TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1988 ATwrag* DeUjr N et Preea Ron t O K 8IXTCBN iRanrlirfitpr Cttrttitts Irrolii For The Week Ikided The Weather Anne 1$; l$H Ptrl,- Chance of scattered tbunder- Belch, 14 Wadswesth St., Aug. Young Denis Set H a n rljw tf r lEum ttig abowers. Overnight low In 60s. PoHce Recover 3, Oomrmmity Beipttot Church. Scouts Return In Africa, the 4-B’$ About Town BITUMINOUS 15,105 Tomorrow partly cloudy, warm. John Robert Davids, 38 Lodr- From Phihnont Botsivana, a riwAy Inde­ To Hear Duffey Chance of showera. High in 80a. f l n t ClMirch ot Chriat. Stolen Vehicle wood St., snd Joeime Bueno, pendent African rwtton has Manchester— ‘A City of Viiiage Charm wlU have Its regular East Hartford, Aug. 2. its own 4-H program thauks The Manchester Young Dems DRIVEWAYS A Manchester police patrol­ FV>ur Senior Scouts of Troop ay evening testimony Douglas Hattan, 232 E. Mid­ to a visiting American 4-H’er. ere sponsoring a pUbUn meetr .Parkiag Areas • Oos fitollont e Basketball Oourte VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 2«0 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 (OhMOlfled AdvertlalBg « b Pag* SS) PRICE TEN CENTS tomorrow at 8 p.m. at man early this morning recov­ dle T ^e., and Janet Margaret 47, South M ethodist Church, re­ The .new orgahsation is 4-B Ing J«4y 91 at 8 pjn. at the Now Booking For Seasonal Wofk ered a car that was stolen yes­ Bogge, 99 Ferguson Rd., Aug. turned last weekend from a Instead of 4-H, however, and An Work Petoonally Sopervleod—We Are 16$% Ibiored 3, St James’ Church. Waddell Bohool on Broad St., terday from NMnd a Parhed^ three-week trip to the Boy Scout stands for Boltshwaro, Bol- Boleslaw Ktolelewlcx, 9 Chest­ at the Ladles at S t Philmont Ranch in Clmanron, kanyo, Bonatla and Bots­ with the Rev. Joseph IXUKey of JM ss Will meet toniglit at 8 depertment More. nut St, and KaMmlera Sta- wana. The first three words Hertford os the principal ^ > ^ - ■ DoMAlb BROTHERS N. M. «S S m John F. Tletney Fawnd Marie M. Quhnby o f 96 Spring diow.ska. Now Britain. mean better dtlien, trust­ er. 18$ PARK SnWBT 8L, Rockville, reported the four Trade Nam e Dustin Wood Jr., James aoBW. S18 W. Center St, to at- worthy and hard worker, The (Rev. Mr. (Dulfoy, chair­ $$$-n$$ SDfOB 1$M tnrt a reeHatten at ja.m. for the tunerel. Mass., contingent. of Michigan, the first IFYE ott W. Middle T^ke. near New 000; and 386 Soott Dr.. $26,- delegate to Botswana and The Young Dems had pion- Included fai their Itinerary FIrat ChmxA at Christ Sden- State Rd. 000. one of the few to receive a ned to conduct a dehate be- PRAGUE (AP) — Uncon- can be no turning bock the hint that the maneuvers were S A J Builders, new dwelling were visits to the National Boy tii(t **1 N. Main St., will hold year-long assignment to any twaan the Rev. Mr. puffey and firnted reports today said Lew, the Soviet Defense growing the area today. Town’s Records tervention tf the country stands Mlnlatry announced Tuesday ®**PPort tor Reagan's unan- The shooting began, witnesses The Mandiester town (derk’s united baMnd Alexander Dub- "military logistic exer- presidential candidacy. said, vdien two Negro snipers land records for the period C a ll us cek’s reformist regime. Cises’’ are under way In the Rockefeller, governor of New "carrying rifles and. . .socks of Sept. 1, 1966 to Sept. 1, 1967 “The Soviets vrould lose men western Ukraine, which borders "ewsmen at the Na­ ammurdton,” ran out of an al­ have been found to be in good than they would gain by a mill- on Czechoslovakia, as w«U as in Governors Conference at ley, crouched behind buritee and order by Atty. Joel E. Jenenda. tary intervention,’’ one Oommu- White Russia, Latvia and the

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., W E D N ^A Y , JULY 24, THREE MASCHESTBE EVENDCB HBRAID l MASBCHESIBR. C08SO!*.. WEIKIBSnAT, J P L Y ^ tfW Oi TA - x - ^einwdd on Bridge D eaths in Books Added Da\^n Patrol Goes A-jogging Along AUVBD T h e N ation Stamps m m m . BDnOB'S NOTE streets later in (he morning—as tired group reaches Ivy Lane Gale, and I thought it would be FINAL CLEA [RANGE of all ♦ A 5 4 2 la the newest exerdae . Margaret Price ten taftate T o lib r a r y Jo g g itig do the majmlty of'rtmnlng. Jog- they shift into an'biithenUc Jog* lots of fun when we saw a tele- V A l O f 2 fad to sweep the country, and vtelon show on Jogging. We tried NEW YORK (AP —Margar­ and ttw : &b going and fast-walking house­ glng step for a measured half et Price, 55, 'Vice enalrman of ^ K t 4 lt« adherents range from string.- Jogging around the living room aav«r>«a0n c taStSr ta r Kiln. Ant- rd r an Waac In keld Iba sea nf wives, who have breakfasts to m ile. the DemooraUo National Oom- ♦ * 5 bean adolescents to portly mid- a few times—but we kept getting Scs teoie HOC onlr' mt a OtKtar- iitftai stBcnr ta n t e a s t t a Ite t; ■alktatti)—TME am tear &mg; tftn Aaitanda ar an East tn bold tba prepare and children to get off "Running makes you feel bet­ mlttee since 1S80, died Tuesday. EAST dta-agers. More and more the giggles. Now I do stationary S U M M E R IIAEN’S W E A R taan tat atar as a ntarsH "an; aCrim t la ili teaiiina tea n pnor ^w an «e i rp^» rot«Hnla^. imr to school. ter than walking, we’ve found,” Mrs.. Price, a member of the iitrallnttr praitniwtiaf sod "tk # Q t 0 9 ♦ 0t4 hoUMwlves are getting In (he running—huffing and puffing for iiwaiitr^ v^aJum^Ki IBnigaAon—TBn Bnant! aiT a dat: Thudding along In the figura­ explains M n. Shaw. "We ooimr committee olnce 1962, lived in SUITS pamtaal aattuBiat.'*~ n&na Bn A u a a ^ m e A Iba p li7 o f Ike C M ^ tUme O 45 ■wing, usually Jogging In small tive foootstepa of Secretary of about one mile in 15 minutes, a minute at a time.” Washington, D.C., wHh her hus­ Qnmiter—BniiiJtii'k Biirtiiim: 0 Q 105 2 O AJ7 SWIM TRUNKS 9hp aita finnt tta 'wvcta pragOcaHy staraUat te Gteam- In n lalalBa bOeaa j m b e ta in gnxqis since numbers lend cour­ the Interior IMewart L. Udall, and try to finish our vdiole dally band Hickman Price Jr. Reg. $65.00. NOW S 4 0 J0 9 d t tavilKva w&n ta?aw At- roanarp—TfBn BdtifrAStaS' ^ A f 4 7 4 3 4 KQI042 age. Here’s the way It’s done in nOAD ’TO IMPROVEMENT wttik TQDica t a d in wiimiaw Btenten—A iikm iyt tWf stall Senators Strom ’Thurmond and stint In 45 minutes—and then we Janies T. Babb WALK SHORTS Reg. $55.00. NOW 0 4 1 4 1 0 WiiiHiw d: t e r Tery moc&i—C u t atticA A tStilHfi niHiylllaattaii aS s o t m i San AntoOio. WlUi'am Proxm ire—not to men­ sit and talk oyer coffee for an PORT ELIZABETH, South Af­ NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Rtitimr TKfflisfit (ir O tar^ TKtevte—t a iiit a t vaipiy Reg. $49.50. NOW $ 3 7 4 1 0 L a o^ Bite in ttaS t a In Bta iiia B jtaftnaam^inkn nltin ffiran o f Afi.* ♦ KJJ By SUZANNE DIEHL tion the evangelist Billy Gra­ hour or so.” . rica (AP)—But flnn manager Jam es T. Babb, 89, T ale Uni­ SPORT SHIRTS sn f CTurray Cta. <7 KQJ9>43 Rollo Dickson feK his company and jitiiiMiM«a tte n j " " ” f Btatk San Antonio Expreaa-Newa ham, and scores of other promi­ "If I don’t take the dogs with versity Librarian for 20 years Ste i» tery antmltear in pc*- O 0 4 3 needed some Uvening up, so he SHORT end LONG SLEEVES HMtftimf Ctatetaptas*. Btauofly—Btinp Harks nSB ibnhira a SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) — nent national figures—San-Anto- me, I can do a mile—walking until his retirem ent in 1966, died McnOUf ter vims. x ' 4> Nona put this slogan on one of his taM nlliiBna mwBr InWy tairy It’S a iate laugh for the tomcats mlsslonary-mittded lot ««d Jortbig-In 12 minutes,” Sunday. During the Kennedy ad­ SPORT COATS A. a A * buses: "As comfortable as your DRESS SHIRTS a dark a n t iwaair ana;, and Ban Itesraaa—TBht lafte' iatf w a rts a t Eoat SanSb W ad ^ as they bead for home tn the “I’ve persuaded three of my says Mrs. Allan F. Kingman. ministration Babb was named Reg. $37.50. NOW $ S 0 4 > 8 sa n m i o f a— a auiaaiptac Oma a taiy car, these new buses even on by Mrs. John F. Kennedy to as­ SHORT SLEEVES rnsSflad a SutfunnC' ssnaiiinn Sa picrtca—^TBn JnaQTy BnlB TBEATIB TIME Ptea 4 ^ A l l t a s pre-dawn darkness—and de­ neighbors—two women and one "I’ve measured out a track wS^cEprOnuanc ate cttdBta n af Dtenajr. Heush Road.” semble a library for the White aCkir Bin a n a. an Stesry—Orar tlte Bmira lightful diversion for the first man—to begin Jogging,” says with the oar. On the days when •C tayteBt. .U Bi ar rinr»r Lm . rnift sun. .. SOUmilYE UteF dUtoTBU. ftem m any im . Heugh Road 'was known as House. STRAW HATS ‘ t L«e aTOtes a JwiPnry ta tea tikn ainrtnigacw’T laaitd asann Tangtaai—IHka I'Uvax (ftnrtits dogs out on the early garbage the Rev. Gerald Mason proudly. I rrient and take the dog*> NYLON JACKETS tar ten ^ teeaaac ‘t An a aoaali iB in lasy naiiB. mww • ( ttn aparlA. am aBOlncd fia one of the roughest In the city. Bear Adm. Blaarioe R. Pierce y (ftr ant taBjrro ymnli. m d t » tite tams o f Us teU Iba ace-Jaefc patrol—but that doesn’t stop the “I even managed to talk about iniut on stopping and gossiping *yhion iiin CkvKin oatfSw valiant. pdth e'very animal diey see Apparently the dty council took HOLLYWOOD, CalU. (AP) — NECKWEAR Values to $13.95. NOW $ 7 4 1 8 .aarl univnTsttiHs X ett jerniia in. World War H in. it in a sermon one Sunday: when Ai^ifniw—JtefamggL mnnttecs., and T f ~ 'Slkn ^ tiM anee ata S-^,— >w%4i^ Jogging along San Antonio’s I was in'vlted to preach along the way and it cdl takes note, because Heugh Road now Rear Adm. Maurice R. Pierce, ONE LOT nai ooerteaii By rr- teis atanmir. Hrins- «««■ a«a>» has a smooth new surface. 81 a pioneer in constructlm of I State — Stamiy HtaiA IrO - MweEtaltoeeata, tax, Wtem rasidenttal streets every morn­ “But my greatest triumph forever. But alone I’ve gotten tea only pahmi tC tea Site nbaa A new slogan on Dickson’s the flrat U.S. dirigibles, died BUrgerao—Ttefisr W T P»«HBc • :« - TBae* UBOte T%n. nanny syntt Bin aady tafbaa* _ ____ ing, Just before there’s enough was When I Improved to ^ quite etfloient And I’m amased TURTLENECK in a anaaeOim a f te Brit any imuMiiinFftil: rstnCnn!- Tuesday. P ierce, a 1908 gradu­ _ _ ■ _ 'tatesitersydtem teWMilta light so Oiat they can be easily point where my 12-year-oId s6n, at bow much better K makes me bus reads: "Now every bit as ttoui Bar spaectes. ta g m O tJtai nacM. comfortable as your car, these ate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Bfip-TBn ligBt arnund ®* Itady tatelOUatia^ IMtetaHa A i^ n*y pnaftwH ^ recognlced. doaens and doMns Lawrence, felt he could be seen feelt” and Mrs. Kingman adds SHIRTS mntar ata BaoiBnys .n sw s Imiir p a e n t :at' Min tag ten tam ga TBndedpita bam A4M te nai fran kly: new buses .especially on Heugh Y2 P R IC E of San Antonio’s business and running with me,” laughs 3fr. iTS»ii»r«ftiiir-’*' "Bta ,ny uni afinr Bam^ sliunSni Htate Wbtatae- Defianltai TBran wna C. taAert BBrnra w ta ata* Bn Ban paaaaa a* Road. Ihank you, Mr. Olty En­ and Navy aviator. He retired in Iteg. 14.00. NOW S Z .4 B yte snttar. kwBd' in Wtetatp- piteeaalooal men who have, Mason. ^ “lU e is a lot more fun than xsd . n ta t dka i^nrlt u n i fbclft to -losliias Atfan- tta Buran a atinre ia jiii .W fi^n Dbainy paeflrtaA ten jM k t e SLACKS ta ItigB ateual unt g-^ ^ cegair ami tean gvieft d ta along tbs pavement in their lost September, 24 et^ps trotting Mrs. Iran Alystyne, one of the SLACKS .1^1^ danm^basiaad 1t> am um n Qaiatac.. ■ n" CMteetam JOaMOg flUteifiBy Bweatsulta and sneakers. was all I could mahage. Now Permanent Press. AQ ®^E LOT ONLY mJaniB. arfnraflats. ^ ^ .irydKit. at smte ptocas as "Otar teaflteetiiiinunjs »: teoiBl fiK ta ten HWteiiiiiifer,. Bgamfinn;. “I watch at least two doun taataa enflsrr. a mnriX rsmBr- atain. or atoumamtad iiii w iinjJirr 1 m d aauuraOa waor Five housewives have added Impala 4-Door Hardtop. 1 heatta', automatic tnma- ICia. SMA TBn uriulOpn te Okn rafflbigtee^ir m o m m , regulars go by my kitchen win­ Jogging to a walking routine •'-i tan on tea cuiupuses. >C-araip was rapnir pnrwr syUBnis fltmn. ten Snatatta." taOmt W'UMUSOW LCKKS HAPt^TBn mdarion, V-8, whibewalto. Y f C MEN'S SHOP ■‘ft patemnster ta eniftiBsed Siaflfc ltd a titm ^ta eantay dow around 6 a.m. every day that has been going on for al­ siUilBiiis. o ^ d and a |ji ■^jwmTry m instmflr Eaw H^anenonn sayn te. »»te"g~ W! SRaOa Banriy-Bbte ta Bit a gait taO! TTA. WnailUu! Btamn says teien Don’t miss (this onia Only 91750 e i FNNF grant nmay w«*Mnn*SB® JSma. eOn! t a BWJk a O m t^ ten Oniuaaltii- "F tot Etey daeiin Sir Watt DIte- and rteM ten atbmr d iiA 'T to while I’m preparing breakfast” most two yean. 1 789 MAIN ST. ___ EjapneCmant eBbrts—"w ilB ia tea- She adds: L ■■ Im in mm ar wartoos painia ate iriBnC?- ano—amr te* Bita ggc sftam tndtey taWHi »:3at ajn. nay aBtanp..” Keipiates am te t a Jl* * » w ® * taw ny ana “We start out about 8:80 for a & iiiwins Buiisag^ one ad attai odiec^ "They conw In all shapes and AUTO TRADING POST nniniatit wBu- aaEvad "'•site no taUnr r^aciann nilte Hayt—ItaBite tent (fiyftfie » * W IPJ®- “ ** agtate^Som pntenwBtad ita Itater itBwR Smt. * B"*’ * *mnnd. three naftle walk-and-run:” ex­ Wiete p o t in ten tan. aa d Bbte ages and they look wonderfully 504 TALOOTTVILLB RD.. RT. 88—VERNON, CONN. pb^aisil aid 3C1h anmlal amt- ^ p..,— i— „ gflnggft, IB iia ^JUL. ta «-JB s.m . TfinES- plains M n. John Shaw.” _____ .ra.|jiiiii» «ii lanwiiiy s iftig tettb — Hi A LA-mtHtan-pnind ‘"pinata" te wsi— A . SWiitll says H>»»r cynaiiilsut Blaauiuwsar Bfianum BBi'iTiry and nwmtte cc ------innw fcom tea CA C2 spy hmm.Ttat salt migBt seam ta ta a unnisn- T B U . 3 0 1 ■OW lita G V B uions Sigjtm owar tea tastet Cta>- •taiimftTrri—Thn ■!*—«< c toapeia: iflunim ta twr'iimT But ten t's Baor in ■fMJuan WMXS o oeke WOP rttow an. axadfic Xatimmi Conference mt Sodal TTmirit sad: is used amdt year ta M JImmbm H iL ax B oB sa's 3mdl a WeHtara—S ocial waifinrr and seodOR Joe wide eoxtaty t e coata lib tt. S 3 ? V3M !3ks DvsiiK llltaldl pCoblBIIS ms and sractaos prodwad te TMta piiswpBisAifiTTTow tSkB oo*’- .»w»r,w n t&e ISCQ atatOBial Btacntt Cta’S nsar lu Xtar T«rk Timae—SeperC te az tes esOzsl iHiBTwrtnr. Bs a ta - rmiixtari- itas dtatannl Adaianry rtanm. Babtey Bare. Offmn.'WbJL. cl gga acOte wte at W ta a. fnnniis "Bat SBaanOower n ew As- en. CtaS Diaupfem T ta Bnga Tairiiii j wBieft. Ban Broadwny scar. dioaed ins jeerst iiouwbti^e. tbrae jaa-OMC-tmig owuia, pra- O'Gazn—TBg puBticunriliair par- m tarr taw fig te Bar jMeesna Baa Sac Bia p a rty's B o i^ t ,’*' dmras TmT-r SR panmita te A 'mbBt tes tan. uid aa ten nazm- Leacacoa says. PtanOHr—A n d n O t a : a erittate ionlrtai and ccackars am m al^. TS«n .TT""!* Lan Baa a Bcart Baek dan recoeds teatr »..-j— Qa adfitOm ta Tbot Bmps pnxdt t e ft at- T h tt V - ttps- ttt atata- taibea Ota esns te —Loot m tea Barriailciteq- re- P sp a a w i— a tn A m jwiteiaa mb. it taes 47 aufiimi pwnidi te u Un wltite loa fin g Hady aad gone. buSan cuiewefi tariet in- SMia.ur Mirf Pl»TTre—H lgStnM n Onnr and 9 imllitin pwimta te t( — ..rtT.T.» aaxBan sorest m taxteasac X a a . tea ta Dacmtt sugar a year. '>'*1 BafflOnns ctm fideii ta tea Am erv J< Bt a *"'*«»" te long Sotettaete. cans teiK teme were *»<—*"g lemm, an xmBa- lOH.iim Viet Onig supportecs JSSESOV^'r^ Tm— ■pwt tea Lao snmng joate. Vtamaat's M- mil- IK Cl a.LBiassKLx:3 !w t gepoiajBfliL _pwMntfgm- JabasKm. adin red BUS' r*iat -penmitmg Sie iesoracnani k The N i lePahM (NarM at ruMw imri iieen. tee Big mia- n.a» of C.3. aofiny m. tee «ady Ttettinm. w a r " l irrfll Vlet- 0 0 t o n i g h t flS'HJnimB mmeae Proliant 5g» Dinit Ham waa ouef'lu.'oara. shorily arfoce JVmnson miereii *e Wlnte Seise. Sfarie •^Uiicit E1\1 S PRESIEY Avcta Get* O filer

W-A*EEK7P0® i.AP' — IbB - I f . U .i M l ' I'l^. n C U 6 H I S Wmw wdnr WBdar a SUK.3BI iTMift'iw’i: Becwaan tee tl.i£ Army Artatamt CtarWinn Ot 3 t. Lotas me* ArcoTs Lfiiuiiiing Ottaanm

