, , T^^TTr^ . ' ;Vr ■pT-' '•■„ . ;4 .• , 11 K.- ;• ' T h e W ea th e r Average Daily drealation rateaeet ef V. We For the Menta of fehnnury, IM I Fair eng toatlanee aeM teMglrt. .Wegeeaflay fair wttti etowly rtaiag 6,677 ' tamperatera. • I tiM AoflM 0 i af' CSfcalatlsos Hanchettit^A City of Vaiagm Charm fTWRI.VE PAGES) PRICK THREE C^NtB Five Killed, 114 Hurt in Wreck Laid to Sabotage Woodrum Avers Aid Waterbury Bonds Increase Rapped Will Bring Ultimate By jury Member Finish for Dictfdors Baldwin Criliciaes Re- Taber Declares Effort Heavy Fines luction in Tax Rate at Must Be Successftil, Churchill Says Nazi lame Time O ty Seeks Levied on 2 /Otherwise We Are in ^To Borrow More; Re- Trouble’ ; $7,000,- Cruisers Also Sent fers to Fuss Made in State Firms 000,000 Bill Sent to Bridgeport Refunding. Floor of House with Hartford Oil Burner To American Coast Admonition America State Capitol. Hartford. March 18.— (4*)— S e n a t o r Concerns and Officers Must Become Arsenal. Clarence F. Baldwin (R ). Found Guilty ‘of Vio- Declares British Ship* Sunk on American Side by member' of the Waterbury lating Wage-Hour Act. Warships as Well as U-Boats; Announces Cer- Washington, March 18.— special grand jury, criticized (/P) — Representative W pod- tain Destruction o f Three German Submarines; that city today for reducing New Haven, March 18—(P)— rhm (D., Y a .), opened House its U x rate at the same time Federal Judga Carroll C. Hindu Destroyers from U. S. Coming into Action Now. debate on the $7,000,000,000 that it sought legislative au- today fined two Hartford oil burn- British aid bill today with a thority to increase its bonded er concern* and two of their offi- London, March 18.— (4*)— Prime Minister TVinston Chuixh- irediction that the vest e f- indebtedness. He voiced his cer* a total of $1,099, in closing ill declared today (hat “not only German U-boats but battle 'ort it contemplates would the flrat criminal prosecution in criticism as the Senate ap- cruisers have crossed to the American side of the Atlantic jring about "the ultimate Connecticut under the wage and proved a bill authorizing W a- and succeeded in sinking British ships. At the same Um® ( ownfall” of all dictetors< hour* act. terbuiy, which has a Demo- The fine* were levied against he announced the "certain destruction jest/rday of three ie gave his Views to e crowd- cratic administration, to is- German submarines in the continuing Battle of the Atlantic— ed and quiet chamber which sue $2,000,000 in bonds for a (Continued On Psge ’<Wo) which lie described as "one of the most momentous ever also heard from Represente- new water pipe line. - tive Taber (R.. N. Y .), that fought in all the annals of war.” _________ / Baldwin, a member of the Fi- The prime mihlater apoke at * .— — the effort must be successful, nance Committee, aald he did not Japs’ Envoy Pilgrims luncheon at which he in- united States government yeater- that "otherwise we are in oppoae the bill, but aald he ob- troduced John O. Wlnant. United ' jj,*t a German aubmarine waa trouble.” ject to the elmultaneous reduction State* ambaiaador to Britain who . toward the weatem At- of Waterbury’* tax rate from 32.8 promlaed the Brltlah ahlpe. pUnea j atUck ahlpa loaded with The House Appropriation* Com- mittee sent the legislation to th* to 31 mill* and Irtcreaae of iU To See Reds and gun* “with the utmoat a p *^ United Statea-manufactured aup- bonded indebtedneas. in the greatest volume and with floor with an admonition that .tbs Same I**ue In Bridgeport all the akill” at the command of xhe prim* mlnUter eald the United State* must drive "whola- hesrtedly, enthusIsstlcaUy and ax- Baldwin contended that the At Moscow the American ^ople. ■ orm an warahlpa had aunk vea- Reference Not Cleat ■ weat a* the 42nd mertd- pediUoualy'* to become th* “*r- aame laaue w *« Involved when aenal and atorehouae" for "bel**- Bridgeport recenUy , Churchlll’a reference to aubma- ^he American aide of the rinea and battle cruiser* did not ------- guered democractea” — thority to refund bond* while it Matsuoka to Pause on Five neraon* were killed and 114 Injuted In the wreck of this Cleveland-PIttaburgh passenger train Otherwlae. the committee aald, nropoaed at the aame Umo to re- make clear whethei he waa refer- „VMitlaued Ou Page Eight) His Trip to Berlin for n»ar RaHpn p * which Official* of the Pennsylvania Railroad C!omuany aald wa* caused by sabotage. I ring to Information given the (Contiuueo uu rugu a the United Stales would be atamp- duceitt tax rate. Without men- Above—car* apiiled from the right-of-way. Below— the locomotive, derailed by the alleged removal o ed "a faltering welcher." ' tioning Soclaliat Mayor Jaaper McLievy by name, Baldwin Parleys Which May A f- spikes from the track. Must Kaiee Money from Tsxaa "How are we going to pay the ed that another mayor then had fect Role in Axis’ Plans been called a “political faker by 1 Family of Five Buma Expect Moves bill? 1 don’t know," aallt Wood- To Dealh While Asleep Senate Democrat*, rum. “But we will have to rala* Waterbury’* two Tokyo, March 18.