Miscellaneous .% T» persons living aad deceased. Durant then Inf. quotad tte records of the Railroad Company, tha Hoflto contract, aad tho nurmruL of snow. orgaaiaatloa of the Credit Moblltor. Amen. Alley and their friends were not the original subscribers In the Union Pacific Ro*d ttoir only interest having arisan from being ok. Ml stock holders ia the Credit Mobliier, For while tha worthoarth'r * wratK| laIn Itk*s’* *|M>t)e**uk XI w foUa, Alley reiterated the former statement that A» a raio. I'm ratter a r la cold* I the erg of “stop thief" waa made hy tha thieves themselves, and he hoped the other itllal tftaowt with a m jroar lues*. Committee wouM make a full investigation £■4 • chill that ctck aoatrlTearefaUjarmf ti t1 % kMlfiibaaf* 1 ae to the history and management of tha Baaatlfal laowt wait that'* ratter a jmt, The Clinton Independent. road. He charged that no aatiefartory se­ ^ 1th a hlf memari poultice sting Inc your rous t had been rendered by Durant for MuatlKi Bu«.wt what a delicate thaw $425,0UU expended by him. aad aald that the Mate* the air ehlll? and damp and re person Stewart, who had $250,009 of that Bmattfwt Know • they may *tnf whom H salt*, money, waa now imprisoned for refusing to 1 object to th* stag cm it *ooka through my boot*. testify. Mr. McComb was recalled before the Com ­ wuayill Know I with tta fl Vine dote*, VOL. VII.—NO. 17. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY (i, 1873. WHOLE NO. 3211. w Mad will mix with rheumatic artea; mittee on the 1st. A number of letter* Heanttfri Snow I oa tte hlltork* aad Hump* were produced, bat onlv one was put ia tha 1 da aat admire, while choked with th* mumps! — evldenea as relevant. This waa dated De­ cember 17, 1808, and wss from General K. M I fancied he would hare to be allow- least give her an opportunity to define It waa ramored la London, on the 29th ley will taka up a collection —be It aver *o A San Francisco dispatch of the 21 says i*tr«l Know I—la fact. I* all ho*h~ sneed, and I held General News Minim ary. A Dodge, then Representative, to th* wltoes*. i'diy, If* a uwtaaac* thawwd, U I* «UwL - up my paper pattern bar true position toward you. Beard that the differences between Great Britain •mall—te avery town and city in the North­ little prospect existed of a peaceable adjust ­ It contained a postscript, saying "We beat teaatlfal hnow I* Ilk* Beautiful Hear before me. "ThUi bouquet of fls not qualify as a Director until March 23,1808. it was who had braved the dan irer of mgaot my outward life-history. It was should 1 hold you thus, and gaze on what any railroad company, or It* assig nees, owoooaal the court against Senator Pomeroy on the Senator ;Pomeroy ’s friends claim tbat the The witness had no personal knowledge of n oar family he spent his vacation, while I have first and last and only loved until of freight or transportation of any kind over their probably number SO,000 men. The Prince, any expenditure of money for aay purpose M brier and brakeH to find the Uri,r k ht raaesctlv* roads U> th* amount of tte payment# and other* high la rank were volun ­ charge of bribery, and he was arrested and charge of bribery against him is a put-up you and your father were traveling in this perishable material on which I have made hy the United Htate* of tte interest upon Job to defeat his re election, and that his In­ In Washington. holly-berries with which Aunt Hally had teering to accompany the army. gave ball te the sum of $5,000. Judge Poland received a note from Mr. Europe. ” placed you turn to dust, still will you be the hood* of the L’uitod Hut** ta*urd to any such nocence will yet te plainly established. decorated the cheery little parlor f«»r the company, which shall not have been reimbursed, It scarae that It waa the Hpaniah steamer A monument has recantly been placed In Hale, counsel for Vico-President Colfax, occasion; and it was with Ralph Homer “Well, then, that will do about youi- graven on a heart whose death leas love It was reported on the 1st that there was self. Now about her?" can know no death; for a thing so holy together with five percent, of the net earning* Murillo which run Into and sunk the emi­ Greenwood Cemetery to the memory of the stating that he preferred not to appear be­ •I danced the oftenest on that famous dae aad aauald. a* provided by law. aod provfd. gifted Cary slaters. The Idea of tbe monu ­ not a bashel of coal for sale at Memphis, and fore Uie committee, until Ames—who was The door bell was rung; the waiter as the love 1 bear you was not made to Ing that *u« h compauy may brin/ *ntt hy which grant ship Nortbfleet, off Dungeoeaa Light­ night ment originated with the late Horace Gree­ many families were burning oilcake as a then absent from the city—should return. * Wouldn ’t I just step out on the porch announced —well, my obliging brother die." the right to recover shall be determined. house on the night of the ‘JJd ult. The has already given enough of his name— My work —now my completed work- steamship, however, was not sunk, ae was at ley, who started a subscription paper. substitute. . a short little minute, he whispered as In the House, on the 27lh, among the Four Dtyx In x Niow Drift—Terri­ “Mr. J. B.” My confessor withdrew. dropped beneath my fingers, for the last Mile Introduced were- authorising th* roaetruc- one time believed, but arrived at Cadlx In Edward Simmons, of New York city, states A few days ago a destructive fire, sup­ he came around In the rear of Aunt posed incendiary, occurred at Jackson, ble Suffering and Death. Hally to bid me good night ending the The next morning, as I was bringing stitch wss taken. tion of • railroad at La <>* * ** . W i*. ; for th* *n safety. The Murillo euatained no damage that when he was the Superintendent of whisper, according to the style of all the freshened flower-vases into the sitting- If I could not prevent his self-torture, largamcnt of tte Jam** Klver and Kanawha by the collision. Rolling Stock of the Union Pacific Railroad, Tenn., destroying properly to the amount of room, he brought out my bag, saying, he should not, at least, torture me long ­ ‘anal, for tte appointment hy th* President of from IteV# to 1871, second hand locomotives $100,000. Y xmtkmday there arrived in this city by boy-lovers, "I've got something to tell three rommUwionere to Inquire into the general The (Jucen 0f fipaln haa given birth to a the Wilutar train, one of the poor suffer­ you. ” “Now about her ” er; and snatching the thing from his management of railroad* • ng*g*d in transport* eon. lie U to be christened Louie Amador were sold to the Company by G. P. Butler, I opened the piano, repeated his favor ­ grasp, I exclaimed, as I closed my hands tion between the sever* 1 State* ...Mill* were of Boston, aa flrtt-clasa engines, tbe Com ­ The Credit Mobliier Investigation. ers by the late terrific storm This man, The d'*>r stood open and conveniently named declaring th* meaning of the am*nda!t*y Fernando. whose name it Charles O'Neil, was taken near, and I suppose 1 wanted to see how ite, kept my seat and cultivated my roses over it, "Now, before I return it, you bankrupt art of Jan* « to he to exempt from )udg pany paying flfi.QU) or $17,000 apiece for must, you aWi, promise me that you will On tbe night of the 1st the British Dies to the Bisters' Hospital, to undergo the high the snow had drifted since dark; vigorously. meat against bankrupt* the smoant allowed by the wars visited by one of tbe moel|violent th-m, notwithstanding hie report that the Before the Poland Committee, on the anJ, a better reason still, I couldn't afford 4 Miss ——,’* he began, "1 would not lake the last advice 1 gave you; or will Con*Utatton of each Hut* respectively a*existing 28lb, Speaker Blaine, after examining Mr. operations of amputation of both feet and knowingly give pain to a human crea­ you allow me to look at It, and then un ­ In th* year 1H7I; granting the right of way over storms ever experienced there, even at this engines were dear at $5,000, and, besides, Stevenaon as to bi* charge against the form ­ an arm. to let Ralph take my hand off with him; the puMic land* and territories to railroad*, ex­ season of the year. The anow fell to extra­ anlll for any decent road. Other second ­ er concerning his connection with the Sioux and so 1 had to go out on the porch just ture. Yesterday, when your visitor found seal the silent lips and give you the pro cept over the military and Indian reservation*; Ilia story, xs gathered bv a /tors* report ­ me by your side, I observed a frown on phetic little ‘vesror ’no' which a professed Heaat* amendment# to th* House Mil abolishing ordinary depth la London and surrounding hand stock was also Durrhased in this way. City Road, made a statement to the effect er, is substantially ae follows: On the long enough to *,et it back, while be said: that in January !ast, In settling up some busi­ “ Ettie Moore says she lores me, and bis face. I detest obtrusiveness, but if physiognomist like your confidante can the franking privilege —1M to P>. country. On the morning of the 2d it wa* The following are the particulars, *• given morning of the terrible Tuesday, a party ness with the Messr*. Coburn, he took a of five men, Charles O’Neil and nis broth­ we are going to correspond when I go there is anything in the relation in which always read in the eye?” In the Senate, on the 2Bth, the Vice- six Inches deep In the city. Travel waa al­ by telegraph, of the excitement in tbe Kan­ quantity of stock of this road, for wnlch he back to college , and ae you know all lovers you stand to each other which will make I would rather you did the Iasi,” he 1‘resident, la a few remark* relating to th* (Yedtt- most wholly fu*pended. In tbe provlncoe su* Legislature on the occasion of the elec­ paid about 00 cents in cash. This was the ers John aad Htephen, and Mike and and their sweethearts must have a con my attentions objectionable to either of said; and I roae, leaned my elbow on Mobliier Investigation, reqseated that a committee the enow-fail was much heavier, and in the tion of United States Senator; first of his ownership in the road. He hold* Tkomaa Holden, started from Beaver fidante to smuggle letters and valentines you, they shall cease this moment. You the corner of the mantel near the gas ­ of Senator*, a majority of which should be politi ­ extreme north tbare were drifts several feet “Tte Joint Convention had just assembled . the stock in his own name, and Congrea*, in Kalla, Kenville County, w ith five load* of are st perfect liberty to repeat to him light, rested my head on my empty hand, cally opposed to him, he appointed, to make a when Henator V<*rk. of Montgomery Coxnty. arose his Judgment, is no more called u;«on to In­ grain for Wilmar market. Wllmxr ia dis ­ across the lines, we hare both choaen you deep. The gale raged with great fury all to a question of prtrllege. and stated that hr rame for ours. Oh, I was so afraid you wouldn't every word I have said to voo. ” so as to shade my eyes from the intensttv most thorough and exhaaetive Investigation Into vestigate It than It would be to inquire into tant from Bearer Fall* about thirty five of the brilliant burner near me, and wiln tbe charge* against the Vlee President, with around the English aod Irish coasts. Many to the Legislature as an anti-Pomeroy maa. and the weekly expenses of his household. He mile* of open prairie, twenty of which are come l” "I thank you sincerely lor your oon- ■otborltvlo rend for prisons and paper* Mr. wreck* are reported, and there was a fearful took aa artive part la the opposition to the Men* the awe creeping over me with which the tor's re election Pomeroy, he said, made several made the explanation without the slightest without a settler. Quite early in the after­ I found the snow had drifted —well, siderateness, ” I said. “I am under no Pratt, or Indiana, mov wf tte appointment of sack reluctance. The road could not possibly obligations of the kind to him or any old astrologers read the horoscope of the commute*, in acrordanr* with th* wish of th* lose of life, especially off Torquay and reqeest* for Interview*. ar.d. at length. Colonel noon it began to snow, but the wind was 1 don't believe 1 knew how many inches Vic* Pnwldent. and took occasion to say that, around the filclly Island*. York say*, with tbs advice of Ben. Y Thompson, come before Congress for sn>thing. other gentleman .” midnight stars, I looked, and saw—only a of Miami County, W II. Johnson, of Anderson Senator Lor an made a statement going to light xml the party pressed on, anxious to 1 have not promt* d a recital of all my having known the ViewPresident from hi* youth, The report that filrdar Abdul Rah«*m had auricular experiences. Enough to say, lie introduced his topic by saying: "I wonderfully faithful comy of the po rtrait he had the most perfect couldeuce m hi* truth, Coenty, and Jams# llorton, of I>nagla* County, show that he had agreed to purchase tbe reach Wilmar with no delay. that in time I settled down into the con ­ 1 am glad that I shall have to say little hanging Jnst over me, o»f which Mr Ten hi* Integrity and hi* honor; It would require a captured Port Hlesar, at the Instigation of he • oasented to the Interview for the sole and sin stock, as alleged by Ames, and had received When within shout eight miles of Wil- more of myself. Oh, what a strange joy nent Tremont ’s confidante was the original. great deal more evtdene* than be had seen the Russians, and waa making other aggres ­ gie purpose off an masking thj \1l1alnv of the aid a balance of $h2S* as dividends on the same, mar the wind began to increase, and blew viction that it waa my special mission to nr heard to convince the people of th* HUte of In ­ corruptionist. About midnight ou Monday, in with the understanding that he would return be the receptale of other people ’s secrets; it is to be able to speak unreservedly of I threw it from me, and Imrst into tear*. diana that he. tte Vico-President. Is a dishonest sive movement* In Afghanistan, wa* contra ­ Henator Pomeruv'* room in the Tlftt House , the directly in their fac4»a. They Viewed the her, and of the long pent np hopes and He stood quite near me. 1 thought I hated or dishonorable man. Mr. Thurman argued dicted In London on the 2d. bargain and sal* of Senator York ’s vote it In a few days if he did not couclude to situation with considerable dismay, and and they seemed determined to convince against the appointment of the committee on the and influence were m*d* in consideration take the stock; he decided not to take the me that they thought so too. fears of the past vears! And now, If von him, but ray obtuse, blundering, idiotic The Berlin IV*#Isch# Zdtuof tbe let of tte sum of p ons, of which mm fT.ftO about half concluded to turn about and self more than him. I waved my hand In ground that the Vice President was aot a stock, or hsve anything more to do with it, bo, when Mr. Tennant Tremont hap­ will aasiat me in Interpreting her conduct member of the Senate, and that body bad argues that the Ru*»iaa forces In Central was paid down. Pomeroy promising to pae the and returned the #329 w ilh interest ; he didn't retreat to a house about eight miles in the pened along and bi came a candidate for ! toward me—if you will inspire me with token cither of his silence or withdrawal, ao power over him to expel or rensure him Mlf .Vela are strong enough to 4cfy any attempt remaining: fil.ODQ after the election.ilectlea. Colonel York recoliact of any legislation in regard to the rear, and fortunate would it have been tor in all my life long I, with a whole dic ­ he ba* b**n guilty of anything that saMrri* him then handed the money. In $1,000 pecktires, to the bad they done ao. Hut, about a mile auricular favors, like a tradesman who even a faint hope of success—if you will of the British to check their progress, and "•ecretary « ( the Senate, aad Incited member* and r«>ad during the negotiation between Ames tionary in my mind of abusive epithets, bn punishment, it 1* by Impeachment, and that can and himself. shead, was the house of a Mr. Meagher, has gained the self sustaining ground advise me as you would a brother how to only originate la tte Rons* of Representative* Koglaod la powerlcie. Russia waa only Heaat ora to examine It. York held up hi* hand* proceed —gratitude will be too weak a was never more at a lots for a word. My Tf evidence 1* produced that*ati»fl*s the Rouse of to and swore before heaven that every statement 11. C. Swain. Cashier of the First National aud the party finally determined to pref»a w-hich has made him indifferent as to waiting for a false step on the part of Kn- wa* trne In substance and detail, and promised to custom-seeking, I could afford to be en­ word for my feeling toward you for the token was unheeded. HmtmiMliu that k* ought to b* Impeached. It Bauk of the District of Columbia, waa sworn on to this refuge. He only murmured softly, 1# the duty of the House to Impeach him, and gland. tuakepubMc otter revelation*. What Pomeroy and prodaced the book* of the bank con ­ The storm continued to Increase in vio ­ tirely independent about giving a pre­ remainder of my life." It 1* the duty of th* Senate not to form any enfolded to him. h* said, would excite the whole taining the account of Bchuyler < olfax. He "I have not yet sufficient light on her ** I had sever rare th** weeping ; opinion a* to bis galit or Innocence until tte people of the nation. lence, however, and tbe wind hurled the vious promise to keep his secrets for him; THE NEW WORLD. •‘The ronfnslon that followed wa* intense The stated that the books showed a deporit by and so, dear reader, they arc as much part of the affair to aid you by advice, ” I eaaaot leave the* now.** evidence 1* produced, aad w* are called npon Mr. Colfax, on June 22, 1«*\ of $1.9*tfiS: failing and drifting particles of ioe against a* Judge* to deliver our verdict. We cannot Gold closed la New York on the l*t at cry of llang Pomeroy 1’ and motions for rare*-# and about them until they were obliged yoi» as mine. I answered “In these slowly-develop ­ When you snatched my picture from enter Into an investigation of hi* cooduct. aod rendered it Impossible to transact business The July 7, $40i»; July H, $150; July 13, $1,542.- When niy brother introduced him into ing love affairs there Is usually but one me a moment ago I saw a glistening tear formtaQ the judgment. ” Th* qa«mtna a* to the I supporter* of Pomeroy were sttgrered and roe **7. The witness also produced the follow ­ to turn their faces from the storm aud our family circle we took him to be a great hindering cause. I)o you know, ” of sympathy in your eye; but what are appointment of'’ the proposed committee wa* then Tbe cpixootic wa* recently prevailing ex- founded Vt ben order wa* restored, the t> ing certificate of deposit, npon being re­ trust to the instincts of their animals to 1 said, laughing as much as 1 dared, look ­ pot and kwt. Mr. Pratt alone voting In theth< affirms for a re-cee* wa# voted down, and the flr*t ballot In quested to do so. keep the right direction. Drift* began to Northern colic e chum, met with during these?'' live....The amen ament* of the House• tot< the Vi­ ten*ively la part* of Utah and Nevada. Th* bdat convention was taken, which ballot resulted his just return ing into his w<** begone f*ce, "that you "8o cruel! so ungenerous! so unfair!” enna Exposition Mil were concurred In . Bill* street* of Balt Lake City were almost desert ­ in giving Inxall*. uf Atchison. Hi vote*, aud Pome ­ Deposited with the Flret National Bank by meet them, and their horeea could froin-tripto Washington; Hehuyler Colfax, .lone tfl lx*#: for It was in those days when 8 >uthern have not told me what has passed 1« I said, still pressing my hands tightly were Introduced-repealing the act of Jane i ed, and every furnace la the Eureka mining roy non# The remaining vole* were divided be­ scarcely flounder through them. It wan tween you V l“7t. regulating the construction of tween Lowe. Ilarrev aad Mark*." United Htate* and bauk note* ...... $l.tnn on now too late, and equally too hazardous hospitality was as much appreciated as it over my eyes. "How can I ever forgive bridge* aero** the Mlsvluslppi River, district, and every mine but two, had nue- A Topeka dispatch of the dOlh nit saye v> m was liberally bestowed. It was a good His moment or two of death silence you? ” amendatory of th* act of April pended operation* on acconnt of the distem ­ Cheek...... It* M to take the back track, and they pushed time for s modest stranger to come among made me almost regret my last words. With softer murmur than the last he 1, lHTt, authorising the construction of a bridge Senator Pomeruv was lying eerioualy 111 at Check...... W0 00 on into the bitter hurricane In the hope at Clinton. Iowa, and other bridge* aero** the per among the horse*. his private residence in that city, and his new faces. We were in the flutter and "In the first of our acquaintance I was repeated the words. Total ...... $1 «#* as of reaching Meagher’s. But now their Mississippi The Legislative Appropriation hill Laara D. Fair lectured at Sacramento the phyalclana had forbidden admission to his horses gave out. And !