Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater YourEducation Company Name Consortium

FY 2007-2008 Annual Report of Activities

23 June 2008

Executive Summary

The third year (fiscal year 2007—2008) of the Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium (CWSEC) was filled with growth. The addition of new personnel, an expansion in programming, and the launch of a new website raised the consortium to a new level of maturity. Cou- pled with the continuance of existing programs and adherence to the original goals established by the consortium’s founders, this new growth enables the education providers to enhance current initiatives as well as reach new audiences more effectively. The acquisitions of a new regional Cooperative Extension Agent, Benjamin Powell, and a new Research Specialist, Dr. Anand Jayakaran, “Regional education con- improved Clemson University’s ability to contribute to stormwater educa- tion throughout the Waccamaw watershed. Also, the Waccamaw sortia represent a way to Riverkeeper has a new, part-time assistant, Crystal Caschera. In addi- optimize limited resources, tion to providing more direct support for the activities of the other educa- tion providers, these newcomers are providing programming that assists both financial and tempo- the CWSEC’s current activities and broadens contact with new audiences. The sheer number of educational activities increased from approxi- ral, in addition to taking mately 100 in 2006-2007 to over 200 through the past year. This expan- advantage of the knowl- sion is symptomatic of the increased visibility of the education providers and their services. Home owners associations and other entities are now edge base which only exists seeking the consortium’s education providers for guidance with stormwa- among the local citizens.” ter issues in their communities. The most remarkable development through this past year was the launch of the consortium’s new website, The consor- tium now possesses an internet domain that is dedicated solely to the ful- Chris Laude fillment of public education and public involvement requirements of our County Engineer member organizations. The website stands alone as a portal to facilitate communication among education providers, consortium members, and the Georgetown County, SC general public. Designed to be adaptable to the changing needs of the consortium, the new website provides a dynamic medium that satisfies today’s essentials and meets the needs of tomorrow. In the past year, the success of the CWSEC is being realized in other parts of . A similar consortium, the Ashley Cooper Stormwater Education Consortium (ACSEC) formed and has become ac- tive in the Charleston urbanized area. Modeled in many ways after the CWSEC and involving several of the same education providers, the ACSEC is well underway to providing comprehensive stormwater educa- tion in our neighboring coastal communities.

Executive Summary i FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

CWSEC FY 2007-2008 Annual Report

TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ...... i Education Providers ...... 1 Consortium Goal and Objectives ...... 2 CWSEC Partner Focus—City of Myrtle Beach ...... 3 Public Education Activities ...... 4 Brochures / Newsletters ...... 4 Workshops / Seminars ...... 5 Exhibits / Displays / Posters ...... 19 Newspaper Articles ...... 23 Internet Resources ...... 24 Radio Ads / Interviews ...... 25 Television Ads / Interviews ...... 26 Councils / Consults / Conferences / Meetings ...... 27 Public Involvement Activities ...... 31 Community Clean-ups ...... 31 Demonstrations / Installations ...... 33 Volunteer Monitoring ...... 34 Both Public Education and Involvement ...... 36 Summary of Activities ...... 38 Conclusions from Year 3 (2007-2008) ...... 39 Appendix A - CSREES Coastal Watershed Academy ...... A-1 Appendix B - ...... A-2 Appendix C - Waccamaw River Volunteer Monitoring Program ...... A-3

Table of Contents ii FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Education Providers

The core education providers consist of the same people as last year with one addition to the Clemson Ex- tension staff. Coastal Carolina is represented by the consortium’s coordinator, Karen Fuss, and Dr. Susan Libes. Susan Sledz reports Murrells Inlet 2007’s activities. Nicole Saladin coordinates the Coastal Training Program and Beth Thomas serves as the Education Coordinator with the North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Re- search Reserve. Christine Ellis remains as the Waccamaw Riverkeeper. Jack Whetstone serves as the local con- tact for SC Sea Grant Extension in concert with Clemson University. As for Clemson University, Cal Sawyer continues to contribute to the CWSEC, but Ben Powell has been hired to the local extension office to coordinate Clemson University’s contributions to the consortium.

Two additions to the membership also need to be highlighted. Janet Wood has been hired with the City of Myrtle Beach and is working closely with the education providers to expand programming and reach new audi- ences. The City of Conway has acquired a new stormwater manager, Joe Dignam. Although Joe has only been in the position for a few months now, he has become acquainted with the education providers and is supporting them on several projects. Table 1 Summary of Local Education Service Providers

Provider Programs Primary Services

General Public Education Clemson University Carolina Clear Program General Public Involvement

Volunteer monitoring

Watershed management planning Coastal Carolina University Waccamaw Watershed Academy K-12 & public watershed education via in -class and field workshops

Murrells Inlet 2007 K-5 environmental education programs In-class and in-field programs

CWSEC website Coastal Training Program Technical workshops

North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Es- Outreach programs and materials for tuarine Research Reserve public Public Education Program Classroom and field experiences focusing on watershed concepts

Nonpoint Education for Municipal Offi- Stormwater education for elected and SC Sea Grant cials (NEMO) appointed officials

Extension Program Public Education Land use and best management practices

Community education and involvement Waccamaw RiverkeeperTM Public Education and Involvement and advocacy for water quality and quan- tity protections

Education Providers 1 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Goal & Objectives

CWSEC Strategic Goal—Develop and implement effective, out- comes-based stormwater education and outreach programs that will meet federal requirements and satisfy the environmental and eco- nomic needs of the community that they serve.

Core Objectives

1. Maximize efficiency of stormwater education efforts using a re- gional watershed approach.

2. Help local SMS4s meet NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program permit requirements for public stormwater education, public in- First, have a definite, volvement, and illicit discharge detection by providing educa- clear practical ideal; a goal, an tional resources and services such as public education, outreach and community involvement. objective. Second, have the nec- 3. Develop a comprehensive stormwater education plan for the re- essary means to achieve your gion that capitalizes on local training resources to meet the needs of local SMS4s. ends; wisdom, money, materials,

4. Foster collaboration among local service providers to best meet and methods. Third, adjust your the educational needs of local SMS4s and their constituents. means to that end. 5. Serve as a model for collaborative stormwater education. Aristotle

Goals and Objectives 2 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Partner Focus—City of Myrtle Beach

As a premier destination for vacationers from across the country and around the world, the city of Myrtle Beach is the most well known beach- front community in South Carolina. Among the numerous recreational op- portunities available in Myrtle Beach, the expansive beaches are, by far, the community’s most vital resource. This means that the city’s survival and growth is tied intimately to water in a way that few communities can claim.

