Video is no longer “just an option”; it is the option.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, one thing has become abundantly clear: video is king. Now, more than ever, both consumer and business audi- ences are expressing a preference (and, in most cas- es, an expectation) for video.

According to a recent Forbes study, video content is projected to increase from 74 percent of global Internet traffic to up to 80 percent. Not only that, but four times as many consumers said they would prefer to watch a video about a product than to read about one.

There is no question that video is in high demand. Consumer desire — and expectation — for video will only increase, which means that a consistent output of video content is key if you want to be successful. Applied Art & Technology 3

Global Internet Traffic

2017 2019

74% 80% video video

But why is video so effective?

It’s simple, really. More than anything, good video content connects with audiences because of its em- phasis on storytelling. When done right, there is no better way to influence behavior and inspire action than with a well-crafted video that tells a powerfully human story.

At Applied Art & Technology, we’re experts when it comes to visual storytelling, having spent the past 25 years crafting stories with an array of video mar- keting techniques. Leveraging our 25 years of indus- try experience, we’ve compiled a list of 50 different ways you can use video to better reach your target audience and, most importantly, achieve your goals. 4 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

Table of Contents







PRODUCT AND SERVICE PROMOTION 49 Applied Art & Technology 5






Chapter 1


The first, and possibly most important, category of video marketing promotes your business’s value through targeted campaigns. The secret to master- ing these types of videos is understanding all the various platforms on which you can distribute your content.

1. Mobile Smartphones are the best way to reach that coveted 18 to 34 demographic, better known as millennials. A study conducted by Google and Ipsos found that a whopping 98 percent of smartphone owners aged 18 to 34 used their phones to watch video content.

Creating video content optimized for mobile view- ers is quickly becoming the best way to reach the most consumers with extremely specialized messag- ing. This is because geolocation technology now allows for more targeted advertisements and other video-driven content.

It is also important to note that recent developments in mobile-focus video, such as ’s IGTV up- date, place an emphasis on vertical orientation for better mobile viewing — a drastic change to video’s long-accepted horizontal presentation. 8 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

2. Content Marketing For years now, content marketing has been a suc- cessful method of reaching target audiences and generating leads. Now, with the surging popularity of video, content marketers are incorporating video content along with written copy, such as blog posts and e-books.

In addition to driving traffic, the beauty of content marketing is that there is a wide variety of videos that you can use to better meet your audience’s needs throughout the conversion funnel. This funnel re- flects the stages your buyers typically go through on their path to purchase (Awareness, Consideration and Decision), and each stage requires uniquely tar- geted video content.

Whether you’re targeting consumer sales through customer relationship management (CRM) or are en- gaging in B2B, video may prove to be your most ef- fective lead generation tool. Applied Art & Technology 9

3. Pre-Roll Advertising With the arrival of YouTube and other video sharing sites came the unprecedented opportunity to create specialized video content that appeals directly to consumers’ interests.

YouTube (now, the world’s second largest search en- gine) has become a hotbed of video marketing con- tent — most notably, with pre-roll advertising. Typi- cally played before a user is able to watch a video, most pre-roll ads now come with the option to skip after five seconds.

Although pre-roll videos may have acquired the no- torious reputation of being “annoying,” the fact is that these video advertisements are extremely effec- tive at raising awareness.

According to a Nielsen analysis reported on by Face- book, watching less than three seconds of a pre-roll video can create up to 47 percent of a campaign’s value for ad recall and as much 44 percent of the val- ue for purchase intent. Better yet, these values only increase the longer the user watches the video. 10 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

4. Email Video is particularly effective in email marketing cam- paigns, with videos increasing click-through rates by up to 200 to 300 percent. Although well-written copy will always be an effective marketing tool, videos are simply better geared for delivering information in a succinct and visually engaging way. At the very least, pairing compelling copy with a complementary vid- eo is a surefire way to boost engagement.

Placing a purposeful “call to action” at the end of an email-embedded video can also generate further engagement — whether that be downloading relat- ed content or sharing the video on . Applied Art & Technology 11

5. Social Media Social video may be one of the most critical compo- nents of any successful marketing campaign going forward. Isolated video content is a thing of the past on the web, as sharing video is a central aspect of all major social media sites. This means wider reach for marketing campaigns, since video content can now be distributed among users themselves.

Each social network has unique audiences and, as a result, social videos must be properly optimized for these different platforms. A video created for Face- book will likely look much different than one created for Twitter or LinkedIn, for example — both in terms of appearance and messaging.

Building a strong video presence on these social plat- forms will also allow you to take advantage of certain marketing opportunities unique to each channel. Whether it be uploading a Live video that promotes direct engagement with your audience, or creating Snapchat geofilters for users to overlay on their own videos, the possibilities are truly endless. 12 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

6. Microsites Although similar to landing pages, microsites differ because they possess specific domains that encom- pass a single subject or campaign. While landing pages consist of just one page, microsites can con- tain between three and 30 pages of unique content.

