively dlecue- Detroit earned It with 85 mln- of Chicago. They have the saai*' of BtlUln and the United ’A direct hit was obsened on Greek colony members who ^ent Ronald Carlson u d hla Miasion cal bOMlW ztam out of the plo- rugby. Ival Oood-aan. ^ slon, himself. In the course of pro- utea In major and aUnor penalties attack the United States with a DeMotoy Night will be obaei^’ed more funds than usual m they throu^ the train distributing clg- fall off until It reached such ^ low turo for ye*r at toast and p ^ OoMh_____ Tom ,Usb—who learned _____under a_ heavy . bombardment. Though Illness deprived him « five regulare who played In last U-boat.” the Spulah mole," It declared Committee in charge of arruge- level that It wae, not further good a few football shenanigans from Thompeon ^ook off the pundiee Qne-Mlnate Jntorvtow nouheement that purchased play- and one ten-minute misconduct. year’s tourney. Ohio U.. playing. •^e grMl mass of common at the Masonic Temple there. otfier bombs straddled shipping wished to assure a new carpet for •rettea cu d y u d fruit. menta. Mias Phyllis Noren will be zlbly longer. Big Buck Bycholfe^ spring training a year ago, Dutch Members o(,the decoration com- the church altar, as well u other business to continue operatlonB. the PoUah-American. star, to with the tote Knute Rockne—dtoeloeed but be couldn't shake off Pastor. /Mrs. Denny Myers (wife of B. Mele hit .840 In 188 games for ers coiild not be farmed out unless opponents of considerable power meat Ina world over," the ambaa- and quays." <. •This to a happy moment one the •devotional leader. Refresh- C. footbaU coach): "Being married waivers were obtained, l^ndls Locky SSTria SpUts M«ar daclamd." Is not deceived by mittee for the dance are naked' tb improvemepto ot the church. For of the soldiers said. "You < ^ t Fires were pulled e ^ y Satur- the Guards and there are plenty of today ha waa praacribed the Brit-, Ha had Pastor hanging on in the Birmingham, including-19 circuit but lesseK' fame, wozi 1* at 1* meet at the Temple Thursday In Ethiopia, (he GHQ commiinl- the past three- months different ments prill be served. - day morning u d there>^as been toh game for hto playeia, using R fourth, and there waa never a to a footbaU coach to like Uvlng cloptA and Happed 116 runs changed hto mind a couple of gamcA Tbe Ohioans boast of Hav- toarn talk of a aew world order. Admit Britigli qtie aald. Joint British Imperial and realize what we would Imve done othera who may be called into mil- round that the long-armed N e g roin___ a______trunk...but. of course, you weeks _ ago,______to tbe tremendous r^ , The Lucky Seven traveled to ing "the fastest attack to tba na* tT*wb#y realise there to no order, afternoon and evening to help ar- groups of women have been pro- to get a Greek cigarette. no further work done P7\l(e place itary sendee. la spring practice to promote acroaa the dlah. range the decorations. Ethlopton native forces are pr^“ - different entertainments, Muchester still to without word since. The chuge waaL Mostly 'wasn’t dangerouA A right to tbe to see a lot of nice collegea" Good hit, no. Held describee Mike Uef of aU concerned, but they etlU Rockville lest night to split a dou- Uon,” led by Frank BsumholtA M 'aariirllT to tyranny. They w u t ' One Greek had loet both hudz, u to the standing of its applica- open-a^le juay. ' wut. Retake Port ing retreating Italtana "oveV ® some pton for adding to noted by local restaiiruUr w’ho Rugby, says the Florida coach, stomach sent Thompson down In . ------Dejan, but Mol^hnle pictures feel that he shouldn't do things | blehesy Mary Ann Balch, indicated the a week-long Italiu offenzlve ^ *T may be aU w ^ In tba use of winter be always puts on weight up a lightweight and below the we cmn do," said one of the dele- Italian ptones were reported to, Nairobi. Kenya, March in- tm j aetlvltlea r* good tanachaU. The league wanta In training camp while others are belt a heavy, waa beaned in mid- gates. ‘T o taU the tiMth, I’m 5:30. Box scores; College has won 12 ot IE losing mImI—a world where honest have bombed British motortrucks (Continued From Page One) A South A fr icu w Greeks zald Premier MuszoUnl di- Three vehicles were involved in six If poaablle, but will con- rugby," bo says,“ hut the game at First Gaaae only to l-oyola at ChiesgA Vlb- rected petaonally. Prey of ^ b s footban Ip coming to U fast and struggling to tite It off...ecribea June and injured an elbow In col- afraid the Judge (Landis) made a to recognized." and a gaaoline depot In North Af- announcement today said ‘ Lances ^ven by members of Mrs. u accident at the Center yester- centrate on four or five and atUl liding with a wall in August, yet blunder and would like to toss It IfOricy Seven •tala best such teanos as Tea- rica. vened and were,clubbed down by •The whole civilized world fol- tba people who pur to get In to Last N ight *s F igh ts with the Cube report that If Lou B. F, nnaint. Southeastern Conferenoa plnr up If. Faith Spillane McCartln’s classes lows with aztonlahmut Greek day afternoon. A car leaving the be< able to offer good baseball this Novlkoff docent atop giving Jim- ot Into 1*6 games of the long into our 'topA" P. The high commud said British the other’ bandit, using the butt deify to pWsoneia u d stores *^1 ^ d byThVldren of the eighth u d curb, driven by Celia F. Zordils of (Oontinoed Frsm Psge One) •er A’%MM eantled to action. 2 F. Plech, rf 4 2-8 chsa)ta®*>> *®‘3 B*- J‘**pb’a at At Least One Sub Now end of hla pistol as a weapon. The Bast Africa. | feats of arma” the king zald In in. The opwi stjde of piny to bwMming my Wilson the tun around about toclfio Coeat Lekgue eeason and Mtooris Ons Reqaeet .... ptones .raided Tripoli the night of ready captured" In 176 Hilliard street was struck by By The Associated Pres* batted J ll. About the only thing ths minor 0 T. Ssvino, If .... 2 3-8 PhllsdelphlA as well aa Soutbem March 18. wounding some persona two scooped $33 from the caah whero Britlidt have thrust e through to the bottom In World on March 18 u d 16. actions In, S f h u o r u d liberty of Orsace held at V. F. W. Home, Muchea- wlQ be a mighty hard taak. MolneA Ia . knocked out Henry M ir^ to stlU a handy inflelder to Coegrove. If . . 2 0-2 reported today. room at pistol point and rifled two Brittoh were puzzled today by the Angles Times, eras a great Wacker, 189 1-2, Chicago, (2), no condition at the Ume to fool . 1 1-2 3 to lick the SL Johns t>y a acorn cash ivglaters of $79. while three Renewals S jl^ * f t o S e d ." ter Green this evening at 8:80. Germans’ frank dlactozure of firs hava around. around with a naUon-wlde poU. Lang, If .... of 45-84. The stars for tbe Mo- Hfnr days. Germu Air Force units "at- The Greeks tbe Itallana I Three prominent members the rugby player while at Stanford Washington ~ Tommy Forts, Uttle Hearts Fkritared Having flnaUy made up his Mac, c ...... 