Through the years the city has dealt with dramatic growth, devastat- ing storms, and a human population which is often transient and detached from local issues. Needless to say, Myrtle Beach has faced ever increasing pressure on the water resources that are so essential to the commu- nity’s existence. In response, the city has em- phasized and continues to promote conservation of its beaches and adjoining waters. After six months of performing post construction inspections and The past year has brought changes to the responding to illicit discharge ser- way Myrtle Beach approaches stormwater. In vice requests, city staff quickly January of 2007, the city hired Janet Wood as realized that property manage- stormwater technician to facilitate compliance with the National Pollution ment companies play an impor- Discharge Elimination System Phase II general permit. In March (2007), tant role in promoting desirable the city submitted an application to the Phase II program and received a stormwater management prac- Certificate of Coverage that June. In August (2007) Myrtle Beach adopted a tices. To meet this educational need, the City of Myrtle Beach new Stormwater Management Ordinance. While the city has been working partnered with the Coastal Wac- with the CWSEC to satisfy public education and public involvement require- camaw Stormwater Education ments for several years, it began post construction monitoring and illicit dis- Consortium (CWSEC) to provide charge detection initiatives in October (2007). Since that time, the city has a no-cost stormwater educational conducted 30 post construction inspections and has responded to 11 illicit seminar for this target group. The discharges. Most recently (May 2008), Janet Wood led a team of consortium ultimate goal of the educational education providers to provide the first program tailored to Property Manag- effort was to empower property managers with basic stormwater ers, a group of identified decision makers which has great influence over the concepts so they could use this way that stormwater is managed in the city. knowledge to properly identify The city of Myrtle Beach is working diligently to enhance its water stormwater facilities on their rep- resentative properties, understand resources. For more information about the city’s stormwater programs, con- where and how stormwater flows, tact Janet Wood at (843) 918-2000 or visit their website at... and discover methods of ade- quately maintaining and improving the functionality of local stormwa- ter facilities. CWSEC Partner Focus 3 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Brochures / Newsletters

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

Riverkeeper Newsletter Other 450 Spring 2007—Spring 2008 Description: “Riverspeak” quarterly newsletter continued into 2008. Five editions produced and posted online beginning in Spring of 2007.

SC Sea Grant Newsletter Other 644 Fall 2007

Description: “Inside Sea Grant” continuous newsletter published online. Current issue: Fall 2007

SC Sea Grant Newsletter Other 5,000 Spring 2008

Description: Coastal Heritage special issue titled “Slowing Stormwater: Improving water quality by imitating Nature”

Public Education and Outreach 4 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 39 Jun 9, 2008

Description: The CWSEC convened a TMDL workshop in Conway on the campus of Coastal Carolina University. The workshop provided a unique opportunity for the regulatory agencies to answer questions posed by those entities which will be partially responsible for TMDL implementation. Participating agencies included SC DHEC BOW, SC DHEC OCRM, Woolpert, Inc., and US EPA Region IV speakers

CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop Town of Surfside Beach 8 Jun 2, 2008

Description: Presentation to Southwood home owners association board members about managing stormwater ponds in the community. Discussion highlights managing aquatic vegetation and waterfowl to maintain the water quality and quantity services of the ponds.

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop Georgetown 25 North Inlet-Winyah Bay County Coastal Training Program Jun 2, 2008 Description: Georgetown County Stormwater Presentation

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 20 May 29, 2008 Description: Volunteer Meeting - Horry County Stormwater Presentation

NI-WB CTP Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 50 May 28, 2008 Description: Design & Development: Stormwater & Your Bottom Line. This seminar focuses on low impact development techniques, how they satisfy stormwater regulations in Georgetown County, the economic viability of LID practices, and the benefits of better stormwater management for SC's wa- ter resources.

NI-WB CTP Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 30 May 28, 2008

Description: Best Practices, Best Results: On-site Stormwater Regulations, Responsibility and Management. This seminar stresses the importance of proper on site practices in protecting SC's water resources. It highlights how daily contractor activities play a major role in the health of nearby water- ways, and provides guidance for proper on site practices and stresses Georgetown County's regulations regarding illicit discharges and on site best management practices.

Public Education and Outreach 5 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

City of Myrtle Presentation/Workshop City of Myrtle Beach 38 Beach/ CCU / May 21, 2008 CLEMSON

Description: "Property Management: Protecting Your Stormwater Facilities" collaborative workshop for property management companies, realtors, etc.

NI-WB Field Workshop Georgetown 9 PUB County EDUC May 19, 2008 Description: Field study including water chemistry and WQ information for CCU Scholars Academy

NI-WB Field Workshop Georgetown 17 PUB County EDUC May 16, 2008 Description: Field study including WQ information for Pickens High School Myrtle Beach Stormwater Technician, Janet Wood, works with property managers to improve awareness of stormwater conveyance devices

CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop City of Myrtle Beach 56 May 13, 2008

Description: Presentation to Surfside Rotary detailing water quality issues in the Grand Strand and some on-site remedies for reducing stormwater pollution. Talk also detailed stormwater pond management and discussed the goals and activities of the Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium.

CCU / Riverkeeper Field Workshop Georgetown County 28 May 8, 2008

Description: Pontoon Boat Trip for Service Over Self (middle & high school students) - mapping activities, water quality monitoring and using remotely operated vehicles.

CCU Presentation/Workshop Murrells Inlet 70 May 7, 2008

Description: Water Quality Issues on the Grand Strand presented to the Myrtle Beach Shell Club

Public Education and Outreach 6 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

NI-WB PUB EDUC Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 326 Apr 25, 2008

Description: Multiple session presentations to elementary classes for Environmental Awareness week at McDonald Elementary

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop City of Myrtle Beach 150 Coastal Carolina University Apr 19, 2008

Description: IMAX Presentation - Water Conservation Presentations in conjunction with viewing of the IMAX Film Grand Canyon Adventure - River at Risk

CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop City of North Myrtle Beach 42 Apr 17, 2008

Description: Presentation given to Waterfall Community home owners association about maintaining water quality and quantity services provided by their stormwater retention pond. Provided homeowners with background for major issues concerning pond management and remedies to improve wa- ter quality and reduce costs.

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of Myrtle Beach 0 Apr 16, 2008 to May 9, 2008

Description: Presentations at Myrtle Beach Property Managers Training (4/16/2008, 5/7/2008, 5/9/2008)

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 35 Apr 15, 2008

Description: Senior Scholars Presentation

7 Public Education and Outreach FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU Field Workshop Georgetown County 25 Apr 10, 2008

Description: Historic and Environmental River Adventure for CCU Lifelong Learning

NI-WB CTP Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 10 Coastal Carolina University Apr 9, 2008 Riverkeeper North Inlet-Winyah Bay Public Educa- tion

Description: Georgetown County Government Week - Participation in Stormwater Exhibits

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 50 Apr 3, 2008

Description: Pawley's Island Kiwanis Club Presentation

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of North Myrtle Beach 40 Apr 1, 2008

Description: "Stormwater: How Do I Reduce My Environmental Impact?" at North Myrtle Beach Rotary Club meeting

NI-WB CTP / NI- Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 15 WB PUB EDUC Mar 24, 2008

Description: Project Wild Aquatic Teacher Training held at Kimbel Lodge, Hobcaw Barony

NI-WB PUB EDUC Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 238 North Inlet-Winyah Bay Public Educa- Mar 20, 2008 tion

Description: Presentations on estuaries and wetlands to multiple classes at Maryville Elementary school

NI-WB PUB EDUC Presentation/Workshop Other 36 Mar 18, 2008

Description: Presented WQ, watershed and stormwater information to environmental science classes Wando High School

Public Education and Outreach 8 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 51 Mar 13, 2008

Description: Pond Clinic conducted at Horry County extension office. Pond Clinic details steps for increasing yields in fish ponds as well as maintaining stormwater ponds. Topics discussed include balancing water quality, stock- ing and harvesting fish, managing aquatic vegetation, protecting shorelines, and pollution prevention

CLEMSON Presentation/ Georgetown 25 Riverkeeper / Coastal Workshop County Carolina University Mar 1, 2008

Description: Presentation at the Waccamaw Conference of exotic species in the Waccamaw drainage basin. Talk provided a show and tell of exotic species in the region, their points of origin, and some of the observed impacts to the land and water associated with them.