Microsites benefit from video content that comple- ments the story they tell about a certain product or service — all while responding directly to your vis- itors’ needs. The inclusion of video often leads to stronger engagement and, ultimately, higher con- version rates. Applied Art & Technology 13

7. Landing Pages The purpose of a landing page is to deliver content at the moment it is most wanted, with conversion be- ing the end goal. Landing pages tell a story about you and your business in a matter of seconds, and if your story doesn’t offer a resolution for your visitors, they’re likely to bounce.

Given the storytelling capabilities of video, it’s no wonder that conversion rates increase by 86 percent when a video is featured on a landing page. Howev- er, it’s not as easy as throwing a video on your page and hoping it sticks.

Here are some of the strategies you can use to opti- mize your landing page with a well-placed video: • Place the video “above the fold” of your landing page • Use an effective thumbnail image • Disable the autoplay function on your video • Keep your video short, but attention grabbing • Include a recognizable call to action • Tell a story that complements your landing page 14 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

8. Interactive/360-Degree Video This type of content takes video’s ability to engage to the next level. Traditional online video is fairly lim- ited in its level of direct user interaction; oftentimes, viewers only have the power to pause, fast forward and rewind. However, with interactive video, a wider array of options becomes available for visitors to en- gage with your content.

Viewers can click the screen to explore certain areas, complete forms, answer questions, purchase prod- ucts and even download content — all without leav- ing the video player window.

360-degree videos, in particular, have surged in pop- ularity recently, thanks to the unprecedented interac- tivity they offer. In fact, studies show that users tend to watch interactive videos for longer periods of time, with twice as many users watching 360-videos to completion when compared to flat frame videos. Applied Art & Technology 15

9. Branded Entertainment Branded entertainment is exactly what it sounds like. It’s entertainment-based content that complements a brand’s marketing strategy. The most success- ful examples of branded entertainment and spon- sored videos range from “The Lego Movie” to Red Bull-sponsored clips of extreme bike tricks.

No matter your budget, you can create successful branded entertainment as long as your focus is on storytelling. By creating a compelling video that tells an entertaining story, you’ll quickly establish a con- nection with your viewers while raising positive brand awareness. 16 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

10. Broadcast/Television Content Although the emergence of the Internet has resulted in less people watching traditional television in re- cent years, TV remains a highly effective platform for advertising and growing interest in your company.

A recent Nielsen online survey that polled 30,000 re- spondents in 60 countries found that 56 percent of people said TV is one of their most trusted advertis- ing formats. In short, a well-made TV spot can reach broad audiences, foster brand recall and promote your products and services in business-to-consumer relations. Applied Art & Technology 17

11. SEO-Friendly Video The process of increasing your site’s search visibility is commonly referred to as SEO, or search engine optimization, and video plays a huge role. Because videos naturally force your visitors to spend more time on your site, that longer exposure time signals search engines (most notably, Google) that your site contains particularly engaging content. As a result, your search engine rank will rise as your website’s video content goes up.

Studies show that a web page is now 53 times more likely to appear first on a Google search if there is a video embedded on the site. Keep in mind, too, that Google is YouTube’s parent company, meaning that YouTube videos tend to have a more significant effect on SEO than content from other video-sharing sites, like Vimeo. Knowing this, it is best practice to upload your video content to YouTube before em- bedding it in your own site. 18 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

12. Viral Video “Going viral” can be as unpredictable as winning the lottery. There is no step-by-step manual to en- sure your video goes viral. However, you certainly have the power to craft the story you want to tell and plan out how your video is created, distributed and shared. Having a well-established distribution strat- egy will help increase your video’s reach and impact.

Remember that different companies may have dif- ferent definitions of what makes a video truly “viral.” Big budget campaigns will reach more people, but regardless of your size, your video can see big results on the web as long as you focus on powerful, timely storytelling instead of blatant product promotion. Applied Art & Technology 19

Chapter 2


In addition to branded video content, having a strong public relations strategy is essential if you want to re- ceive positive and consistent media coverage. With today’s information overload, it can often be diffi- cult for media outlets (both broadcast and online) to squeeze in coverage for your business milestones.

The team at Applied Art & Technology has helped many companies form public relations campaigns that incorporate our own video and web-based con- tent. From our experience, it is important to create content that isn’t explicitly biased toward promoting your brand but, instead, focuses on your role in your community. Also, by sending out PR materials that incorporate video, the press is more likely to notice and, ultimately, use this visually rich form of storytell- ing. Applied Art & Technology 21

13. Video Press Releases Distributing press releases to media outlets is a tried and true method of getting news about your busi- ness in front of as many eyes as possible. Howev- er, video is quickly becoming a necessity if you want journalists and other media channels to take notice. Research has shown that including multimedia ma- terials, such as video, in your press releases results in significantly higher engagement (as much as a 55 percent increase).

In addition, including videos in press releases opens up a previously untapped world of possibilities for your PR campaign. Videos can be shared, re-posted and otherwise disseminated all over the web.