Tbn ardor in Sar OD unmie iir'ini le tar ifka LMri aimrafli aagtaaa Tbn wndt aiS Be ifimi- Wo to Ait dondHionod I m Ota ateataoed pfiaiC. it won i TiMiMuiaaii TOnabty NOW ON SU E U ONLY M AM 04EST19 X I •: I'tea " 'Z 2 -t|-- »1<4 4*»4 * • » ' 4 . BURNSIDE It’s the new Sealy Golden Guard—firmest Sealy mattress ever nationally advertised at this low II price!' Come in and feel the comforting difference Twin or Eva he from hundreds of specially tempered steel coils— full size ’t nn q> modi of a bffl at Bonama extra heavy gauge for added resiliency. Plus a Each- \ up n Look of these decorator print cover that’s quilted lavishly deep. piece moufh-wafoting This is the one for value! V.:- BONANZA VoUiosi BarHmg Siif 7 | sinur SIHMI Use Keith’s New Revolving Credit Plan! SIEAIMIIEI and I CHOOSE EXTRA FIRM OR OENTIY FIRM Queen or King size Posturepedic gives luxury and Shorts? *G tad Slab Team 1 « ‘ MtaadGtaaaSaM Remember—only Sealy makes Posturepedic®- support in a class of its own. Designed in coopera­ tion with orthopedic surgeons to promise no morning backache from sleeping on a too-soft f Ik. NnEHOaSE the one that promises no morning backache mattress. This is the one for a good night and a STEM MMEI from sleeping on a too soft mattress. good morning! 1 sim nng QUEEN SIZE 60 x 80" KING SIZE 76 x 80" 2-pc. set »239®® 3-pc. set *339*6 Ifs timo to ^ *Ote«v»Ntata I 'Tatasianit flAtatata e^ktasWe_4 ..W C B t aUBff find oof ' I BKEmN-EBSEN ■mtWMm 4Mi F mm of O r w 7 DHjratt W tik n i 3«i A ji.»i»tirji. Have You Tried Keitl 's "One-Stop Shopping?" SSia3L tarnO EXm mmRUSSLL Never'A Parking Problem at Keith’s! m m e o M f^iih i urniiurt m u m a • We’ll Come To Your Home a All Purchases Inepected! f i i t U L (xM a o i l 'To Advise You! \ Before Delivery 1 ; There's Always Two Hours Free Parking on Main Street, Ifb's AM d ikt 111) M A I N ST. MANCHESTER r n e O k m u m ^ • Use Our New Revolving ' • We .Have Terms or Park Free In Our Own Lot Next To Store , . . 3 ‘iq u u u L S i d o i L Credit Plan! To Please Everyone 1 Opposite the Bcnnet Junior High School on Lower (South End) Miain Street TvTHRtf ■« [o^ MANCHESm—217 MhMIa Ttaaplhe Wasf , . . For FVletully Service, Phone 843-4169 ... UTTUPiGS «2» MASS ST.„ AOtNCHESTER—4«}»"Siaii’ wfsTHMiMso • ruoHvau • MunoL • atovoN I 7 I ; MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, 3R, C0NN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 P A G E n V B MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU). MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 ______t S U f t fO U B p itu is on calculus. Tbe Inten- Bowen Biv« course o^ rs six graduate r c r Phil Ochs Jabs at Liberals credits and consists ot lectures, Ar cKjamwoLL t o u n o Ocha has bean compared to Physios PPar a r l e y seminars, and laboratory work. Ocha aald that "conaumarlam aa ances. Aa so L. Bowen, 187 Haw- He alliided to a Joke he had the audieiuse departed. They had whose protest songs to back to b o u jm o sfromn n u t • ' ataadtng-room only earlier Hatened to foHc aingera the days o f the BpanUh C ivil tliom e 4k„ a piiyaica teacher at oiowd in the flngera o f hla gul- told during the performance High School, Hebron, is LONDON (AP) —The RoUilig about the man who said he was from the University of Hartford. War and the union movement Stones, one of Britain’s top pop hand lawt Mght See^-fans present last night ^tiong S6 teacbm from 15 Shop Wotloni lit f at an area oahafwt gding to eat hla oar. If he died, BagHah Vlattats On Hand /•tales who are attendiag the music groiqis, are to star in the he "would die for you and me," Also in the crowd, and re­ •aid one of the dltfereneea be­ Ooha, 37, la an idol of the ac- tween the two la that Seagar to third segment of a fourth sum­ first feature film under the di­ and If he lived he “would face maining after the show for a rection of France’s Jean-Lue ■art For All Yoir| Ovtot eewneOt o f the etudent a elector and scholar of tha mer Institute in Physics at Bos­ the woifd on ita own terma." bit of the pub-llke atmoOffiere • “ ••wflon, and fata aliuina are folk aonga whereas Ocha slnga ton College, Oiestmit HUl, Mass. Godard. The country la "built around were a few of the OoveiUry, MUIng wMMy. maliRy hla own. (Seeger la now The Natkxial Science/Founda­ The film, enUtled "One Phis the car," he said. Eryland residents who are vl- BaihooM Nooih Me wrMea hie own worAa and aMlng Coventry, O ona, brought alnglng some of Odis’8 compo- tion-funded institute has as Ks One" win be Oodard’a first film SpeaUng of a “ basic critique nuMlo, wttti tltiee Uke '1 Be- by their hoaU for a look at gram •lUons.) objective the continuing eduoa- in English. Tt wUl be produced R«vw the War to Over” (on V*et- of the corporate aociety,” Ocha this summer by CUpid Produc­ •aid the nature of this "corpor­ roots Amerloa. They were some­ Ray Seller, owner of a Man­ tlon of high school teachers iwin, the lhaato hahig if every­ chester music store, said that /■ and physics. tions. ate atruotui^" must be revised. what startled by Ocha, but were one behevea it to over, it will treated royally and diowered he first became aware of Ocha This summer's course in con­ The Rolling Stones will “ Am erica exlata aa a countar- be) «n d *(Love Me, Pm a Ub- with pdltloal memorabUla. four or five years ago whan he centrating on electricity and seen cutting a record In revdutlcnary fmrea," he said, -SPECIALS- oraY’, a aatkioal prodding at Theae may be the only truly came out with a hit "I Ain’t magnetiam, with a strong em- and thla must be stopped by film . Jbe eaaanttoJ genUUty of mloat American aouvenlrs the visitors Mardilng Any Mbre" (which he UbeteUa. "giving up ownarahip of natural rasourcaa, aspaclally, In Latin wBI taka back wMfa toem to sang tost night). He now has THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Indeed, in Ida Introductory Am erica” and. by "pu lling back Ekigiand. (One had bought a four , aonga of concern A ^ *9*n*ttai to the latter aong, bualnaaa profiteering overaeaa." tomahawk for hla son, only to for human values and political Ooha aakl he feared that tiie discover it waa made in Japan.) aatire. McOarttiy nmigialgii ooukl He did not advocate with­ ‘^man Howors and got w ol wiihns ox- H e wore the uaual mop o f hair against helmets and the Hke and quickly and In an orderly way has the only “official” beafti of any soldier with the (very clean) and a aport ahlrt dted inoldenta of BVench police this year. depends on the declalana which tondod to mo dwring-my roenwt BREASTS and open leather Jacket. Al­ the leaders of American labor brutality. The steel industry says a 8 used when reservattons exceed and business will make in the wfaieteered gk xy are numbered. ger busea carrying 80 persona though the room waa quite A native of OMo now living per cent Increase each year a predetermined number at any stay at rim Moweimstor Mo- coming months," Johnson said. It ’s Uls w ife EUsabetfa bock in will be put into operation on warm, he did not remove the in New Tork, the folk singer over a three-year contract will (H«raM photo by Pinto) o f tlM Legal Beay^r Springfield, m. the routes of the (Tomwcticut one etep. Jacket, admitting &at it waa' a w^>e out two-thlrda ot ita profits morm nOTpim* •tudied Joumallam for three Phil Ochs, the radical folk singer, at area caharet last ni^ht. One song: “Love,Me, I’m a Liberal!” ___ "Her last letter sort of said Limousine Service from New The firm is presenUy limited 1 ^ of badge, and that he had years at Ohio State Univeraity and put some companies out of Haven through western Oonnect- by the IOC to the use o f U - worn it even on hla recent business. Hawaiian Luau H appy liith that if I didn't drnve it off we before he left to become what commander and Mrs. Mary E. of the event. TlckeU may be MOUNTAINS OF SNOW snow fell In 27 houra at BUver Icut and to three metropolitan paasenger Umoustoes on the tour to Ehuope and Hawaii. would Just stay borne when I got Thanking Yon SincorCly, lb he la now, a campus and tie- A steel strike will not severely LeDuc, Auxiliary ways and obtained from Gary Crane or BOULDER, CWo. (AP) — In Lake In the mountalna north- airports If a request to the In­ routes. A rimilar request was How did he go over in theae Plamied by \VW back," Sksnan aays. "I figure yond-camiMis hero. He admitted crimp the economy. Consumers means chairman, are In duirge by contacting the post home. AijprU 19dl, about 87 Inches of west o f Boulder. QiinFoliage on going out a little, so the terstate Oommerce OommiSBlon turned down by toe IOC In Feb­ placaaT He aald that there waa that some of hla performances, have stockpiled more than 88 H fa Pogoni Hie VFW Poet and Auxiliary beard wiH hare to go." is approved. ruary 1987, and an appeal was no queatian but that they under- of about two hours, ibrlng in up million tons of steel—enough for SAIGON (AP) —There ere will have their second annual The request, made Tuesday, made to New Haven U.8. IMs- atood and approved of hla mea- to $8,000. four months in normal times— some 535,000 beerdle* Ameri- Hawaiian Luau Saturday at 7 is the second one the fjmi trict Oourt in August 1987. COMRO aage. Lauit night’s performance waa and foreign Imports are ready oaa aoidlen in ^Tetnam end New Bus Roatea Asked p.m. at the Post Home, 608 E. tnu« made to the IOC for the The airports served are Ken­ . Ha qpoke approvingly of the donated. and waiting to make up short­ dben there Is John Shnnan, NEW HAVEN (AP)—Paaaen equipment. The buses woidd be nedy, LaOuanha end Newark. radical atudent movementa In It was only o n .h is own in- ages. Center St. suuiettmes known es Weird BSurope and America, but said slatence that Ocha aat down last However, strike or no strike, The program will include Beard. that he told a ll groupa, auch aa night after an hour’a perform­ the industry will go into a slump Hawaiian music. Chicken, DRAPERY SHOP-11 OAK ST. He’s the despatr o f duHfnl im C R MEATY the Studenta tor a Democratic ance, with applause aiul a scat­ after the Aug. 1 deadline as con­ fruits and vegetables, and Ifo- military poUcemen who try to Society, that they must do more tered standing ovatimi pleading sumers work out their strike- wallan punch w ill be served. The enforce an Army ban on chin ft>- than be "conaumers of folk with him to continue. Earlier hedge inventories. A stu<3v by dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.ni. IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER Hage. Sksnan poUMy refuses to aonga.' publicity had been in error, and Pittsburgh bemk says It will dancing from 9p.m. to 1 a.m. comply. He’s been getting away Bhicldatlng on thla point. he gave one, not two, perform­ take or nine months tor Leonard Kanehl, junior vice with it fo r three mooMia and fig- urea to bold out tor the lest of Ms tour in l^etasm . SPAREMBS SEMIANNUAL No bipple is Skxnsii. He’s a FURNIXURE )>ard-worklng mgtneer sergeant and onetime term boy and m e­ PRE-INVEINTORY FLOCMl SAMPLE SALE chanic from Pawnee, IH. ^ A Bloman’ secret weapon is a NO HOLDS - NO LAY-A-WAYS - UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY OR “CHARGE YT medical paper, signed by an 7 Army doctor. It rxeusas him lb M a n ch ester from shaving as long as be is in om Vietosm. (And ffinman vahMt- tarily extended his l2-mon(h HURRY IN! LAST 5 DAYS! tour tor anolber Mx—though not S A V I N G i S Just to escape *avh ig). ’ SERE-NE SLEEP 5 PIECE WROUGHT IRON DECORATOR STYLED DELIXE HI-RISERS DELUXE 'T have plenty of guys bonae ARMOUR'S STAR TELEPHONE iq> to me and ask how I get by MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING DINETTE GROUP MIRRORS FINE QUALITY BED FRAMES A L O A J W with it ," grins Wnman, praodly TWIN OR FULL SIZE FAMOUS MAKE 643-5171 SUN PORCH ADJUSTABLE fingering a huh red growth that LUXURY QUIET ASSTD OFF Association PATIO OUR 4 CASTORS g g any other 3Z-year-ald would SIZES & OPENS TO SACS' ,S( REG. 9 envy. S' FRAMES SLEEP TWO Skman'e medical- problem is REG. PRICE REG. 9.97 I f WHOLE an afiergy brought on by Vtet- 59.97 EA. PC. REG. 89.97 llll)i(MI/WS nam's beat, humidity and latcr- I RIllfiYS ite soil. It makes his face break out. The <)octom oookhi’ t figure 9X12 S, X out any odier cure so they gave WAS J ■ Sloman a Mp of paper excuMng 59.88 him from Miavtng. Sloman’s may be the only "of­ ficial’’ Army beard in Vietnam. I2XIS $i Since he grew his beard; how­ WAS ever, be's been on the kxdcout ^ .8 8 HAMS tor others and he’s spotted a 4(f few. 12X 18 $1 " I know one guy wMh a beard WAS in the Long Blnh Jail," Sloman X 119.88 aald. " I don’t know why he’s in HOLLYWOOD BEDS COMPLETE the stockade but I know he’s got TARLE, FLOOR, POLE LAMPS a beard. I saw it wfafie we were ALL SIZE RUGS REDL'CED INNERSPRING MATTRESS - working out there." n . MOTALL,u»s MATCHING BOXSPRINC-CHOICE OF ® C l i k OFF THE REGULAR SELLING PRICE Deqiite a lot of funny kxrkA, FOR CLEARANCE! inallcolors h e a d b o a r d s - hardwoodlegs the good-humored sergeant en­ OF ANY LAMP IN OUR STOCKS Wo wM cut into Contar Horn SMc m cmd Roasts joys Ms whiskers. "It’s a lot cooler with a beard. i Come to the experts It keepe the sun off my face," 1 he ed to the er;nergency refugee housing on They'll tell you all about Manchester Sayings & Loan's open- fitted to your furniture to insure proper fit, bare frame, loose joints will be reglUed, old the outskirts o f Saigon, the kids COLONIAL - .MODERN - TRADITIONAL - PLUS MORE! end mortgages which permit you to make further loans later and skillfully tailored with self welts, box or webbing replaced if necessary, sprhigs hand are always giggling and yeHing tied, new filling will be added, then carefully what must be loosely translated on if you wish, without the cost of re-financing your mort­ kick pleated skirts and heavy duty zippers. Every fabric is vat-dyed and pre-shrunk and covered with the fabric you choose by W at­ as "Dig (hat crazy red beard." gage. See why Savings & Loan Associations nationwide are Moman knows Ms days of treats with either Scotchgard'® or Zepel® kins experienced craftsmen. No. I in home financing. to insure maximum soil repellency. When de­ 20.30% OFF \ livered, they are instaled to again insure DRAPERES OUR REGLLAR SELLING PRICES WESTERN ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ proper fit. AH prices include both fabric and To give youf home an entirely new Hft, call WELDONS labor. Call 648-5171 now fo r Shop-*t-Home 643-5171 for Watkins Shop-at-Home Drapery MANCHESTER'S OLDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Service. Service. Choose in your own home from a MULTIPLE HURRY IN FOR BEST VALLES. . . large selection of weaves, prints, textures, VITIMINS USE YOUR CALDOR CHARGE ACCOUNT! BED 1007 MAIN STREET. NEAR MAPLE STREET. TEL. 649-4588 3 Pc. Groups, sofa and 2 Choirs 166.50 ^ d colors. Eiach drapery has; 1) Hand fin­ ONE-A-DAY ished h«ns and heading, 2) Finest cotton COVENTRY OFFICE, ROUTE 31. TEL. 742-7321 saiteen linings, 8) Weight in oornerB and SALE WED, TOBU MON. 2 Pc. Groups„.sofa and 1 elicrir 124.50 seams.. AH draperies are installed upcm de­ 2 . 9 8 Mon. thru Wed. 9iS0 A.M. to OiM / livery to insure “extra"\ custoener satisfac­ Manchester, 1145 Tolland Tpke. P.M. — Tbura. R Frl. 9i50 A.M. Open Tuea., Wed,, Sat. UU 8 - Thura., Frl. tUl • Two or 3>eushion sofas only 82.50 tion. EXIT 93. WILBUR CRO SS PARKW AY to 18iM P.M. — Sat 9 A.M. to WELDON DRUG CO We reierve the nghi lu limit MUHntitiei. ~ / 9i80 P.M. M ToUiANo TURNeiKi m a n c h u s y u iI Iliiiillilllliilllljiiiiiiiliilliililliiiilliiiiiiiilliiiiiimiiiililiili la /■ 7^.'^ ^ "•/I r - . lAANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CX)NN., WEDNEStDAY, JULY 24, 1966 \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 PAGE SEVEN - PN*mf which received fresh treatment T o lla n d Vernon the new FAA Jobs from a new lives of htunan beings,” MOnro- Hew To Hold that apraad bito naaxhy Negro SoiUh Windsor It caUetl' tor "the right of sdf- law to roU back federal employ­ ney shouted. T o D lO Allies Find Arms More Funds for FAA ment to 1988 levela ’’You’re not going to protoot FALSETEETH There wea none of the mob Harriman Tells Hanoi determlnatlon for the pe<^e of Old Stafford Rd. Excluded Two Arrested He argued the budget director air safety by opening up the rlottaig that exploded in the Lynn Grossi Set South Vietnam in the settiement had authority to assign more po­ public treasury,” WiUiama tolfl M ore nrioly lo Hoeo In Di8turl>ances Do jour false teeth aaao j sad esi- ^veland Hongh area two yeara ago, but of their own affairs.” Previous­ Hidden Near Saigon Approved by Senate sitions to the FAA if he took Monronay. bsrTee^eUpptii«,droppliie,arveb- there waa more gunfire, acat- For Dance Meet From State Highway System them from other agenctea. Mlng When you eat, laugh er teikt Recogniz( ly this point specified that the (Cmltiraed from Page One) WUUam Boraby, 20, of 75 Or­ Then eprtakfc a little ragrT T H aa tered looltaig of atorea and aome (Continued front Page One) Sen. A. S. Mike MMuroney, D- If a tape measure or a ruler your pfatee. rA S T aT B twua. goi- ‘r F igh t ICias Lynn Oroaai of Wapping, (CenUmied from Page One) South Vietnamese people would The work on the bathhouse at ^ chard St, was arrested yaoter- firebomblag. A number of roof­ The State Highway Depart­ namww down btlt kiUed three It contained 109 mortar rounds, there has been general agree­ Okla., chairman of the Senate isn’t handy and you need some­ f i r a flraier end Boere etaafortably. top aatpaia were reported. MiM Dance of Connecticut, adll tlement and an end of the vio­ settle their own affairs "In ac- Crandall’s Pond has not been day otternoon in the Rockville F. Lee Bailey, executive di­ ment that a riiortage of contrOI- thing wltii which to measure, re­ Makee eattog eaelar. Ife alkalliM— fore other aubjecte can be lence.” ment has rejected Old Stafford enemy aoMiera behind him. 1,200 hand grenades, 15 banga­ aviation subcommittee, angrily doasn’t eour. No_gummy, gooey, I Page 0*e) compete for the title of lOaa cordance with the program of completed. Work was schejWIed General Hospital parking area. rector of the union, said after len la one factor, member that a dollar btU ls Jtsd Umu w feeL Brtpe eheek plate talked about. Rd. for inclusion In Its system, lore torpedoes, 80 antitank disputed the Williams’ ap­ odor. Deotnree Dance of America next month “I intend,” he continued, “to the South Vietnam National Lib­ to be flnlsHfed last woeltoild but RoMiMd by the U.S. bifantiy- BorOby was charged with in­ the session his organiaation 1-19 of an inch more Quui six I that n r u a eaeeaual " t f w heMnd the car arbere Harriman had propoaed a point to the violence that ia con- the Board of Selectmen announc­ mlnea and 7,600 pounda of rice. Williams tried unsuccessfully proach. ^tobae twalth. Baa “ your denuet ragmarly. in New York City. eration Front,” the poUtical was held up betauao of plumbing men, the SouQi VIetnemeM aaid toxication, Imeach of peace and to block a provision exempting This is riiooUng dice with the Inches long. O e trASTBgTR at all drug oountera aaqaant area hit and waa AL Unit Wins monthIffViawa ago that waawt. Thtiy «aaaa^ inei^sand as«.he cut tlmbng UnUUl|{ UHon theUW part UIof theU16 Viet arm of the Viet Oong. U.S. offi­ ed last night. In the northern provinces, the would seek meetings with indus­ Wjm Oroaai, a former reai- installations. J , ho had been held captive two resisting arrest after he vras g Jaara,” Smith continued, down on propaganda and speak Oong, and I hope this aril make cials always said they could not Tlie atsito notified the t)Oard enemy attacked Hoi An, a prov­ stopped by police who queotion- try and other interested parties got to toe aatgeant and W altett P laque dent of llaiicheoter, haa per- that It had taken a traffic count TTie pond cAiitiot bo UMd until montha. He aaid the enemy incial capital 18 miles southeast more In secrecy. Thuy rejected g^me impression.” accept that condlUon because It the tectllty li^rompleted accord­ cf Ma driving habits. He was re­ this week to talk over immedi­ tad him up. Ih a t’a whan I that today, accusing the United Harriman and his aides ore would moan acceptance of the of the area and that It indicated ooonpony waa holding eight otti- of Da Nang. Viet Oong gunners A plaque given by Miss Barba­ the road was primarily used by ing to ppOciflcklons by the State leased under „the no cash bail ate etepa to end the problem. a la the faadi.*’ States of trying to deceive peo- gigo trying to find out whether Communist program tor South «r South Vletnameae aoldlera pumped eight mortar rounda prograun for appearance tei ’naaa «f poUce, aome uaing ra L. Wallett of 147 Waranoke pie in the United States and north Vietnam 1s weakening Us local traffic and therefore did Depaftment of H eal^ and a and uaing them to carry arms into the city early today while Also, FAA administrator Wil­ Vietnam. Rockville Circuit Court 12 Aug- liam F. McKee said a three-day, ak'a aam ored trucka, turned St to the Department of Ooo- over the worid. support tor the National Libera­ not meet criteria for Inclusion ruling made b j local health di­ and ammunition. Their fate waa enemy troope attacked tour out­ naIgNhmIaiui] into an armed nectieut American Legkm Aux­ Early this year a new orgai>l' in the sUte highway ^ te m . rector, Dr,» Marjorie Purnell. 6. meeting, starting today, would “We have an even greater ob- tion Front and offering Wash­ satlon which claimed to include not known. posts on its outskirts. A spokea- James E. KelUy, 25, of 125 iliary, in 1985 when she conopietr Hgation to tell the truth to pub­ The town la in Ijhe process of School Board Meeting man said the ahelllng killed a consider propooala on wajrs to ington a new lure among its non-Communist elemtaits, the The U.S. trooiw oloo aprayed High St., waa arreotod loot night relieve the congestion. 1 1 * gna and amoke bomba ed her term of oftlee a# Its piw- lic opinion,” he aaid. terms tor a final political settle­ appointing a road superinten­ The Board of Education will tha enamy pooltioiw with tear policeman and wounded five karat on the aidewalka and sident was recently awarded to Alliance of National, Democrat­ dent. Howard Wolfaiwrt’. chair meet tonight at 8 at the Hicks and chaeged with breach of The traffic Jams in the air­ Swimsuits take n dive atD&L He said Harriman had asked ment in South Vietnam. gaa, fliuhtog out oix of the ene­ others. Four militiamen were ag o lit huOdbigB. Officera and the MaisThiater AuxUiary at last ic and Peace Forces of Viet­ man' of the Board of Finance, Memorial School. peace stemming from a domes­ ways figured prominently in what would h^q>en if all attacks Hxuriman would like to know if nam, was launched with ac- my who wero oaintured. killed uid six wounded at the tic diatuihence in front of his Senate debate on the. money bill aooM r aaMenla became ill from weekend's Department cenveo- said today that five hod applied A report will be made by the outposts, and South Vietnamese on the North were halted. He a statement last week of Ha' clakn from Hanoi. North Viet­ Iha enemy force was believed home. to expand FAA operations. the fumea. tion. said “other quesUens of interest net's requirements tor a peace for the positkm and July 29 has cafeteria dtrector and several tn be port of aix to eight batta- troops reported killing five of The plaque and a caSh asrard nam st(^>ped calUng the Libera­ been set ks the date for the contracts WIU be reviewed. While there has been ahorp The abooUng acene, on Lake- to the two sides” would be dis­ settlement was tntMided to in­ tion Front the "sole” represent­ Mena tiiat U.S. intelligence offl- the enemy. dispute among the various par­ vtow Hoad naar USth Street, ia were made to the MandteMer exam. _ Speciflcaitlons have gone out There are albout 290 spedes of cussed. He Ignored Harriman’s troduce a new dement into the ative of the South Vietnamese After the exam is given the oe«a aay are deployed in Long South Koreem marines am- ties Involved over the causes for ahoot a mile from the Hough unit tor outatasidlng child wel­ request for a response to mili­ slow-moving talks. for the position of transportation An Province, immediately aouth pigeons and doves on earth. people and began calling it the state will present its recom­ coordinator and this will also be btuhed two Viet Oong phttoona the recent Jamupa in air flights. araa where four Negroea were fare program It held ia April. tary de-escalajtlon. U.S. officlala thirtk the posei- of Saigon. trying to infiltrate Hoi An and Mlaa Wallett'a mother, MTa. Jo- "authentic representative.” mendations to the selectmen. reviewed along with Job specM- killed In rioting and looting Juat Harriman told newsmen he bUlUes of any real diange are Some U.S. officials beUeve. that lh a American caoualtlea In- reported killing 27 enemy two two ysara ago on five other hot aeph WaBett, child wdfare Wtdflnger said it is expected the cations for an assletant prin­ had not seen deCMlive evidence slight. Thuy has bnuhed aside elimination of the reference to appointment will be made about duded two men UdM ohoaid a miles west of the city without July nigbta. chairman lor the imlt, waa in suggestions that his government cipal. heliooi>ter itiiot down by gnemy suffering any casualties. T^e charge of the winning program. that the lidl in the war around the Liberation Front’s program Aug. 1. Also scheduled for diocusston When the gunfire erupted, po- Saigon, which began in mid- was modifying the stsitement of in Hanoi’s new statement of its The appointment was original­ ground Ore. Two other chogtitera Koreans also captured 12 weiqv ■oe radio calla came thick and Delegates to the oonvention its basic position that has stood tonight is the pooelbllUy of ac­ Ware Mt, but damage waa re- ons. 4* • ■ from the Manchester unit were June, was finally coming to an four points could be another ma­ ly approved at a special town cepting tuition students. Resi­ toot and had a tone of deaperm- end. for more than four years. Nev­ poctad minor. tion. Mrs. Muriel Auden, president; neuver to make space for the al­ meeting last April. dents of the Rhodes Rd. area Thirteen miles south of Hoi But he added: “What is dis­ ertheless, new language has liance. 40 New Voters Meanwhile, AuatraHan and An, near the provinclat ci^ittal "Ihiiiga are pretty bad down Mrs. Leon Bradley, aecyetaty; turbing ia that the terrorist ac­ been used and U.S. dflclals will present a letter to the board New Zeeland aokHera were here,” aadd one. “We’re piimed Mrs. Ruth IBckoix, secretary; North Vietnamese officials in At the regular monthly voter I'equesUng that the school bus of Tam Ky, U.S. Infantrymen of tions on theaters around Saigon think that eventually it could be looked in heavy fighting wlh one the Americal Division and heli­ doom. H m wotarded men are ■and Mrs. Everett Kennedy, Lymi Or Paris have sought to promote making session held last night stop at the corner of tliat road have started again. People have important. 40 people registered. Of this or two Viet Oong iriatoona holed copter gunshlps killed 68 enemy lying in the atreet. We can’t get treasurer, Mrs. Wilber Little formed with the South Vfindaor The statement from the North the Alliance as a compromise and Merrow Rd. be changed. been killed. I intend to call at­ ptdltical body for the South. But number 16 registered Democrat, up in bunkera about 25 mliea soldiers in a day-long fight to toem. Oet aome armored and Mrs. Henri Peaatail were Country Players and recently tention to that.” The Viet Oong Vlenamese foreign ministry The plirenta claim that it is un­ eaat of Saigon. delegatea-at-large. U.S. officials say it is a Commu­ seven Repubilcan and 17 chose safe for children waiting for Tuesday. Five U.S. soldien •fOUR STORES OF FASHlOt* in a show tor the Knights of bombed tour theaters in Saigon last week summarised Hanoi’s Hie Infantrymen from down were' wounded'. PoUce teinforcementa were four-point plan for ending the nist front, and one of the Saigon to remain unaffiliated. a bus in the vlolnlty of a fire­ Columbus in Mandiester. and nearby towns Stmday, kill­ Play Program Cut' under came imder heavy rocket In 'Olr strikee over North Viet­ roabed in—and eome tried to NEW DEFINITION The New T ort competition, ing 12 Vietamese and wound- war, including first, 'withdrawal government’s military courts house and also two service sta­ has condemned 10 of its leaders The ToUand summer play­ and machine-gun fire as they nam Tuesday, U.S,s pilots flew dhaee email boya, attracted by DUNDEE, Ky. (AP) — The scheduled for the first week of of sJl U.S. forces; secwMl, neu­ tions are being plaraied for the made repeated atta«Mu on the the gunfire, oft the atreeta. Mgh sdiool teacher asked her toS *1- , to death in absentia. ground program has been can­ opposite side of the road. 112 mlBsions. Headquarters said August, ia sponsored by the Going into the 14th aeaelon of tralisation of N o!^ and South enemy pooltiona in thick acrub. damage assessment waa limited A woman, declining IdenUflca- class here to define the word Dance Masters of America. the talks, Harriman said he Vietnam; and fourth the final U.S. officiala are amcknis, celed because of a lack of a sufficient number of ' children The taafc force tried Mveral by scattered cloud cover. In­ tton, eald abe ruihed to an up- “amphibious” and use it in a would present to the North Viet­ decision on unlficatloa of the neveriheless, to find out all they Manchester Evening Herald tlmea to penetrate the Viet Cong tegistering. complete reports said 14 supply atalra room after aeetng the sentoice. namese negotiators the appeal North and South to be made on can about tlie Alliance and the substitute correspondent, Bar­ bunker complex but waa pinned gioottag begin. She quoted one ”It means fibbing,” one stu­ The cornerstones for the relative value which North Viet­ The Recreation Commlsalon boats, 10 warehouses and three issued in Honolulu by President the principle of ’’self-determina­ bara Richmond, tel. 875-8189 or down each time by heavy fire trucks were destroyed or dam­ of the boya a a 'tilin g the offi- dent guessed. ”My Uncle Ed’a wings of the C ^ to l in Washing­ tion.” nam attaches to it and to the will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Johnson and President Nguyen 648-2711. and a tMek thom hedge. aged. oera, ” ’they’re not alter ua, stories all are flbioua.” ton were laid in 1861. Van Thleu "for a peaceful set- The tiiird point was the one Liberation Front. the Tolland High School. they're after you: They want the intentrymeh pulled back North Vietnam Tuesday a few hundred yarda this after­ you, not ua’.” fc; .vwHna claimed its light Industry had noon while dive-bombera pound­ achieved 67 per cent of planned our entire Gov. James A. Rhodes, Vert­ ed the bunkera. ed at the Nottonal Govemon - output for the whole of 1908 by f e o n l e r e n c e in Cbiciimati. Oaaualtiea on either aide were the end of June, despite contin­ promptly moblllaed Ohlo'a not Immediately known. ued U.S. air raids against North stock of U,290 Natiadal Guardsmen. South Vletnameae tnoopa un­ Vietnam. The office of the adjutant gen­ covered two weapona cachea 15 Hanoi’s Vietnam News Agen­ PRE-CONVENTION SALE and 20 milea northweat of Sal- eral in Cohimbus immediately cy said the output was 4.4 per committed 4,000 men to Oeve- . ton. They included 84 rounda of cent higher than the correspond­ nationally land, the state’s btggeat dty. Its C ^ldor GET ON THE CALDOR BANDWAGON AND SAVE MORE! Chinese 107mm rockets, 44 ing period last year. population of more than 800,000 caaea of mixed rifle and ma­ It said the ministry of light in­ incudes about 150,000 Negroes. SEE AND HEAR THE POLITICAL CONVENTION THIS YEAR! chine-gun ammunition and one dustry had started and expand­ famous Mayor Carl B. Stokes, a Ne­ SO-callber antiaircraft machine ed dozens of new factories or fli gro who took office last Novem­ gun. workshops with a ■view to in­ ber. appMLied to an dtiaens to Unita of the U.S. 1st Infantry creasing consumer goods, espe­ 1968 “stay home and cooperate with Division turned up another cially textiles, paper, sugar, the poUee.” cache 29 miles north of Saigon. porcelain and wooden articles. Stokes described the situation swimsuits as “bad” but at dawn aaid it T £M /T H Portable TV waa “controlled.” TThe trouble started along Lake- Ilfv ll Transistor Radio 18” Piclure Meas. NOnOE: Savitt Downtown Hartford — Closed Mondays during July and August. — Open nnm day till 9 view Avenue and spread to oth­ Diagonally er nearby residential and busi- nesa diatricta. 172 sq. in. rectangular picture At least 18 penons were hurt. Eleven poUcMnen were diot, A T errific Buy! two critically. ’Ihree otbera bad minnr injuries not caused by 88 SAVITT gunfire. Ohio AdJ. Geo. Sylveater T. Del Corao, summoned from Ak­ ron to command the guanls- S E L L S S O N Y men, sold “I see some evidence SOIW/SUPERSCOPE EASY CREDIT TERMS! of a plot” invcdving Mack na- 6.70 With P.OM.G. Shrvice'^Not Up Seiirks every swimsuit u ttonalists. 6 Transistor Radios • Handcrafted TV Chassis. NOTICE III)...... Wltnemee said the auipera ap­ • “Perma-Sel” VHP Tuning. peared to have an orgaolsed • Play it cool with this Our Lowest Price Ever! SONY TAPE RECORDING in stock now battle plan. Some used automat­ • 20,000 Volts of Picture miniature marvel. Power. ic caiMnes. On the body d <»e • Slips neatly in pocket or puis CLINIC dead sniper waa a bandolier of • 5 X 3 Front Mounted r e d u c e d ! Uiotgun abells, a gaa mask by • Peeprhole direct-drive tuning. 8.70 Speaker. A » W T r 50NY EXPERT WW. IE ON > HAND Us aide. • High-efficiency speaker. TO AWWER TOUR QUESTIONS ON RECORtf regularly to $40 The three dead policemen— • Battery and wrist strap. Six Transistor, I Diode. A I JUST CHARGE ALL INC Alto SONY TAPE RECORDERS. apparently the first vlctima in • Built-in ferrite rod antenna. the abootout—were Lt. Leroy Only 6.6 ozs. YOUR PURCHASES Jones, and Patrolmen Louis Go- With Batteries, Carrying Case. totrr ALL L lonka and Willard WoU. CREDIT Women’s, Misses’ Two civilian victima were CARPS sizes for Janies Chapman, a Negro, of Cleveland and CUfCord Id le r, of wa-cOM> Famous Brands HwinabiBg, Ohio, who was misses, juniors white. ItC il y g M ilH Portable TV niree uUdentified Negro men & young jrs. were at the morgue. Dress Shoes After the shooting began, po­ 16" Picture Measured Diagonally Uce cars rushed to the scene. As PortaUe more and more officers were 141 sq. in. rectangular picture pinned down by the wUning bul­ 5.90 to 14.90 lets lageot radio calls wetU out tor more asUstance. ' TV OPEN • 17,500 Volts of Picture rcEolBriF RIO to $24 Wounded policemen crawled Power. to cover. • Custom “Perma-Set” VHF “Get some more cars down 172 sq. in. A CALDOR Fine Tuning. here, we can’t get to the wound­ rectangular piclure • Automatic “Fringe-Lock” Hurry to D&L and save on tiheBe fabulouR ed,” were the measages on the SONY/SUPERSCOPE Circuit. f^tw ear buys! Stunning open or closed police radio. “Get aome Ugh CHARGE” • 3-Stagc fF Amplifier. pum ps, slIingB, strawpf, l& ts o r casu als fo r powered stuff. . £om e tear 8 Transistor Radios • "Audio Guard” Sound aD occasions. Choose fn»n fine leather, g aa.. .We need an armored \ System. patent or fabric uppers . . . mid 'to low heels. vehicle. . . We’re aitting ducks.” Our Lowest Price Ever! Imports included in the group. Shop early V 5^ PoUce, returning the fire at 129.70 mlpera holed up in an apart­ for best selectionB. ment said they beard riiouts, .See Caldor^s “We’U shoot anything wUte.” • Powerful 20.000-volt ctiassn. Easy Credit 11.70 Not *80 After aome fires were itorted, • Power Grid VHP. \ snipers began Uwottng at fire­ • Solid State UHF tuners. Arranged . Eight Transistor. EASY CREDIT TERMS Low Price! men and pUlce ordered the flre- • Black and White Picture. • With Batteries. I fighters out of the area, OR JUST “CHARGE IT”! Not *75 i A supermaricet burned down. • Carrying Case and Earphone. An apartment house was heavi­ f ly damaged by uncontroUed m m * Only flamea. Misses and< Women’s ’there were conflicting atories on Iww the ahootlng began. THONOS, CASUAUS One report aald anipers began Consolette sh«r«nng at a police vUilcVe on an d FLATS Lakeview Avenue, hitting the Portable *69” three officers. Another said the 1 ! pUlcemen had gone to the arm SPECIAL FEATURES: to remove an abandoned auto. Color TV A6 if latifry Opinitlin 3.90 to 8.90 The scene of the sboottogs U Sgnyfflitlo Auttmatlo RMorNing r five miles east of CSeveland's Color TV m in i regubriy $6 to $13 ffiuin nubile square In the center 295 sq. in., Tw t Sptidi (8% and I.Vi Ipi) of theU ty. It is east of the 14" Picture Measured Diagonally Trut Obpstan Drivi (niot eJa ^ le s in every size) Hough section where four rectangular picture 10,. si|. in. rectangular picture Negroes were IdUed in five days 1 AvUmatlo Ttp» LIfttr m ItomttBiwnivto Stop/$tart w...—Switoh ...... in MiorMhMt- - r ------. of rioting and looting two years SONY/SUPERSCOPE W aaihJh A ____ BlZ. ks WAItW ago in another hot July. See (laldor Low, Thi Sony'900-6 « pounth con bt your hbins The shooUiwe brUto out a few 8 Transistor Radios ® C ^ Low Price! or trivoling companion. Opomtlne Mrtibly on 4 niah- south of Saat 125th Street liobt boWiriM, it can Initonriy iwltdi to It^9 the biggest, splashingest price dive in town! D&L*s fabulous sale at every and fliq>erior Avenue, a center 488.70 Our Lowest Price Ever! rtfttPiirt wmiwWi no ipociaiipociol uuukiwi adoptori» m notoods—w— Compwtt wtw • swimsuit in stock. You save one-third on all nationally famous brands . . . a lt w ith of Mack nafionakat activity. ' 2 Yr. Warranty on Picture Dynamic ftompto Controllad Microphono, Porional Ear* labels and original price t ^ . One and two-piece styles, sheaths, boy let^ bOdnis, The nationallat leaders went Tube. ' phono ond Vir"* drapes, cottons, knits and other fabrics . . . many coloiB, sciids and prints . . ;. finng with other Negro leaders • RC’A Victor solid copper ’ Handcrafted TV Cliassis. WtleofMtl tanLDRElVS SHOES also matching beach shifts. Sizes 5 to 15, 8 to 18. in a concerted effort to keep the circuits. 12.70 ’ .3-Stifgc IF Solid State. Ph«iA peace in devdand last year, • New Vista luiiei. • S I runsislors. FOR YOUR PEAOB OF MIMO- sdim Stokes was running for of­ •Glarc-ptool K('A ’ Power Transformcri. (DAL Sporiowear and Young Jr. Sbopa—nil 4 otoraa) • Beaulilul ".S()eaker in llie ’ 21,500 Volts of Picture fice. , , Hi-Lite,tube. 8 The mayor worked clooely 25.000 volt chassis. Square OesiKii”. r Power. NO SALES FINAL 4.90 to 7.90 • ■4 Uucone speaker. • Only 4'’ X Vh X I l/K. with nationallat leaders to pre­ \ DAVIDiSON ft IM H IH A L vent an outbreak of violence aft­ •With Ualleiy. Carrying Case EASY CREDIT TERMS regularly $7 to $12 er Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and I'.arplione. ffas aasaaslnated last April. Alssorted styles of famous make shoes for Cleveland was one of the ,few P.O.M.O.—— — girls and boys . . . for dressmp or casual • MianelMster Paihade major cities in the nation that HALE I WED, thru HAT, w ear. esoiywd racial disturbances a^ MANCHESTER — 1145 TOLUND TURNPIKE & « Corbins Comer, W est HsrtfloEd Mon, thru Wed, 9:80 A.M. to OtSO P.M, AoylUM Iti Htrttord that time. Sioondi from Miln • Ilowntown New Brltsin The I outburst Tuesday Ught We reserve the right to limit quanlilic' EXIT 93, WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY Thurs. - Fri, 9i80 A.M. to 10 P.M. •POUR STORES OF FASHION* launched a chain of violence Sat. B A,M, to 9180 P.M. SAVITT 35 Downtown Hirtlord (DAL Sboee—oU 4 etoraa) ARHnfnl Plaoa MMMMMHnMMMMMMTiT - \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 PAG E M IN I M a n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d , M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n „ W e d n e s d a y , j u l y 24, loes _____:______A ______- with our efforts to set oU paopla Talks to Governors free, wa want to sat htin frsa.” McCarthy Sees War Plank lEoOarthy said tha admhila- tratlon hod faUed in tta pront- PENTLAND Needed to Curb Humphrey laea In eir^Uoyment, hmiolng, Johnson Says He’ll Hold education, and foreign a tta li*- Tha Ftoriit WASHmOTON (AP) — Sen. keep its promloes. And he, in partlcularty the Vietnam war . toe Bvorjr Eugene J. IfcOorthy said today turn, pledged to make no prom­ “The reality is that deqHte Oaolm lly LboaSad at ises Ilia oanrt ksap. M Btoota a t 64S-A4U - SM-OMT To Hife . Policy in Vietnam otdy a strong anttwor plank In the increasing commitment of “Our raoponoi^ty la not to American troops,” ICoOarthy ■RirAPfW nBaGsa /AT»\ . the Democratic party platform Open 8:S0-5:80 CDfOOITfA^Hp Ofda (AlP) — BOing to wotiiWntift tn mt* a.^ w ai. carry rtlora oaU, by way of rha- RBOAD STREET said, "daeptte the rising egqiend- Tfnm bya tU 8:CD P-X- PreaMant Jotawm has daoland s M to n S tS S -J could force Vloe President Etu- torio, Qian tha riiip of stats can ituTM whliid* bkve proved so w., -rfii wMwr fmm ■ v i« f countTy wlds Of evaryoas that I ’ve talked to Fartdn^JLoiaai The Steaat bert H. Huntpbray to abandon prooUoally carry," the lOnneso- orlppUng to our priorltlea at MANCHESTER... oiteanddIridaourelHzens.” (hot a reaolullon woiddn’t do * ▲...ta Democrat-- ■■ a A^kUO told 8 ---- aomaA d 10,000 A AAA 100 O m ! nzm P<^®y *?• Just and Outotde ilie (Snclnnatl oonven- uuy and- indeed one might the JobiHon admiMatratioa’s home, we teve not to any sense > cheering admirers Tuseday won the war In Vietnam!. The Vieteam poUoy. ngiiv* reality la that tha Saigon gov­ • AMPLE FREE PARKING! Gov. Spiro T. Agnew o f Mary­ But he added that Presldant "In the confusion of rhetoric, ernment could not survive with­ The nottOR’a govwiMM who “ .Tland, ? > . *a RepohUcan,R^JPublican, said no Johttson’s recent stortd on tha we no longer know what we out our siq>port.” heard thatthat pladga had no plans measure haa weu; will make ft dlffloUlt to have aooompUshed or what we ohantod tntennit- come before bis exacuUve com­ woik out a oMnpromlse ac­ BJartler, McCarthy Issued an • OPEN DAILY 10 to 10! to attempt to match K with one ^ can accompUsb,” the presiden­ attack on the Joint communique of thdr own. The OOttt National ^ mittee, wMch screens confar- ceptable “ to Mm and to aupparb tial contender said. “ We may BITUMINOUS anca resotaittons. of President Jrtinson and South i Gtovomon Oonfaienoe Md tta ^ Tower at my ere of Humphrey.” ftod oursrivee shocked and of- Vietnam’s President Thleu, rel- : Interviewed on the frao "To­ Tin fim l aoodon today, and the * *“ !« * » * ,to do my Jobnoon got a sUver plaque fwtded by the totnislon of reeU- teratlng their comtoltment to to tiM day” show the mrsMSota Demo­ ggenda did not touch on VIei- * a ea lt, regudtoai o f -----from the— governors, dlacribed ty, arid by the exlatenee of dis­ the war. DRIVEWAYS SILF-SERVICE DEFT STORE • cSSSfcJS?- O i « ^ Card! crat seemed to reverse en ear­ ed la nam. preanuea and stralna that with words of “ appredatlon for content. We b ^ to to feel that The communique, McCarthy Psildag Areas a Oas Statfoos a ner aaseesntent that his rival New Beeldng Far Oeeeeaal W e * AH Oiia Damoorat e t e jesMod to any poUttool hia long and devoted pubKc more rhetoric and more prom­ said, ’ ’retoforces the view that sasoiu the Jobnoon stand aald any at- Jobnoon said. aarvloa’.’ and Ms laadersMp to for tha Denoocratle presidential ises are a ktod of act by ttem- An W o* Parsanany Nupervlaad We A n 180% 1 nominarion appears to be nsov- the admtolatratlon la as yet un- The tanyit to put tbs' Oonfarenoa on He said fas and Preoldent oriaMIsfalng tlaa between Waah- setves, no sooner said than wUling to do what Is nacsssary reoord fh support of VJi. poUoy >lBuym Van Thfeu of South togton and the states, Ing toward ICeOarihy’a antiwar done.” sreok position. to and tha war by a poUUeal set­ cn the eear and napotlatlona yiotnam agreed ttiat a oease Bm urged the govemois to He charged that “ the gap be­ DaMAK) BROTHERS ‘Tt seems more difflcult earti tlement . . . R seems to leave us Erenl in ^^^pipt^SninsnfiimVl Ssmm Stofi i would stir iMaaenalon wWoh dre, with affaottve oontrols and work at the state level to deal tween reality and protttlse to the I N PA B K right where we were before the could do n ora harm than good, guarantoas, could be part of a with problems of Jobs, sluma, day,” MCOarthy said. ” The only 8INOB IIW Miss Cazalet holds model of tutixvprop she’ll pilot way be could poesibly move Drifted Btotea haa grown ao negottaUona, as far as anything UB P Jobnoon spent an hour Tuaa- war setUamstaL Tfiey agreed aducatlon, health and the Uke— great that ft nearly discredits Piu away from admtolatratlan substarrttve is concerned.” Fob day iSgbt at tha conference *!*«, Johnson said, "that an saying that the federal govem- the prooees of government it- He told Ms Columbia audl- MattM cy would be If the conveiiuon eato. wbtob has bash maiksd by flia botansbla and aeoure peace wQ ment has to the post taken re- committee voted a strong plank srif.” ettce; ” I don’t Intend to make This Pilot Admits prilUoal manauvortaig * by and assure (be right of (he South sponslbUlty by default, because MoOarthy*s appearance at the on Vietnam which was contrary promlsea I oan’t keep to the ATTENTION PABENTBI ____ ■noN for eandMofea to succeed hfan yatnssnese people to decide no one else would so t to the admlMstratlon, If he ac­ Marriweather Peat paviHon in American people. I do tsA in­ whan ba vstlrss from the White t h ^ own affsirs wttiiout extor- in u s t context, he mentioned cepted tMe position.” OdumbU, Md., midway be­ tend to make the problems sim­ SUMMER READING CLASSES Heights Scare Her HoMM osSt Jan. 90. nal Intuferinoe.. . the problem of crime. “ The fed- The key point of the party’s tween Baltimore and Washing­ pler or the aiwwers neater than Bafora a bUudc-tle crowd of “That Is the poritton of the ersl government does not seek Vietnam plordt, ICcCarthy oald, ton, triggered a flve-mtoute ova­ I beliave-them to ba. R is tlma By DAVID LANOASHDUE of real cristo without paiAric- ourra than 8,000 paroons at the U-S. government,” Jobnoon the rsaponatbillty of policing our will irtvolve the question of "a tion that Inspired Mm to one of to have done with tha language Ing.” govemora* ball, Jobnoon da- .S > said. " It la fair, it la Just, it Is atreeto—and I hope and pray it new government to South Viet­ the warmest speeches of Mb of promises, to have done with JULY 29tli LTICPNE, Enchotd (A P ) — kftos Cazalet recounts that the dared: leasonabla end (t Is firm. We wUl never aocept ft,” he said. nam and our accepting, or long campaign tor the Demo­ the language of exoeos and ax- CMBUn CMJlet to a !«■ teonette only rime riie was ever flustered “ Our rmMon wonts paaoe, o(sr hope and pray for ihe best and “ But (f the Ameroan people trying to eatabltah such a gov- cratic presidential nomination. aggsration.” a t e to so terrifled of iMdgtate ahe on the job because of her sex govenmasnt orants peace, our are prepared for whatever look to Washington in a matter ennrent even though ft might Autos were becked im for miles Small, affedtive rtaasea in reading and atudy akffla Rrdtvldual- Ised Mcgissua 'aooordtarg (o pre-tisit dtagwwia FipgnnB may won’t d te b a todder. Bat 18 was v(ten a crowded hotel, m«n to Vietnam wont peace and oomeo.” ' so cleariy defined as this. It require us . . . glvtog the from Waridngton and Baltlttaore tIniM a waek abe atn(ia faeradl booked the plane’a two pUots yotsr Prsridsift wsnts paooe. mchstd J Hughes of “ “ y *>«toay a weakness in our as admirers attempted to rearii toctuda such oreoa as word oObodc ririUs (phosdoa), exanpn- present South Vietnamese gov­ Horse Needed in Park r teoifon, vocabulary devetopment opead reamng, how (o *u d y into a oo-fteVa aeat and fltaa a into one bedroopa. ; Tat some among ua seem to feel ^ew Jetwey, who ted tolked»of partnersMp.” ernment a dioice of takliig It or the rally. “\Wien I jotn^ the airiine the YIEJUjOWSTONB p a r k , eCeritlvKly, critfoai and inferonMal reading, (eSt falriiig «ad*- tutepnop {dane to Parto and to** totog a possible omference resohiUon Johnson asked tar riie gover- pretty much carrying on the He chided Ms rival. Vice rdquas pwoepUen, uunoentraiton, ooMegs board tewt (sal pnpora- bade adm 48 paaaengen. other pilots ware a bit auapi- Hnadreds of fiosh 0 shMn$ h^he Femilf flos ti ***®* to Vietnam. They seem to supporting ftie current Vietnam nors’ help in getting congreS' war on their own.” President Hubert H. Humphrey, Wyo. — Originally, if you wont­ (ton ood general Improvement at ivniling efSctaDcy. “ Itie first time I went up in a ciouB of a wirnian but they are ignore the prsaanoe and mocon- p,a«e talks In Paris, called atonal action on legiriatlan to That, he said, “ w ill be the for a statement that he dUtoft ed to see the wonders of the i Aldorafng dBOMB—(Monday through Thursday. plane I was peMOed—I ttiouglit ueed to ft now. The passengers o*to*>D*ly X ***• anamy,” JohniHn’s apeerii magnifloent. “ protect our people from guns critical point on which the flgh* know what McCarthy’s peace first nstlonal po*—Yellow- A Alr<)oodMionad Caaomoonw A Oartlfled Teoclieni o f Raadtog: never comidain and Tva given rd 8aH out,” says Ifiaa Cazalet, Johnaon oidd h a liad promised But Ht«hea said he was not ta .cilmteal bands.” will be waged. I f the adminle- poHoy lUi atom, estshUahed tor 1872—you A T M la g Pxogiaiisi fo r Dtagnoato and FlooeitMUL up kxiUng to see If people are needed a taonse. When Preeideat an IiMi-boni 82-yearold a te to Household Heed i %€e\ b a M ^ r o i^ raatrsM in a ^ going to seek any conference ac- A resohftion now before ft tratlon and the President etante “ What I ’m trying to ftod out,” startled,” rite says. Cheater A. Arthur saw the park Acodenk Reading Improvement Oenter, ina. one of liiree aromen airline pl- ^3. nounoiftg ba would not run again issue. He said to would - recommend state action where he rxrw seems to be be said, ” la what the adnilniB- toto tai Britain. Before Skyways offered her a standing, ft w ill be very difficult traftort’a war policy la We’ll to 1668 ha used a p a M d r^ . L Ctertsr S t, BioBolnster I esu nooi Job, she worked in the hangars toa Whlta House, and has ^ would have to be to sUtfen gun control laws, but Gen. Philip Sheridan was one o f “ I didn’t iiave any partioular k*Pt that prorSlsa. supported unantmouriy or over- would not advocate specUic to work out a compromise.” teve to check: (Humpluay) Neat to Oavey’s Beatsnrasit | Fred Bagrove, 643-9M7 as a mechanic for three years to may ha-ve been under bouse ar- Ms oampmotes. They covered nUBB PABKINO Dtaeotor amMtian to fly but afaen I area UmtES’ SHIRTSHIFTS ”We are wiHtog to go m far ^,in,toitly, and that Is not pos- Uws, leaving that to the Individ, McCarthy contended earlier pay for her commercial pOot’s the administratloa has failed to reet the lost six rnonlha Along 860 nftlea tat 94 daya ao my faifaer got ttoed of seeing Hoense, flew passengers on Joy as honor and saCsty penult ue to ^ ual otstes. LADIES' K H ER SLACKS go,” t e oald. “ but we ore not me Uddng araond doing noth­ itdes and then worked for a AND CULOTTE DRESSES SUMMER SKIRTS going to tanpose a ooaHtlon gov------— ing. He toM me he anxfld give charter oonysmy. ensnant-or any kind of gqvem- me some money if I either took As for boy friends or getting nrent-on the people of South a trip to Canada or took flytag married, she osya; “They all In­ leaaona," rim explaina. cited 1 would have to) g^ve tg> ^fiatnom. .“ I toaeed a coin end ataxted flying—so I gave them vp. I am “ Nor arc w e going to let ihe flying leaaona.” happy as I am, and there to *3____ »4 totalttartaiai tanpoee a Oammu- After 12 yean in (he burineas, * 3 ^ * 4 iSat government at theta- direc­ ptaifty of social Ufe.” abe to atU frightened of beighto The three female pttots are tion aittur,” the President said. "but in a plane you don’t feel Mends—"W e’ve krxrwn each Permaifenit Press Avril® rayon cotttms That drew o » of only two that way beoause there to noth­ other so loqg we don’t bother or cotton oxfords in attractive prints, the latest rounds of apphmae which came ing oonnectlng you with the about rtvaliy” —end aB of them ^ d s . Swes &-18. stripes and tatteraalls. Sizes 8 to 16. during bis nddroas. ground.” belong to "99 Iric.,’ a club “ Tha daye we’re gotog Daring 2,600 bc|um of flying, formed by pianeer Amelia Etor- wwvmgh and the days ahead are green-eyed (^ la n has weath­ hart who wrote to aH known wo­ gota« to be dMftouU ones,” ered many a wtoecrack about men fMem to the work! Johnson said. “ But we are de- being a tody to a man’s Jbb, but termliiad to pr am the aear csi for oidy one paaiengrr bae| ever re­ peace even as we resist aggres- fused to go up wtib her beeanae Attorney Praises PdUce LcNiies' Fcmqf Blouses riieto a wxnaan. SWrtoK*t Drai»» “He waa a Imdon taxi driver HABTFCHU) (AP) — Praise ****■ "WAICA sns and he had aeen enough of wo­ has been doled out the Bridge­ Crash of men on the road,” abe tougha port police department by Asst. “ But he got in eventually.” UB. Atty. Paul 8. Sheibooow IOjb Cazalet fUes lor Sky­ fog tto recent handing of a nar­ Tra in -B u s ways, a BriUeli airline that cotics case. ^ ^ In a one-day trial before U.8. $2 wortes between tUa rural alr- $ BeU and Burope. During the re­ District Judge T. Bmmet 2.44 cent tmnaport strikes to France CSerie, defMatont Alftsd Berry, Tremendous savings on warm weather K ills Nine Skyways waa the offly Brtttah 46, Bridgeport, was oonvictod of taileclflc areas In and PANT DRESSES PLAVWAR Oawto, 65 OUver St., July coping with dally crises at home which (he three coUeges — Wa- St. Bridget Church. with children totnore dangerous teihury braztefa of the Unlvenlty Bulldliig Permits than nrost Jobs, retorts; ‘ T m of Oonnecttcut, Waterhury State n ffftav Ik Kurtz, tool idied at convinced that the average wom­ 'Technical College and Mattiuck 887 Keeney St., $260. an to better equipped than Community College—can coop­ for iBver Beady Destruction Co. most men to deal ^ th moments erate. for Arthur and Emil Seelert, Pastels and stripes. Seersuckers ahd demoUah itotecco bbed at 226 baby cords. Sizes 9-24 moritha, l-3x. Stripes, soUds, fancies. -Short sleeves, Bright assortment for fun In sun. Spencer St., $160. sni^ or button shoulder. Sizes 9-18 Sw im ai^, sunzuiU, l and 2-pleoe Reoraatlonat Pitoducta for ^ months, 1 to 4 years. Attractive summer colors. Sizes 12-24 mos., 2 to 4 yrs. play sets^ for little boys and glru! TtenbUng, swimming pool at 78 High St., $800. \ David J. Sombrlc, additions to dwelling ait 77 Elizabeth Dr., $176, Alan J. Ftahe for Robert iMc- * Knight, addlttona to 4-Poeket, Ivy Style at 370 Ferguson Hd„ $2,000. Shortolema C o H « carl O. HWetog tor Roland ^ Hoys’sum sen BOYS’ WALK SHORTS Mem' Sweat Shirt* Smith, afterattons to dwelling THE SEASON at 81 Essex S t, $2,000. Joseph HMle, tool died at 66 IS ONI Essex St„ $90. W.D. WWtoey, additions to Regardless of which Checking Account you choose, we offer: WE HAVE THE IIST DEAL IN ' dw ell^ at 166 Avery St., $1.- Put an end to sleepless nights wondering whether you paid THE COUNTRY... MMEi US NtOVl ITI 88 600. a certain bill... wondering where you’ll find the time to personalized checks, imprinted with your name and address in a wide variety of checkbook styles and colors at ..\11»!///, pay other bills... wondering whether you sayed a receipt ^efente Spending Choic* King-SiMd 100% washable cotton in Uue, black, to prove you paid an old bill... wondering how to verify a modest cost, or olive or tan. Sizes 6 to 16. W M to b to , aAiur LAMB orry—A uni­ expenses for taxes, insurance claims or reimbursable items. ■ standard checks in a choice of convenient checkbooks ayeorted ooiorB, Sizes S-M-L. versity o f Utah atudy found that wages and aalarlee These are just some of the reasons why Hartford National without charge, and atod toy defense spending to the offers two kinds of checking accounts to satisfy your personal l A K i m W ) 18 Western ataies, especially to joint or individual accounts that can be opened in AND OoUtomia, have exceeded ou needs and add to your convenience. minutes at any office of Hartford National. PHIE COTTON COBSNROYS 100% Cafton rtato ^ local pitolto weUhre expenditures nationally F or people who only need a few checks each month—H a rtfo rd And remember, a checking ac(»unt at Hartford National is COM OUT TODAY OS JJ^CoHon oome to olmeet a« much m 36” Printed Flonnels National has a Special Checking Account: I the key to more than a hundred other valuable banking INiTANT COUNT. OUT TUMS NM ^ 36” Hi-Low U.S. foreign aid to BJurope ana UKnrUCaMMniKS 'Ml OMUIt ilWfkinAOTKHawtaraa. 36” Seven wale Prtah the East atooe 1946. Corduroy You only pay lOcf for each check you actually use. services. EANIf Pkiwafe Corduroy corduroy IT'S A GIFT -to o O King’s \ The low monthly charge for this service is only 25(f. HURRY HIMWY m Low OmCACIO (AP) -Taxpayers, D O N T IE n iM in this election year, *o«W J**® F or people who m ite a dozen or more checks a month— yard h a r t f o r d ^ C ^ a t i o n a l LEFT OUT pote that political contrilwtow 88' 99' *1 yard are not deduoUble on federal in­ Hartford National has a Regular Checking Account. ya(0 come tax ratums. WHtHE MONEY OOES TO WOKK EON PEOPLE yard Soft and warm, fully wajihaWe, 86/45” They are not deductible «th er If you maintain a minimum balance of $400, you are Estabtished 1792 Member F.D.I.C, wide cotton flannel in juvenile, floral as business expenses or as entitled to unlimited service entirely free of charge. EMERALD LAKE SHORES and novelty prints. trtbutions, C o m m e r c e C le ^ S House reports. Such c ^ » ^ ■sal HatSBOHO 1 H . OARTMOUTh Lirt SUHiPff RtCIOli HARTFORD • EAST HARTFORD • WEST HARTFORD • ELMWOOD • WINDSOR • WETHERS(IEIDISEIELC • MANCHESTER • FARMINGTON • TORRINGTON • PUTNAM • NORTH GROSVENORDALE > NORWICH tlonaclasaftyaagl^i^^ OLD SAYBROOR • STONINGTON . ESSEX . GROTON • WATERFORD ■ LEOYARO • MIDDLETOWN income tax law and are s u b j e c t CENTRAL VILLAGE • MONTVILLE • COLCHESTER • NEW LONDON • MYSTIC • NIAN to the federal gftt tox. I *->► kV ' ~r U • «. - . - •*;•