3 1-3 7 ' : /nsa details at the government a tacked u Fnemy Naval formation conferedates kept watch outside. at aboard tbe llnqr Breffien, and one In order to make the league ands Santa ClarA He didn’t have A lot Of qUicInnaU cookies work- "It's a BMst reasonable request hawks were S. Ferguson, Jsgou^ i^gjlogjaotlon were u official aeoret hnwed no dtoposltiatt to rueiw I veterans organlxatlon will ba on come up to former years a lot 120, PhiladelphlA outpointed Vic- mind to catch, Dick West will oc- Andrews, rg . 0 1-2 1 narigaUng in the eutern Medl- l^Tille police were investigating ' A re Now in O rder autborltative source said be sus- physique to be an outstanding tor Corchado. 123 1-2, Puerto ed thcmaelvea into a dither when tsks tbe 225 pounds off and I don’t think the major Fletoler, Ig . , 1 0-0 2 and GoMthwalta whilo '•an tha exact character of the terraneu March 16." the daily the robbery In Proctor’s store, the lu t week's intense aaaaulU. r^ th u d to aaatot tai making this af- pected It mlidit have beu halt to real hard work must bd srtena football player, accord- leagues wlU object at sU." said •cbmidt and Gorman weat rlne'a mtoalon not tndi- norted to have left their Eleventh * {r an Importut one. They wUJ Rico (10). the usually > reliable Tlmea-8tar Ernsst ifataU Lomlirdl’s wu communique declared, u d "hit bandits struck again at tile eatab- Demonstrates Control him British bombers over a trap. Many of the boys who have gone ing to aome coaches' Ideas at di- BalUmore—Louis (Kid) Coca mads a misprint and reported Bramhsm. "After aU, the com- 8-9 19 for the looerA Boa score#: but Informed sources saw Army shattered u d coat the Faa- ije State Commander, State Ad- away will come back one year dog^ BUI Baker nraslns the third two battleships with torpedoes. liahment of James H. Kane, only 9o far, the Air Mfenlatry has not mensiona] requiremants, but ha 147, Puerto Rico, outpointed Tony Einle Lombardi had sent a wife missioner Is the head of sU base- Referees, Rcmky. Utter. MohawkA taro poaalbUlttoB If the re- (DNB. official German news two blocks away, u d made off Of Mediterranean^Again Hartford, March 18.—license ctota 50,000 casualties. I Jutut and State Councilman. Past claimed that R. A. F. bomhera aet hence...or so It to hoped..^d bsU—not Just of the big teaguea" Commander Redmu will act as tiad apesd and kicking ability that Ctoro. 161. Norristown, Pa , (10). (instead of a wire) to Tampa from ***WUy**^lll McKechnle holds the P B F __ prove correct. agenev, yesterday reported the wth $80. Using the same tactics, ruewals may be secured now at the liner afire In their heavy raids wiMn they do If they play with was pheoomeaaL Then there was Nevrark. N. J.—Al D el^ , Brsmhsm arrived a day early to ftnt L-boat 1 of two British batUe- Aboard a Brtttob Cruiser Some oommuder and m uaghetU sup- groups meanwhile their Oakland, CSL cards to CSaclnnsU, and wlU\Con- sSscea* JBeceed Game 1 Haugh. r f ...... 1 TiM wu that the they herded two clerks u d five where on the MedlUrrueu u y branch office of the Motor Ve last week on Oormu ports. tbe groat Pat O'Day of Wtocoasln, 1*8, New Yoric. outpointed Wal- tinus to play them close to the preside at a hot dispute between RotoiV^ Fnlooa JrA 1 Krob, If. .••••.I. I*I g aant to the shipping ahips in the M editerru eu .) customers Into a rear room. per will be served at tbe done at standard of play win be Improved. a former Australian rugby playar, the Montreal Sad MUwriikee clubA at the western A U utic. to j March 18._(F)—BrlUln’a war Three New Buses tbe meeting. Commander Frank lace CrosA 310. Feet Orange. N. Today's Gnaet Star vest. E F. T. 8 jaegota, o ...... 5 0-6 the hides Departrout or at the main a aroadsrful klckar who could He decUned to give any details of 10 10 U carrying Americu fleet demoutratlng anew office in Hartford, it was announc- w _____1 1 SmsmiI Valluxsl urges aU membera of the ZIpp Newnum. Birmingham Coegrove, r f .....5 0 0 GoWthwaite. rg 8 , 0-1 control at the Mediterrueu Oldest Yale Mau The High achool and Trade dropklck on the run dtotancea ‘^'TrontOA N. J.—Wicky HarklnA News: "Doc Prothro’s venton of uthe e srgUBient.srgumenu |q M i ^ if ...... 8 1 5 4 S. FergusoA Ig • W »Britain, and thus make go.jd ! a |Pnrtv ed today In a department bulletin. ror Local JLaIiei»|post to aUend and give’ the past ------outpointad Mtler's thrtc«'rep^^^ t A r c tril I Matirice Moriarly escorted some of the largest con commudera a royal rsceptlon. •chool squads win P*®**®***?, .J* only dreamed up by the present 14*, PhiladelphlA Tba *,.« • PhUadriphta^ _ fitory,*__ _ _ to _ Chapeaen, If .... 0 1 1 * Gaudtoo, o ....* 0*1 • iM orhe^ the f our teazM of tto ^ .Paulis Walker, ,1*2. ‘Trento (10); loit'dlffertnt from Katharine 4 at rmomi zeoent weeks that Lives in Florida day boy. II— — 1 2 OUBskl, I f ...... 2 0 0 Shiehto. Ig ...... 1 0*3 Brtttob abips cruise we New Resideuce Is Operated Upon twl Leggue hut In "We play the game for condl- Harvey Maemy, 1*5. New Orieana Hepburn’A" Laughtea, c ...... 1 2 4 0 K. FerguaoA 1* 1 O’* •gxlnat them our xubma- h\ Three new buses to ®a®d u lormer ytnrz tbe league wlU a g ^ ttoaiag,' Ueb contlnoes, "and nee |outpthar y a «. ban when »"»'*'** la ingto whm IMUo Thesdormm, 1*6 *>4, Ru- iB ths lasiiiifsi tiire ot _ of Michigan tsnato begins la April L. McVelgb. Ig . 1 0 a New Havsn. Mardi 18.--IF)— tbs Motor Veblctos DepsrtmsiH. to tbe OBSD Addto to < M liBWda (10). baskstbaU eenter. to almost bUad tha ooupto with a flreptoM aet evening, but was not feeling welt PrssUtont Ghartoa putaUc acbooto of New York Ctty aowavar. If tMaa ^llllo» get la ths Icatbsr uasd first to eut lato when ytbe YToIvcrtaca tosqe for The party included gtwata from He decided later to vlalt a doctor The Sp^lcstlon must bs signed In sd by the patnna of tbs two Unss itog tosk up fejoat of time at but that didn't stop Score nhhounce4 tod^ that *80 students, ftS *®tutor-|S^ until 1*06 srtwn be rstlrad. . ^ XHJCh with Jnat Dwyer there la "trmnln.’' or oblongs ot Bant H arif^ aad Springfield u in Hartford and w bu examined nesriy ooe-thlrd of tbs underr to printing one’s full Wallaee aew Uvea In Florida get plenty of P®» iL 'z:rA 'iS - " “ “ I " . - , , - , o - . u S,. well u llascfewatcri The vlaltorai was talpsh to tba Hartford boapt- grsduato body, sttatosd tbs d ^ s nsmt. It w u smdiatoss^ rv " Iff •aslsrti::; £SS ba zMsad attar taavlag pi^ d e d n botf et Juacb and du e- tal.' It « M P delicata operatlQb, list—sdistoaae bobor roU—for tbs AO drtters boWbME a Mgtts4 *1 tnvaled wiiMy tb-Uls Uaitra ^ u d gigms rounded out the but bis good physical condtUnn first bslf yesr.Tq make tbe deu ’a am nsust npg^ at tbs Hsrtfued Ha to now In hto year r * pwig»*to- stood him . welL office for rowvaL by the ; He wOl re m ^ at tha hoa^tal list, a student must attain js ( u - Oea to emplnyen jsral avnags of B—•• per cant— tion atsy bs atgda 6^: HI aBtok' Lnaibar Oei for ssoa wasito tae obeervauoe 'or blifesr. MAHCREI^^ER Ey^sWlNO HERALD, IIANCHE8TBR, CONN. TUESDAY, MARCH IS, 1941 MANCHESTER IRVENWO teRALD/IIANCinSBTW t. CONN. TUIMPAY. M ARC^lg. RT FRED RED RYDER The B if Bail Fox Sense and N onsense ftif