>ecaine nix) led in a bustle which a wedding in the family ever tortured by her indifference. Mv “Tliwertto l*t the pardoned in.” wa* laken'ap and an amendment wa* agreed to To tbe question of Ames, ritness replied first attentions were quietly received, requiring that no judgment of the Coart or Haim* other night. In a lager beer saloon, having room. “Further deposits of bribe money succession of deep drifts. It was found makes, and it gave him an opportunity "Astounding presuinpi that, of course, he could not tell where tbe to get used to us, and left us none to ob ­ never encouraged. Then came the still tion that!" 1 •hall be paid, except to person* whose loyalty ha* been unable to obtain any public hall. Her are said to have been made with tbe Secre money came from. impossible to extricate the sleighs, and more torturing fear—agony let me call said, now giving him ti>e benefit of my been proved Other amendments were disposed •abject waa “Wolves in the Fold." Find tary of the Senate to day to the amount of James Brook* appeared before the Com ­ the'onlv alternative was to build the best serve him unpleasantly much. full gaxe —“to speak of pardon before of. one to raise th* *alar1m of < 'ongremaen to But when the wedding was over, and it—leat she was pre engaged. Thank $7,0T0 being tabled. lng no one paid to enter the cellar, she $fi,000. The money wax paid in, it la aaid, by mittee on the 2Uth, and deeired a record protection their circumstances would al­ making a confession of your guilt! But made of tbe fact that nearly three months 1 had made up my week of lost sleep, God? That burden was lifted from my Iff , In tbe House, on tbe 2Btb, tbe Ben ate ordered the door thrown open for a free mem tiers of the Legislature, who received it low. One sleigh-box whs set up edge- poor heart but only,* it seemed, to make before i I give you time even for that, the lecture. before he (Brooks) became a memlier ora way*, turned from the wind, and another and he and my brother had kept them amendment* to the Indian Appropriation bill were from Pomeroy, bat their names hsve not Government Director it was a matter of no ­ selves out of the way on a ramp hunt, room for the verv one of all in the cats remaining mysteries which still hang Several Illinois eitlxcn* in different sec­ was leaned against it to serve as a cover around your tale of woe shall be cleared disposed of. aod a Committee of Conferewe* wa* been disclosed.* ’ toriety ia the highest Court of Pennsylva- and brace. About this insecure and for my mother to do upner week of house- logue of causes by which a lover ’s hope appointed on disagreeing vote* The bill for th* tion* of the State have recently, while travel­ The official census returns show] 209,000 niy that SelDon owned 150 share* in his own cleaning- dies beyond the possibility■SJollltV of a resuvrec up. Please to inform the court how the flimsy shelter sacks of grain w ere packed, liur—it is nerc that ourut story proper original of jr.w purloined sketch could admiete of Colorado wa* debated . Th* death ing on the railroad*, tendered the rate* of slaves In tbe Island of Cuba. name; also that the Government Directors ins. tion. Jt is the nick —no, I fear the; laetd «*f Julie* **. ntrre wr. tea NqerewlMl** from Con ­ fare established by law, which were refused generally, if not always, were in accord with and inside ihe five men were crowded, waters of friendship into wbic mi have !»een the object of vears of devotion, ner tiewt, was formally announced and *uktgie* President Grart haa aigned the blP abol ­ we were leav in g th< I were delivered. by the companies, the passengers In many him < Brooks* a* to thebr duties. He claimed after having first cut loose the horsew. when it has t*en only lour weeks to day ishing the franking privilege. tbat the fifty additional share* for Neilson Thin wm about four o'clock Tuesday, and one morning my brotthercaught my d frieghted bark is now drifting — which cases being carried free. In a few instances sleeve, and, dropping in the rear of Mr. may lie between it and the bright isle of since you laid your mortal eyes on herv' In the Benate, on tbe filfth, a hill wax In his testimony before the Wilson Credit- were i»*ued by virtue of bis (Neilson**) con ­ of course they had no food, and but a Tennent Tremont, allowed him to find love, the safe harbor |he shuddered], "Ah! you may well say mortal; but reported to amend the fifth section of the Mining men have been ejected from the car* on re­ Mobliier Committee Horace F. Clark, pres­ tract with Durant; he had no knowledge s* meager supply or blankets. Tbe snow, the verandah; “Really, sis, I don't think " net the blissful possession. ” you know the soul too bas Its visual or ­ act of May It, 1*7*. ao that the time of tte fret fusing to pay the fare demanded by the com ­ ent President of the Union Pacific Railroad, to who paid tbe $5,000 loaned Neilson by. Dil. driven acroea the prairie* like stunning gans. I saw and loved and worshiped annual exnenditare on claim* located prior to tte panies. It la thought test cases will be Ion. H# was rare ha (witnessi did you are doing the clever thing, quite.” Reader, tbe roses were not growing passage of said act shall he extended ecemher. |t*TI. .. The Hecrvtary of War wa* di ­ showed no *urh check given. "Why, in not helping me to entertain last fully enlisted. id: rected to Inquire Into the expediency of enlisting Letter* recently sent to the Internal Rev­ by tbe Company to Influence legislation or Ex Representative Robert S. Hale, of N«w above the little shelter, and in my friend. ” “You have well said,** I answered. Oaly (or tte real will I with tte ideal part; a company of Indian scout* to serve against the enue office In Washington from North Caro ­ York, appeared before the Committee, and upon the men, and with such force was it Another shallaot even tempt my heart. Modora,...Th* legislative Appropriation bill wa* election. He alto Intimated that, when the “Getting tired of him?” • "Friendship is the ‘nine notch' in which further considered, and •rveral amendment* were lina show tbat some parties In that State are present management have assured them stated he ws* present as the friend and blown that it waa parked firm m sheets of "No, ha isn't one of that kind; but, to a lover makes ‘no count ’ in the game of When l saw her just four weeks since, disposed of; on* farther reducing the engaged in theboslneas of falsely represent- counsel of We President Colfax; that he ice. Tuesday night passed, and Wednes­ 1 knew her, clerical force la tte f’uol-Oftce Departxaeat. •elves of all the facts in relation to the (Colfax) was engaged in makings thorough tell the truth, 1 am too busy Jnst now to i hearts But steer bravely past these dark lng thcmarlvea to be in authority as revenue frauds committed on the road by tbe Credit- day Mike Holden announced his intention And my heart responded ae. with nnaecn wing*. examination of ail his paper* and letters, give him tbe whole of my time. ** j gulfs of despair. nave you ever had re­ In the Hoaae, on the 29th, a hill for official*, **vrn to th- extent of issuing snd upon concluding such examination i of seeking Meagher’s house. He tried to course to jealousy in your desperation?" I An angel touched it# an#wept #tiing». Mobliier, they wonid take measures for the persuade the others to accompany him,but "Too busy turning your own cakes. Aod »bi*per*tn It* aung the admission of Colorado ** a Htate was, after an bogus commission* and letters of instruc- recovery of their property. be would appear before tbe Commit ­ Yea, I tea. ' inquired Where hast then soared *o long V animated dieraeeton tabled- 11T to* ...TbeCom tee to testify In his own behalf, and he they considered themselves safest where tion* to people unwary enough to be their A Washington dispatch of the 21st ult. an- “Which is no more than my sister is "I scorn such a base ally. Your broth­ Rut the avenging demon of curiosity mil tee on the Florida Contested Election Case re­ dupe*. would also ask that some witnesses be ex­ they were, and declined. Mike started er can tell you I am here partly because I ported that N1 black, th* contestant, wa* entitled { oouiHM lhat the Government would send a amined. Colfax had requested tbe speaker out and scceeded in reaching the bouse, doing; which reminds me to say that J. was not to he exorcised by sentimental The Legislature of i.eorgia ha» made the B will call this morning, he desired me to would avoid increasing an affection in an­ to a seat, which report wa* agreed to, and NtMack peace commission to the Modoc Indians, to say that as to tbe 81, ‘JUU check deposited having both hand* frozen on tbe way. evasion "Those letters, sir, of which was sworn in ...A report wa* made hy the Chair­ hlrthd»y of Hubert F.. I.-c a legal holiday. to bi* credit as sfq»ear* by tbe books of the inform you. But, dear sis, we must not other which I cannot return. ” you spoknke, Mey must have been of a real, man of the Helect Committee on the I nloa Pacltc charged with ample power to hear and ad- Tbe storm continued so severe that no at­ "I><*es she know of that?” I asked, not By an accident on the Grand Trunk Rail­ First National Rank, be would show that tempt could be made to rescue the others be so abaoroeri in our own love matters as tangible form —not apart of the mythical Railroad and <'redIt-Mobliier Investigation, that a i Just all the troubles. that was derived from another source. Mr. to give my fnend only a moiety of our at at all prepared in my own mind to yield phantasmagoria of your idealistic vis wlines*, who had born called before tte Commit ­ way. in Canada, on the 24th, th# English The Pennsylvania State Senste, on the at that time. Ther, In the meantime, tee, Joeeph B. Hie wart, of Washington, bad re mail from Chicago on th# J2d d«-*troy#d Hwain was then recalled aud examined by tention, for, poor fellow ! be has one of the potency of the ally in my sincere de ­ fused to answer certain questions a* to th* dispo ­ Hist, bf a vote of 25 to 1, adopted a resolu ­ Hal#. He testified that tbe same day that were suffering all the pang* of soil Mi his own." sire to aid him by this test of a woman's He laughed as a light hearted child sition made by him of a large amount of bond*, by fire. Th# mail ronsi*t#d of fiv# b*r- of tion instructing the United States Senators Colfax deposited the $1 Jni) he checked out hunger, and it ifl quite probable tbat sev­ affection. whichwktrk had beoab*. o jrlren ktm In ISM. for to arrange l#tt#r mail fiv#* bug* of p*j'#r mail and thirty “Bo I am to bore him for the sake of would, but knitted his brow with a per- from Pennsylvania to vote against the par- • 1.000 and purchased a draft on New York, eral of them became delirious, for when "Yes; I have no reason, however, for ■tent of tk* pending diffic ultir* with other compa ­ three registered letter*. which he indorsed over to A. H. Connor, found they were lying out of and near the relieving you ! Is that my role ?” lexed air as he said, "Why don't tbe nies Tte irltase* grounded hi* refusal on lb# chase of the control of the telegraph* by the "Now stop ! He titnplv thinking that the fact has raised her esti­ principle of comm en lead on* between couneel »nd The National Theater in Washington w a* Indianapolis The draft was subsequently shelter. wants a ladv I ritiah government send a woman to find Government. paid in New York. confidante. ” mate of the article," be said, making a Bthe source of the Nile? I must thank client being privileged. A motion wa* adopted to destroyed by fir# on th# >th !.o**, f]ix).0iS) About ten o'clock Friday morning a have Stewart wrought before the liooee forthwith The jury in the Tweed rase failed to A check for $1,800 was produced before I broke sway from my brother’s hold, poor attempt to smile. your unsophisticated brother's pride in Th# Imperial Hotel, adjoining th# th. atcr, man, pawing along the road with an ox- to show raae* why he should nut be committed to agree, and were discharged on the 21st alt. the Committee, given by Oake* Ames snd and ran up to my room to see if all was I felt ashamed of my suggestion, and •ialrr’t epistolary accomplish meat* for answer for contempt wa# damaged ^o th# #vt#rt of f:te (■*>. made payable to J. W. Patterson or bearer, team, heard shouts, as of soma one in dis­ It is said they stood eleven for acquittal aod right for my exxpected caller, giving my said quickly, "You correspond, of course; m privilege of perusal. W bat next? ” It wa* re;*>rted on th# ’>»h that the S#cr# snd dated Jar nary 22, iww. Mr. Arne* tress, and, upon making search, discov­ how are her letters*" Now I was sure of In the Senate, on the 30tb, a bill was one for conviction. ered the little barricade covered with right ear a pull . oy way of saying to that thought a moment. Before, I bad Introduced-Incorporating the Mississippi A Ohio Ury of th# Tr#a*ar? had offered to tak# half ated that this sum was paid Mr. Patterson my safest clue in finding her out. The Hon. Joel A. Matteson, ex Governor r d:\ Jeni!* on th.rtv ahare* of Crefii Mo packed snow, and was horrified, upon victimized organ, You are needed fiftynnr other?r qlaeries to propound, but now Tunnel aad Tube Company, with a capital of i a toil "It was through the medium of her as I million of dollar* from th# house of of Illinois, died at the residence of his son Iblller stock Mr. Ames also produced a disturbing several apparent knolls in tbe And what think you I did next ? Got looked iiinto the glowing anthracite be­ ♦ HUW0.000. to construct tunnel* aader the Missis­ Phclp*. Dodge A Co., of New York, In pay out my embroidery material bag, and put letters that I first obtained my knowledge fore me which gave ua thoee pltaaant He in law, R. E. Goodell. in Chicago, on the receipt for $.T29, signed by J. W. Patterson vicinity, to find that they contained the sippi aad Ohio Hirer*, to be used for connecting in.-nt of th# revenue of which th» y bad d# and dated February 14, IhiJh, which reads it in order for action at a moment's warn­ of her mind, her temperament, her veriea, they very naturally all reeolved railway* centering near their iauction . Th* Mil 2Ut Ult. t dead bodies of men. He found the bodies frauded th# Government , and that a Corn pro “being a dividend of eighty p. c. In bond* or ing I was prepared for a reasonable disposition, her admirable domestic vir­ themaelvea into explained myateriea with­ exempting mineral lands la Michigan, Wisconsin Hon. John J. Ingallx, the su A * >r to of Thomas Holden, Btephen O'Neil and tues; for they were written without re­ aod Minnesota from the operation of tbe general tnla# had been effected on th#*c term*, and stock of the Crcdit-Mobilier of America, John O'Neil, the first two quite dead, and amountY>f martyrdom pertaining to my out hit aid. act to promote the derolotHaent of the mineral Senator Pomeroy, In the Kansaafteaator held by him as Trustee on my profusion but I was always an econo serve. They excited my highest admira ­ He inaiaU that the “prophetic little yes resource* of tte United Htate*. was named Wm F Dodge, th# eenlor partner, then ship, Is a lawyer, a native of Ksxe^Coanty, account. ” Mr. Ames stated farther the latter with life almost extinct. Upon mist of time, and not another unem ­ tion; they stimulated my desire to know or no ” never came. A motion was agreed to to reconsider the amend caused an Immediate dissolution of the firm, that Scofield. Dawes and Logan went out m arching under the cover ha found two more of her; but they contain no word of meat to the Legislative Appropriation VII. pro Ms*#., 28 years old. He Is a graduate of •fter th* dividend of sixty per cent. Wit- feet protruding from tbe snow, and, ployed hour would I yield to the selfish Upon my honor, dear reader, aa a con ­ hlMtlng tbe payment, anlee* bv special act of Toa expelling the Junior partners, who w#r# th# Williams College, Mss*achusetts, end went demands of my forthcoming job. love for me." fidante, 1 still think it the moat unfair green, of jadgmeats of th* Court of Claim* to principal agents in »windling th# Custom ne*s said that Mr. A)li*on sent his stock breaking away tbe crust, he found Charles to Kausa# in lb5*. back, and said he would have nothing more The next day was one of November His want of boldness almost excited my procedure which ever "disgraced the claimant* whose loyalty during tte rebellion ha* Hones. O Neil, alive, but ia a terrible condition. not been proved, and the amendment wm again Senator Pomeroy appeared by counsel be­ to do with it, and be (Amcsj supposed tbe drixale, the house confinement of which, contempt. My skill was baffled on every annals of civilized warfare;” but I ahull Colonel John M Bradley, Republican can The bodies were at once lugged to his adopted — IS to tt — and th* MU wee pe#*ed. fore the Judge of the District Court, on the stock being returned to him by Allison was sled and conveyed to Meagher'*, and my adroit brother declared, could only side, and. not caring much to ronop] my have abundant opportunity for revenge, didst# for Corigr#«*man at Large in \rkan- a real transaction, and not a nominal one. In the House, on the 30th, * bill was 31st ult. Waiving examination, he gave thence to Wilmar, John O'Neil dying be­ be mitigated brnuy presence in tbe sit­ impatience, I said, "You have asked me for we are to make the journey of life to- • as, ha* commenced a contest again*t Hydes, In regard to his conversations with Mr. ting-room until tbe improved state of the to admire too aa I would my brother, pamed directing the restoration to the pension ball la $20,000 for his api»earance at the Jane fore reaching tbat place. The derail* of Bhe gether.—lAppinemtt't Ma^aunm. Reformer, who received the certtfl.ste of Garfield, Mr. Ames said he (Garfield) had weather allowed their escape from it. m cold a selfish; five her up." roll* of the names of each pea*loner* of the war term of Court. wanted the witness to say aa little as he the sufferings of Chari** O'Neil are horri­ elect to a. I fm in the habit of appropriating such "Give her op!" he aald with measured of Iftfi a* were struck from the roll* under the act Tbe Florida Legislature, on the Hist ult., could before the’Comraittee that be (Garfield fying and almost incredible. It seems Curious MUtlstlce of Marriage. of Feb. 4.187*. on aeeouat of navtag aided or en ­ Prince Lunsllo wa* elected King of might get off as easy as he could. Mr. | weather to my piano, and I had not and em hatlc alownf give her up. elected 8. B. Conover, Republican, United that he had laid down immediately upon couraged tbe rebellion, the pen el on* to be paid Hawaii by a popular vote, which wa* nnanl l- Ames produced • memorandum upon which entering the cover, and had, while in thia touched It for a month. Whether Mr. when I ave sought her beneath every To people of e statistical rather than of from the pimafe of this act; also, entitling each States Senator, on the fifth bailot, twenty- were the following figures: **$1,000;" “$1,- ! Tennent Tremont ’s nerves were in a clime on which the ran shines—cot for person* te thebenrflt* of tbe act of tbe 14th of mous, at the election held on New Y#ar * position, been fastened down by theterri- sound state or not, I was determined to sentimental turn, the mathematics of February, 1871. granting pension* to the survivor* Day. seven Democrats voting with the Republi- 000;” “$4(W.” Total, ”$2,400;" and tde weight of tbe snow which drifted months, but for years? Oivt her up, marriage in different countries may of tte war of 1811.... Tbe Fortification bill, appro testified that the figures were made by practice until twelve But when be came when her presence gives me all I have »rr>ve an attractive theme of meditation, proprieties |l.Wt,000. waa peered . .TT.Yf r. The President, In an official order Issued Garfield. The first $1,000 referred to tbe upon him, or rather upon the upper por­ in from the library and assisted mein open ­ ever known of hapnineaa? Giver her up!" Htewart, the race east witness, was produced through the Htate Department, *ay* the It is stated that the Secretary of State at Union Pacific bonds; the second, to the tion of hi* body. It was so heavy, he t is found that young men from fifteen aad «pok* te hie own defense, dee ylog that he Washington has recently received a dis ­ ing the instrument, I was oblige* to ask and he leaned his head on the hack of nis Pxecutive order of December 17, relating to Credit-Mobliier stock ; and tbe $400. to some ­ said, as to cause unbearable torture. fto twenty years of age marry young waa In contempt, saying that matter* were not hi* patch from Minister Sickles, to the effect him what he would have. ffibey were my chair and closed his eyes. own hat hie client'*, and tbat te was not advised tbe holding of State or municipal office# by thing else, be could not remember what. After he found he wm unable to rise, and women averaging two or three years old* that tbe latter had been officially informed These figures referred to what Mr. Garfield first direct words to him, our three weeks’ j had imagined him gifted with won ­ of any lew which conferred eves upon Congress Federal officer*, applies to the offices of that the snow wm covering bia head, he guest. er than themselves, but If they delay the right to question him upon them Resole by the Spanish Government that no steps was entitled to. feared suffocation, and to keep that mem­ derful self-control, but when I looked up marriage until they are twenty or twenty- ttuas were then agreed to declaring Htewart la Aldrrmsn, Councilman, and to all offi •#• nn- "Qh, 'Bummer Night* is s favorite, ” he would be taken to abolish slavery In Cuba Mr. Ames further testified ae to Mr. Kel­ ber free he constantly raised and lowered from my work all color had faded from five years old, their spouses average a contempt of tbe Rous*, and remanding him to th* der all town or village government*, with ley that be (Kelley > bad railed the transac­ said. custody of the Hergeant-et Arm* to be detained until the Insurrection in that island had been it, and in this manner, while be could not his cheeks, tbe lios seemed ready to year younger than themselves, and or without *alary or compen*atlon On the tion • loan, and said he wanted to pay it; I gar* him the song, and then executed until farther order of tte Rose*, notes* be de ­ suppressed. prevent the drift from forming over it, he yield the little blood left there by the thenceforward this difference steadily in­ clared bi* veilllngne** to appear and answer before contrary, po*itlona on Board* of Educa ­ tbat Kelley gave him a check, which be the long variations; then, dropping my clinch of ihn white teeth upon them, the Cuaaittee. Mr. Stewart, atlll persisting te hi* (Ames) tore In half and handed back to Kel­ formed an air chamber, which prevented tired hands in my lap. Inquired whether creases till iu extreme old age on the tion, School Committee*, public Libraries, The following Is the public debt state­ fuffoention. In his endeavor to free his while every muscle of the face qelvered Mfinridgn------room's part it is apt----- to be enormous, refusal to answer, wax removed from tte hall te ment, February 1: ley. and both appeared satisfied with tbe he liked vocal or instrumental beat. with spasmodic effort to control emotion. The lot castody of th* Hergeaat at Ann*. religions or eleemosynary institution*, in- ! tran«actlon. Wltoes* testified: “I did not head the poor fellow actually tore the clination of octogenarians to wed corporated, established, or sustained by tbe Hit per cent bonds , ...... $1.841.44*, 7H0 consider tbat be owed me anything, but I ‘Efot aay more of eitber, just now, When the eyes were opened and fixed on mil in their teens is an every-day oc ­ In the Senate, on the 81«t, x message Fiv* per cent, bonds ...... 