Cover slide of PowerPoint presentation

CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop City of Myrtle Beach 35 Mar 10, 2008

Description: Presentation about managing aquatic vegetation in stormwater ponds to Hunter's Ridge Home Owners Association, Socastee. Presentation dis- cussed underlying causes of excessive aquatic plant growth. Detailed ways to manage the current aquatic weed problem and prevent future weed problems to

CCU Presentation/ Georgetown 50 Waccamaw Workshop County Riverkeeper Mar 1, 2008

Description: "Effect of Drought on Water Quality in the Waccamaw River" presented at Waccamaw Riverkeeper Annual Conference

Cover slide for PowerPoint presentation CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop City of North Myrtle Beach 14 Feb 26, 2008 Description: Water Gardening and pond maintenance workshop given to North Myrtle Beach Master Gardeners. Talk discussed water quality impacts on plants and fish. Also, discussed the threats posed by invasive exotic species.

Public Education and Outreach 9 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 11 Feb 19, 2008

Description: Water gardening presentation given to Conway Master Gardeners. Talk improved awareness of water quality's effects on plant and fish health. Also informed attendees of the problems with invasive exotic species and the threats they pose to public waters.

CCU Presentation/Workshop Murrells Inlet 70 North Inlet-Winyah Bay Coastal Train- Feb 19, 2008 ing Program

Description: Volunteer Monitoring presentation at MI 2007 Chowder Talk

MI 2007 Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 80 Feb 19, 2008

Description: Murrells Inlet 2007 Chowder Talk featured topic of the Creek Water Monitoring Program for Murrells Inlet. Dr. Susan Libes, Chris Laude and Davinder Randhaw presented. Displays for water monitoring were also set up. Target was Murrells Inlet which includes BOTH Georgetown County and Horry County.

CCU Other Horry County 8 Feb 14, 2008

Description: Met with Seasons HOA Board in Murrells Inlet to discuss and observe their stormwater ponds; gave advice for solutions to algae problems.

NI-WB CTP Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 350 Coastal Carolina University Feb 6, 2008 North Inlet-Winyah Bay Public Educa- tion Description: Stormwater, Water Quality and You! Series of PowerPoint and hands-on stormwater presentations and activities for Forestbrook Middle

Public Education and Outreach 10 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop City of Surfside Beach 50 Jan 24, 2008

Description: Friends of Surfside Library - Presentation

NI-WB CTP Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 70 Coastal Carolina University Jan 17, 2008

Description: Getting to Know Wetlands and the Rules that Govern Them: A Primer for Local Governments and Professionals. This workshop high- lighted the importance and function of our wetland resources, wetlands regulations, and local opportunities for improved wetlands protection.

CCU Other City of Conway 6 Jan 10, 2008

Description: Met with 6 Myrtle Trace HOA Board members to walk and discuss their stormwater ponds - problems and possible solutions.

Notes: Board wants me to return in fall to give program to HOA members

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of North Myrtle Beach 15 Jan 8, 2008

Description: Presentation titled "Waties Island: Does Undeveloped Mean Litter Free?" for Keep North Myrtle Beach Beautiful meeting

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 57 Jan 7, 2008 to Jan 9, 2008 Description: 3 Presentations at CCU Lifelong Learning Orientations - "Homeowner Tips for Eco Living on the Strand"

Notes: Additional locations in North Myrtle Beach & Litchfield (Georgetown Co.)

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 15 Dec 19, 2007

Description: Geo. Co. Chamber of Commerce 'Leadership Georgetown' field presentation

CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 62 Dec 13, 2007

Description: Pond Clinic conducted at Georgetown County extension office. Pond Clinic details steps for increasing yields in fish ponds as well as maintaining stormwater ponds. Topics discussed include balancing water quality, stocking and harvesting fish, managing aquatic vegetation, protecting shorelines, and pollution prevention.

Public Education and Outreach 11 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Horry County 85 Dec 11, 2007

Description: Partnered with SEWEE Environmental Educ. Assoc. to present WQ info/testing to Carvers Bay Middle School at Cox Ferry Landing in Conway

CCU Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 75 Nov 17, 2007

Description: "Stormwater: How Do I Reduce My Environmental Impact?" presentation at Murrells Inlet 2007 Fall Chowder Talk

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 24 Nov 15, 2007

Description: Georgetown High School chemistry classes field trip in Winyah Bay on SCDNR education vessel 'Discovery'

CCU Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 30 Nov 15, 2007

Description: USDA CREES Watershed Academy Case Study

CCU Conference Other 21 Nov 14, 2007 to Nov 17, 2007 Description: North American Association for Environmental Education Presentation titled "Connect to the Coast via the Watershed Approach"

Notes: Location: Virginia Beach, VA

Public Education and Outreach 12 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

Clemson Field Workshop Georgetown County 33 CCU Nov 11, 2007 to Nov 15, NI-WB CTP 2007 Description: USDA-CSREES sponsored Coastal Watershed Academy (See Appendix A)

Dr. Greg Jennings (NCSU) describes hydrology of undisturbed Joe Fersner (Woolpert, Inc.) discusses water quality impacts Coastal Plain forests with watershed academy students of developed coastlines with watershed academy students

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 30 Nov 8, 2007

Description: Presentation at Newcomer Orientation at Waccamaw Neck Library

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 10 Nov 8, 2007

Description: Presentation on the Kingston Lake Watershed to members of Main Street USA

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 24 Nov 8, 2007

Description: Chapin High School field trip to NIWB NERR

Public Education and Outreach 13 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 8 Nov 8, 2007

Description: Bike to Boardwalk

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 20 Nov 7, 2007

Description: Waccamaw High School field trip to NIWB NERR

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 6 Nov 5, 2007 Description: Conway High school field trip to NIWB NERR

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop Horry County 30 Nov 1, 2007

Description: Presentation to Coastal Carolina University freshman biology class

NI-WB PUB EDUC Presentation/Workshop Other 55 Oct 31, 2007

Description: Wando High School classroom presentations to Environmental Studies classes on Water Quality