—(J’) the money from th# taxpayers ef aenatora, Michael BlanafleW w d Minister Yoauke Matauoka.^ British Defeat British Bombers Sink Binghamton. N. Y., March 18. To Counteract America, i don’t know whether Edward P. Egan, defended the route to Berlin and Rome, will —(/p)—A family of five bunted this will be enough hut I *m con- pauae in Moscow two days, it waa vinced that unless we take this fiacal pollciea of Mayor Vincent to death while they slept today Scully of Waterbury. ’^ e y cc^- announced today, for talks which Italians Again ‘Enemy’ Supply Vessel in a wind-whipped fir* that de- Strike Delays action we'll find th* day coming Tendid that the Waterbury w d obaervers believed would vitally stroyed their four-room home when our own couatsii. will. hSMS. Bridgeport altuatlona were not affect Japan’s role In Axia plana A----------------------------------- - -- ■ fit near-»ro weather. • to meet the dictatora and have to com »m ble becauae, they aald, for a new world order. 800 Captured meet them alone.” The Clyde Matthews. theirclty aought the bond* to_re Attaching ths-rMgbsst signifi- Auack Wilhelmshaven, 37, a *h ^ factory worker: his ‘Definite Action’ Seen Taber senior Republlcait mem- fund an old indebtedneaa. canceCRnco toLO theLoe announcement,miuivum;eniviiv, thesevuvw \ At Least 125 ber of the Appropriations Con%- wife, ^ m a , 81. and their chil- On Wright Field Di^ Conatructlon of the pipe line had sources expresaed the opinion R e n u ls C C o u n te r -'A tta c k s Bremen, Rotterdam, dren, Lsvanne, six: Isabel, five, mtttee, asserted that regardless of been urged before the Flnante Japan la seeking guarantees from . • «? • the "fantastic and ridiculous pro- Oldenburg; Start Fires and Kenneth, three. pute; May Name Medi- posals of HR 1778” It was tha Uw_ Committee as a Soviet_ Ruasla to safeguard----------------- her in 1 Qjj Positions in Eri- Hurt in Train Sheriff Earl J. Daniels said witneaae* **yin« tereats bordering Siberia before an overheated wood-burning ation Board Members. at present had only one pipe line committing herself to any con Irea with Heavy Losses At Both Naval Bases. (Coattaued Oa Pag* Twe) and that lU Induatrle* might b6 stove apparently caused the Crete acUon in partnership with Crash in Ohio Are. hamper^ ahould anything happen Germany and Italy. T o Forces o f Fascists. London, March 18.— <4^— By The Associated Press Two quick governmental movee to that line. It waa also understood the for- Royal Air Force bombers last 1 Approve* Trade School Bouda Cairo, Egypt, March 18.—(O — to counteract strike deUy* In de- eign minuter would pauae in Mos- night sank a large "enemy” | Freight Plows into Si^e In addlUon to authortatag ^ cow cm hi* return from Rome and ItalUn counter-attacks against fer.!* Induatries wer# expected supply ship off the Frisian F l a s h e s ! 32.000,000 laaue, the Berlin, and observers said bU dU- pos'itions recently captured by the Of Passenger Train Warmer Air generally ■ hy official Washing* (Lata Balletla* af th* (^ Wtm> approved a bill e m p ^ «2«S Wat- cuaaiona in the weat would be Islands in addition to attack- British In Eritrea have been re- erbury to laaue $100,000 bon< made condiUcmal upon what oc ing Wilhelmshaven, Bremen,, Carrying 700 Workers ^**Army ^*ourcea predicted t ^ t curred in Moacxiw during both of pulsed With heavy Fascist losses, FI;Ight To Save Gaeoltae a trade achool. Rotterdam and Oldenburg, Moving East the War Department would t ^ e Both bill* were aped to the hU atop-overa there. British general headquarter* de- To Site of New Arsenal a “daAnlt# acUon” in connecUon Nm.Jew Orleaas, March lS.-i-<A>— House under auapenalon of the Neutral circles suggested ce the A ir Ministry announced Til* ■aeead Mg fire la tM* clared today. with a Juriadtctlonal rtrik* w l ^ ' rule*, but that du mber «lelayed mentlng of relaUons with the The BrltUh aald the Italians left tonight. Windham, O., March iS.—IT)— lulled work on t $6,900,000 wtlhla a week today awept tl To Oust Cold the mala # • * * #* the 5L- - v. «Uoli on them Soviet wa* no less Important from over 800 prisoner* |n their hands. “Numerous exploslona and fires A freight train plowed Into the elde Army Air Corpa P«>* motion of Rep.
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