Incorporating video in your press release also boosts viewership and responses. For this purpose, videos can vary from pre-recorded sound bites from com- pany employees and executives, to slickly produced online stories promoting an upcoming event or busi- ness development. 22 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

14. Community Relations Video The goal of a community relations video is to grow your company’s perception in a positive light. If your particular focus is on community outreach, these vid- eos are superb opportunities to showcase your com- pany in action. This can be accomplished in a variety of formats, such as a montage sequence featuring different activities or a more standard slideshow with voiceover narration.

Regardless of what route you choose to take, video is your best bet for eliciting an emotional reaction from potential customers. As compared to written copy, video is a much more visual (and, as a result, emotional) form of communication.

Community relations videos can also be used for in- ternal communications, fostering a sense of belong- ing and encouraging employees to feel proud about their involvement in the company. Applied Art & Technology 23

15. Video Newsletters Video newsletters go hand in hand with email mar- keting campaigns and public relations. Although you can certainly include a video in your monthly or weekly newsletter to increase click-through rates, it may be more advantageous for you to send out your entire newsletter in a video format. This can be done by simply converting your newsletter copy into a script and creating a video that visually relays all your necessary information to your subscribers.

Opting for a video format for your newsletters can help maximize your reach and click-through rates among your subscriber base. This is because vid- eos are simply more engaging than written copy, as well as more time efficient. Finally, you can use video newsletters to direct your audience towards other re- sources, stimulating further engagement. 24 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

16. EPK (Electronic Press Kit) Electronic press kits are similar to press releases in that they are created with the goal of securing desir- able press coverage. EPKs typically consist of a set of promotional materials (including video and audio clips), all bundled together in a pre-packaged format of easily downloadable files.

In this way, effective EPKs are designed to help pro- mote your business to the media in one single, com- prehensive message. The end goal is always to get more eyes on your business.

You can help yourself accomplish this by including the following multimedia materials in your EPK: • Company background • Management bios • Industry awards • Case studies • Digital artwork / imagery • Fact sheets for your products and services Applied Art & Technology 25

Chapter 3


Trade shows and other industry events are great op- portunities for you to promote your business, gauge competitor activity, connect with consumers and ex- amine recent market trends. However, it can be chal- lenging to truly stand out and leave a lasting impres- sion.

Thanks to video, marketers are learning how to better differentiate themselves from the competition and make their presence felt. Applied Art & Technology has years of experience presenting at trade shows and producing live events for dozens of clients. As a result, we know just how to leverage video content to inspire event attendees to take action. Applied Art & Technology 27

17. Trade Show Booth Videos Breaking through the sea of trade show booths can be difficult, but incorporating videos in your booth pre- sentation is a surefire way to attract and engage po- tential clients. The most effective approach involves creating video content for three stages in the trade show process: before, during and after the event.

Sending informative and educational videos to your registered-attendee list (and posting them on video sharing sites like YouTube) will help instill excitement for the upcoming trade show and build brand aware- ness weeks before the actual day of the event. 28 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

As for the event itself, we recommend that you in- corporate video as a focal point of your trade show booth. These videos can take the form of product demos, announcements or brand-building stories. Have your videos work together to attract attendees’ attention, draw them to your booth and further en- gage them.

In addition, live streaming technology (such as Face- book Live) allows you to stream your trade show ex- perience to the web in real time — establishing your company as a must-see contender within your indus- try. Just remember to post event recap videos to the web following the trade show to promote your suc- cess at the event and market to potential clients who weren’t able to attend. Applied Art & Technology 29

18. Live Event Videos For all other industry events, much of the same mar- keting strategies for trade shows apply. Whether it be a keynote address, a fundraising event or any type of convention, having a strong video presence is essential. This means creating video content be- fore, during and after the event.

Recording keynote addresses and other presenta- tions is a great way to make sure your event lives on as an easily accessible marketing resource for your company. In addition, live streaming makes it pos- sible to bring the event experience to audiences all around the country — and even the world. Gath- ering testimonials from attendees can also boost your brand image, either through live streaming or through a post-event recap video. 30 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

19. Roundtable Sessions As opposed to the more traditional keynote for- mat, this type of presentation is much more discus- sion-based and can feature up to a dozen people offering differing perspectives on a single topic. This format is a great way to spice up your presence at an event, and recording the roundtable session as a video allows it to be shared on the web long after the discussion ends.

Your target audience for this type of video will likely be representatives from other companies, who will benefit from the educational aspect of the- discus sion. Still, there is opportunity to reach a broader, consumer-based audience if the conversation hap- pens to be consumer-facing by nature — such as product announcements or demos.

In order to best engage your audience, make sure your roundtable session maintains a clear focus and is anchored by a knowledgeable moderator who can lead a lively discussion. Applied Art & Technology 31

20. Q&A Expert Sessions Q&A sessions give you the unique opportunity to directly engage consumers, while also establishing your company as the expert opinion on a particu- lar issue. These sessions help clarify your points and provide a humanizing effect, among other benefits.