Notes: Mount Pleasant, SC

CCU Field Workshop Georgetown County 38 Oct 30, 2007

Description: Lifelong Learning Historic and Environmental River Adventure

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop City of Surfside Beach 25 Oct 29, 2007

Description: Presentation to Socastee Kiwanis Club in Surfside

Public Education and Outreach 14 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 3 Oct 27, 2007

Description: Bike to Boardwalk

CCU Field Workshop Horry County 31 Clemson University Oct 23, 2007

Description: St. Andrew Catholic School (7th grade) field workshop at the Wac- camaw National Wildlife Refuge (Cox Ferry Lake Area)

CCU / MI 2007 Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 75 Oct 17, 2007

Description: Presentation at the Murrells Inlet 2007 Fall Chowder Talk titled "Stormwater: How Do I Reduce My Environmental Impact? "

CLEMSON Field Workshop Horry County 4 Oct 11, 2007 to Oct 12, 2007 Description: 4H20 Day Camp for homeschoolers

CCU Field Workshop Horry County 4 Riverkeeper Oct 5, 2007 Description: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination field work with volunteer monitors

CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop City of Myrtle Beach 24 Oct 1, 2007 to Oct 31, 2007 Description: Eight sessions of low-impact gardening courses with senior environmental horticulturalist Gary Forrester

Notes: Targets active gardeners and demonstrates how to utilize environmentally sustainable horticulture practices.

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 7 Sep 29, 2007

Description: National Estuaries Day Bike to Boardwalk

Public Education and Outreach 15 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

NI-WB CTP / NI- Presentation/Workshop Other 1400 WB PUB EDUC Sep 26, 2007

Description: 'NOAA in the Carolinas' Estuary Live presentation “Watersheds, Water Quality and You”

Notes: Location: Fort Johnson, SC

CCU / Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 10 Sep 17, 2007

Description: Presentation to Winyah Bay Master Naturalist course participants titled Watersheds and Our Effects on Them

Notes: Center for Marine & Wetland Studies

CCU Presentation/Workshop Horry County 291 Sep 17, 2007

Description: Presentation at The International Club HOA Annual Meeting titled "Your Connection to Stormwater Ponds in the International Club"

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 30 Sep 14, 2007 to Mar 5, 2008

Description: Presentations to Conway City Council (9/14/2007) and city staff (3/5/2008)

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop City of Myrtle Beach 50 Sep 13, 2007

Description: Presentation to the Daughters of the American Revolution

NI-WB CTP Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 32 Sep 12, 2007

Description: Presentation to Hagley Estates POA about function, use and permitting of water resources

Notes: specifically regarding permit application for Founders Club permit to withdraw water from Black Creek Aquifer for purpose of irrigating golf course

Public Education and Outreach 16 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 20 Aug 29, 2007 Description: Presentation on the Kingston Lake Watershed to Sertoma Club Members

NI-WB CTP Presentation/Workshop Other 12 Aug 21, 2007

Description: Focus Group to discuss options for CICEET stormwater education programs

Notes: Based on UNH Stormwater Center data and its applicability to other regions of the country Location: SCDNR building, Fort Johnson, SC

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of Myrtle Beach 150 Aug 16, 2007

Description: Presentation on Wetlands to members of South Carolina Realtors

CCU Presentation/Workshop Other 100 Riverkeeper Aug 15, 2007

Description: Presentation on the Kingston Lake Watershed at Waccamaw State Park

CCU Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 35 Aug 5, 2007

Description: Presentation to the Watershed Academy and CSREES about the Kingston Lake Watershed Management Plan

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of Conway 20 Jul 24, 2007

Description: Presentation on N-SPECT to Horry County Storm Water Advisory Board

NI-WB CTP Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 25 Coastal Carolina University Jul 11, 2007

Description: Pervious Concrete: Hydrological and Structural Design and construction

Notes: Other providers include SC Green Building Council and Carolinas Ready Mixed Concrete Association

Public Education and Outreach 17 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Presentations / Workshops

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop City of North Myrtle Beach 35 Jul 11, 2007

Description: Presentation to the North Myrtle Beach Optimist Club

NI-WB PUB EDUC Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County N/A Jul 1, 2007

Description: Strengthen partnership with Georgetown County Environmental Education Center and Keep Georgetown Beautiful to provide additional environmental education programs for Georgetown County schools

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County N/A Jul 1, 2007

Description: SCDNR Education Vessel Discovery will be working with Horry County Schools in April 2008

CLEMSON Presentation/Workshop Horry County 253 Jul 1, 2007

Description: Certified Erosion Prevention and sediment Control Inspector courses. Two courses were offered in 2007 in Horry county. The first (Jul 1, 2007) had 185 participants. The second course (Dec 6, 2007) had 68 participants.

Notes: The purpose of CEPSCI programs are to educate field personnel on the proper installation, maintenance and inspection of erosion prevention and sediment control measures at construction sites.

CCU Presentation/Workshop City of Myrtle Beach 0 May 31, 2007 to Aug 16, 2007 Description: Presentations to SC Realtors during Wetlands training with US ACOE (5/31/2007 & 8/16/2007) and Coastal Stormwater Best Management Practice Issues (6/25/2007)

Public Education and Outreach 18 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Exhibits / Displays / Posters

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CLEMSON Exhibit City of Myrtle Beach 250 Apr 29, 2008 to May 1, 2008 Description: Exhibit displayed at Horry Georgetown Builders Association Green Building Conference and Expo. Exhibit detailed the goals and activities of the Coastal Waccamaw Education Consortium as well as rain gardens and rainwater harvesting devices.

CLEMSON Exhibit Horry County 500 Apr 11, 2008

Description: Baby Animal Day at Playcard Swamp Environmental Education Center. Exhibit dis- played pinned and live aquatic insects to demonstrate aquatic biology and the ecological impor-

CWSEC exhibit at Myrtle Beach

Convention Center

CLEMSON Exhibit City of Myrtle Beach 2500 Apr 19, 2008

Description: CWSEC display with Enviroscape set-up at Earth Day at Market Commons event.

CCU / NI-WB Exhibit Georgetown 6 CTP / NI-WB County PUB EDUC / Apr 9, 2008 Riverkeeper Description: National County Government Week - CWSEC Education Providers teamed up with the Georgetown County Stormwater Division to host an open exhibit at the Waccamaw Center for Higher Education. Exhibits featured stormwater and watershed 101 information, homeowner and commercial low impact development practices, Waccamaw River volunteer monitoring information, information about the CWSEC, decentralized wastewater management systems, and information about Georgetown County Stormwater Regulations. Clemson Extension/CWSEC display on athletic fields at Market Commons Earth Day

CCU Exhibit Horry County 300 Mar 20, 2008

Description: Environmental Education exhibit at Career Fair at Burgess Elementary School

Riverkeeper Other Horry County N/A Jul 1, 2007

Description: Steve Hutchinson prepared an interactive display showing pervious versus impervious surfaces and runoff.