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BiANCHESTBR, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 PAGE ELEVEN TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 cd the state’s first tnotoUy inte­ behind O’Brim’s and fight to doss the country loss, hut an old Copies Available Rpagan Sees grated convention delegation Inside end what the Kappel commis­ rule of government to proved of the differences detected does lie in Open'Forani*. and predloted all 60 membera sion calls the "ertoto’’ in the again: AboltoMng encrusted Md- Of Town Report IRattri^eBtrr the speed or thoroughneas with wWoh Delegate Shift would support Humpimy. postal servlcs cams at a recent Uns bureaucracies to far tough­ New Low Summer the dnv involved to abaofbed into the . —Wallace aides said in Mas- Report breakfast meeting on postal a t­ er than building new ones. Anyone for a 1966-67 annual ’People After AR’ s aaohusetts they are tUing some ta in with key Houas msmbsn. patient’s blood riream. PLEASED POKER Mtonchsotor town rep ort? The Enpnhv^ Ifpraill AU tbto la being made subject to con­ To the Editor, f » « ^ Iicf His F av o r 70,000 signatures more than (Conttamed from Page 16) Begged by one Congressman not town has hundreds of them left i I' congratulate Director WU- needed to put (he former Ala- PIATBR 8 Fill Up Price on... FtnUBHBD BT TOE tinuing investigation and analyato, but postal rats bargaining sesslcns to turn hto back on the commto- over, even after a door-to-door HBRiU^D PROmNa OO.. INC Itam FtUOerald for not "loslijg,, (MntlnnOd from Page One) bema governor on that state’s slan’s propoesl, Watson said E>OftT B U Z A B O m i, South U BUllll StTMt one Sdng to already clear. dtotrlbuticn by the <3iVlI Air Manchester, Cotm. his cool" over the cantankerous pratidsMiia nothing a t aQ. Africa (lAP)—One player bald Patfol. U you are one of th o rn people who ospyM with a speech by P i^ homa, the State Supreme CoiMt The unions don’t wtuit to trade a royal fhisb In hearts and ah- . THOICAI F. FBROUSON and Ill-advised (and unsigned) ** • As for the Whits House, Any town resident may get one Tt WAL.TBR S . FBROUSON have a blind, unreasonable opinion that deni'Johnson . In which he re­ towed an order ganting Wal- tMs proven political power for a FUEL OIL 14 9/10 PUbUilMrs letter from "A ManohosUf "• prsUmtnary work vras dons to <*B»cr s ^wlgltt fluiti Inttte (or two, or 10, or 100) in the Founded October 1, 1881 one kind of a certain Mnd c f plU to Teacher.” Such outburats o t ' ^ ' viewed world and national proh- lace and hto tidrd party candi­ new system—simple, old-fash­ ' same ladt In a gams of poker STRICTLY C.OJ). ioned bargaining between the prod legltiation Into, issuing the town manager’s office in the better for you than any other, don’t let emotion do nothing to eMahItoh ^ lemC dates a place on that ballot usual commendatory statements hece. PMUMted Bsary Brentns KtoapL Sondo}'* Among the convention hlgh- unions and the proposed gov­ Solly Nathan held aoe, king, Municipal Building. aM BoUdajrs. Bntered at dw Post OOIce at anybody talk you out of that feeling fruitful dialogue. , backing pet LBJ projects. As Mtaciuster, Oonn., as Second CSass Mail Ughtf: ernment-owned corporation that queen, jack and teiv—the royal The reports, 10,000 of them, Minimum Mhmry 200 Gdlons aiTymore. U you feel that way about M. I was Interested In the Dlroo- ■» ‘DEAD’ HF.ADUOIIT GLOWS one (kmgressman told us: Xattsr. —Qov. Tim Babcock ot Mon- would run the postal servlcs. flush and higtasat hand in Uie w ara printed by the Technical ttMt in MaeU makea it a belter pBl tor tor’s suggooU«Mi that judgw', ’ ^ "When th6y didn’t call me to F ia UF NOW! SUaSCRIPTION RATES taniC, Nixon’s western regional BOYERTOWN,^ ..^ 7 J Pa. “• ~— Some The The factlhfact that arthe'lb^ the Kappel l' recom-recom- »««•• W. Lontin h(dd the eight, P ress of Wapplng a t a $3,921 PaFaUe in Adranee you to take, and besides you may be lawyers, and policemen chaiilfian, said Nixon “has the new hejMllghto have a safety fil- mendations carefuUy ^eguaid “ y seven, six. five and four of cost. One Tear ...... M0.00 classrooms to discuss fho p n V - ^^ aiz Momths ...... 15.80 right. ftre i^ In the key slates from ^ ent that provides a wamlng the unions’ health, waUai? and * £l!!I**,***? "” ***' hearts—tivehearts—tiw atratoittstraight fliuhflush Endand COOPERATIVE OIL COUPANY Three Months ...... 7.80 lems of the law. According ooaat to co ast” to vrin in No- Mam to onoominf driven after peiulon benefits la not enouah to "v”**. .. __ . , .. ^ ™ „ second highest poker hand. The SboeUU Stork, a lafge, One Month ...... 8.80 Time Magaslno for 19 Julyi the ewsjstas __ a •____ s...... UsiimMra Sil^^tel flra ■KOMI ST. . TaSfHOHi M3-15S3 r. v e n j^ - the main filament has burned bring them around. ^cre ^ s ^ In the WMte drew one oerd to com- strange-looklng African hbd, 315 MEMBER OF Three Myths Of UA Democracy Los Angelos Police DopartmMSjf" House. They don’t care.’’ pist* hie fh*h and Lentln two THE ASSOCIATED PRESS —^ rssolutfon suggested by oM. The secondary glow to visl- The first inkling that Watson was first seen and described by The Associated Press is exolnslTely enUUed In slightly more than twenty years' Is trying this same idea! " F ^ Rhoaper and also the local news pub- Asia: Ihe Pacific war, the Korean war, llceman Bill,’ are asslgnod to the; a b(r November vote for thlrd- and the Vietnam war. Even from the city schools’ first, second and AU iMrta ot TopMioottoo ot special dif- American viewpoint, the dlffercncee par^KMndidate George Wal­ is herein are also reaerred. thtid grades, where they teli;,_^; lace^ got a ooM reception from among these three wars are Important children about the policeman’s . . ieve\;al govom on, including 936 (MAIN ST. IN DOWNTO'WN MANfJHESTBR - TEL. 648-6171 - OPEN 9 A ^ th e Herald Inc.. aS- In the first, the Pacific war, the United PM, - CRiOSBlD MONDAYS - OPEN THURS. AND F R l UNTIL 9 no lor typo. Job. It all sounds a llttie cloying..,,,,' Rockefeller. SWjSihioal errors appeariiic in advertisements States was victorious and was fighting Even so, before one ’PoUcemim,., 17 OAK ST., MAN(3HESTBR - TEL 643-5171 - 241 ASYLUM g^., HAKpOgD - and other reading matter in. _The —Manchester . . for a just cause; the outcome was, there­ Oiafee wanted the govemora 522-7301 - WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SER'VICE - 142 EAST CENTER ST. - ThlU. 649-7196 EreniiiK Herald. - Bill’s’ visit, a survey showed, to ^pdorse an agreem ent be- fore, a happy marriage, of juritce and ghetto i^dren portrayed copl(( .„“ ■sbaorHier to Los Angeles Times^ashing- ylcfltory... twe^ the major parties to guar­ ton Post News Serrloe. as monsters with whips sod.,^,^^ >hll aerrtee client oC N. E. A. Service, Inc. The United States believed the Korean antee the presidency to the can- PahHshers Representatives — The Julius war to be just The fact that It was be­ flashing sHver badges. After he dktoi^ getting the Mggest popu­ Mathssri Bpecdai Agency — New Torfc, Cbl- left, they scrawled ktndly father',^' eago.o, Detroit and Boston. ing fought under the royal standard of lar vote if there ahould be no the United Nations Forces (due to file Cigures.” majority winner in the electoral AUDIT BUREAU OF CIBOULA- At the (im m u nity College, p0r.,„»-, T m e . Soviet Unlcfirs absence at a Security coll^. Such an agreement to Council meeting) buoyed up its Image licemen and young people have ^ being pushed by a b^mrttoan Fantastic savings from DtMilay advertlsbig closing hours an excellent chance to get fo r Monday — l p.m. Snday as a "war of justice.’’ Strictly speaking, groOp o t congressmen. For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Satu iju . this war began and ended at the SSUi know each other. On# of t;v. For Wednesday — i p.m. Monday Altiiough several governors For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday parallel and thus awarded no miOtary most promising curricida to Law agr^ that the aoutbera’i '■t4. For Friday — : p.m. Wednesday victory. It could be said (hat the United Enforcement. While pursuihd,J.,.‘ For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday. streltoth to growing, most ClaMltled deadline — 5 p.m. day belorr States here experienced for the fink time this degree, the poUcenjen played down fears that Waltoce publication. S p.m. Friday for Saturday a defeat in a “war at justice.’’ It was tend Masses such as BnglUb,...... and Monday publication. wouUI gain enough vbtee to departments at Watkins at this point that the hostility against social science, psyMiology, anjJ,,,^^ tbr^ tile electlan into the Wednesday, Ju ly 24 China was bom which has persisted ever sociology, mlngUng wlth.roeent HouUs of Representatives. since . . . high school graduates. The Vietnam war ctoariy differs from Waltoce Mmself, campaigning Sudi mIngUng produces some in fowa. said he didn’t think these two previous wan. Even from the quite positive etfects. In my.^ Are We Really Against Sin? American perspective It to an unjuri war Mich' an agreem ent would be Ei«1i«h composition opurae last constitutional. He called It Hie other day. In a focmidahie example which cannot be won. The existence of a great many people who do not believe fall wore several poUcemen. • f o o ^ ’’ o t modem JoumaUam atUl wUHng to dig in the justice of an American war to a the semester progressed, the —iQov. Johh B . Omnally of for facta and then print them, the Wall new manifestation of frustiatfon tn post­ vounger students began to see ,,....', Texas stopped short of saying Bbwet Jaamal preeented the story oC a war America. The scale of the pteaent- that these “cops” were poopla ,.»/ MaAeudnusetits Sen. EdwaM M audden flood of <4»tributico8 to the De- day antiwar peace movement, combined after aH. Each group came to Kennedy lacked the qualifica­ mooraiic party from the Seafaren Union, with the energy of the previous cl'vU know the other a little better.-.*' tions’ to he a vice preoidenUal made (n the. aftermath of a refusal by rights movement, has no precedent in And the poHcemen—highly mo:,„u. running m ^ for Humphrey, Seeretuy «f State Dean Rusk to grant American history. There are many points tivated and mature students— but Indicated be favored a more the reqn e t of Hie Canadtan government of difference between these two move­ made' an Impressive academic conservative candidate. ' 3 9 “ record in my courae. I say, send t g^beral governors earlier in lor the eortradMon of a Canadian oftl- ments, but in their common protest against the "dental of human dignity,’’ us more poUcemen. (he conference suggested Ken­ d a l o f the unkm, who bad jumped bond their aims meet Moreover, these two Yea, Director FItsGerald, I .. >„ ned# would add great strength WatkhiB is offeriiigr gigantic savings in .'aad fled to this country. movements both questioned the basic too hone that our Mayor oaUs a to aflumphrey ticket. Hie nesrapaper honored the contentkm afl departments during their SEMI-AN­ principles a t an American democracy mibUc meeting to discuss ths,. Humphrey, meanwhile, Indi­ NUAL FURNITURE SALE. Savings like 'o f Secretary Ruak ttiat he had known wMoh abroad dtoie^iects human digntty problem of respect for law and'*- cated that he was reoervlng (or notliiiig of any impending oantrtbuUanB in Vietnam and at home refuses to recog­ order. I would suggest th at you .,i|i himself the right to ‘pick a run­ this Solid Cherry Dining Room Set that to the party when he made faia dedakm, nise the human dtgoity of the black man. Mntact Professor Thomas P. , ning'mate, although he wasn’t is also avaOaUe in Solid Maple. This set and iite newepaper aiao honored the con- First they questioned the universal Connors, our Co-ordinator of* m>i locking the door to an assitt The famous IHtch- includes an oval table 'Hurt measures tmtlon of Secretary of tabor Wilts that, propriety of American democracy. Since Law Enforcement Curriculum, from the convention. cock Chairs are one 42 X 60-lnches and extends to a full 80- aMhough he bad urged Ruak to make It was neither being appUed interna- for more ideas on the subject.'-' “I 'would ■want very much to of th e many a r tiG le s inches. The "top is covered with a -thin layer tfonally in Ifietnam, nor nationally to the. deckMon Rude made, he was aur- Tt Is a subject which, in one way • ■/ Ml have, something to say about on sale at Watkins. of <4ear jdastic 'that shows off -the beauty Negroes at home, they watched thfo myth or another, concerns many of us thafmyaeU," Humimrey told a piiPBd and worried about the revriation Made r i g h t here in of th e wood as well as protects the wood of universal democracy collapse. Then at the (follegc. */■•<* New York news conference of the poHtteal donattona wUdi followed. the propriety o t American democracy Riverton, Conn., ‘the finish, $127.50. Duxbury Ann Chairs, Very truly yours, which was hto first, formal ses­ $89.95. Duxijury Side Chairs, $29.95. The The donaflnna, the WaH Street Journal came into question for white citizens as R. E. Rlohardaon Jr. '•» sion with the press since he an­ black Hitchcock news story aald, totaled 2100,000, dhdded well, for when they discovered its hypo­ Chairman, Dep(utment of nounced hto candidacy. Chairs are hand­ server shown comes ■with 8 drawers and tg> into neat padteto of |S,000 each for crisy and tried to test It, they ran up ‘English Humphrey didn’t Indicate hla somely hand-c(ten- extends to 52 inches, $189.50. 5Wnch a t a whole series of campaign committees, against the mammoth bureaucracy Manchester Community ' tea preference for a ninnlg mate, ciled, and have a Buffet has 4 drawers and two ctdNn^, American society, after addeh they back­ many of them ^iparently not yet in College. ' but showed some iritatiott whm cherry seiat. $169.50. Matching open Hutch top ■with ed down with a sense of futiUty and asked repeatedly about whether frustration. 2 drs, $189.50. Additional Hutch avaU- The aswumpUon has to be that although Natare Study By Sytvisn Oftora he will talk to Kennedy about fd)le wife ghuBS doors, $162.50. Also av^ - Ttoto situation led to the destruction of Herald the poeslbtUty of accepting sec­ Secretarisa Rink and ^^rtz, being dis- the second great myth of “free TUBERCLED REIN-ORCHID able are LaMerback Aim, $48.60, and Side ttngiSahed gentlemen of OahliKt level, ond place. eleoUcns.’’ In the yean immediately fol­ Yesterdays The nevm conference preced­ Chidrs, $86.60. did not know about (he intssitton of the lowing Worid W a r H , the presence of ed a f600-a-plate dinner at Seafaren UiSon to be generous if its “free electienn’’ had become the moet wMch Humphrey declared, o t 2 5 Years .95 man were left free, aombbody did know imporiant indioator democracy's su­ whil^ hundreds of antiw ar dem­ periority over communism; people came A Thoivht for Today Choi'(3e of about it and eomebody wea airanging The ManchsMer Improvement onstrators milled In the ttreeta 2 9 to understand "free elections" to be Sponsored by the Mandiester for it to happen. I n s i d e By Rowland Evans Jr. Association and the Manchester outefde. that the next president synonymous with dennicracy. The Unit­ Council o t Churches A number of questfona now auggeat Fire Department beghi plans for will have to re-exam ine Amer- Tables ed States proposed “free eleotions” as a full-day cslehraffon on Labor , The bedroom set to the left is available in tbemarivea. the only way to settle any db^iute: "re- Robert D. Novak ‘This “everiasting, undying, ca’a^naUonal prloriUea. Has the Wall Street Jom al been a Dav, with a band concert, sports Htimphrey headquarters in many pieces not shewn, aH in hand­ tions," “free eleettons for all Korea R e p o r t untiring Spirit’’ that refuses fo events, a bosket hmcb (mill other naughty, prying reprebenaSSe newspa­ under United Nations supervialoa,’’ etc. let men go e'ven when they Washington released a letter the some Early American Solid Maple. This set 2 9 - 9 5 entertainment scheduled. vice president wrote July 18 to per because it has tmearthed and print­ These slogans were broadcast interna­ forget Mm; clings to them a standard size Spindle Bed, $64.50, WASHINGTON — Former a hard push toward Congres­ push from Watson. the Democratic Platform Oom- ed tacts diapleaelng to the party fat power tionally, while in the more important na­ through aU their Uindness, with a 50-inch Double Dresser, $127, a Mirror, Postmaster General Lawrence sional approval next year. Nearly a» damaging as Wat­ 10 Years Ago mktee, suggesting seven theniM and perhaps damaging to certain politi­ tional eleoUona in the United States a Instead, his failure to endorse a compassion that is never soft, $86.50 and a 42-inch Chest, $89.50. The entire Prerident was elected In 1964 by “free O’Brien’s daring proposal to re­ son’s and- the President’s re­ but always quite ready to tear Leo Biancbette of Fetndals be considered in shaping the 4 piece set is only $299. The Night Table cal careen? It probably triggered President , luctance to endorse the com­ 1968.platform. eleettons” who (hen imoceeded to move the U.S. Post Office De­ JMuuon’s own failure to sup­ up and expose and root out the Dr. resIgnB post as tevtm oorut is separate at $87.95. This set is truly a bar­ Is ihia bwtance of connectian between go counter to all bis pre-election pledgee mission’s work is the refusal to The themes summed up what partment from poUtica has been port the de-politicaltoation of evil with a Mgh hand, taking officer. been saying In gain, especially for new families ■with low an administrative deciaton on the part and escalate (he war in Vietnam step approve the report by one mem­ the scars of It on hiniself: a prematurely crippled by govern­ Post Office affairs—the second The Town Highway Depart- appearances and po- |)u SEM I- that even though a President was elect­ deuplte Its solid endor.'^ement will have Its own viray if any­ saves the loom cut awi^ to re- ’ fotgotten and forgiven because theiaame the scheme. <310. Peaqe, at home and abroad; a a n n u a l s a l e ed by “free elections,’’ qnce he was In last week from one of the most The President's attitude is body will lot tt! — the cross is polr lawns on Vernon S t recent­ . thing baa been done before and rim be power he had almost absolute authority. During the commission’s ses­ not a symbol oj that: The cross “Marahall plan” for the cities; prestigious commissions ever like a parent disowning a child. ly damaged by sidewalk instal­ programs to insure full employ- done again? “FTee elections” were impotent in the sions, Meany was conspicuous U Uiatl’ lation. ■, ' ‘ - '*^S named by a Ih-eBldent. At O’Brien’s urging, Mr. John­ by his absence. In the only ent; strengthening of the free to there any oondenmation of the moral face of such power; the only way to up­ *nie fir s t bloiw against son had created the commission Taken from the book, “Love hold democracy appeared to be mass minority view by any commis­ enterprise system; an “open standards invidved for the transaction, O’Brien’s bold plan to turn the and named Frederick R. Kap- Is A Spendthrift’’., by Paul movements and demonstrations. sion member, he appended this Scherer. presidency'’ with citizen partici­ or It is amumed that no party can affofd department into a non-prafiit pel, retired riiairman of Amer­ pation at all levels, and full uw Along with these, the third American footnote to the proposal: "The Earle R. Custer, Pastor Today in History. 'T! to live in -ih e style to whicfa it is a c­ government corporation ctune, ican Telephone ai^ Telegraph status of the Poet Office as a by society a t the benefits of sci­ myth of “consensus” was eroded. An sadly enough, from his succes­ Co., as Its head. But after North Mettwdlst Church customed utdeas it engages in such tacit early Ametioan tradition, that of “dto- Cabinet department has a posi­ By THE ASSOCIATED FBE 8B ence and technology. sor os Postmaster General, LBJ spending mere than, one million' sale ot some of the power it has won aent,” reappeared, and Mc(Jarthy also said the Viet­ guilty than the character whose aettona sor. bureaucratic gobbledygook. Utah. of the Vietnam war is the rise of vitrience substantial political influence ring in Washington with Presl- nam war appears no closer to 2 9 9 . they hMt revealed, when it was being Watson, who came to the W atson announced he would with House and Senate Post Of­ In 1929, President H e rb e rt dent Dwight D, Elsenhower and , aigued that whatever reprehensible had in the Urilted States. This violence results setUament than before the ■W^iite House from 'the executive "immediately appoint a top-level fice committees, based on cam ­ Hoover declared the Kellogg- other officials. peace talks started, despite the been done aras oeltber new nor soUtBiy, not only from the people’s frequent con­ Brland Treaty in force, in the tact with war through televiaion; It suite of Lone Star Steel in task force, headed by myself, paign contributions. This has Five Tears Ago " Vietnam summit the past week­ presence of representatives of and when one could bear it said that (he derives as well from an Ideological ques­ Texas and made a reputation to thoroughly study all aspects given union leaders vast power The United States, the Soviet 43 nations. The signers re­ end in Hawaii. IndMdual involved had to find some tion vriiich to deeidy rooted in the Ameri­ here as an efficiency expert, of the report.” Translated, that in closed-door, postal pay and Union and Britain were report- ' Tliera were these other politi­ nounced war as an Instrument naoney somewhere. can political consciouBivese. Martin would seem ideally suited to means the commission report ed near agreement on a partial cal dovelopmente Tuesday: We Americans seem to have trouble Luther King’s movement was an attempt give the commission’s proposal has little chance to get a real (Bee Page Eleven) of national policy. ban on nuclear testa. —Agreemanto were reached whether, after all, we are real­ to prevent the dissolution of American In both Chicago and Miami Famous Brand- ly, iWohiet sin. Hie disclosures by the society e'ven while uj^ldlng the qiirlt Beach, UfUng the threat of com- 5 5 . «a. Jburanal story put the issue to us once of driaent; but King is dead. munloatloiui blackouts during Name Items »g~A» Do we really care? Or are those As this year proceeds, increasing racial the political conventions. THURSDAYS tensions will pcuahel the intensifying In Chicago, the International cynics who say that we’d really prefer Stearns & election campaign. Though one of these Brotherhood of Electrical Work- on Sale not to have the unpteBsantneas unearthed movements is violent and one peaceful, b e a t - t h e - era said it woMd allow its mom- FRIDAYS aul disefoaed reading us oorrectly? Do both will be concerned with the questfam bars, ■working wiUxwt pay, to In­ Foster's Princess wa now have rising ovaUans for Ruak of fixing responribility for the Vietnam stall all necessary facilities-for D re xcl and Wlriz. or for the airanger who ii|sed war. The United States Mamed Japan’s t r a f f ic - u e h t the Aug. 26 Democratic conven­ tosm, every time they make a public leaders, for the Pacific war; for the Kore­ tion. The union has been on Pennsylvania House appearance? Or do we give a small band an war it blamed the subversion of striilM since early MAy In a c o » to the Wall Street Journal for demon­ “Reds" within America. However, the F O C I F A C E te^ diyite with luinoto Boll Steams & Farter Princess is hoinasville men brid responsible tor the Vietnam Telephona. Chair & Sofa 2 5 9 . strating what evtoy free press should available now, during our SEM - war will inevitably be those who occupy T ^ o m The agreement, however, was A,-' C ush man to o l both compelled and free to do when the highest seats of power in the Untied limited to work tn just the am- A N N U A L s a l e at the saiw . tt anbountera the atmosphere of omrup- .^ L I N C O L N States. Iriiltheatre and did not Include that was offered back in e ^ y 1966 Beals ffon? Nevertheless we, (be Japanese people, hotels.------Thto could hamper . now* a fantasticafly low price ^ hiust remember that the United States w SCHOOL media with workrooms o u ^ • rpu^ princess has features like Stearns. & Fostci to not fighting the Vietnam war complete­ the amjAiftteatro and double offlset inner- Pins Gan Be Different ly alone. There are pMiticians, journa- the personal communications a finn 8 Veens the coils *VMA in po st setups of candidates and others, e p r m g u n it kee^ WW C<^ This 72-inch Lawson sofa Sim m ons it is carlainly a great relief to the liste, and intellectuals in Japan who tacit­ and matching chair have fanotoo o t m a n y of us to be bold in the ly or openly support 'the Vietnam war. i t OFFICE In Miami Beach, a spokesman fpom tu n V ^ «na D a y Strom news that there can be a difference in The Japanese people did not assume tn te 1 for the Columbia Broadcasting yieelHency. WeigM Batonciny is spring edges and la’tex fbam reeponsttatilty for World War n . If th^ I Bystetn announood settlement of m^other feature of the PrmcesB . . . nibbw cushions. Large se- Mm rwulto from pllto of identical kigre- Jam-es River persons responsible for the Vietnam war UCLD CVERV DAY a (Uspute that had halted com- codW iB the oen'ter third disnte made by different ipanufaoturera. tections of prints and tex- are severely condemned in the United muMoatlons work in pr^w- most weight occurs. The Tham la never, apparently, any great ■tured covers are available PlymwoocJ Pim- States it will bring about a salvation; tiion for the Aug. 6 Republican r j 2 ^ \ boxspring is hand-tied 8 ilMfM~anr~ o t such p ro fo M o o o a s to dic- and all are Scotchgard® it will demonstrate that the ailing Ameri­ conyenUOT. „n w ave t o d ou bly in s u re su p p o rt. treated. Protective arm tota that ansi toe sure to seek one brand can democracy still has the strength to Heritage of the same kind of plU over anetfaer. recover. In the same way democracy Pi^t S?S to rop^rt^ de^ C oL into Watkira ^d acti^ly cape for chairs and sofa. But than does aeem to be some intereat- can never really take roots in Japan SZdtim t a new p i^ of com- try t h e 'P r i n ^ for yoursdf m 9C^in. 2-cushlon sofa avail­ hW vid measurable diffennee vdildi we assume our. full responsltiiUty puter equipment be operai^ by the privacy of our Slum ber Shop, able at 199. SEW B8sy involve such factora as the oaalng Worid War n. — PRO FESSOR YO- By Whitaker a member. CBS 's a U / « « SHIKAZU SAKAMOTO OF TOKYO UNI- member—-----urnei1f5 would fVDOI! operate the UBSd for the pill, the identity of the „VER8ITY , WRITTNO IN TME INDE­ equipment under network supe- anttva < tagrsdlents which are ' used to PENDENT "ASAHI SHIMBUN, JA­ vtolon w ^e ihe matter goes to maha up its bulk, and even tbs pressure PAN’S LEADING NATIONAL NEWSPA­ J / arigitatlon. Open 9 A.M. fo S:30 PsMs - Closed Monday - Open Thursday and Friday until 9 P.M. under which the plU to molded. And one PER. —Louisiana Democrate seleot- / I 1 ■» PAGE TRIEIEBN | MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 TWELVE of working pMple and must The step Into the fields of so- the ALA without regaod to par- Court Reverses V C T n o n list showed that a Mf. Shlml- Two Unions work together ... to find an- cdal action and civil rights is a ty." '* Spelunker Planning NOTICE youn and a Mr. Gachkoob had swers to too urgMit problems of new one for toe Teamsters who "The labor movement must Conviction on presented Iranian passports and toe whole of our society," haive been Conservatives In the subject Itself to honeM self-eval- 1966 CHEVROLET W AGON a Mr. Fasal had presented an Join to Fight statement released at a news labof" movement. uatlon. It muM free Itself from Robbery Charge Church Sets Indian passport udien boarding conference said. Reuther and FitsMmmons complacency and ... must ac- Ranch Home in Cave GbsveOe Malftu. RuRo, heater, auto, 2S0 engine, pesrar in Rome. Nekher union is a member of said toe ALA priortties Include «• sense of renwal and NEW YORK (AP) — The Mssrlng, whUwwraRn, firil wheel oovera ^ 1 8 5 0 ^ Barbecue The three were not among the Social Ills toe AFLrCIO. The Teeiilsters strengrthening collective bar- rededlcaton to s^im pro- - H c t i « cootoWkm in poai 56 U.S. 2nd Ctroult Court o f Ap­ Showroom condition. Only non-Israelis who arrived in were dismissed from toe AFL- gaining procedures, building up “ • statement saia. EATOW officea when HlcAiaixl J. Blenz any w*01z. He idanz a peals has reverasd the oonvli»- OHICAGO (AP) — The na- 1215^1 SILVER l a n e — EAST HARTFORD The Vernon Oongreyatiohal FYance from Agflerla, and "be­ CIO In 1967 and the UjCw dlsaf* an emergency defense fund for ~ ^ z yxp raldenoe at l Volcano 1,200 to 1^00 aquare faet half. tiOR o f a NOW Haven, Oonn., AUTO TRADING POST Cauirch wtU hold tU annual cause of this we conclude that tion’e two largeM labor unions jyjy j , in labor dl^Hites and fottna- Turn ilrtn* Mattres* man sentenced to nine years to those three were the hijackers,” “WHERE QUALITY ALWAYS I inpon, mu. rooma. Jail on a chaige o f bonk rob­ 804 T A X A xyrrvn x B r d „ r t . ss—v x » n o n , c o n n . Chicken Bar-B-Que rain or ahlne have announced formation of an uiUon spokesmen termed community unions to lY i MDea North o f Veraon Olrelc On R ooto 88 said an official of the airline. alliance to tackle tough social formation of the ALA "toe most work for the poor and dealing LINZ, Auatria—With the turn EXCEEDS THE PRICEl ____ I "Oave” it la, tor tba 48-year- The ho\ue, bulU on a concrete bery. on the church grounda Saturday. He added that the passports of a hsmdie, a mattress being . The appeals of two otoer Oon- 847-1787 873-0680 Houra are S;S0 to 7 p.m. problems and free toe labor Important labor development In with toe crltibal social proMems Md bachelor la planndng to con- oteb eight inobea thtok. will he and visas of the three had "old attitudes recent years. The two unions ot too day.” marketed by an Austrian firm U fllllB A . Tues., Wed. 9 to 9 # Thura., • atnict a ranch-atyle houae 86 cinder bloek, steri, ooncrete nectkmt men convicted with Ed­ Take-home orders ^11 be movement from Sat. 8 to • (Closed All Day Monday) fe«t beneath the ground. and gtaaa. ward Reed to connection with available. TlckeU may be pur­ looked completely in order. will_____ begin_ tow cgganixe______unorgan-_ Reutoer said the ALA would can be made ns flm or as soft .HOURSS and habits.” a $28,402 robbery of a West Ha­ chased at the door or reserva- iz«d workers, especially agricul- not endorse any presidential as you 5^«xiWe and rolia- Blenz fa not a hermit vtoo He eatimatea the project will Officials of the United Auto ven 'branch honk on April 28, ttons made by calling Mrs. ture workers, and' wlH push into candidate In 1968. We rods can be Immediate^ wants to witlidraw from society, coat $10,009. He sees lltOe "m ‘Superdog’ Is Bred Workers and the Teamsters Our Own MHd Curu. BonuluM 1987 were denied Tuesday by Richard R qUc or Mrs. Donald social areas in which the UAW Fltsslmmcns saM: "We wUi stiffened. The firm has applied Nor doee he ait Ip conatant chance of getting a mortgage ao stressed Tuesday that formation jiloneesed.” endorse otoer candidates who the same principle to car and dread of nuclear Ixriocsust. it will be a pay as you go ven- the court. FULLY l>vitt. JOHANNESBURG, South Afri- of toe Alliance for Labor Action The evoit is sponsored by the "The labor movement Is at a toe principles and alms of sofa seaU. The cava home is a product of "There’H be big savings The tinee-Judge court said to- co—A South African geneticist does not constitute a merger of ■uffictent evideiKe exleted to INSURED Ways and Means Committee of has crossed the St. Bernard, orbesraad," the etatement s a i d ______— Ms eirihuriasm for spelunking— ^cause I’ll do moat of toe labor the two organlaatitms. cave exploring—and peraonal ?*** ®**‘*’R *>• no interest on a ocnvtct Reed, who .woe found the church with Mrs. Richard mastiff and Great Dane dog The announcement was made it must free itself of old atti­ CORNED BEEF oivaade for cave conservation, loan.' guilty after tzial Oct 20,1987, of a real t Moore, committee chairman, breeds with a • bit of European Jointly nt a hews conference by tudes and...... habits and demon- AMERICA'S LARGEST PAMILV CLOTHING CHAIN and Mrs. Herbert Spicer in beUef that^ "every man riiould He plans a closed circuit tele­ toe First New Haven National FUR STORAGE * n y V wolf to develop a breed of su­ Walter P. Reuther, president of strate Bank branch. charge of arrangements. have one goal that borders the vision system with' toe camera perior sixe and IntclUgenoe to the 1.6-million-member UAW, bUity and the commitment to Overwhelmtog evldMice was Rock%’ille Hospital Notes Impossible,” and. love of "the mounted on toe utiUty piMe '•irieci protect livestock against leop­ and Frank Fltistmmons, gener­ make fundamental changea in found, the court said, tci support Visiting hours are 1*:S0 to 8 wonders of Mother Nature.” above ground to scan his forest­ ards and baboons. al vice president of the 1.8 mil­ its policies that respond to toe toe convictions handed to JUfred p.m. In all areas except mater­ Blem’s first exposure to cav­ ed land and Its. wUiRlfe. Ufe i lion Teamsters whose president, realities of a swiftly changing L. CappaUanca of East Haven nity where they are S to 4 and 150,00# BOATS ON LAKES world." ing cam e In 1M8 when as a stu­ Blene has eoccavated an en­ James R. Hoffa, is serving a trance-exit shaft to the home- and WlUiam Sasao o f Water- • :90 to 8 p. m. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Twenty federal prison teim. Other organizations are Invit- dent at Purdue Univenrity bury. Admitted Monday: Donald studying electrical engineering site. An elevator wfU be in­ years' ago there were fewer In this time of crisis, dynam- ed to Join the ALA, Reuther and stalled and a ground level ga- Cappabtanca received a 17- Brown, Tolland; Theresa Bau- than 10,000 boats on TVA ic and re^xmslble labor organl-' FltaslmmonB said. A national he waa invMed by a friend to ex­ yeor sentence and Sosso a 22- plore Buckner Oave—eight ra ^ wW bouse hoist machinery din, 6 Ward St.; Catherine Hand- lakes; now there are more than zations must contribute leader- opnfwvnce of organisation year sentenoe. milea southwest of Bloomington. and Blenz’s car. / len, Huntington R d.; Marguerite 50,000, plus more than 9,000 ship and provide teamwork to- members will be convened early The three men said to toelr Ihe xave had Just been re­ The shaft also will house serv­ Slemin, Tolland ;^usan ESden, 19 houseboats and ooathouses. ward the continual advance . . . in 1989. appeal trial Judge Robert C. Seneca Dr. opened by the local grotto- ice lines—electricity, air ex- chapter—of the National Speleo- system for pump- Zampano should have requested Cheney Discharged Monday: Martha (UsolOBure of toe name of the win do f Sweeney, Broad Brook; Ruth logical Boclety. tog wastes to a standard septic t s tank. Informant who tipped New Ha­ Uttoap Tupponce, 144 Prospect St.; Born and raised in urban ven police on (he night after toe Janice Paulin, 90 Prospect St.; northwest Indiana Blenz 20 He said toe only problem' he W e’ll pamper your furs foresees would be a major robbery. Mrs. Claudia Kloter and twin This is our yoara later purchased a 60-acre Local poUce and Federal Bu- sons, 184 East Main S t; Mrs. tract containing the Buckner earthquake. There’s no air poHution be­ . reou of Investigation agents Only the bait will do for your precious Molly Meunier and son. 96 system. The cave contains stg- cause as air sweeps through were SMit to a New Haven motel Spring St. famous naturss dating to Nov, 28, 1776, furt. Air-conditioned storage here pro­ lb. tunnels, peunages and to some as toe resuK of the tip. end he believes tt waa to They eventually arrested Sas- tects against heat, humidity, moths. 4 c Herald’s Vernon Bureau mine saltpeter for gunpowder cases is forced through water, poU«i and dirt are filtered, he ao >and Cappabtanca and recov­ lb at 38 Park St., lei. 875-3138 or during toe Civil War or War of ered $10,000 to cash, with "bait" 843-3711. News items may be Head Cut 1812. aid. "And Instead of grass to wor­ mtmey tracealble to toe hank. B a s t O TTiiMlrd n ^ e to P. O. Box 337, Rook- He Is buying t)ie land on con­ WHOLE BRISKET, 8 Lb. ry with, I’S have a front yard of The only evidence linking t1lle. 59c tract, hopes to have It paid off Reed with toe crime, toe court PHONE 64^3342 Includes all center cute. by the first of the year and mushrooms. I’ll let the neigh­ bors come down and pick said, was toe fact he had rented • r * Ideal Served Hot or Cald! plans to start cmistniction after toe rojom ait toe Holiday Inn In that. then for a price.’’ Bedto Besides the expected . "cave­ which Basso was later arrested. ly {dac« Algiers Holds I We have One "1 like the Frank Uoyd Reed la free on $60,000 await­ Wright (Hganic architecture man” digs' from associates, bomriit ing trial on a charge otemmtog nice old Frash, Luan, Poffc which blends into toe scenery,” Blenz said he experiences c The site is in an ancient upper of Norwalk 'was killed Tuesday Vkones: 643-1965 or 643-1506 said a was released, Leon Papu, a Oo- passageway of the cave, aJbout a when she fell out of toe travel I#MONEY ORDERS! walk c lomUan, said the plane’s copilot mile from toe natural entrance. ,'ven ahe waa riding to with her Yo«r Qallery poplar staggered into the passenger GROUND CHUCK Flat-floored Volcano Passage, husband and children and tum­ SPECIALS GOOD fhru SUNDAY, JULY 28Hi the Pe D compartment 20 minutes after so named tor a slnldiole at one bled into toe Clark Pork River. WHERE YOU FIND THE UNUSUAL think toe takeoff from Rome. end, ranges from 7 to 20 feet in Police said she apparently oHmati “He was bleedliig profusely hei^t. At Blenz’s homesite. It is fell against toe door haixfie 935 MAIN STREET - AT WATKINS over ti from a heed wound and his eUrt SAVE ON 17 JEWEL WATCHES! TV4 feet high and he will have to while dlmbtog into toe front Reg. 1.79. 12 Oz. section was covered with blood,” said excavate some to permit toe seat TELEPHONE 643-5171 Fath flat roof of sheet aluminum. Papu. “ We beard he had been LADIES’ & MEN’S c DIGEL LIQUID toe N( hit over the head by a revolver. road U He tokl us the plane had been 17 JEWEL WATCHES muted hijadtedi” Made By A to Roc $9c Package of 25 ... chlldre Chino Raccah, a 29-year-old S Libyan, said one of the faijack- Division Of 8.95 we Uk( e » drew his finger through the Hamilton ALKA-SELTZER court t blood of the injured man. AND up the “He licked it,” Raccah report­ VERNON the pei ed, “and said in Hebrew r 'Jew- s Tekphone: 644-2424 day e iRi Mood is very sweet” He CEPACOL our gi added 'W e shall throw all the 12.95 O p *n Thun. & Fri. tiH 9 like it Jews into the sea,’ and then MOUTHWASH! there i quickly said “we want peace’.” Armour's Star ( Any Size Piece) mount Two “baldiah men covered R«9- $1;39 - 20 OS. Bdu the paasengera with revolven ties” and hand grenades, the passen­ INSTAMATIC 1 gers said, and a n o ^ r was with ty. M( BOLOGNA or tion V the pilot. .r ~ - i The men told the passengers I* rrnesi to keep quiet, bold their hands LIVERWURST Foreel above their heads and they Bedtoi wquid not be harmed. CAMERAS Then A DaiM pesaenger said one SAVE ON HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS! MEDITATION School of the hijackers took over the Pierced Earrings sieten were controls and brought the Jetliner UDIES’ ^ E N ’S 20 to 50% Off down in Algiers to a good land- With purchase of ear­ SHIRT 4 0 % O F F They ing. STONE/RINGSl rings. 3 sizes 83.95, MChod Young Gatz said the paasen­ 87.95 and 80.96. COLGATE then I gera were frightened but mem­ iFs on everybody's mind! M odi^: 104, 154, 300, 304 and 0 INSTANT high I bers of toe plane crew tried to and 404 Only ewnfort the non-Laraelis by tell­ SHAVE Wh( ing them the htjackera were John ]^. Kennedy and (No Rain Checiis) decidi concerned only with Iwaell citi­ C o lg a te Regular or Menthol to H< Franklin D. Roosevelt 14.78 OZ. Reg. 98c zens. A ll Others INSTANI" Tnstiti 99 Decanter Botties, in S have Landing in A lgi^v beftere 2 0 % O ff than I dawn, the passengers were tak­ iridescent grreen, $10 I wai en to a barren buIKUng at the each. aasigi airport «nd kept there together the N until midday. KORACOLOR-X doors "A ll we bad until then >lras a micro-mini or panft-fop Wilson's Western Dr. Ring Decanter bloon Ears CX 126-20 some ooffee and a roB,” Qalz sensation: daring when you wear it as is, \ Bottles, 8 ^ inches tall cams . said. "Then they separated us. Pierced Free I pr ‘Ihe Iflraiells were takm away. mini-short... dramatic when you wear it as & Fop InsimiMlfcs We were ariced who we were, a pants-top... decide, and hav&fpnl ■ why we were going to Inael. BEEF LIVER After we were separated, all of Mystery Pockoges o Guru-collared swinging You Con Taste The Difference! a sudden we were Hke gueris. Watch Bands Antiques of tomorrow' "We were given a good meal sensation: flirty perfect-length.,, subtly and taken on a tour of the city Reg. $4.95-$5.95 shaped with a bit of flare and widening sheer R«9. $1.95 before we were put on a plane sleeves... back-zipped... ready to gol ULTOA strips to P arti.” NOW BRITE Mrs. Uriel said although ahe a black-embroidered white TOOTH- had been in toe United States n.oo Famous Americans for some time, her home is in sensation: white, the wow-what-flattery PASTE Israel. She e)q>lalned: " I am an Contains values $2.50 to $5.00. color... black embroidery, for bold trim... CANDA1D IsraeU but I have Antwican clU- Dacron* polyester and cotton... real cc^ll "FamUy senahlp, too. I my Israeli SPEIDEL & OTHER BANDS Diamonds, Watches, Rings, Gifts, Size” nationality a secret and spoke decanter bottles SHEER WoUete, etc. Misses" sizes 32 to 38 Reg. 98o only English. That was why I 20% O FF was released.” ^ PuPwil'i fllMr. «»•> STRIPS Toni Home Pennanent; She said toe possengOito were 31 Ass’ t. Regular, Super or Gentle. not interrogated and their per­ ceAweiTa Here is the third in a series of (Commemorative Decanter Bottles Regular $2.00. sonal belongings were not CHAMM IT WfTN.aa honoring famous Americans. The JFK and FDR Decanters are al- Reg. 61c searched. o h b s Susan Petites Flowering , re^ y in limited supply and are being bought up by antique dealers! , "Elverybody was relaxed," The latest etiition 1^ a profile of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., S T Y L E H A IR she continued. "But when, two 8 |.e o Welcome Here into Fall sculptured in relief on one side, and on the reverse side, a phrase SPRAY 1 6 O k. hours before we left on our tvay, mm NOBFOU COUNTY from his 1964 Nobel Prize Accep'toce Speech, . . non-violence the Israelis were weeded out, 3tnf ^0Mrallon* TBWT COWPAMY A charming transitional with dwpped we became «torrled about them. walBt, self bdt, daisy trim at sieves is the answer . . This bottJe is in a beautiful iridescent amber, "•niere were no hyaterics, lb. and contrast collar. l00% rayon. Wear color and lijfe the others is a Limited Edition OcUector’s item. ALLBtEST TABLETS 24$ though. Nobody cried. An Ital­ it now in brown or gray and right into ian priest Just kept making the FftRMHNTON SOUTH WINDSOR | 4 h,i If you do not have the frst two decanters, there is a limited supply Watcom* Hart $ 1 .0 0 fall. Junior petite sizes 8-18. at Y'our Gift Gallery for $10 each. The Dr. King decanter is available Sign of the Cross over his S. O. M. B. AtA VSABE 8IVIV177 yVklaalnurlllA(PlalnvUlo Ave.)AvA \ RAIltik Route (C 8 ^ 14.0V heart.” Iteute 8 (Scott Swamp Rd.) On Boat Hartford Toiwi Uiw at the original price of $5. Get yours before prices advance again! Reg. $1.35 i s * | 7 3 ® El A1 officials said they be­ Satisfaction Or M oney I ack For The Big Man In Your Family, Vlalt Our Big Man’ s Shop Open Monday-Saturday 10:00-5:30- lieved the three men tvho hi­ In Berlin, Conn. SPECIALS for THURS,, PRI. oRd SAT, jacked the plane were regis­ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT qUANTlTlBS Thursday and Friday 10:00-9:00. tered as two Iranians and an In- MANCHESTER SHOPPINg-PARKAPE LIMIT ONE PGR CUSTOMOt dUui. OtficUls said the passenger c r-w -

FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY. JULY 24, 1968 f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 PAGE FQTTBBN are Intending to me the gum StateDrivers Courts Must UlegaUy." Manchester in Days Gone By A diatuibanee In front of the To Get Edge Walnut Street houM of Audrey Control Guns, Baptiate, where SharpleaB had N EB9 HELP? been vteMlng, led to omot, Note: M n. WU- ship of the Empress Line, not Sheipleni went outdde to ta- ENTERPRISING COLLEGE STUDENTS WILL O bm ey w m an actiTe knowing how hard it was to get OoPreiniiims Judge Insists in tlie BDCIal and veotigate the diatuibanoe whUa CUT LAWNS SEAL DRIVEWAYS, WAX any other passage. Aa a result, HARTFORD (API—Ab(xit half Mtas Bapthto want to a third- at Mandaester for 40 we had to Sleep, on the.return WATERBURT (AP) - A Sn- FLOORS. CLEAN ATTICS and CELLARS. of OoiiiMotioat's drivsn otn floor window to watch. When Rm came her» as a bride voyage, in bunks buUt fo r us In pac4or Ooort Judge says its up WASH WINDOWS. NO JOB TOO BIG; NO . In tile late nineteen- soon bs snowed an axtra edge It appeared tlud SharideM waa one o f the saftona o f a sm aller to tbs courts to ocntrol "peopls about to become tavolvad In toe after tier hiuAwnd'a in toe procoM toot determines JOB TOO SMALL! die went back to live in ship. adio UlegaUy possess guns" sl- fight, Mlw .Baptiste dioated wUre Virginia. To her My husband was always hap­ how much tosir aoeidents wUl Ibougli toe leglelstura la reopen- from the window. ' CALL 649-9145 Mends kbs. Cheney py when traveling. So we had sffecA toe insurance premhuna slble for eatabltoMng the the- PoUoe said Oharpless turned to em bo^ many of the many holiday cruises in the they pay. and fliad a dx>t toward her. arm oontrd lawa. qualities which we aaso- Caribbean, a second trip to the She notified poUoe and Sharp- Orient, and several summers A proiwoed ploiv sfiproved Judge Anthony OrlUo made wtth Virginians — charm, Tueedoy by the etote limmnoe leas wsa anaoted. in Europe. We were in Italy in the remarks TUeoday In impoa- enthuetaam, seat for conunleakwer, wlU retain the hdspttolity, and the warm 1914 when the news c m e o f the tag a two-to-four year sMitenoe assassination of the Austrian currant point system in setting on WIQIe E . flharpleea on a which springs from accidents demerlte, but wlU give Dies of Gun Wounds ift fairway Archduke Frans Fardlnand at charge of carrying a dangerous a vaal I t eteet in people. the motorist $50 more leewoy Sarajevo. We sailed from Eng­ Littiewtwd, built for the Cheneys at Paric and St, James Ste. weapon In a motor velikde. BRIDOEPORT (AP) — A TS- \ -K y Wandering Journal” was in toe amount of aeoldeht dam­ tRiUaa, Mrs. Cheney said, for land, Just as the war broke out, Sbarpleso, 28, of Watethury, ysar oM Baaton men la dead i a Y on a Oerxnan ahlp, the Crown time staff composed of person- pared by Maasaehusatts age permitted witoont penalty. of gunshot waioida dealt him ' htr-ataces and nephews. But be- , Under the ourrent system, VTM aRMted foUowtag a May WHSS ao much o f it discrtbed Princess CeciUe. The ship car­ New England nel familiar with oiffaiUxod Q tn. EUtot Rltdiaittoon and W* 80 shooting taoident in Wster- during ttw weekend by unidenti- f a ir w a y , Oomndastoner WUUam R. CM- fled eaeallanta I m t Ufa In ICanchester, ahe sent ried a considerable amount of crime problems and would in- assistant, Oiarles H. Bagovln, bury. f/R S T Asks $457,000 elude field agents who would who heads the oegenised crime tsr noted, a driver is aaaigned Hplaa to a few of her friends gold, was chased by the Brit­ one point If toe damage resuK- “The pepeta Ifaeae days are OaoU B. Hal, a retired cop- Bliw, some of whom were mem- ish navy, and took shelter in coordinate investigations with section of toat state’s chief law Ing from an auto accident ex- fuH o f oounsel about gun con ­ atruotlan engineer who was Bar Harbor, where it was in­ To Fight Crime han of the Mandiester Hlstori- state, local and federal law en- enforcement agency, oeeda $50. trol leglalotion, both toe proa gunnad down at Ms home Sat­ oal Society and who asked Mrs. terned. forcement agencies. urday WhUa gardening, died HARTFORD (AP) — Connect­ The driver who avoids getting and cone," CMUo oald. "Obvi­ shorts aad |Mdal pasktrs. ifs the label. Cbanay’B permission to print When toe United States enter­ FINN8 EXPORT TV SETS Toaoday at St. Vtnoenfs Hoe- icut and the other five New Daly said Clark -made no spe­ the point against his record is ously the question ts up to the pocttons of her memoirs in this ed the war in 1917, Mianchester HELSINKI — Finland exports pltal in Bridgeport England states are looking for a cific conunitment as to federal given a safe-driving discount of legialatorB. you love— for the pal who likes aleej hfploHoal column. This permis- crganlxed a WslT Bureau, and both radio and television sets. Hospital authorities eaSd toe $457,000 infusion o f federal funds funds. Aides of dark, however, 15 per cent of ^ premium '.‘On the other hand. It is the JO alon was readily given, and Mrs. buUet fiagmenta were removed soon I was asked to form a to g^ve life to a regional Intel- oonhded that the oittoraey gen- Domestic makes account for paltl, Ootter aald. respontablllty of the oourt to thlagsIsizesSthniMssss. ^ m CXMMy added, *‘Deo volente, I Child Welfare Committee to do ^ iMrected araint would in all probability sup- more than 70 per cent of the lAidar toe new plan, whkto' control the people who uae guns from HaU’s hrata before he died. Will do a poatsciipt” visiting nursing. I was fortunate crime. measure, Daly w M . TVs and 50 per cent of toe radio goea into affect 8 ^ 4 with illegally. The court la not ao State poHee have iasued a 2S- S tocatiom: downtown main Untappily, the postscript was in finding five very wise and ex­ The over-all project was' pre- sets sold in Finland. about half of the auto insurance naive to beHeve that people atate alsit for the stolan oar ► east middle turnpike, next to pc T.F. OUroy Daly, toe state’s never written. In the autumn of perienced women for the com­ written In the etote, damagea oarrylng guns under certain dr- oarrylng three men who ware boC^ toinFM niiMi iiiiira. frL deputy attorney general, said. IMT Mira. Cheney becam e se ii- mittee, and in a few years we up to $100 wUl be allowed be­ oiimstancea are cut to target aOegcrUy laoponalble for the ooBly U. She died on Dec. 27 had «lven visiting nurses, with ^ fore toe driver Is placed in toe pianttoe or go hunting. People shooting. of that year. In accordance with headquarters and^ clinics in the ready witoln a few weeks to higher-risk category. serve as a central data bank bar widi, ahe was brought back basement of our fine new-Memo- The plan will affect insurance for Information on activities of to Manchester and now lies be- ila l Hospital. This work stUl firms under the Juriadlctlon of the Mafia and other groiqia or aldt her bdoved Will, under the continues actively, and on my toe InSUmnce Rating Board, persons Involved In gambling, PRAGUE’S SHOES tcweifug hemloclcB in a quiet vlsHa to Manchester I love to Cbtter saUL Travelere, AHstate co m e r o f the Cheney In the loan-sharking, prostitution and hear reports on It. TRIwCITY PLAZA VeRNON. CONN. and Nationwide are the major ■aat Osmetery.) other-organised rackets. During the Second World War Ooimeotieut Ineurance oompa- Daly was in Washington kfon- I was allowed to train as a ides that are not members of MY WANDE^G JOVBNAL day with Connecticut *Atty. nurse’s aide to serve In the toe IRB. Each company has Its flarah Oriflin Chenej- „ Oen. Robert J. Killian to pre- Smt aafe-drlvliig plan. Manchester ^ t a l. ^ c h ^ ^ the plan, which was drawn Girard Perrdcaux Bedford (Vlrgiiria) was a love­ The new Rjretem will not re­ u most graU f^ work for me. ^ attorneys general and FINAL sult In any change In ratee, the ly idace to grow up in. Father I was one of 150 volunteers, bto ^ aut^ritlee of the commissioner said, nor wlH it bought Judge Mlcajah Davis's occasionally patients recognised ^ England states, nloe old place there ninety years apply to aeddertts occuting be­ me aa Will Cheney’s wife and I the Intelligence sys- ago, and moved Mother and the fore Sept. 4. loved to hear their expressions tam, would be geared spedtlcal- SHaE The propoaol by companies HIOH-PRBaUBNCY two oldest children there from of affection for my beloved Mr. jy j)y state prosecutors Poplar Forest, only twrive miles under the HtB will be extended away. Mother’s girlhood includ- Will. in presenting evidence to toe to all states whMe coverage Is CHRONOMBTBR Our greatest disappointment courts, .bd the period of the Civil War, offered and Is stibject to state was in not having children, but q, Manchestei: I was elected Queen of the May. of a majority.’’ over than this in our Piedmont months, but we simply could not to Yokahoma on the little China ing in their education, and it Wed. • Thun. - Fri. - Sot. Renewal on Florence Wade, a close friend Mr. Coffin, the Yale Univer­ sectkm of Virginia.” wait to get our own place. MaU Steamship Narfting. It has been a great oamfort to me of my mother, had 'married sity chaplain awaiting apqieal of Father was an attorney for that I have been able to estah- ita i Frank Cheney. In 1908 I visited Mother Cheney gave us three was a lovely crossing, with per­ hto June conviction of conspir­ Bank Work toe Norfolk and Western Rail- Ush scholarships in his m em ory her In Manchester. There I met acres of the wooded north end fect weather—three days in ing to aid dratt-dodgera, made road tor many years, and com- . , _ of her land to build our house. Honolulu—dancing on the deck at Hollins, and in the Bedford At its meeting last night, the muted by train from Be«ord fate, WUllam Cheney the Ills strongest endorsement yet MANCHESTER OLDSMOBILE MOTOR SALES (It was important to .my hus­ by moonlight. County high schools. Board of Ftaiance voted to re­ to Roanoke. There were seven of MoOortoy. It was greeted band to be within five minutes Landing in Japan m plum Will died in 1941, and I stay­ by three standing ovations from commend to the Board of Select­ chfldren (I was the seventh) and *®®"’ ^ 8®'^® "'® bloesom time was like a dream LAST 3 DAYS...OHm’ Ends Soturdoy walk of his beloved family and ed alone in our lovely ’’Little- a crowd o f about 250 persona man that the contract with toe we liked country life. The tennis ^ y®®”’ , ^® mills.) I had a simple plan for of beautiful mountains and sea. wood” until 1946, when I took gathered in the Yale Law Scho(U Oonneritcut Bank and Trust ™ DrtvB. ST’L.'lrsuccessfully and.T a delightful twelve lovely rooms and a gar­ The e’aboraite entertaining for an apartment in Bedford for up the mountain and cUmfatog auditorium. community in paternalistic days den, and throughout our life to- the American Silk Mission was the wkiters. Later I took up Now! A Beautiful 8x10 ■’The political effort Is worth Oompony be rented at the ACTION AUCTION - ACTION making,” he said, with "still same price. The contract deals burg where Randolph-Mocon an outride chance” remainng oor guests whether they would wlto all data processing in the and my husband was, I am sure, Cheney Bros, had a good staff spring garden. In Kyoto, the College provided excellent op­ Portrait of Your Child that Vice Prerident Hubert H. like it o r not. We Just took them town. The following cars will be going to dealer' s auction if not sold within the hext 10 days, so if you want to buy a car at near auction the meet beloved man in Man­ 01 carpenters, painters, plaster­ ancient capital of Japan, at a portunity to hear concerts and Humphrey would fail to gain there and made them climb tHe L a ers dnd other workers who were large estate, we were enter­ attend lectures and movies. I the Democratic nomination. The board tronefered $1,000 mountain. chester. prices, come in now and save hundreds of dollars. These cars are on sale through July 26, 1968. so delighted that Mr. Will had tained after diiuier by a famous bought a house with a garden Having gotten rid of the ven- from the cash surplus fund to The Cheney family — their troupe of geisha dancers. When b y the fund for Oommunlty Hall Education for the "Gay Nine- taken a wife-^they just adored in Lynchburg, where I now live. triloquiat, we’re not of a mind fathers and grandfathers — had we were leaving, I noticed that tie.” was not taken too serlous- h'm—they did beautiful wood­ Age has forced me to give up Master to hire the dummy," Mr. Coffin Improvements. The numey developed a remarkaWy pro- the foliage in toe ligtited garden would be used to buy partitions iy. Mother, whose whole educa­ work and painting.. They put my driver’s license, but I still everywhere in the country visit- was wet. One of the Japanese Artists added. for the fireplace -.room to make tion was from a series of gov- eight ati of paint, each rubbed enjoy my membership in the "Duffey also spoke on the pro­ I remember industrialiMs from guests explained to m e. ’*We League of Women 'Voters and gram wlto the Rev. Harold exlditional office space. rmesses in the house at Poplar everyvidiere in toe country cisit- down by hand, on the dining often have the gardeners sprin­ Forest, kept a governess in our Department our Fine Arts Center, and I con­ CSement, prsaldent of the New The Board of Finance receiv­ room woodwork, which never kle the foliage to catch the tinue active in the work of St. Haven WxweU Ministerial Alli­ ed a letter from the Democratic '66 JEEP •1750 '65 P O N TIA C ^1475 Bedford house for some years, which was wonderfully busy had to be re-done. We used a light ^ d add to the beauty at '65 OLDS •1595 tnien she sent us to a private with doctors and dentists and beautiful silvery blue Italian John’s Episcopal Church. ance and other mermtoers o f the Town Oomonittee reminding all night.” These were prot^ly (This article Is one of the se­ School established by the Wade x-ray and physical therapy and brocade from the Cheney mills 4.year^d national antiwar boards of toe Right To Knew D-88 4-Door Sedan. V-8, automatic, PS., PB., No. Wagoneer. 6 cyl,, with, plow attachment, 4-wheel Caltalina 4-Door Hardtc^. V-8, auto., PS., PB. the happiest days of my hus- ries prepared for' publlcaticm by sisters. But the Wade sisters iwo skilled nurses for visits to group wWdi Mr. Coffin heads. taw. The letter was fUed wltbout drive. As is special. No. 6818A. No. 6082B. on the living room walls, and w> band’s life. He loved travel so the public Information commit­ lOR. were charming and attrattive. workers and their families In Mr. Duffey said the McCarthy disciuBlcn. old gold brocade with a smaller and we found China and tee of the Manchester Historical They s^n married and their their homes. Labor unions had deslgn on the dining room. campaign "continues into the The board also received a let­ Japan so utterly lovely end in­ Society. The committee will wel­ sch ^ was closed. We girts were ^ hard time organizing Cheney Some twenty years later we home stretch with sustained ter from the Public BuSding teresting. come further information on the then sent to Bdmont Seminary Bros.’ employes, who were con­ had the fun of building a lovely hope,” and ”we begin to feri Oenuntation requeaUag that the While in Tokyo we were invit­ subjects discussed in the arti­ and our two brothers went to tent as things were. house by the sea on Fisher’s Is­ ourselvee something of a major­ Board of Selectman appoint •775 '65 FORD •1645 '65 P O N TIA C ^1275 ed for tea in the Empress’s gar­ cles or suggestions for totdes for ^63 OLDS a . t high sitoools. Amateur theatricals were im- land, beside the fairway on the den at the Imperial Palace. ity ." a cleih of the works to super­ later treatment.' Communica­ When I was seventeen. Father portant in the Oheney family, - beautiful golf’ cr urre. Again I This was practically unheard of vise toe oonstruoUon cf the new 4-Door Hardtop. V-8, auto., PS., PB. As is special. (Maxie 500 LTD. V-8, auto., PS., PB. No. 6009B. GTO V-8 2-Door. Autcxnatic, PS., bhi& As is tions should be addressed to decided that he wanted me to go and every Thanksgiving some drew the plan and our staff at except for visiting royalty, but elementary school. special. No. 6451A. William E. Buckley, 563 B. Cen­ No. 1421B. to Hollins, then called Hollins cousin wrote' a play dealing the mills got it Into blue prints. the silk business was Very im­ Columbia The final plans for toe nim Institute. I was more athletic with some subject from the We would go toere for long portant to Japan. The members ter St., or Arthur H. Illing, 153 ochool will socn be let out to bid than studious and was very tall. news of the day. I remember weekends in April when the of the Silk .Mls|lon were warn­ Porter St.) Fire Auxiliary and toe projebtod completion I was enchanted to find myself one play in which Millie Chen- shad blow made a fairyland of ed to dig up frock coats, as cut­ dote for toe school is Sclitember assigned to a basketball team, ey, who was about seventy, had the island. We also spent week­ away aftern St front and rear. After leaving the Presidency, Jefferson spent much time at Poplar man. fy>reat, iwhen the throng of visitors at MonUcello interfered too much with his retirement in- TOKYO — Chemically there is Silvtr Lan* o» ftarlford Rd., MANCHESTER. CONN. 643-1511 OpM Bv m . •xcept llranckqf t^Mats', among which was the planning of the University of Virginia. Manchester Evening **e«ld nothing complicated about a Oohunbta correspondent, Vir- pearl. Crush one and you have a aBBHMl gtata Oarison, tel. 828-M24. X r * PAGE SEVENT^;^ ^ . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, GONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24^.1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEPNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 ■f'' HEALTH CAPSULES. VoiUnteer Electricians by Mh-hwl A. PeUt, M.D. l\>Uand County Jury List for 1968-69 A n n o u n ce d PO TOMATOS^, tfRAPEFBUir, . LCM0N4, OR ORAN^ie^ CAU4E ♦AtflPlTy'llsfyoUR sopy 2 WUUam Bl*rl, A. u m . F ra n k J. Minor, Rob- To Equip Convention Hall _ V - ™ . SZn S S t> S ^ ^ & n.iSf^"T S L .* ' <"•> - “ »»• “ “ ““ OurOwn J205products mean O m m I m m Cbraolt doort U hM Anndt * Iba. Dorotliy Aw- ***’ '*™***“ J- Malocky, Mra. Hel«n P. BlonaMn, AdHeone M. BoMok J«r«miah F Murphy Mrs’ workara, with no In*- a^Mmant . kMB laMMd byttia etarfe's ofBoa hanlMi«li.'’aM aJ^!^&^^ **“ “*®"** ““*«»>««» S'- Botena, Mm. Blatna 8. Murray, Salma companaatton for ttialr M fta tiVMtor Oourt. IVAm- John Bamtt, Mm JoUa w! 2' ^ Nix Jr., labor, will bafln Iba InataUatlon w aKu>ln» 100 M 5 jijp MV an Bamaa M nMdaate of SSSrtrM m *^ri«f^"% o2: «»S1S£da D. tSS J«tar SySiM .’L & N^ltohf J

KathrJnA BiS?iSla^* • mn ri 1 ik WT fM. a_ •■«_ • >m> * **‘**^«» ^ »»<*. " > Caffonlw^n*aaaaak T. At LorniAMMVal AA« itt Ottar, JIQUnPtMra. Dmothy °o«v«Mton undar an «nat»anoy ^ Bray.5*"*^ Richard . A- .*A ^B *^ nault, Jo- Alao- -- WtlUam------„a Blnaladal, moiM V ’^Tu^y, .y - Mm. “Ultanna “•*“ Brtariay^.^urBrtertay. .^ u r T. Brookman,Bnotanaa. M. Parlaaau, Bvaratt 8.k Part*. P>« «» Tua«lay. ANDOVER K. ^ntola. William H. Wamar. Oaona «. An»m m v . m — ______. *•*“*- “• ■“® armkara may !<► aaph J. Braon, MTa. Mlirlal R. WUhalm Endarlln, Bdward 8. ® **“ • * * «• ^ Patrick, John H. Robert A. Nlckay. oMat ^ ^ a a * n r i7 a a today tolbaaio - w N O OratwSord C. ABan Jr i m m F £ i J ^ - ESTcSsni sss.'S: S£S’ "•■ £s ?SLfy,is. s s z l *" « “ s n s ss2i,“r?JL“srT Sr.'srpisr'oS.STs ^ ^sss, sr«i- OMfla. Arthur F. SbliS J- O^tar. Umlu. C. Oa^ J? ^ Mkyor DMay .uMwl to a ^ WW» F^bok^BSSS^ Sta^Jana Craft.,Robart H. M». UioiUa W. Oanovaal, Jo- J®*® ^ ““ No.-rne^E a r e U. S. D. A CHOICE T S r ^ 6 ^ ^ ° r Sn.ssryr'^s! PfiR fS C TLY FRESH U. S. GRADE A 5r&O to^lL^ f?*^L.y“' S liM wbito Ctoldbar*. BanJ^T’tSSLln. “r*- Yvwma O. AUan, Mark Ckroc^ IFrank Olartoo. Laonard piWMtad Inatalla^ ‘'Tha company haa aooaptad thia 4tleALTHFUL FOOPfi, S S.^jSrS!’ S S J S i Frank C. OrattatoTRaymond L. ^Byn* Victor F. Arnold. A. Otouffa, Mia. CUoria A. OM- ^ «??»nmunloattooa equip- otfar,- thwIHi C w A i ImWuI WemisHen. ^ 1 . — §ln t J. OMdomba, FhiUp ’ aoBoowt, WlHdam H. Dougan *w»»ia u. rtaaA & rw *Jr Baaton, Roger J. Beaulieu, Ed- iiom Jamee iM. OM^w Oter^' *^11**^' **"’ ™‘”'a**iai>t of the convention to movttw ^ CHICKEN PARTS Jr.. Oaorga Downlag, QUARTERED BREASTS QUARTERED LEGS JtortJ^T^aw^ JSSfSS’ ItoTB a^*^’ Ho“®an, CacU B. By- Harvey B. BlauvMt, Rob- Oojwpaat Frank^ScnlSSd^kta aald the 800 voluntaara dlaputo la a vary conatniotlva 200 Million JaMmiaU_Bgan,Blto ^ . J. Kane, Fred 8. «* J. Bowaa, Ctordco K. Brig- Alao Oarald A. Coaman. WU- ^SS^P m SSTJ?’ wUl ha paid prevailing wage ato^Tlia Mrlka itartod Mky 8. ?£!• la . M r.: Rmdml R.’ « Marv D. 'miits P*®blam baoauaa Nlckay aald hunt polar bear in Akudea, en­ D ofto a. ly chtoaon, j—,!«•«* F Jack Bitoah, Thomaa E. M«T.ain, H "?**’, BaptUla, ***^ F. Drlnkwatar, gulUvan and MltohM C BuUl **“ vohmtaam would Umlt Ihatr RvB-Duy Forecast tertain your mother-ln-iaw at a O. Jaamotte. ^ Mm Boula 8. Marqula, Sherwood R. J. DomOdaon and Joaaph 0®»«* U. Dugal. D. WMIm - work to the AmphMhaatra. Paris rastsurant, rent a bouse- STEAK HY GRADE CRY O VAC B >*»• H«k. Jam«aitoSSr^ ^ W. DunoMi. T._. .. . . tv. WINDSOR LOCKS (AP)—Iho boat for a MbMUrippl endne, O. I x t r a L m n i, C a n te r C b T U.S.DJk. Choice ^SS? F^S^^C i SSST b S U.8."w;;;i;:r Bura«, my; tarn - hire a Wg-name orchestra for vln E ^ a ^ m*»• * ?n3h?%' W . m m . Bwlmtal,’ ^S«h Jooaph 88. arniiBaarak! •**“ •”** of®* the*>» now.new. madia and pamtura. In ObnnaolloiitOonneollout TThurw h u m - your daughter’s wedding recep CORNiD BEIF BRISgn "• rkatfia I P- O’Connor, Mm. ‘‘-vana, Ronald J. Feldman, Mr*. ™ Woodrow Teviw rvi, tion—and charge It? GROUND BEEF AU you need la a credit card. Wl^Y PAY MOMI7 I P A c CHUCK STEAKS 4 9 Mlth H. Foatar. Joaenh A “• ’P»W». P®®*«* to »▼«»«• •*»<»». nor^ TheM are some of the more S T S T i E r Usarre wayw you can uie a Cat from Rib End ef LoIb For lar^l^ . 7 9 i a £ * * T ’ Sbart^*OaiteS^S[vi?w: SS’ ^’'oSta^' " S S ^ r ’ leSSES^.'S Daytlm. Mgha averaging In credit card but tlreir purebaaing REGULAR 59* 1 ” ^ * 2 l ..***«*“ •«* Xto. Barbam L* Ola.., Harry W. Gordon. a*Ulo. » town Chtoago, the upper 80. to low SOe. ovar^ powar oovera the whole gamut Per tcF-l -Q Toety OBd Lbob CHOICa BONILUS CHOICI CALIFORNIA B. >Jj®^*to8t, Fwtar ® * j 18m . OHara U Lajtola. Richmond. Sophia OotUer, Itobart Ooulda- .. _ Mary E Vlaolua JotoL.^^ Claranoa Orom, pool pcoduoar "*8J»t low. avenging 88 to 10. of fooda and aervtora. COUNTRY RIBS 4 9 ■ It ------Mm. Miaty H. Ikylor, IferHie X. InhOA Rotand Lmir Daniel V. RUay, Ed- brough, FraneU J. Orerory * ’*“ ®"rtfty, Miu w . iv ? foe the llawa mtior ttiwvliann througjiout the period It’a eatimated that Americana CHUCK ROAST CHUCK ROAST Blv«*urv. Bdward E. Robert K. Oumon. Mra. Beverly StaS^C^L*? ®®*”®' VTalta, imiam*B’ “•**«*., aald mmoto eovaraga .!???***' are carrying 200 million credit GROUND CHUCK 09* Steaks Oat from Chuck U.S.D.A. C hoiee D oraod T . Bonan, Fradarlok 8. Rydaew- B. Hackett, Mra. Dorothy R. S 2 L *2 I^ fL .? ^ *• Weber Jr Fat^ J mSnJ* -«»ythlng ouWde the A m ^ Precipitation may total one- carda and ualng dienx to apend I —f For lar-1-0 ^ R tfO c R. “ “• SJS SJf’w^SJSSt^S^’?£!: SJSd P. iraS Mra.^ES: aum to wffm Jffi, fourth to Inch ooeuning around 100 bUUon a year. !>. 59* SebaMfer, Wealey A. Richard E. HarrlRm. Floyd L. J ^ 2 ^ ». WhuTMlarStophSto «» lack of oonununloatlon. Aa a reault of the proliferation -75* Bohlude, Fradatlck C. Bchutta, Hewitt, Charlaa W, Holyflald, auewJte J- Whma and Leonard BZM oqul^pnMnt. or of credit carda, there haa been CHUCK PAniES 79* lONDOM BROIl - 9 7 BOLTON ******* ^ Rachel Behmrta, Louie P. Walter E. Jamea, Ernaat M mu£2^^ ,?L *■*“. — —_ _ _ _ ’ ' "Ihle <#.«<■ «>e omer. TtffiA and again dui^ wldeapread q>eculation about Mm ICqel. It. Ma- niniurti n iianni- ariu imntrm T» tt I . , ^ WUUam F. Halpan, Mm. Julia — ——— — xiw maana mat me cover- jug, ^||g weekend. the poaaiUlltlea of a checkleaa, a B. MUM. Robart «!?**' *•• Francta A. John- b . h > iw i,w?)| a im — b Bun . «. M* of thla ooovantlon will ha ______AlM ob, WmMm B. •r?"’-5'®®*” RobMt SSS’f^ arm a L Slkaa. 'ilS Mra. r’SilrlSS Chmriotta ion. Btawart R .T«.iin Vb 2"- v k — ®-_ .‘r'T*®??.HAml*;dnSS;ir ^ »• ^“Am- Delay Forecast n«Mh IMailor to the oovanga ------. caahleaa society in the future. W *.,_«ohaid F. Htana- F. A-Iratovlch. Mrara Anraldt SciSH: V.S d" ^ v m rn o w « „ Some banker envlaion a na- WHY PAY MORE? SHOP-RITE DUNCAN HINES tloDwlde system In wblrii a ain- KS^12:ti^*r£!“' s««* 0k.r.R m d. WHY BAY MORE? SHOP-RITE WA8HINOTON (AP) - Fuuda gle identification card would be for the oonMnuatlon of pnjoela uaed in place of all cheoka and on urban mean tmnaportatlon almoat all oaab. SOUR CREAM ICE CREAM CAKE MIXES and davakipmant of a ht|iM po.d But American Expreaa, a big WHY PAY MORE? MARGARINE name In the credit bard Indus­ oil try, iaya, ‘ "nie aingle-card aya- h a lf gal. tem couldn’ts be further from IMPEIMAl BRAND flavors reality today. The. moat rirlUng SHOP-RITE p a c k a g e Jm feotura of our present aystem of SHOP-RITE tranaferrlng money la the multi­ plicity of credit carda." American Expreaa says the SHOP-RITE 100% CORN OIL ELBOW MACARONI 4 89 ALUMINUM FOIL 5 u: H earliest forerunner to the credit HELLMANN’S ORANGE OR GRAPE card may have been the “ travel MARGARINE AZ.n letter syatem" which waa Intro­ SHOP-RITE SLICES, YELLOW, WHITE, COMBO PAST. PROCESS MAYONNAISE „ 0...5P TROnCAL LoCal DRINK 3 ^89° duced In the United States In SHOP-RITE ^ laei. Letters confirming credit ^ ^ « v r a u n M i* W W W K t MXVa W IIOM l .*w______^ a v i ,w» w %___ IV^ *v**m*, a»uw XVWU19 -WT-T^nm, MAY. AUUfmiei B, "••V mMuwuAW, BVL XQT H- reliability were Issued which AMERICAN CHEESE 6 9 ■ M u a d w u 3 n . ^ . a . 1. ®- ■»«»*’ “toiar L. Ikylor. Jr., M ^l A. 8aad, l*BOry. Howard J. Latlmwr Jr., “^*®toV »»at April, could bo put were conq;>arable In usage to SHOP-RITE TEA BAGS r 5 9 HEINZ CATSUP 4 KP Mm^’ “*•** ^ Toaniamd. Bdward J. 2 ^ 5? ^ ®- “*®^> “• ^^''«*«o V. Lavlgna, Mra. ^untll next aprlng, Ot^A Ren- the modern "courteay” credit itaLm ifiS: 'ftamMim Mra. Dorla P. Tiw ^ ^aen D. Leary. Mra. Doro- SMALL card although Umited to VERIFINE WHY PAY MORE? TUAtovton, Emara „ 2S**Sj2“7 ? ^ !> Ctou-laa B. White, thy F. Lahrmltt, Raymond O. The xmr Matlon waa origin. COnAGE CHEESE 2 9 ISM VA charges for lodging- i t a l E S ; ^’ “ o ^ d ’ S!iDmD“ ltoh2rin”S ^ SSUT^** ®’ “ “ •*« * Wmnltt, Valerian J. Lamak. oUy plaanad to bagto opon ^ Department stores started Is­ ****** *toyiBlond T. Vlotor, Rah- “><* M. Wld H. Lovlna, Richard C. hy Auguat 1889. DeMvacad I n ,, _____ ^ItU ■ouippad with laathentto In­ suing "credit coins” sometime 2SLS:n^S.^„«*f T •* *• Mm J«w D. S5i. E *“***- Un««rom. Mlee Paulina M. ------terior, windahlild waahar, 8- bMore 1S20 to atlmuiate their FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT! APPLE SAUCE MORTON SALT r ®tocy O. WHron, Dexter SSL*’ ar^*^T*^livif^ «**'“’ **”' A. Luatjen, 8ANDV DENNIS STABS OPoM olootric wtpm , heMar, salea. Oil oom i«nies began Is­ SHOP-RITE • MfrpMar, 4-way aafety fUahan, suing "courteay cards" in the ,. ,b . $ 1 ______^ ^SSS R LTS?Sl5r‘ *• 2S^'*£'DiSJ^wi VERNON SSS.'ir < "> - " > « » ■ hraA-dip hg^, fr ^ and rear 1-ib. O c IkMdila. Eldrad W. Gartty, aWtorid. ^ Donald, Mra. Ruth W., j Aikmtevk Truw t I^ e y ia^C i^S ?n2*^i*® ' ****27* ®***^ D«>nla, who won leeca. jrarah F «-*«»« WlUaxd J BHla, Harold L. Gmy. Mia. Pat- ■~*mc^, Tracy L. "^OJ- Catharine Mariay, an Oaoar for Beat Simporttnr a m t b d U . Credit cards aa we know them ORANGE JUKE 2 cans M box Om, Chaiiaa F. (Bpaon, Edith ELLINGTON tta 8. Granlar, Robart D. Grif- a' i^*****^ Alexandu*W ^ Aotiaaa in 1986, la to atar In tha today were pioneered in 1660 by SHOP-RITE roS^RlgbyaoiiSa^ Rv - fln. Mm. Efla P. Groammm. 5 SL.“”’t i '; MUlatona,’’ to Da TED TRUDON Me. 81, Talead Tpla, Diners' Chib, which was created 8 dmaid J Orawia wnuam 1 .. Duane E. Ahom, Bdward L. nymra C. Hovav 8r Mra 5' Andrewa Mra. _ Alro, Joaaph M. Martino, mada In r^ Brigham, RMiard G. B, Laaaow. -- ”^*>1 A. ^ w . Robert ASSORTED FLAVORS SHOP-RITE TIDE DETERRENT 3-lb., 1-oz. a u q o r y b . laar, ciaranee m . 2^^ *’ ***®*^- H. Bardin, Mra. Agatha S Bar- 1,000 establishments. • SHOP-RITE LaVranda, Richard D. Lander r® *^ .'^*1; N. Calveti, Alao, Alan L. Latham 8r., wwa. Mra iidnaM AnoHier Classic Book in the Making on the Kennedys Credit cards now fall into three categories: md MIm Nancy C. Laa. 5S S l?C k2S ?lLil^ ST**? **"’ °*~’ F . ' B ^ L ? M ^ ! d SS: POPSICLES COOL IT DRINKS n CHDCO MAUD PIE 3 i ± *1J» Aim Itoymond O. Lamrara, * . Oaywwwl. Mahioo 8. Una L. liabier, AUan Long, thy Beeverwtodt. Mn. Delda —Travel and entertainment. DEU DEPARTMENT! M m Bm 1C Lraria, Mra. DoeW Operators In this field are ORANGE. GRAPE GIESHA Ba H m m . DuBoen MeDououslii American Express, Diners’ Club IMPORTED KRAKUS mtrnm T. AfoKkMwy. CSntte and Carte Blanche. These cards H. MBtor, David X. IMUhall, are held primarily by business Wkyna B. lOcIwaon, Mra. Oar- and i>rofeaslonal men. CANNED HAM 2.99 Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS SOLID PACK TUNA REGULAR OR THICK tn a d a R . M o ta n , M ra . M U d ra d R . —Private label. Oil '•Kape- m F * ( g | OMratad, Lacoy W . Paefchran, nlea, airlines, hotels, car rental ^J -r7-oz. C 4 jr-,,M ra. Ediai B. Pataiaon. compemies and department SHOP-RITE BACON vit 6 9 / I 1 -q^- ■'4-oz. 5 w Hranid F. Ponbmon, Mra. redeem stores offer these cards primari­ ■ i A cans ■ water cans 5 ly to promote their services or HY6RADE Be X. McbMdmn, X n l C. Bog- products. om, Jranra M. RnSra, M m H. R evivin g credit cards. These SKINLESS FRANKS 5 9 your cards, largely regional or local BMMr, Xdwwrd J. Smrin., NEPCO M m C. gufiknier, Bfm CHndys In nature, are issued mainly by B. Bervtr, ailiton W . ghermmi, hanhm and financial organiza­ Mra. Surame B. Bbocte, Leon- tions and are ment primarily EXTRA MILD FRANKS ^ 6 9 iMMl O. SWMrt, Ccuto X. M - Coupons for use by housewives for shop- C a p it o l f a r m s b o l o g n a , v e a l l o a f , p o p . o l iv e , c h ic k e n l8BO^ Mra. Nm oy P. Sttrantain, ping. ■ms A. Blmaid, Him. Louim W . The credit card companies de­ BmMi, Hohert W . Tbomton, Xd- rive their revenue from dis- COLD CUTS 3 9 9 amed J. Tnmemewrirl and Mra. counts from estabUshments a p p e t iz e r & SEA FOOD Omoa P. Ttaoy. wMrii accept the ceuxls In Ueu of cGLSh and from membership fees. WEAVERS ALL WHITE MEAT COLUMBIA Some credit card practices Marahall D. Aitken, Waltar have come In for criticism re­ CHICKEN ROLL •A-lb. 5 ^ c H. Albert, Joel F. Anthony, cently, mainly because of the ATALANTA OR KRAKUS Laonaid Auedn, Cbarlm X. mailing of unsollc(ted carda by SWEET BWley Jr., Alfred Balktn, John bonks and acme others In the .'/-lb . P. Bobaok, Bruce X, Bradford, reviving credit field. CHOPPED HAM 59* Shank X. Burton, Robart H. Last September, Betty Fur- HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS! BAKERY DEPARTMENT! Crarabwalto, PhU^ C. Doolato, D rie and a half ysari ago tha asiaitinatlon ef lohn F. Kan- neaa. President Johnson’s as­ ALL DARK MEAT Aaettn C. DdMier, Robert M. nady touched off an outpouring of hooks on the Into President sistant for consumer affairs, COPPERTONE OR SEA AND SKI (NEW IMPROVED FORMULA) WHITE Shrmer, im iam J. Holmea, TRIUMPH cautioned banks to stop sending "■ 4-ox. and the tragedy that ended hie life. TURKEY ROLL 9 9 ■omar J. bham, William W. and out unsoUcated credit cstrds or COLE SUW, MACARONI SAUD AND plot, cent, Jaoobue, Gooega W. Lange, Among the first and perhaps the most outstanding was "The face the poaaibUlty of being for­ SUN TAN LOTION GERI ANN BREAD SHOP-RITE OLD FASHIONED Bobart X. Laclalr, Maurice 8. bidden to do so by law. Torch Is Passed," produced by a team of writers of The Asso­ r . I - 8-ox. Leonard, Carl B. Lewla Jr., POTATO SALAD 33‘ plot. coni. OoBBir M. LytUulnen, Mra. ciated Press, the world’s largest news gathering organization, BAKED SUN TAN LOTION APPLE PIE Wtadftad M. Marmaud, Pater which serves this and thousands of other newspapers around NEW COMPUTER SETUP SUGARED, CINNAMON, GOLDEN ^R.\(il:l)^: >/i-ib. Maiaton, Bdward W. Merritt, the globe. Regarded as a classic, it sold nearly 4 million copies. OHICAOO (A P ) — Great Brit­ VIRGINIA HAM 79* SHOP-RITE SUMMER SNACKS Mra. Mae 8. MMer, Theodore ain’s General Poet Office will be 16-30 COUNT PINK AND K. Moeaa, John Nagy, Chariaa Mow the Kennedy family has had to face up to another tragedy •the locaitlon for an on-Hne com­ SHOP-RITE DONUTS '%T 2 9 A. Olaan, Mn. Dorothy M. that has shocked the nation end the world. And now too this The Story of the puter system linked to four re­ POTATO CHEESE IN STORE HOT 8AKE Olaan and Julae H. Pacbor. same team of Associated Prose writers has regrouped to chron­ search centers in London. WHITE SHRIMP ^ 1.49 T h e manufacturer—Burr­ rKcSnCDBCLJ Alaoh kbo. Edna L. Petaraon, icle not merely the one etarh tragedy of the murder of Senator CHIPS CORN Q'S FRENCH APPLE ' Mra. Sara K. Rebinaon, Mn. oughs—eald that the system Is Robert Kennedy but the whole dramatic story of the progreit of in being installed this summer at 7 9 * twin Lolita J. Roaan,. Im e l Rttoki. teleoommtmIcatUMis headquar­ FLOUNDER FILLET pock 8-ox. ROLLS 6 9 STRIPS”^ 6 9 AIM d F. Sobata, M n. Mary A. tha Kannadyi from fimina-stricken Ireland to abundance and PAN READY w 25* KENNEDYS ters In Gresham Street. It will 45* Mnanaray, Mm. Violet L. Sotac- power and service in America. ^ serve nearly 8,000 scientists and iniiiiiiiiim COUPON s a v i n g s 1.11111111111111^. cU. Laator W . aUmaon, MIobael I The dream that the Kennedys have had-and achieved-of -i-is. . B. Sugruo, Bdwud J. Syadak, “TBIUBfPH and TRAGEDY” Book eng^eers working on projects WHITING 2 9 ef oey noboit J. Tkggatt, M n. Mulon I public service and self fulfillment has been shattered again and MauohMtor Evening Henrid, Box 06 ranging from calculating satel­ CENTER CUT THIS ANY 5 PKGS. V> OZ. S n PoughlteeiMle, N.V. ItdOl lite orbits for trans-Atlantic X T h Su t , lira. Haniat C. Ten- < ' again, but still lives on. The story of that dream and what has COUPON aaat, Jbbn B. Tattalbach, Jack Enclosed is $ . Send me copies df I communications to working on 79. happened to it and the Kennedys is the heroic theme of the new prop^les of a new micro oJr- HALIBUT STEAKS CLIP WORTH M. Thningaqn, William W. APbook. Triumph and Trapedy at $3 each and copies I • FUHNY FACE *IMnpai»'i. Jamm J. Toiur, cUlt. ^ . I f .oil/Hill iiimmI (It of The Torch Is Passed at $2 each. Nine terminals connected on­ Bobart E. Tratnor, Mm. Doro- SHOP - RITE'S Called "Triumph and Tragedy: The Story of the Kennedys,” it I ANY SHOe-MTi SUPER MARKET line with the computer wUl ^so AND iBy B. THplaft, Boyd U. TUtlo, will be a handiome volume, illuitrated in both color and black r 'whim rriM is avaiiAiu Bebort J. Vortafauillie, RuaaoU N a m e ' _ provide Instant printed repUes 587 MfDDlE TURNPIKE. EAST, MANCHESTER COUPON U M IT-O N I PER FAMILY and whitn. It will have bardbeck binding and about 190 pages. - to Instructlone In each of these X. WlMdor, Jr. CUdney T. Sum m ^ Savings Festival! ‘ Coupon expirea Sat.^ July 2 7 , 1 9 6 8 ’ A d d re e e offices. The system wUl auto- Prool^t Ave, A Blvd., 811 W. Mala 8t„ Meriden 10 WN tih auai, Mtabaal WUlm, Jr., To reserve youricopy, you should act now and send a check A west Hartford IMS Albany Ave., BbwtfoTd Cmtpmf tBiwtmakH oailf oia pMfiiiaaa kt ifaaai HttoO M ratert W . Wlnfclar and Merten matloally log and 4M ainter Bd„ New Britain 818 Waihlngtoa » ., NOT RIOHMABIION ITEMS PtONNNTIO BY LAW for only S3 to "Triumph and Tragedy” In care of this newspaper.'^ Cily^ StBte z ip - B W kX c . ’ AS*, f computer time being shared by 888 Windier Ave., WUoon BUddletowa, Conn.' J scientists and engineers. b SAVE alllilllllilllllllillllil -'-L. Open Mon. - Oat. 8 a,m, - 8 p.m. PrIcM effective threngk Saturday Nlqht, July 17, 19M. Not retpootlMa for typaqrofihleol otroit. Wo looorva tho right M lhalt