4)4.Se7.'WO hair alm«»it entirely from the acalp. Here thanking vou kindly for whet you have the ceiling. I saw no trace in them of was received from th* President vetoing tte Mil State or mnnielpal authority, and profe**.»r owed him and told him so; he did not deny he lay, with his feet expo*ad In the air currence, but It is amusing to find in the Total eote bonds $1.7M, nuMm It." given me,” V* said. " Have you ever been anger, revenge, or even of wounded pride. love matches of boys that the statistics for tte relief of tte University of K*at Tens sense. ships in college*, are not regarded ax offlrex and frozen stiff and with tbe cruel frost a confidante. Miss------f* They were full of tears, ready to gush in .... A Conference Committee wee appointed oa within the contemplation of the F.iecutiva At the sluing of Poland ’s Committee on •lowly creeping np hit limb*, and unable bear out the satires of Thackeray and Lawfal money debt.. . |i*. 60*.nw) the 39th, Hon. John Beatty, of Ohio, testi­ “Tbat Is my vocation, Mr. Tremont, ” I one last 4ood tide of feeling over a sub­ the Indian Appropriation MU,.., BID* were Intro order. Matured debt ...... V tl tfln to move scarce a muscle of his body BaJzac. Again, the husbands of young diced -eerbnrlxteg tte Northern Pnrlflr Kailmed fied that he had a conversation with Steven ­ dued, chastened, but breaking heart. Judge Kelley sent a letter to Mr. Poland, Legal tender t.ot*e . SA.nfe.im from Tuesday night until Friday ' Which? your embroidery or —" women aged twenty and under average Com pent to cenetraet a bridge across the Ht. CerUXcaiee of deposit. JN.HXn.0Kl son on the day before that gentleman intro ­ noon. Can a more horrible situation It was vent evident that my treatment a little above twenty five years, and the Loeia River; aatborlrteg tbe Oilsmbee. Fayette Chairman of the Cradlt-Mobiller Investl- j Fiactkmai currency,.. 4s.fe7.ens duced tbe resolution of inquiry in reference "Both combined, ” I tried to say pleas was not adding much comfort to my A Decatur Rail rued (owipeoy to eater public landa; gating Committee, on the 29th, enclosing a Cote cert 1 flea t ee...... «i.a4a.*4W to the Slonx City Road In the House Steven ­ be imagined? The poor fellows right inequality of age diidiminishes thenrefor a Joint resolution for a roaetitatlaaal amendment Total debt ...... i.flti l«M.7M arm Is frozen to the elbow, the right •ntly, “as on this occasion. I tm at Mr. patient however salutary It might prove twin beset ore by a popular vote . Tbe Webb son then said tbat Ames told him tbat Speak­ Tremont's serviceaad I threaded mv ward, till for women who have reached check for $S0n, with the statement that It latereet ...... I7.44e.ww er Blaine was Interested In the Dabnqne A leg to the knee and the left leg above the In tbe end. I knew of his intention to thirty their respective ages are equal; Aaetrattsn Steamship teheldy MU was called ap la for the balance of a loan due from him tapestry needle and debated .. Adjourned to the M. Total grew* debt...... $lttn »U,Ml Sioax CUy Road. After the reeola ankle. These members are thus f*r , leave the next day; there was little time after thirty five years, women, like men, (Kelley i to Ames, but which the latter dis ­ tion had passed, Ames came and asked tte Without a prefatory word he began: left me to aid him, and I had come to re Tbs Houas devoted the whole of tbe (tosh la Treasury— completely dead, and he bas been lying at Years before your young heart wee marir those younger than themselves, claims. He asks that this, together with Oota ...... $«,1tMD4 witness who pot Stevenson up to that. W ilmar until yesterday, when the first 1 gard the unknown woman's mysterious the disproportion increasing with age, session oa tte Slot to tte consideration of private the ten snares of Credit Mobliier stock Currency ...... 7,1X7.484 Ames said Mr Stevenaon was on the wrong awakened to 'the sweetest joy, the wild , nature. or strategic warfare ae pitted till at fifty-five It averages nine years. bill* Special deport* held for redemp ­ track. Witness heard no conversation Be­ train succeeded In getting through. set woe,' I lored. ” In the Honan, on the 1st, x bill which Ames handed by his request to Mr. tion of rertlflcaiee of depoxsm. ae tween Ames and Stevenaon. Five of the horsea were frosea to death, Tbe greatest number of marriages for Poland, the other day, be transferred to tbe provided by law...... to MMOft “And single yet!” I exclaimed ae I let J&fhV4 Zr SE£*L** 4 h€ passed to seemre more eflirieet administration Mr Stevenson stated that after be Istro and the others were found five miles m !h mu,lt ra*° pi** between tbe ages of tt ren l i»tted States. Ames, he says, disclaim* the duced tbe resolution, Ames did talk to him away all right.—Si. P hhI /Yeas. my hands drop and glanced op at his qtiUhed. Sh m wss, then, my i anl8F Mis*iaL fame* A. Bardie, waa Interest arerned aad aot ret paid ... 117 no "You will aot leave me, wifi you? •4; in Denmark, 81; In Franca, 57, the dshated te Committee of tte Whole aad reported elation held IU annual meeting at Boston s Interest repaid by Catted htate* ..... mo V) road land grant given to the road. It was to bn due to the drain from the Treosuiseury palsied with the Infirmities of age —if a This may be—fr «r«UAs—my last demand city of Paris showing 51; In the Nether to tte H----- faw days sgo. The old board of officer* *x»j repaid by transportation ot donated to the State of Iowa by Congress, of $l>S$fi,274 for interest on Pacific Rail- long life is indeed to be mine.” 4,118.484 18 and thaState gave It to tha road. The road way bonds, which those bankrupt cor on yon ae a confidents. How Is the bou- leads, M. In Belgium, 42; in Norway, 86 reelected,and resolution* adopted contain of interest paid by th* L sited waa chartered by the Bute. Tha witness me, but I managed ■ Progressing ?" he naked Widowers indulge In second marriages THE OLD WOULD. log tha customary apposl to tho public. 14.mo.Afln.l8 norations are unable to pay. That th« to stftch *wsy composedly, and he w#m “iJa/nftSBf holding my embroidery was Interested in th* Slonx CUy A Pacific re%..irv but three or four times as often as widows. A Royal decree ban Railroad; also lx the Cedar RxpIdaRoad. hut 1 boars this harden to ins#, ou: ... promulgated te A Nuw York dispatch of tha 2»th aaya Tbe reason for the Increase kn the public it has borne It for years, nod m*ny will np before me; “we must hurry. I have For example, In Eoglaad (land of Mrs. Italy whereby the filet* formally Phelps, Dodge A Co. bad withdrawn their debt to stated at th* Trees*ry Department In none of them until after he left Onfrstt.O ”f know It Ifl In the highest degree but one more tendril to add. ” Bardell > there are fiO marriages of widow ­ James F. Wilson testified at Oake* aak why It should now for tho first time selfish to inflict ou you e recital of wtmt session of sixteen convent* In Rome. offer of a compromise made to the Govern to be oa account of tha payment during the Am**, Alley, and some other there of produce an increase in the debt.—Chicago “ IVndrils are ei i ngisg things, like hope, ers against fit of widows,- In Belgium Aeeordlaff to x Bombay dispatch received may not interest you; but I bare triad are they not?" he said penetraty. them are 4* to 14; in Fran or , 40 to 19 went, and would allow the case to go to the past month of Interest on Pacific Railroad Congress, were stock holder* la the town Tribum, ^ to keep my secret buried from human on the28th, the Raaeianx, notwithstanding courts. bonds over the amount retained from pay Falls A Sioux City Road; had noknowleff Bat sentimentalizing was not" the husi <>!d Mr. Weller'* paternal advice, to of Blaine or Hooper bring Interested; wH- —Tho Ban Francisco /fclrt* says H k, feasu all hot Aset, and you are now ness of the hour, aad I Intimated as "beware o 4 the energetic protest of England against the Fx Gove»4l'>r Bros*, of the Chicago TWA for services rendered of $1,820,274. There widow*, ” ought surely te be Invasion of Afghanistan, ox their expedi ­ aeee wm Interested In the road ; he erted, as “there is no true coal found want of the only being on earth to whom I have much to him. "Yes,” I replied, "hut and one of tbe members of tha Greeley were also disbursed from the Treasury dnr te believed. In arcordanre wits tte true pub­ beware of tion to Khiva, had struck the first Mow Rocky Mountains, wltk the exception of rever sum , 'I love. As intimate as I have hope must now give place to eflfort. I see Monument Association, request# the prea# lag January, in addition to the ordinary ex­ lic poHry offth# Stats at that time. some veins on Vancouver Island and been with your brother, if he knows R you are not going to take my ’giveher of the campaign by the capture of and the paople of the Northwest to tend to penses, $1,240,000 te the Board of Public Neilson van irisrs the Committee oa the Silt, and vsel over again the subject of his poosIMy In entire other ponton of British It hi by f. •’j.cnei 'Aticm^ fur no word or np' advice. ” Fort Hleeer. te tho suburbs of Cabul, him such rame a* they m»t wish to contrib Works in Washington, and $1,000,000 no ne­ Columbia Tho coal vet ns of California acknowledgement has ever pasted my " No —only from her who hue the right —A guest et a Danbury party recently the residence of tho Chief or Governor or ate te that object. Ba adds: “It would bxl transection with Brooke relating to transfer* lost one of his at of deficiencies Hi the postal revenue, rif the Credit Mobliier and Union Pacific j and Washington Territory are of later lipe before. May I go ou? ” ba asked to give tt.” cjrea whileplaying G Dubol, who was taken prisoner aod aeqt to oust of extraordinary bhagen.egan . It rolled under the ireau and beat to send the moowy by chock on some making tho total An to the lean of Dillon, th* witness geological formation than the anthracite "Ob yes,” I answered, taken by sur­ I now considered my patient out of couldn ’t be found Russia. Cabal to tho capital of Northern Chicago bank, hy Post office order, or draft expenditures daring J nonary $4,0X0,274. I thought “it wm paid hy Dillon selling the neds of Pennsylvania and other Eastern prise. “I suppose sn It In a relief to ififlMM. Afghanistan. A London telegram of theffth on New York. Ail sack sums reeolved will The motto* Mv the Immediate re trial of collateral security. giveng by the wflneea Nfatea. The Pacific coast production Is talk, aad to listen, I hare told you. Is my " Then why do you torture yourself Tweod was dented by Judge Davis ox the Dr T. C. Durant appeared, and submitted aaye It was reported that Russia had prw be acknowledged la tha newspapers of Chi * reply to John B. Alley’s testimony of Jan- a specie* of lignite. j longer with double? Perhaps your Irree- —Bloody Run. Pa., has, by n vote of posed establishing x neutral noun, guaraa csgo. It to hoped that every newspaper lei. A Juror in tho recent WM soy* the fmry "How long on listen?” he q oee- ! oiutloa has caused a want of confidence nary 7, taring that Alley's statement# were the people, had Its name changed to teeing the lade pee donee and neutrality of will contribute something, and lhat stood eight lor aeqollte! v three for •oovlo* at variance m to the facta concerning the — Collinsville, Min., gains celebrity tioned, In dull in the strength of you t affection. At Everett City. Afghanistan one who honors the xxme of Mr Orec tion, and one blxalt. corporations, and uatrn* 1 on jnst as to with fi tni Urea, -toed cat slsoghtor. IIis coudiict allowed tli»4 People's witness and should have been GROCERIES. LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES. ikt Clinton Judrprndrnt be wan anxious to have the matter of called by them, be being, as is evi­ 1 )HIIH4Tt: HtaU of Mlchl lMTUr the difficulty with (be boy, which bad dent. attainable, and subsequently A JM,Mta. county as thousand slglil hundred and seventy- •4Just#d betvre a. at the Probate Oflcr, mSt. i OOINU W KHT. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1873. to enquire of the women. His arming ' , Ibres. Johns, In said < »ast), on Moirday . :h* 14th day of Mi 1*4 at i 30 a.HA. JTorUmnd lispids oaly. IN NT. tIOlINN. himself before be went « ul to it site at an earlier stage than l>ow( aud no Tvssnl, Joel H Osuaon, Judge of 1‘robste April, A. J> |s;a, and Monday, the 4th day of Sight k(press wttli steeping ear, at 3 44 t. »■ for b ths mat i«r of the JUut* of SILAS K. joNXM, August , A. !>. 1470, at oas o clock la tlisaftrrneon him to come and hear the explanation relationship to nr complicity with the t (fraud{Sapid* and tfraiKl llaven. Removal. 1‘s*. .»-. J tin tiling aa instrument purporting to•»f ear h of those days, said 4th day of August Mailwt 340 p.ra. fwr Grand Haven, Grand Rap­ L. M SHERMAN A CO., !>• Iki i«Bt *111 and testament of said d< < « ***•! 1*73, being thslast flay allowed for the prrweakg- would seem to have been only to pro- ( defendant being shown or pretended, lien of Claims against said ratal*. Haled January id*. el#. THE HURD CASE. sad on leading and Sling lb* pstttton, duty van (ft>IN(f IC A HT. Are now prepared to farotsb tect himself against the rashness w hich | We now proceed to the special ex* , lisd, of lots#11 C. rthetley, praying fot rsaaobs tbsvs- I*b, m» 1394 4W Night Kxp. at lA9n.ni. for Itoirult. Tbtstraio has he bad reason to apprehend from Hub- i ocptioua It is signed as error that Having removed niy stork of In *vl forth, that said instiuinetil may bs provsd JOKI. IT. CKAN80N, Judge of Probat* 8 tee ping ear attached M on aa nittnlB, wad allowed as tbs last will and testament of said Mixed at A:30 p in forOwoaso. Decision of the Supreme bard. Aud, upon the evidence, there i the court allowed Abraham Aldeiman ! tleeeased. and that 1st isr* of admiotstratlon with Tuhlptai, Court, July Term, 1872. | tbs will anasxsd, hs grantt«4 In said ratals to aoms Mall at |:!3 p. in. for l>«trott CrlliM, is no room for doubt that had Hub- <*u the part of the People to testify sultabis person. THE CLINTON INDEPENDENT, 8l. Johns Accommodation lesvss at 7:00a.M., arriving in I>etroi< at 12.-00 noon ; returning, leaves CMppiliK mwl bard come iu quietly and listened to what tho deceased said to him alter Tbsn-upon It Is Ordered, That Monday, tbs Dstroil at 3:H p.m , arriving at 8t. Johns at to. 13. ; 23tb day of February • l*'J. at on* o ’alock In ths Published svvry Thursday , by Totuha, The following i« (be decision o! the explanation the difficulty would | (be "booting as to the tnauuei in which (iROPKKIKS j ifisriKHin, bs assigned for the hsaring of said pell m#*Through tickets to airpolnls Kaat and West , tlon, wad that ths hslr* at law of said dsssassd. COHIIIT A KHTKM, can be uur<-based at t> A M. I>*pot. Of Amerisau and Foreign Marbles, good as ib« Judge i'liriftlaiicy, of (he Supreme hare been amicably settled. All the the defeudaut called the deceased into | ami all other persons Interest.d In said estate, are HIKKriNO CARP OS A l.l. N Id HT TRAINP beat and cheap a* th* rhoaprst evidence tends to show that but for the house. As evidence had been al­ j rsut I rod to ap|H*ar at a •« asioti of said Court, then OBoaoa •. coasiv. axil a util Refn-abrueaia at IH-Iruit. Owuaao and Orand lla Court, in the ease of The People vs. AND PROVISIONS I to t>«4 liolden at ths 1'rohui.- ofltn , In tbs village veB.andupon (4om(»any's Ferry Hteamer on Petroll Parlknlor axaiwaailwaa to Nalldiag Rlv«r. Comfortable hotel above depot at (Jrand the foolish aud reeklera bravado of ready been given tending fo show that J of Ht. Johns, and show cause. If any there be. why HT. JOHNH, MICH. ktotae, hi I la, Ualrr.Taklrt, Hurd, which was concurred in by sll Hubbard iu folluwing him up in a j the deceased at the lime of making the I ths prayer of th* pellttouer should not hs granted. llaven. ( ags, Ar. To tb* com mod lout .tor* room la 1 Ann It la further ordsrsd. that notles he given to CONNIKCTIOXH. Al Petrult, with Great Wes­ the other Judges It will be noticed 1 thrvateuiug manner, so as to make him statement was under the apprehension I ths persons Interested In said estate, of the pea- tern and Grand Trunk Railways for all points Ka*t BtfTrtbop cornsifCiiatan Avenue and Htghsai detisy of aaid petition, aud the hearing thereof, by TERMS SI.50 A YEAR,IN ADVANCE. Michigan Contra! and Michigan rtoatbrrn railroad*. (Rr«M4, 8t John*. that they failed to see any minder , apprehend an inataut attack, Hurd , and belief of speedy death, and the j (musing a r«*pi of this order to lie published In Paaaengera for G. W. Railway, go on the would never have tired. Hut there be- j statement related to an important part of Steel's Brick Block, The Clinton Independent, a newspaper printed Office in Word's Hrick llloek. Company ’• Kerry Hteamer al l>. 4 U . R U Dork in it. The fluid known iu (hi* rase and streulatsd n said rounly of Clinton, for three 7:30a.m., If-no m and Atop m. H> will mi fct liOrMti to. broth-rot Mr. D 0. Hurt of 0>ia i I?8 no «»8*sw of pr*flos« i.i.lice »ud tbs tr.iiM.hoo connected.... with the U. A M. OtMces, 1072. A. WATBOlf, i successive week* pievtouw to said day of hearing. May S4tb. 1172. Wt !U - .. .. the contrary being shown there war* | shooting, we ret; no force in the object Ami having wMm] largely to my former varied •liiKli II. CIIAN8US, Judge of Probate, JOB PRIMTINO H Oemo ral Hunermtendent village, d ll la a.) Intention* to |ilmw tuy patron., hoik in this affair sic well know n to a mamu-­ « «>f Mr*. Frcar alone, aud not ' defendant to examine Dr. Jos!in to on Tuesday, ihs twenty-flrst day of January, in GOING WKHT—MAIN LINK. MEAT MARKET even hers units* the whole tisusHctiou show that after the shooting, while the the year one thousand eight bundled and seventy- BUSINESS CARDS. Through trains luave Detroit aa follows: jority of our citizens, the decision of thrse- Mail 7.iM» *. in ; D»» Kxpres* to fua.m. Kvening Kx- Dunng 1071, wtll b* as well stocked with was *uch only as appeared by her tea j deceased believed he wits going to die, Present, Joel If Cranson. Judge of Probate. press 3 30 p.m.; Pacific Kx|»res» [Hundays In- ■ Judge f?hrrstianey may be read with In Price and Quality, In ths matter of ths Kslate of IIKNRY SYLVESTER HOYT, t-lod«d] tr:'.n p.m, conneeting with the various timouy to the exclusion of all the the defendant aud the deceased were THOM POOR, Deceased. On reading and filing TTOUNKY and Coun*«'lor at l^w and Ho- lines as below. Fre*b, Dried and Sail Meals iotereat : present together and talked the matter tbs peiiliun, duly vnitisd, of Abraham Ten Klsk, licitor In Chauevry. Particular attention AIR LINK DIVI8IOX. other evidence iu thecas#. Hut aaidt I shall always hr prepared to pay the highest nraylr.g for reasons therein set forth that he may Agiven to collecting aud settling title to real eala'ey .11 leaves Jarks.n at Hie* a.m., and arrives at As heretofore, and It shall b# my further aim to I have said that Hurd, when Hub j from the impr »“clt hypothesis, for confettedly fendant to forgive him. Hut this and ail other persons interested In said estate, are apt-la •%'. 