Are Ton A Rblneesrest Teacher—Unoelflshneae means What Ts Os going without aoraethtng you If you’u fsoHn* tired and Uw No one who knew anything .necid, voluntarily. Can you give me And you don’t know what to do, bout anlmato would place a rtto- an example of that Bobby? Do nothin’; ooaroa at the head of a board of Bobby—Yemum. >Sometlmea 1 If your appetite’s not right stratesy. He to nearsighted, and go without a bath when I need Saturday aftarnooB. Mrs. Mary ebargra angrily with shut eyes Houw Appliances______HlUa, lecturer o f B ast Central And your avalotbond'o gettln one. .* H oonRo M Goods Next Concert mona Orangh, waa la ebargb 'of Small Number Ught V i- and at the first notoe he hears. Lost and Found MSDICDC^ CABDfCT. Stop stuffin’. Just a UtUa noise will cause him Coffee Nerves—When I drink Lwt«it< FoOBd THIS WEEK’S this meeting. to lose his temper and rush for- NOW. BEFORE YOU “ I— Baally attiched to wall 88JW. *^L c o n * pleace c»U 84T7. __ WANTED TO TUNE. r ^ . ^ used marchandias. Every item has . r 1*___- Alma, of Lebanon, were Sunday And wish that you wore doad. Norwegtoa Prayer OmHa Ksyalty raculate your piano or P*yer been carefully re finished and looks 13th AnnUU hvoilt onlyigjLoim ^t the home Mr. and Selectees Rejeeted lor Stop wishin’. hie temper control him. ______nancy cn/ payment of Uie amount of deptmlt ditioning and rafrtgaratlng have been rejected because of phy- With a smile upen yoiir face, Common Ptayef to which king ROLL VOUR PANTS tilT tr*^ **** Reward 938 MSbi street.- , the beautiful chancel of the Eman- I home of Hart B. BueQ on Sunday and coUected. OF OLD•rvMAOTMESAME RBGPRO> ( ?J?peeented by said "J " ment. Must ba J,'?’ sical defects, the State Selective shirkin’ : and rongrsas will be omitted. UP OUT OF nr/ iH iirilA D T T u ^ H O N wi^t the issuance of a. duplicate book dined. No interferenfce p i^ uel Lutheran church, their tradl- ,~ryou hnva a task to do 6ne good thing to remember to S lack I (fOR v^drk iw a t j o iu s c h iu i ] (1) MBTTAL COT BED, 3 f t Wide, WANTED — GIRL’S BICYCLE, Service heaidquartera *Soh, belwwa School ctreet. wd th erefor.______ent occupation. For Intervlejf Uonal royal purple velvet capes week-end in ‘'And you would like to get It this: whenever you allow any per- JOBfJ $6.88. Waa $18h0. Watkina Broth- Ixa 88 Inches. CaU 4718. _____ .. L nf the Mt. A son wss borti to Mr. and Mrs. todRy# son or any thing to cause you to Thera are 89,108 regular and ^4"Ipiirttal Thureday evening. ^ * write at once giving name, a^ enriched by the dignity of the m Hutchlnaon. of Windsor ough, Bubstltute mail elerke to the Uni- 4? <8 School Ctreeh Reward lost—WOMAN S change P«rse, dreae, age. UUllttea Inat.. Box X, era, Inc., 938 Main atreat The office of the state , Xtep workin’. loee your temper, your eelf-controt, HIGHER PRICES FOR old m ^ . ting. A moment of hushed snuci-|^^ Hartford ho^tal on Fri- of selective service, CoL Ernes^ _ _ ted SUtee. according to poetofflce containing email Herald. ______DRESSER-BUFFET; aol]|d maple Rage and paper aj“ taken. Call If you’re runnln’ into debt you admit immediately eupar- money, and patlon, a given signal from their jij^yich 14. Mr. Hutchinson Averill, reported that of 4J88 And your bUli not prompUy met lority of Jhat person or that thing. record. Colonial Connecticut model with Wm. Oatrlnaky, 182 BiaaeU street director, G. Albert Pehreon, aim formerly lived in Gilead, the eon men sent to tho induction center worth’s Saturday g*’ wrought Iron hinges, $89.80. StStop buyln’------; turn to 47 LancaaUr ^ d . Re- Help Wanted— Female S5 Tel. 8879. their thirteenth annual concert Carroll Hutchin by local draft boards throughout If you long to reach the top, Formerly $89.78. Watkina Broth, wlU have begim. For nearly a ^ HOLD EVERYTHING "SS8 . . • ____ waitl. ______tha atata, 898 were rejected for Eut are Just about to atop, WANTED—TWO GIRLS aa walt- are, Inc., 938 Main street. 65 decade Mr. Pearsim has been con- Peter Borsotti and physical reasons and 89 for other Keep tryln’. ressea; also woman for cleaning. Houses for Rent ducting concerts of a high type I ohUdren have moved from North McKINNET WELSH CUPBOARD, fine Colonial reasons. ^ —OrenvlUe Fleleer. Automobiles lor Sole____4 Apply Manchaater Country club, FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM slnglA presented not only by the y o » ^ ] street to Mancheeter. Dental Defects Learning Oanae between 8 and 4. ______model In maple with cabinet haae people In the schools, but by his | ~ xnderson snd hhi chlldrm roR REAL E8TATC 1987 and drawer, $89.80. Waa ITO.OO. hot water heat oUbumer, flre- An analyeia of the report on re- Profeaaor—Why'Sre you so far! 1887 PONTIAC OOUPE, placa, lavatory, choice locaU ^ have moved from GUesd Street to JocUons since the firs*. behind with your studies? [ and in s u r a n c e Oldsmoblle eedan. WANTED - GIJ^ TOK Ught Watkina Brothers. Inc., 988 Main ElUngton. housework, email family. Write |W. W. Harry England. Tel. 8888. day last Novembpr showed that 79 Student—Because I am then In i n Mala St. PS<*« ••• sedan, 1988 Pontiac eedM, iMfi street Mr, and Mra. Howard Tryon,.of were turned down for denW de- a much better posiUon to pursue | Ford coupe, 1989 Oldsnwblle or call in person. C. B. M a^n, FOR RENT—SIX ROOM single, Buclongham, and Mr. and Mrs. ^pe. cole Motors. 4164. Open 89 Bdgarton atreat, Mancheater. SAVE 876.77 ALREADY paid on fects; 51 for faulty eyes; 85 for them. contract. Late modal Croaley hot water heat. aU ImprovemTOts. Oiarles Ganter and daughtera of tuberculosis; 47 for defective ab- evenings. ______IM uicliester OIRL WANTED FOR Fountrtn. Shelvador, 1941 Glenwood, dual- and garage. Inquire 1 Avon St. Marlborough, were Sunday caUers dominal organs; and 40 for de- Imt)oeelblUUea.A-lf you decide I at the home of Mr. and Mra. Elton truck BODY, laminated steel Apply Arthur Drug Store. 848 oven, oU-gaa combination range: fecUve ears. ^ - that a thing U "Impoaalble", it CveninR HeniM Buell. ReJccUons for other physical de- probably wUl be. But the chancca Md wood. 8x10 *••^.“ ‘^*2^6 Main atraet, Rublnow Bldg.