Fortunately, the advantages of Q&A sessions extend well beyond those in attendance, given the power of video. Live streaming a Q&A as a webinar can help you reach a wider audience, and you can even edit and re-use the footage later as marketing material for future campaigns. 32 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

Chapter 4

CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT Applied Art & Technology 33

Beyond simply marketing and promoting your busi- ness’s products and services, the next few video op- tions allow you to further engage your audience in a more personable way. At Applied Art & Technology, we believe in strengthening consumer relationships by creating useful content designed to educate, en- tertain and inspire. The following types of videos do just that by benefiting both parties (you and your au- dience) in a truly symbiotic relationship. 34 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

21. Vlogging Video blogs are a fantastic way to reach members of the valuable 16-24 age demographic, who, as com- pared with older users, are reportedly four times as likely to discover new products via vlogs. Vlogging can have truly significant reach, especially when you take into account the domino effect of reaction vid- eos that viewers post themselves.

Vlogs often take on many different forms. They can be as simple as a Q&A session, in which a represen- tative from your team answers customer questions. You can also share client testimonials via a vlog, strengthening trust between you and your audience.

No matter how you decide to vlog, remember to make it engaging and informative, all while keeping in mind the importance of visual presentation and quality. And to really grow your audience, make sure you have the resources (either internal or outsourced) required to expand your vlog into a regular series in- stead of a one-off video. Applied Art & Technology 35

22. Video Magazine Although similar to traditional print and online mag- azines, video magazines are unique because they are completely delivered in a video format. Instead of having consumers simply read about your business, video magazines allow viewers to engage in a much more immersive and enjoyable experience.

Through carefully planned content curation, you can create a video magazine specifically designed for your target audience in a format that encourages engagement and exploration. In addition, highlight- ing specific sections in your video magazine can help you better target distinct audiences and appeal to their interests. 36 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

23. UGC Campaigns UGC, or user-generated content, is “content that encourages users to share their experiences with a brand, which is then shared with other users.” UGC campaigns help establish a connection with your au- dience, due to the communal nature of shared expe- riences. In fact, some studies show that consumers trust UGC 50 percent more than other media.

Examples of successful UGC campaigns include: • Photo submissions • Product reviews / reactions • Challenge videos • Social media contests

Incorporating video submissions as UGC ensures your campaign reaches as wide an audience as pos- sible, given the online shareability of video. Applied Art & Technology 37

24. Video White Paper Thanks to video’s emphasis on storytelling, a video white paper can be much more effective than writ- ten copy when it comes to presenting a persuasive argument.

Because white papers typically include illustrations, charts and other visual elements, there is a tremen- dous opportunity for marketers to seamlessly trans- late those elements into engaging video. While you can certainly include a transcript along with your vid- eo white paper, the persuasive nature of video will likely be enough to engage and convert potential customers. 38 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

25. Market Research Thanks to video, market research is being trans- formed. Due to the ubiquity of smartphones, those conducting market research can now safely assume participants are comfortable recording and submit- ting their own video content.

Video can be integrated into market research through voluntary consumer reviews of products or services. As a result, market research is shifting into a truly col- laborative process between researcher and partici- pant. Embracing video in this way will help you gath- er more data, which you can then use to better serve your customers. Applied Art & Technology 39

26. Focus Groups It is now standard practice for marketers to use video when conducting focus groups. And for good rea- son, given the benefits that video provides, both in person and online. With video, focus groups can be held from remote locations, allowing researchers to interview a much wider pool of participants.

At the same time, video has helped marketers better analyze their research, as focus group sessions can now be recorded and reviewed at a later time. This makes it possible to observe key indicators that you may have missed in person, such as body language and participant interaction. 40 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

27. Behind the Scenes Video Behind the scenes (or BTS) videos provide an oppor- tunity to humanize your company and drive custom- er loyalty. However, when creating a BTS video, it is important to remember a few key guidelines.

First, your emphasis should be on story. Focus on guiding your viewer through a beginning, middle and end — all while using editing techniques to achieve the desired tone of your story. Experts suggest mak- ing your BTS video “80 percent entertaining and only 20 percent marketing.” If you have fun creating these videos, your audience will have fun watching them and may even share them with others.

Some sites, such as Facebook or Instagram, are per- fect platforms for goofy BTS videos, but you may want to avoid posting humorous content on places like LinkedIn. Applied Art & Technology 41

Here are some ways to give your audience a peek behind the scenes: • Demonstrate a process • Highlight the people involved • Provide insider access to loyal customers • Promote social causes • Make ‘em laugh with a blooper reel

28. In-Store Video The digital out-of-home (OOH) advertising industry is a new and promising venture. OOH is advertising that reaches consumers outside of their home, such as in stores and other commercial locations. Studies show that digital signs in stores that feature video and audio are 34 percent more effective at promot- ing products and services than static signs.

