MONDAY Th« Wtwth«r ForaeMi of U. 8. Weather Three Manchester youths sfs Margaret, daugbtar o f 1^. and Mra. Auguat* Wllkla o f 174 Con- Mrs. John B. Martina and her Itmong 38 members of the Junior Mrs. William Paganl of Cooper tar street celebrated her 82d birth­ daughter, Mrs. Olympia M. Mol- — CM M yr errasinaal rate ‘About Towu street, was 11 years old Saturday, day Saturday afternoon at the toy of 109 Prospect street, left on aad Wedaesdayi a«t moch class at tae University of Comiec- In temperature. tlcult who havs been commlsalon- and celebrated the event with a home o f her aon, Fred Wilkie. Saturday for a three weeks’ vaca­ tion In California. ed as cadet aooond lieutenants in party for 16 of her little friends at Members of her Inunedlato, family Manche$ter—“A City of Village Charm and relatives from Springfield fCAt T:iO tsturdiw Bight Company tba university ROTC unit. This her borne Saturday afternoon. 'The were present Luncheon was serv­ The Women’s League will meet Woolen Time , 1 o ( the South M ih ei(«n «r fire organisation, 600 atrong, is prepar­ children had the usual merry time t -was called to 162 ed outdoors by Mrs. Fred Wlllde. tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock (damlfiad Advartialag aa Paga 19) ing under Major G. H. Paasmore, and remembered Margaret with MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1,1940 (TWELVE PAGES) 'oitf road to extinguish a fire Mrs. Wilkie, who is ths widow of at the . Second Congregational PRICE THREE U.SA., for commlasiona aa second many dainty gifts. started from an overheated Henry Wilkie was remembsrsd cburch.-’ A t social hour will follow is here asrain - - - - llsutenants In the Officer’s Reserve ’The Bdoster Club will hold Its with many choice glfta. with Mrs. H. B. Keeney chairman tatasr In the cellar eC the.'-fOUfW of* the army. Local ^udenta Make up your own dresaea from Hale's woolens. >. which did little dSBM«s. first fall meeting tonight at 7:45 of the hostesses. commlaaloned are Algert A. at the North Methodist church. Booster Night will be observed Avers Senate Going Over Nation^t Draft Plans Biretta, Herbert R. Gilman and Oaorge A . (Urard, giving hie ad> Young married couples will be by Manchester Grange with a spe­ ises T a x Albert H. Griswold. as Manchester has filed a welcome to Join the club at thle cial program in the Masonic Tem­ 54” London Is Preparing petition lB..baMki<uptcy session. Tomorrow evening at ple this evening at eight o’clock, Unable to Act Tomorrow will be knitting day eight o'clock an organisation open to all membera and their ^^^rtdch he lists his liabiUUes at St tha Manchester Red Cross bead- IjW N lAl, with BO assets. The larg- meeting of young people beyond friends. Ward Krause Is chairman •s P r o fit s quarters In the Cheney main office High school age will be held. of a committee working on a pro­ A. R. Wilkie Wool Crepes On British Aid i g i t ,M11 Is for 1830, unsecured and building, Hartford Road. There 1s rdue to the Ameroil Burner Manti- gram of entertainment sure to 16 Walker S t Tel. 8365 plenty of wool for men’s, women Miss Valerie Miller, daughter of please all. A social time with re- I'fhcturlng Company of Hartford, and children’s sweaters, and while For Hardest Winter; Mr. and Mrs. John M. Miller, a freshfteiHs will follow. ' ‘“thlch Is all but 91 cents of his there will be sewing on garments ;o D e fe n s e Barkley Believes It Will llahllltles. member of the 1943 cla/w at Skid­ already cut on Wednesday, sewing more college, was one of a group ?1.59 y** I A yrbearsal and business session Pasteurized Milk Be Impossible to Ob«^ day, the national Red Cross has of students designated by the com­ lot the Beethoven Glee Club will be Fifteen new Fell colors. U.g'it weight but warm. Members of the Manchester Girl been obliged to delay shipment of mittee on student records as de­ held tonight at 7:30 o’clock at the The smartest fabric for women’s nnd children's Writer Refuses to Take tain Action at Session ifhMut Council are reminded of the yard goods beyond expectations. serving .special commendation for Emanuel Lutheran church. Any­ dresses and skirts. Pills Until Police Called ’ • monthly meeting tomorrow eve- However, materials are expected and Cream On Financial Help. Nazis Claim Success their record during the past school one tntereSt»d In joining the club alag at 7:30 at the Y.M.C.A. Plans daily and the number who have year. l.e Invited t ( attend. ! Oakland, Calif., Oct. 1.