______3 piece living room suite and Wanted to Rent 68 V other fumlsblnga. All like new! Lloyd Lyman, son of Mr. and fects were: Venereal disease, 85; are it is a mental haxard rather sm condlUon, Mra. Norman Lyman, haa the ^ O UM AtfvcrUarBieiita ua an offer, Keith’#. 1118 Main St. WANTED-STENOI^PHER for Get full particulars at Keith's heart and blood, 82; height, weight than a physical Impoariblllty. WANTED—8 OR 4 BOOMS un.. udmoping cough. More than ana man haa been pica- SIR •TRTRS* • 1**^ general office work. Ap^V *t Furniture, Main etreet, opposite fumlMied. Not over $25. Tele- and chest messurements, 22; men- yggniala oembere sM DE80TA AIRFLOW, radio, heater, office Norton Electrical Inatru- Mlaa Teraaa Vlncoit, the school tal and nervoua dlaordert, 18; de- antly surprised to discover that MMBt •• • word ond ooibin>om High school. phone 8921 or 8817. nurse, visited the White school on he can do What he was afraid he | •• two word*, litnimuw o®*t 128 down. 88.80 a week. ment Co.. Hilliard street. fects of extremities, 10; lungs snd nsFa *0 Oakland atreat. Phone (8) PbSTBUt BEDS IN mahogany Monday. She examined the child- couldn’t do. eneral nn to see If there were any more chest (including tuberculosU), 40; ,OF .ran..... 8191. Open evenings. WANTEU-GIRL FOR veneers; 7 full sixe; 1 single sixe. Legal N otk^ 78 mouth and nose, 5; spine 5; meta- hQuaework. Apply at 100 'olland Choice $10.00. Some hvve foot- cases of whooping cough. Bertha—And so Edith has madp Mlaa Barbara Fish and Henry bolic, 3; and blood, 2. it up with Fred? How did it hap- ] wmen •’ A i i r c a a r e e Turnpike, or call 8879. boards and pineapple tops. Regu at a court op pr o bat e held Of the 89 men rejected for rea«- Business Services Offered’ U i Hurley were Sunday' guests at the pen? HE WAKES UP a O eeeecui.mu*. t«re-**l I1 «*;!,? ets| e eta lar 819.78 to 828.80. Watkins t Manchaater, within end spns other than phjWcal, 44 had “ ote dlfftrtct of ManohoffUr, on tho ittn home of Dr, and Mra. Edward Mar- Constance—Ob, you see, it was HElU SHINE A6AlN» «»• 1 PIANOS TUNED, repaired, recon- Help Wanted— Male 8(' Brothers, Inc., 988 Main strset. been convicted of fekmlea. Seven tv It* «>«««- THE BLINDFOLDS t ...... ^r.r...‘^r:*:::!u SSlli day of liar€h. A. ii** tin in Mlddletawn. the only way in which she could Profftnt Wi LhaM 8. HTDK. EtQ-. were unable to understand simple have another quarrel with him! AtTeiiaem ter irregelar dlUqoad. WANTED—BOY FOR vegeUble WINDOW SHADES. VENETIAN S i bs dhargei at the see ‘jw reta J j cockerham, 88 Bigelow etreet, BLINDS, low prices, Installstlon commands In English, six had dis- BY EDGAR MABTDI truck. Inquire at 78 Brookfield ^“KaUta of Cherlaa Henry Roblnaon honorable dlechargee from the Tho Usofil Trlfiiifflo r.v free. Call for special prices end late of Mancheater In aald diatrict. You can always count upon an BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES "adm rtlsina givee eijoe j ------— street between 8:80 and 6=80 p. m Work of Blind coimtry’e armed forces, one had a old timer feeUng that the old] I oraerea b*fom ^ e »k'r4 PAPERS removed week samples. Capitol Window Shade rsi n medical ditcharge from the Mvy. '.? L t Co., 46 Capen street Hartford, Upon application of Maud R. times were the best e*Muri\su'c. , 1 sot, bU4N TVkfl Trucking. Phone ph e SSBRS ON MEN’S and ladles’ Iwaml. Kxacutrix praying for au- SXm B.L TWNVf. Opm svenlnga To Be Exhibited and on# wa# an aUen who had not ehargias at the rets eeni- garments, steady thority to aell certain real • l*le 1 declared hie Intention of becoming V bvAV^o TOW Wtwifi wo Tvi 610.L TSfl M •iiawsM* er ref««4e eee men. DOugan Dye Works, Harri- particularly daacrlbad In aald ap- ___ 64 ON TWV ae els time e4s eteeeeS I (1) COIL BED spr ing 87JW plication on file. It la an American clUxen. yVK’ « ^ \ . AN* aon street ______ORDERED:-That tha foregoing STORIES IN STAMPS , a s m s . U O W H 6 a hohjl ^ eqCNEEACK CKX A _ HouMhold Services waa $14.95. (1) 88.25:. was $18.50 uveb TH3« •- OS C004MR aSPY Trifi VOAT |te "till leXtSS^; dlaplay Haee set (1) $9.85; was $12.80. AU are twin application be heard and datarmln^ There wUl be an exhibition of Bulldinf—Contracting 14 [wanted —ROUTE MAN, ex- at the Probata Office In Mancheater \ VJAbN’ T IWE SHLNYP V 8(9* ' elxea. Watkina Brothers, Inc., 985 In aald DlaTrlct. on tha J»th day of a. Albert Pearson articles made by the blind at the \ \ ,TAO\X — eral4 will eot «>• rwoee^je -rf: perienced in Uundry. tew d or Second Congregational church to- V smre thee one incorreet leeer ^k dellveiy. Steady wy carriage: choice lat^ of Manchcatar In aald diatrict. 1-Jd ,»;r radio, and during the Connecticut IJITLER marches in March, and 299 Autumn stteet Phons 4860. dcrcaaad. t Tercentenary In 1938, it was one gnbUabad aania day ssnet„«S M eg,75, Made of woven fiber: etrol- Upon application o f Robert l- Howard C. Ri»hlnaon, SM Wilson ths stamp albums add new! Ava., ('hlcogo, Ill..-Loren O. l^bln of seventy-two singing organisa- issues. Ths Nazi Puahrsr Is a sta>- ay \l a’cleek noon latnT- lera are drop-foot style with tope; Arcndt praying that an Initrument m S ii«a . I. MW -nd dyeWMM w Anw W , BY ROT craHiI; Moving—Trucking- In tan color. Carriage In cafe jM nurpurtlnc to bw lbi> IubI will Riyl aon. Ji Haaelton Drive, Whlti tions which took part In the con- of astrology, brilsvss 1hs[ Come Into Mjr Pfirlor I l * : » e . taatamant of aald dccaaaad he ad- cert at the Yale Bowl in New Hav- WASH TUBBS Storage 2 lalt color. Formerly 881.80. rialna. N. "^-.