Public Education and Outreach 19 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Exhibits / Displays / Posters

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

MI 2007 Exhibit Georgetown County 200 Mar 12, 2008 Description: Information table at Huntington Beach State Park History & Wildlife Day. Displayed info on marine debris and stormwater management techniques (including rain gardens and buffers). Of the estimated 5000 visitors about 200 stopped by the table during the day.

CCU Exhibit Georgetown County 116 Waccamaw Riverkeeper Feb 19, 2008

Description: Display on CWSEC and Water Quality Monitoring at Murrells Inlet 2007 Spring Chowder Talk

CCU Exhibit Other 1100 Nov 14, 2007 to Nov 17, 2007 Description: North American Association for Environmental Education Poster titled "Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium: A Re- gional Collaboration for Coastal Communities"

Notes: Location: Virginia Beach, VA

CLEMSON Exhibit Other 5000 Nov 3, 2007 Description: Buggin' Out in the Swamp Exhibit introduced audiences to insect life in Playcard Swamp in Horry County. The exhibit had both pinned and live insect displays, which were used to discuss the ecological functions of wetlands and their importance to water quality and aquatic biology.

CCU / MI 2007 Exhibit Georgetown County 75 Oct 17, 2007 Description: Display on homeowner solutions to stormwater runoff and CWSEC at the Murrells Inlet 2007 Chowder Talk

Public Education and Outreach 20 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Exhibits / Displays / Posters

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU Festival City of Conway 0 Apr 22, 2008

Description: Display at Coastal Carolina University's Earth Day

Riverkeeper Festival City of North Myrtle Beach N/A Apr 22, 2008

Description: North Myrtle Beach Earth Day Festival

NI-WB PUB EDUC Festival Georgetown County 4000 Mar 12, 2008

Description: Huntington Beach Wildlife & History Day

CCU Festival City of Myrtle Beach 300+ Aug 25, 2007 & Feb 3, 2008 Description: Displays at Apache Pier at two events

Riverkeeper Festival Georgetown County 1000 CCU Jan 19, 2008 to Jan 20, 2008 Description: Winyah Bay Heritage Festival - Exhibitor

Christine Ellis (left) and Crystal Caschera (right) exhibit CWSEC displays at the Winyah Bay Heritage Festival

Public Education and Outreach 21 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Exhibits / Displays / Posters

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CLEMSON Conference Poster Other 460 Feb 3, 2008 to Feb 7, 2008

Description: Poster detailing Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium' s goals and activities presented at USDA-CSREES National Water Conference in Reno, Nevada.

CCU Conference Poster Other 300 Jul 22, 2007 to Jul 27, 2007 Description: Poster titled "Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium: A Regional Collaboration for Coastal Communities" at Coastal Zone "07 Conference

Notes: Conference location - Portland, OR

Public Education and Outreach 22 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Newspaper / Published Articles

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU / Riverkeeper Newspaper Other 81000 Aug 16, 2007 to Apr 22, 2008 Description: Articles were submitted to various newspapers for publication. Please see Notes for more information.

Articles contributed to four different Sun News (8/16/2007-Green Swamp Dump, Greenville News 2/6/2008-Mercury circulations: 11/22/2007 & 12/14/2007-Drought, 12/4/2007-Mercury, 1/22/2008-KLW Project Georgetown Times 2/19/2008-Riverkeeper Con- 12/19/2007-Photos for drought, 2/21/2008-Seritt Horry Independent (08/24/2007-Katie Powell, ference Post and Courier 3/4/2008-Emerging Swamp, 3/2/2008- Riverkeeper Conference, 9/26/2007-Volunteer Monitoring) Pollutants 4/17/2008 Flood Insurance, 4/22/2008 Withers Community Collaborative)

CLEMSON Newspaper Other 65000 Jun 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008 Description: Monthly article about sustainable landscaping in the Sun News.

Notes: On-going monthly.

MI 2007 Published Article Other 2600 Mar 1, 2008 to Mar 15, 2008 Description: Published article in Murrells Inlet 2007 Village Scene Newsletter Issue 41 on Marine Debris. Adopted from NOAA materials. 705 of number impacted (1800) live in Murrells Inlet Georgetown County AND Horry County (thus why other checked as geographic target and activity location)

CCU Published Article Other N/A Jan 15, 2008 Description: Article titled "Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium" for SC DHEC Turning the Tide Winter '08 newsletter

Public Education and Outreach 23 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Internet Resources

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU / NI-WB CTP Webpage Horry County N/A Clemson University Jul 1, 2007 North Inlet-Winyah Bay Public Education South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium Waccamaw Riverkeeper Murrells Inlet 2007

Description: Planning, redesign, and update of old CWSEC website

The original website served the consortium well, but it relied on the domain provided by the North Inlet—Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. This website remains active as the new website be- comes fully functional.

CCU / NI-WB CTP Webpage Horry County N/A Clemson University Jun 3, 2008 North Inlet-Winyah Bay Public Education South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium Waccamaw Riverkeeper Murrells Inlet 2007 Description: Launched the new CWSEC website

The new website stands alone with a dedicated domain. This enhances the adaptability of the website, and sym- bolizes the maturity of the consortium into an entity in and of itself.

Public Education and Outreach 24 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Radio Ads and Interviews

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CLEMSON Public Service Announcement Other 915,700 Fall 2007 & Spring 2008 Description: Public Service Announcements run through Cumulus broadcasting network (WDAI, WJXY, WYAK, WSEA, WSYN)

Notes: Regional Radio PSA schedule summarized in Table 2.

Table 2: Radio Public Service Announcements Sept—Oct 2007 (spots/week) May — June 2008 (spots/week) Gross Impressions per week WDAI - FM 10 42 25,500 51,000

WJXY - FM 42 12,400

WYAK - FM 10 42 17,500 34,100

WSEA - FM 10 42 3,750 7,500

WSYN - FM 10 42 16,450 32,900 Total spots 40 210 Total Impressions 62,750 137,900 x 8 weeks x 3 weeks x 8 weeks x 3 weeks 320 total spots 630 total spots Total Impressions 502,000 413,700 Total Spots 950 Total Gross Impressions 915,700

CLEMSON Radio Other N/A Jan 4, 2008 & Oct 19, 2007 Description: "Your Day" interviews with Cal Sawyer about stormwater quality and quantity control.

Notes: 2 Statewide broadcasts.

Public Education and Outreach 25 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Television Interviews

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

Riverkeeper Television City of Myrtle Beach 1000 Feb 7, 2008

Description: Appearance on Southern Style with Diane DeVaughn Stokes

CLEMSON Interview City of Myrtle Beach 106000 Jan 7, 2008

Description: Appeared on "Southern Style," a local television program produced by Time Warner Broadcasting and hosted by Dianne DeVaughn Stokes. Discussed the goals and services of Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium. Also referenced the major water quality issues for

Riverkeeper Television Horry County N/A Jul 1, 2007

Description: Worked with Jackie Taylor to produce slides for the Horry County Government access channel.