4:30 p.m.: 0:13 p m.; and 3 13 required to appear st a session of said court, then A OdUc ia Hank Blin k, south door, Zd floor. K WM HKHLKT. I have sUlt*d this becau*e the teatimo* u kolc Iranttu tivn did embrace much error (for it would otherwise be an J ACKrtON, LANHI.NO A. HAD IN AW R’Y Thanking my friend* and patrons for past favor*, to be hidden at the Ptohul* office. in the Village of M. Its avow. -I. It. Kanawa. la-ay e Jackson at 0 00;t.m. and 4^1* p. m. Bt. John*. March 23d. IZ7I. 17«tf ny is to absolutely overwhelming to mor* fAzw tkat tkoten by krr testimony error) was cured by the witness him­ 1 hops by keeping good goods at low pries*, and 81. Johns and sIk >w cum , If any there he, why the “ Ow.»aao0:00 a m. and 3:30 p m. for the south j prayer of tho petitioner should not tie granted ; self stilting what was actually said on fair and honorable dcwtlng*, to mrril a continuance BARTOW A FEDEWA, and at 0:o3a.m, and 7J6 pm for the north. this point, that if this distinct question ^he only saw what occurred in the And It 1* further Ordered, that not Ire be given TTORNKY8 *ud Counsellors at Law and I Mail trains end day express run daily, eicept TTN* ___i Nkf _ x* ______1 TT3______X_ the occasion alluded to, vix. : that w hen of ths unit. of the (tendency of swtd pet It too. and thr hearing ' Hunduya; raeific express,xpress, west, and Atlantic sx had been left to the jury, uud ionnd in bouse ; she knew nothing of what had I hereof, hj eau.iug a ropy of this order to I* pub­ Hollettor* in Chancery, U'estphaiia, Clinton . X lTgt ftLlOIIlil PftllM ACounty, Mubigan. pres*, cast, dally ; evening express, west, dally ex­ the negative, it would have been the! taken place out doors, and therefore Hurd came to the house where Hub lished In the Clinton Independent, a newspaper cept Hundays. and only to Jackson nn HaturJays: OF HT. JUIINB. printed and circulated In said roonty, three gue- Mo*.-* Itartow, Clr. oil Court Commissioner, will 1 proper, if not imperative duty of the Contradicted nothing stated by other bard lay HuhbiHubbard called Hurd aud P. L. I AI10\SA\T. beat Bt. Johns Ob Wednesday of each week. In49) ntgbt express, east, dally except rtaturdaysand cesstve seek* ur* vtoua tosnld day of hearing. Holidays. court promptly to have set aside the! witnesses a* having occurred there, said : 44 Charlie, we have always been I>*c. rih.lSTI. n if JOKL ll. OMAMtMJX, Judge of I’luhate. Train# run by (Thiragn time. CAPITAL, $1(0,000 j (A true copy.) 327.3w WESTPHALIA RESTAURANT. II. K HARGKNT.Gi-fi. Hupt., Chicago. , Hurplus, - SJO.OOW verdict, the people having called but The prosecution had already by Dow, frit*uds. T Hurd said ’‘yes,* and they P. ItKUTKAM, Proprietor. Dealer In cboles C II. It I’ltD, Asst. Gen. Hnpt., Detroit. two witnesses to what took place in the i their ow ti witurns, on his direct ex ami a*ked one another to forgive. "1 don't apHOHtll Oltlll.U. Mi • Cigars and Tobooaoa. pureWesinl. it ,.. I eounty ot f Mnton, s«. At a session of tbs Joiti.-r Wines. Oysters, In ibrir sensor. f>y the run TREAT WEST8 its RAILWAY CHARI.KH KIIT. President, house. Dow, who was the nephew of nation, provi-d the uv*ftiilt made by kuow,' said the witucas, '* as he said ' l’iulM|r Court tor llw Ktuut) «.f Clinton, hoiden or dish, and the best of Hardines, latbat. rs. A.-., I MAT, 1*71. JOHN II ICkrt, Vice Presideaf, ♦» the J’rttbal* OAice. in thr village of rtt. Johns, always on hand. 2*2 ly C Hubbard and whotutw the assault made | Hubbard upon liuid out of doors, aud anything in particular as who waa to I nn Wednesday the *>-^d day of January, iu (he year Until further uotlce trains will leave iK-trolt as 8.8. WALKKU, Cashier. follows 0. I Hpeclal attention loud to chronic diasaac*. D*\ Kxnn-ss < Daily, Sundays excefited. ) Hurd telling Hubbard to stop, aud, | tit loo. duly veriti'-d, ol |>aiii*i 8Ueriuan, Adinlrds- j J*t| ‘ Fool Ht Osh stn*#t...... 7 '20 A.M. Job x llicta, Joaisa Prtoa, Mra. Frear, who only saw what took tbieateniug manner when he went into j offered, I trstor, si*d Helen C'ruruU, Aduouistrut rll, ot said | Fool Third street ...... 7:#i a . M. Hswvsi. B. Wai sS* : (Stair. r»)li;c fur reasons therein set forth that* N. DE LONG, Detroit Kxpr.-ss(Daily, except Hun.lay ) the hwusc the secoud time, and by Hut it is further alleged an error Tt»* p’asr to Imy choir* a m place in the bou*s, aud who did not, j ttiHr first ana Hum l mount may W. allowed and j TTORNKY AT LAW aiul Notary Public, I Fo»t Brush street...... 10 jn . . Receive deposits, buy snd sell exchange on all Hubbard’s own admissions that this that the court refused to allow the de­ I they da* I srged Irunr further rrs|«>nalt>iUt) In said . Maple Rapt da. Mleb. 002 ly Foot Phird sfrect...... iron a m. or says she did not, hear this, though 11 V New York Kx|.rr*a (Ihtily, rtui.day s excepted. * points, deal in Gold. Hllver, Canada Money f she admits that from the way Hubbard was done to teare or frightcu him ; fendant to show by the witness, Jerome V*\ milt (]l*fUtitl*iilk!^ TherentMin It Is Ordstrrd.Tl at Monday tbs 34th, I Uf FASQUELLE W D Foot Brush street...... 6.40 r. m. United Htate# Bonds, Ar., kt. Uewstvs deposit* and tires* facts are uncontradictcd and Kvuns, that the deceased waa a man of I* || llll | f lirtM I riCtNs day of Fe>>rusry, D*.t at o»*e o ’cloi k la tbs after* ! ‘ "• rAJUULkLL, «-i Foot Third street...... 7:04) m. in the came iu she was frightened, expected a m **■■■■ a V ■ vw x a ■« »Tt 1 noon. In «mikum I tor ‘.bv h.wring ol **i-l petition, 1i J)«rai< is* tan »t sosus. OOK. at hi* resldcnoe, Trains arrive at Detroit fn*m the Hast at 7:00 fight, that her child was frightened, admitted. Hut Mrs. Frear spoke only high temper aud quarrelsome dispo­ : slid ikst Um- Ii.-Us mI law ol said Jw.st.-J, and on Walker street, east of Clinton Avenue, rtt and 9 oo a . m., 3 13 and '*43 r. m. 18 AT THE NKW HTORK OF I »ii oth.*r pruts tnt. r. »t.d in said rststv, are rc- John*. Mh-hlgsn. Call* promptly attended to. |‘J34 Day Kx press «*.aat hus I’.iUinun I’arlor Car attach* Sa?inp Department and that she was niueh ongnged in of what occurred in the house, which sition, and known bv the defendant s>» 4Ulud to appear st s sv **h>i. ut said i.»urt, tL.n to ed. Fare* very low. N. Y. Kxpros* has Cullman ’* Ukifig care of it nnd trying to p-t oiii. ! vborefor® confettedly hut a portion of to be at the lint of the ahooliug. Thii n -w IVAAliprUU ji ^1m- lLuKl.tijdb^ wt tIu* Probate Office. In‘ WALBRIDGE A COOK, I'slac- rtlecplnu Cars for Buffalo and Rochester di Of sums as smafl ss <»Wi-dollar, on which interest Ht. JoLns and »m>w cause. If sny TTORN KY8 and Counsellor# ut Uw and Ho- ,0VhZi“rZ\,t£?l!Z m.de at rt.,s,H*,mton Bridge . •* lhc mt* of tlvr ** “' * rr mnn9m " *** on W hilc all the other w-*nieu in the house, (bn tutiinactiot). llnd ttl.at ahe tofti- t " <’ are srti*ri('U" error, Ml# J# *1 MyvrMJMkM. ■ M* j j pin-prayer of the p. tit e>aer* should i**t i-e granted . Ilelktrs In Chancery. All business entrusted u» !&■■■ A with N. V. Central and Kri* Railway * the first days of Jure and December, on aft sums (tbrt-eIthr.-M otal tksn.1them) »aa wa.llwill ns.. Dow,li... .swrear - I fiotif)«.*d tot»* constitutedfoil »■ 111 ii !«*• i thetin* wholewh.ilt* trxnxss.trauaae ilircclivlirectly affectingit tf.-et 11 »ir thetiie* iiquestion it. Mlinti olof tiirthe j A*>u it i# Farther Ord< red, that noth, 'ugiv.nto their care will be promptly and faithfully attended f lie lla it L Clock, tl.s )*. i*or,s intefvsted ia Nti*l <-*lsts, of tbs i.va- I to. Ollire with Frost*, at lag Auoroey, ta Ui« For tickets,steeping car *»erths or any Inform*- | on deposit one month previous to these «iates. tho )>oaitively that Hurtl tiui r-peatciiiy tiou In r tvidciico would have had aouie i defendant’s guilt. And if the defend­ dsttcy of said pctUluu, and I be bearing thereof, by . Court lluuse. Ht. Johns. Michigan. 2I'< t»on, *rpl>mm. hyi p?pemon oe letter »o Genera! Office of „ ,n „,t Having. Bank* of the Ka.tern cau-iug ¥ cony uf ll.it> ord.-r to b< publish.4 in tbs a. wtt sstpea. a. c«h>b. the < '-Mupanv, Nn 131 Jcffi*rsoii svriius, cor. Gris* tell Hubbatd to atop und vouie no ieutU'iit y to prvtvc tho traintaclion to ant when threatened with immediate HT. JOHNS, MICH. (TTiuton Ii.'f. |*« i dent, a lu wcpttpcr y tinted snd < wold street. Detroit Htate* aod cities. furthei, but tlmt he kept on atul wan bo murder, a** bite aay» *he heard Mr. attack by au atwailaut ia authorized to circulated in »«h! rtMiuty of C'tft.ton, for tb tM sue- j WM. HAVENSTi- D., F K rtXOW Wrwt’n Pass Aft., Detroit. BrR*rtrht

    . SAGINAW R. K. tMI ourswti Draft* on all place* In KngUnd Mery, Glass-ware, Lamps, &c. o F The mrst direct route to ahe admits that from the way he came this court in Fond vs The People, b # , thr1 THORNTON'S FINE ART GALLERY. Frsnee sad (i.-namf, aud kransaet a General evidence of the others who did, or to tl»*- of CliMon — 1% ('BABcasr. I’tWIIU 1'ltfabnrff- S* Is i I w del p ti I is . Kn 111- iu she wa* frightened ami trifd to get Mich., loO, as admitted by the court R«ani vs. Ji<«h K- »tn. At a session of said I tlOTOGUAl'IIrt Urge und small, and in fact uisrr, Waxhinglsn. tstad nil Bunking Business. 2D be any evidence that Hubbatd was uot Also, a splendid stock of , Court, held at the v'.l of rtt. Johns, la said ' •ven variety uf ple'ura m .de at the above Gal­ Plery, either larv* ’ or small. I'snieular attention I* point* tonth nut! Rntiilittrxl. ordered to at<>|>. Hut, however this out of doom with her child, tending to in hia charge, (a principle of natural , count). <>n ths Wlli ds> of Janu .ri, A. D. 1*73 Tbaixs ar« tr CntCAUo Ttaa. ' PftSfBi, Henry E. WalhfUtjt . Uirruit t'ourt called to enlarging and if deaift-d colored la <81, ; ntay be, there was no coutroveisy upon show wt least that Hurd had some justice which must be never overlooked GOING no PTII. BOOTS AND SHOES. Cent * of • si out r. It saMefartcrii) a)i)M.sring t.y the water rotors or Indialnk. II**ad .»f Clnlon A venue, Mali. Jou ’vtite westslde. f 1 | f. \V. Truiitoi . Artist. Kxpres*. Aee. the facta, admitted and repeatedly tig-1 cause of alarm and rcaaou for acting J iu such cases,) then it necessarily fol- i affi.l .vit uf 8) Hester !Di)t, ftoiicllor for the t’oir- Jacksea...... 7.13 a . m. 4 40 r. a. 12.10 r. a. j )JaiuMBt, that the dcf.-ndaui Is not a roWrM of dared by Hubbard IfiMBtlflflorlb lUBtii) and without due consideration. (Iowa that the evidence offered waa ad- M»r si way e be found at this place, nil of whleb Hanover ...... 7 34 3 20 12 41) tins 8>ate, hut !• a re-ident of the Htate of Ohio. ' A. J. WIGGINS. Jonmvtlle .... k.23 1 2U «vf?.w*-d *t very low figures for (’wait wr Ou u-uiion uf 8. Hoyt, sdidtur lur tht* ruoi)>laia-1 shooting and when he had given up aall Hut the prosecutiou can never in a , in’iMvablc, since the knowledge or bolief llt-ad |-pay • \V. pr«>po*e to n*i- iHYHlrlAN AM) Hi;IU,KON Offie# west I Reading ...... I 33 anf. It is Order.-.!, That M.e d«-fei>dant - hi# . • Ii Clin: * i A\ < >»• A - >f*--« onal . Fremont...... 1*32 criminal east* properly claim a convic-!of the pristtner that the person threat ness al s v.rv *innli margin. »i4me to lit entered In this iause within lhn e 1 Corner Drug: Store. hopes of living, that he did £dh>w Kurd rtt Johns,"TW-r 3ftth, H72. ft/4 If night or d.»)r. promptly attend«*d to P..rtlealar Angola ...... tt.33 np into the bouse iu a threatening tion upon evidence which exprt-aaly or nitig him with an iimuediate personal iitonlh* fn m tbe date of this order, ai d ih %t in t i » t..i * ’;Ulii»t,r* l>ili to be file! ar.tf a < o,i) thereof : GEO. W. ESTES & SON, Waterloo ...... lu.33 hits, in othri words to make him be r'* s B*'*' 1* 1 or w htde transaction, if it j quarrelsome disposition, i* a most im- to k served on thecootplalnar-t ’s solicitor with'a ' V A R XIKR9. Auburn . . ! 4' BEST THING IN THE WEST twenty days after service of a roj>y of *>ld hill e» I * tfficr at residence, «»n Hprlng Mi meet, rtt Johns, M. Fort Wayne... .11.45 lieve that he did intend to attack appeals that the evidence of tho rest ot pt»rtant ctrenmatanot from winch he ia him and a iwti^r ot this ordt-r, mJ In d.-laatt All profrsslotml culls, night or day, promptly at* I ndtxna poiis 0 ft» r. a. COLWELL 4 LONG, then o' that aaid hill Is* taken as t-onfi *»c-d l.y the | tended to. ISA— Clneinnali .. tht* transaction is attainable. Thi- to estimate the probability nnd the ' oi I defendant. And is furtiirr *»rtlen d. that . a him, and tkat m hii oicn fwuse and in the ttrhl'on. Topeka A Santa Fe K. R. • so w. lavas n m vstbb . I»alsvlll«... .10.45 10 43 r m. would 1h* to deprive the defendant of,character of the attack and what cnut.se witltin 'w.nty * tot* *w!d .«>>ii|.|sioant esu-s a GOING NORTH I'ornrr Ulnton Are. k U xlier fiL, pretence ot kit family. Aud Hurd had notice ot this <>rd« r to k j.u ished In a weekly Jon vlil* Ace. Kxpr.ss ; newspaper printed a»d )>uh:i»hed In the said SPAULDING A CRANSON. a right to act upon that belief or upon the benefit of the presumption of inuo* j <»f conduct he baa reason to expect from ! TTOKNKYrtund Co jneelUMwat l^iw.und rtolict I.oUlsv S.lu A. a LANDS! ! County of Clinton, ar d t1..«r th. nut put ilcation I 7.10 a. ■ circumstances as they appeared to him, cence, anti to throw upon him (he hur- the aaoadaut, aa well an the im-an* , be eoutii.ut-d o|i. e In cat t» w et-k f.»r six turrrt.l.t j A tors in I'hsnm) . rtt. Johns, Clinton Co. Mich, HT. JOllAix, MICH. o. L. sr An.ataa I AB.vmioa. Indian .polls, .. 4.00 p m. lRlli den of proving his innocence. [t is which at the moment he may deem i , wo ks, or 11 can*' a cop) of thl* order to be Fort Wsyn#... 7«* a .m. 4 23 p.m. though Hubbard might not have in tierx.MMUy swned Olt the defendant at hast twenty THREE MILLION ACRES Auburn ...... k no 3.22 We make a *|»ertmJly of km pine the purest «r l tended actually to have made the at­ tin* ns gestai or whole t taiiaaction, the i nee sugary it) guard lnms.lt against the HIlHnlctl In «*n«# netir Ike .IrArnstst I mllry I aa>* t«efon.* the t!tn» s**..%-e de«rr>led h»r hi* ap- Waterloo...... 5 13 5 37 pewraocr. IIKNKV K WALftKIDGK, MISCELLANEOUS. tost article* to to found tn 'he Mr. Col ­ tack j and if Hubhard had been aimed burd« n t>( proving which rests U}x»n the ' threatened danger. This must, in the i the / Isrsl pMorlU»n of h nmoi / rtummit...... 127 3 52 well, residing ir Ikrtndl. attend* |M*racoaJly to the j Cttc-Mit Court ( rtuin »emr tor Cllstoii County. I'trsswnt Lskr. 3 XV S.03 the e\ i- nature of the east*, l»e so. with anv man ! M u hi^au. uurt'hasitig ,«f *11 good*, sod the lari of his having with a dangrrona weapon this would prof^ufioo («*o far at least as 'P II E O L I> Axgoi.t ...... N 30 S 35 hod thirty years’ , xperit-nss a* an a|>oth*rary, en ­ Klcveo years’ Credit. Seven per cent, rt Iti>tt, Holudtor for rompltlntnl. Frrmntil...... ok 0.53 have tended very clearly and stiongly , d. ucc is attainable.) It ;s that which placed iu the situation the defendant * I In-rrhy errttfv that tl.e foragotinr •• a true copy T ft. able* him lo select the interest. per cent, interest to Rrwdlng .... . ft 40 7.32 to ahow a ca*e of excusable homicide, constitutes the pi <*tfcutor s caa»*. and occupied at the moment of the *huot- | of the original order ..n Hie and of rsisol I a i»y •f.«nr*'lllr...... 3 P M. 10.10 • 02 settlers who improve. . uliiee Datsd Jauuar) loth. A D 1171 llsnovrr ...... 3 30 10 B 32 but aa he was not armed with a dan­ to which the defendant has tin* light *•§ i> F IIVK »N CI TLKK. Jackson ...... 4 15 11.00 ft 10 of cross examination ; it is that which And afu r what has already been j I FREE PISS TO LA.\D RI VERS. i 327 tiw Rectster in Chancm . %| Jurkvnti C1o«»* ronm- * Ion* at**- m.dr with Choicest Articles, gerous weapon the main question upon Mlrblgxn f'.-ntrsl. Jj*ck*on, Lansing 4k rtaglusw, before the evidence would st em to be between the jury are entitled to have saul it ia hardly !ieces.%ary to remark ------snd Grsnd Ulvn Vnllry R.vUroad*. Al liar l.ourvl ll(iires. mai 1 t< is about this Grsut an- — T.«w 4»KT44A€ »: SALK. Wh^rrim. d.f.ult them, aud “until this is shown it i* that it is quite immaterial in this ease r| M bavtng k'.-n muiti-iti i Us on.ltt.ou* ut *o«i- %l Jonrvt III#* — With Uksensni ilichli:*’' excusable homicide and manslaughter; Prices, Long C dll. and s Re bale !o#**t»i.rs of Houtbrrn Hsilroad. difti ult to tee how any legitimate in- whether Hubhard actually iutended to f n«*riy onr-fourth: • Rt’.-b rt u annd 8)4* odi-l 4711- Lsln utoitgsgr ihsJr jii'I ut«-.| tv Adam W. excusable homicide it tin* jury was satis- I'kttrl.Ur, of fet Mkblg-.T. l<» fl<*» rj rt llll- .% I Wnlrrlon Wl'h I.skr Hliorr A M ehigan We also keep a full far of t-«ri) pumttag, rto.i' kern < Mr Llrtr). ferencc of guilt or tlic degree ol otb n»c make a forcible attack upon Hurd or i i,‘*f n..**nit *'r.i pV.'.’y of rsinfsil, and ton <»( 11:«- «.vmf* fdsrr, on l*v 7th dsy *»f |sv<-mli«r, Al S'«*rl \3 i% % •»«• — Wiihl'i u urr. K«*rt\V ..y n, fiad that Kurd being in his own house, A D jsr.s. si*d ro-nolol i»» tin- nSI<* of lbs 13x1* ’ can In: drawn.” ! tmt at the time he was shot, since, from . just st the right season ; Coal, rttone snd Iklrk on A I'kievgo; Toledo, Wst.arb A \\.«t>*rp. snd bail reason to believe aud did believe, the line; Cheap Rates on Lumber, Coal, Itf.; no I, r of D*-rd# for Clli.toti .••mii.i j. on thr Nth day of Paints, Oils, Books, Station' Do ritM A. I> lvtw m |4t*vr rt of tu..rtg»g<-«. on Fort Wayne. M unelr A Ctnrfnnstl Kvllnwds from Hubbard's action and manner, Hubbard* own repeated statements twud owned by rt|M-.'Uiwt«>rs: )Ion.n«t«-aii ami Prr- W. A. KKN8T, rtupt. The prosecution in crimmal caat' ...... tl ,, .. >* Dow sbun.isnt . * first c! »s« |{xtlrosJ un payr<- 347. snd wb.rrss tar Mid II* »«♦» H lltltondid ..ut .1 liberty, like .. |.toi»tiff iu . evil * IUr b* lu« bf w» following Ilur4 j on fhr I4ih«tsy <»f 8«-pt«tnl>rr, 1^72. dw'y t»s«i n Rt )B'T lit l.l.I K. O* at Tickrt Agt |273| and what had already taken place, that of a great Thmugb Route; Products will July 25th. IN72 ery, Wall Paper, Window in on .Ii a manner a* t • fnghu-n him, pay for land sad Improvement*. satd tMortgag* to W Ilian. F M.mn-. shs-h said as it wan necessary to t-hoot tin* assailant care, to iiclect out a part of an entire UP rtfnmrni Was dn.jr rvrt*rvl«-.| iu thr offiv* of thr which he lh.u M nut expect to do with­ Rrgtstrv of sfor.-swid, on th. I*uIi d*y of to save hin own life, or to protect him- transaction nhich nukek ugainst the, HOTELS. Curtains and Fixtures, out making Hurd believe from hit* ac- IT 18 THE BF.8T 0PP0ETUHITY EVER OF- Nuvrmlwr, A D 1472, in l4lrt*r 2“ of lU'-rtcsg.-*. un self from danger or great bodily harm ; defendant and then to put the defen- ( FEKED TO THE PUBLIC, tfcruach Ue pag.- 133, aod whrrv.va. there rrmsiu* due- und un tiooa that a violent attack was imtnt l«l'l e.i *. ) ir. >rtfu, thr>>ir sltwo! j It* I »nd _ JPE-R-FtllSr HOUSE, Choice Wines 1 I III 1114 * I'M m Near Court House rt^uare, bul committed the act under a b os de­ long as it aptrt-.tr* at all j*r.>hu! u ir<-ui Dent. . . . . , For Clirwlars and gcrc-nt mfoi tnatlon, nddrvwa stn I swtd iunrtifMifi' sllpotslrd to he jmM If anv pnret4-1 HT.Ji)HSH, t MICH. uors, Fine Perfumes gree of fear, anti the excitement and ll,« evi.l. nee th*. there maym.y L The jnHemml ut»( be rtrenri sad A. K. TOt /ALIN, logs should t*e Ukefl to forr.-i.wr s.id imwtgsgr, j eonfusion caused by the first assault, other t«rt of the tr«iiHicti"i) uno a n'w ^ Msosg.-r l, .Itit* nf any p^rt N»'W lln-rs- t j for»-. *•> .irtttr -.f s |x>sr«t of sstr In sniri rr.t.rixagw ' titions of the attack, and that but for court that the evidence of the other1 Tlic (iani Law —Aa it may be a ] roulslt.rj. *n«1 * r v.rtin- ,»f th. *!#»u"r In st>rh < *#«* This house l# entirely new, and was opened to F. KATHE’S Farmer*. Mrrhsnirs, and tboss of tbs world's & Fancy Toilet these he would not have fited the fatal question of couaiderable uupot tnnee to | nia>lr »n.1 j.rt.vijrtl, Nollrr Is hoVrt*v /lv.-n. that I the puhll. In Itormtor.lMS The rooir* are large, portiou i* attainable. The only iegiti-j 1 shaM #.*H st j.tiblh- auction t« Uw* LiyLrrt hidd. r, peopi* who enjoy looking upon plies of well veot)late«l and pleorant. rtt ag> # leave this shots. W hat provocation and what mate object of the prosecution “ia to hunters, dealcni and shippcis aa to the |<« *•« t ti r«l tt f . th/ *»i It 4 it of Irbraarf, Souse daily for rtt Louts, (thins. Mt. |*>earant, Ms* Articles, degree of excitement or confusion of ahow the whole transaction aa it waa,! A D l*T7J. ■« <»n<- o'clock r. s of «al4 day. si ihr plr Rapids, and all point# north Onnd rta'J til for time when they are allowed to sell or Merchant Tailoriii Estahliskm’t wrrsl'too of th.-north front of thr t’t.orl Hiitur, trwmr i a connection with the house. 2 share df Whkh we offe r at rmtsonahie prices. mind will reduce a homicide to man­ whether it* tendency be to establish . , ... , tn lit.- , llistfr- of HI. John*. In thr itinnit of Clinton NEW AND FREEH oohttrwatmnaire tsaottriird 1«t4*tf guilt or ii.Doerscc.* ’ The prowcutiog «XP°^ for * ,le ',“fHP"00» of WALKER STREET WEST, and Mut<- of Niirhtirsn. (said Court llous#* In-Inc Prrvrriplisnv 4 arrfully (sal- slaughter, aa well as the nature of the thr pise- for t h<* h"Mln« of Ihr 4Tlrruti Court tor ” CAR a i psus4rd. •ircwntoance* which will render it ex­ officer repreaenta the > * f i o terra t j 8* ,M<** wmm*r* in sshl more MitHiGtv i:\i nmi:. ( 5 |tff mntalnol to Mtitfjf Ihr said tnonry dur on > V rtt. Johns, Nov. 12th, 1372. 