^^jj^l IAM 8. HVDB she wUl tell the m em ^ I New MUford — Munlolpal-offl- stars apt most favorable to his T mt Wast Ads mitted to probata as per application Judge. en. Last spring, the club also pre- league and their guuts how edu- were tha tala- 822.80 and $29.78. Watkins on file. It la . . - , cm and newspap*™** ventures during this month. Hare ' f i i ^ a n o ’m ST TR A P/1 Brothers, Inc.. 985 Main street. ORDBKKD:—That tha foregoing H-I-U-4L . ______sented a concert in Lancaster, cation of the blind haa progressed ] guests of ths ChUdren’sChUdren'a Founda- IS rr I * 7 « U e THAT HA 91, MVKtlJ!, j^ '7 A6 |l . n . hevenor. wiping, c ^ are e few March dates, important SMtlLS HA5 Of COVfffia application be heard and detarnilned Pennsylvania, at the First Pres- In this state. Uon at New York at an open in Hitler’s career. m Ss m a <*«•*»* trucking, andMancheeter FOR SALE-M EN’S Rebuilt and t the. Probata Offlca In Manohaa- byterian church where Mr. Helge •n«M «0Mrm9M « MHMO. GZ a., tn. caaa naTne wlU h* I moving. Telephone Manchaater irr In »«l«l District, on the tJIh dsv • 1 bouse at the Buck’s Rock school, The elections of March 8, 1938, PMMSrfi-nCdUMfiWgKI rr.sff Kis’wt ; relasted aboca. ^ t e r than new E. Pearson to now Minister of ,l^ ynaH as an evacuation center gave HlUer an ovarwhebnlng ma- 8409. t“hr?n^4poS;'.‘rih_:;.?o?,rf o fficia ls Music. Recent engsgemente have SMIA TMI PNWNO B O m i. ______. , cheap ahoev'''Bee them. Sam to event of war, jority in the Reichstag. 1^ Y , WOOD______CO.—Local aim In-1 yuiyea, 7 ^ Main. given to ell pereone intereeted.ln included a concert for the offi- WHAPfi ’mgy A 8t MO e msartlea ef, each h4 etherwiee shid'cetate of the pendency of u id With Bolero Bridgeport—John H. MoQWn The Saar territory, token tram 5000—AND MV tMTMK VSSm V KA’FS vlll he eolleet. traatate moviag, truckliig. Phone Gu^ste at Party cers and men at the Submarine of Falrfidd, former officer of Mc- lie iMjeweiMHty for ••'•v™ 2 eppllcetlon end the time end Pl*'* Base to New London aa well aa at Germany by the VersaUlee treaty, | 4498 49-A of hearing thereon, by puWlihlng a Kesson and Robbins who was de- «4e4s will he eeeemM a»4 Fuel snd Feed cop y of thie order In apme newa- the MethodUt church In that city. voted return to the Reidi, effec- Mfav •waaet•aaset be he s«er4a-ghersa-1 CHAMBERS—Local and paper having a circulation In Mid Engagements In Worcester and nied a Supreme court review of an tive March 1, 1939. Germany cele- Lcig Dlstan^Mo^^^ Tel. 6260. for SALE-S-rOVE wd firenlsce diatrict. at leaat Bve daya before Ten past Commanders will fill Wallingford are scheduled for appeal from a conviction arialng brated with a stamp issue. liidM e f CIsssIfffsUosE MHoUlster street. wood. Apply Edward J. noil. the day of aald hearing, to appear ths chairs at the afinual ’’Part fropi tha drug com p^ fraud —Hitter-denounced ttie VaraaiUee If they aee cauae at aald time and April. ^ case, announced he had appealed ,*#aeeeeeaheeeeeeeeeeee — ------I tslfphona 4842. placa and be heard relative theret<^ Commander’s Night" at the VPW Mlaa Bhra M. Johnson has been treaty, reintroduced eompulso^^ aeboeehaah'eaAabes and make return to thli court, ^and Home, Mancheater Green thto e ^ the club’s accompanist ever since for a prealdentlal pardon, through military service the Reich, •/•AlllM #es*ehhhh0 hash*h#a* by mailing In, a rtSleleir'd nlng at 8:80. Past Comman^r It wss organised, and her compe- Cong. Leroy d ; Dosma. McOloon .jsS aw e' ______*,a**ahh**hhheaihh* Merdi 16, 1935. ARTHUR A. Garden— F am — Dalry on or before March'W, 1541. a^copy ** “ - - •-.-.A m — waa aentenced to imprisonment of hhshanhehhhhhn tent accompaniments contribute German troopa enteredto demili- o f rMa 'oVdVr and Mid will to Edna ••Larry" R ediM n o f Boston ^ 'TbMtol Prodocta 50 s year and a day and waa fined MROHMA e.eehsh********** r Kirby, WJ D,street. So. Norfolk. |preside and the seaaion w lU ^ to greatly to the artistic rendition of tarize Rhineland, and Hitler de-j MR FOHBR •aaeeoahbaeeeb KNOFLA Va.! Helen ‘ 'h e " * * * '•"'> the nature o f a farew ell party to the concerts. $5,000. nounced Locarno treaty^ March 7, Jittt eaeh«e«*ej9 hhes for sal e — POTATOES, field Knight. iM)th of » l Weatcheater Commander Redman who la now Program from Memory Hartford—Ueut-OOL John U I iltws4g«*4 Ava Mt. Vernon. N. T.. __ 1988 '*5 * * * * * * * * * * For run. fireta and aeconds. Frank V. living in Boston. _According______to the poUcy adopted Rice, in charge of A ray recruit- On Mrtcb 12, 1838, Hitler took, WUUama, Bucktand, Oonn. • W I L U A H 8 . | H T D B tog in New England, announ^ blM for ...... Judge. SUto Commander \ Anthony | upon ita organtoatlon, the club wlU over Auetrto; spoctol stamp marked r T. T. HAMLD^^ >Mlo« for BsoboARO ##•• H-t-11-41. Telesca, Natlonnl Oauhclbnan the enUre program from tost tha enlisting aUtlons to New Take It Or Leave It ______: ;x| eeseooiio#—Tiroe •###«» t INSURANCE Haven, Bridgeport and Norwich enschlues. ALLEY OOP James F. Daley and State A d -1 niemory, and aeveral o f the num- Omn troopa ecm ied C a ei^ ,„jpo mbl pmr namaiam,) nGIlrtMt-Pe»e«»* •— .LiaUOR I’MRMIT jutant William F. Dibble will be 1 p g unaccompanied. More- would be closed soon, leaving the VOU FAT ...arrHEM YOU KICK m Seheels ...... ’ t Aik Yoar Nelffhborl NOTirB o r ArPLICATlON Hartford aUtlon the enlistment Slovakia, after tspuhUc was dis- .OCTAVIAN WITH THAT Cr a WELB D. "lT mamb a ua* ootJ a B h is h r T n i e k ...... * Fop Sale op Trade Thu U to give notle* that I Jen'** the guesta of ths poat at the meet. Uygr. while some will be rem ^ - solved. New perwmsl deUveol 9ME, MADE TMIE BUT’ S TU break W MIBT0RV//_ ^ •_Ter Hire ...... center for aU Oonnectlcut TDU6H-.Oi^ &IRDLB O R , •78 Mata B4. Phone f 5-ROOM SINGLE COTTAGE. McCullough of II Eldrldgj “te***- bered for tha. meeaage presant^ stampa, abevo, Isaued lor Bohemia "SatfSSi bargain .. history BAW5 y o u I ganrlea Storage ••• »• ManohcstcT. Conn., have ">*£ •" ^tefreahments wifi ha eerved af- through aong, othere where words Bear«e Falls — Aecldantally WORKS, eiea—nicyelee fl Fnraaoc beat. Oarage. All mo«- plication datad leth “ * Neroh. l»4l and Moravia proteetoratae. VOOT? aetoe—Motercyeiee_.... » ter the meeting by the house re- [are m secondary Importance wtU hot through ths tlM I em an« Completely Ee-Deco- with the Llouor Control CommU- fell while carrying a .22 caliber The invasion of Norway was t « •' 'A ..,8 E8fE l Hi CAiiMfi aas raeSasMawei Bairttm nriad. Large lAtL Maacbeiter irion for a Club Parmit for tha MU freehment comsrittee. linger In the memory merely as a 7 taas eervlaae . Blsnned for Msrch, 1840, wee post- TEOUBU Oieen aaetten. em ^pon advice of Nazi militaxy this tr a y r mbelS fierateae OUareS .,..» a -a Notice of II Mapl* BtreaL Manchaatar. Movable Tisiffle Tewere harmony, which p^hapa will eX' teban to a Waterbary hospital „llBa^=^e«reeiliMt ...... !! PULL PR IC E ...... -fOWt. Conn. Tha bualnata U ow"** , where hie cMdltion was reported laates. arista—Moraartaa ...... BrltUh-Amerlcan Club. I n c ^ f 73 ptoto what Mr. Parker meant TemM arranged. Owner baa Mania straaL Manchaatar CTmJ^nd PorUble traffic towera, mounted j wjhen he referred to the "subtle- aa "good.". stoning B^rd of Appeah toft town and property mnst be _ ...... jj roi'U**orss*\Vri5{.':K:tr^a“.! on roUws. were tested in England naas of effscU." BY FONTAINE FOX .