The mere presence of in-store videos can lead to higher traffic flow, with 40 percent of customers say- ing they would be more likely to shop in a grocery store if there were video screens in the checkout lanes. Clearly, consumers prefer to interact and en- gage with video messaging, regardless of their loca- tion. 42 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

Chapter 5

CUSTOMER REFERENCE VIDEOS Applied Art & Technology 43

In recent years, customer reference materials have evolved into a proven revenue driver, with many mar- keters using customer success stories to inspire ac- tion. These success stories work best, however, when paired with a well-crafted and emotionally rich vid- eo. Trust us, the emotional impact of your custom- ers’ stories will resonate that much more when told through purely visual means, as opposed to a written statement or an audio testimonial.

We at Applied Art & Technology understand the im- pact that customer reference videos can have on the perception of your company. Having produced and distributed these videos for a number of clients, we know exactly how to market your customers’ expe- rience in a way that expands your reach and rejuve- nates your image. 44 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

29. Live Content Live streaming offers many benefits for seeking new ways to reach their target audience. For starters, live content tends to foster a sense of com- munity and direct engagement between your busi- ness and your consumers.

Users now have the ability to interact with other view- ers while watching a live stream, resulting in imme- diate feedback and audience interaction. Streaming live content from events, such as trade show testi- monials or even case study demonstrations, can help forge community ties with your audience and further engage consumers. Applied Art & Technology 45

30. Customer Testimonials There’s no getting around it: consumers trust other consumers. In fact, studies show that 90 percent of online shoppers’ buying decisions are influenced by customer reviews. Customer testimonials, then, of- fer a wonderful opportunity to market to consumers seeking an assessment of your products and services. The use of video only enhances the feeling of trust between you and your audience. After all, there is an immediate sense of connection and familiarity when a person directly addresses viewers on screen. 46 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

There are a few key points to keep in mind when craft- ing your testimonials. For one, it is best to stress au- thenticity and credibility. Consumers will know right away when a testimonial sounds rehearsed and, as a result, some experts suggest doing away with a script altogether. However, even if you choose to for- go a proper script, remember that your video quality should still be at an all-time high. The professional- ism (or lack thereof) of your video testimonials will inevitably reflect your credibility. Applied Art & Technology 47

31. Video Case Study Case studies go beyond testimonials by showing ex- amples of your products or services in action, and video case studies allow you to visually present a problem that your business ultimately solves.

Pursuing this unique visual format will make your case studies much more engaging — and entertaining — than written copy.

However, before going out and shooting your case study, we recommend that you keep a few key piec- es of advice in mind.

First, do your research. Ask questions such as: • Who is my target audience? • What exactly am I marketing? • How are my consumers using my products or ser- vices? • What problem am I solving? • What story am I trying to tell? • What’s my visual style? 48 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

32. Man-on-the-Street Interviews You may recognize this type of video interview from your local news. Believe it or not, it is also an ex- tremely effective marketing tool if you want to pro- mote your business in a way that feels genuine and spontaneous.

Similar to customer testimonials and case studies, man-on-the-street interviews let the consumer do the talking for you, and your audience is more likely to trust their opinion as a result. The unpredictable and even humorous nature of these videos also helps them stand out from more conventional talking head interviews.

Although man-on-the-street interviews are relative- ly cheap to produce, it is still important to maintain a professional presentation. Some experts say your biggest challenge will be finding people on the street who will be willing to talk to you on camera. To remedy this, we recommend offering incentives to passersby, such as gift cards or event tickets. Applied Art & Technology 49

Chapter 6


Video is an invaluable resource for businesses look- ing to promote and explain their products and ser- vices in a unique and visually engaging way. However, if you want your video to truly make an impact, it is important that your focus goes beyond your product or service. We at Applied Art & Technology like to focus on how our clients can ultimately solve a prob- lem for their customers.

So, think about what problems your audience might have and how your product or service offers a solu- tion. This is even applicable for more intangible prod- ucts and services like insurance and investments, in which case you can simply ask customers how they’ve interacted with and benefitted from your business. Applied Art & Technology 51

33. Product Demonstrations Product demonstration videos showcase your prod- ucts to both potential and existing clients. Typically, these videos feature your products “in action,” while also explaining how they work. As a result, product demos offer visual proof that your product does what you say it does — an indispensable marketing tool in today’s world of consumer skepticism.

Product demos can be used to target specific -au diences, enticing potential customers by showing them firsthand how your product will benefit them. Demonstrating your products and services in this way allows you to truly embrace the ever-effective “show, don’t sell” approach of brand promotion. 52 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

34. Influencer Reviews Influencer reviews expand your reach by allowing online personalities with considerable followings to advocate your products and services for you. In in- fluence marketing, the first step is always to identify the right influencer for your campaign, taking into account their availability, relevance and audience persona.

Next, reach out to an influencer, either via email or through social media. Unless you’re planning to pay them for their time, give them a reason to help you out. Provide incentives, such as publicity, backlinks to their website/channel or subscriber increases. Keep in mind that influence marketing, while extremely effective, does take time and effort, and you likely won’t hear a “yes” from everyone at once. But don’t give up! Simply adjust your messaging and keep try- ing.