CCU / Riverkeeper Television Other N/A May 29, 2007 to Feb 5, 2008

Description: Discussed monitoring and water quality on television shows.

Notes: WBTW 10/10/2007-Clay Pipes WPCE 5/29/2007-EQL Bacteria Monitoring, 8/23/2007-Volunteer Monitoring Forever Wild 2/5/2008-TV docu- mentary with Playcard Director Ben Abercrombie

CCU Presentation/Workshop Murrells Inlet 20,000 Coastal Carolina University Feb 5, 2008

Description: The Drought of 2008 and Water Quality Issues on the Waccamaw River. One hour taped TV show for Forever Wild (Playcard Environ- mental Center)

Public Education and Outreach 26 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Councils / Consults / Conferences / Meetings

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

Riverkeeper Other Georgetown County 100 Apr 24, 2008

Description: Georgetown County Planning Commission meeting on Plantersville rezoning

CCU / CLEMSON Other Georgetown County N/A Mar 25, 2008 Description: Participated in meeting to develop protocol for pond calls with Clemson Extension and SC DHEC

CLEMSON Other Other 37 Mar 1, 2008 to Jun 30, 2008

Description: Local natural resource agent assisted with onsite pond calls. Na- ture of assistance included recommendations for pollution prevention, weed management, wildlife conservation, improving water quality, maintaining flood control, developing community ordinances, installing vegetated buffers, and preventing erosion.

Notes: Continue to receive pond calls and schedule site visits for Waccamaw watershed and coastal communities

Clemson Extension Agent, Benjamin Powell, and president of the Waterfall Community HOA after a presentation to homeowners about maintaining the stormwater pond.

CCU Presentation/Workshop Other 50 Waccamaw Riverkeeper Mar 1, 2008

Description: "Effect of Drought on Water Quality in the Waccamaw River" presented at Waccamaw Riverkeeper Annual Conference

CCU Other Georgetown County 0 Riverkeeper Jan 1, 2008

Description: Developing a partnership with Riverkeeper and Georgetown chapter of Service over Self (Youth Volunteer Service Corps of Georgetown, SC),

Public Education and Outreach 27 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Councils / Consulting / Conferences / Meetings

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

Riverkeeper Other City of Conway 100 Other Jan 1, 2008

Description: Horry County Economic Development Strategic Plan - member of Steering Committee and Chair of Natural Resources Subcommittee

Notes: Vision A balanced and healthy economy through improved education, economic diversity, infrastructure, and natural resources. Mission Horry County offers an desirable quality of life, deep cultural roots, distinct natural resources, and a history and legacy that foster a special sense of place. Horry County will build on these assets to assure a balanced and healthy economic environment for all through enhanced educational opportunities, economic diversity, infrastructure development, and the preservation of our natural resources.

CCU Other City of Conway N/A Dec 4, 2007

Description: Comprehensive Plan updates, Land Use, Steering

CCU Other Georgetown County 0 Nov 6, 2007 to Nov 8, 2007 Description: Development of a Regional Water Quality Consortium: Georgetown County Staff meetings

Notes: Meetings: 11/6/07, 11/8/07

Riverkeeper Other City of Conway 100 Coastal Carolina University Nov 1, 2007

Description: Horry County Ad Hoc Committee on River and Wetland Protections

CCU Other Other N/A Oct 18, 2007

Description: Participated in SC DHEC coastal focus group meeting on stormwater issues - to give DHEC input to help improve their public education and outreach on stormwater issues in the coastal region.

Notes: Meeting took place in Charleston.

CCU Other Horry County 0 Sep 2, 2007 Description: Technical advisor for Winyah Rivers Foundation

Public Education and Outreach 28 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Councils / Consulting / Conferences / Meetings

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU Other Horry County 0 Aug 27, 2007

Description: Horry County Parks and Open Space Board

Notes: Meetings: 8/27/07, 10/01/07, 11/26/07, 1/14/07

CCU / Riverkeeper Other Georgetown County 0 Aug 22, 2007

Description: Scenic River Advisory Committee - develop a management plan for scenic river designation for Pee Dee River

Notes: Meetings: 5/29/07, 8/22/07, 11/29/07, 12/27/07

CCU Other Horry County 0 Aug 22, 2007

Description: Coastal Carolina University Stormwater Management Plan

Notes: Meeting with Facilities Management: 8/22/07 Executive Committee presentation: 8/27/07 CEF presentation: 8/24/07 Horry County Stormwater presentation: 8/24/07 Conway planning staff presentation: 9/11/2007 B&G Committee presentation: 2/26/08 Meetings: 8/22/07, 9/22/07, 9/26/07, 11/14/07

CCU / CLEMSON Other Horry County N/A Aug 1, 2007 Description: Assist in establishment of Charleston Stormwater Consortium

Riverkeeper Other Georgetown County N/A Jul 1, 2007

Description: Black River Project - identify property/conservation easement for purchase using mitigation monies from Central Electric Transmission Line Right-of-Way Case

Riverkeeper Other Horry County N/A Jul 1, 2007 Description: Horry County Rivers and Wetlands Protection Committee facilitator, web page development ( hcrwpc.html)

Notes: Facilitating responsible growth by developing proactive, unified solutions that protect the beauty, quality and value of our rivers, streams and wetlands and provide for the general health, welfare and safety of current and future generations Meetings: 11/28/07, 1/23/08, 2/21/08, 4/28/08

Public Education and Outreach 29 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Education and Outreach Activities Councils / Consulting / Conferences / Meetings

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU / Riverkeeper Other City of Conway 0 Jul 1, 2007

Description: City of Conway Comprehensive Plan - technical committee for Natural Resources element

Notes: Meetings: 10/25/07, 10/31/07, 11/5/07, 12/4/07 CCU submitted rewritten water quality section 9/12/07

CCU Other Horry County N/A Waccamaw Riverkeeper Jun 1, 2007 to Nov 30, 2007 Description: Comprehensive Plan updates, Land Use, Steering Committee member

Riverkeeper Conference Georgetown County 100 CCU Mar 1, 2008 Clemson University NI-WB CTP NI-WB Pub Educ Other Description: 2008 Waccamaw Conference - The Wonderful Waccamaw, Ours to Protect and Preserve

Christine Ellis, Waccamaw Riverkeeper, opens conference Dr. Susan Libes defines watersheds

Public Education and Outreach 30 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Involvement Activities Community Clean-ups

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

Riverkeeper Other Horry County 25 May 3, 2008

Description: Waccamaw River Cleanup in Longs

Volunteers help Waccamaw Riverkeeper collect trash on the Waccamaw Riverkeeper volunteers enjoy lunch after a river near Longs, SC morning of heavy lifting in Conway, SC

Riverkeeper Other City of Conway 35 Mar 29, 2008

Description: Waccamaw River Cleanup in Conway

Riverkeeper Field Workshop City of Conway 15 Sep 15, 2007

Description: Waccamaw River Sweep

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 30 Sep 14, 2007 Description: Sampit River Sweep

Public Involvement 31 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Involvement Activities Community Clean-ups

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

MI 2007 Other Georgetown County 270 Apr 20, 2008

Description: 17th Annual Spring Tide Community Clean Up, South Carolina's biggest and longest one-day community cleanups (according to Chip Smith). 270 volunteers picked up 5.7 tons of trash from Murrells Inlet marsh and roadsides. Clean up covered BOTH Georgetown AND Horry Counties, thus why geographic target other is checked.