—Dreeamektes ...... !! sold. J, aa a maans of solving traffic prob- TOONBRVTLLE FOLKS- TrwkthB—eterye .. « In conformlt with the raoulre- requlre- - Par laanraare — All PomM 0P.,ur. C»A"m199 lems la arsas congsstad only dui^ I always bsen hlrt-Ughted by ss- Climax Chapter reeeengar Setvlee a I menu__ _ of the aoolng _ rtgulai julatlona Datad rtth of March. 1341. tog^cOTtaln portlomsof ths day. stotUig gu**t i^ ts h w -Papartas •* I the Zoning Board of Appeala of See H-I-11-41. coma to Manchsster from New T he Powerful Katrinka ael aeraioee ...... “ York, Worcester, and other c l ^ To Seat Officers nrtoa ...... [the Tosm of Mancheeter will hold Stuart J. Wailey I a pONlc hearing on ' Thureday. not far distant. This year the rtub W bll, cl6R 6 it ! P u r it up! Atirtas—i> OM4a vea« eios'r^ S errl^2 '°*...... *’ ti Beal EsUU aad iBenrsaee MW— piensure in presenting WU- Btad—Bnalaaas Sarvlee •' March 20th. at 8:00 P. M., In the StaU nwater Bnlldtag Fresh, Crisp Collars for ^ rin g AND THBN YOU W ONT ) Municipal Btilldlng on tha foUoW' lUam Atbeock. Jr„ a young nn6 TMepbene 8848 - 7148 popular eornetlst of New London, ^ Coventry. March 1»—(Special) _____ aaS Claeeea Ing appUcatione: vriim the club waa fortunate In -^On March 19th atmax Chapter. BUM P YOUR BYBIERRILL targM ta s tr o e tlo u t.a e • a • e * * Application of Clifford Maaaa] No. 98. OJCB.7 Trill hold a special The Christeninf giuciag ...... *’**M I engaging when WlUlam Perrott, ( gH eal—Draeeatlc ...... Cfor pennleslon to cooatnict a houee Igiso a cornetlat, who waa to have meeting to Masonic Hafl at Mar- niECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Wasted—leetnietlone ...... *nearer to the property lines than been the aololat waa called into the row for the purpose of Instaiilng aonl^ regtilatloM allow, on prop- Zoning its offlceu for 1941. Stocka^^ertsagee ... JJ erty located on WlUlaroe Street to I service. The tostaUing otftoer win be Tbu OU4T oansrm j Aiw- Opportunltlea ...... I* A r*c«ptton fo r r Umitod Hum- ) THsja WriUOUT A VANlAANi ta Loan ...... •*a Residence B cone,. I her of invited gueeta wlU foUow Mrs. Evelyn KratoOB of Walpcto ( THfV MjA'AYB DO’S * . Morse, RctraeUble Tfergets •Id Ooode ...... JJ rent Events of Today." '' field Depot; treao SCORCHTSBliTH and TOoU Mrs. Norton Warnar win hold to round you out a | pP. hms Haven.^ Oovsetry: Oovsnl umduftrsm, _aattanicDla II EVENING AUCTION bolsTO. It ssrvesw asBS an “-!» Uttls « • sntt' I *C**^TOCh.k. e*aaaSal,3M a a a f M d gad ttoro Bqaipmeat 14 open house for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Mary C. L M HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for atraet wear. Maka this o^gigr j Depot; assistant < letrsaa. M u. gt (be Stgree IT Guard Monday afternoon March Uk prinU. or flat crepa, plain orJD rtJ^" appeeel —Furg ....»• AT REIDS* AUCTION AUDITORIUM 24 at two o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Gladycs O. BlsaaL With Oovan- F-To buy U wlth*^ of braid to bright «»- _____ othy R. Por- ilato aeirta U. 8. Route 6 (3 Htiks east oi M sa ch tster), B oltoa, Conn. Guard wiU have a chance to exhi- try; chaplIn. Mu. tTRflta i.|U r. Storu; siarahall, Mi^ Doris bit their handiwork which Includes pattora No. 880 to WlUost begrd ...... •» WEDNESDAY EVE*G, MARCH IS, 1S41 AT 7:00 P. M. many artictaa such sa braidsd tollE. Han. Storu; orgaaist. John S. .-63-A stoaa IS to M. ^ . South Oosentry; rd Aeeertg ** ^ oiwiSiteiUNEor rags, baskets, lamps aad articlaa 14, yards 89-laeh material (Froai LnenslB He^ (roeentiy aete) EeMen Ototor. SH8 made from wood. „ Ifn, Aitone U BnnBek. Eagle- rsata 3) srHboot nap. vme; Iteth. Mim Helen Pardua, By M u. Sm Am Cabot Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Way For thtoattracthre pattora, set Philgas Stove, Otoawood ComblnatlM Oaa and 0 ^ f—T tba tow-nsckline col-1 have returned home frm a trip to South WUUagton; Esther. Mra rtolA TaaeaBsgU (^ n S l. Oaa Stove with OU Burner. DhtosgRoom A tmart new collar of crisp or- 18c la eota, yonr ***” •• * ” 2 H. LaBonte, South WilUng- ttoae fer *e*4 •• lar wUhtM fabric petals. The ] California and the weetun coaat pattern number aad stoe to_n Rt • • •« • e en • • *4 n Easy Btoctrie Washer, Wicker Furniture, Stu^^ Couch, Lamps, gandie. pique’, I t o ^ o r silk to -I eiinwri yuke-effect coUar to 1 On their s««r home they vialtod at tM ; Martha. .Mrs. Ehra O. Mc- ###•*»••••• •itoidaa. Btaada. Sewing M^^***"^ Rockase, Dreaadra, Mlrrora, srhltru'ta'‘UicaU pastel colou South Oosasitry: Etoctra, rot Beat wiU fuaben up STMT dark wool YSfTing stua. «• « , — A— . .. a-fc « R. Banka, (SurlqrvUle; k«n m p4 Sis. Etc. Also 18 Steel Foldtog Chairs and Bridge Tables. wnt4er, Christina B. Sadler. duu and gw y«»^ h2^^e^*^bL^ark’. ^ *-22^*2l« • tV S to n senthiel. Axel Nortiny SharBansr comgleta with moton. 8 H. P. 25?^***^ 51^5? tf...... ■ rt»tos to snr g a w .^ ” i i»aMaeid Depot. BMtoumofth. apr^ is resUy ^ eeally'SStw 2S> iS ^ ^ »vl«»te Hr. and Mu. Neman dodh' aendhif 10 cento In Cota. ' _____i^.tanr snnnenenB •asa 3veM not soM March 8. •Hm V-etapad« Adtoeaa site the ^ -1 Mlaa Ftorenee Jonaa, lectnter o* that yen < Canal boato are the home of PattosiLlfle; tor of pale pttoi tk ^ pet^ toraNwSer to Nancy 0 »>et.~T^|HebrM Orange nttM ^ ^ tors tjSaB 18.000 persons to Bay- U o border and r Qn4Kttsm ROBERT M. REID R 80N & Aartlon««r»^ Manchester E v e .^ 108 ^ “ 8188 of pale oe with Seventh Avenue, New Terk O ty. - -t€r; SL vri'‘

