Llnstpaoisocial Circles 1 Mamheimersilks^St^L^T M
ao THE ST. PAUL GLOBIC, SUNDAY- SEPTEMBER 30, 1900. SrjS^*g(?^^SFam^^^S^^'^^ : Department \ p^l|77lir^;^;;:' ;7r;77:77:i::;: M^^i -7V.7 :^!;:;:m $]:Lam : Comet Mllllmvf. + We in C°" I -A __ '' \u25a0' "' are We are proud. of \u0084--• v, \u25bc #* : i_^ stant " reo6*?* of our Millinery? par- : -'? new in this ff^M.% rf r^l.vyfc^. goods lors. 7 And- we want 77... (W^'P-'*^ __> stPaoiSocial Circles §£ department, thus you to call and see /y^Sl' J \u25a0 --P lln >fc £& . - 1 : ' [keeping-our stock our Monday exhibit &£(§&s*£ e|; .^ V^^vaft- and complete. Sixth Streets, 0 Il&t-3_o_iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiil&----&&r_^^^ _-> - mUa full \^_^ and Robert St. Paul, Minn. —-the most fashion- ra|P^/§£ >& — able ' V CENTRAL. noon in honor of Miss Alda Fry, who _^: _9^_^%-^'_w_? -^cc our new ace -conceits? f^.-^^^P^-s IN THE PARaUE \u25a0 leaves this week?to spend the winter in A JrnQ&iJll SfiT^y Robes. They are correct? dressers— _©- * rf the Those entertained were: Miss beautiful ex- more? Hats, Twilight after, East.? j\V'-*^ — and more *© falls, arid darkness Haecker, "Miss" ? ? Heeker, **P- ' "<®ik **-*&« '-\u25a0Swiftly"on Southern"air;" Barbara Miss* \u25a0'"__* ' ": elusive. Trimmings, the Jllcheson, Miss Qllman,* Jew'ett;- '^**^j_'%v£ more There is music, light and laughter Miss Miss ?' v-C^S/fel^ 5 -*. In the old Havana sQuare; Buck, Miss Thane, .St.? Pan': Miss "\Vid-* M Novelties .than can * V __> our *all imP j^/5 ::: Caballcro, Cuban maid,-. , . " Miss Benham and Mls>ss Carter, Min- 'Jf/'xxivK ' ortav MamheimerSilks^St^l^tIf you ;' ' nor.
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