2V4 cusable have been fully explained iu which ran Meter 1m* promoted by the synopsis of the Mubigan laws: Klk said mnr1tf**v toerllit r with thrsaid *tlnrm ) l«*r, , Iketrolt. Annl 27. 1*7§. | and tlx mtrrrst su.i cost* of this forccfeiaurr. Th* | GROCERIES! This Hotel so long and favorably known to the* Maker ra. The Feople, 10 Mich., l!12; conviction <>f the innocent. His ob* an,] deer from September 1st to Jhdu Iaim I tti . . c . % _ . . 314*11 aa* , in lh»- \itls4rr of j to he kept la all lla appointment* as a First Class Ano Jauuiry 1st : wodonck, July nth Mit-hlean. acrordlnv to the r**rordcd plot thrrmf, 1 putmn# oureharge# will he red need to |2 &• par •trrptlna vnd rt-srtvinf * strip of land on thr n->r1h ! day. and the->roprletor*sollrlt the pstrowag. ot alt in this case) that we do not deem it sional succeao. Aud however strong to February 1st; prairie chickens, CLOTHING! rnd<»f**ld land, two r«*l# in width rtsld n.ori , who wish to find a quid and pleasant horns while ir*||v * ** (Ivrn to s-rert- (hr pnrvhnsr ov.nrj tif ! In the city. Hurd & •aacntial to go fully into these qaos- may be bis belief of the prisoner's rufllrd grouse or partri«ige and wild Cut and rnsdr sflrr ths latrst styl«- and la a thr abov- dr*< nl>v . made slot nrtolri •*> Hanson, t'mnistrwd I particular care, yet that justice so at­ Tilf ** ohlest inhabitant" gives it u)r( up<>n Hurl out door* to the final shoot­ tained ia unjust aud dangerous to the Always on hand, and sold st very low ft«urr*. and llannah I'lnmstoad, h»# wife-, of (Minton roun* T. H. LYON. Jr.. - Proprietor. Brad sf 4 lintou Avrnsr. He saya this beats the Wintera when Utve ate a soli. ^ sod rttstr of M irhignn. lo fhr to A Vary. Guar­ Law of the RATHBfN HOUSE. ing of Hubbard. The witnere ditiVr as whole community. And m-t-oiding to j dian of C I* H. Vary, Minot, of thr Courtly of be was a boy. KATIIK. NA s) or and rtlatc #f Sr» York, und l»«-*rir»K dais I Star (arorerv Store, to the length of time intervening, sou* the well-eatahlished tules of the r«ng-. Nws. If, 1Wt M 100 the Ihlrtlcth day of Kotroiltr. A D 1S74*. snd l*e- < Fnrnithed Thronghout Equal to anj stating it to be n«H more than three it,/reeoriled in thr Register's ottlre f«»r the r.Minty \ Iiili courts all the uitne-#* * prerent at of Uiiutou. Btolcof klit hiaaa, ia Uhcr 23 of M rt - J FireV-Olaaa Home in Michigan. minutes, others more than twenty or the transaction should be called by the I MISCELLANEOUS. ANIi 111 .< )€' I v xa•*•*, on psac |7k, al 4 o'c lock I'M. on the Tk't h ,.. ____. .___ . ! One Handrod handsomoly fit tod up Room a B ds, uf No. ember, A. D. I*7u; and whereaa, there , And there, as ever, may be fouud the fairest and • • \ thirty; the weight of the testimony pitwecutioii before the prisoner is put is now «tue ai d unpaid upon *sid Mortgave. ac [ Lbnl Ml Inn 11 da uf Tblrty-two room*,rooms, comprising all of the brick THEY DO BUSINESS ON would make it lean than tifieeu minutes to his (letriig, if aiieh wiim-MK-s be •i IN KM FHOI'llHTt Barber Shop. cor'littx 1« it* terms the sutn of tur. rtj *11 hundred 1 portion of lh«- Rothhun House, used in cmnectlon and forty-sit dollar*. ||2A40), n»d also »n sitonx ) ! with rtweet’s Hotel for the accommodation of board ll was entirely i«lle b»r the prosecution present or tdcarly attainable. See B' fee of «>ne hundred dollar*, piovlded then in. to to Tran srsand guests. THE SQUARE. HAM'I. IIAVIH, l*3*4r|»r*. lo attempt to divide tins into two at pa- Maker vs. The iVtqde, IU Mich , FOR SALE. paid should any proeardlngs taken to fore* to*.- I j said iti'iru «»e. sn part thereof, that t* now rlatmed to to I LOGS WANTED! 1st. The assault upon Hurd oat 10 D*quire the prosecutor to pro­ j dur. and ».< ured by sain Morifa|fr, and thr p->wrr 1 «; .» • • ir/r,Ir . !,n*ns tlntc. Ft>r i fc^Uromptq d-ne in the Uwt and latest style* lh,rH, ontar cd hs* hr-entn operstlve ; I Rggara doors a trannactiotr which was. as they dur* “U prerent at the transaction, psrileular* liK|Uiir of hlldten s hair rut, and satisfaction aiwar- Ncdlcr, therefore, Is hrrrhy yiv thr statntr In *wb r**s made aod ! BalaMf* ruii Defy Competition. Hurd retreat*tl into the house; and tbipiiauner. hoe Chapinau's cure, provided, tnr premises dcsrril*ed In said morisrstc most any quantity of 2d, an entirely new and separate irano- ^ C aiad 1\ 569; Orchard * case, i d, P« wiU be sot.1 to the hUh«Mrt kwdder on thr f irst DR. CROOK’S WINE OF TAR 1 •lay of Nurrli' A. D 1*73. hr*.wren thr hour of ISrled aud hmokrd Neata 03hlte Oak* White Ash.Kaaxwasd. action occurttng in the house at the (note) K /acne’sCs , Kr., 104 lk>nbt- SALE, LXdMM.Kor RENT. Ten Tears of* ynhllc let) o ’clock A II and twelve o ’rlork M. of that; ■ lark Walnut and ( berry time of the shooting, &ml thus fo raire 1 where the nuo)b4.*i prt rent has bt^cn test has proved lh-.* nok't •lay. at The west front door of thr Court II<»«i#e. In | MlnrsfTsr toltuvo mon* Dm- village of rtt. John# In said count) <»f Clinton i'rests and Dried Frullt the ^ueation of cooling time. The very great, the production of a part of TIlKhon-I pmprrty known a* thr *' Jarkson lu.rit Umti any nitniltxr Sf.d rttstr of Mlehltran, that toin» the place of hold- pri-iMinU l« mover off. nd to mu the Circuit Court for said county, the land dr- THEY BUY them might be dispensed with, alter so llonstf ’' la alt»r*«)Icintv)___ ()UxJi(ie0nf tor thie I3J a. 12L ww Block nurator Ht. John*. Jany 3Sth, (073 32* tf ».. ,___ undM DnotUHlol B*r sixteen ; 10). In thr tillafe of Bt. Johns, county of DcHvvrwdintrni itat o«irour nunmlU 1ain n%Si. bviiJohn*nr. , * * « w ^ nected, and when Hubbard followed the inference that the rest would be isftHtTn»Wtl? i Uhtiton snd rtt ate of Mh-hluan, or a* much thereof Hard np isto the houre, th eit<-riing merely cumulative and there ’MIL BK8T FLACK TO 0KT FLOUR tft FEED. HENDERSON BROS, t (iFOCPrlfS OMOtber attack, Hurd was authorize-1, ground to suspect an intent to conceal X 5“^ dred dolUrs, sod thr olher res-rrsary eoris and e.- Bt. Jokna, Dee 23d. 1*72. 223.2m to and manife-tly must have construed 1 * Part fraossi lion. Whether! rilTTiJi'‘fifSALm 1* -W “ort Th* hlgbsst market price always pa d for BOOT3 & SHOES sews! fY * «tiirli A##m flirxl.it HuifWIniY UMlf Wi for hkady -pay . his notions there with reference to and *bc rule should be enforced in all u • PHKIIK A. VAJIY, Gnardtoa. Mori«a«*u. tot a J>J.rur.rttlK.vt * A T. V»i, Attorney for Mt.nu.ur* BOOK tool Ho for tlumo mm- 1IUTT K !*• connection with what had previous- when (bore not called ar.* near Pklnxln tke| ly taken place <»iit of door*. Now it relatives to the prisoner or some other WM. 14V A IN Is or Hack, Agents KMary .11*- And most kind# of COUNTRY PRODUCK. roa vaa Bell l ow. aa ia quite manifest, and no one in the "penial caure for not calling them ox- Desire* to inform the pubtfr trxerslljr, that hvnew #osc,«lla»-um*Hoftl) l rlM- Delinquent Tai List. face of tbs facta would have the areur- ****» fe need not here detrjriwiue. But UiraUrtl Iu ary Organs, Janndlce. or any Liter DMapIsial yum B»oe to deny it, that if Hnhbanl had ♦‘•‘rtainly if the facta stated by thore 11 has noeiAiukl. VILLAGE TRKA8UHKR « <»FF1CK,> At tfc* STAR 8TORE may he found 6REAT INDUSTRIES REMARKABLY LOW I Head if (llilti Avnif, West side, It la alaa a aaperisr tonic. 8v. Jouas, Mica., Dac. ag*h. I»72 s OP THK UNITED sTATKH. ast mode the first smalt upon Hard "ho are called show prime facta or kslsresthe Appetite By virtue of the |.«wer and agthortty In me Frtwh Oyntt're ISO# Pa^fs and 5## Kn^railn^ Thatbe who ruas may —\ ug tk* wm, out (Wora, and then followed him up eTtn rearens for believing I Where he1* prepared to Jo every dvsrrlpt Ion of klrmgtl Ik* M* stem. vested hy th# set Incorpcratln* tbs village of Ht. f-teriag ilorea tlice Utah sad l>ehlj|«a«*’, John*. 1 shall soil so rntn-b of the foitowtng den ­ Th# year round, at moderate pneea. Writion bp 90 Etmimemi Author*, including man ' a tool. Weed ^ wMbowt with tb« apparent iatention of attack- there are other pail* of the trana- Causes Ibr Issl In l*t»m| 4 Mslntas ark, I ilrl«(< Rlc. ari hod tract* or paresis of mud situated in said ing him again, the shooting would not which they have not testified, On short Reiusves Pi»pr|>v.a and Ittdirs-sftw vtllags. in said Clinton county and Htate of Miekl JOHN B. GOUGH A HORACE GKF.KLEY. I rc mis /tlnlwv sa • IVv. r.t gan, *s will to sufficient to pay the Corporation This w.Jk ia a complete biatory of all brauxehes hare occurred Tkeae arU, in foot, * nd wh,rl‘ * r* ^ known by Glvu ms a sail hsfors oHvriaf ehwuhere, a* (jir — itme> tuysnrt.ystrui Tax** which were assessed thsreou and are delin ­ t.f induatr> . process.** of manufacture, ete.. in all Provisions and Groceries quent for the year 1021. with (be Interest and constituted the provocation, without otber witnesses present at the tranooe- warrant •allsfotton la svsry I a stores. ■art# It ia a meaklr enerclt.pvdia ot arts and charges therein, at at t files la aaid village, on Ice-Hardened Butter. manufactures, aed is the must entertoiaing and which the act woald not have been **•» "W* *» witnamea should Salarday.lhe 13th 4mr mi Fekru* valuable work of information on •abject* t,f gen For hi* family Alaa a. ptoee to bey Fries* aa Lsw aa flaw l.aweat. mew* A. D. 1»7J, at I o'clock in ine afternoon. tael letnriri ever ogcrod to tbe pwbtie. We want committed The provocation may not by the prosecution if atUin CHAB. K. GRIHNON. Butter tor re- WM Great pair* I* take* to aeteetta* Bui Agwn*" ia every fowa of tbs (to)tod Htote*. aed her* been anft<-i*-ut. it ia true, to ex- however nearly related to the RYAN Village Tr*-ssurer. tolling, aod It being kept r aualaaMt aa | It will qa Aguwt cee rati lo do well eitb this ho»b^> Bl Johus. MavS.IStf. M1f be Sneed aa esM and fresh as to taW winter,wti One agent sold l.t3 C< pie* in eight dav#, aentbor Crockery, the act, or entirely to Uke away pritootr. _ Hut (though no objection •otdMSia two weeks. Dwr agent In Hartford tbcnfttthll^ ' <* ,‘!’rnds upon *1 seems to have been made on the trial) sold WT ia uw weak. Specimen* real free oa Desrrlptiot). receipt of shanp. tr. os already stated, we allude to this subject here H. N. GRISWOLD. the act* of pnrpoee of railing attention to stances as they ap the circum- !^>t# ia k It...... 24 81. Jobas, JunaZd, IZ71- 1 AGENTS WANTED for the Stone-Ware, Ull dent diercgartl, on the trial “ 1U4...... I 4 to dcr the excitement, haste |0 4...... 23 oaee, of the rule laid down erevytulwg otre eaeally kept ra a iion of the moment, rendered it « &A4...... 37 MONET TO LOAN. FUNNY SIDE S PHYSIC in People ra. Maker above Iftkwm snd Ottawa streets, •• seie...... sr ;s BOO Paces. BAG Pnfravlafa. bbvy , in hie opinion, for the protect um Fown iry. where oe will keep constantly oa band aa pw more Speedily than any an«l •• 104...... 40 t B trim in Loan oe flrwt-CIneu tarns ~~ the rule there laid down, aaa act meat of vehicles of ail kinds, vnileh be will recparatlon* csha Mius I. VUt la it• It ta na­ •• ...... S0 Praparlf. Tima, taro Aa five yaera. Aa fatoretrtieg aed smasiag treatise on tbe Fll H-C'lnmi («ro(*rrv of hie life, or to avoid grevioue or dan- ’ * ’"1 ' . %Ailiixo reason to sol I cheap for eaak. ture'a »»xnj ruMnvi 1 r! \ solahlo »»xyd r»f ln»n N 2-3 f .ot 1...... 4 Medical Hum hug* »- medicinal f unwort lea of W Bdl loss, ... 30 » 42 BEEIH, LVOV k SOW, crposes Qeeeka. ImposAora. Tiexalleil Peabaea Ntorc. govoua bodily harm The faet that be r* r! Poke Risit illVMtnl t*f ail .li-Mtgr.-. aide <|D n II- Fauml Medicine Venders. Voted KenSe been put to catl| Undivided H lent 1 Real Ratals and Money Broker*. •mul himeelf before going net the HKPAIHINU OP ALL KINDS Deo It will core any Chraale or Laot1 4, and andtvldrd > Fto-tans Tellers and Mediuma, aed givoa inter leaei, who was present at t Msadlag IHsraae wl.| pkfe ouiL Wkat JleotT Th* i great Juvenile Mag ■■■■■lille ln.nl, there la noilimgAlt frig 00(1*1equal t.. iT A T. ” N «Toe 3S3 cent# a^i rear, ” with a splendid |1 uberal commissions. For circulars aed term* the pert of the Droeecwtion In the m see. 17. man adlr naa ths pibHaboru. ■hew malice, however strong may be • r al nMI prove IL ASM lOR Ml rods, CMifrtmn* . .* — moe, Zeewta. Ratos JOBBING N SS a club! Bay wbsre you ■ aaiw tbto. John R J r . mt mm m HTitm, ifta tendency to ecUMieb a care of man very nature of the onre he was the (•eehh toamil* klBlP 125 rods 8 » ^INK PRINTING PONF. Give Mm a call Pxazai LOCI. rru4*B4o Alden. PaMtobsc. i'hleafa 1 HARTFORD OONN.. oa CHICAGO. ILL* ing 11 f • IB tie at r*Mi orrics. MONEY TO 1*0 All. ■UVIUL. MATH Ot MON. O. W.C.CHAPIN. Thi Paitt at Colima #’*—Oo We want wood, for which we given leas than $26,000 to the com­ MIAOKLLAMEOUI. From Ito Oral Ml Journal of tto feNk all. I** Ck MT ate »*u tto akaad •** fi Friday evening of last week about will pay tbe cash, mon schools and over $150,000 to tb# ' !•.«, I to* wish lo toMilM-1 VlliH*r >■ m« CM*. Tb# namtroM friends of tha com­ Catholic schools. I thirty of our merry-making gentlemen, ukkk * lt»»M 4t * try ArcitoHi Htiar*e4 lr«M munity generally, were shocked on Sold Ovt .—Mr. N.J. Bassett, grocer, tint with their wives and sweethearts, paid By the actioo of the New York . —w tkr «I4 (•■■irr. Wednesday last to learn of tbe sudden baa sold hla stork In trade to Mr. P. L. 1855 1873 . Mr. Floid Colemso, tbe genial propri Vauconaaut, one of our oldest dealers legislature they were deprived of tbe Ihc Clinton Iaftyradmt. death of II on. DeWitt C. Chapin, etor of tbe •“ Coleman House,'' four annual stipeued heretofore graoted by I Hinoal , F«b. Id, 1978. In groceries. Register of Deeds of Gratiot county. miles North of this village, in the town- tbe State to aid sectarian school#.— From our oka CoiTMpMtol Klbctiov or OrncBES.—The semi SEVENTEENTH attkhh . •thi. rcaidenca in tbia villag*. Th* Lfcjp 0f Greoubnali, . liraljr fl.it The IIOMU The Donation be Id at the residence Governor Dix strongly recommends the | annnal meeting of the St. Johns Huff ¥mr toal«.-Uv. H M tort** oto*ofor *aii of H. F. Kneeland, Eaq., on Wetloes- “d e,eot ‘uokl'U~ .b«u»6 ooloek ,,.l|hl0({ vu never better, and the same action in hia message ; and if rage Association, for tbe election of hi* ran»d***te. »■ ^ | day evening of last weak, for the bene- on the .T.ning u.med, after . »erj ! chance—mild and pleaa- adopted, no grant oan be expected from .1 #law, *«4 th *um rt4 o*i, teuate48 »»in to Iln-knmui H *" officers, will be held on Tuesday eve­ lit of Kev, (V A. Jaeokea, ( Methodist) brief illn SSr. * hapin had beeu Kach one trying to axeell the the Legislature of that Slate. And l,am#o*n, at a tafi*)* . fiaih b*allapii89 ning, llth instant, at the rooms of pamUvoiy now and kali arranged knoalw 1 »«* of tbit circuit, «Ua perfect success, iudiapoactl for about three ! 0|Asrs ii speed, tbe “ nags were let, ’ J!,* VI «! if the amendments recommended by the atta. A general atetn- a«*i»«aa. 1a> -» both in point of numbersibers end receipts, j weeks, but was only confined to bia|or ^ber impelled to - early. #420..>w. ( J OOD article of Cottou Flannel...... only 15c., worth 20c. M. K. R., named naUir, was 1 * a «jrrab bag,n only te be disappointed j » * ‘enc« WM a tr‘^e over 5t !irM j rectiona of l‘rof. Wheat, commenced UT . , 14 GOOD article of Ladies Felt Skirts...... only $2, worth $2 50 u. »:. <|i tini Hi t hi i:tin 4M«H Umim but a few days aiuce, w i e in « ^rawjn Ut tli* Lanai au lM«trtri: L. G. HAMILTON « Co. J J «CC»M» UCABTKB. St. Johns, Jau. 13th, 1873. NOW IN TIIK TIME to profit liv the feel tree to oonfcm that he is the cham­ a gentleman, who I recognised as be­ he studied law in Lockport, and was Qur fr|\ Adams, who was Hl»« illo and Ovid, P*h. it. iiIm>v «», tol* Money In w lint in vvnuletl. pion aide wslk cleaner ot St. Joima. ing a resident of your dclighttul village, admittt d to tin* bar when hr (cached j chosen flooror iiiauauer,munager. carried out his lUth and l>« Will, BWI., |A IS. It is a pleasing fact, in times like his majority In the year 1840, be parf—aa bc ,io**s in all things—in a 4'barlolir and liktnn*, N*h. 21’-23. these, to know that you cun buy su­ remark, as ne cautiously peered into a ami Mumii , I4.ar*'l> 1 -*J. There will be a social dancing party perior crackers at Stellberger s bakery, STEPHENSON A SON. well filled room, “ I just wanted to not emigrated to Michigan, and settled in manner pleasiug and every way satit- 81. Juiiiw. March 8 at Hick# llali. Friday eveuiog. Feb. loan* Iihi Kinat ami IVntrial <’l.urrh. If arrh |f-|S for 7 cents s pound. how country people amused themselves Dewitt, then the county seat oft linton (0 (be company. At ahtmt 11 thi at* quiTM, hi t: ct. Joins 211* 4, whew ail respectable and well county, and in two years afterwards o'clock supper was anuouncetl, and as a such gatherings !” Poor village ver­ ipp* r Wlmlcnr amt Vermont vllic, If arrh 22 23. Farmees , buy your crArkers at Stell- T behaved persons are iovited. Bill in dant ! I trnat, cvt*n fastidious, you re­ was elected ( lerk of tliat county and eat,|, mimImt was called the party be OnniMl«K«ahd K. Ha|>l*la, March 29 n Allegan county, soon table*, which were groaning beneath Ithaca and 8t. laioh, April ft* Ju. Seven Cent # will buy a pound of Carriaiie I*cWtt|, Ovid and Btopardartltc, April 2® 57. crackers at Stellberger’a bakery. -OF- after which he was elected Prosecuting ______the Strttc arevjlrtrulatmg a per*tion to people" do enjoy pleasant social gath their burden of tbe good things of this r. j overtuinfng «»f a cutter and the promia- cb*ei#tltinn In Ror»Ui and Mhoe* in Hr Johns, we have derided to nioa# W e sd v i>e our citizens not to empty Knla«o l*«pula and On»t«l«f», Jute 7-#. wntch may be had at a bargain by OF AI jL# kinds , into the ** beautiful snow,” ooly 1 fear i °f f* J,,r )* rar"- . After being satisfied in this respect the ilniiitJ Ltnift *int |(« n«»l Jan* 14-li out our *tilira*w>«k ol (uol* calling at this office. their aahe# -upo# the •ireew.streets. tea*Icat a tecr er gClII||cnian jyj might fceLciuhai*| Ng^in returned to I>**\\ itt in bull-room was again resorted to and Maple la*|>!lTe ten,,a to lh* ottcc of l U rk cheer, until about 2$ a ro., when the (flit |tnrd#>ill#, Jaly 12 13. COMMERCIAL. the dash board sometime when be was Hall*. July IS 2# BEST MATERIAL, “ fcelinx.” | of Clinton county. He rcmsini i # |.**t “ hop” was geneially indulged io, not ihiukmg of doing so. l»* Will, July J4.fr. ST. JOHNS MARKET. name of r,’**^ eu^ °f De\\ itt tdl ibe winter ol after which the company disband'd i~ CRnrtolt#. A tfrval 5 3. AND A young man by the Correct*) w##kiy *>y »lra«- a llittoa, Um##ra The BOSTOX FIRE Okrmon *im| T>#*!»#, Zufuat 4 10 A uentlema * in hia hnate homeward Wether by returning ftom the North 1M^’ wbcB bo rtmoved to Aiwa, in or,|er| cach going homo after the Wrdaeadaj, M>. Mb, is»3. Mimiii, Auy«at 14 7. bn ad* aarrd «I*a- prirr af Lrallirr last Fiiday night louiAe ready f>r with lumber, atoned at the bam of ^“county, and continued to reside jingling sloigh-bclls, feeling that they Ht John*. Atrt*i*t SJ-?4. W11KAT- twin Wlotc, |1 «6 Land * |i> per r« nt# •• So I.flMl the party at CoieiMAuX Ml head fir* Dow Lyon, of thi. township, to titer il* ro until entering upon bia official j bad been amply re paid for their time Iai»4in Flint Chnrrh. Au(u*l 20-31. All Work Fully Warranled! •* I'n'ml I 'linrrl,, H. jit 4-7, •• No. 1, lt*d fl AO •• !Cr>5. flto And all lho«# «|ki bau not •# ur#l ihHr Wlntrr over some ice which bad carelessly been bis honsw, and while ia tbe act of get- duties as Register of Deeds on the 1st am] money thus expended. Not a Khuiihl ihc llitif of ibr •« anion of our Annual ■Uppllr#. had l^tla-r Ff.ofK xx xx t*no j»#rt»M. left upon the walk, and bruised ooa Of ting over the fence with a pail <»f water. of tlaiNiary, 1870, when he took up his word or act was indulged in tomarthe Confrr#i»r# malt* II * »j rdient to rhangr any part of thr above j>rt*yr«rni**#. j.»rt led IlH-rrby “ XXX )9 ill “ pedal extremities. alippad and fell, aUiking on hla hand, j iu A‘ th« li"" el*°' pltaanre. of (he erfoing. wilt b< prraoaally Informed Iberrof. •• -xx •# so •• BUY AT ONCE 1 ahallalao keep on hand an a»*r»r n«*rr of dialonalinit hia wrml and breaking the " " l"' “:1' '» reend term to | OBAK|> ( iL1(^*|7„.L, at X. a tol, ^ X FA88KTT, I’. K COHN MKAt. II » !*•» iw lb*. Tnx Lansiug ll*jn*U*r #1 74 k«vr 1 m A goa H rn«lnai-mii4r l.ruIhrrMiar b-»oe near the wri*t joint, producing a l iWftitcr, a position w nc i gj, Johns, Feb. 14th—Valentine'« A lira ii l i I it I Iflanrtv* riling. (IRAN Tir iwi I'* |wur>J». far #|.7A p**r pair. State Prison Wagons, F. Wood, of Yevay, baa Uat hia full CORN -d# >-rat a |»#r bu. »lwi|«d. serum** injury lie was assisted to the ha# filled with eminent ability aud ,|uv—under the auspice* of the St.alolms wtoga llatat* #3.aV9a Hto4»l Shoriborti bull, “ Duke of OATH 2i#3dvnl* |io »*u sit.shut Mitt to the p«*ople. Indeed. i cruet Bind, which, all gina) citizens, From the iMroit !>al!y Untun. Which I will tall on houae of K. C. Lyon, E-*j., rlicre Dr BARLEY 41 2A |»#r Mason.’ This anrtiial took the first brnrrruR t kghs takkv is kx Joaliu »a< imn.tdiat.ly .un.moned and thi. can h* tiuly -aid of him in crerj uv iuvUml U. altrnd. Bill tl. Ilia There are hut few of our reader* who BUTTER lSooai* Ror iS. CIIANUK FOR BOOTH A HlloKH. prize at Grand Rapids io 18| 1, and pouitiou of trust which he has beeu 1 design of tb** committee to make . would u*»t like t4» A<«|uir<* a rapid and CIIKKHE jsoaat# ?-#r ib. REASONABLE TERMS. act the btoken limb. So gr**at was received a second premium in 18<2 this the most attractive entertainment, beautiful handwriting, for there is no f.ARH S r#nta prrlb. R#m#mL#r tfc# j>lac# : Uk * pain that the patient fainted l< «>ct-up) for the money, ever offered to the |n*o- other one aecom|dishment *o highly HMJ* -*J3 rent* p#r dm. AND lie was a member of tbe last Con­ I*< rTATOEH :*) i>#i lo . Aoainmt Ckkmt .—There is string several turns before the operation of |de of thi* community. One thing prized a* thi*. Th# business collogea stitutional Convention, where lie di»- Tt: R X I t'H—*» -n-r»t* per La. No. 17, Clinton Avenue, \\ airmail I licm Iim I^ullV talk *W our business men banding iu setting was fully completed. j new snd novel w ill there be Introiluceil, j „f the eountry have affonlr*! the f*e*t UNIONS Sin |>#r La , opposition to poor pay and long eiedit Mr Edward Brown and hi* mother 1 hhuBilffioC hiBsound bebibJyfx : dancing after entire Ni t-« nm i< . Inatriution Iu this branch, and have WIIITK HRANI—fIISpevba. At th* *S|fT» of Ih# •-rlwnlna out »alr ** A* 1 do my own work. •aaslnm.ira As w# have been on tbe have just returned from their M trip *md signal aiiility, and probably wield- i Asid** from this, a f)r*t*ehiH* string f'.ind sni‘<*c*«*t|«*<| In pr*slueing the most a**- ■ Al'I’LKH- 40. per kt ** — |>nti s# p#r pound. L. HA LL Jk C’O. track of tinee old debtors for the last abroad,” looking not a bit weatheibeat- c'* ** influence in that body as , has been engaged for the evening.— compll#lied penmen. The bust peumaa FORK -T#r Umi, 414 iH». at John*, Nov.20,1R71 31* 0. Vi. RIRkKR. mu mouths, we unhesitatingly w ish the e0f but rather beat t#> find so much j *“>’ wtil'r «»vmber ©omposing it There w ill be many new feature* intro- in America h>-dav i* Pnif. U aiicu . BF.F.r ft 00 U* $6 M |^r 1U0 r7tf »ew undertaking every wieee*a. now ...d winter wl.il. f.r.u.r, Mr. Chapin wa, a natural oralor, |w,,l h * iH U’nd ** ““ l'*f '''• j ,W‘ of “** ,,ry* n' Collar- It I !*K8 —4lrr#n, S lo tr, Nt. John*. Pab. 1«L 1*72. , t lertainweut pi« a*aiit aud deeide*lly of Manchester, X, II. There are few " I>rjr, !0to lie. ST. JOHNS BAKERY. wore ju*tu*t i?ettitar rea.lv to »«.u ami hau no peer iu the Mate as an ’ . . . . _ , , . . , . HALT 95 23 per LarrcI. X* " Washinuton Ball .—O ur fiiend S. uv g* uno. reiojy loaowwmai* I amusing. A complete piogrunme of lo\ cr* of the lieaiiliful art of |M*nuiun- BELTS 1 IHo |9M when they left Ireland. A. f\ M. effective polite al “atump speaker, thc affair will soon 1h* issued. •hip who have not hcMrd of this won­ Walker Mirrrt West, Heed, Esij , of Maple Bapid#, haa bis MAPLE Ht’OARlo7l9S* l.arge and portly, with a hue phytiqut derful |M*nman, and many have *ci*n REICHW AX 24t p#r IH.. cards out for a gram) ball on the night Litkuauy Aaso< iation .—The St. Theatrical .—We are informed by aud an unbounded flow p#rbu.. Originally a VVbig, Ii* •utorally Company, wbich baa gaiart no »ucb .\v« v..rk rlty and tbrouichout tli. I»I(K"HKP iiouh .-H 14 of music, and giving the participnnta n Hon. Raudoljth Suieklaod. There was drift«dii.ln tb« Uepubl.c.r. part, upon f,Ior *od P°Pol,ri ‘-T Wi. «*tion, j t,«,„tr, « h-n- .hr, have l-ren pla.,-,1 DAVID STELBKRKER. Propr. hia parties a supper that would do ju# a good attendance, and among other ita organization, and baa ainc* b«n an ",l1 *«■'“«»«• » ***« ‘*** eo|l»K«»'«"‘ | o» Mldlntlnn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tin: ST. afOUNH lice to the Lorda and Kings. exercises was a lively debate, question: | rr : . « « » . ! in thi* village, oo Monday evening, U<* i* now eng:ig»d day and night active Mfl-d • ilicient member of it. I «4*nd1ng mit t opic* for self-in*triictioii, >11041X11 (III 1)1 II. Ht*l» of Mithl- “ Resolved that fiutitiou* literature 17th inst., producing ou each occa*ioii ran. ('dtinty nf Chnlon, •• At • »ra»ion of A Lively H aenxm Trvt*r.-Me**ra. Probably there is no citizen of Gratiot which he writer* hiuicclf expr«***ly for I t am now prwporvd to fbrntah th# XI\M F.WTl Ic!\4a C0.VP.IRV ought to be encouraged." The leading entirely new and popular pieces The th« l*r<>*oi# C<>art for 1 b« eooaijr of <'Hnton.ho|. Padley & P*. ttcr. harneaa dealers in county who wielded more indueure applicants, *o that any one can learn dra at Ih* 1‘rnhaU Oftor, In tb* vtlio*# of Nt. Celfbrfttfd Si. Joh» (rarkm It>hna. on Friday, thi- Slat day of January, In Would trwprc-fuii) nnnoanr#lo thr ctliimaof 8li disputants were Mr. M. Babcock, as­ than Mr f , and bit death will kt|^ entertaiouc nt* t«. i it. at the home tin-dde Ihi-H1 th* ) rar on# thtiuaand #laht haridr#d and »«vrnty this village, have be«*n enjoying a live­ his death i thr##. John# mud vicinity, Itut lb#y luiit upturd a sisted by Messrs. Walbrtdg*, on the sincerely regretted by all clameR rc are conducted ia foreign to most other* eon Yu in full pHntud inatructlnna, and In qaantit)#* \o anlt |tntrh»afn and at prims that ly trade io their line thi# \\ inter. It |*n«#nt. Jan I II.CniiMin, Jmlp of Prolatr, affirmative, and Mr. J. M Carter, as £ »*,: * i .* _ and too well known by our people to arc put up in Urge heavy envelope*, loth* malt* r <>f tha Eatatr of MARTIN O’DOg- will drfy ctimj^-iition and I can’safely wartaat M is bat little trouble to sell good goods gsidleu* ol p*ditieal dotiuction. N ELI., an Inaana-p#raon. On Trading and fllitag Uirm to b# rqoal In ail mapreta n> th# sisted by Prof. Hunker ar.d Mr*. Bal­ elicit an extended notice from ua. It a,“1 ,or $I.no I . 1 ...nt... ftl ..i.l ifu.^. ... taA...... -.te. # — _ — _ when they are 'iflervd at a low price. Mr. 0. was a close student, and pos­ ■ . _ Ip, _ ___ ,, __ , . . , liunrdUn of naid in#an# im hoii, prarlnc for rra dwin, ou tbe negative. Tbe affirm*- i* sufficient to say that Hogcr’s in com- pa* Wage. I il**v ar«* all tllimlH-rt‘i| and Hinatkrrttn »,-l tilth, Ihat Im- Ilia) I# ilc#iiM-d to They are both practical men, and Mr sessed Urge and varied information, no fully explained that no one can fail •Hl ^ *Tfo** ,'*E Padley, who conduct# the baaincm here. °n ^ argument, gained tin ’ 1 , |nti»n >ood.a Lr> * llo -.r* uclw,eJ in1 ^„rln* 1.1. r.- an,I u-f..l for .MM..,.rurtl.m a III I| < th* n to In *| rhr Trot-wtr «* f». • e. in , PIES. &C . And ahall Kohl m)*#lf In rVadim-a* thfnmiah prl- mgt c •i.t.Agraiion ao^ ♦ rue mtrt i, aud * >wmg that tbey, UR their ^ true and the beautiful.” Always L-.i-c from - < i x 11 • in the l.>. aim Wher# th#y will ehnaiahtly bare on hand a full al# an4 puMir part!#*, nn.l fratlvaU, lln# uf Oo. rf b«Mnr« " I P^' d«fra.m«-d to mo« than ,nd «,Kpwioi .bU, hi. h»pP, In which he had euli*te|«i hf thi* 1 Bodateada, Chair#. Bare ana. Wash- countenance will be sadly uu «»r»l#r hi Im- )>uLli»!ia-tl in thr Ulinton lb.|t-p#intVnt, bar* plrebanily litlol a fln#alry room. #i»fr»Html*d •iure by our offiee boy, and tbe bottom ltckod iu other material. The criti- im*w better quuiitled to appreciate a Ciniipuiaory education ia already tbe at and#. What Note, Fancy Par* tbe community. But a few days since m nrw*r»*(.#r pr1nt#«1 an-l ctrrelatrJ tn nai l coun- with brsatlfal abadra, abth j<#o |»k - can come and of the same exhibited a very intere# etama, oo tbe whole, weie well taken , . . n . ! plea*aut home and kind parent*, and law in Mi. hig.o, New Hampahirt, and [i^717^clintrtfl, tL'rV~( to tbo fluab ol Mw plrlltT uf to lhillk Kitchen Table#, M a tresses ting spectacle. It is worthy tbe in- and borne moat manfully by the vic- Texas, and tiovernor Geary uiges ita Jokl H. cuanhox , J ode# of l'rohet*. a.V «' | health, and in free busin aod aoeial nf ti,, .lay. v. hm ha “liant * ° (A trOf roj.jr.) 3» LouB(e«, tc.i fie. upection of any use, and may be seen tima adoption in Pennsylvania. In a recent i of the #hoi##*t hfande, intercourse with bia frieuda. We can Hoi# Apnu for the Ccl*br*t#d for a few dava at thi* offioc A H eavy Lhd .—O ne day last week address Henry Ward Beecher alluded | , L##n tiled# In tlx- condition* of a certain scarcely realise tbe fact that he ia dead. M rtffttlrt on th# |l(h N-trthtip -I (DLL# ai.<1 fcmmi Uililw, of la Li e* A eountry aistator of Love -inrun. —A bnshfal y«i»| man Truly, “in the midst of life we are io ih# lowtiahip ,»f llu^nae, in tha county of (7lln- Blinks \oitelf^ Steel Spring Bed farmer of K«*cx tow ushlp, hauled to are t»«w 150,000 children in New t«ia and 8ta»# of Mi< Li*»n. lt» William V. Moor# ’’limited capacity recently mamed wrote au avowal of love to a death,” and there is no knowing who thi* village, with oue team, a load of of ihc Mia# place, and iwrordcd to thr offlc# of BottuiM, and Ike Parlrile York city who do not attend school, ih# K«-a»#'#r of D##d# for th# county • A Clinton. L ...... ^ , Spring Bed# for a treond wife a lady of some prop ||mJj waiteci patieot |j an anaw#r 10 ottr wiU ** tbe IM?lt rie* w heat (lO-T j bushels) which, together rtiei# of Miabiaae, on Ui# l*th day of No»#mL#T, df thr o##t hranda, hy tha ( aa#, Can or i •!», ar- with sleigh etc., weighed 7,1W pouml*. i where eight year* ago the number w as A D l#7l,at 1 •'dark I* M , In Llbet Nvf II- rt nl*h#d at th# lowest price*. Flea## call and rum in# nnr attack h#for# pur- orty. Being an ardent servant of ^toug^ tha maip ||€ reCeived the lim of lbe aDffel* g*gr+, - hi pa«c 4M», on which Mortfiav# lh#r# i* -t . KM J#?*tf chuiag t-Ut-wh*r», and h« cunvlarcd that oar Mammofi, a former <.<-,„hbor. «k.d drairP<1 Mzt „„ing . ,0(J h«r Mr 0 * wif* ,od “x ehil- prl#caar* lh p#r c*#i. below Detroit or Grand house, and 1* said to la* the largest load enrolled as attending schools, in that #ura of c%ht hendrrd and alsty-elahl dollara and Kaoifis. Hahf) -#1«ht cenla, with to'errat at th# f*»# of tro An.oat 1st. 1*75. 2M bia il b« did not do veil by tbaaacood ^iog hu brr-pc, to he To Dentists. Mfriage. “ O, yea. indeed. ” be a*id wu „„ ,he ^ it whc0 mourn bia untimely end. Tbey bare I# storing it with the ho|ir and expec­ than two niolith* III the year 'Mila t oaWi »ay proceeding* ># Ukrn lo fc>r#clai> ...... •- /"'•J #autMid M-»rtaa<«M-trirae# . and no anilsuit n, at th# w<-ai front door of fla«1 tht# m#tat decidedly preferable fur iwrital ' lh# Coart llutiar in tb# vLU«t# of Hi. John*, I# nlatos or •#(#. and for low#r ##!• vet) •aprrtor K ’I” A 14 of H. F. Kneeland, Kwj., B<*ngaL on Of coor*c a large proportion of these •aid county of Clinton, M»c* <#an, thcr-- will h# Price S.i arr vaMSH. *•-> t-#tinn>nia a. ! , ’ "7l n.. •. , •, tba passing to and fro ol atrangera made rdlape. to-inurri.M (.Satuiday) at II Weilneialay evening of last week, will 1 M»it| at pwhflc socflon or v#ndo#, to th# hlqtoat b CHURCH children are foreign bom, aud meetly Ntldcr, ib# pt»ml«#« d#a#rlhod Id wild Mort#nx>-, fit John*, February 2Wh, 1*7f. Clin Sit I Who £“*1/7 ^ ' “ , bin wore timid, and be aga.o ahored o eloek, under tbe direetioo of tbe Ma- please accept our thanks and lieat bow dowrMard a# follow • : Lot* L 2. 7 and 4, in Block * TKHTIMONIAU* : Wrm P " ‘nolaot * "f**-1 1. aj____ - -** ______. « g, tried aonie Lodge, of wbich he waa ao bon- Irieli } for the Swiss, Swedish, Danish, Kmm<»n**W> Addl'lrm to th# rlltao# uf t L John*. d nVe- -* » ,U into bi, pocket, “.lid out." H.lrW ~ni« Ledge, of oh for a rich and no less beautiful three ctr#nt 20 t##t In width off th# w>uth #. year* H P. CARTREI.!.. IVntlm. He waut uu n spree The following is the list of real estate WnTrHtl.lt A head .— Mr. Joseph beeu for a few years past entirely un­ ■ ■ lofila, Mich. noiaa waa heard in tha houae, nod then au4 janiirdtoy morning tranters in Clinton connty, aa taken Snitgen, Treasurer of W'estphalia town ­ der the control of the Homan Catkolica, Business Men! Ltoii , Mira., D#c.27tl>, 1*70 E. K. BEMNETf being assured that ha was entirely froe Dt E. Cartea-Dear Mr :-f bar* been uatasynur from the official record*, for the week ship, was the first to make returns to and that by the actioo of that Board White Metallic R#*t for l>#utnl Tlat#*. aud am wilb ouly a dollar, hav . well plwant with tb# aairc I think II eqwal If teg —4 op fr,.a« bia .m, been *7" U ’,oU ’°”Uy 7* our Tounty Treasurer this year. He From **(»|d No. 17, M to the corner building bu* endiog Feb. 6, 1873: over four-fifths of the public funds ob- A Harr ikanrr far Isvaslsaast# •ot aapenor to any In arr: It make* a abarp cast low, (with K n Kmmr.na' Jefretry Nluro,) of bed. opened the letter with tremb paid in $4*4tiS.25. Mr. Snitgen is a live , • ...... , lag, Sll* up tbe amall#«t place* and I* tip ht. at if! kicked until he walked like a stage Kir bar-4 R Sms te laser g. OasMa, S W g, .. „ * . > taioed through the exercise tax are set and durable There doea mm appear to he any ling fingers, aud through a «i*t of fours • I ! S I t .ftrr O, fKevHam MB*. business man and the Prince of good . , chan## of color, #o rro*ton or fateanle action by home, and having the latent faskiooable ( alberta# X. Wilber le Mathis* Mla«<«#». 1 fellowa, anU what.v.r la l.ft for him lo *P* r* ,or ">P|H>rt of C.tholi. FM-tg about to rotlr# fravytorsnly frnoi huala#*#, wearing Ii Iu (to mooib. saw that ha was indebted to i druggist to »p#nd a )#*r or two la k. a rope. | offer my A II. JACOB, Deutlat. (jreat Bargains Offered cut over tha loft eye. eeaa elW h. aeettaai 4, Waaaybato. |UI do, la promptly aii,l Mtl,factr*rlly fuiBiah**. ao additional mwn vatic* ' for five battles of pomade, $2 75. Ware* R#e#b le tank A. Rock, 1 arr# all Mr ia. !>#«., rtb.lt?# for this small attendance ni the com ­ Wtock of Mcpchnndlno f bat# used Dr. E. Chare!/* White ii#lalllc -III- Fraaklia L. Barber te Easily L. a*4 A—aliae La dies who anticipate making pur* Ron# fbr MUtlna teeth, and conwder It •aperfor to Trosu owning vacant lota should mon schools. tavoratM# tm*. Witt mi.o ho*#, tn* . any wiiW-b I bav# uoed It make* a they eborp i h****** of bleached mnslin and cambric* t#rn» of >#*r*, ih# '»tiWn#a# atnnd writ k«#-wna* row be persuaded to build upon them Body -**atcrimu .—Dr. C. P. Burch, Peas, WHIR, ae#Uee It. RMrj. fB* euat and roodliy Sl»* ap tb# nawat mtouU aparoa ; roakla L. Twfcar te Jeeeb 9. NeSbr, H W IV. for Spring aud Summer wear, will do | Last year tbe School Board of New ih« -Dt*n»..nd Corner*," In Ain.*, Gtaiio- t o«*» It strong snd *Mf. Tha i# la no dtfSruriy to using Overcoats. well in l«n»k in at *M* t.!i*-n-*.n V Thrv I v*.w ------• - n »• t) tfh-htaao It for partial plat#* a* II doe* not bend uior# than while the Iowa is filling up snd grow- of Lsasiog. a Homsoputbic praetition have purchased a large stock of bleached York ^W^two Latboliea to Mv work waSali of |>ry *«d Faray Ou<>4*. ■ittmnmm Rabbor. IcnmS»owdlt htgbiy. Ma A. H linker le Oiest Ttolfe, II||W| J a . Aa * • a "a. a " ChHjrtn*. (lrt>«#rtc«. Ba»<. ttho##. Kfc., kl. .. UR<) KtTDER. Dewtlot. Glov*# ing. or offer them nt n reasonable low #r, and prominent in tba Homeopathic goods and are selling them very low. determine howbow the funds should he di- i mt lot* parrh**#*,( »#w, «n.t .# #..o4 urd#r. u« 17* Mate, lowtoCounty, Ml#b. rtitlaa t, Deplain, flea ly I ^fO|m*# to l#o*c t# th# h##t local»4 and figure to tboue who art willing to im- Medieol College of thst city, has Lea ear# Oerti* te A ere* Rsebe, MW, MW. IXniATiow. —A donation party for the Tb#J epportioned sboat $23,-1 ^ 'the pla#r Tb# rnKE nr cm 4 nets. and —tlae 24. Deplete, Rm ______iwiiPtwwaau. I rovt them. We esnoot see on what arrested upon s charge of having robbed I*2(|t# fret, with ><*M>mrnt and upp#r floor of Call al Col Wall A Utft fVufi 8tnrr in “ eettls te Serab X. Perwala, Ms 0*1, benefit of the K« v. A. J. Russell, Pas- 40 *ke tommon eebools and over * ------* •am# »ir, •#»! I«rp- w*r#hon#c mmmmL J»bn*. and U*t a asoi|4# bottle «»f Dr * 1 Mittens. prinnipla of economy or self-interest tbe grave of Charles Myers, and oiler 1, Fattaraoe ’a *44hka, Otl4, fat* tor of the M. K. f hurch. will t»e given $150^000 to the Catholic Schools. Tbia A« a kvnnro plnr* Aim* t# n,,| ####4|»A by any tlermou Nymp. rats or cU* 00* " **•* •tepeuaeb »# (basartta* FeMpeuarh, i»*k U(>atralMi«tii|»fl II t* ’h# ##wt#r of a All otto# Fbfl and Wlnto# Good* at people keep their recent Iota from year examination, was bsld to boil in tbe at tlie Perrin House, on Friday eve-jyr»r a mot too waa made that a leading rich tarmtnf aaatian,and th# n-*c#«< iradinf omol b##o iolmdaeed in tk*- fr*e flormnnja I aeattaa Dell—. fMS* ft • W », M, ning, UUi Instant. A friendly Invita ­ uf ifwpoctanc# lo th# !nmh#ibg|(gg tn« rn^glOfftmrton north and and for not _il ■ —• •aiming With U seterr eontb. to year, paying taxes on tbe same and sum of $500 for bia appearance at tbe W «. WH#y te Bllaebrtb S#toeK E B(,II Catholic citizen, aod Williaiu Oland »m.■m Th#me uWaonvt eootaln* ab>»at Sn* inbshttanta. __u toumL oanruwgll — «»r tion la extended u» all. •aranai laag# oanabftartBf aotab hsbmonta. ••■! "#* ,7 , . . _ _. , _ _ u . LOW FIGITHKH. rafnsing te take a low price for them next term of tbe Circuit Court. Tl.* 4, aartiee 9* OMv*. fMS Bourne, a Protestant, he designated to M»• IsIn a* proaparproaperoo*nwa rron urwithru# , •‘** —P# af tto tbmot nod ll*R B _ ** Fraebtta label te R. T. Cork steal, let IS, Sleet raHmod* loOiled t It, whtcb ar* iw# J* ogwol la Uo world- Oar regular tin* baMloo 7* while making no improvement# them penalty of lbi« crime (Compiled Laws, R,trn4, fme *™ th7, l.‘Tl,r,Jir' *2ll* r IT**' »»k« Hi« <«»««». Tbia vu TuUd room# of imaranUa. and wilt all toobreOty , uowW. fa all oana* mommy trill to pmapUT fa- * wme asi Ree ■MHtejr, go to rttepheuson s. The v have i ...... , hr ommutotod wMMn tw • t-iar« selves. Don’t bold s penny so cleat 1*71, teatimi 7711) in imprieoament Jene Sly le Jeba W Drake, W|f I, aeetlee jNst received another cargo, and are d°"n by Ibe School Board, aod another I tboreloro oger an uayoitfW y lar Inrraairat If parfnok atidartinB lo sot girua. Two m.Beaeel.IMm In year cyen thst it will bids s dollar' for net mors than two ysnra and » hr < telling tlp-ifrfi paper collar* for only 10 motion made for the appointment of white cannot ho rue#****- 9m tonw# of aalo and will rut*oe# oay cans. Try R. T. H. Hi ate E. K. BENNETT Jeeeb DebUee te Mary E. McAllister, I ( IV cents per horn, ami linen covered, only l#M# apply f. roLt ffXr, aa fi Haas. Wlxilasnl* Agt*., Dotedt. Mite* nt arm* length. not exceeding $2,000. ftfi cents per box* two Catholics was carried They have ALMA. MICHIGAN. B to gate for Ito btete fiiaoooe. 3»*iri) (t. John# laa SStb, lift Thr Cmildreh 's Houn, —The little CUVBVftT 1TK1& Aw txceedi itric effort to get upon his hands and knees, liks ths ohss ths thief had left him, FARM AMD HOUSEHOLD. A NEW BOOK. oantly died at jEUmi , Vl, in the per­ and succeeded. The dog then com store keeper said be had, and, mm* who in la receipt each month of this )«*• meoced jumping around him In a playful ^urthn your back. drop* solution of nut-galls, and one half good ii' tl of ihe readlag metier Is of a practical work oa Track Laying t years ago, and sturned up and filled with tken made n short run as If to indicate to bs the identical chap then at his meal. kind, aad the lllastratioe* are eeasily laetmctlve, No chain Is stronger than Us weakest earth, that it might be in perfect condl Peters that, if he would follow him, he Pat Greeney, deputy sherifl, was sum a drachm gum Arabic. This will make an link. ink which will not fade, and coeU very ae well ae pleaelag. Tha tern* am: $1 SS * year; tion whenever needed. Last fall he had would lead him to a place of aafhtj. mooed, and when the young man finished Are copies, $1; ten, nad oae extra, $10. T. A. ub little.— Oar. Wmiam Rural. THE ROADMASTEB’S ASSISTANT T office of Slate Pi Inter has been the earth dig out of U, saying he ex­ Peters began following the dog, some ­ eating, the officer told him that he Aarwtra A Mom , Philadelphia, Pa. * abolished la Kentucky, pected to be 1 Jd there before winter was times upon his hands and knees, and at wanted to see him a little while. They —Alum and plaster of Paris well mixed —AMM— Tmb Danbury Nam says the great need over. His coffin was in readiness seven other times at a hobbling gait. After took him into a back room and Invest! with water, and used in a liquid state, Osa Aar M cartels* Do Meref HMftloiimwtfr’H (lulde. of theUaMS Is copper-Wed panu. in ago, and so arranged that he could proceeding a half-mile, he discovered, gated his foot gear and, sure enough, there will form a very useful cement. It will The art of changing the bam metals lata gold has sure enough, afarm house in the distance, were Btillmann boots. Furthermore, he In what case Is It absolutely impossible E on hie side with bis knees drawn u bs found quite handy fur many purposes. not been discovered, bat the happy reealu pf a die- A menus! of reference for all having to do with tho as he said he slept in this condition which he finally reashed. Ils was taken hsd In his clothing ths articles taken It forms a very hard composition, and for to be slow sad sure? la the case of a cover? ininluly more Important am familiar to the pe nil sue (it way of American Railroads, con- watch. Ufa, and wanted to sleep so in death. All in by the farmer and his son, and, briefly from Herring. fixing the brasses, etc., on lamps, nothing (sluing the best results of esperleace Pat Greeny, the deputy aheriff, there­ cuauuaulty, and have been so for tbs past twenty aud adnata directions for It lakes two boys to go to school now his plans for the funeral were made in ad ­ telling his story, bs received their could be better. vance, and among the rest he selected kindest attentions. They pulled off his upon constituted himself e court, and tbs —Mr. Charles Whits, of White's Bta years. To exchange debility for vigor, air darns a-daya. One to study and the other to Track-Lajriaf, BallafftUf, aad XcffpUf tkc carry the books. four colored bojs, who had worked for boots, and as they did so portions of ths evidence being of the most positive kind tion, Mich., has devised a method lor for health, apathy for energy, flooa* for eheer- him more or less, as had their father be flesh of his feet, which were fronea. he pionounced the prisoner r’gui)ty, ” and packing hotter to keep for long periods, fuf----- . Is e much atom desirable operation than Track ia Good Repair, PoCfcrr pincers for young men to feel furs them, for pall bearers. They were to came off with them. His first and third proceeded at once to pass judgment upon of thdr moustaches with, are a new and which he claim* has proved entirely suc­ to traaemate lead Into the root of ell evil. And this Is carry tbs body to tbs grave, which was fingers, thumb, and palm of his right the offender. The court didn ’t fumble cessful. His plan consists in putting ths VINEGAR BITTERS valuable Invention on hit own farm, lower it to its last rest­ hand, and his left ear were also terribly over lew books or statutes any—not he; what 11oetetter ’* Stomach RlUere accomplish, and Mr. Huntington hue hud lung esperteocs ae a road- butter in a sack fitted to a peculiar shaped muster. and has aa especially happy way of telling Ss Per a mi run take lliesr miters anr-wd- A club has been formed in Baltimore ing-place, fill the {rave with earth, and frosea. Ths farmer and his son gavs neither did he assess damage or pass sen have been accomplishing dally, ever since their Intro- for the “purification and preservation of tub, and so arranged that when the pack­ what b* knows. His directions fur laying track and isg is directions, and rtmvn long Mieell. prwvi.vd then walk back to the house, where they him all the assistance in their power; but tence in the good old style. He had his ing is completed, sad the tub turned so dartloa. Dyspepsia. tot Monsoons, nervous affections keeping It la good order sr* most carefully alien, and their boor* sre not dcatrwyed Vy mm rai paewwi «u* Attack*. P*s*uite«i a4 i« A Danbury man wears s ten cent sil­ carry out his peculiar wishes. then brought him to I*)um Creek, he hav ishing blow between the eyes. Thia laid a hole in the small end of the tub to fill and taken as a remedy, cures them,and ths people except through long experience, costly to themselves Heart. InfismnuttMsi of th* I.umc *. I’shi »« the region* ver piece on his shirt bosom, and calls it ing determined to return home. He had the offender oat on the floor, and the this completely. The brine floats the know It. Hence their overshadowing reputation and and their companies of the Kidney*, and ■ hundred other *t»"P,,hu *. a dime and pin, wMch it certainly is. Romantir —Knnawny Lovers —A Pur­ but little money, but with the amount court administered another dose of “jus­ butter ana wholly surrounds it, exclud enormous sale. The feme of thegreat vegetable ape- It Is for the best interest of every Railroad eompe- are the offspring* of Dy*r*p«*s. l« the** <«.cq>i.iiut* realised from the sale of his boots, and tice” to him as he lay there, when, con ­ ny that their employees be supplied with copies of it ha* no equal, and on* L-tlle will prove • Letter guar ­ O ld Lady —“I see you recover umbrel suing Parent* witk Shot Hun ing ths air. The orifice is then closed up cite Is ever on the march, end at a pace that ao coin, antee nf it* mrr-is ll»*n a lengthy ad**rti*e*nes!. sidering that he had gone to the extent of this book. las.” Shopman—' Yea, m m. lots of ’em.” other little sums collected for him, aud and the batter set away in a cool place. pet I lor can live. It Is to-day ibe foremost medicine For Female < ompIfklMte, m y««««** nr old. and PIn Io In —-Finale* tho “law,” Wallace law, he let him up, Hent, post paid, for |1D0; twelve copies. 910.00. mamed or single, at tha dawn of wtaoaiibood. nr the Old Ladr-- “I want the one I lost last Mon ­ with a supply of provisions given him by Butter parked in this way has been found of Its clsae la the civilized world. Every now and the inhabitants or Plum Creek and the and told him moat emphatically to “get fresh and good at the end of ten months. Orders must be eccompanled by the rash. turn of Itfc, the*# Ton* Bitter* . ■ HCtlo M. cistern, will force the stale water to the ride on the topmost wave of public favor, uaap- acirnulic principle*, by it* XI,r y are a Gedtle Pur**th* me well ae grand celebration, when they expect a consented, and before they reached her I furnished him quarters at the Emigrant w i miM, h*-»!» v | * >i ert t top so that it can be used before it be­ prose lied sud uuapproachetolo. m To»»le, ivrsao*,aad .»• U uni * if there had been one, would have tolled called to a Wear. S Pegu. The Congregationatut states that s pop ! vivs. Peters himself thinks he cannot pany. After 18s miles of the road had Medical Discovers , wbkh should 1* Rheum, Bhache*. S|wd*. Pimfdc*. P.»*tnleM, drew up at old John Lowery's gate. if this can be got rid of by destroying its taken earnestly, to correct ins bh*d and *y*l**n, ular Boston pastor, on s recent Sabbath, live. His home is iu Canada, not far been constructed and paid for, a contract Ths Bskt Family Pin*, 'rt* Weekly N. Y. htmclev. Rmff-wcwm*. Scald-Head, Sere Kvaa. hry There was in ominous light in the vitality and precipitating it to the bottom, Hud . 8 ps. es $1 a year. Mend yoor Dollar. which e>s always at lault, »Im> t>> »< t •pe**i;Vr tte* of tlm Skin. nhatevrf nent iuffff.»t* aud f Jen Afftx. San FrancOcaand New York. t firings from hunger and cold, his drop ­ other parts of the road. This LtH miles Tmu Di*t SmriMs.-The Weekly New York House, Friday, when a quarter of a ton to bed, saying that his daughter's com- noxious sediment. But the permanga ­ ulcer* cu*t. and from which the discharge gener- pfiT-Sfll.D HY ALL DRUGGISTS A DEALERS of Imautiful snow slid from the roof into ping into insensibility, and his rescue by cost, first, to build it an average of $25,000 ! Man. 8 pages, f i a year. Mend your Dollar. wily pro. «u«. anion was her future husband. Mr. nate must be continued as long a* the So luctWul ha* the above course of (r aiment his basket. Not being a profane man, his i the dog —ss thrillingly told by himself, per mile, and was paid for; the Credit-; IIas All tme Niwe.-Tbe Weekly New YorkHna. owery forbade the nuptials, instanter, was a most interesting narrative, and one water has a pu-,*iish appearance, indicat ­ 8 pages $1 a year. Mend yoor Dollar. proven, that the proprietor offer* $ Hc- suffering was Intense .—Danbury JSfam. Mobilier was then paid $50,000 per mile j ca c Cand hustled Kate into the house. i that at times would make the very blood ing that the offensive matter has not all u ard for s * of " is f/r* t ’ Otem* or under the fiction or rebuilding the same Tmb Best Stout Papbm .—The Weekly N. T. Mon. Catmrvk which he cannot cure The Iwi Uied Chasing mule-eared rabbits is a favor ­ On Friday last Wilson, Bam Canientcr 1 Df the listener inn cold. — Omaha ike. b«*en precipitated. Though this is not a icinc* with instrument, for 92* by ail drugg. t*. ite sport of the Stockdale neighborhood (better known as “Swearing Bam”) and j m, piece of road. The profits on this 138 j poisonous drug, and is, we believe, in no 8 pages. $1 e year. Mend your Dollar. in Washington County, Texas. The James Johnson drove to Kensico to as miles are admitted by Alley to have been way hurtful, still no more should be used Tmb Best Fashion Retomts In the Weekly N. Y. mule ear and the genuine grey hound How It Has Hone. $9,000,000. This is the corporation into than necessary. Every druggist has it for Bun. 8 pages, f 1 a year. Mend yoor Dollar. sis*t Wilson in alnlucting the girl. About which Ames admitted Brooks, Colfax, Schenck’s Pulmonic 8ymp, Seawend make a beautiful race on the prairies. eight o'clock at Right the men, having aata. Cire must lie taktn to hare the • The Best Masset Refomts in the Weekly M. Y. Both ladies and gentlemen join in the secured the assistance of Mrs. King The Ijouisiana investigation, now go ­ Patterson, Kelley, Boyer. Dawes, Bcofield, ; cistern thoroughly cleaned at leaM twice bun. 8 pages, fil s year. Hend your Dollar. Tonic and Mandrake Pills. ing on before a committee of the Senate, Bingham, and the others; and which net­ These are the only medicines that will cwre Pulmon ­ sport. a year, as well as the trough* upon the Tmb Bb«t Cattlm Kmtomt * In the Weekly N. Y. (Rate’s sister) and Miss Catherine shows how this wretched quarrel was ted altogether perhaps 20,000,000 profit ary ( onsunibtlon. l»r. Mrht-ntk. of Philadelphia, has MOTHERS! MOTHERS»i Tne Jacksonville Journal tells of s Baeeney, drove up to the Lowery man­ buildings supplying the water.—Cincin- Han. 8 pages, fil a year Hend yoor Dollar. been In fon«l*at practice! r . *r* r<>atli>- brought about, and what silly and law­ in excess of what was divided among nott Times. ually i xauilRlng lung*, and knows hi* medicine*, If young man in that city taking the beef­ sion, and sent a polite invitation for Miss less processes, supported by the Presi- Congressmen .—Chicago Tribune. Tmi Bmst Pirmn la Every Keepert. - The Weekly properly tnken. will care Consumption. HI* Msit- MOTHERS!!! steak that was given him at breakfast, Kate to join them in a sleigh ride. The N. Y. bun. 8 pages $1 s year, bend your Dollar. araar KHarl'-anae the liver enuatomarti; hi* beaweed venenkl, Mr Uw.ry, .u.p«Un« *" )^ suflied Maxi persons say that they hate tried al­ Tonic dissolves the food, stimulate* tberosttng of the the other morning, and having his boots l«owerv _ most every remedy that ha« been recom ­ Address THR HUN. New York City. •tomarh. and aids dlir»-*tloa. Hi* Pulmonic byrup oa't tall t# yrscnr# MKH. WINK. half soled with it. He now declares that coDdpirtry, r*l«J no oi^Ctioa. wd Kntt I •Te,lhrow ,he (to'rrnmcnt of . fUte and How to Grow Sugar Beets. mended for humors, and they are no better ripen* Ihe matter, and nature throws U off without n*#IW’K MIOTUIKO MYKLP YOU mtr 1 plunge It Into anarchy. The witnesses O ms Cols Arran A mothkm will, with many c«>n any exertion. For sale by all aruggt*ts. the old things will wear better than ever. went Carpenter, who was driver, turned n,,w r>eUlkr now than when they commenced them, ,li*.DUES teething . his horses toward Tarrytown. It was the now being examined are those who trail- In the first place, select a suitable piece and they have no confidence In anything stltutfons aet-arely setAhltak the seeds of Con ^Tirjc In s flan Francisco court, the other fy in the interest of the Kellogg, or Cua- sumption In the system Those In need of s rem­ This valuable preparation lu** been Tl1 h. ^ programme to go there aud get a minister of ground —a low, mellow, and loamy that Is advertised to care Malt Rheum, Ery­ edy will And I»r Jeyne'e Expectorant always iCit-FAlLING hUCCKHHlN TIIOLHANDHOF Ls^th. da k, a little dialogue ran that: Counsel tomHouse faction. One at these, Jonn corner of your last year's corn field would sipelas, and all simitar humors. We would prompt, tberongh and effleartoa*. It not only r« l»«-vea the ehlWl from pala. but ht* to Witness—“You sty you were at his to marry Wilson and Miss Lowery. ! Lynch, testifies that the Custom-House say to these that there is now a remedv that or.* — the stomach snr. Weaver’s Malt HI!EBP Live...... Carpenter, the driver, leaped rrat and Kheum Myrup. COTTON—Middling ...... ed energv In the labor of cleaning the climbed an apple tree, and the rest of ishe*;" these affidavits being the sworn very good heart, spread on a thick coat ­ FLOUR Oood tnCbcncs ...... Relief and Health to Tour infants. statements of about thirty-eight hundred For sale l y all Druggists. WHEAT -No • flprtag...... streets of that city; an importation of the party nwited events. The girl ’s ing of barnyard manure or muck com o Be »ure and call for them has been carried to Virginia, where negroes that they had not been allowed to post, and let Jack Frost and the rain and CORN— Western Mixed ...... -r»*R: father rode up beside the sleigh with a Liver Complaint , Liykr Diskasp ., OATH- Western, New...... ‘‘MRS. WIKSLOW 8 B00THIN0 STRUT,• they hare done well, and the contractors double-barreled shot gun on his shoulder, vote, but if theyv had been, they tcould j «now dissolve and mix it all through the RYE Western ...... hare voted for i. k . BiLiotsxRM —Bilious complaints — PORK—Moen...... I flaring the f»r «1mMe of • CURTIS A FEBEIEI* ’ •• having charge of a large force of them and ordered the party to turn and drive Kellogg The jtaard, says soil for you, better than you could tio it by some termed liver disease —are very have applied to the Superintendent of I LARD ...... the ifut.utr srspi-er. back to Kensico. Hpying Carpenter up yourself, and free of expense. After you common in this country. The ordinary WOOL— Doweette Fleece...... |F"boUl by driq.-Tt*»* threnghout the world. the Underground Railway In New York the the apple tree, Lowery leveled his Lynch, “ have returns from all but two are through planting corn next spring.turn indications, such as yellowness of the Tabbed ...... Raid by all Draggiete. for work. gun and ordered him down. or three parishes; there were a few par­ in and get your l»eet patch ready. Plow skin and whites of the eye*, pain in the Unwashed...... Plsneth states that when a tuning fork “Don ’t shoot. Mr. Lowery ’” screamed ! ishes from which the Board had no re­ it again, good and deep; this will mix the right side under the inferior ribs, with CHICAGO. MERCHANT'S DOOU ey ’C in vibration is brought near a flame, a turns, from neither Btate nor United sour subsoil, first turned up, all through BEEVES Choice...... \ Carpenter, “and I’ll come down. ” sometimes difficulty of respiration and Good ...... loud tone it sudden!v perceived, which in “That marriage shall not take place,” , Slates Supervisors. ” “In some rases,” the good soil; then it will not damage troublesome cough —are familiar to a Medium ...... the ease of a rapidly-burning gas flame said Mr. Lowery; “so just drive bark.” he continue*, “the Board acted upon in­ your crop. Harrow the gsound very host of sufferer*; but the liver, sometimes, Butchers' Stock ...... > YEAST _ 6t~ is quite as loud as that produced by plac­ formation which was not sworn to ”— thoroughly; furrow out two and a half HOG*-Live ...... Carpenter took the reins. Johnson 1 is in a very uosaltafaclory state w ithout H1IKKP—Good to Choice...... 8 ARSONS OIL ing the foot of the fork upon a Bounding- ] seized the whip, and giving the horse* a that is, mere statements of persons. feet apart; fill the furrows with a compost the presence of such symptoms When BITTER-Choice...... I ) OOOD FOR Powde R board. The loudest tone is produced by “In some cases the parish as a whole that you set to work making as soon as It atra. sad HkntauitlM*, sharp cut, they dashed off toward Tarry- i we reflect that the liver is the largest BOOH--Fresh...... Try it.sold by qrocers bringing the flame between the prongs of was thrown out, and the Board counted you read this, and which will be in just FLOUR—White Winter Extra. . t .iIMmIh*. Mrn..rrh«i4. mr 1’llrs, town, leaving the angry father in the gland of the body, that it secretes the bile Spring Extra...... s rata* and Mrwls.*, *«r* M*rb«. the vibrating fork. —Scribner' » Month'y. road. He gazed an instant at the retreat the votes of persons who swore the right condition when wanted for use, which lubricates the bowels and keeps GRAIN —wheat—Hprtng, No. S . 4 llnsda, ( sk.d llrrsats, that they had been illegally de fill the furrows level full, then turn two totals. M«a*r, A Californian claims that the people ing sleigh, then raising his gun he blazed them in order, is the great blood purifier ; Corn —No. S...... ) i .k U .»■ *ils of his State are better looking than those away with the other barrel, and started prived of voting ’’—the meaning of furrows (one each side) over on the ma or cleansing machine, of our systems, it Oats ...... I . «•! Miles. *M*laa, Swrrsry. which is, that the Board threw out all the nure. making a ridge, and making it Rye-No. S...... I III CM«I PaiMM, »rr»l. hr*, sc fcrtie, Tie Wheat Field of America! from other parts of the Union. Hear him : . his horse on a run after the fugitives. may truly be called the Ifoveekoeper of our | Barley—No. S, New.... ► • .4 Olds * l r I a| tealt. M laNfaHte “ This fact is most remarkable with the The father loaded and fired five or six ballots that were actually cast, and pretty high. Health. Sudden transitions of climatic PORE-Mese...... «. ,;t. mt Mi LI I.«a4rr>4 Kerf, young people who have been born here. time*, but each second the distance be counted a lot which was not cssl! “In Next go along with a hand rake, and temperature, or impure air, or voter, are LARD...... * •'teat. !!t»et- *•»«» C ra. krd Mr. la, Bossier parish, 1,1 '9 such votes were smooth off the tops of the ridge —being WOOL—Tab-washed ...... !*«•! Evil. I mI Hal Is Steer s. ■EUTHFIL CLIIATE, FIEE HOKES, Their ruddy cheeks are not scorched and tween him and the sleigh was lengthened. | disturbing elements which arrest the Fleece, waahed...... A ■•««) A !.»»«•» I It lea, Hess Is »*e«Hry. blisiered by the ferocious August auns of Carpenter turned into theBingBrag road, counted ”—votes which were never cast. sure to keep it straight. Get a seed sower functions of the liver, and render it tor ­ ** unwashed ...... T . ’tha< br. Af . 4 l.». Hark A. GOOD M.UIKETfi- the Mississippi Valley-, their full round throwing Mias Lowery ’s father off the “The whole vote of McIntosh parish was and plant your seed, not loo thick. It is a pid, producing diarrhea, dj/eenUrj, hilume Pulled ...... limbs are not shriveled and shrunken by trail, and after traveling a mile or two thrown out, and 1,200 vote* counted on common fault to sow too much beet seed , remittentn, i,JtermitUnt ferert, and a general CINCINNATI. !.\ y * S.Zi! € 1 00; Medium 50c ; Small 25c. the savage frosts of the northwestern took a short cut for Tarrytown. The : affidavits. All teert for the Republican the beets must stand five or six inrhes prostration and unhealthy state of the FLOUR—Family. New...... I ticket. Whole number of votca thrown apart, finally. You can try your sower WHEAT-Red ...... i.lmest IMS. TIIE NOHTlIF.Ht PACIFIC’ RAII^- winters, and they grow up in all the > father went to Bing Bing, but did not find j whole organtaation. OORN ...... f il|.e Sr>. ti.aa, out did not exceed ftoO. Pinch back was and regulate it on a tx»ard, to sow about Ka4.nl M.4.IM, It O A l> oft- r* fur *alr it* Land* la Central nnd strength and symmetry of nature un ­ his daughter. The elopement party had It is not surprising that a medicine OATH ...... « i . >4. «; a. ««« \4 r.irr* Nlssesota. «mbrscia«: 1. Thabe*t ef twice this amount; then, when the plants RYE...... • m»4 r>M »ti abridged There is probably no place on , arrived in Tam town about one o'clock s candidate for Congressman at Large, which can restore the healthy operations Wheat Land; 2. Eicellmt Timber for the Mill, the and the Board evunteribim in outside of are up about two orthres inches high, so PORK Mw#...... *e :.u4. 4aata** this continent where the proportion of a. m , and put up at the Briggs House. of the liver should command general at­ LARD ...... ,S Farm and the Fltej A iUrh iTsIrla pMSoragw and the city of New Orleans. Witness ad ­ that you can see the rows plainly, give , I - .Ml, u4 ar. pretty children is as large as in Califor ­ Search was made for a clergyman, hut tention. Such a medicine is California HOGS—Live...... Natural Meadow, watered by el.-ar lakr* and running mitted that the Board had no official re them a good and unsparing thinning »il > -mt ketffkteota atreama—In a ll-allkfal CUiaaU;, tekert h'evar ued nia.** none could be found. The party V inegar Hitter*, the Housekeeper s HT LOU 18. turns according to the law of the Btate, out. Towel and Broom. BEEF CATTLE—Choice...... Agm M uulnoou. In France the roastingof ooftee Is quite ‘i'Jy I andundtr counted the tew. in of someth. lnt.«l votes Sum,never castand 1 may as well remark here, for the l>en- Good to Prime •• usacHAwrs WORM TABLETS.'’ (•rnltt ran b*- .hipped benee by lake to market aa drove to Kennco .t ni*bt. .toppmg .1 „,K.(Ufnfe to tfac pHn<.(pte, of Jurtire.- tv. tr.l fair litetel with all, »a4 teh naMlklMt Cheaply u kmu 1 ,»t, • !