TVKSDAT, MABCH 19.1941' ' • ■ (■ il«ttf^ »«tfr E ofttta0 H m iU i

EmergctiCT Doeton Rector Endorses CP Couucil Picks Center Church SELF>SERVE >nt T o w n Phyaiciana on emergency call Group Heads Tha Oriftaal In New*Enftand! tomorrow afternoon and eve^ Club Lecture jUag wlU be Dr. Oeorg* A. 8hi« wia M a « Dundberg (MM) and Dr. A. B. UlitiM warn Horm of C Discuss Details AND HEALTH MARKET] jRSo tomorrow *f- Sundqulat (4 m > . ___ ^ Talk on New Hampshire Of 40th Anniversary To Be Given Thursday Walfaro OmUr, No. 41. F. H. McDonnell, of thla town, Ball to Be April 14. Wed. Morning Specials u uMiol thiB •vcnint baa been regtatered ea a g u ^ at At Local Church. Green Stamps Given With Cadi Sales. IliriiT-* Btroot RocreotloB C«n- the Highland Hotel, Springneid, Cbalnnea of the diffeieht c o ^ 1M ■mmbwni wfll c o «w »« ^ Maaa.' The lB-85 Club of Canter mUtaos In charge of tha amu>d^ o'ctodc for Um trmnmction of Church antlcIpaUe a large attend- buBinroa. Thomae Ferguaon, publlaher of menta ror the ■ 40th anniveteaxy The Herald, left thla morning for a ance at tU meeting on Thuraday celebraUon of Campbell Council. Rinso Lge-Pkg. 18c Tho nculw nwoUn* of tlm n«w- few weeks vacation in Florida. He evening at 8 o'clock when Mr. and K. of C., were named by General Chairman Francla Coleman laat tormcd MoUitn' Clrclo of the w*aa accompanied by Joeeph Mra. Foster B. Sturtevant of 3-Lb. Can -ntmOy which woo to hove Oooka. of Apel place. They are Hartford will give a Ulk on, "An night. Lb. Can 17e ___ beM tomorrow at the J!* making the trip by automobile. Ehrening in New Hampahire." The On April 14 there will be a ball Spry _____ r i t e Bonry Madden, of 40 North talk wilt be Uluatrated with many in the state armory. Heading this Poetat carde received from committee la Bernard Fogarty. 5 m atrect baa been poetponed one delightful New Hempehtre acenea Private Herman J. Heck who la Other chairmen are: Memberahip, all In color. Lgs. Pkg. now located at Camp Bdwarda. Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant, both Dr. George A- Calllouette; charter Silver Dust 22c ^ Dr. Bari B. Stoiy Falmouth, »Meiia., Bay that every- enthusiastic and active membera member Hat, John McQuakey; Large Caaaea Towel FBEE ! tba anbjoet "CbriaUaa OerUtude thing la fine at the camp except of the Appalachian Club, are hlatory, Robert E. Carney; ban- M An Ubcartahi World" at the for the mud. He eaye It in rather acheduled to give a almllar talk quet, Frank Quiah; hall and ar- itao aervlce la the South difficult drilling in a foot of mud. both before the Oonnecticut;Cbap- rangementa for ball, George Stam- Gal. at dmreh tomorrow ere- Private Hack la with the 57th Sig- Cider 17< I tar of the club and tha Berkahire ler; ticketa, John Murphy; apeak- (Coetente Oaly.) u rjo. nal Battalion— - . Chapter In Springfield. They art era, Thomaa J. Quinn. I alao the new ownem and mana- Arrangementa were alao made Blahop McMahon Aaaembty, gers of the well knowm Bemls for a firat and second degree work [ Fourth Degree. K. of C., In which Camps In South Chatham, New Ing which will be held du rl^ the Fourth Degree membera hold Hampehtre, which have catered to week of April 14. On -April 20 Swan Soap memberehip. wlU meet Thuraday summer vacationers for over there will be « claaa accepted In Medium B .r 5 ^ night at S:15 aa gueata of the twenty-eight years. A limited the third degree. Thla degree will 3 ISi 25C membera of tha Fourth Degrea In F. L BRAY number of pictures of the camps be exemplified In the aftemomi Wlndaor Lbcka Tba maetlng will will also be Included. and In the evening there will be a JEWELER be held In tha K. of C. home on Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant recent- banquet at the Manchester Coun- 8UU IViMitbr Bailding Spring etreet. Rev. C. W, McNer- ly entertained the Bx Librla (^ub try Club. In connection wlUi this ney, chaplain, will apaak. A abort Yellow ______7S7 Mata Street of the Stats Library where Mra. day's plana there will be a com- buataeaa meetlag wUI be held and Sturtevant wae formerly a mem- munion and to arrange for this a aupper will be served. ber of the staff. Utomaa Danaher, William Dehan Tba avenlag promlaee to be and Robert J. Campbell were The Mlapab Group of the South George Rector to Appear HEALTH MARKET W itc h and Jew elry moat Intersatmg one, and tha 18- named. Methodlat church will meet thla 88 Club srlU ba glad to welcome evantng at 7:S0 at tha church. any Center Church people who In Hartford Tomorrow She Sells Seoshells . . . Repairing A t would Uke to enjoy with them Tba OecaUan Club of tha South thaae young people who come well AUCE OOFBAN Mothodlat church win meet tbla WE SELL FISH! recoinroemM both ae antertalnera This (7P seal on a gas rangcataurant of the fabulous gay nlna- (Bnowa Ae Qaeea AHoe) Reasonable Prices evening at 1 o'clock at tba church. and aa tba delightful host and SraUTUAL MEDIUM means hoateaa of Bamts Camps. Kenlth better-taaUng food." t^e ouUtandlng at- Seveatk DaagMer of a Seveatk Soa HADDOCK A daughter wae bom yeaUrday what George Rector, famous rea- Lealle of M3rrtle atraet Is president tractions of the Open House Week Bon With a VeiL Laigaat AanrtaNnt of at tha Hartford hospital to Mr. of the Club. tauranteur and authority on food, program which the Hartford Oaa Readings Dally 8 A. M. to t P. M. and Mm. Gaorga Ruoff of Baat BOSTON BLUE Graettac Cards for has *been telling tbouaande of Company Is conducting. Mr. Rec- Or By Appotatmeat. la Um Senioe Hartford. Mrs. Ruoff la tba former of the People for 80 Veare. ^ Al Pirgoai b Town McLoughlln of thla home makers at cooking lectures tor will make two appMrances V>* FLOUNDER Marion B. morrow, one at 2 p.m., the other 171 Chorch Street, Hartford, Coaa. { town. T o Attend Meet throughout the country. That's high pralae for <3P since at • p.m. in their Pearl street, Phone 8-8887 lb . MACKEREL Mr. Rector has devoted a lUa-tlme Hartford, auditorium. Other Inter- esting features will also be In- In New Britain to the art of cooking. Today, Mr. Rector's personal appearances, eluded to make these perform- HERRING^ lb . 15 c The District Manager for Weeeon radlo talks and articles on food i ancea.Inviting and enjoyable for