I, A ■ / ! i t 1 -;

nM B DGirnEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 Spring St. Swicwfllfe Issue Agents Find Obitiiary Subject tor Board Aug. 6 ■$2 M illion ThMHS Bkrt OMntty TboiiMM Dart OuTtty, M, of M Tomtie Rd., huaband of Hr*. In Fake Bills rectora has aoheduled a ^ I c ^ ^ ahtewsHta. signed by 44 *Ibr—a livraia Oarrtty, died on hearing for Aug. 6, to detar- ownani. At tba July- arrtral at Manrhwiar Memorial BRICK TOWNSHIP, N. J. mine whether the town w in ki- jg meeting, Wetea eaid Miat he Ho^ittal tlds m ornioi'after mif- (AP)—Secret Service amenta staU concrete sldewalka on the had rec^yed t K l i f a heart attadi. bald they raided a one-family home here today and confiscat­ south aide of Spriig St., from In H r. O am tjr waa bom July 19, Oomstock Rd. to Dartmouth the number of aignatuM*. 1ML3 In HarttotU eon of the late ed "m ore than $2 million” In Schendel scored Weiaa for counterfeit $20 bills, the second Rd. The hearing wlU be at 8 "poor oommunicatkm and poor JMia r . and Della U Shea Oaiv pjn„ in the Municipal Building rtty, and had tteed in Manches­ laig^est haul of bogus bills ever public relatlona,” in not con­ seised In the country. Hearing Room. ter meet o( hie life. He was Tbe estimated coat of the sulting wMh tbe flpring bt- Eight persons were arrested property owners on the pfopo- eeaployed aa an automobile propoaed sidewalks is 88,880,80, a member of Uiroughout various parts of the eat state, said Frank B. Wood, chief with the town to aasumo 82,- Weiss, at both meetings, said the Rockville Lodge of KIcs. 908.20 and two benefltUng prop- luiMvora, bealdea his wife, of the Secret Service In New ^ that, the sidewalks were nssdsd include two sons, Thomas B. Jersey. a forthenifetyofohUdrenattend- Wood said the biUs were found Gterrity Jr. and Theodore M. Sohneir, 8427.06; and Hugo M. Oarrl^, both at home; a daugh­ behind a trap door in a bedromn and Joaephlne PatelH, 8296.66. o " Dartmouth Rd. and ter, lbs. Henry Boucher of closet of the house. ' ^ ^ y T Manager that the school board^‘^\trangl]i He said he believed that the Vamon; two brothers, John F. RoB ^ Wetes asked the bocud favors the oonstruoaon. Oarrtty of Vernon and Atty. printing press allegedly used in to 840,000 of Capital He said that sidewalks w Harold W. Oarrtty of Tolland; the operation was dumped In linpraMlnent funds for Spring needed on Spring St. from Gara- two grandchildren, and several the nearby Atlantic Ocean. But St. aldewhllcs, from Oardner ner St. to Comstock Rd., at an nteces and nephews. Wood said inks and acids were 6t. to Arm e PI. The board estimated cost of approximately The John F. Tierney Funeral found in the house. tabled aetton, pending receipt $120,000. Home, 219 W. Center St., is in Wood described the counter- of more infomddion, and dls- In answer to a query from a diarge of arrangemmts which feit bills as "good workman- cusaed the requeA^egaln at a director, WeUs said that he are incomplete. ship,” but said they lacked the July 16 informal iiKiahng thinks the needed funds are In------fibers found in legitimate biUs. WUHam T. Burgees The largest seizure of counter- • On July 2, and agalnw July eluded in the bond Im s Routed William T. Burgess, 71, of 17 felt money was $4-2 million in 16, the proposal w m oppoaed Richard Maron Sotiool. Ttotter St., died this morning New York City last December, (HaiaM ihoto bjr Pinto) by Herman Schendel, a Spring Schendel's main argument at Mandtester Memorial Hoa- Wood said. Batcheler, summer Iflbrarian James Purnell and Su­ St. property owner and rest- against the sidewalks was that Checking Henry Park replica that charts reding dent, who said he was authorlz- they are not the answer to a pital. ------progress are, from left, James Dunn, Michael san Kantner. Purnell made small figures. Bom in Mandiester on July ed to speak for almost all of narrow Spring St. The.answar, 4, 1897, son of the late Mr. and the flprJteg St. residents. he aald, la to widen the street. Mrs. Samuel Burgess, he lived 12th Orenit Vernon here all of his life. He was form- \ erty employed by die town of G>iirt Cases Eastland^ Celler Disagree Manchester and retired after several years of employment at Children Vie in Summer Book Program Pratt and Whitney, Division of B O C K V nX f SESSION On Fate of Gun Controls Four youths charged with rob- United Aircraft Gorp., Blast By DANA DIMOCK There are 170 narttolpating in out to sea. He found another her book on the first ladles of Hartford. He was a veteran of bery with vkdence and indecent tor C W g ^ e . land. That la why he was caUed the country, "It tells about how w a b h in o t o n - A teon of^ f^Y *™iy. Worid War I; a member of assault had their bonds reduced The RockvUie Junior Ubrary p « ^ Cihe Leif the Lucky.- the fl"t I^e. wero ^fore ^y of South MeUiodist Church; and their cases continued in is beginning to compete with the older children. All of the book “Abraham Lincoln, our 12th go^ n»aT^ to hiMbanda that gu n «m ^ tegWatlon^ ment Manchester Lodge of Masons; Rockville Circuit Court 12 yes- adult library in circulation. The reports are kept on file. or 13th president” was one little became Residents. ‘ a charter member of the Nut- teeday. children’s summer reading pro- mr»ino- into gbt’a only conclusion alter read- The library U pleased, despite President Johnms embattled a crime whUe uttng a Rn*™ meg Fbrest, Tall Cedars of Le- The four were arreated lest banon; a member of the Man- week. They are EBmer Bendix, and carpeted Junior Library. had the foU^rtng to say about Daniel Boone was ”A man c w of ^ program and « prediction was made by gun oontrol hiH finally takes if WMld War I of the U.SA., Inc. Ward St., RockviUe; Robert H. one for first and oecond graders sake Etlnm AUen. ^ ^ Judictesy Chalmum Emanbel «nd when tt emerges from Obn- Survivors -— — oo- ,,— .. . ^ h) keep the at- OeHer, D-N.T., after the House gresa, one thing seema certain Mrs. Bertha neatest mosphere free and easy and. spent seven houn Tuesday wad- at this point: Tliere will ba' no and a nephew, describee most of all, fun. big through amendments to provisona for the licensing arid' see Rogers ______ready a measure for today’s ex- regtetratton asked by Jobnaon Indiana. with the beating and this year aa it has in the past. all his bom days. pected final vote. after he first preaaed Oongrasa . Funeral services will be held robbery of John Breneman of The children in the low« Double H ieft Caller’s oppottte number in for a ban on toterstato mall-cr- Friday__ at 1:80 p.m. at the Wat- yvhite____ Rd., FiHngt«i____ grades need only . ilgn . the books ^ famous nwi^are“ “”.*irrs Police Arrest the Senate, Judiciary Chairman der eales of rlflea and ttiotguna Une-West Fune^ Home, 142 E. ,roee orlgina^~^ at $25 000 they have read next to their to the point. One says, "This ^ ^ Manchester p o lice are James O. ESastland, D-Mlas., d^ and over-the-counter sales of Cmter St, with the Rfv. Dr. ^ ^^re reduced to $1.- name In a booklet, but the older book began -when Ben (Frank- M i :> 1 1 f1 checking the second half of a Glared fate oppoeitton to a siml- i«ng guns to restdente of nonad- J.- Manley Shaw, Soutti Metho- qqq yesteiday but they were un- students must hand In book re- Un) to a Boy. Ben to a famous double theft case that occur­ tor bW called up for stanulta- jaoent atatea. dtot Church, officiating. Burial able to post them and were re- ix>rts. ^ he b ^ h t Hght- A red at Olobe Hollow yester­ neous action in his committee. Johmon also asked for bans will be In Etost Cemetery. turned to Jnu The oases wero To encourage the children in ening down to eath. v.re than 2-to-l Tuesday an at- ' valeacent home. ^ ^oifc State. driW reads in the time the pro- the pUlgmm and married one of 2or^“ r r ^ ^ « S ^ ^ - was emptied while he was Promotlon of Rifle PracUce tempt to btolude a provitton for She was bom In BTtthtauig, Remaed rvai nm . and lived In the Hart- , B^wrd Cou- gram runs. then. Died in England.” noon in the SheraUm-Glbson k>b- biisily fighting with another from ttie prohibition of inter- ucenaing of owners. Lswt w«ek lombe, 1 Heidi Dr., Vemoo, waa At the end of the program a “Franklin (Roosevelt) was a a securltv suad boy. state ttitpmeitt of firearms and n rejseted by naittas nearly aa ______■ •__ m TI. ______and hud In* nt fllT, WUBU a of *”tori^SrT S i t tom other continued to Aug. 20. He was party te planned to^ those in boy oi>v."L^ M ^x'of’oeorgll After some questioning, ammunition. huge two attempts to require •OHS alda^igteer. rdtaance. ors being given to those who presidents and then became old boy had taken tbe money governing body, works closely Because cf the daoistv* votes, _.. ___ -* Thomas Ooidorobe was arrested last make the honor roll or high pres.” ,_____ , ... from Whlpkey*! cor, but that with the NRA in the holding of these two provtslonB, If included Friday at 2 p . _ ^ March after a complaint had honor roll, depending on how “Leif waa going to sail west. McKeown was charged with F. Farley Funeral Home, 96 a yet unknown perswts took rifle and pistol matches. in a Senate bUl, a n ngarded os As soon as he grw up he saUed carrying a concealed weapon. Sikes, a lifetime member of haviM little of getttng Webster St Horttoitt. Burial been made that he waa keeping many bordta are read. He reportetHy to an avid fan of the money from the boy. the NRA, said, ”We can live through any Joint House-Senate arrangements are incomplete. a trailer truck parked at bis ______------Maddox, who appeared unper­ with the hiH the way it te.” conference committee. The Friends may call at tbe fu- home in a residenttal zone, turbed about the incident call saying that a plane was to Another amendment, spon- houm team, which wfll indude neral home today frtwi 7 to 9 Two EUlngton brotfaen were McKeown was taken into cus­ be hijacked. South Windsor sored by, Rep. John D. DlngeU, OeU«r, could be expected to bo p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 6 presented on charges of diaor- tody inside the lobby door as KUnt was freed pending a arid 7 to 9 p.m. derty conduct, stAsUtutod for Maddooc waa entering the hotel, hearing by U.S. Commissioner D-Mlch., also an opponent of giMed by the votes, gun controls, would, permit U- b i addition, nW vfigh CMler breach of the peace. Frank A. Maddox’ chief security aide, Ektward M. Conan. He was PadegintaB, 18, of Crystal Lake Education Board Accepts censed gun coUecton who deal fovors registration and licensing Capt. Steve Polk, a Oeotgla pa- charged with carrying danger- . t Narcotics Raid Rd., and Thomas PadegimBs, trohmm, said he “brushed ous and deadly weapon, aboard 20, of tbe same address were Edtvards School Grounds down” McKeown after he had a {done, a felony, buy and sell fireanna across to give some form of gun coo- Brings Arrest both fined 826. seen the man following Maddox A spokesman at Utica College state lines. troU a bettor chance of pasaogs. “ Under this amendment any Raymond BowAard, 26, of i The Bocud of Education held ly, 9:15 to 3:16, and kbidergar- from the convention center' to said Klint had been a program •Of Five Youths BaUngton Ave., Vernon, was fin- ^ special meeting last night at ten, morning session 9:30 to the hotel, a distance of thre coordinator in the federal-fund- self-styled collector could ac­ quire firearms through the BTHATFORD (AP) — Five ed 160 for qreeding, and Emma the Timothy Edwards School, noon and the afternoon session blocks. ed program last summen and „ C3iurch Ordains young peraons have been ar- J. ’Thibodeau, U Prospect St., After, touring tbe school area, from 1 to 3:30 pm. Maddox said he didn’t know was to have lectured there thU !??"’ lasted on naroottes charges in Vernon, was fined $6 tor eper- members of the board voted to The schedule to partly the r e - ______this was a dangerous kx>phole. Miss Harrison about the incident until Polk year. The House also adopted an a raid Tuesday night on a cot- ating wMhout a ifoenae. accept the ccHxtttion of the suit of a need to use the 24 him. ”It w m Just one of _ _ Miss AUce M. Harrison of tags on Long Beach. Charges were noUed in tbe fol- grounds of the school, subject busca effectively. It also allows things that happens occa- amendment that for all pracU- 740 Million Illiterate cal purposes would leave only Boston, Mass., a Manchester Polioe said the cottage bod lowing cases: Reginald J. to the oorrectlon of problems, more effective use of special gionally ” the governor said, ammunlUon for ptstote and re- native,, was recenUy ordained been under surveillance ttnoe Boeee, 28, 76 High SL, Vernon, Problems ineduded tbe re- teachers. 'These teachers, work- oox, vvhow no later call^caoieu a N A 'n O N ^ N .Y . — twnhltolted from sale n minister of the Unitarian Uni- before Memorial Day, and ttiat breach of peace and Ekkrard E. placement of trees, reseeding of ing in teams, will be cAle to ^------' ------— ^ ------*------'------" ...... ------n e w » conference tov u b speak^ oja vuk out ^ ... num ^ -- of im ^te j 4U«aM« wMaiim VerMUmversalist UnuTCn Church in cerOnionitti ceremonie Wage grotqM of young persons Blozle, 60, 882 Avery SL, Wap- certain areas and attention to cover schools tn blocks of time, amcmt federal aun control P^raons in the world uncreased through ^ m aite . .t ti«, irirat UnitAriiin U n iv.ru .

Capt Joseph Oorten, bead of to be sent to the Public Build- held at the Union School, ttie harm.' decade, a U.N. r e ^ says, the give mandatory prteon sen the deteettve, bureau. ing Commission, with the slip- Wapping Schc»l and the Luther- Police said McKeown also had percentage of Uttterates dropped tencea to persona oonvlctod of religious ^ucatfam. U.S. Engineers Lag using a firearm in the commie- The new minister to the cous- “oonsideraWe amount” of mart: ulatton that the problema be an Church. Parents will receive a pair i handicufto’and a phony ** * *® *’ in of J. Henry Thornton of 28 Juana was aei^ olo^ wtttj guarantee Jntormatlon as to tbe private watchman’s badge. Un------Wellington Rd. and Mrs. Qeorge some plHs and hotkah pipes. August. der questioning, police __ W. C. Hunt of 286 Charter Oak The latorior of the cott^*. jjj JS^^Sch^^J^L M e Education t ^ Warner added that a program McKeownSldtoem he was car- St. She also hss several cous­ poltoe said, was acoeptod the openings and clos- of busing according to dUtrlcts rylng the gun because he waa psycheddlc funilttilnga; iwdud- « « « » graduates 140,000. gf schoole as propored by wUl be issued at a later date, "a fraid of crowds and Soviet Heads Said ins In the RockviUe area includ­ ing Frederick Hallcher of HIU- *2 J|J*S and prtomatlc leneed ^ SeSSfS a OrienteUoo N ^ . ” top Rd., RockvUie. itessss. „ ^ PARIS—Snaln is the u./itng An orientation program for Police also reported be sold She la the daughter of the Those arretted on M t s tt »«Jhe le.^ »>* at the he was “fond of Oov. Maddox.’’ On Way to Prague late Henry W. and Clara Elisa­ ,dolating the state act f o n At the convention center, Polk beth Hallcher Harrison. Her fa­ were Identlfled as WUHam T. School 7.y to 2.16, Ellswoyi ^ individual said McKeown got Maddox’s au- 3 ther was employed at one time a «g te r. 21. who resided at the f o " Sept. 4. WUU^ tograph. (Continued from Page One) tacke on the Prague regime as superintendent of the era- oottege; Richard L. that there wUl McKeown Uves with his to be creating a mood of unity 19, Of ’Trumbifll; and Tho^ economic paper, Les V^y, 8^ to 2:3^ OroJ^ be 804 teachers on the staff, 80 grandmother. M r s . ______spread to weapons used by on vet department at .Chenay Oonseta tn Prague. Brothers. He later owned and F. Quinn, 21. Robert W. A lfi^ , ^______HlU, 9 to 3; A.very and EU Ter- gf them new to South Windsor, trhwettzer, who wUd he had re- " i^ v ^ seen such a massive Am erica fUxncompjmy making operated a grocery store tor 21, and Thomas P. OUbano Jr., gjnee the last meeting, 17 pool- cently been treated at a mental ahow of unity only once before,” * . many years at 698 C a n te r at 19, all of Bridgeport “ " ^ tlone were filled, with the pott- hospital hero. McKeown told po- S i H ie movie, “ Tho ®'*'*«*— ^ ,___ _ Disadvantaged Day Camp tlon of chemistry teacher still lice he had been an outpatient, the party four decodes ago. Remagen,” has been In the ^ vacant. There to also the need Polk said the' gun was In a njMora Viafjwia. ti#4i*tv ICiLi^ 0 * fn iA .T i lOCttX^Q* W l0 ftllO AM? ( w IA s is* to hire another social worker, faoltter under McKeown’s suit ctermans marched into Caettw- cna^eu ^ both Wam«- etated that with (he cott. After dtocovertng the ■ S S S I S «> • ^ F u .* growing number of teachers in weapon, Polk eas4d McKeown <-me tragic tWng about tWs “trla A for the filming were !"*the *'®*“ * " Boeton College. WASHINGTON (AP) - The The Summer Day C w n ^ unteers ^ staff to dtocuss final special servlcea - 12 In the over to the police deek in the compartswite thatwe hated the vanguard of a Western Invasion Navy said today It has success- run Aug. 6 to 16 at St. Bartho- arrangements tor the camp and special service field, four part- lob^. (JermanTwhlle we have always fuUy flown the Ul-fated FUIB tomew'e (3turcb School for 25 the status of tbe finaaoea. time membera and five nuraee At hU news conference, Mad- conaldered the Russians to be "m s cache, IncludingTown Lets Out Interceptor onto and off of an Hartfind children wlU have plan- The 26 Harttoed children in- _ there Is a growing need tor «k»t »ahl he oppoeed registration our good friends.” American automatic weapons L o n tr a o t s aircraft carrier. ty of volunteers to run a suocees- volved in the program wlU be a director of special services, ot gun becauM ’’people would While Soviet troopa maneu- **** German-made pistols of Tbe flights marked the first ful program but dcnatlona may picked up each day at 8t. Ml- Such a person would work with aHU be able to get guns regard- vered to the seat of Caeohoslo- World War II vintage, waa die The Town of Manoheoter has carrier teste for the swlng-wlng run obMl of tbe 81.000 goal. cbaeTs Community Center In principals and teacbers in the teas of any law.” He oald gun vakUL Western allied maneu- ®®v**^*6 ^ear the Czeeb-Germon awarded contracts to 8, Alerla Jet whose further development Only $400 has been donated oo Hartford. The children of the analysis of technical probiehia laws would be unconstitutional vers planned In West Germany border at Sokolov last week. and Sons of East Hartford, tor ivos cfnceled earlier this month far azid the camp leaders are camp ttaff and vohmteers will concerning children with special and "not in the best Interest of for_____. Sept. 16-21___ were relocated to The Soviet Communltt party installing sldewalka on ifnlion after Jrears of technical dlfflcul- worrying about the reot. ' take port also. People of all needs. He would hpndle the test- "this ' country.” them well away from Cietti- newspaper Pravda reported on St.; to the Relchle Oomtruotlon ties. "We are going to have the pro- failhs are involved. ing, evaluation, and fttlow-up of STRACiUSE, N.T, (AP) — A oslovakla’s western frooller. it before the find was officially Co. of Wapping, for clearing and The Navy said the FlllB gram regardless,” according to” TTie camp children wlU go children as weU as direct new 27-year-old federal program The exercUes, In wWtti some announced here. The general grubbing a portion of a new ttd landed aboard the carrier Coral Mrs. Dolores Pietrantonio, oo- swimming twice a week at the teachers in speolaUzed fields. worker U free in his own raoog- 80,000 West <3erman troops wUl belief in Prague U the arms slope; and to the Battem Bquip- Sea off the California coast late chaiiman of the camp program Saultors Pool. Also, an all-day The result would be a more ef- nizance after his arrest for roln U.S. and French troops eta- were either hidden by the Rus- ment Co. of Rooky HlU, for Tuesday after taking off from sponsored- by the Committee of trip to the University of Coimec- ficient, better coordinated______iboordlng a Mohawk Alrllnee honed in southern Gernuuiy, slans themselves or by some furnishing a vacuum leaf <»1- HJdwards Air Force Base, C^aUf. Continuing Oonoem (OCX!). ticut anhnal farm Aug. 14 will system, Warner said. It may be plane armed with three guns, had been scheduled to take others out to embarrass the new lector. — ------Mrs. Pietrantonio attriuted tbe be run b]^Mrs. Donald Roy. possible for a staff member to two knives, ammunition and place close to the Czechoslovak Czechoslovak leaders, 8. Alerfa and Sons wlU Inttall A l_ _ „ a . nPa^sArra response to the camp’s A picnic at Wickham Park fill the position during this com- two cap pistols, border. The West German de- A spokesman for the film a sidewalk on the east side of X O v v a l. funding program to (he summer. Aug. 16 will end the camp. Ing sclx^ year, but Warner Hans Klint of Syracuse, who fense ministry announced today compan^ said its stock of 4,000 Union St., from Kerry ISt. to Tbl- Groups (hat might contribute Contributors ------...... Tben wUI be a councU meel- ors to the comp pointed out that it may be neces- was to begin lecturing next that instead they would be held "operative weapons” included land Tpke., at a 10,812 price, iiy Friday at 7 p.m. at Zion again until the this week include: St. James’ sary to hire a more qualified week at an Upward Bound pro- in southwest Germany, well arms of the same type os those Part of the cost will be -i-ims' LuthMW Qnirch" *“><1 **ta*>y P®ci4e at* taking .CSiurch, tho Sistertiood of Tern- person In the future. . . BvangoUeal gram at Utica Ocdlege, was ar- away from the Oommui^ fron- found in the cache. Mott were ed against benetlttlng property vacations. Funds raised so far pie Beth Sholom, the Guild of Kelly Bd. Busing rested by the FBI Tuesday as tier. shipped In from Austria and the owners. 112 Cooper St. total 8400. Our Lady of Bt. Bartholomew, Because of traffic conditions he boarded a Boston-bound air- The change obviously was In- United States. The Retchle Oo. will clear a FISH, which opened ita pro­ .The camp’s costs todude run- Robert Evans, Mrs. Ruth Ca- on KeKy Rd., children east of >*ner at Hancock Field. tended to prevent the Soviet Un- "Our people keep a very close portion of land off Hercules Dr. gram of free oomnuinltylsorv- ning life bus donated by (he vln. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Norman, Avery Bt. will be bused to The FBI said Klint carried a ion from uttng the maneuvers to check on them," he said. "As to provide a ski slope which loe July 1 In Mancbetter, needs Church of the Nazarene. The the Rev. and Mrs. Steirfien school, eliminating the necessi- case containing a double-bar- bolster Its oqntention that tor- for aa I know nothing is miss- will replace the one at ML Nebo more volunteer workers to pro­ exx: has not yet been able to Price, and several anonymous ty and exp