Lastly, once an influencer has agreed to review your product or service, make sure you link their video to a landing page that can convert your views into leads. Applied Art & Technology 53

35. How-to Videos These videos serve as easily accessible resources for consumers who may need a refresher course on your product or service. How-to videos can be accessed at any time and are becoming increasingly popular on- line. Studies show that how-to searches are increas- ing 70 percent year-over-year on YouTube alone!

Typically broken down into step-by-step instructions, how-to videos should be relatively simple in their presentation, even when explaining the most com- plicated process, such as product installation or as- sembly. Remember that how-to videos can also be used to explain services you provide — such as how to file an insurance claim or navigate a website. 54 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

Chapter 7


In the past, companies have struggled to commu- nicate their corporate vision to employees and pro- spective clients in truly engaging ways. However, vid- eo has changed the ways in which are setting themselves apart. By focusing on storytelling, marketers have been able to promote their corpo- rate image in ways that inspire excitement and con- fidence.

At Applied Art & Technology, we have experience helping countless companies create corporate vid- eos for both their customer base and internal team. Over the years, we’ve found that effective internal communications is a vital ingredient in any compa- ny’s recipe for success. After all, your business can’t operate at its full potential unless every employee is engaged, informed and connected to your goals and vision.

Thankfully, there is a number of ways in which you can use video to improve your company’s internal communications and corporate messaging. 56 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

36. Company Lobby/Waiting Room Video Waiting can end up being a big part of the custom- er experience. Although most lobbies and waiting rooms include reading materials or television pro- gramming to help customers pass the time, original video content is the most effective way to appeal to your customers.

Here are a just a few examples of video content that you could produce to improve your waiting room ex- perience: • Client testimonials • Product reviews • Behind-the-scenes tours

Regardless of what content you choose, remember to emphasize production value, as the video’s lev- el of professionalism will reflect your credibility. The overall goal of these videos is to inform your visitors and instill confidence about your services. The more informed your client is, the more likely they will re- turn for future visits. Applied Art & Technology 57

37. Executive & Staff Presentations These videos typically feature an executive speaking directly to the viewer about the ’s goals and vision. Executive and staff presentation videos can be marketed to both employees and clients, who will then be able to connect a face to your corporate structure. Beyond this humanizing effect, these vid- eos can also be used to present news about the cor- poration in a clear and time-efficient manner.

Still, it is important that you don’t sugarcoat the news, even if it may have negative effects on employees and/or clients. It is best to establish transparency and professionalism. And executive videos are an effective way to build that level of respect between you and your audience while also reassuring viewers about the future success of your company. 58 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

38. Corporate Facilities or Equipment Tour Video tours offer viewers a glimpse into your compa- ny, promoting transparency between you and your audience. Although many video tours may come across as tired and cliché, you can take a creative ap- proach by including employee testimonials, product demonstrations and other content that complements the tour footage of your facilities or equipment.

Experts also suggest taking full advantage of the bur- geoning popularity of 360-degree videos by turning your corporate tour into a wholly immersive, inter- active video. Not only are 360-degree videos more engaging, but they also generate more views, with recent studies showing a 29 percent increase in view- ers as compared to regular videos. Applied Art & Technology 59

39. Annual Report/Review Let’s face it: the written annual report just doesn’t cut it anymore. If you really want to instill confidence among your investors and fan base, the best format is video. Creating a video report that presents your company’s results from the past year in a clear and engaging manner is sure to leave a big impression. However, that doesn’t mean you should do without written copy entirely, as converting a report (with all the relevant data in one place) into a video script will save you plenty of time during the pre-production process.

When creating your video report, we recommend us- ing additional footage to complement your chairman (or other executive) relaying the company’s perfor- mance to your viewer. Integrating cutaway footage (or b-roll) of some of your company’s most memora- ble moments from the past year serves as a powerful visual reminder of all the hard work you’ve done in the last 12 months. And lastly, make sure to focus on professionalism in your presentation, as your pro- duction values will help communicate your level of success. 60 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

40. Internal Communication Videos Statistics show that 54 percent of internal communi- cation professionals say their employees expect vid- eo. With this new expectation for video, we suggest that you incorporate visual elements in your internal communication strategy as a way to boost produc- tivity and morale.

Video offers many advantages in the realm of internal communications, including information security. By making your internal videos accessible only through certain domains or email addresses, you can ensure that information sent to employees won’t leak out- side of your company. In addition, you can embed and share videos on your own intranet or video hub, which more or less serves as an internal YouTube channel. Not only does this further protect your in- formation, but the centralized location of your video content will increase ease of access for employees. Applied Art & Technology 61

41. Health, Legal & Safety It is essential that health, legal and safety concerns are clearly communicated to employees. In fact, re- search shows that “for every dollar invested in work- place safety, three dollars are saved.” Your chief con- cern here should always be on effective and clear communication. It should come as no surprise, then, that video is your best option!