MI 2007 Other Georgetown County 40 Nov 17, 2007 Description: Hosted the first annual Business 17 Holiday Sweep Litter Clean Up. Collected one small county work truck bed full of litter.

MI 2007 Other Georgetown County 750 Jun 1, 2007 to Jun 1, 2008 Description: MI2007 installed and has maintained a pet waste bag station at Morse Park Landing since 2003. Between June 1, 2007 - June 1, 2008, 750 pet waste bags have been used.

CCU Field Workshop Horry County 6 Mar 31, 2008 Description: Beach Sweep at Waties Island

CCU Field Workshop Horry County 15 Nov 6, 2007

Description: Waties Island Beach Sweep

Volunteers sweep Grand Strand beaches of trash

Public Involvement 32 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Involvement Activities Demonstrations / Installations

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

MI 2007 Other Georgetown County 1000 Apr 1, 2008 to Apr 25, 2008

Description: In completing the link of bike lane and bridge between Murrells Inlet and Huntington Beach State Park, the 383' long x 8' wide bike lane that runs between Horry Drive and the start of the bike bridge at the guard rail was paved with pervious pavement instead of asphalt. The pervious pavement was the more expensive paving option but was chosen because the lane runs adjacent to the road on the edge of the salt marsh and be- cause it provided a great demo site of the paving for the public.

CCU Other Horry County N/A Clemson University Mar 6, 2008

Description: Scouted 2 additional Horry Co. school sites for future rain garden installation projects funded by Wal-Mart. Met and discussed ideas with both principals and are very interested.

Notes: Installation projects will take place in fall '08

CCU Center for Marine and Wetland Studies Rain Garden Surfside Town Hall Demonstration Sites

CCU Field Workshop Horry County N/A Sep 19, 2007 Description: Staff and undergrad intern building a butterfly garden at Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge (Cox Ferry Lake Area)

NI-WB PUB EDUC Other Georgetown County N/A Jul 1, 2007

Description: Incorporate sustainable messages and materials into new building and exhibit designs for the Hobcaw Discovery Center construction

Public Involvement 33 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Involvement Activities Volunteer Monitoring

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU Other City of Conway 0 Apr 29, 2008 to May 17, 2008 Description: Initiated Murrells Inlet volunteer program: First Training

CCU Other City of Conway 0 Jan 1, 2008

Description: Initiated Murrells Inlet volunteer program: Construction of new web page and database

CCU / Riverkeeper Other City of Conway 50 Other Mar 26, 2008 Description: Waccamaw River Volunteer Monitoring Project - semiannual meeting

Notes: Semi-annual meeting for volunteers of the Waccamaw River Volunteer Monitoring Project. Presentation by Susan Libes. Training by Davinder Randhawa on E. coli monitoring.

Volunteers prepare water samples for E.coli analysis

CCU / Riverkeeper Other Horry County 0 Oct 18, 2007

Description: Participation in World Water Quality Monitoring Day. Submitted data.

Public Involvement 34 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Public Involvement Activities Volunteer Monitoring

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU / Riverkeeper Other Horry County 40 Aug 26, 2007 Description: Held the second annual data conference with press invited.

CCU / Riverkeeper Conference City of Surfside Beach 25 Jul 28, 2007

Description: Volunteer Water Monitoring Luncheon - Included discussion of the program (Mid-summer meeting)

CLEMSON Other Other 5 Sep 9, 2006 to Jun 30, 2008 Description: Southeast Regional Phytoplankton Monitoring Network. Five volunteers sample and identify phytoplankton from 4 sites weekly along the Grand Strand.

Notes: Project is ongoing.

A National Ocean Service/National Center for Coastal Ocean Science Program Phytoplankton Monitoring Network Promoting a better understanding of harmful algal blooms by way of volunteer monitoring


Public Involvement 35 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Both Public Education and Involvement Activities

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU Field Workshop Horry County 37 Apr 11, 2008

Description: Installation of rain garden and infiltration swale at Socastee High. Socastee High School students and teachers, Wal-Mart employees, and CWSEC participated in this event.

Wal-Mart employees and Socastee students part- ner with CWSEC to install rain garden and infil- tration swale at Socastee High School.

Riverkeeper Presentation/Workshop Georgetown County 15 Jan 28, 2008 to Mar 3, 2008 Description: River Watch Training Class

Notes: Program developed to educate and train potential volunteers to better understand and be involved in protection of our watershed. Stormwater education included in classes.

New River Watchers review watershed maps

CCU Field Workshop Horry County 40 Dec 5, 2007 Description: Socastee High School received $14,001 award from Wal-Mart to build a rain garden and infiltration swale on their property along with water monitoring equipment and supplies for classes to use.

Notes: Proposal written and submitted by CCU. Check presentation event included newspaper and TV coverage

Wal-Mart donates $14,000 to install rain gardens at local

Both Public Education and Involvement 36 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Both Public Education and Involvement Activities

Location and Number of Lead Provider Activity Other Providers and Partners Date Delivered Participants

CCU Other City of Myrtle Beach 0 Apr 30, 2008 Description: Comprehensive Plan Public Meeting

NI-WB PUB EDUC Field Workshop Georgetown County 8 Jul 20, 2007

Description: Boy Scout environmental science merit badge program

CCU Other City of Myrtle Beach 0 Nov 27, 2007

Description: Withers Swash Community Collaborative

Notes: Meetings: 11/27/07, 2/22/08, 2/28/08, 4/1/08

CCU Other City of Conway 0 Oct 29, 2007

Description: On the Advisory Board for Coast Matters, Conservation Voters of South Carolina

Riverkeeper Other Horry County N/A Jul 1, 2007

Description: CoastMatters

Notes: A project that informs the citizens of Georgetown and Horry Counties about important conservation issues. It's funded by the Conservation Vot- ers of South Carolina Education Fund and aims to engage local conservation organizations in a productive dialogue about managing growth and pro-

Both Public Education and Involvement 37 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Summary of Activities


Total Activities: 204 Total Impressions: 1,219,479

Audiences Approached: General Public, K-12, Higher Education, Pro- fessionals, Property Managers, HOA Board Members, Municipal Officials

Activity Types: # activities # people involved

Brochures/Newsletters 3 6,094 Workshops/Seminars 97 5,451 Exhibits/Displays/Posters 20 16,107 Publications/Newspaper Articles 29 148,600 Website 2 unknown Bill Inserts 0 0 Radio Ads/Interviews 952 915,700 TV Ads/Interviews 8 127,000 Conferences 2 140 Councils/Meetings 41 387