‘Mr. FixiV VALUAB1£ COUPON ' VALUASLE COUPON VMUIAIU COUPON 1 VALUABLE COUPON f Signor Leone s m p u ^ B^ ROMS (AP) - VVbMMTBr 20c OFF ■ 15c OFF BLUE SlilMPS I tidage run amok in (he tangled 20c OFF vnUi tiils osnpon uad imrnWfi ol m th ttto ooupon and purohase ol caeM -oN- mfH tbia OM9 0 BI ^Bgle o f Italian poUtioe, the TRfli fH i ooupon Nad pareliNW u *gLM or more pkg. or more of yoop favorite brand jmbs. your fm m PKMiilnt calls la lb>. Fbdt, Uk- Mbs. your iNvwIte Ima0 •Me Giovanni Leone. HEALTH and PRETZELS or _ tialce In the past five yean, MARGARINE J fast-talking Leone has accepted BACON BEAUTY AIDS POTATO CHIPS the pnmlenhlp when all othen thni Sat., have failed. Twioe he has Ooupon Good Him Sat, Ooopoa Good ttni Sat., Coupon Good ttra Sat., Coapcu steered the country out of poUU- B M y f T , IMS M Iy IT, I M July W, ___ _ lim it! One cal diaoe. lim it: Om Osnpon per Oustomer Limit: Oae OM^on per lim it i One Omipon per Customer Tat the affable Neapolitan m r ■ with the large nose plays a poig­ ow i ^ood iM m tfouM^ nant role in Italian poUti^ Ih OL wSSm days of normalcy, he retires to obscurity. He is called in for MANCHESTER 11 SOUfH WINDSOR ody when all appears lost SULLIVAN AVINUI "Don’t irony. I wMi't stay ■URR CORNtRS SHOTPHIB PLAZA long," 6»-yeaiM>ld Leone told a _ ' "TbiWak' 7U MIDMJ TURNFKH..IAST TOLLANOi TURNPm-NDCT TO CALOOR SHOPPINO eiNTIR party meeting last week after □ ariimlng a confidence vote in the •■•‘iJH fRM COP Chamber of Deputies by a mar­ C wi'ih each Brand Chanpien Qnillfy gin of five votes. *1 am here to $3.00 keep ttitngs In order.” purchase U.S.D.A. TOP CHOICE BONELESS Order, in present day Italy, ROUND SIRLOIN means conthmaUon of the cen- HEARS terleft government, a coalltimt of Christian Democrats, Soci­ U S D A CHOICE O BOtTOM L C M - J ile y popular alists and RepubUcans. Before the alliance was SHELLS OF BEEF formed five years ago Leone ROUND CHUCK ROASTS B-THRIFTV WHOLE acted as midwife for six Pvtiek Cndahy Appleweed months, holding the premiership OR HALF until the political maneuvering LOIN iQH was over and the center-left was IXHTl. . A SHELL STEAKS lb. $1.69 SLICED BACON This summer, after the Soci­ alists suffered an election set­ UUTNOU back and bdted the coalition, he SLICED BACON LJ ------OAST FRANKFURTS DUBUQUE was hack at his old caretaker o s o iio m TOP QUALITY SVv^lFT S PREMIUM SEE FOR YOURSELFI post, with his grayii^ hair, Armour's Smoked black rimmed spectacles and HAN SLICES i i i m l DAISY BUTTS Boneleta Pork Shoeldor DAIRY adiite bristle mustache. When STOU SUCCD CHICKEN PARTS ^ ; ,’ =I' ; ;, -' SAVE UP TO 1 0 % ON LARGE ^ ALL CENTER the Socialists meet at their Oc­ BREASTS with rib LEGS with thigh SPECI tober congress and presumaUy HALIBUT STEAK 4 lb * JcmAl Qi/jf MoK decide to rejoin, with a more ru siM m a n s d r) CUTS imiAif’* COOKED SALAMI radical platform, Leone is ex­ MRS. FH.BBIT*S pected to step down without any COD FILLET ■onun C O R N O IL fuss. UDSU m A LL MEAT-NO WASTE 8 5 < BOLOGNA er LIVERWURST Armoi^s I He will return to his lifetime STEWING BEEF SHRIMP GOCKTAILO OADn SslMt - CiMiei BrIskDt MARBARINE Senate seat, awarded last year HOT OR SWEET-PURE PORK $}9t by President Giuseppe Saragat FRANKS for meritorious services to the LIVERWURST OR CHICKEN “SoiT ic naitioa. ITAIIAN SAUSA8E Leone has always shimned the BY THE 7 9 w h a CORNED BEEF party game of potruiage, influ­ PIECE lb BOMBLBSS ITfa>om, T I WEST VIRGINIA ence and intrigue vddch charac- lOUieNA DJ9J>Jt. CHMOE C j quick co nvenient terlxee Italian politics. In his CORNGD BRISKET WHOLE Scmi - Boncifss own Christian Democrat party, WHERE an cx r im s SARA LEE BRISKET Sk I nl f s he stands at the center and has AVAILABLE C H iC K THIS OUT! few connections. Shcink less But his reputation for utter in­ 49e Sugur Cured tegrity and ability to think and rusiLT coom ^ 39c FROZEN rOODS PINEAPPLE eacpress h im s^ clearly has Barbecued CmcKEN 4 SARA LEE Ail Blitter ^ made him the master mediator UTunnu-tu MU GRAPEFRUIT DRINK of Parliament Pepulir Fancy Ifia motto is "seccaU, ma fal- GENOA SALAMI French Style Try this dMIelous * CAKiS «« lo” (do it desi^te the boredom), sn a o KAVA Initanl coffee! 89 and with Us cajcding smile asd GREEN BEANS Save 50C 6 long conferences, he has con­ LUNCHEON NEAT Nish Bone MlNte m id 12 ex. esM vinced the Socialists at least to ru s n T iu K FRENCH DRESSING Deluxe 49* abstain in Parliament in confi­ POTATO SALAD SLICED CARROTS 6 LEMOHADE dence votes in order to secure some summertime stability. ORANGE JUICE Cidlllnc-100% chicken 99* Leone's program is basically CAT FOOD and liv e r- a trimmed down version of the HAWAIIAN PUNCH 3 center-left. He has given priori­ 6 ' ' c ^ 7 9 c ELECTRASOL 33 oz. Giant Box 49* ty to social welfare and educa­ Merton's tion problems. 12ez. $ 1 NOTE THIS: Ssve 12C But he has made two conces­ GRAND UNION SALT 2 BUBBLE BUBBLE BATH Boxes I sions to left-wing parties, in­ 3 FROZEN FOODS cluding the Socialists, whidi ■ H T T ^ Mrs. Berehetti^s •*" A A have infuriated his own party. 48 o s . Bottio STRAWBERRY PRESERVES VI"' 4 9 0 He has pledged to force the REGULAR OR FRENCH CUT CRISCO OIL Vatican to pay taxes on divi­ New Larger Size! SAVE 24C on dends of its Italian atoCks, SAVE 20C on LASAGNE «“ O T which were exempt until now. 9 Of He also promised to pick Aunt Jemima haa WATCH THESE SAVINGS! ag o z . IVORY members of all parties for the GIANT Your Your Italian delegation to tiiepouncU Cl*7r- Choice Choice of Ehirope. This would make Ita­ 5 TIDE LIQUID ly the first Ehiropean nation to TASTY NOURISHING 'O f t l/ U i PROM 'ROUND THE WORLD WAFFLES admit OommunistB to Its Coun­ GRANDID U N IO N ^ 3 - 1 cil rd8.’’ GET IN ON miSI ______^ *Rtt|riietry'-llrinp Leone has picked tq> the chal­ FRESHBAKE-SLICED ^ ^ Mb. lenge. Bisek CheiiY,qierTy,LiBiea,Lliiiiiends bis life between R ^ im r a U P P U M MANT i f - aWAIIWI TWBT roompAsTE - r - - # **• 15-01.,^ 27' Home end Naplea Beside teach- pkg. FUDfiESICLES GARLIC SALT STA-FLO StarVh Aurotol 39< inp and his law practice, he PEACH PIE £> 49' COFFEE CAKE 39' BIBDS EYE Ukes to watch soccer games, 3.25 01. I collect Byzantine ictMis and eat SHOP GRAND UNION FOR THE NABISCO COOKIES 47' spicy end heavy Mediterranean FRESHEST PRODUCE IN TOWN! Olant Size Tube food. He has a dog named Moro aft­ enmuao _ ^ er a former premier, but says WITH be only picked the name be­ cause the dog^s white tuft of CHOW MEIN " ” ' 89* PRODUCI "GARDEN GOODNESS' C^ KOIG-CHOW NUN ^ ^ YOU CAhFT TOP THISI hair reminded him of his prede­ SUPER JUNfiflO cessor. POPUIAR WHITE MEAT n s wife, Vittorla, is a stun­ NOODLES 2 53' CHON BMC _ _ ning brunette with a radiant smile, who has been an asset to SOY SAUCE 29' CANTALOUPES 3 *1 h i. career. TTiey have three WUJIWW-CMIRIKITTU b o m ; Mauro, Paulo and Gian- THOMPSON'S carlo. HOT MUSTARD ^ 39' Leone dislike# being com­ pared to a latter-day Cincinna- Thermo-Temp tui, the Roman general who coupons SEEDLESS GRAPES was called back from his farm LONG GREEN I 1 Insulutisd Ware to save Rome from anarchy. at spocial pricul Kuoe hot feed hot end cold feedt "You Just can’t compare us," ID* 0F|B Freezer Froth. You'll love thia casual, carefroe be commented alter Italian pap­ Insulatad war# 1 that la used at homt, Indoora or ers headlined "The Return of CUCUMBERS 3 2S° outdoors-far formol ontortolnmofit or family Clnclnnatus" in late June. PRICED s o L O ^ He recaUed his five fuU terms CALIF. JUMBO BUNCH ' ■nocks. in eve«V Parilament since the u b s te p r Shrimp Ntwburab Buy lovely motehlng accessory plocos or lido war, his presidency of the for 0 fraction of their rotoil value t Cteunher ol Deputies and his orKlngCHiblmperlol CELERY 29* abortive try in 1964 at winning g o o d thru Sat the Job of president trf the re­ This public. GREEN PEPPERS . 25' 100 EXTRA 50 EXTRA 25 EXTRA 12 oz. emuranoBDA 29* "Alter all,” he said, "I stay In SO U nB R ^ ------m^mrA SAVE 14f weeks ooch with Parilament, I teach, 1 am a law^i rapefruit TOF VALUE STAMPS TCP VALUE STAMPS TOP VALUE STAMPS PINEAPPLES • i29< G iccnoNs with the purchase of a package of ovary $3 yer, I am active—and I have G a l l o n b t l . specie! B O W l gardening.” OFF with the purdhaae of ] with the purohaae ol Popular View-All purchase VINE RIPENED-PINK MEAT 4 9 A R A p / A extra $ 8 LBS. OiP PiSAOHES 5 LB8. o r NKW ^OTATpBS PACK OF 4 TOMATOES large Area*B Metalt Varied CANTALOUPES 3 ^89/3 siie 1 SUDBURY, Ont. — Mines in the Sudbury district of Ontario SOTT-Wm . .AM. tlAnOBON are not only the free wcntd's loading source of nickel but they TOILET TISSUE 25' BLEACH also yield U other elements, in PMCH fFKCTIVe THRU SAT., JULY 27, Wi MSfRVf THi RWHT UMIT QUANTITY. eluding copper, iron, sulphur, Double Top Value Stamps every Wednesday cobalt, gold, aUver and plati­ Wnchester Plailcade, Middle Turnpike, West—Triple-S RcdMnptkm Center 180 Market Square, Newington num-group metals. Open Friday Nights to 9— An Redemption Centerq, Closed Mondays v ; ■til MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-THRBE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-TWO m uM A ■55* ! Eased Laws H ebron A welcome wartnrweather drink! From the sunny South • .. yellow^ freestone FREE Mortga Satt On Mappiage 0 Zoners to Require Permits Take Effect Buy one 26*oz package of Morton Salt at •5^. • To Install Swimming Pools By DON MCKEE MB Del Monte Drink the regular price and get 1 package FREE AModated Pnaa Writer The Planning and Zoning Com- leader the foUowing Uet of hooka \ with this coupon and a *5 purchase ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) - A mUaion' voted . a at iti meeting____ .at,____a *this _ l_ ddaaadthat lahave A M A Vl been ■ added 4toa 44\Athe Ac- / f i \ S ' year ago a man and a woman tion section of the lirary: 'Pineapple m week to require that residents them Peaches Limn 1 coupon ptr family. Biftcflv* llwu July IhS oehr. / \ | ' fnitting in swimming pools will fert, To Wed A Doctor; Banks. walked Intto the Fulton County Children at the Gate; UArVUam. Yellow summer squash or Fresh peach and cot­ courthouse in Atlanta and wrote have to obtain building permits Grapefruit 4 6 «E iFaMlW MW FnililililiHilM from the zoning agent Karl Colonel Gun; Aird, Henrietta iede green zucchini. tage cheese salads * ...... history simply by getting a Who’ ; Holt. The Queen's Con­ tanks. Q perk up sandwich and A delicious blend of two cans Georgia mairlage license. Atty. Robirt Gordon, repre- fession; Slaughter, Sins of buffet p la tte rs . Or fruit juices . . . sunny way She was a negro. Ho was ir. building a subdivision in the Herod; Spencer. Crooked mix with other fresh lbs to start the day and a great Forest Park area. came, to the Way. and Foley. Malice Domes­ lbs fruits for compote. summer party mix. l i l A e Arr I white. meeting requesting procedure on tic. Or just bite into! It was toe first time toe clerk abandoning the building of a Also, Troy, Farramonde; Var- 10‘ OFF Softweve had issued a legal license for connector road. Elizabeth i)r., t®**’ Wall Street; Read, 'The toe marriage of a white and a which had been approved in the Howards of Caxley; Godden. Negro. Since then, more than a subdivision plana. Gone; KenvClman, Friday the dozen sucti licenses have been Rabbi Slept Late; Innea, Death Bathroom Tissue PACK •5- t The commission edvioed Gor­ *=• ■ issued in the same office. don to return to a later meeting by Water; Fenwick, Disturb­ with this coupon and a *5 purchase s A ruling by toe U.8. Supreme with engineering reports on the ances on Berry H ill; Taylor, Court had in effect removed problems being incurred with The Mystery of the Cape Cod Limit em I roll por cuotenwr. Ooep thru July 17)h only. ' Georgia's proMbltion against in­ I he building of the road. Gordon Tavern; GalHco Manxmouse; terracial marriages. The tribu­ hiso indicated Jiat he would sub­ Keyes, The Heritage; Jay. Top of the Grade Beef Choicest of the Choice! 11,,, counfem ,,,11 flavors! nal striKk down Virginia’s law mit a proposal for re-subdis-iskm Sleepers Can Kill; Vessel, The $ i m c d u i June 12, 19«7, thereby nullifying of this area. Horseman; Ralne, Night of the similar statutes or constitution­ According to Gordon, the area Hawk; Ekhvards, The Survivors; al provisions In 16 other states. Davie, Twiliglit Journey, and h t o K w a Lining of toe legal barrier, wrhere the connector road is be­ ■ ing built is lowland and swamp Uewellyn, The End ofthe Jour­ however, has not resulted in a ney. Duncan Hines stampede of marrying acroso end the contractor has lost a I m x l A m m j Bottom Round 4-H Dairy Judging ' 15'OFF Quart Jar ‘ toe color line In the states a f­ bulldozer in the wet lands. AssesHor Snbstitiite Local 4-H dairy members are fected by toe decision. On the invited to attend the Tolland and basis of records and estimates, Carl Thor ill will leplaoe Har­ give Beef is only as good as the Layer It is Ukeiy that the number of in­ old Maddocks. town assessor, Hartford County 4-H Dairy side of beef it comes from. Kraft MayonBaise terracial marriages In toese -antil September. Maddocks is Judging Tour to be held at the aM xinwm So maxi-man buyers person- Coke M ixes h S V i 0 1 ' confined to his home while re­ Horace Pease Farm In Somers attjr aetocLtlie best of USDA with this coupon and a *5 purchase ^ states during the first year of cuperating 'rom .a recent heart and the Urban Luglnbuhl Farm Choice. Then nrexUmgn Yellow, Whito, Buttor RocIm pkgt freedom to marry falls below in Tolland on Saturday. Those butchers treat it as if their Fudgo,■ * -Buttor -Rocipt ■ oold- 100. attack. s e r v ic e ... •n, Fudio Marble, Spice, Limit 1 Jo r per customer EffecUv# thru July tWh only. i attending the tour may meet at wives were buying it In North Carolina, the State Thorell will be at the town . . . trimming it care­ Cherry supreme, Davll't the TdUand Agricultural Center Food, Lemon Supreme De­ office bpilding on Saturday from fully to cut the fat out luxe, Deep Chocolate, Board of Health reported 16 at 9;1S a.m. or at the Pease OransB Supreme Deluxe. marriages of whites and ft a.m. to noon. of your meat budget! lb Tsr.-. Library Donatfons Farm at 10 a.m. aitd are advis­ The Negroes In 1907. Georgia has The Inter-County Ambulance ed to bring a box hmeh. dictionary had upwards of 12 since toe rul­ Association has' given the fol­ BoIleUn Board defines maxi­ ing. . There have been three in­ lowing books to tne Douglas U- The PUbUc Health Nursing terracial marriages In Tennes­ mum as "the pe­ brar>’ in memory ' of the late Agency serving Hebron, Ando­ lb see, half a dosen In Virginia and Winthrop S. Porter, who was ver and Columbia wiB bold its riod of highest, Top Round 88 15' OFF ciSi, Great a few in several other states. Hebron's First Selectman for 20 monthly meeting at the agency greatest or utmost U* Louisiana Issued its flrM li­ years: American Local Govern­ building in Columbia tomorrow development". We at Mini-priced meals in a minute! cense for an interracial m ar­ •5^, • ment by George S. Blair; Gov­ at 8 p.m. Stop & Shot) aim for -X riage soon after the high court ruling. Alabama and Mississippi ernment in Rural America by The Hebron Board of Select­ maximum service — and ABNiicaB Soais Lancaster, and New England by men wHl htdd its weekly meet­ apparently had no Negro-wiilte that takes special peo­ Sagendorph. ing tomorrow at 6 p.m. in the with this coupon and a *5 purchase marriages In the first yeco* after Mrs. Daniel Horton, librarian, town office building. ple. They have to be i the decision. advises that these books may be quick, accurate, pleas­ Chef Boy-Ar- Limit 4 cans ptr custen>er. Cfftctivt thru July 87th only. There are several reasons, in­ Ixirrowed. Bfaacheoter Evening Herald ant, helpful — and cluding racial polarization, fig­ Mrs. Daniel Horton, librarian correspondent Mn. Marjorie then a little more of m m uring In the lack of Interracial weddings, a sociologist said. for the Douglas Ubrary has re- Porter, tel. m-Olld. each! We have * Spaghetti and Meat Balls, '"Ihe polarization of toe eth­ such people . . . nic groups is actually atremger we call them # BeefaronI or Meat Ravioli Freshly baked Stop & Shop I V l o l i today than 20 years ago," sedd "maxi-men" Lunchtime — suppertime — anytime — is the |406z Dr. Fred R. Crawford, 48, pro­ Events in Capital fessor of sociology at Emory right time for Chef Boy-Ar-Dee. Keep several ^ S a u c e can University In Atlanta and dlrec- Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. cans on hand for those days you don’t want toi- of Emory’s Center for Re­ Senator Sees Congreaa The over-all length of the craft to spend in the kitchen. Lemon Pie search In Social Change. The In Lengthy Seauon center Is studying racial rela­ A smooth tart WASHINGTON (AP) —Sen- tions, poverty and violence. ate DemocraUc Leader Mike ed to 1. ^ feet to two w e ^ . lemon y filling " A second aspect of the small The House has passed and In e flaky pie Mansfield says a congressional number of marriages between after the Republican sent to the Senate a bill that session crust. 1-lb, 5 races," Crawford said, "Is that and DemocraUc national con- “ Im p ri^ e d oz pkg. toe comnum law, nonlegal or ventlons would probably be* ^ M l^eb- ')L ~ lo combat zone pay until their rhdZtN ea. casual relations evident SO or 40 '*^ w e come back." Mansfield The bill would give Top Sirloin I Eye Round BLUgBERRY m years ago have almost disap­ each man $65 per month retro- Frozea Blueberry Pie peared in terms of offspring. said Tuesday, " I imagine we , ______wm be here for some tim e." He ao f 'J o J a n u ^ ^ e n toe “ Now we’ve got the plH." ship was seized by North Korea. Today’s meaty roast, to­ Stop & Shop Featherllght Spouge Cake ^ 29^ added that toe session would ex­ A boneless oven roast with Crawford said the mere open­ tend "considerably beyond” two morrow’s sandwich. Place ing up of toe possibility for mar­ thin roast beef slices on fine robust flavor. Solid meat weeks. "Rich's Whip Toppiag riage across color lines "Is now —no waste, and as with all The Montana senator said Andover sliced white bread. Add Keebler °^ooklM*' 4 9 * going to Influence a great many cheese slice, top with our meat, it’s trimmed Just- Congress ought to stay to ses­ t-ib 4 7 * to cross over." sion as long as necessary to bread lightly spread with Rite. Buy a large roast and SAVE Pet Ritz Blueberry Pie, 20 Dutchmaid o.oobp •- horse-radish. Grill slice off a few steaks—they're A controlling factor in mar­ vote on PreslJent Johnson's oz. Fine to keep in the freezer for riage, (Jraw^ord said, Is what Juniors Qub in melted butter superf Burry Assortment 57* nomination of Abe Fortas as unexpected guests. Extra good when sociologists call propinquity, or 'till golden brown. lb Ea . / chief justice. But he declined to sprayed with whip topping. m m Mazola Corn Oil 67c nearness, closeness of associa­ speculate on what would happen Making Plans tion. if supporters of Fortas should SAVE Rich’s Whip Topping, 10 oz. Kleenex N apkins 2 ,”,^ 55* be unable to muster toe two- Mrs. Richard Mahar, presi­ can. Rich flavor non-dairy topping. “ It is entizoly possible that toirds vote needed to break a fi­ dent of the Junior Women’s Tastes even better when you compare Kleenex Towels 67* toe number of interracial mar­ libuster. Club, reports that toe group met Back Rump 98i calories with some others. riages will become greater as Ground Round 88l Kraft Salad Oil 65* young people get to know eaxjh recently at toe home at Mrs. ISigeria Seen Willing Charles Williams on Aptoall Dr. other," Crawford said. ‘‘There 1 Sweet N' Low 47* and plans were made for !v .‘ We reserve the right to limit quantities has been such a total kind of To Open Relief Lines r|; segregation in our society. Until WASHINGTON f AP ) -T h e re ProJect- the club will undertake WASHINGTON (AP) Then months to come. Sweet N* Low 85* young people have the opportun­ IS hope for quick agreement to _ ity to know each other, there break toe mounting logjam of t)n Oct. 5 toe club will ® •won't be much maniage." relief supplies for toe needy on rummage and bam sale J toe As definitions and attitudes both sides of Nigeria's civil war. Town Hall. All those wishing to ’y l K change permitting more racial a House foreign affairs subcom- contribute items for toe auction integration, more marriages mittee has been told. should cwitact Mrs. Williams. will occur across racial lines, he Joseph Palmer n , assistant Un Election Day in November said. secretary of state, told toe sub- the group wlU hold a baked There were few prosecutions committee Tuesday the United goods the school —or tests—under the so-called States is accepting "a t face grtninds." miscegenation laws x>rior to the value" Nigeria's willingness to Looking ahead as far as Supreme Court ruling. AOssis- open up areas for movement of Ctoristmas, it will have a Chriat- slppi only had one prosecution food through fighting lines. nrias Fair complete with a Santa In recent decades and the State But, Palmer said, there has claus at toe Town Hall. Full de- Supreme Court In that case re­ been no response from seces- tails on all of toe events, such versed the conviction on the sionist Biafra that would allow as exact times and beneficiaries ground toe state had failed to trucks to move. ot toe projects proceeds, will be Palmer, just bock from a six- announced later on. prove beyond all reasonable week tour of Africa that includ- Teen-Age Dance doubt that toe convicted man ed Nigeria, didn’t indicate just ^ five-piece band called the, was one-eighth or more Negro when agreement would come, ^he Pale Blpes, made up of —as the law spelled out. but said the "need is great and Andover and Bolton musicians, Some cases have Involved urgent" on both sides of toe pj-0v|de toe music for the - < ; questions of Inheritance. On the basis of the U.S. Supreme Court struggle. teen-age dance to be held at We rasanra the right to limit quantities. ruling, the Oklahoma Supreme .mw . the Red Bam at Andover Lake H v D Announces (rra rU frouj 7 ;3o to i l p.m. on Friday. Court held valid toe marriage of Drink a keg of beer! a Negro and a Chickasaw In­ WASHINGTON (A P ) -- 'Ihe dance’ is sponsored by JADDOOC Department of Housing and Ur- ^ l p q a for members of the as- dian. A bill to repeal the mis­ AlperCs famous brand svCCCT’ASv; ban Development has an- ^joci^tion and their friends, cegenation law in Oklahoma nounced a $376,000 grant f<^ a Office Houra Black Label Beei died in committee In the 1968 study on how a .housing pro- Special hours for toe last week legislature. gram can be made a pa o me- p^y^g^t of first quarter tax- Fancy Brisket When a beer drinker Native Amerioais, the In­ 12 ounce tropqlit^ placing. ex, before toe deadline of Aug. Taste o’ Sea Fish Steaks h a s something to no return dians, were Included in some of ^creta ry Ro r ’. j „ 1, have been announced by Tax SflSvpB celebrate, nothing keg bottles toe old laws against interracial Frankfort Sale! beats a party with a said the Collector Mrs, Leona Dressel. 2 lb Packoge-Breoded 6 marriage that date to 1661 when keg of beer. Miaryland cd '’ ‘ “ e ‘ own sec- mins. Arrange 6-8 Your maxi-man says white marriages also were The studies will be coordlnat- receive payments "down with kitchen Martiusou’s Coffee slices corned banned, but (hat section of the ed by toe National Association each weekday between 9 and 4 beef over cab­ Nepco Knockwurst 84 lb drudgery!",but Great coffee at a great price! The dif­ lb i J 2 S Banquet Sliced Meats law was repealed in 1961. of Housing and Redevelopment except on Saturdays. knows you must bage. Cook cov­ SAVE on Sliced Turkey in ference in Martinson’s is hand-tend­ There had been some winking Officials, a professional associa- Bulletin Board ered 5-10 mins. feed your family ing . . . the difference In the price is at the laws also prior to toe Su­ lion of urban renewal and h6us- Charles S, Newman has been well. So he’s macle Giblet Gravy, Chicken ala King, Nepco Cold Cuts 29^,lb mini-pricing®. \ preme Court rilling. The mis­ ing people. Weaver said. named to toe dean’s list for the this "meal-in-a- 2-lb tin Beef in gravy or Salisbury spring semester at the Ratcliffe ^ Rath Sausages 29‘ j mini" for you. Steak. The "cookin’ bag" makes cegenation statutes were disre­ Ci^Htal Quote Hicks School of Agriculture, cookin’ easy. garded for years with no at­ 4 - 1 6c off tempt at enforcement In Mis­ "The days we are going University of Connecticut, Chiffon Diet Margarine label through and thel days ahead are Ross Person was one of the souri, for example. ' going to be difficult ones. Bui Tolland f>>unty delegates to at- 4c off Since June 12, 1967, there Merit Sliced Bacoi Armour Star Blue Bonnet Margarine have been few efforts to enforce we are determined to press the tend the 1968 National 4-H Clti- label 2 pli5 59^ seurch for ji'-acC even as we re- zensliip Conference /leld at the SWORDFISH There's more to bacon than Bologna or LIverwurtI the old laws. A county judge In sist aggression on the oattle- ^.^tioi j t-n Center in Wash- breakfast! Hickory tastin’ Miami, Fla., refused to issue a FRESH B0HELES8 Slice thin for cold cut field. We are going to continue jngton, D.C., July 14-20, P goodness it a merit specialty. Pillsbury BiiHermilk Sunshine Wyler's license last January but was re­ to resist toe efforts to splti our ^ Phelps of Townsend m platters or easy sand­ Nabisco LaRosa Schuler's Potato Frills versed by toe Florida Siipreme STEAKS or Ballard Sweetmillj Biscuits country wide open aivide achieved honora (or the Lazy Maple Sliced Bacon 78 wiches, add gusto with ’’Fancy Crests Fig Bars Instant Beef Bouillon Elbow Macaroni Court 6 to 2. our citizens. -President j>hn- upring semester at- Worcester lb mustard. Chunk. States which had miscegene- Moist & buttery . . , right m . 16-02 ^ ' 2%-oz 48-oz # son in a speech Tuesday night to Polytechnic Institute. 1 0 Z' 8 9 * * ^ Schuler's Pol«^ato Chips ti(Mi law s a y e a r ago w e re : A la ­ the National Governors Confer- ______from the fishermen’s nets to Pkg 3 / pkg O O bama, Arkansas, Delaware, you I lb I ence. ’ MACHLNES DESIGN ROADS Florida, Georgia. Kentucky, V\ ASHINlVrON-Machlnc.s that Loulolana, Maryland, MisolsBip- ( apital Footnotes pi, Missouri, North OkroUna, Exploxer 38, the radio astron- uuii draw inaps, chartii ami en- Stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons AT OUR MANCHESTflR STOP & SHOP STORE! Stop & Shop w ill be happy to redeem your Federal Food Coupons at our Manchester Stop & Shop Store! Oklahoma, South OaroUML oniy satellite has unfutSed the gineeriiig are libed by the / Tenneasee, Texas, Virginia and lalsl of Its long arms and all ^ Kor*kt Service to design West Virginia. equipment tis operating normal- nnd plot al\ least 16,000 miles of 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE W EST, MANCHESTER. CONN. ty. reports! the Goddard Space roads built 'pch y o u . I

( k - \ .MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 PAGE TWElYPy-FIVE ^ A O l TWENTY-FOUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTEai, CX)NN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 New Style Duke Tribute Of, Feminist THE To Strayhom THE By MARY CAMPBELL mr ABUEKM jlHIHUMB A P NawafeaSurea Writer NKW TORR (AP)—"Do you “And Hlz Mofiwr Oallad Him I look HIm a fominlst wri- BUI,” nawly recorded veeteonz tart" OtroHiM Bird aaked. part- of U Billy Strayhom compoal- Ijr in eamoaL ttofw, by Duke ElUngton oiid bis ■ m had Joat won HM. bacauae orcheetra, to out on ROA. tt to a ooljr « M paacUat on a TV ahow taataful and senatUve tribute to had corraetty gueaaod that aiie Ellington’s long-time asooelate, waa tha author o( “Bom Fe- Billy Strayhom. mala: TIm High Ooat o( Kaaping “The Intimacy of the Kuea” Woman Down," a newty-pub- and “Day-Dream,” which has Hibad book diat dstalls aH the an extended lyrical aolo by aboaaa women lace in the em­ Johnny Hodgea, are eqiectolly ployment world. beautiful. The last track, "LotiM Oomelgr, Mlah and graying, Blossom,” starts wMfa a lot of Mtea Bird doeao’t look like a background scraping and talk, femiidat, if one pleturea a femin- 00 that you can virtually see the iat aa the old type o^aotfragetta, band packing up to go home. miUtaatly mottratad by aex hoe- ONES Then Ellington’s piano stoats tUtty aad a woman who envied ONES the song, a quiet, tovely firing, men Otelr freedom. and gradually notoes stop and " I thought they were all everybody to Ustcnlng. dead," commented lOak Bird. Ellington aeiys in a ooft, sad ‘T m writing fOr and about die tone, ”I haven’t llotened to the new style feminiat lU a woman y e t” may wall be manied and be a Remlntodng, in a determined­ mothH’, but rite doea not bdieve ly cheerful way, Hnibigton saya, that the only career for a wo­ "B illy studied sUl of the good man la pleaidng a man. NOr la Join The music and then he got nrixed iq> thia woman aatMled to fill a with me and converted to the typically aterotyped female Job arrangermento ’natural.’ He —underpaid, aaaiatlng a man Join The Growing List came here, a little kld‘, in 1MB uaually aa a deik or aecretary, and prevented from enkuging Growing List! on the day before I was getting her job aeope." ready to leave for Bweden. I Director of reaearch ftnr a parked him In my bouse with New York pidiHc relatlana firm my eon Mercer and my ateter and .in private life die wife of Ruth. I came back in about six ^ave with MAST weeks and be was a lyrlctot and Jouraallat Tom Kaboncty and mother of two chUdren, a 6- an arrangar. He and Mercer year-old aon and a maittod had been going through my daughter, ICae Bird seems to fit scores while I was away.” the new feminist image. Howev­ Get riRist TOTAL VALUE: Bet Hnut TOTAL «UUE; ElUngton has sold of Stray­ er, until A e waa asked to re- hom, ”He was the only one who aeardi the subje^ of diacrfini- QUALnY-SAVWGS-S&R STAMPS! gUAinY'SAnNtt'SOH STAMPS! ever cracked my code.” natian against women in the la­ $1000 Winner From 1989, until Strayhom’s bor fidd for a national maga- USDA CHOICE death May 81, 1087, he and Ell­ aine article (the magaatn^s Chack — Bant-lai Mn. Htary Raeleut ington wrote and anranged tor male editor turned down her re- Emt LuugMMduw, Mats. , the Ellington band, togethar and aeardt—hence the book) m as $1000 Winner separaMy, but ao closely that Bird admitted that she baAi’t As|*lika Rnu nunmiiRiKiUSDA CHOICE Ellington can’t always remem­ even cooaidered whether womoi ber who did what. were diaciimlneted againd in Staaftri, Oaaa. MaFatAAdad “On May SO Ruth and I threw buainess. “I thought w d l maybe roses into the Hudson River, others, but not me." FIRST FOUR RIBS where we scattered hto asbaa a TUs "it didn’t hi4>pen to me” BONELESS year ago. The roses looked pret­ atdtude die eaid was the way ty out there. moat successful women, tboee “You don’t know how I miss earning $10,(XXI or more a year, USDA CHOICE him.” reacted to any suggestton that Baatltts ElUngton says that he isn’t women in IkUlneeB were indeed NaFatAddad much Interested in hearing or discriminated against OVEN- presenting “retroepeoUve” pro­ "ICoat suoceadiil women were grams of the music he’s written even afraid to dtacuaa the word READY $1000 Winner —some 1,B(X) pieces—since com­ djacrlminatlon," die noted. np aiiMi RNST Mrs. Fradsriek laasdiet ing to New York In IBM. " I f you “They’re terribly afraid of re- ^ More tender Daabary, Gann. can’t think of somefiUng to taUatton. ’They prefer to teel $1000 Winner write, of course it’s all right to that . In one way or another they • Easier to Carve lb listen. But It’s too cloae to stag- are egcceptions. Mhu Fraaaas S. Jaatsf • Less Waste natlOTi for me. You watch fixe “Tet in one way most of these OraaafiaM, Mats. SMMD ions ° parade as It goes by and then successftil women were alike. you write the music. I ’m writing ’Ihe majority had readied the more than ever now. I have to. top because of a fluke, a special Boneless Greenismt - Jumbo Squid 29* Boneless Rib Eye Billy Strayhom left that trig circumstance.” yawning void. For examjrie, she explained, HALIBUT Little Neck Clams 45» FRANKFURT SALE! ”I don’t have time to write the telephone companies need STEAK SALE! CLUB STEAKS what I want to write. You go someone to siqpervise file opera­ 1.7B Finast Skinless 63« lb home at night and stt down tors. Naturally that woman has • TonJorwIvo Yoir Cboiot FILLET Flounder Fillet 7r- and write eomethlng. TtxeA you to be paid more. (Ronne) Shoulder Roast ^ 88» l^e Round Steak’1.29- lb think you’ve Just got thne to Ml— Bird’s first Job after cd- Nepco Extra Mild 65 get eight hours of sleep so you lege was on a natlanwlde news Fully Cooked Salad Favorita Ocean Perch 09- Chuck Roast ^ 69» Bar-B-Q Beef R ibi 69» $500 Winner quit. Then you think of some­ magazine as a researcher to a • Swiss (Chnek) thing so you get out of bed to writer. “A typIcaHy female Franess Bonisoki Calif. Steak 65» Fillet Steak 79.S Finast All Beef Jot it down. Job,” A e aald. SHRIMP $199 No. 1 Smelts JSL 3 7 ‘- Walsrbnry, Conn. Cnbt (Chnek) "TraveUng gives you an isota- Perhaps because of this, she $500 Winner Chuck Steak T 59>£ Beef Flanken 59- tion you can’t get anywhere else began daod^dng the women • SkonlJsr ib Nepco All Beef aefatevers accwdlng to the loop­ Caaia NIaatra MEAT can Clam Steamers fr- 35- Top Chuck Steak 79-’ Beef Liver 39-’ for thinking and writing. Harry WSUCH hole they used to skp through Tarriagtaa, Oaaa. KNOCKWURST 79^ Oamey—baritone aax in EHlng- the invidble barrier. Half of an Ground Chuck 69-’ Ground Round 85- ton’s band—enjoys his driving women who earn $10,(XX) or so I have lots of time to think in more a year fincugh their own his car.” efforts die categorized as Wo­ Right now, ElUngton says, men’s Women—editors of wo­ he’s thi^iklng about writing men’s magaztoes, buyers, those something for the Lee Angeles Richmond Coffee i : 5 9 ‘ Soft Margarine 3 ’ 1 .0 0 niCHM O ND who interpret wmnen and busi­ Cheese Spread **fto 8 9 ’ Peeled Tomatoes -•c-oa. 4 8 9 ’ HtUharmonic. ”I have'a conoact ness to each other. Finast Waxed Paper 2 3 9 ‘ Premium Margarine 2 -iS 4 5 ’ to dp there Aug. S so I thought ’then there were Dynastic Wo­ Finast Mayonnaise S 4 9 ’ Fig Bars ' i—t 2 *•« 3 9 ’ I ’d do something new. We were men, wives widows, or daugh­ D etergent n a u T I ’ 1 .2 9 Corn Oil Margarine naMT 2 5 5 ’ $500 Winner there last year and did ‘The ters of buslneas owners; ’Token Evap. M ilk EV/UMEUNC 6 9 5 ’ Soup 8 - ’1.00 Golden Broom and ' fixe Green $ Mn. Waltar Fsrrsira Apple.’ I want to write ’The Riv­ Women, “I ’m the oonipeny wo­ S paghetti n a u T 1.00 Cream Cheese MOOMIM *p£ 2 9 ’ man type;” Gimmick Women Fruit Drinks naMT 3 7 9 ’ Gallon Bleach * -t 39’ Nswlttgtsni Csnn. er.’ tt’Q be a fanta^ river. Tve who turn iq> where they're unex­ got two Ideas. One is the gener­ pected. Rate-busters are hired $100 Winner al idea of the rtver, fixe other is the NUe.” for a Job simply because they Sariaa larraaght • Chocolatp win acc^ lower salaries. Of­ •ratawiahi Oaaa. EUtngton’s second sacred con­ fices mvea and Housekeepers • Banana 1 ^ n T cert, ‘‘Praise God and Dqnoe,” backstop top men in bustoeas • Orange Fresh Fruit From The Fussy Ones! premtored in January at New and profesdonal work. Sex Wo­ York’s Cathedral Church of St. men . . . w dl, they use a seduc­ • Golden i Jcriin the Divine, has been re­ tive manner to get ahead. • German Choc. P K ^ corded but Ellington hasn’t AMhough Miss Bird feds the found time to edit the tapes. position of women in the work­ ”I ’ve got about six difterent ing worid will gradually im­ FROZEN CAKES choirs. I have to sriect which prove, she doesn’t plan to per­ ones to use and so on. I ’ll proba­ sonally participate in any fem­ bly use a little hit of earii one. inist crusade. $100 Winner I ’d like to give a percent of the “(kir economy and rapid in­ Dairy Features! BBRiiEn Pams California— Taito-Tempting Treat royalties to all the 1000 in ensH pinvinc Bonus BiniiO-Win THE If il . UIIKV lUinnERi! PRIZE SLIP that fact’ clear. Seek more re- PROGRAM «241 sponsiblUty without being overly aggressive. EXTRA ONE THOUSAND 8. When you've woriied l« ig DOLLAR GAME and hard enough to justUy ask­ (B FOUR) ing for a promotion, do so. If PRIZE you don’t get tt, ask what your B -4 prospects are. If the answer is RANGE that “well, women don’t usually rise beyond a certain level,” SLIP look suound for another Job. It FUEL OIL may be the best thing that ever happened to you! $50 Winner $50 Winner $50 Winner $50 Winder $50 Winner $50 Winner CUT OUT ENTIRE SLIP I GASOLINE $ 5 0 WINNER $50 WINNER $100 Winner ON DOTTED LINE yj $100 Winner $100 Winner $50 WINNER $50 WINNER $50 WINNER John RIlay Mn. J. Haws Mn. Emma MoBIrnny Irann Dlagos Rooo BI||or Lllllaa Faraat J.B. LtvtII Oartllaa Rl|bat1l Mn. Jattia TarotHa Mn. Wai. Matra Mn. Htita talkawiki Mrs. Jaek Straw Bridgoj nrt, Oonn. Mn. Jaha Faraa Mn. Rabart Haiyfak Watsrbnry. Oonn. Halyobo, Maaa. Brld|SRort, Oonn. Wait Hartford, Oonn. Bristol, Oonn. PSYCHB)EUC Hartfard, Oaaa, SRflagflald, Mata. Waadbary. Oaaa. Oliataii Oaaa. Htrwalk, Oaaa. Ftadlai Mllltf Mata. Narth Havaai Oaaa. Flalavlllti Oaaa. BANTLY OIL A G O G O ! STAMPS TURN SUMMER SHOPPING INTO SUMMER SAVING! at Hm S rO T Mabi It., BfauiolMotor FIRST NATIONAL’S QUALITY, BIG SAVINGS AND S&H GREEN Bter, Clgerettas, and Toliicoo Products exempt from stamp offer We reserve the right to-limit quantities Prices effective First National Stores thru Sat., July 27,1968