<•» * cr ( rn(f I I ■'('<•»*» a science, the roaster being required to efit of those who hare never raised a crop l*ol»nn«-«4 lo l)r*lh. HOG#—Live...... study the properties of the different kinds Miss Sweeney '§. FLOUR- Fall ...... IJVtDr fare f« J pfstM * ar* now run thr«*ugh ti»eae landi frw* take Superi­ On Saturday, at dark, Wilson, John­ The witness admitted that the Board had of sugar beets, that they are very quick A healthy liver secretes each day about WHEAT—Mo S R"d Wlater .... \laRH\tla • tl si Lwkperl, V ^ -* or to Jt:ik' ta. price of land clo*e to tra* k ID® to of berry, since each sort must be roasted no returns from two ward* in the city of OORN-No. S Mixed ...... » per act*- lsrU»cr away fJ TO to ft (O. sevft son, Carpenter. Mis* Sweeney trad Miss powers when young, and being of a yel­ two and a half pounds of bile, which con ­ mriim s uriilim oil rsxrr ran' Credit i Warrant'* Dreah5 Northern c*- for a certain period of time. The opera New Orleans: he did not know within a lowish green, are immediately distin ­ tains a great amount of waste material | OATH—Mo. t...... v; lAr T-,10 Hands. n< w uI ling at par. received for tion is conducted in a hollow iron sphere, Kate staited for White Plains, leaving RYE No S...... JOHN HODOI, arcr.tl.rr. ! hi.lit*: 10 N > oih*r uuoccu,uea Land* present Mrs. King behind, because—having seen thousand how many votes were cast in guished from all weeds. They are noth­ taken from the blood. When the liver be- KIRK —New Maes...... •uch advautagt-. to acttlrra. by the rotation of which all the berries tboae wards; hollered they were Greeley ing like carrots. Carrots are grand fortor ' cornea torpid or congested, it t-uis to elimi- j LARD...... KOLDIERK tmderthe New t ar ^Afaerb. 1*^.» are equally exposed to the heat. During her father—she had changed her mind about the marriage, learning that her wards and that the votes in them were feed, but they|nttd to 1*> tenderly nuried »»V (•»• rut .mount ofu.ilow •obetuee, MILWAUKEE. g< t ia» icci YItKE, near the rsltavai.. bj cue andlwo the roasting the ball is closed and the counted for President and Governor, and till eight inches high. Theya are# f u_ which, therefore, remains to poison the FLOUR—Spring XX ...... ycara* mhkbtc. gases confined, but at the close of the sister had started for White Plains bent thrown out on the Legislative ticket—as 1 blood and be conveyed to every part of the WHEAT- Apnnjr. No 1...... TH 4 V*POKTATTON AT REDUC’ER on marriage. Mrs. King and her brother times the bother, and yield only one half I system. What must be the condition of the - No. * ...... K ATE-t fm ni*b«d from all prtnci.-ud ptdnu l.a*t to operation the valve is opened and the if the votes which were held to be legal OORN-No. S...... Dan took the nlirht express train, and ar­ the crop thst lieets do. Youi ou hare no blood when it is receiving and retaining >=- 1 urrlia** r* of Katlroad Land*, aad to hcttlrre on gases allowed to escape. The roasted enough as to President and Governor were trouble hunting to find the row in t>eeta. > each day two and a halfi»oaK>unds of i*>iaon ’ OATH-No. t...... Govrnuaral lluinctrada. Porctiaa*-*., their w1r**a berries are then quickly transferred to rived at White Plains just as the sleigh RYE No 1...... ing party drove up to the Orawampum not just as legal for members of the They are hardy, and if covered up will Nature tries to work off this poison through BARLEY-No. S...... and children, carried free over the North* rn PacMIa carefully closed vessels. Legislature. Witness could not tell, almost grow out in the night; that ia more other channels and organs —the kidneys, CLEVELAND. lload. Now la the time for ffettler# aud Colonies to Hotel. lungs, skin, etc.; but these orgnns become get Railroad Lauda aud GovcraiSeat Iloiacatcada A poor seamstress was arrested the Here the staters met, and a war of although he was a member of the Custom- than my experience will bear in carrots. WHEAT—No. t Red ...... 91 «s • $1.to other day in Brooklyn, N. Y., on a charge House Returning Board himself, “how Your beets thinned cut and growing overtaxed lu performing this labor, in addl CORN ...... 45 A close to the track. ' words followed. Mrs. King said that her tion to their natural functions, and cannot OATS-No. 1...... 87 6 .** bend for Pamphlet eonjalng full Informatloite of stealing garments whichthe had taksn it was that his Bowrd returned 4,GUO votes nicely, go through them wiih a hand plow map. and e«-py of urw liotueatcaa Law. Address father was on the way with two guns and less for McEnerr in New Orleans than long withstand the pressure, but become DETROIT. home to sew. Upon her examination, it i three pistols, swearing that he would (if you haveone) while they are still very variously diseased. WUEAT-N® 1...... Dr. C'si’s Hive ff'rsss)ip Ryrwp hsa LAND DEPARTMENT. NORTHERN PACIFIC appeared that ahe was employed by s cer­ the other Board. ” small, plowing from the row; in a few Amber...... been known and nsrd by the medical peofaianne RAILROAD, tot. PALL. MINN.. shoot the whole psrty. At this Kate and The brsin, which is the great electrical CORN—No. 1...... over 100 years, and aa a remedy for fold* and tain Miss Pillsbury, of New York City, Here is the whole story. There were davs plow to them. This can be done center of all vitality, is unduiy stimulated by Or »3 Fifth Ave , cor Ninth 8 l, NEW YORK. Wilson broke away, entered a sleigh, and two returning Board*, each claiming le­ OATH Coughs baa sn older and better reputation tbao who paid her seventeen cents for making were rapidly driven to the residence of j before it is advisable to begin with a the unhealthy blood whieh passe* to It from _____ TOLEDO. anr other Cough medicine ever offered lo the four pairs of pantaloons, fifty cents for the Rev. Mr. Van Kleerk. where the knot gal authority to count the vote cast at the horse, and then you get the start of the the heart, and it fails to perform its office WHEATKAT—Amber Mich.Mich...... «1.77 A S1.7 m public. It la known a* the Compound Hyrop of WAYNES ELIXIR u election. One of them, having posses ­ h< althfaliy. Bence the symptom* of bile | No. S Red ...... 1.74 d 1.75 Sqaill*. and s formula tuay be found lu every making twelve pain of drawers, and , was tied just as the infuriated sister and i few weeds that survive your winter plow merlirai disprasatorv. u*n." hi. 1 u*is. i m> twenty five cents for making six shirts, i sion of the official returns, declared Me- poisoning, which are dullness, headache, CORNN—Mixed ...... 17 Q .8H> ' brother drove up to the door. Seeing ing and the preparation of the ground. incapacity to keep the mind on any subject, •>*r*4-Vo V...... 84 O .84) Dr. Hanaom ’a HI tp Syras end She did not finish the pants as soon as that they w ere too late they made the > Enery elected Governor, itnd the candi ­ As they grow larger, plow deeper, and in Tolu, In addition to the ingredient* for Cox ’s , Or*r-:. Moil*. date# for State officer* on the ticket with impairment of memory, diecy, sleepy, or Hive Hyrnu. contains Balsam of Tula, derortkaiof 1 Pvi*a*aa. c she agreed to, and the gentle Pillsbury best of It, and the party went to a restau­ case of aronth run the cultivator through nervous feelings, gloomy forebodings and ’llK* KITING TO AIMIKTlhKK* HkankCanbagc Root and Lobelia, s combination open or Tc refused to pay her; whereupon ahe pawn­ rant for the bridal feast; after which the him elerted also; the other, having no often, just skimming off the crust; it will Irritability of temper. The bit+«i ifsW/ being pleaar mmf yaa aaw the advertisement Utst must commend it to every yne as s superior ed the articles to keep her family from official returns whatever, settled the mat­ tat the moisture in the soil at night and diseased, as it forms the sweat u la this paper. ______remedy f..r 4'roop, AA hooping 4’oUffD* Dnqiwi* bride and groom drove to Tarrytown U Asthma, Bronchitis, 4 otigh* ana starving. ter “in obedience to the principles of jus­ much increase the crop, and now you are surface of the skin, is so lrritatB BiiChu JUNIDCSV S* On Saturday night the venerable 4olds, indeed for all affection* of the Throat ac t vat c potasic It is wall known that from time to time I tice”—which means in the manner they ready to harvest the crop. It is best to poisooou^thai I and l.auff* where a Cough Medicine .* necessary Mr. Lowery arrived in White Plains with •pots, pimples, blotches aad other erup­ various cases of poisoning from the use his artillery; but learning thatthe couple wanted it to be. Having no votes to pull them out, as they then come clean, Thia hyrup la 4 arrr«lly Prepared THE LATEST INVENTION. of vanilla ice have been noticed and pub­ count, they counted affidavits; they threw without any dirt; they pull easily, as they tions, sores, boils, carbuncles and scrofu A CHALLENGE andr rthe |»ermmal direction of a regular Physi­ had married in snite of him, he counter ­ out the ballots of those who had actually lous tumors. Th* stomsch, bowels, and Is sxteadad to ths Werld cian of over twenty year* ’ practice, whose signa ­ lished in Paris. Munich, Vienna, and marched in good order, muttering that grow one half out of the ground; boys other organs spoken of, cannot escape be­ ture is attached lo the direction* on the bottle. voted, and counted the names of those can readily pull them. If you have too To place before thannMIc a better 4 paph or l.a a* Ita taste la very pleasant aud children other plaoes. The most careful investi ­ he would shoot somebody. But the good coming affected, sooner or later, and cos ­ Remedy than PARCHMENT COLLAR gations, however, have failed to discover old roan failed to keep his word this who had not voted. As the affidavits on many to pull, go through with a sharp tiveness, piles, dropsy dyspepsia, diarrhea, ilka tt. Twice the Strength of Cloth-Lined. the cause. In a few cases traces of lead, which the Custom House Board made hoe and cut the tops off, pick them up female wsaknea*, and maay other forms of Rvery family should keep it as a ready time.—Ata York their decision amounted to only 3.8UU, r*-tnedy for C ronp, 4 olda, etc , amon^ tha PATENT APPLIED FOIL iron and tin, from the vessels used, have out of the way, and *ave to feed to the chronic disease, are among the necessary ALLEN S LUNG BALSAM. children. METROPOLITAN COLLAR CO.f and the votes which they pretend to give , results. As a remedy for all these manifes­ D Itaxsom , Bo.t & Co., Propr ’s. Buffalo. N. Y. been found in the ice, but as no poisoning cows; then take a team and plow, turn It I* orsvrmnted to break «p the most troublesome 848 A. 848 Broadway* N. V. Sued by a llog. are about 125 000, it follows that their es­ tations of disease, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med ­ Coach tn an incredibly short time. There 1* no reme­ has ever resulted from fruit ices prepared one furrow away from each row and then Torka —Jay. Washington and Greenwich f>U.. K T. timate of over nineteen twentieths of the throw them out; have them picked up ical Discovery is positively unequaled. By it dy that can atioa mors evidence of res I merit lhaa DR. J. R. MILLER’S in the same vessels, it cannot be due to On the 15th day of lsst December a : the liver and stomach are changed to an ac­ tot* R AL8 A M tor •- ortnc CooaumpUon, Coogha, Colds, rtlTIMAL Capacity. Ito^OOjOnO per annum. that. The learned M. Scbroff is of the votes was pure guesswork. They threw and thrown in heaps to dry, then put j tive and healty slate, the appetite regulated Astluua, Croup, etc. I man named Andrew Peters left his home out the votes of entire parishes, and VASU PREMUllfi FREE! opinion that vanilla beans are poisoned I in Canada, and came West in search of away for the winter and keep in a dark ; and restored, the blood and secretions thor­ It Acta on the Kidneys! MAGNETIC BALM. bv the natives of South America and counted instead of them the affidavits of place. oughly purified and enriched, and the whole It Arts an the Liver! work. Upon arriving in Omaha, he pro* negroes who swore that if they had voted It rare* as If by VIACNICTIC o v Mexico, who rub them with acajou oil to ! reeded to Plum Creek, on the line of the If yon follow these Pimple directions system renovated and built up anew. Sold IF Which taakca tt I or* than a Coogfc Bel INFLUENCE, Neuralgia and all pain, and la make them smooth and soft. This oil is they would have voted for Kellogg, and you will not be disappointed at harvest, by all flrtt-claes Druggists. 8 therefore very properly termed ” Magnetic Union Pacific Railroad, and upon reach­ LATEST EVIDENCE. Halm.'' It Is pnrely a vegetable pn-pamUon. It Twenty-One Thousand Dollars not seldom contaminated with s sharp thus manipulated a majority for Kellogg for when you go to gather the crop you has no eqnsl as a remedv for Distributed next April, Free, among the $ZX)U aub- ing that place he wished to go to the farm and the whole Cnstom-House ticket. Cxi*r. Crarlb * Haosk , who keeps a so* arrlher* of tha substance which acts like cantbaridea. of a mm living eight mile* from the vil­ will find it in abundance. You may, by What well kssws Draprtms of Teaaeaaee Chelars. Cholera Morbut. Diarrheas Dysen­ lie thinks it less probable that the Injuri ­ It is impossible to conceive anything thia method, count on five hundred perb stock of livery horses in Portland, Ms, say al>sat Alim’s Lss« Balaam. tery. Celle and all Bowel Complaints. lage. Not being acquainted with the more absurd than this—any more com- informed ns n-< enlly that he Mies Meriden ’s *r«twari tin, Tran., Bcpt lg WE Its timely nee will cmwColds. < roup. Diph­ I nr lose 93 ffn for a year’s •uK-crlptlon, or acud for ous effects are due to small crystals found country, he inquired the way, and was buahela to the acre—and more, if the Ceeoiry /Lwdert regularly in his theria. Qalnsy, and all Throat •ffectlona. ffm*l part let . Extrakpreui'inii* j for Agcnfa. plcta caricature of a counting of OEVTLSMa* Please ship us st* dor. Allen ’s l.uns FAKA.V a Mr-LFAN, in the outer skin of the vanilla beans — directed to go across the creek, and follow •eaeoo ia good; betides, your soil ia all stables, and that the expense is more than Balsam We hare not a nottle In the More, ft ha* When properly ward. Fever and Ague, Afftfrsas benzoic add. votes cast by the people in an the time improving. In France, where offset by the diminished amount of grain ncre reputation than nay Cutmh WcdU toe wa have and other r enplainfs incident looor western and Ciucinuati. Ohio. a certain line. On the 24lh day of Decern election. It is prodigious farce, beets are raised by the thousand acres for necessary to kffep his horses always In good ever sold. Hare been to U>~ drw Knslneas 17 year*. southern cl*males, are easily broken up. A family in Bulllrao, Me , consisting her he started on his short journey, hav­ unredeemed b> a •inglesingle feature oior -'**'• 'sviy'iVoW Nervena Pain, Hick Headache, and Rheu­ of a father, mother and four children, ing but little idea that in ao short a dis ­ sugar, the country has improved so much order. matism areenred by this mediclae when all others solemnity or legality. And yet the Pres­ What the Dart are Hay. have failed T(**tha«he, Eanche, Burns. Chil­ hare suddenly gone craxjr. They were a that it ia estimated that the soil ia four or bqle p ani KELLOGG. tance be wonld stare death in the face. ident of the United States has recognized N <'TK Coes ns * Coi.n*. —Few are blains aad Bnr.sre are relieved at oocr by It* nae. Parties beating the abovr name will be Interested fire times aa productive, and the cattle T>r* Wilson A Ward, niystcioaa aad Droffglsta, Tbs (eaelae ka«D.Haneosn At o. ’a steady, industrious people until a short After proceeding about four miles, he and accepted this farce as a sufficient aware of the Importance of checking a write from t catrvvllie. Tenn^ ___ to i,am (teat a work to sow la prepsrattoa givtoe She time ago, when they suddenly ceased to made the alarming discovery that he had (fed on the refuse pulp from the presses) - We sorcha^-d Allea’s 1 unc Relmm. aad It sells arivsw Revenue Htsmp on the owlskie, and Dr. genealogy of the family la thto country from the mid ­ basis for wresting the government of number hundreds for one formerly. In Cough or “Common Cold, ” lu its first stage; rapidly. Wa are t»r*< udeg ph)*lrlea*. a* weU a* J. K Miller s Magnetic Balm blown in the bottle. dle of Ui>> 17th v*-ntary to the prew-nt time.___ AllhU l»*»I r work and declared their house haunted. suddenly lost his wav in the blinding, Louisiana from the hands of its people, that which in the beginning would yield to «in — J. E8 TCY A COMPANY, abusive milkers. I hare never seen an justed at tha top and bottom as to fit the character Sana less, Ha unt* natural. IU qaa Utica ea* ir>~L^ ** ». j. Swhsav d * —». s hdm’MWff • Rmhefltohod with a Sue portrait *4 Strauss, aad old cow become a kicker unlee* abused, tinned bis fruitless walk, w».i« h ke was *eo dollar boots, cf fine workmanship, parta*. n nrwr* Ml SSitT m** f mm —- Mi m • MS* •ittag n* isrga mask- pegs* it I* a tnuatoal gem-la ffralttohere. TL, ERL which he placed near his bed, and put his shoulder, aud then put the hone to 1'tpeaaiM* 0 all lovers of Strauss’* daace maslr ef cows being averse to being obliged to keep up in order to prevent l.isa Ltrantyo are the Mlnwirtnta Caras f#rv t -'*"- 1; if-" vest, containing a small amount of money, work. The collar by being wet will A **I Complaints, etc_ cm*nr4 rrM If Po rt—oaaaia. Agents to be the reverse. When three nuhts he thus wandered about, till pwt inMieta# t* o*e4. belief •trrutH, or l-a^te* and GtfiMerren. sr* Sold hy all ffook aad Meele Dealer. p««t clothing a horse shoe nail, a comb aad a dry on the horse. When taken off it aosA Nethlng like R cows come home without food, without rust, and with but o saaey raSeraeS 06.. motive nanifovstK Row Ready, k-ren*^ !>*:. Ms*lc (or Vlads sad Organs. at nigkt poor protection against the biting cold tooth brush, and twenty-five cants ia should be left in the shape U occupied an tstey Cottage with milk, VanuTABLa Pnaowaar Bai *am , “Dou M ffeevythlag (hot they tee money. Ths two slept long and soundly, the bone, and ever after you will have a Bfifeat* mill by film IHiaas 8 to., ffaslae. trrinfal* to Oto and the piercing winds. At last, hope, ■rag-fitting collar and no wounds. — leaa the beet Cough Medicine la the world.” Psrttcalars free. A. which is said never to leave the human and when they awoke, and Bill I man at­ $10 to $20skt «.'■00.. at Lame. Mo. rlwar IT *gS3£Hi9IBME patience, for th VaSey farmer while Ills remains, entirely deserted tempted to put oa kis boots, be discover ­ A rthcr’* Ii.LrwTRATun H«»we Mada - ^vcrsvwwna. S to IS la< baa. I to I For eny ease of H i ad RiuTA BLIfflllfi IMA kick. In such a case put a broad ke lay down uponipoi the snow ed that his nice ones bad become strangely i dollars per MS. Heed Hiay fer deerrtpttv* Itst to Hlertlmg. Itctvlng or t kc • -A contest XIWB. —With tha hegtaOta* <<* tha present year the I BARNES A CO., yeans America, iff. fated I’lW* that Dx Pino ’* Send Illustrated Oils ogur. around her body, jnst in front of lbs um AlmightyJmf metamorphosed, baring turned into a pair Pu.a Jtotffimarast me to help muff *° ^ era took place at Newton, rrN. J , recent­ p«hitcher* of thia maffaatna added largely it* entr. ft * , .perv~! r« der. sad buckle it up moderately tight, IW WM> of coarse Mxdollar affairs The hoys SC a a <6Qf\pcTd*y! Agent* wanted * AT rhen af ft a all tolNtof 41 'OLl.Ff TION ly. The successful competitor demolish dtmeneton*. aad tha netraher for February con preasly to cerv the OrMvtaory Farrtga Law 1 and as soon as she get* quiet (for shemay pletely exh vO ffdU working poepte. ef ettbrrsex. feaagor ftold by ink then began searching their clothing, aad ed sixty eight, nadaad hUhis nearest rival tale* a liberal eseortmrat of excellent If tarary aid. make mnyv mon« y at work fnr «%• La tbate snare ead eesMaff ** ^Attorney at Law. kick around a little a! first) take your InecesiMHty, Herring found that his horse shoe nail, »)■ or tf! the time lhaa at entlitoi el»e. Part IP- ) aU If iw St to Co . Pa state he don't know sixty. matter, several of tha afcetrhae being accompanied pell, sit down aad go to milking, and she comb, brush and money were gone. They by appropriate Htattrailoae The *abee fiber to alms free. AddrcesO. SUneea 4 tV, Portland. Maine. W Al Is as helpless as a kitten. Do net attempt couldo t here been eny grest investigating the matter, ■ " DettafifiV time, for he wee aroused from hi* —The following notice was rc< eotlj this nugoEtaa reoalves a fell eqalvalent for his HEA-NECTAR to nee a rope instead of a strap, for It will pec to! a fellow who had found oa a gate of a New ) ork lunatic mam*j la the book Itself, bat aa oa extra Indore not answer. This is a muck better aseth sensibility by something that seemed to BOOK 5m ft A rORR la* m L 1 m flrfmaiTHH^!1 *** *b >nf the road n* asylum j “Jnmra supplied lu any quantity mmi the paMtaher* will gtv* to eeeh in Wriser o*rr/fwwft.*sfisaNha*T od than tying the legs, etc., ss tt does not warm him up, aad, upon opening mv OB UM shortest notice. ” j for 1871 A copy of “Iks Christian Gracas,’* pro w- eyes, ke dtsoovured a l»r/« Newfoundland»w found! a Height trail a to *mi art tatoeu Fae aato a. *. a hurt the snlmal In the least. A few ap­ — — —red oae ef the loveliest siacl eogravtnga ever i SUL rwteasei Aad for aab-wketo c. t. plications of the strap, with plenty of pa­ dog licking his face and Ms hands. In ward found at tha U AUMtk a —A cat iu Rati, Mann. , stole a five do!- lamed Tinas. $t so s peer, with a wdsttiss for at. and DR. WHITTIER, ™ tience and kindness, will corn the most aa Instant hope returned to him, and, Stillman then want to OR. WHITTIER, «»,TafM!WVcT* lrt LPTtog 1st hill from a ffsfc monger ami ran away | ctnbe Address. T. 9. A rtmi s A fen. Phiiadet I qps nsfaeM- *a4 BM *s»e** X’ ' »< .btiaa *f to* Sffte gathering all his energies, be made xo who sells boots, and asked him U. 1 phis,Pa Wmrtsrtm «* ysnpktei Srns. csffft* mUm cliwiar

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