Oil and Bine Plate Shrimp has been About 16 members of the Mia and food preparation are equally ; the great numbers who wUl at- SALT COD lb . 23 c aa famous aa was Rector's Res- , tend. Uving in Manchester almoei a year alonary Society of Bmanuel Lu- theran church ara planning to go pint 29 c ...m akes these two items pretty T A X I OYSTERS to Now Britain tomorrow, leaving coimectioB with the conference well tied in with the town. about t a. m., to attend the meet- Salmon Inge of the Hartford Dlatrict D A R Couventidn will be held in the Rose Room of Halibut Smelts Special Wodneoday Morning! Mlarionary Society being held at the hotel on Thuraday evening be- Dial Bine PUto (Shor Pak) ginning at 7:16. Butterf ish Scallops tha First Lutheran church there. Tliurstlay, Friday 3230 SHRIMP. 2 Sfi-os. cans <9# C There will be both morning and The principal apeaker at the Olean, Comfortable Oara! d cane 21.00 aftamoon aeaslona with a special banquet will be Joseph (Carlton Haddock Fillet A program in tba afternoon com- Beal, national education director ConrteoiM Sendee At All TImeel Mra. Alfred Mucklow, regent of of the Boy Rangers of America WESSON OIL memorating tha 26th anniversary of tha organlaation. Rev. T. A. Oxford Pariah chapter, Daughters and a member of the New York P in t 23c Quart 4Sc BIRDS EYE SPECIALS Guatafaon will taka part In the of the American Revolution, Mra. Child Guidance bureau. Hia sub- CITY TAXI ject WlU be •• Active Amprlcanlam Skrtaap in glaas ...... 2 Jhrs 58c program. Dlnntr will be served Charles F. Sumner, and Mias OBNNIS NURPHT, Prop. the vtaltora at noon by the wom- and Youth." Peas 19c Mary Benton, will represent the that Manchester stores cloee at noon en’s organisations of tha First local chapter at the 48th annual Red Perch Fillets 25 c ~ do year shopping la the morning. Lutheran church. - Mrs. Harold Macintosh will be conference' of the (Connecticut of _ for n delivery man.. .if yon know the delegate from the local Mls- D.A.R. In Bridgeport Thureday / Rospberries 23 c fnl driver who wants pleasant ontaide work alonary society. and Friday of thla week.

him over, pleaat. The seselona will be held In the Ul Beeauie it 3 ftosh Oysters Cfatma Scallops ball room of the Motel Stratfleld, Bridgeport, and the ^banquet In Sad Perch and Haddock FiUota

K IrBl pay yon to tnm In yonr Boech-Nnt Standard Oil Co. ^ Of New Jeracy 4^8^^ eonpoas today.. .before yon lone them. la One of tho Biffffest ROLLER SKATE Bny two cans of sonp and get one free (with CQ Producera of FUNERAL For Fun! For Health!

EVERY THURS., FBI. AND SAT. EVENING iS S in rit Meat DcpartBmnt will have more Range and Fuel Oil 7:30 to 11 P. M. of ttame tender, yonng. Native Fowl at S5c In tlie world. Ywmm < Admission 35c, Including Tax and Skates. and plenty of Fryers. Broilers and small ^ D u rin f tho laat tw o yeara Smmters. Fresh Calves* Liver. Advance Opening One Night Early w e have sold over 2.000,000 This Week On Wednesday thrift jnst Bent ta a sauUI shipmnt o f Prem ium Lam b fsllonfl o f th eir prodact and O Im gs...w ith tag bone removed and all eatra waste cut many of oar cuatonera MANCHESTER SPORTS CENTER

IsR.. .we feature them Wednesday morning, 7 to 7V't-Hi. claim it to be the beat they Wells Street

ghm ^ lb. 23c ever used. AUTOMATIC NEA

7/M JMM«0rfi n r«x Try An Order This z

CHIVES bakt. 25 c with Antht99!f - SarvO wltb Cottage or Craam < Week.

Range Oil ?V^c Gal.

Cottage Cheese In to Oallaa Lola ^

Q. Old CrMmpany'a Anthraelta will mMt any A Bonus With Every 12c box Fuel Oil 6.2c Gal. Grata Baaas ' la too Oalloa Lots er Over. lumting teat yoa give lt—4>eoauae It’a p t«- kta Marahmalfow Fffirii Peas teatedattbe mines for aiae, cleanncaai and Andarson Boaaatec Rhaharb UJ Ton O f Cookiet (be 29 c heat content. Order now and see what this Larft Baktaf LT. WOOD Co. Greenhonaea means to you in the form of moM heat, Ballwtas S lbs. 25c CinasBioii Raista Bread ...... 15c T e t a p h ^ 4496 ^ BMildge StraH more eomfort-^eee care and Iciaa coat*

Fresh D aily... O LEHIGH V ALLEY \ — And Flower Shop Pcppcridfc Fanai Bread* Crcaai Chccee...... 10c and 20c TeL g48a Tfiatota Read Herald Advs.

a E. wnns & son, be. ^

^pA iicfu L r j l Q ? v c c r t / m e . Cm L Lamber. Masoas' SnppUea, ralat LV

v ’ ’ -;-r Wednesday Specials f MAIM STEnce TBL. 8181 MAMCHB8TBB


FOSTER’S MARKET The CetdTbatSatisfies,

(Ponaariy Bnumer’a) ^ 60 Oakland S L Phona 5191 F m D elivery! Extra heaL extra cleanliness , and extra com- Coming!

fort— each a bonus o f extra value with every Wotch for Weekly $1.00 .S p o c i o l s ! ST . P A T R I C K S ton of Lehigh Valley Coal. Try this high

The Thirteenth- Annual Remember^ W e Deliver FREE! heat, economical fuel now before the end o f

the heating season. Place that finish-up-the- ^ ^ ^ ^

BINGO PARTY 3 Lje. Pkg*. Blue Super Suds C o n c e r t

season order with us. Then you’D know WEDNESDAY NIGHT Value 59e ^ where you want to place that fill-up order later. ST. JAMES’S SCHOOL H ALL _ PARK ST. of the

3 1^. Pkga* Quaker Puffed •

-TT* A D D E D A T T R A C T I O N Wheat Value 25e

2 Lg. Cans Wyandotte Cleanser

Value 19e G C l e f C l u b


5 U m. Fancy McIntosh Apples

Refreahments Served WILLIAM BABCOCK, JR., GORNETIST Value 25e Admiaaion 25e Guest Artist

10 Os. Large Juice Orangea Ma! 6 Fraa Gsimb! Vahie25e 4 Dpiff Prtaaa!

ikaa aad Sparial Gmmml Emanuel Lutheran Church f Ftay Starts At 8 P. M. Total Value $1.53 I * MARCH 25.1941 — 8 P. iL D a m O f w A t 7 P . M . ALL FOR -'HRNCHESTER

Ticketa On Sata By AH Members — Or OPEN ALL DAT W BDNBSD.m! 6s DON’T MISS THIS V A I£1T . F or Ticl^jgR eaeivatkm s (^ 1 3823. ■■■ i ■. 't. . ______