Prices effective First National Stores thru Sat., July 27,1968 Wa reserve the right to limit quentitlee Beer, Clgarettfs, and Toljicoo ProducU eximpt from stamp oflir MANGHOSTER BVBNIKQ HBRALD. ICANCHBSIlll^ CONN.. WBDNBSDAY, JULY 24, 1968 PAGE TW BM TM Efin PAGE Twm nr-six MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968

tanlty hr New Tork will ba vary taaat ba happy » Shin. Bvezyono baa bto baninm atwt ateoallod "Myatoty” aorround- tba g n a t aoommlo oppottiail- It surely tot Lot to bo a furttaor jram lad ar Otpoo waht ^ X The News twaaa tha Laws of Ctod aad the art. Thay pcodnea more tboaiV mlna to a boy. tog ttaa Onmartlout Low RaConn ttaa offen d to them to tba form Let the now ouitax ba a ra- of what happons wtSuiavar a To devekip messoge for Thursdoy, 3-17.a8-2»H **SupoHRighf” Qoailty Boof—Ito fat Rddod cabal of powar-mad pohtioal ad- Ckxl of Mammnn. MD typoa of prodorts and tart rood words corresponding to numbers ■' €oft,'Hugk$^Pre$mtt What taagiiwod to nib7»< Xm-41 ^ vantuzars taka oontrot of lha I refer to a govarumoat laid year wportad |U mflUoa worth. of your Zodiac birth sign. *SUm* Wife to Ne»p$meh wMkood ooiild have bOTtponod to year (bnhktolUl) to fha panoa graato: It to only bacauaa thay tlma have voted tor poUtlotona AM.'21 a moor guy, but didn’t It hap- of oMaan lawyar Mr. Oranatein are on tba wrong aide of tba who ran tor piddle office on a people tontata a poHtloal ma- oa tba touadattoa aad oa (RKta ------>- I Foig«t 31 Mod* 61 Gift! CnfODfNATT, Ohio (AP) .h. obina. prtaelplaa .a a to moat adtant Oia lh a first book prtnfed to oBj- MAY 21 3Glad 32Jutt 62 Likely ••Uy wife to hara,” Now Jonoy P«Md to me, and m toll it of Wlndaor, Oonnaotlout aottog Una wbon tba porkbarrel oomea Bonadlot Arnold type of political BTimn 33 Ratmhing 63 In t»*iathar you boUavo It or not on tba laqiiaot of the New Bng* along. Ramembor! Soma have plattocm of filling tba ooffers of Thors to provlaloas In our U A Ctodutvon ztghto of maiz. ora was prodnssd by Jtfeaaa i ^ “W3.13 64 Your 2MM7.I Gov. Rtoirnd J. HiigiM ortd to 3/« 34 Change ICf MBWint awlmmtog amnr- our anamtoa abroad with our OoMtKuOon that wlH anabla our RaapaatfeBy fedsidtUd, Tort aad Phtor •efeortfito to e ) a t ^ 40 35Tidtngi 6STo 0.5M1-I P O T R O A S T S tend Region Ligal Sarrtooa of to gfeb ao that otbora can taka. totiuduclng bar at • now* 66 Arrhte day at Oloba BoUow, and. al- cRUans to determtoo tor tham* Tiadartok A. Bakir MOT. 36Judgay 42 In.eitment! 72 A C n mpooMk by feUtag nawamwi 13 Pun* 43 And 73 Molehill ehsek S s C t l M m woRot ooBtatoad only at JUNE 22 14For 44 Someone 74 JuW OK. 23 at the Nattonal Ctomnora ty cento — not oBOUgh to gat 15 In 4S0eor 75 FinotKiol O iiireit Roast n m Ooitonnoa: ‘T m now tanngiT JULY 21 16 Let 46Metioge 76 Change JA ' 20 axottod about But It atoo bod 17 For 471, 77 Tranractiora antbaflma.” my aoB’a naam aad alMrim C>Um M7 48Wingi 78 Don't 1-10-21-31H' Owib. ISOllwn S- Tba dhaaifiil Ibe. Boghoa la | » § 4 M § _ 19 Eon 49 A 79 The amoBg aavend papera. AaO, ba 20 To so It, OOToword fkiwn feom BBO to IW pomda and told, It atoo bad bto boom boy. 51 Mountainou, 81 Buying JULY 24 21 You'vo SUPER-RieHT IRAND— lONELESS la aiming at ISO pornadi, about Ttafa wtaoB my wife got ok- 22 Do 52 Or 82 Pace wliat toa wOtfiad in ooOogo. Aud 21 23 Don't 53 Problem 83 Acting, Carimdbmt ottad aad wnafed to know what 84 Repeot 24 CnwnM 54 Now 2 -3 h t . Oha to OB a aalMMa dtot—oofi. I w as going to do Batarday B W d 6-11-19-a 25 Working 55 And SSSob . n. alatiqg of boltod iloa twloa a day 56 The 86Si,ten 89 about yiBliaettog oig honao feom 2ffYour Smoked Pork Butts 57 Shopping 87 Today I MWBB aad toro plaooa of fratt-Hindar 27T>» "Supor-RIgM" Boot (Portorbo««s IJ9 lb.) AU6. 24 28 Extra 58 Or 88 Property Fa. Smolod—Coloslal Maxtor Bbtof cdtoleal aoparTtoioD. 29 Racraotion 59 1ntere,tcd 89 Them I sohrad that by booktog the se rf. MAIL 4 f o i l b . C llfe .’BagboA Iha moOiar of 10 2 2 30 And 60Ploce, 90 You Sirloin Stook 1. 19. Boawi door aad«by piscing a 7/25 7-12-14-; Porii Shouidors Avorago lb . otaOdnto w »a aortooily in wMi 1.SM4I JAdYCIK Neutnl Supor-Rlgbt—CHOPPED ohalr undkr the dooT kziob^ jnrt .7^73 € 14^75-77 "Sapor-Rlghf Sfrstghf Cut, rte lb. dtobatoa laat year and waa told to cose someons tound the key um isim t^ n 7 9 ^ ■by ftootata to loaa walght and tzlad to get to. And, I rtept ComodBooff ^ Biof Pnttlos " Kraois Brand near tba door. Tobim Ilf Prha Long John sy to 0e version, in order TEXAS l-lb .| | K e e in the msantlma. I bad ooB' Entertaining to appeal to toe new, rock-ori­ Skinioss Franks HOT p k g .Y » Skinioss Franks 10 Inch •• lb . P F ftli Porantai Conaent taotad tha aqpervtoory fife guard ented generaitian. HINDQUARTERS 2 ^ Ci CaBRALTAR (AP) - Jayne and reported tba l o ^ to oaaa "Hie pool of good Hasrailan Cniifornia Stook 7 9 . * : Turicoy log WHh Parfx of Bael Harrtoa, lB■y•a^^old hrtnaa to a the wallrt tamed iqt. Aa It hap­ I s H a w a ir s steel guitar player is hard to AArxOim l-lb.J 9 c BrttUh boiddng tortune, mor^ pened, It did ban up OB Sim- find nowadays. Ttare is no Chickon livors 3 9 ^ : Had bar Leadoa hairdrasaer day, wttti oB tiia papare intoot goodhumm Siicod Bacon ANgood Brand pig. Big Business training ground for toe real is- Cooled—SmsB—Frexon B B to TbaadaQr. flhe wore a W Uta ml- but, wMfa the fifty omto and the kmd mindc, except in the hula M bStaoks 9 9lb.' 4 brimp Pooled A Davelnad 9 • I T lb . oro'mtel waddb^g drasa key mtootog- SdMOlS." By BOB THOMAS W ithout you, w e don’t have any business. Jayne and Oavto Hodge, 28, I also ooataetad tba poUoa star AP Movie-Televisian Writer elopad to Portugal a arook ago, tlon and got the ziama, addreee neailng a furor and leading her and phone mmtoer o f a Man- HONOLUIAJ (A P ) — With the So, if w e w ant to continue to be successful, ind Meats ' porsnto to rtiartw u ptoaa and cheater tourist Invasion continuing to KocJiy Dress Grou fly In panmlt Chidcein Parts I callsd (be kwksmltb and Mart U af Mix ROURD Latar Mr. and MTs. WBUom znads arrangamento to ba at bis grow as the jets touch on three as w e have been fo r m ore than 100 years, ■ M A S T S 6HU0K U G S . Harrtoa raluotanlly agreed to borne at B p.m. flnnday, to bare tf. shores, entertainment is boom­ O n W a y O u t tba match aad th^ ware the tumbler otaangad on tba lode ing. we better CARE ABO UT YOU. wnk CQc praeant along wMh a (a w (Mends azid to gat soma new keys 1 By VIVIAN BROWN Probably nowfaece else in the 79iI99: J for the deramony at Itaa Otbral* to f it n a , AP Newsteatures Writer I^Tklgkt^Ts.*!^69a. Unitd States—except Las Vgas, m tar's rogtotrar’a offioa. I arzivad at Tito taoma on where the gambling creates ar­ NEW YORK (AP) — Kooky W e better care about how w e serve you, After the oaramony a diam- aebedula at 5 p.zn. flmiday aad pogne luncheon was bald to a ...... - tificial sahtiies—ootdd a per­ dress is going out and feminine Save Big on Fine Groceries dtooovarad a mtoundarstaadiiig. botaL clotoes are in for young girls, about w hat w e serve you, Ha bad ziwazit B pjn . Monday former get a hBif-miUton-doUarB and wasn’t tamzM. per year oontmet 'Ihat’s the re­ says well-known Hollywood cou­ MR about being: fair, honest, and dependable. Aatronaut i^oUint Facet I tocatad kizn, bowavar. He ported salary for Hawaii's big­ turier and film styhst, Helen PME gest draw, Don Ho, who plays to T ea B ogs Lengthy Recuperation took tba todk aad pronslsad to Rose, a two-time Oscar winner. A<^P Coffee RAN ANTONIO, 'Tax. (A P ) - have it ready tor me by 10 Full 4 Ply Tubeless patdeed houses at Duke Kahana- "GM s are tired of being lone­ Nikagaaf IITM lags .. . p.zn. Smstoy. moku's torlce nightly. W hen you get right dow n to it, you’re the boss at A& P. Astronaut Mlohaal CoUtas fecao v e b o u g h t IISTAIT IIDZ. H/ ly ," toe egqilalns. “ T h ^ v e dis­ 99. Fi m with DBiehaN ^ * ilvea to oix ntontha recnipara- And Ihat’s bow it was. The Of course, H p zo the only per­ K’t AH P in Ciffte Jar efMTaeRap pkg. tioo from a bona epm on bto rtiaaged tumblar azrt tour new former who draws that kind of covered femininity is as an A nd it’s alw ays good business to be good to the boss. 57‘ attiruaiatk to the male aa it ever spliM and bto ailment has toys ware ready tor zne at 10 Fi berg lass Belted Ti res money—hula dancers earn as opened up a prime wpacti Job on pm . Sunday. little as (5 a night at outer is­ w as.” She faaa talked to num­ DUIOAR HIRES-UTIR lORA M iU lD II OUT LA RG E the (bird Apollo flight tor one of I got hozna, put fiw lode back land hotels. But as the demand bers of maideas models and N ot every store feels this w ay. III girls in toe design field. bto B1 comrades. into the door and staztad to dto- for entertainment rises, so do take Mixes 3 ^ 1.00 Porks Beans 1 0 * OoBtas underwaat BO minutes tribute fiia tour new kaye, salaries. “A man Ukea a feminine wo­ man. He hates to see a woman A & P d o e s ! Aprkot, DiHch Apple, Blaobarry, Cherry North Amoricon Many Varintiox o f sazgazy Tuesday at WUfbrd Uirowliig away tbtoa to Berlin, Conn. WOllWfvliraPi VOlWla g ^^vO^ieOoP^ wdOoiVaa m MUw North of VnniMi Orde On Botfte SB ^ ChpoM luggago lind handbags, fins watchaa, Jawalry and clothing- S IKMIlNAiKB LATIN WOBU) one-quarter of its sales ara MBKIDO e m r —-MeadOO, Brar eAT'lTBT 87B-0688 U, iki Plaid LHiltU gifts of style and fashion for modern living at home or nights on the town. 1 mode onioredlt accounts. Many all and Aigantina togatow "dime stoiea’’ now offer oppU- w Stot, u « Iwm nu4 SIM, mto OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 to 9 u SATURDAY 9 to 6 1 .8.88 moke up Oknost itiwo4blrds of ozioas, television sets and fur­ the wtxfle LallmAnwzloan ra- niture. kBob’s nunulaiHon. . I

I I 1W1HTY4BGBT HANOHESTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, GQNN., FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1968 BtANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 HUGOS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB Old Glory i fiC \ X .rA K E K s t e p o v e r h e r e _ mL(3OlXYi/NyMYVVORD,0Oy6,> ______' AN ' 9IQN ■TW TV-Radio Tonight .'THtA «U IT/ IN HISTD lIlsteroserB Neittibob- ( 8-4(n Dream House ((^ 16 P ou ch 16 Constrictor 29 2,500 44 Brazilian their SEBdl-ANNUAI. BALK haa excitement and adventure hood 17 O a elle tree SUN TAN LO'nON from the Ing TABLBJCLOTHS for cemial 8:00 ( B) Green Acre* (C) (R) ALLY OOP B¥ V. T. HAMLIN 19 Muse of (R om a n ) Juat bagun. AH fou r floora o ffe r awaits you at TOUR GIFT GAL­ (80) MoHale'e Navy aO tod S to) Ofkisie n id i (C) 18 In terior h istory 31 Ctech river 45 Formerly quaUty fumlahlnga at alzeable NUTMEG PHARMACY, Vernon to flne dining Indoors or out. 0 1 0 C IO B V (to) M arrtefe ( to B it M ovie (C) d ecora tion LERY, on the main floor of (Kb OrJrtln (13) Movie of the week 'ATS RIGHT/ I ACTEP LIKE 20 N um eral 33 Kind of (o b s .) iiaviiin. Now la the time to add Circle, to get a rich, deep tan, You’U find rich, bloasomlng col­ (30) Higlillctits ANY RESPONSIBLE 20 Pecuniary officer (ah.) 48 A rctic Wathina. The distinctive mer­ (40) Wednesday Movie 21 S d io o l new comfort and charm to your while keeping your skin dewy- or in rounds, ovnls and. rectan­ (ilO) News (C) (M) Sounds for a Bummer RULER WDULP IN TH' bu rden su b je ct 34 Eternity e x p lo re r chandise, hand-picked with p ) Neiwsbeat i O N im t soft and smooth. Browse in the gles with the look of linen with- 6:80 ( 8-U) w aiter O o n U te (Cb 9:80 ( 8) He end She ( Q (R) 2 4 i^ "“ 28MSd;ock. 38 InundaUpn 47 Algonquian home. It’s an ideal time to shop knowing care, is rich In crafta- 24 Mrpent 24 Uterary SOOerman Indian ni Cosmetic Dept, where long out Iho task of tedious Ironing. ^ INCHES (lOto) RunUey-Srinkley (C) 10:00 (304880) Run for Tour Life for the September Bride. Do manahlp and. unique' interest, (10) New Horuons 27 Operatic collection number 49 Pig’s home.^ shelves display all nuumer of S im ply whisk off spills and h eroin e f.ee tha satiny Black HITCH- Just when you are shoimlng for ( 8) Bob Younc ((7) {a sitra u of a Star (O 25 T rsn s- 40 Flowery S lH u sh t , beauty aids. NimCBO PHAR­ stains. (M) What's New (R) ( S) Dom DeUiise Show (O 30 Feminine nicknam e 82 Diminutive CX^CK CHAIR with cherry wood September Miowera and wad- 6:45 (to) News 10:80 (18) Subscrlotlon T V appellation p e s s io n MACY has the "Faberge” and 28 C ushion 42 Aristocratic su ffix e s seat, $29.96 at WA'lKiNS now. dinga and for the apple-of-your- 7:00 ( 8-18) Truth or Oonsequences 11:00 ( 8«(10-is«»80-f0) Now*. 32 Dtetributor of riv e r “Akt” products thst assure Most Uttle girls grow so fast (O Sport*, Weather 27 Blemish „ . 7 , . oye atudent heading for collage. that the hems of their dreeses (10) I Love Luey (to) Bnehni O/TVwie alm s 1 r r~ r " You can have Juicier, tastier YOUR GIFT OALLERY ape- glamor and good grooming for (SOto) Nesre, Weather U:3B ( to StaiU|iit Mbvle 35 H elping have to be lengthened fTOquent- r T_ hambutgera by mixing one- cUillzee In ONE OF A KIND m ilady. (to) RuntleyyBrtnkley U ;M (10404880) Tooteht (C) 38 C rim son ly. When you nin out o t le ft­ (X ) (Tonversatlon with Mu- ( 840) Jow Bishop Show 37 B estow r fourth cup of Ught cream or Hems, flown here from the 2100 (U) Late Movie GHve th e ch ild ren a tre a t b y over dresa material to use aa S E E S A T U R D A Y ’ S T V W E E K F t « CCMVCPLETK L I8 T IN O S OUT (lUR WAY BY J. a WILLIAN8 40 M an’s h r canned evaporated milk into a four comers of the world. You’ll n ickn am e pound at ground beef before making them frosen suckers. facing, use bandage gause. The OLD CIORV n find out-of-the-ordinary gifts gause doem*t pucker when the 41 Claims on shaping Into meat patties. Freese sweetened fruit Juice, Radio THESE NEW MOPE,BUT IF p rop erty BuHaUe for masculine and femi­ chocolate milk, or one of Hie dreos Is washed and Ironed, and /CACHINGS/VUC/ THESE NEW 44 Air (comb, nine tastee of all ages. GEN­ it also makes a tilce flat hem (lU s UstlBg Inehides oa|y thow news broadcMta of 10 or IS BEFASr.BlJT ‘ MACHINES Attatdi a decorative pot-holder ade drlnka, in the Ice cube trays f a hr WtA, It. TAt UA Na ow. fo r m ) UINE ANTIQUE BOTTLES THEREB NUTHIN WORKOUT, to the waU aeveral feet above and place a wtick in each oUbe. that lays well. mhmte length. Some stattens carry other short neiwacMts.) LIKE THE OLD t h e m Cil p - 47 Together from the 1900’a are a conversa­ (com b, form^ the crib or dreaalng table. The This gives the child frosen WDRO—186# 7:30 Speak Up Sport* DAVY JONBS BY LBFF and MeWILLlAMS ONES. I LIKE n/AERSWIULEE tion piece (Prescription bottles, healthful suckers with handy It You Vacation at Home o:uu5:00 H.enKen onnmO riffln 8:00 l?ev TO STICK WITH fWTTIN'BACH 48 R om an holder makes a aafe, handy 6:00 Joey ReynoldM* N un^ botUss). Prom NOR­ handles. You can still vary the routine Sport* WE GET THE SAY H ELLO MAN ...THAT THETWEP’N' OTHERONTHE goddess j place to irtlok the open safety SIMPLE stitchery makes fist work of 9:00 p< » Roblneoion nm WAY comes decorated FLAME- 1:08 New*. 81m Off Oft MESSAGE... TO > OUR KID HAS WHAT TRUE.' BAOCN'CEL^RXnN' 50 Caliban’s pins while changing baby’s and have fun as a family. Come this beautiful panel which captures all w n o —lie s BUT HOW DO WE F R IE N D S , NOBODY ^ IT TAK ES.'/ • THATITS m aster WARE, the frypans, butter to JANE ALDEN FOOD SHOP, W iO B - f ll 5:00 Afternoon EkUtlon I diapers. You can account for Pocket the 81888 the beauty of our Flag. It's sure to be­ 5:00 Hartfoid~Old Hlghllflllighlifh(* 6:00 New* KNOW yOUVE KID i h e i r i d e a ! 53 Encourage warmers that are pioturmpret- 7:00 New* GOT G A R Y " LI ea’T dN.Y. Y 5:00...... New* 2 E ffig y tons, bobby pins, marbles, cray- summer apparel you’ll want to 5:16 Speak Up 7:66 Bmphaals 8:06 Pop OoQcert 3 L a ir I ons, and small toys that >the ber of i^atee Is manufactured. round out this season and to TTE8. Many young famUles are aadr*** wiHi ZIF code •*< 6:00 New* Styli N*matr. 6:16 Sj^ak Ifo Hartford 9:05 Nlehtbeot j children leavw on the floor. They The COMMEMORATIVE FDR have on hand next year. Stretch making it a htqipy haUt to come 6:45 I.oweU Thoma* 9 :3 0I .AiMleeua are quickly placed in the poefcot Martin Luther KINO BOT- your clothes budget now. to JANE ALDEN FOOD SHOP. SEND 50C today for the new '68 Spring 6:115 PhH Rlzxuto 10:0a Nlehtoeat 4 Summer ALBUMI Free knit directions 7:00 The World Tonizht 11:00 New*. Weather, ^lort* to be put away later, when you TLBS are atUI avattable at the 11:30 Other Side of the Day for man's or boy's cable-cerdigan. 7;to Frank CHtTord are In the room where they be- Introductory $5 price. (Tbeyjro 1318 wttH me NEW CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Ifng. Thle eaves many needteae t° WO very soon). Buy for your- PHOTO-GUIDE ALL YEAR. Each month Is a theme I31S-26V4 Stores Around Totm for a quilt — Double Wedding, June; WAYOUT stepa when cleaning. <>Wf and for your fortunate Shamrock, March; Turkey Tracks, No­ BY KEN MUSE friends and acquaintances. When Sewing fer SchoolT vember; etc. Start now to make an YOUR DAYTIME activities are taken care Everything You Need TO treex e h am b urger Eueat to only the best will do, let YOUR UQNOX PHAKMA/CY, 280 PILORIM MOLLS, 177 Hart­ heirloom! Pattern pieces, directions for * SHOP AT HOME 1 GIFT (3ALLERY convey your of. It’s carefree and comfortable — 12 quilts. Sand 50$ today for Q103. I be uaed kt a future date, Miape stylish and slenderizing. A tailored shirt­ Bast CenAer Ektreet, has ford Road, la a haven for thorn good wishes eloquently. rIAn AIGTir Into Individual patties, separat­ waist will take you anywhere. ’’ClalroV’ FROST AND TIP, vriio sew. Here under one roof, FOR YOUR CARPET | THE OLD-TIMERS ing the patties wltti waxed pa- No. 1318 with PHOTO-GUIDE is in I6AI6, the product that includes cn two apaclouB levels, yem’U Plain hamburgers acquire ex-* (per; toen wrap aaxl freeze. To make children’s housesU];)- find mUes of FABRICS for sizes 12V4 to 26V4, bust 33 to 47. Size everything you need to Frost tra taste appeal and zip when lARWICK — liok ow or MOHAWK f pers easy-to-find In the dark, 14%, 35 bust, 3% yards of 45-mch. every need and at most Inviting or Tip your oolfture with a spread with a sauce made by ‘Scratch *n Nick’ sew two buttons on the top. send eo4 i« e*i*i »i«f flattorii^ MghnghtjvS effect all prices. Color and textures flank combining equal portions of to­ SHORT-RIBS BY FRANK O'NEAL JOHNSON P A IN T CO., 728 Paint the buttons with luminous over or Ji»t Hgtoteniiig Btpanda.'’the aisles, making this a virtual mato ketchup and prepared (Main Street, has white SPRAY paint. They will shine iq> in the Bvsnlsig Herald,__iU5>U A ff- OT which blend draanaiUcaUy with fairyland of ex(dtement and po- mustard. Serve this sauce over ENAMEL, 79c, that makes your dark, and there will be no AJOmOAB, NEW TOBK. . Now, at last, you can teaitlal. OPEN MONDAY THRU hamburgpers piping hot. I range, reMgerator, washer look trouble in locating them. Print Name, «d4rt(t win ZIP CODE, ityi* achieve this high-faShton, eye- FRIDAY 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and like new, when you hide and re- Nambir and siz*. ca tch in g h a ird o a t hom a w ith open Elaturday to 6 p.m. /—^ Baby will amuse himself put­ (pairpm r ugly iK iy scraU^es and nlcke ^ 4-year-oJd should be FASHION conscious women - send f r o s t AiND TTP irith thU dependable product, taught not to take a toy out of now for our latest issue Spring ^ i e n o x PHAItMACY haa Don’t throw away that l mornings. Do-it-yourself painters woidd 'UEBeOINS MAKE WMT, POLKS' t e u ' e m t d m a k e w a y f o r tSTRADA 1W8TAURANT, 899 with Just (Xie visit to the alr- product anraUable at LENOX C^REMMNS be wise to cover door knobs, ^TO JUMP* MAKE WXT PORMISS I/« ss puiNYwrrop TR0U8icsH0«nB( I Main Street, for good food ex- cmiditioned SC7HULTZ BEAUTY PHARMACY is BARE ^ a iW H S ; Do You Tog and Pali? The Welcome Mat light fixtures and other immov- PENNYWtT. .SONNTt: WE MEED “ ^ l pertly prepared and nicely SALON with the Mediterranean b r o n z e , the transparent Just for a day, count the la Out' For You a'ble objects with a plastic wrap I served. Take a vacati(xi from decor, at comer Oak and Cot­ makeup that gives fair Mdn S EREY PAYMENT TER K AVARIBU I number of times you find your­ FIANO’S RESTAURANT & or plastic bags. This will save a |c(x>king. Mother. How the fam- tage. Step into the world of re­ Just the degree of summer tan­ ^ te. TJfc U M. 0 self adjusting your girdle. If ______^ CXX7KTAIL LOtHTOE on Route messy and time-conaumlng Job HOW a 'P LjOYE ’TO ^ CNCU. lily wlU enjoy being seated freshing comfort and beauty. ning you wish. Choose “Honey”, • BUbEET BROUPS • FANOllS NAMES • *1-Z^ it rides up or rolls down, come not book an appointment 6 and 44A in Bolton knows that la te r on. ' tAkre "tou Am^ wnH mb. laround a table in the FAMILY "Golden” or “Tawny Bronze” to GLAZIER’S, 681 Main Street, hospitality for business or a Just tolephon# usi We'X b# glad to zbow you a mat(di- Z |ROOM here. What fun you’ll now for cool and flattering Come to LEINOX PHARMACY where PERSONALIZED FIT- {Measure is the bringing together If you shop for several mem­ lew ooUeotloa of broadloom right la your own homei, ? ^ M Y S U e S T , ' Ehave, what pleasant memories "BUed-up tajie {summer guests here at LA smartly shaped and you'll feel cause you appear at your most maximum comfort and (^peal­ superb food and service, togeth' measure In your purse at all 8TR AD A. degrees cooler, when no limp, fas(dnattng beri. f WALL-TO-WALL SPECIALISTS § ing silhouette. It costs no more straggly wispe cling aimoyingly. ------er with all the IntanglbleB that tinifes. Keep a note, right on the tape of the various sizes: netic. a tu m c . JA M -JiO R te OFPCOPIE,^ to enjoy professional (xxiaulta- Your coiffure will be so easy There won’t be so much time go toto making a success of the 7 - i t n e w s n01D6RIIPHERS.T V OIMEKAS. eWMNMUlM.TM.l8t.KlN9.0K tlon. to keep looking well-groomed spent In hunting lost gloves If occasion a REUNION, AN- sleeves, waist, leg length, etc. Measure before you buy and and appealing. Your hair will you hrip the small (diild to hang NIVERSARY, WEDDING or you'll avoid dull exchange trips. “ 8h8’g vary matura for har aga! 8ha wanta ona that I N*Mr l*t*ra 8* U « After grating soft cheese, rub be soft, lustrous, with IxMly and (mto his by sewing one side of BANQUET. Whether your party 1 >**4*8 m fm a smp-fastener to the cuff of includes few or m a^, you can ' ' ’ CL. will juat lia quiatly ana bahava itaalf!" a crust of hard bread over the bounce, but never dry after a MICKY FIMM BY LANK LEONARD giater to remove the cheese P E R M A N E N T WAVE at each glove. Then the gloves may depend on a hearty welcome and Beginning sewers sometimes that still clings. This not only SCHULTZ BEAUTY SALON. be snapped together when not smooth service at FTANO’S. have trouble sewing their zipper WELL, AHEM, NOW WXJ MUST REALIZE ALL RIGHT, GENERAL RAVNEJ In use. This keeps them from ------plackets In straight. Instead of $46-2130 THAT y o u CAN NOT JUST WALK IN HERE saves cheese but it also helps 648-8961. HOW U3NG WILL IT TAKE becoming separated. It Coola and Nourishes Royally leaving an opening for the zlp; ANO-AH—BUT THE NOMWAJION OF THE BEFORE y o u CAN U T STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF to clean the grater, making it OPPOSITION PARTY' OUR DELEGATES ME KNOW? much easier and quicker to Small children sn get an Espeolally during the sizzling per, use the basting stitch on W IU HAVE TOBEPOU.ED, BUT RRST, THEH Sale. wash. accumulation of stuffed toys. To Round Oat Your summer days, when appetifies your sewing machine and con­ THEY PAY TD ' NOT ATAU.,M'/VlBSLLfi > THEREPORE — I HAVE Summer Wardrobe are sluggish, yet energy levels tinue the seam. This way the OOLEl NOONS IN "d lS G L L E D ELE S get them out of the way and' COME 1D THE GRAND THE LITTLE SHOP, 305 must be maintained, (dan to pro­ fabric is sewn together and has EVER NOTICES BOULfiVAROS'VOU DECISION... When entertaining a bunch of to clear off the tops of shelves THAT I CAN CAUSED STRONG friends at a hamburger fry. try and chests, sew curtain rings to East Center Street, has substan- v id e th e youn gsters gfenenrous a standard seam allowance for ACT/ tlal IMAIRK DOWNS on SUM­ servings of ROYAL ICE the zipper to be applied to. After WOMEN ID W EEP I WAS rolling out the hamburger steak the back of (he toys and hang AFRAID to the desired thickness with a them on the wall of their room. MER APPAREL. Buy for this CREAM, so wholesome and nu- the zipper is in, the basting will OF THI9 rolling pin, between layers of They make a nice display and summer and to have conven­ tritious. Get it in an assortment come out easily and you have a of fre^ fruit FLAVORS AND neat-looking zipper. SK __ waxed paper, so that It will not are easy , to take down for cuddl- iently i«ady for next seasoh. utlck. Cut with a biscuit cutter, ing ai)d to play with. This keeps rocket the savtngs. (JOLORS, available In half-gal------TyiahiJtjLiiJtiiJL Ions or In fancy stencil slices or You win find this method much them out of the way and saves . To get a smooth pour out of a R S S S f O ’j Ice cream cakes. Buy It at fine quicker than the usual way of cluttering up their room. If you’re about to bake a cake ice cream cakes. Buy it at fine „ew kett/hup bottle, pudi a and the recipe calls for sour drug and grocery stones that drlrfdng straw throu^ the ket- making patties. CARPET CENTER Add a few drops of vinegar to mlVk or buttermilk and you only carry ROYAL ICE (JREAM or " the tape to stick better—great Keep an electric fan steady vitaiuns one toblespoon of lemon Juice or by setting It on a pad of foam For AU Year Carpet Needs See A Speoiallat HI, P a W L M H K T you OCJUD AIJAWKS call rr^THE for wrapping packages to be To remove deoals from a wall Ceme to the Mancheeter Carpet Center' . white vinegar in the bottom of rubber. Cut the pad about two MMI>0UUP1Of l£mNQ XWBt. OF PISA SURPRISE'^! COMPARE AND SAVE m a iled. or furniture, dip a cotton ball in 1 your measuring cup. Add sweet inches larger than file base of boiling hot vinegar and sponge ' OPEN DAILY TO 5:80 — THURS., FRL.'t O 9 P M . ( O f d d o i f L milk to file one-cup level and let the fan. This not only keeps the Try making your own poUiold- the deoal with It. Sponge until HORTY ARTHUR DRUR it sit about 10 minutes so that It fan frorti traveling, but also cuts 811. SIAIN STREET —- Opposite the State, Armory BY DICK CAVALU DRUG OOMPANT ers! Fold either a ^dicloth or the de(ml Is thoroughly soaked, thickens a bit. down on the noise. M l M a i floral waimcloth twice and cro­ then wash It away. W E L L , IP J O B / HEXTHBfZTDN BoreiNCE «HB cw eeN V O N B O F T H E fie D A 'V » chet a simple cJgc around it. U V E P IN TOWN ItJQ Ayrrfe' UVB INTOWN, rt?5Ay„ VODlLeOTDOfW Z/ Crochet a loop on one edge and JO ey He4.1HB21DN ... presto—It’s done. When Yon Return From Cook It Outdoors J TEL. 643-9016 Vacation For quick and easy summer- 1 Plant a few lemon seeds In a When you "haven’t a ttiing to time meals, cook with a small ix)t of rich dirt and you will have wear' because______everything______^ is______GRILL.______BOTH FAIRWAYS______have new house plants that are not travel-stained and wrinkled, re- the small,- convenient sizes, so only pretty to look at, but fla- member “MARTTNIZING” the Inexpensive, too. vorful too. For Instance, tie a modern ONE HOUR DRY ______few leaves In a muslin bag and (XEANING plants at corner . Thinking Of Rede(X>ratlng7 . BY AL VERMEER add to applesauce while cooking. MAIN AND BIRCH also 299 WATKINS DRAPERY GAL­ Gives a zeaty, spicy flavor that West Middle Tpke., Is the an- LERY invites you to take ad- P io c lo truly appreciated. And a leaf swer. Your entire wardrobe is v'emtage of the most inviting sav­ »{ CNULLU ROUTE 88, TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. or two gives a delicate, delicious painstakingly cleaned and press- ings on SLIPCOVERS, DRAP- flavor to white cake. Place them ed' In record time. There is, how- ERIES, and UPHOLSTE3RY dur- in the bottom of the pan and ever, no careless haste. The ing their SEMI-ANNUAL SALE T-M pour the cake batter on top of secret Is streamlined,' up-to-date now in effect. Why not plan to CAPTAIN EASY Faihlons for Spring in them . equipment, plus efficient work have work done while family Is t u r n b b -BY_UB8UB __ methods, also the tim^savlng HERe'5 THE BOX / ^ U T UPt VDITLL GET WH on vacation. Home will be more m u ffle TH* GUN WHEN YOU KNOCK 'IM OPF a Wide Selection advantages of having ALL OF GOING. PBALT MB, JOPGEI NC, ^ WIPE IT o r FINEERPRINTGI T L L ^ VTBR WX RETRIEVE YOUR \ I NKp TIA«r charming than ever to come B U T I WARN Y O U rW ? DOWN TMATCELLARI [ TRANSFER-nrcoiNB TO 9ACK»l — BUIciw NOTEi YOUTL REPORT) TO THINKi lUT Xn«K Copy SuYin WORK DONE ON THE b a ck to. 643-5171. m PANOER youRE w *^ rtL P iapw PREMISES. Try It soon, and FIKT 7M ue. IMRMEDI OFAPIGTOL UK TI8E TM try, too, the TWO-HOUR SHIRT FEI llPBNTIFY WE (NHERITEP ■bispriat sad Bopply, 1m . Your Acquaintance Is Invited EI4. WITH THE HOUSE SERVICE at "MARTTNIZINO' >»ICE niCE TI*E ..YOUl Visit the Cartwheel' and , ...... „ PEEK A BOUTIQUE, right AIVjgAVBTpWN 9M Hartford Rd., plant on West Middle Tpke. The next to the State Theater, is .PORAWHIttl 8.55X14 89.95 men of the family need never the exciting shop, brimming 38.110 14.25 see our new coIletHdon o f: 8.85x14 45.80 W hsre a man's The silence broken run out of a supply o< fresh, with vervev erv e and dash, when It 80.10 15.05 7.75X16 38.25 elbow room. o n l 'Y b y b o o m . crisp shirts, not when It’s so comes to EARRINGS, RINGS, 80.78. 15.18 convenient and so economical to b r a c e l e t s , from our own 31.40 15.70 8.15x15 38.40 let the staff at "MARTTNIZ- manufacturers and Paris’ House 33.25 18.83 8.46x15 39.96 BY BOB LraBBRS INO" do It. DRESSES of Chanel. So many g;lft Items 30.40 i 18.28 8.85x15 45.80 AND \ A 6AF&A5SU/l\PnoH, ------of rare charm; Hand-carved ICIS >IUS FED. IX. lAX AND SIMOOTH 7181$ OH VOUl CA8 THAT MY \ M(!e. MALONE, BLOUSES Do you have trouble poUdilng IVORY, DRIFTW(X)D, museum m m m sem > k WOULD e e ,.. two-toned shoes? Coat the CANDLES and much more, IS WOT GS SLACKS brown part with colorless noil Peeh Into PEEK A BOUTIQUE (installation Extra) H E R E - mp-MRvici Mrr itom Road Runner SHOCKS, LVHn.~J poUsh; then the white polish you without further delay. ALNS? JERSEYS LITTLE 8POR1B Green Manor Blvd. use on the rest of the shoe will ------2 LOCATIONS 2 BY BOUSOh SKIRTS wipe off easily. li you do not have enough paoAMitiiy Manchester (lower holders, try using flat Kirj PROOMENJ fern cut up and arranged thick­ K ir s To save steps in a tw(Httory Open Mom, Tue«., Wed. house, put a basket at the bot­ ly in a container. It provides a 10 A.M, to 6 P.M. Finn AND tom of the staircase. When you good base (or the stems of the WHOLESALE TIRE CO. flowers. Since it absorbs water, Thuwi., Frl. 10 AjM. to 9 P.M. pick up something that beltings 110 WALNUT ST 357 BROAD ST upstairs, don’t make a si^olal It will help to keep the flowers -.-A n ^ HI I I S atu rd ay DEVELOPING trip to put it away; put it In the fresh . MAR riOKD 9:30 A.:^. to 5:80 P.M. basket Instead. When you have 527-3146 U.I!' /:(■: ri nn 64 3-"144 . Low. Low Prices to go upstairs for some other C IM k, NIA, Uc. r -Z i C9ft. 'M Oeerl Cwa Opp. 0(fnn. Golf Land ]L --I—ISwalCiXl--—■ purpose, carry the basket along. The Inquirer