Using a video or video series to relay your company’s health, legal and safety information will help you en- sure that nothing is lost in translation. Not only does the visual nature of video serve as a more effective mode of communication, but employees will be able to repeatedly access the videos at any time to re- fresh themselves on the vital information contained within.

In terms of cost, the use of video will save your com- pany time and money, especially as you eliminate unnecessary company-wide seminars. Additionally, health and safety videos can serve as a document- ed record proving that certain standards were made known to employees. 62 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

42. HR/Recruiting It should be relatively easy to inform potential em- ployees of their position’s workload. However, de- scribing your workplace culture is often much more difficult for recruiters. It is here where a recruiting video can make a lasting impression on talented ap- plicants who want to get a feel for your company be- fore committing to the job. When creating a recruit- ing video, experts suggest a few guidelines.

First, make sure you highlight the most attractive things about your company. To do this, go about in- terviewing employees, preparing relevant interview questions that might prompt them to comment on certain aspects of the workplace. The key here is to make your interviews feel natural and unrehearsed.

In addition, make sure your recruiting video is both fun and informative — especially as it relates to your workplace culture. If you don’t have fun making this video, your audience likely won’t have fun watching it. So, be creative! When in doubt, just remember that your video should be answering this most basic question: “Why would I want to work here?” Applied Art & Technology 63

Chapter 8


Training new employees can be laborious and time-consuming. While in-person training sessions and introductory tours are best for welcoming new hires to your team, well-constructed training videos can effectively communicate more of the detailed minutiae of your company’s day-to-day operations.

We at Applied Art & Technology know just how to structure employee training videos that educate, en- lighten and even entertain — all in an effort to make your onboarding process more efficient. Applied Art & Technology 65

43. Employee Orientation Video is an extremely effective tool for training new employees and informing them of your company’s culture, policies and history. One of the major bene- fits of video in employee orientation is that the vid- eos themselves can be accessed and viewed at any time. This can help eliminate the costly (and often impractical) need of gathering every employee for onboarding sessions.

Instead, employees can watch orientation videos on their own time and view them later as needed. In ad- dition, video allows you to better explain particularly complex information with graphics and other visual aids. 66 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

44. Sales Support Video These videos focus on sales, stressing efficiency as a key component of any successful sales operation. Sales support videos educate salespeople on the unique benefits your company offers, as well as how they can best present those benefits to potential cus- tomers.

A successful sales support video (and most employ- ee training videos) should be digestible, meaning they are brief and easy to understand. However, it is possible you may need more than one video to explain a particularly complex process or concept. Breaking up your videos into multiple installments helps your salespeople better retain the information and remember key points that will help them exe- cute their job. Applied Art & Technology 67

45. Training Videos In addition to introducing your new employees to your company, training videos can help prevent exist- ing employees from making costly mistakes by clear- ly informing them of their job duties. In fact, training videos are now preferred by most companies, as vid- eos have been found to be a better training format than both text and speech.

Introductory training videos give you an opportunity to provide a glimpse into your company’s workflow and culture. You can then continue with additional video installments for ongoing training sessions and regular company updates. Overall, your primary fo- cus should be on informing your trainees on compa- ny policy, etiquette, safety and job expectations. 68 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

Chapter 9

CUSTOMER SUPPORT Applied Art & Technology 69

Video has proven to be an extremely effective mode of communication between businesses and consum- ers, due to its emphasis on visual storytelling. In- corporating video as part of your customer support strategy can save you time and money by easing new customers into using your products and services.

Customer support videos can be as simple as ex- plaining your products’ features, but they can also take on many different forms to answer more specific consumer questions. We at Applied Art & Technolo- gy can help you determine the visual style best suit- ed to meet your objectives and will even help you repurpose your content down the road to meet ad- ditional goals as your business evolves. 70 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

46. Post-Sale Support Videos Just because you may have closed a sale with a cer- tain lead doesn’t mean your business relationship with them should end. Post-sale support videos en- sure that your clients have a positive experience us- ing your products or services, resulting in repeat pur- chases later. Using videos at this stage in the buyer’s cycle means going above and beyond to meet your customers’ needs.

As an example, some companies now ship products with QR codes that link to instructional videos, which customers can access with their smartphone. This unique approach to customer support is much more impactful — and helpful — than a standard user man- ual. Another option is to post a video response to a frequently asked customer question, which can then be shared on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Above all else, make sure that your videos are truly helpful to your customers while also affirm- ing the value of your products and services. Applied Art & Technology 71

47. Website FAQ Videos If your customer support team seems to be answer- ing the same questions over and over again from disgruntled customers, your best option may be to create a FAQ video. These videos are used to offer solutions to frequently asked questions and can be posted to your company website, as well as shared on various social media platforms. They can also be made available as downloadable videos that your customers can view at their own pace.

FAQ videos can take on several forms, one of which centers on educational content. An educational content video efficiently delivers a useful bit -of in formation, often in less than two minutes. However, if a question requires a more involved and complex solution, you can opt for a tutorial video. These vid- eos are usually structured as walk-throughs that ex- plain a process to the viewer, and they can similar- ly be housed on the FAQ section of your company website. 72 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

48. Live, Two-Way Videos All too often, consumers are forced to interact with automated voices, pre-recordings or even chatbots when reaching out to a company’s customer sup- port team. It makes sense, then, that live, two-way customer support videos can make a big difference when it comes to retaining — and growing — your consumer base.

With the benefits of live, two-way video technology, you can now walk customers through a problem face- to-face and answer questions along the way. The ob- vious appeal of these types of videos is the ability to provide instant feedback and engage users directly. The “in-the-moment” value of live video simply adds a level of engagement that you can’t get with pre-re- corded video. Applied Art & Technology 73

Chapter 10


The potential for video marketing is limitless. Mar- keters are continuing to improve the ways in which they promote their company’s image by using vid- eo in new and exciting ways. And yet, there are still countless untapped opportunities to take your vid- eo marketing to the next level. Being aware of these technological developments can help you stay at least one step ahead of the competition at all times.

At Applied Art & Technology, we understand how im- portant it is to reinvent yourself. After all, it’s thanks to our ability to evolve that we’ve been able to thrive in a highly competitive industry for over 25 years. We’re intent on helping you evolve within your own industry with novel video marketing techniques that push the creative envelope. Applied Art & Technology 75

49. Virtual/Augmented Reality One of the most promising new developments in video marketing is the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). The use of such technolo- gy can truly set your business apart. In fact, recent studies indicate that 71 percent of consumers think a company that uses virtual reality is forward thinking.

So, how can you use VR and AR to improve your mar- keting strategy? Well, first it is important to know the difference between the two. In simple terms, VR can be defined as “an immersive experience where an artificial environment is presented in such a way that it feels like a real environment.” In contrast, AR takes the view of the world as the user sees it and overlays three-dimensional information on top of it.


Despite popular belief, the production and distribu- tion for VR and AR can be quite simple with the right experts involved, as we at Applied Art & Technology have experienced firsthand when developing VR vid- eos for clients. In terms of marketing, VR and AR are effective tools to boost brand awareness and con- sumer engagement. This is because VR and AR are still relatively new technologies, meaning that busi- nesses that use them in their campaigns will be more memorable than those that do not.

Most importantly, VR and AR allows you to market your products and services much more vividly than ever before. Combined with the immersive nature of 360-degree videos and other interactive technol- ogies, VR and AR are ushering in an exciting future for marketers with limitless possibilities for engage- ment. Applied Art & Technology 77

50. Projection Mapping This emerging video technology has been used most famously for Super Bowl halftime shows and the Olympics opening ceremony. However, projec- tion mapping can be used just as effectively for your very own marketing campaign.

Projection mapping is a technology that turns ob- jects into a display surface for video projection. User interactivity can be incorporated by adding three-di- mensionality to the installation, which can then be projected onto a variety of surfaces, such as build- ings, landscapes and even car windshields. 78 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

Just as with VR and AR, the sheer novelty of projec- tion mapping will help your audience remember you over the competition. In addition, the interactivity of projection mapping allows you to take user engage- ment to an entirely new level, inviting your audience into a fully immersive experience designed to foster brand recall. Applied Art & Technology 79


• Chapter 1: The key to mastering video marketing campaigns lies in your ability to take advantage of the various platforms on which your video con- tent will be shared.

• Chapter 2: Video content plays an integral role in most successful public relations campaigns, helping garner attention through desirable media coverage.

• Chapter 3: The best way to stand out at industry events is to implement video in your presenta- tion, which can, for example, increase booth traf- fic at trade shows.

• Chapter 4: Consumer-facing videos are most ef- fective at fostering engagement when they focus on informing or educating. Avoid the hard sell.

• Chapter 5: Inspire consumer action by creating emotionally rich videos that center on customer success stories and testimonials. 80 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK


• Chapter 6: Make your promotional videos more impactful by moving beyond your products or services to highlight the solutions you provide.

• Chapter 7: Video has made it easier than ever to market one’s corporate image in ways that in- spire excitement and confidence among internal teams.

• Chapter 8: Employee training videos are great for optimizing your onboarding process, espe- cially when it comes to communicating more de- tailed job expectations.

• Chapter 9: Incorporating video as part of your customer support strategy will save you time and money, as new users become familiarized with your products and services.

• Chapter 10: Technology is rapidly evolving every day and so is video marketing. Stay ahead of the competition by staying up to date with the latest technological developments. Applied Art & Technology 81


If you’re interested in using video to give your business a boost, or if you simply have questions concerning the video production process, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at Applied Art & Technology, using the contact information below. With our dedicated experts and access to the most cutting-edge technology, we have the tools to take your video marketing capabilities to the next level.



[email protected]

2430 106th Street Des Moines, IA 50322 82 THE VIDEO IDEA BOOK

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