Total Activities: 28 Total Impressions: 2,406

Activity Types: # events/projects # people involved

River/Beach Clean-ups 9 events 1,186 Volunteer Monitoring 3 ongoing programs 120 Demonstrations/Installations 4 projects 1,037 Other 7 63

Summary of Activities 38 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Conclusions for Year 3 (07-08)

The Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium is working diligently to continue and add to the successes of the first two years, as evidenced by the progress achieved in the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Many great things have been accomplished, but much remains to be completed. The digital capabilities of the consortium have leapt forward with the activation of the reporting database and the new website. These systems are new but will grow and improve along with the con- sortium. Because the service providers view these systems as vital to the viability and progress of stormwater education and public involve- ment efforts in the region, the education providers will continue to work to have both the website and the database perfected and constantly up- dated. New personnel among the education providers and the partners are working intimately with their consortium peers to enhance new and existing programs. Although the consortium is absent one of its original founders (Jeff Pollack, NI-WB NERR), the new faces are filling his void and developing new programs that are aligned with the consortium’s goals. These personnel have expanded programming to address the needs of new audiences. These newest audiences, the HOA’s/POA’s and the Property Managers, are receiving attention through programs that are designed to address their specific needs and concerns. Looking to the future, the Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Edu- cation Consortium continues to make communication and coordination among the service providers and the partners its highest priority. Work- ing together through concerted efforts, the consortium is realizing its five original objectives. On the other hand, the service providers under- stand that stormwater education is an ongoing process, constantly in need of refinement. The core education service providers that constitute CWSEC hope that their system for a collaborative regional approach to stormwater and watershed education will continue to prove to be a use- ful model for communities around as the Phase II permit is implemented fully. The CWSEC remains committed to helping the com- munities of Horry and Georgetown counties meet the federal require- ments under the NPDES Phase II general permit. In addition, the con- sortium fully understands the spirit under which the Phase II program was drafted and will continue to assist citizens to improve the quality of our water resources.

Conclusions 39 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Appendix A - Coastal Watershed Academy

In November of 2007, one of the most technically comprehensive pro- grams offered to date by the service providers of the CWSEC was conducted at Skills gained at this workshop Hobcaw Barony research and education reserve in Georgetown, SC. This pro- will improve students’ ability gram was called the Coastal Watershed Academy. to identify problems and Sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture (CSREES) and draw- solutions for their local ing from the expertise of four southeastern universities (Clemson University, watersheds. This is not for Coastal Carolina University, North Carolina State University, and Auburn Uni- versity), the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, the US En- the faint of heart! vironmental Protection Agency Region 4, the North Inlet-Winyah Bay Na- tional Estuarine Research Reserve, and a private consultant, the Watershed Coastal Watershed Academy covered topics ranging from the Academy science of watersheds to the social, economic, and legal as- Website pects of stormwater management. The expert presentations and field trips provided attendees with technical information to inform sound decisions about land development and stormwa- ter management. The Academy included lecture presentations and local field trip experiences related to watershed management, land use change, and sustainable development. Regional experts delivered principles of watershed planning, monitoring, and restoration to local coastal educators, decision-makers, and natural re- source professionals. Visits to Bannockburn Plantation and DeBordieu Colony allowed for field comparisons between undeveloped and devel- oped coastal areas, respectively, as related to hydrology, water quality, and ecology. A total of 33 participants attended the workshop. Based on post -workshop questionnaires, a majority of the participants found the in- formation to be very helpful. From follow-up evaluations (approximately two months after workshop completion), 11 of 11 re- spondents rated the workshop to be highly effective, while 10 of 11 re- spondents gained pertinent knowledge for their jobs, and 10 of 11 re- spondents claimed that they were using new ideas and tools in their work as a result of the Academy. To learn more about the Coastal Watershed Academy, visit Available at this website is a description of the workshop, an agenda for activities, and downloadable copies of the presentations.

Appendix A - Coastal Watershed Academy A-1 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Appendix B -

May of 2008 brought one of the CWSEC’s most significant develop- ments, the launching of the new website, One year in the Past reports, fact sheets, making, the new webpage represents a new level of visibility for the consor- and presentations are tium and its service providers. By acquiring a domain dedicated to public edu- cation and involvement with stormwater, the consortium stands alone as the available on the website first stop for learning about and participating in conservation of water re- for use by inquisitive sources in the Waccamaw river basin and its adjacent coastal communities. homeowners, teachers, The website is designed to publicize the current and upcoming activi- ties of the consortium and to provide a central repository for stormwater related decision makers, and technical information to support education and involvement initiatives. Using government officials. a three tier approach, the website caters to the consortium members, local decision makers, and general audiences.

The overarching goal of the website is to centralize stormwater education resources for the consortium members and the general public in an easy-to-access location. Anyone wishing to learn more about water issues in the Grand Strand of the South Carolina coast or get involved with protecting coastal water resources should consider as a primary information resource.

Appendix B - A-2 FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium

Appendix C - Waccamaw River Volunteer Monitoring Program

PROJECT SUMMARY About 30 volunteers have The Waccamaw River Volunteer Monitoring Project trains and supports volunteers who sam- been trained thus far, ple 11 sites biweekly along regional waterways. A half-time Volunteer Monitoring Coordina- tor ensures that all quality assurance and quality control procedures are followed according to with about 25 now guidelines provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This program has been running since June 2006. Funding has been provided by the US EPA, Horry County, actively involved. Some Georgetown County, the City of Conway and International Paper, Inc. A similar program is being initiated in Murrells Inlet with funding from Horry County, Georgetown County, the of the volunteers are City of Conway and the Town of Surfside Beach. The training of 20 volunteers who will be sampling at 8 sites is now underway. members of other related organizations such as the

OBJECTIVES Winyah Rivers Foundation, Sierra Club, The objective of the project is to provide a volun- teer-based, water quality monitoring program for Surfriders, and the Waccamaw Watershed. This program fulfills three needs: Bass Masters. Some high 1. Address NPDES (National Pollutant Dis- charge Elimination System) Phase II Stormwater school students have been program minimum measures for public education and involvement. trained. The Waccamaw 2. Assist in illicit discharge detection (another Riverkeeper serves as the NPDES Phase II stormwater program require- ment) field leader and provides 3. Increase geographic and temporal coverage of water quality monitoring in the Waccamaw her services pro bono. River to fill data gaps in SC DHEC’s water qual- ity assessments and to assist in development of site specific water quality standards

At present eleven sites are being sampled biweekly for temperature, turbidity, dis- solved solids, oxygen saturation, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia. The sites being moni- tored are: Hagley Plantation, the Sampit River, Wache Wache Landing, Bucksport Landing, Enterprise Landing, Reaves Ferry, Murrells Landing, Sterrit Swamp, the Conway waterfront, Pitch Landing, and the Highway 9 boat landing. To learn more, view data, or get involved, check the website…

A-3 Appendix C - Waccamaw River Volunteer Monitoring Program FY 07-08 Annual Report Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium