U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 06/04/2002
'l.S. ErN~Rc-r:nENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ErA Reg. Datp uf Issuance: Offl·:e ,:)f 2es~I,:lr:le Programs Number: R,"'~!i~,tL'ti()n ['I. vision (H7,)05C) JUN 4 2@ 401 "M" Sl., S.W. 1812-454 h'.:,:_,j-.lrt'Jt,,!,, r'.I". 204('0 NOTICE OF PESTICIDE: Conditional _x_ Registration Reregistration Trilin® 5G Griffin LLC P.O. Box 1847 Valdosta, GA 31603-1847 Note: Change::s 1n ltlbeling differing in .>ub;:;tan·>,. from that accepted in connection with thi;:; registration must l-'e submitted to ,:md accepted by the R02.p.,:tration ['l\'ision prior to use of the label H, commerce. In any ,::(,eL'espe,nden':::e Of' thi$ prclduct:: ah.;.'lY~~ t'",f",l' t~~ th,-, above EPA registration number. I, t he !. '_c' l_, ,->I ", .. j. 'IJ t :.~J,t, th", :,r",v.C' Ilamed pest] ~id •.: l L·~'.1l. r·"L·-d/r_·l··:.t~ t .-1 '_' j 'Ill' 1~'1 'i.. ,. I I 1,je, F')']Jl..ji':l,j<o' :lnd Rodenti,-ide {\,-'!. tile A'Jency. III d',j~'J t-,_ I_d-T. 1'_-11': _L"] Ii, :1 'if" ", .!, .. Adnlini.-'tr"tol, on Ili., 1")1"1,.>1,, ,I. .:,1,', lUI''=' .suspend ur -LIL····L t~, •• l--·':lj,'I-I-.!tj 11'1 I' f: "I'l' .1, ]'·.]-jl, '.:itt, 1.11", Act. Th.c: ",',:c:plan,'" -~;.'i' 1,.:'111"0' lTL ,:onne,:t10I1 L!-: th': "--'_li.~!:1 ,1_; II ,!' 1 !,r>.I':'_' 'I:L·j .. , t_h~ 1 not t:,-, b", 'JLI".stru&d -".'; 'Jl'illl'-J r.II_~ 1cO(Ji~:t1dIL~_ -' right: to ~.!",:-·lU:Ji\·,=, '1.3'" (.t II,~-, Ik~1I\'"" .'1 to it -" I ..c, If it I",,,, t,een r:'~Lv~'r~d f~y nthel"s.
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