—OP) t fior the observance of Girl Scout volunteered to sew or knit recent­ From Selected Farma 1 — Lowell Otis Reese, a maga-1 Washington, Oct. 1 —(>P) Sena­ ^■-^reek In October and other actlv- ly Is most encouraging. 54” ' sine writer, refused to take his tor Barkley of Kentucky, the Minimize Effectiveness Publisher Avoids Scoop Kritikh Plan to -Gombatl ■ Itles will be made and a good at­ pills so Mm . Opal Reese tele- I tendance Is hoped for. An Impor- All W ool Democratic leader, aaid today it O f British Raiders On Birth of Own Son phened the police department. | (serniaii Raitlprs witb] timt meeting of the finance com- appeared impoaalble for the Senate “ My husband has a stomach ' Who Give Berlin Long* Gilroy, Calif., Oct. 1.— • ttee isill follow the council to act at thia aeasion on a proposal Stronji Dcfpiific Wea| etlng. HALE'S SELF SERVE ache and won't take the medi­ The Gilroy Dispatch published If You Live In Manche.ster cine his doctor left.” est Alarm of War, Ac­ The Original In New England! ^ Flannel aanctloning unrestricted financial Us first .Sunday extra edition oils, Exodus o fl and Patrolman N. O. Abbott, a BO Publisher James Marir.aduke - Ralph P. Bums of 271 Wood- LOPPERS aid to Great Britain. knowledge ‘Strong De­ Womrii and Children[ You Arc 25 Years of Age, ttN N iO T e u r family man of wide experience, Barkley aaid the resolution could announee the birth of a %rtdge street, manager of the i went to the Reese home. Use Youi Car for Going To would "provoke a lot of debate" fense’ of IxMidon But non to his wife. And (rive Those Who! .SVest Hartford branch of the AND HEALTH MARKET It must have been the sight Burl^ard-Montgomery Company, and From Your Work, and and for that reason action at this "1 didn't want to be scfioped $1.69 of the uniform, Abbott report­ Say Raids, Especially by any other papers on the ar­ Mnxt Slay Utmost Shet-| Is at the Detroit convention view for Piea.sure Purposes . time was not possible. " If we were Smart for jackets, skirts and suits The newest ed, for as he strode in the going to do anything about it. It rival of my own son." exj.lalned tag the 1941 cars. Mr. Burkhart, Fsll shades. writer gulped dowD a dose of During Day, Successful i4-r Agaiiikt Raids#] president of the compan.y, is with TUESDAY SPECIALS should have been Introduced long Marmadiike, who di^es not pub­ pills. lish a regular .Sunday issue. A ir. Bums. You Can Buy Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales ago," he said. THIS COKE IS The proposal. offered by Senator Berlin, Oct.' 1. — (IP)— • lyjndon, f)ct. All Day Tuesday. GUARANTEED 54” King (D.. Utah), would exempt “ Hiffhly successful'’ air raids ! no cikI in sight to the bomMj Advertisement Britain from the limitations of Automobile I f you are not aatisned with Ita lo preaent on Britain, particuiarly Lon­ ' which have fallen on London] Ifale’a Quality All W ool olnt Com- present neutrality and other laws A fter years of experience we use, we will remove the noke and Willkie Raps don, were reported by the Survivors Tell ! (lay and night for 25 days,] highly recommend Norfolk Paints refund the money for the id Senate which prohibit loans to belligerent Liability 'erslons. now or debt-defaulting nations; high command today whiie I Kritain'.H capital is preparing] and Varnishes for complete satis­ BREAD Ivoaven amount removed. faction. G. E. Willis &. Son, Inc. 2 11C .o ta^BIHI^Vvherc approval, Methods Used Awaits State Department View* Germans minimized the effec­ Aliout Atladv j fo r the severest winter df ’ Insurance Ca.sh Price $12.75 Per Ton. Coatings cted tomorrow, would aend ll Chairman Pittman (D.. Nev.), tiveness of British raiders I in its history. Us plan kij Vermont .MiUd ¥ the White House. In addition to , . _ . v . Limits of $1.'>,000— $1.3,000 aaid the Senate Foreign Relations ' who gave Berlin its longest tax sectioDA It carries pro- Committee, to which King's resolu­ Til Tlirlti-fiini'i tlmj ALICE COPRAN for Pprsfinal Injury and .Islons designed to speed up arnm- By Roosevelt Lieut. Col. I.,ewia B. Hershey, (left) newly named acting head of alarm of the war last night. •YIl J-IILU J V i l l l l l c l (jorman raiders with the <Kiiuwn 4s ({ueen Alice) tion was referred after introduc­ selective service, confers in the draft board’s offices in Washington $.3,000 for Properly Dam­ Syrup 15e 2 for 29c ment production and furnish a tion yesterday, would aw-ait .State “ Out Air Force attacked war S P m m iA I MEDIl'M L T .W O O D C o.
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