’ ' t * ’■* - W , j- J « ^ Sports Slate | E ■ r * -'* ,/*A ,/ ■ ■ s'- 'Si’ ■•! Fernandez Wore Big Horns MacArdie Cracks Clutch Single - ^ m: ^ ^ ' LEGION BASEBALL .. . Wednesday — Bfonchester vs. Glastonbury; Rockville at 'Wind­ f-v ts d r ]. sor; South Windsor at Stafford As Yanks Rally over RSox Manchester Edges Stafford, 1-0 Springs; East Hartford nt Windsor Locko. REC SOFTBALL Two three-run Innings spark­ Friday—Moncheotor at Roclr- Snapping a I8game win ed the winners attack as they NEW YORK (AP) — that allowed the tying run to up," said Fernandez. “But at bled — Fernandes dropping the vlllo; .Windsor Locks at Olaston- streak of Sportsman’s Tavern, managed 15 hits. Joa Twarontte score. least I wound iq> doing some­ throw to the jdate. bury; Windsor at South Wind­ Lenox Pharmacy got off to an (4-4) cracked a pair of homen *>r- Rfx^ie catcher Frank Fer­ White opened the Yankee sev­ ■'W it And there he was at bat in thing right." sor; Stafford at East Hartford. early start, trouncing the Tav- while Dave Bradey added three ^ » nandez of the New York enth with a single. Mantle Behind Gary Kind’s Hurling the bottom of the Inning two The Yankees took a 1-0 lead ommen, 164, at Mt. Nebo last Mts and Joe Campoeeo and Bill walked and the runners ad­ SOFTBALL York Yankees was wearing out, the haees loaded and the In the fifth on Tom Tresh’z night. The two clubs have iden­ Vlot added two each. vanced on a grcundout. White Big man of the hour last Wednesday-South Enders vs. goat horhs, but he cut count at no balls and two eighth homer. They added two fore darknoas halted ptay. Staf­ Klnel, to one o f Ma best per- Manchester’s only run came Haaekettor (1) tical 181 records and are tied BUI Fecko, Pete Danahy, Jim was out at the plate on Andy Seoltest Robbrtson; Contone’s strlkea. more In the eighth. Horace night was Dennis MacArdle ford held an earlier 81 win over formandea yet, walked only one ab r h po a e rbl for first place In the standings. Mellen, Jim Golden and Nick them off without even Kosco's grounder to short, but after lead off batter Balesano SmUta, It SOIO O O O vs. Wyman’s Keeney; Pet Cen­ Clarice singled, stole second and the locals, but Manchester man and failed etx. Panoiera Convertino all had two Mts for Fernandes then took four bad after he esame up with a beat out an infield Mt and SmMh Wlttke, u> sooianoo ter vs. BA Club Nebo. The winners scored in all but swinging his bat. scored on Roy White’s single. TTesh walked to load the bases sought revenge, coming out on walked two and struck out pitches from Juan PUaaro to ^SSUte.----- ct - 3010001 ? » i 0 8 0 6 Thursday—^Alberti’ s vs. F ol- two Innings and managed 14 the loeers. In the firet Innliies against White took second on the relay and set the stags tor Plemandss. single to center that sent top. seven, both going the diotaiwe. bunted safely. Rudl Wlttke and walk, force in the Ue-breoMng Bmaa aa 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 cwns Keeney; Congo vs. Army h 3030310 court Seven vs. Wades Stars. Dave Solomonson. Ron Pock- distance on toe mound for toe Glastonbury 1 18 .071 the ‘Win preserved. Cari Netto off toe backstiop board and back Ctaric, It 3011000 winners, aUorwlng only three-year absence from the Results of Monday night’s ning and Johnson’s triple in the tor an examlnatioa of his gtmpy Dr. Kerian found a touch of runs in the first three Innings as Thnrsday’ a Games when the Little Miss Softball majors, sent the game Into over­ gam es a re : Little M isses 25 - eighth offset a Cleveland run in right knee, then winged back arthritis in the knee, but the the Cardinals stretched Phila­ Detroit at Washington, N League holds Its annual alumni time with his ninth-inning ho­ Killan Steel 3; Willie’s 10 - Man­ the eighth-and Joe Azeues’ hom­ Smith (5 ) Get* Up After Plate Tag by Panciera ^left) Steve Bana* KniMsks Ball Foul Down Third Base Line home in time to stztAe tour hits. Cubs soon discovered there's delphia’s losing string to five Only game scheduled Sports Briefs mer off relief ace Ted Aber­ game at Mt. Nebo at 2:30. A er in the ninth. Including a tw oou t lOOi inning nothing wrong with the towering with a 14-hlt barrage. chester Olds 12; Little Missiles first baseman’s wrist actkm. nathy. Lou Brock and Mike Shannon National League boxing exMbitlon by boys age 3 - Bantly OU '6; Ansaldl’s 12 - honier that gave the Giants and WILDWOOD, N.J. (AP)— Tony Perez’ fifth hit, a run- delivered two runs apiece tor W. L. Pot. G.B. six to ntoe of Etorl Everett’s N assiff Arm s 1. YANKS-RSOX— Juan Iforichal a 4-3 triumph McCovey drove in one of the Goalie Ekidle Johnston of toe scoring single, gave the Reds a the Cardinals, who lead the sec­ St. Louis 63 34 .649 — The Yankees utilized a bcuies- Lopez Better Ahe Pollin Sole Owner over the Cube. Giants’ two first Inning runs training course will precede the loaded walk to beat Boatrni. Boston Bruins was fined $1(X) with the first of his three sin­ 6-5 lead and Tommy Helms fol­ ond place Braves by 12^ Atlanta 50 46 .521 12V4 gam e at 1 ;30. Golden Fat One, Myrta Silva Marldial checked the Cubs on Juan Plzarro walked Frank CHIOAGO (AP)— Manager Monday on an assault toarge in gles. His run-scoring single in lowed with another RBI single, games. ChnetonaU 47 45 .611 18H Little Miss was organized to five singles beftme - nailing Ms Midget and Pony Fernandez with two out to the Al Lopez of the CMcago Of Baltimore Bullets this New Jersey shore resort. the fifth gave Marichal a 3-1 offsetting a Pittsburgh run In San Fran. 49 48 .505 14 1961 to teach softball to girls 18th victory n 22 decisions when seventh inning to force home WMte Sox was resting com­ The 82-year-old iietmlnder de- lead, but U>e Cubs rallied. for the bottom of the 12th and insur­ DODGERS-ASTROS— PM la’itoia 46 47 .496 15 Stops Fights at MSG Ringside BALTIMORE (AP) — Abe No figui^es were divulged, but kCcCovey unloaded home run nine to 12. There are no awards, Meeting Held the tle-brealdng run. fortably today following an nld the (toargo when arraigned two runs in the seventh to knot ing Cincinnati’s fifth straight Bob Bailey’s leadoff homer in Chicago 48 50 .490 15^ no league standings and no tro- Pollin, who bought out Ms part­ No. 24. New York 47 62 .476 17 Tom Tresh homered to the emergency appendectomy it was estimated Pollin had to before Municipal Court Judge it. victory. the sixth—the first Mt o ff Mike pMes, according to Its president, It was announced yesterday NEW YORK (NBA) ners rather than quit an unsuc­ BHaewhere in the National Pittsburgh 45 50 .474 17 fifth tor their first run and they Tuesday night. pay upwards o f 31.6 m llllop for Louts Metteia. League, the streaking Cincin­ Lamahe got past Ron Hunt CuUer—and run-scortog stogies Charies Campbell. This is the story of the cessful venture with a profit, is Los Angeles 44 63 .454 16 that registration for Midget foot­ added two in the eighth. Stan Lopez, who will be 60 next the two-tMrds share of Ms part­ Leb Bundick, 46, of Wildwood nati Reds shrugged off a two- and Willie Mays in the 10th, but METS-BRA\'ES— by Ted Savage and pitcher The alumni g im o slates the the sole owner of the Baltimore Houston 42 66 .429 21H ball will be held Aug. 14-16 at Bahnsen went the route for the LightweisThts and the Pat month, complained of stom­ Crest, toarged he was struck on run ninth inning homer by Pitts­ McCovey broke the deadlock Home runs by Ed Kranepool Claude Osteen brought the graduates of the 1967 season Bullets. ners. It was estimated they paid Tuesday’s Results Yonks. Lady. ach pains Tliesday and was the head in a fight last week, burgh player-coach Bill 'Virdon with a blast into the left-center and Ron Swoboda and tight re­ Dodgers from behind against against players now finishing Mt. Nebo and the Pony registra­ The National Basketball Asso­ 31.6 million for toe franchise in New York 2, Atlanta 1 The characters cure former taken to Mercy Hospital as a causing a wound wMch required Jim and nipped the Pirates 7-8 in the field seats. lief pitching, by Cal Koonce car­ Houston. their last year. tion is slated tor Sept. 4-6 at ciation team called a news November, 1964. Mound Choice St. Louis 11, PhUadel[tola 6 ANGEL8-TW1N8— lightweight champion Ismael precautionary measure short­ five stitches. 12th; first-place ^ Louis wal­ M arichal applied an O-for-5 ried the Mets past the Braves, Osteen scattered seven hits to Campbell noted tiie eight-team West Side Oval. conference Tuesday to report It had been reported that Los Angeles 3, Houston 1 George Brunet scattered six Laguna of Panama and previ­ ly before the Oakland-Chica- Young (Mike Jefferies has loped Philadelphia 11-5, the New collar to Glenn Beckert, snap­ who have dropped five in a row. bringing his season mark to 8- league has been changing late­ Pollin had bought out Amie Heft Foreman also was Interested in Cincinnati 7, Pittsburgh 6 A meeUng of the Board of hits and won Ms fifth straight ously undefeated Victor Melen­ go game was rained out. BOSTON (AP)—Two goals by been norntnated by Legion ping the Cub second baseman’s Kranepool hit his second horn- 14. ly. Fathers used to make up and Blarl Bforeman, confiiming buying the club, and Pollin con­ York Mets edged Atlanta 2-1 San F rancisco 4, Chicago 8 Directors was held Monday game as California won the open­ A couple o f hours later It John Daueik and one by Oscar Coach Charlie Graff to do the most of the coacMng staff but dez of Puerto Rico. The fat lady an Associated Press report of firmed he "could have gotten Today’s Games night at the home of G41 Boiso- er from Minnesota. The only was announced he was un­ Lopez brought the Toronto Fal­ pitching tonight. It will be Ma now the league’s graduates have is Myrta Sl-va, a Spenlah-speak- July 16. out and made a profit, but I Chicago (Holtzman 6-7) at San neau, president. Principal dl8 damage was Ted Uhlaender’s ing tele-vision entertainer and a dergoing surgery. cons back from a 2-0 halftime second start of the season aa charge of^ five of the teams. cussem was the status o f the PolUn, a 44-year-old builder couldn’t Uve ■with myself. Francisco (P erry 8-8) seventh homer, which ended big favorite wUh Latin Ameri­ Lopez, who returned as the deficit to a 3-2 North American toe local clito travela to Olaa- Major Cubs’ Jenkins Clowning, And the young women are lead­ association as a niMi-proHt from Bethesda, Md., said Heft "I couldn’t see myself getting New York (Ryan 6-8) at At­ Brunet's string of scoreless in­ cans. Sox m anager July 14, two Soccer League vlotory Over the tonbury for a slated start at ing their teams to wins, he said. organization. To clarify the situ­ and Fforemon “made a hand­ out of something that wasn’t a lanta (Reed 9-5), night nings at 24. A UtUe over a year ago. La­ days after Eddie Stanky re­ Boston Beacons Tuesday night. 6. The Sik City club la now 86 HOI TTie league Is Vipported by ation, Vic Moses was appointed some profit in excess of what success. I made up my mind I Dave Pugh and Billy BYaaer American League Cincinnati (Nolan 3-2) at Pitts­ But the Twins scratched out guna won a close decision from signed, will be out of action they paid originally, and what while Glestoinbury la 1-13 and D u ffy six sponsors, the Ansaldi Co., to contact the office of secre­ three unearned runs and won couldn’t run out. So I decided to scored the Boston goals before in last place in A Zone Bhght Batting (225 a t bats) —^Mon­ burgh (Moose 4-6), night Frankie Narvaez (Melendez sta- for at least two weeks. Coach francMses are going for.’ ’ al Utti Laughs Are on Himself Bantly CHI, Killan Steel BaU of tary of state to arrange docu­ buy toem out.” 2,874 fans at Fenway Park. istandlngs. day, Oak-,. .300; Harrelson, Philadelphia (L . Jackson 9-11) the nightcap beMnd Jim Mer­ Memate) at Madison Square Les Moss will direct the team g o n Si Hartford, Nassiff Arms, Man- ments necessary. ritt’s clutch pitching. Boat., .292. at St. -Louis (Wariibum 83), Garden—to ■ toe anger of thou­ during Lopez’ absence. busine come out. If he tlttoks I’m night Buns— MoAuUffe, Det., 56; NEW YORK (NEA) — sands of fans who bombarded The I struggling, he’ll come out to Houston (Lemaster 810) at Cardenal, Cleve., 55. When Ferguson Jenkins is So Skinny His Pajamas Have Only One Stripe toe ringside area with pop bot­ Bonavena Injured flew 5,C Runs batted in —Harrison, ask about me. But he knows Los Angeles (Drysdale 12-6), tles and garbage when the de­ Htawail, not downing with the Har­ I ’m doing th e Job. W e’re Just night Boat, 72; F. Howard, Wash., lem Gloitetrotters, he per­ cision was cmnounced. Report­ NEW YORK (AP) — Dr. Mar­ Honoltd 70. not getting any clutch hitting Unirsdajy’s Games ers, photographers and every­ plane 5 forms for another comedy when we have men in scoring New York at Atlanta, N vin Goldberg, American manag­ Hits—Utalaender, Minn., 106; one else within range were o v e r to team— the Chicago Cubs. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, N er of Argentina heavyweig^it, OHva, Minn., 104. position. Bud Harrelson Big Man on Club, forced to duck under press ta­ . Dougl 'Rie laughk, thus far have ‘Tt seems all the good pitch­ PMladelphla at St. Louis, N Oscar Bonavena, said Tuesday Doubles--R. Smith, Bost., 27; bles for cover tlU order was re­ INVENTORY g e t a si night he had received word Bon­ B. Robinson, B ait., 23. been on him. ing is coming against us. I feel Only games scheduled Jenkins, one of a half-dozen that young pitchers are getting stored. avena had Injured Ms right Triples — FTegoal, Calif., 8; The other night, Loguna re­ cholson Canadians in the major leagues, smarter and learning how and Mets’ Shortstop Small Wonder hand In traMlng. Stroud, Wash., 8. turned to toe Garden for a bout was a 20-game winner last sea- when to . throw the change-up The injury forced postpone­ Third in Row with toe up-and-oomlng Melen­ Natioosl League scm who led the National League and slider. T hey may Junt have NEW YORK (NEA) figure that anything they get ment of Ms Aug. 3 Buenos Aires dez, winner of 19 straight fights. Niobc Batting (225 at bats ) — M one or two shots to prove them­ Bud Harrelson is so skinny from a shortstop above fielding bout with Leotls Martin of Phll- in.ooinplete games and helped er, taking good punches as well exhibition of boxing and toen after a Alou, Pitt., .332; Rose, Cin., selves but they’re doing H. his pajamas have only one Is gravy. E nter M yrta SlVva, who Is adelpMa. Goldberg said the m s^ the cubs contenders. Mid­ For NY Mets as landing toem. The two 138 filed out of toe Garden and into canqmi .326. There may be fi've or six 20- stripe. known aa "La Gorda de Oro," fight had been rescheduled for way through this season, his "The guys who Mt the homers pounders kept after each other the sweltering city. The' Pana­ Runs—Brock, St.L., 57; 3 tied game winners this year.” ATLANTA (AP)—"I was for­ the Golden Fat One. She had Sept. 7. record was a low ly 8-10 despite They say when he has a get the glory but other guys, for 10 rounds. manian rooters were happy end with 56. Jenkins, like most other base- tunate to get this win,” said been brought in as a solo peace­ GZSSBBMGE the fact he’s been keeping his 2 pitcher Tom Seaver after the hangnail, it appears he’s like Maury Wills, are well-paid keeping mission by Garden of­ The ambitious Melendez tried the Puerto Ricans were talking Runs batted in — McCovey, ERA well below last year's. I all people, is willing to concede New York Mets had won their grown another bnger. If he for their talents, too. A guy like ficials, who feared another bar­ to press the attack but Laguna’s about a rematch. The boxing 8.F ., 63; Hart. S.F ., 68. Feripe has had 9 gaiJie. quickly broken up but the ® VOLKSWAGEN Swoboda connected tor his 10th but he didn’t want to field It strain of the hot summer wore crowd waa getting anxious end of the year to the sixth, wMch becauae he waa afraid it would Mm down to .264 at season’s noisy. 1966 OIOSMOMIE F-63 Club Coupt proved to be the winning run. carry him away/' DOGS YOUR JOB LIMIT YOUR CRGATIVE ABILITY? Tile Braves loaded the bases end. BUD HARRELSON Tlie BAt One entered toe ring, After aether game, Harrelson Fully Equipped to the sixth and got their run Small wonder. He played 140 which was surrounded by cope, last year. He’s missed I about 25 was walking around the locker and took toe microphone. She Proper insiuanoe PWntalied IS YOUR INCOME LIMITED? as Aaron bounced into a double games at short, more than any EVERYTHING play. other NL tofielder, and was sec­ games this season because of room In a towel when Swoboda began waving her finger at toe SKIING ond to PitMburgh’s Gene Alley military reserve duty and- car­ and a couple other Mate picked fora in a ptea (It looked more I hov* two imiiMdlar* oponings on my folM foreo. in putouts and total chances. He ried only a .206 avei(age into the Mm up and carried Mm out of Uke a threat) fo r good eporte- Yesterday’ s Stars AU-Star break. But, like aU good the Clubhouse ,to the waiting I am looking for mon with drfvo who oro willing to loom. Expori- also led the Mets in stolen bases nmnshlp. Melendez and Laguna, lead-off batters, he usually finds standing there In red shorts and SAVINGS b a t t in g —Willie McCovey, and walks. His accomiAMunents ^ Y | MUST GO! •net k not nocouory. W o train the men who quolify. W o offer one Giants, slammed Ms 24th homer thus far have been kfiig-slzed, somevway of getting on base to noUced Harrelson’s unlfonn to ahoes, laughed wlto too fans as start a rally and would lead the the fat lady added a coMPta TO ' with two out In the lOth Inning even if his physique Isn’t. buf^dUto-'J ham per SOI of the most liicrativo poy plons in the automobile business (solory to cap a four-hit night and give ■ "At first," he says, "they ex­ club to runs scored if not for the Harrelson auy. jokee to loosen everybody up. games missed. She toen buased each fighter To make room for new Fall and Winter goods. BUDGET plus cobimission). I ' San Franclaco a 4-3 victory over pected me to grow after I sign­ meUed, he had Just the Chicago Cubs. ed with the Mete . .. but I never And he’ll never have to worry and left the ring to toe cheers RENT-A-CAR PI'TCHINO--Juan Marichal, grew. But they didn’t worry about not hitting his weight. and whlstleo of toe crowd. W e dso offer Kfe, hospitoNxation, medical hisuranco ond o plpld "Had my swltch-Mttlng not As It turned out, all toe ac­ OF NANCHESTEB Olanita, checked the Cubs on much about my weight after to n/i, he went vacation. W e furnish you whh a new for. If you feel you con meet five singles Jn going the dis­ they saw me play. It’s knowing been pretty successful I could to pick up some shirts at the tion waa iM toe ring. 'Hte only have been 'disastrous at the^ people who got Wt were toe 512 W. CiNTBRST. tance for VTils I8th victory how to take advantage of your were SPORTSHOPS. Inc. our rigid standards, contact mo— Robert W . Jones at Ted Trudon, against four losses. size that counts.’’ plate,” he says. "Teams Idon’t . standing nearby when he asked boxers. The 9,600 fans got toeir WIMBLEDON STARS Billie i Jean King and Fred Stolle warm up on court 647-1380 like to platoon at short, so, I money’s worth, although tljere CHARTER OAK O Ot Harrelson, a natural rlght- f S u o n ," were no knoclodowoa. Bight fans painted on street of Negro community in San Francisco. The pair were amon^ Inc., Rt. 83. TokottviHe, Corni., or call 649-2838 or 875-6802. In two years of coaching handad batter, bacame a switch- lyasn't sure I would stick, al­ 1139 TOLLAIW TURNnKC NEAR CALOOft'S ptey like blood, but they also like to 649-97S3 Army football, Tom Cahill’s Ca­ hitter when he Joined the Mets. though I knew my fielding would several t(^ stars who conducted a clinic for youngsters. (AP Photofax) 1 c i uUfa see good boxers pound each oto- dets have won 16 of 20 gam es. He hit .961 from the left side be all right. But they *^ve to relson a kid brother?" vrwo MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 PAGE THIRTY-THREE

Stan Hilinski Jr. Tied for Third AutomobilM For Salt 4 THERE OUGBH'A BE A LAW BY SHORTEN snd WHIPPLE Holp W anlod-. H elp W o un d 1968 VCBJCSWAOEN, four 35 CLASSIFIED months old. For Information M Ufm non Amutos COUNTER GIRL for evening DENTAL ASSISTANT — WlU call 649-2117 after 6 p.m . ( TRAFnc RsAPACrtES) SuPCRHlGlWWS WfTM 1.C0S ^ ^ ^AmcIMAWlUe SAHARA- ridfi, 7 p.m. to midnight, full train person Interested In full­ t- or part-time. Apply Mr. Donut, time, permanent career. Hnee Quinn Holds Stroke ADVERTISING Auto Accoitorioi 286 West Middle Tpke. or call with heavy houseiwid respon- for appointm ent, 649-8277. sihtlity need, not reply. Write CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Tiros 6 Box D, Manchest4fr Herald. WESnNGHOUSE Electric Oor- 8 A.H. to 4:30 P.M. GAS STA'nON and auto poratlon has an opening for a SECRETARY — Career type In NEA Golf Play supplies. Best ottert to settle person In the credit department woman capable of handling aU estate. Call 646-4179. with knowledge of p&yment office functions for district COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT, processing, typing and cd- manager who traveis a great wMh two rounds scheduled 4s8# P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBUOATION PAWTUCKET, R. I. Bunched at 7S were Ronnie Troilors— lectiotis. Five ^ y week, with deal.- Mature judgement and Quinn of West Warwick, Stan Thursdiy, the quarter-finals and Deadline for Saturday and Monday Is 4:80 p.m. Friday. all company fringe benefits. good 'Vocabulary with correct (AP)—Fran Quinn of Wa^ Hllinekt Jr. and Pete Zaccag- semtflnals Friday and the 86- Mobllo Homos 6-A Salary comeneurate with ex- English usage are of prime im­ hole final on Saturday. chusett, M ^ ., OC, held a nino, both of Connecticut, and PLEASE READ YOUR AD MOBILE HOME — 62x12, 4 periroce. Phone Mr. Spoethe portance. Fast, accurate typing In addition to H^Unski, o f Bl- one atroke lead today goinr John Cosgrove and Burton Page, rooms comfdetely fiumiahed. In­ o r Mr. Donahue at 289-7931. skills a must and shorthand llngton Rildge Country duto and aaaalfled or "Wont Ads" are taken over the phone aa a both of llaasachusetts. quire 11 Grandview Circle, Jen­ very helpful. Plush Manchester into the second half of the Zaccagnino, of Wethersfield ehould read his ad «ie FIRST TYPISTS—Secretaries, Tempor­ EM Barry of Charles River, sen Trailer Park, Storrs. office with all the latest equip­ qualifying round for the Mass., CC, the defending cham­ Country Club, Connecticut en­ DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time tor the ary, full-time or 9-8, immediate ment. Top salary with excdlent next ineertlon. The Herald ia responalUe for only ONE Incor­ 59th Annual New 'Ehigland pion, Is an automatic qualifier. trants included Dr. Peter Ryi« 1960 RICHARDSON mobile- jobs. Highest pay. No fee. Staff fringe beqefits. Phone 247-1667 o f Chippanee Gtolf d iib , Bristol, rect or omitted Inrortion for any advertisement and then only Builders, 11 Asylum Street, for appointment. Amateur golf tournament. Among those in trouUe n the to ^ extmt of a "make good" InMrtton. Errors which do home. 40' long, 10' wide. Single Quinn dwt a 2-ov«r-par 71 field of 122 was twotime form­ at 76. bedroom. Set up in local park. Hartford, 278-7610. Ho not loMon tlie value of the adverUoement will not be oorreoted EXPERIENCEX) or trained Tiieaday at Die Pawtucicet Coun­ er champion Warren Tibbetts of Sixteen-year-old Jeff Aheam of by "make good" Insertion. Please call for appointment af­ PART-TIME bookkeeper tor dental assistant needed start­ try Club In Qw opening' 18-hoIe Manchester, NJI., who had an Wallingford also had 76, along ter 6 p.m. on weekdays and small contracting firm. Gener­ ing September. Write Booc "8” , round at tbe country club. Oreg 80. with Gary May Jr. and Tim anytime Saturday or Stmday, al o ffice work, benefits. CaU Cronin, both of West Hartford. Manchester Herald. Barber, a Boeton College.aenior The 82 low scorers after to­ M 3 - 2 7 1 1 872-8801. Wilson E lectrical C o., 649-4817. from Weet Warwick, was next day's second qualifying round Dr. Ted Isncsyk of Indian Hill, 875-3138 K ft 12’ , 1966 ARROW UtUe Chief WOMAN, light housekeeping to at 72. will advance to match iday. Newington, had 77. (RockvUle, Ton Free) SECRETARY for Beneficial Fi­ care for two ^ys, 6 and 8. travel trailer. Fully equipped, nance Co. 6-day week, 2 Uke new. CaU 742-7248. Must be neat and responsible. weeks 'vacation with pay, free 876-7980. Insurance, unusual thrift plan, Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? high sclMbl graduate interest­ Civil W ar Brewing Oempera buy direcit end ed in permanent position with HUNTING 24-Hour Answering Service save. Your camper dis­ NURSES WANTBJD EX)R tributor for OmnecUcut. Butiiwss SorvicM Painting—Vaporing 21 35 advancement. Attractive per­ New and used ptek-up sonality, appearance and abil­ TEMPORARY SUMMIH , a n d Free to Herald Readers Offtrad 13 Holp Wantod— For Tennis Pros oampera, travel trailer tont NAME YOUR own price. Paint­ ity to meet the public nec­ type. ing, paperhanging, paper re­ essary. Apply 836 Main St., RE1PLACEME2NT POSITTONS. SWINGIN’ SET—While most of us armchair athletes enjoy our these summer swingers— Fred Stole (left), Mickey Mantle (cen­ Want Information on one of our classified advertisementsY CARPENTER — experienced, NEW YORK (AP)—Robert Kelleher, president of all types of work. ReasmaUe. moval. Free estimates and dec­ M anchester between 9-6. sports in air-conditioned comfort in front of the television set. ter) and Bob Charles (right)—earn their living in the sun. FISHING No answer at the telephone listed?' Simply call tbe OPENINGS ALSO EX the U.S. Lawn Tennis Association, says a civil war is RENTALS Chll anytim e, 646-1737. orating service. Quality work­ manship, neat, competent serv­ SECRETARIAL CLERKS IMMEDIATE opening for hair­ AVAILABLE FOR brewing between pro promoters a:^ the ruling associ­ SERIHCE when you need it. ice. Call 647-9664. dresser, giiaranteed salary and SAlfi? WATER FISHING EDWARDS Dafly or Weekly ations and it may not be settled until the pros get a Complete sharpening service, commission. Excellent op­ PERMANENT POSITIONS Poigle catches are fair to governing body of their own. ANSWERINC SERVICE We finanen up to 6 yean, hand and power mowers. L. PELLETIER — Painting — FVx* TV and appliance dis­ portunity. Duet Beauty Studio, Billy Vucovich Arrives^^ good all along the shore, from "I’ve often thought the an­ interior and exterior, papermg tributor. Ide^ woridng 687 E. Middle Tpke., Manches- Grier Finished on Grid, we toko anything In toade. Home, garden and shop. We al­ conditions. Good salary, 5- Mystic to the Thames River, swer was for ttie proa to have a i„ golf, the moat powerful so repair auid service power and paper removal, fuUy in­ ter. ^ I f yx3u aro on RN or LPN good numbers of 2-8 pounds flah 649-0500 875-2519 sured. 643-0043, and 640-6326. day week, 'vacation, ex- and interested in a tempo- SI sort of PGA, the way the golfers bodiea are the U.S. GoM Asao- and hand mowers. All work ______txsUent beneftts. C all M. Ready for Stafford Race are being taken. BELLE MOTORS RELIABLE, MATURE woman rnry, pemament, full-time do,” the Loa Angelea attorney elation and the Royal end An- and leave your message. Yon'U hear from onr advertiser In guaranteed. For dependable iNSIDE-outslde painting. Spe- Nlmirowski, 628-6581. Blaehflah continue to hit well wanted for care of young child, o r part-tim e poeiktfotL oon- McDowell Ready to Start By BILL MOQDIN said today. "I don’t know esub of St. Andrewa. Thay jig time without spending all evening at the teleidione. Rt. 66, Sexfthington, Conn. service call Sharp-All, 686 cial rates for people over 65. at offshore reefs. light housekeeping, references. toct the Personnel Dept, Billy Vucovich, last, year*a whether it could be estabUshed ^re prlmarUy amateur bodies 1-628-0083 Adams St., Manchester, 643- Call my competitors, then call Mianohtflter Memorial Hos­ Bluefiahing is good off Fair- in the framework of the ama- but both run the major open Call 643-0122. He was held out of the Ameri­ was unhappy and had several United State's Racing Club 6806. m e. Estim ates given. 640-7863, EASTCO pital, 643-1141, E x t 348. NEW YORK (AP) — field County but spotty at the teur assoclatlona. The proa need tournaments. They make the AutomobllM For Sola 4 business opportunities. "rookie of the year" and Mventii 876-8401. EhccoUenit salary en d frin g e can Football League's first full- Race, where occasional flfii to organization and government." xhe ProfeMional Golfers ANYTHING taken to the dump, 95 Leggfltt St, East Hartford TEA<^R mseda bab^tter in benoflits and very personal, RooseveH. Grier, a 287- Tackle John Johnson, a five- (Inlaher at Indianapolis this year NEED CAR? Credit very bad? our home for one child. Own scale workout, and Joe Thomas, 16 pounds are being taken. A HERALD appliances, bulky furniture, at­ PAINTING — interior and ex­ friendfy 'wortcing dm ate. poinid veteran, is finished year NFL veteran, and rookie has arrived in the greater Hart­ Kelleher stopi>ed In New York AseocaUon Is the parent organ!- Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ Garage— Sarvica— transportation. Cali 640-6174. director of player personnel, large concentration of blues is tics, cellars cleaned, - light terior, very reasonable, free halfback Gary L^e stiU had not ford area lotridng things over, en route back to the West Coast sation of the club and touring est Douglas accepts lowest S to ra g e 10 An equal opportunity «npIoyer with pro footbaJl. Definite­ said a decision on McDowell's reported between Mbntauk Point trucking. Clieap. 280-6860. estimates. Call Richard reported to the Chicago Bears' before he oompetes in the first from Wimbledon, where he saw pros. BDX LETTERS down, smallest payments, any. PART-TIME RECElPnONIST status would be made shortly. and Block Island, heading Martin, 640-0286, 649-4411. ly. Sam McDowell, a 350- camp, and Coach Jim Dooley USAC sprint car race to ever the first Open champlonrtiip at m tennis, the pro groups have where. Not small loan finance ® ■to work evenings and week­ In a National Football League hit New England at Stafford toward the Race. that tamed cradle the game, rival organlaatlona. Thera is no. vicinlty oA Maple Street. Call ends in new showroom. Must be pound-maybe more-rookie, trade Tuesday, the Dallas Cow­ said each would be fined $260 School striped bass ore pro­ For Your company plan, Douglas Mo- for every day they are absent. Speedway Friday evening. "Some of the proa had their central body that go'verna them after 4, 643-8666. HousahoM Sorvleas toterior^wid ex^ or WORK from home telephoning mature, friendly, well spoken H *lp W oiltad M ola 36 boys acquired kicker Ifike viding fair to good fialUng along tors, 346 Main. pamimg, imenor ana exienor, _ ooii t n . ______is ready to start his career. Dooley also aimounced that Vucovich 'Will be handling a dander iq>," the USLTA preal- all. The pro tennia pUyera have Informatkin FlUler Brurit customers. Neigh- and dependable. CJall tor In- Clark from the Pittsburgh Steel- the eastern and central Ominect- Offtrad 13-A paperhanging, wallpaper re­ Maybe. defensive back Roosevelt Taylor car that is new this year and dent said. "They felt the purses yet to gain the stature or afflu- borhood areas available. Ex- formation, 643-2772, 7 to 8 p.m. BURNER mechanic, per- ers for an undisclosed draft icut shore. BuH stripers are fair moved. Wallpaer books on re­ had signed. which he has driven only once ehoUM be U gger. They felt they *nce of the golfing pros, who THE HERALD wiU not SEWING MACHINES — AU cellent profit. CaU 247-1040. only. manent position open on our A lioa Angeles Rams’ spokes­ choice. Clark is expected to fill at Race Rock, the east end of disclose the Identity of quest. FliUy Insured. Fl'ee estl- And George Halas Jr. an­ before, winning a California should have a bigger voice In play tor more than $6 million a condition, $380. 742-8283. makes, domestic and Imports staff. Murt be experienced with man said Theaday the 86-year- a vacancy created when Danny Fishers Island and Sugar Reef. any advertiser using box ' mates. CaU 649-0668. old Grier, a defensive tackle for nounced the Bears are 'willing to sprint event early in the season. the'Conduct of tbe tournameqt. yev. expertly repaired. Work guar­ KEYPUNCH OPERATORS . — $60 IN FAMOUS brands free If General Electric dnits. Apply Villanueva retired last week. Fish to 80 pounds are being tak­ letters. Readers answer­ 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof, Alpha-Numeric,, temporary full 11 Nafional Fbotball League trade defensive back Ridile The popular young chauffeur, "There were even some rum­ Motorcyclos— anteed. ABC Appliance Repair, p a i n TING —Teacher with flf- you rur> a weekly shop-by mall WllUams Oil Co., 341 Broad Defensive safety Jerry Rich­ en at night tides. ing blind box ads who sedan. Radio, gas heater, white or part-time, days, nighta. saasoBs, has retired to devote Pettibon to New Orleans (or the 24, is also an avid midget driv­ blings that they might boycott dssire to protect their 41 Oak Street, M anchester, 649- teen years painting experience club tor few friends. Send for Street, M anchester, 649-4548. Winter flounder catches are New Women^g Record sidewall tires, other extras. B iey ek s 11 Start near home. Highest bis time to show buslnesa and ardson quit the Atlanta Falcons Saints' No. 1 draft pick. Petti­ er and copped three 'victories some open tournaments if they identity cem follow this 8879. desires painting contracts. details and free 624 page cata­ and defensive tackle Dennis holding up w ell In deeper wa­ E xcrilent con ation . CaU 876- rates, no fee. Staff BuUders, working ftM* “harmony and bon recently announced he in as many starts on the West thdn’f get their way. DUBLIN (AP) — Dorts Brown procedure: 1967 HONDA, 806 scrambler, 2,- Free estimates. E. Yoemans, log. No obligation. Popular Randall left the New York Jets’ coast before the big Indy race. ters. 8913 alter 6 p.m. LIGHT TRUCKING, bulk deliv­ 11 Asylum St., H artford, 278- Club Plan, Department U602, peace among races." would retire if not traded to the "I'm convinced the British of SeaitUe set an blah all-com- 600 m iles, like new, $650. CaU ery, yards, attics, cellars clean­ 742-8907. camp. In additiar, HopevUle need us more than we need 649-2971, hang^lng. No job too sm all. er that has recently filled USAC he is old and gray. ‘T 'want to 5-10 p.m . YOU ARE A-1, truck U A-1. NEEDED benefits. Send resume to Pond, Pachaug Pond, Billings them. But we need each other. I Clemson’ s EVank Howard REWEAVING of bums, moth- John VerfalUe, 649-6760. Mianrtiostea' Mietnonial H os­ ranks. be rich”, he aald, "When I feel Lost and Foond 1 Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ P.O. Box 1483, Hartford, Hm Nicholson Sold on MSV After Trip Lake, Glasgo Pond and the see no reason there can’t be a shows 167 football rtetortes for holes, zippers repaired. Win­ IN pital io looldiig fo r a sec­ The son of the late Bill Vuco- I ’ve made m y bundle T il qiUt. ways sealed and email truck­ retary to (the dlreiotnr o f stating experience and qual­ Quinebaug River. workable solution.' his 28 yean as a college coach. POUND — Female orange Tiger dow shades made to measure, ifications. 'vich, who won the "800” twice I don't want to push my luck.” REPOSSESSIONS personnel. This Is a very kitten, Ansaldl Heights area. ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- all size Venetian blinds. Keys Bonds— Stocks OUR in a row in 1963 and 1964 and Joining BUI in the r ace at mano Trucking Service toll- dynamic. Interesting poel- CaU 649-1381 after 6 p.m . made while you wait. Tape re­ M ortg a g os 2 7 was killed while leading that Stafford Friday wlU be nearly tton. Stenographic ability is Hawaiian Islands Prove Lush 1965 Mustang Hardtop. Auto- free, 742-9487. corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 STORE race the following season. Bill all the top drivers on the USAC an absolute necessity. Ex­ EXPERIENCED tractor trailer LOST — Black and white Pox niatic 'wUh jwwer steering. Main St.. 649-6221. SECOND MORTGAGE — Un­ driver. Steady work for quali­ began his own career in 1963 sprint tour including defending Patriots^ Main Vets Begin Practice SHARPENING Service — Saws, OPERATIONS cellent salary and fringe Terrier, small, male, named 1954 cShevrolet Impata. 4 limited funds available for sec­ benefits. If you are Inter­ fied person. Apply S & D, Inc., after purchasing a super modi­ chamxUon G'teg Weld, G ary B et- knives, axes, shears, skates, ond mortgages, payments to ANDOVER, Mass. (AP)—The to be on hand today for the first ball League team earlier tfala KeUy. OaU 649-7767. speed. DEPARTMENT ested contact the Person­ 95 Hilliard Street, Manchester. Area for Football Spartans fied. tenhausen, Bruce Walkup, Lar­ rotary blades. Quick service. Buiiding— suit your budget. Expedient In 1966 he campaigned In main contingent of veterans be­ full-squad drills. sum m er. 1966 Pontiac Grand Prlx. Au­ Capitol Equipment Co., 38 nel Dept., Manchester Me­ three straight State b€isketball ry Dirtcscxi, Jenefi.t program , Tfiie Spartans’ football coaxdi 1 love. Crowds o f over 20,000 Tool Co. too sm all. Call 649-3144. woman to babysit, preferrably ZONING BOARD Tommy Kaulukukul, former Last season BIU copped eight rookies for the first part of the York Giants last season but NFL champion Green Bay Automatic, power steering. cleaned. Trash hauled to the five room all electric living congenial co-workers, sub­ flew 6,000 inileB from -D etroit to jam rickety, tS-yedr-old Honolu­ Vucpvich lias promised some in my home, beginning Sept. OF APPEALS coach at the University of Ha­ sui>er modified features, four week, but all of them are due was cut by the National Foot­ Packers next month. 1964 Buick LoSabre 4-Door dump. Reasonable. Phone 643- quarters, wall to \^I1 rug, sidized cafeteria and free Hawaii, qwnt a few hours in lu Stadium and the annual really fine racing.” This is not ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ 3rd. References required. 846- Ihere wiU be a PubHc H«ar- waii. The aseociatlon began 20 midget races, six sprint races, Announcenwnts 2 Hardtop. Power Steering. .6846, 643-9973. large enclosed porch.‘^cellent parWng. Apply Bonottdu, then boarded another Thanksgiving Day doubleheader hke an ordinary circuit where rage, rec rooms, bathrooms 4138. Ing July 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the years ago when Hawaii met 10 USAC midget races and fin­ combination business and plane for tbe tong journey back pairing off the city's top four three or four drivers dominate ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ MITOTELL’s LAWN Service — tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ Town Building, Route No. 81, to Mlrtiigan State. Ka\ilukukui lat­ ished 15th in the championship Miany others to choose from . No ment work, cellar floors, pa­ home. Tom Minor Broker, 1- FIRST NATIONAL DENTAL over the Pacific. teams always is one of the and the others are just out for ers, sales and service, bonded Complete lawn care, seeding, . A^ISTANT Ex- tajig yp Qjg foiioiwlng appeal of er did graduate work at MSU point standings. money down, take over pey- 876-5042. Daugherty'# purpoae was to year’s big events. the ride’.’, he said, "everyone mowing, rolling, etc. Also odd tios, roofing. Call Leon Cles- STORES, Inc. and served on Bigg^ie Munn’s Like many other driven on representatlve. Alfred Amell, ment. Call 233-8715, ask for S Gorri®' S h on eM v e, get a signature on a letter of in­ here is a champion and you^e jobs cleaning cellars, attics, synskl, B uilder.'649-4291. MANCHESTER —Central loca­ Of business office x>rocedures. coyenitrv coaching staff. the top circuit BUI is among 647-1719 or 643-4918. Mr. Bake. tent — the signature of Jim Nl- reaUy got to be good to win.” yards Free estimates. 649- tion, brick building, two stores Park eiw! Oakland Aves., References required. Box V, ______* Kaulukukul and Gundiff made those who don't think the tur­ choose the terrific CARPENTRY— concrete steps, a e-foot-8 266-pounder Turbine Driver Signed Advance tickets for the Fri­ RUSSELL'S 'Barber Shop ______1185. plus adjoining two family East Hartford Manchester H ^ d . a pitch for Michigan State to Nl- bine cars should compete in the floors, hatchways, remodeling, ______variance on land located on w te was tbe Islands' top college day show can be purchased at comer of Oak and Spruce X957 CHEVROLET, In good run- home. Present rental return rtwlson, who narrowed the field “500” “unleas they have a race porches, garages, closets, ceil­ FULLER Brush Co. has opening Stonehouse Rd. in order iliat he ATLANTA (A P) — Paul Barlow Motor Sales Windsor Street is always 72 degrees. nlng condition. $76. Call 643- LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also $340 monthly. Business zoned, football prospect. down to Notre Dame, UCLA, by themselves”. ings, attics finished, rec for lady to manage "lind train move liis oil storage tanks M obolsm i waa scrfd on M8U "Bud" Moore of Charlotte, N.C., Ave. in RockvUle. 4896. moving large appliances. Burn­ financing available. CaU The Purdue and MSU before decid­ \ ing barrels delivered. $4. 644- rooths, formica, ceramic. Oth­ HAIRDRESSER, fuU tim e, no FliUerettes. Direct sales exper- from Route 31 to this location, after a trip to the Elast Lansing ing to become a Spartan. signed Tuesday with the Ford o er related work. No job too R. F. Dlmock Co., 649-5245. nights, five day week. Good ienoe necessary. Part-time Ledge was encountered at 125 1957 FORD, 2-door hardtop, V-8, 1775 or 289-8824. In the spring^ but since Nldiolson wfs a prize catch, M otor (3o. to drive the Bondy TAG SALE small. Dan Moran, Builder. pay. C oll 1-633-0062 o r 1-633- hours. Salary plus commission, feet from Stonehouse Rd. Hils good running condition,. $76. same hundred other schools Indeed, a good student in addi­ Long Turbine on the NASCAR BULLDOZER, backhoe work, Evenings 649-8880. AAMCO TRANSMISSION 2816. Call 649-2587. CaU 644-0202. distance w as required in the wete after Urn, Daugherty de­ tion to being an outstanding ath­ Grand Naticmal circuit for the iM^CRHARy JULY 24 and 25 land clearing, septic tanks in------—------new Industrial Zone. SHOP FOR SALE A SHIPPING and cided he’d nail down the young lete. He hit his stride last sea­ rest of the year. VOLKSWAGEN 1962, sunroof, stalled, drainage fields. Paul WES ROBBINS Carpentry re- receiving MOTHERS - Working 3 nights interested peraons are In- 9-6 P.M. clerk is needed on our second giant petaonally —even though son, playing tight end on offense SHAVING STROKES rebuilt engine and clutch, Schendel, 649-0466. modeling specialist. Additions, a week from 8 to 11. will earn attend, ______rec rooms, dormers, porches, Now oporaltlng in large city. shift at the Klock Co. Many It meant a hectic 10,000-mHe aiKl end and middle guard on In 'Winning the American radio. 619-1182 after 6. Good potential lo tu m on In- you $60 or more selling Signed' Antiques and some household SALES AND Service on Ariens cabinets, formica, built - Ins, benefits plus shift premium t r ^ . defense. The huge youngster — League pennant last year with by Frank Beard original equipment quality vestnoailt Must eell for per­ Queen’s Way to Fashion, $300 j,' T«,thaJ»r Sr. c ; item s. Hahn Eclipse, Jacobson lawn bathrooms, kitchens. 649-3446. paid. Apply In peraon, 1272 Tol­ in fashions free. CaU Merldlth Hawaii has been a lush area who's father is Itish-Swedish 92 victories, th: Uobton Red at a price 1962 FORD Galaxle, 4-door hard­ sonal reasons. Terms a'vall- Chalnnan for Michigan State, producing and m other Is Samoan-German Sox won 20 games more than top. $360 or best offer. Call mowers. Also Homellte chain able. Write Box “Z”, Man­ land Tpke., Manchester. Ray, 649-2259. several Spartan football stand­ in 1966 when they finished WILLO SURPRENANT 643-0188. saws and in; rnational Club HOMES, GARAGES, porches, chester Herald. — led St. Louis to the Honolulu rec rooms, room additions, outs in recmt yean. One was ninth, a half game out of the Lips of Traps When you drive a car equipped with these Cadet Tractors, Rental equip­ championship with an all-win­ kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ Larry Cundiff, who hav:>ened to ning record and was named the cellar. fine tires, you’ll be amazed at the riding com­ Boston Hill Rd. (Off Ht 85) 1967 BUICK Grand Sport, 4- ment and sharpening service Written For Newspaper eral repair work. 'Financing bo m rtioison 'e Une coach at St. city’s top lineman. fort and driving control they give you. This speed, fully equipped. CaU 649- on aU makes. L & M Equip­ Andover available. No down payment. Bgb School. Bob Apis4, Enterprise Asen. tire carries the V-1 mark of the VESC ... your 7071. ment Corp., Route 83, Vernon, Nicholson, fast, agile and very Oklahoma has a 46-10-6 foot­ Economy Builders, Inc. 643- EXTRA INCOME MBirs fullback tbe last three Greed Is often the downfall of assurance that It meets rigid safety stan­ 876-7609 M anchester Exchange strong, also starred as a high- ball record against Oklahoma golfers confronted with a shot 1963 FORD Galaxle hardtop, 6159. •obaoiia; Dick Kenney, the bare­ scoring center as St. Louis won dards. You’ll like the long mileage, stopping — Enterprise 1045. Immediate State. under the lip of a trap. They white, (our new. tires. G ood ______expect to get good krft as well power and superb performance you get from P on o n a ls condition. Asking $606. CaU TREE EXPERT — Trees cut, o p p o r t u Tstity the Scot with its 4-ply Nylon cord body 043-5263. Roofing and as good dlMance to the green. WITNESSES to auto accident on buUdlng lots cleared, trees top­ Machine Shop Openings One just can’t expect too much best of aN you’ll like the price. ped. Got a tree problem?- Well Feb. 7, 1968, 7:80 a.m. at Cen- x966 FORD Falcon, automatic Chlmnoys 16-A from such a position. The first ter and Broad St., Manchester worth phone call, 742-8262. Refill and collect from new 1 4 transmission, 6 cylinder, pow­ THE BEST In roofing — and typo eoln-operated diepen- —and possibly only—concern is Free Mounting Involving, a SNBTCO vehicle, to get out of there. Therefore, er steering. ExceUent mechani­ TREE removal-Trlmmlng. Rea­ roof repair. CaU Coughlin, sers In your area. Become use any club that will serve Tubeleas. please oall Gary Kuckel at 289- ca l condition. CaU 649-9429. sonable rates. Covered for 643-7707. our distributor. Must have WELDERS BlackwaU 0291. property damage. Got a tree car, references, $650 to that purpose. Use enough club No Tntde-In Tire.Reqidred MERCEDES 1662, Model 220, to loft post the Up. Plus Taxes problem? Call Dana’s Tree ROOFING - Specializing re- $1,050 cash investment se­ MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS RIDE WANTED from Green 4-door, dark gray, excellent pairing roofs of all kinds, new Worry about distance after Servlce, 522-8429. _ _ cured by equipment and In­ TubeleM Tubde## Fed. Manor area to State and Main condition, $1,060. Tolland 875- roofs, gutter work, chimneys ventory. Ten hours -weekly getting over the Up la assured. INTERNAL GRINDERS SIZE BlackwaU# WliltewaU# Exciae Tax St., Hartford, hours 8:80 - 4:80. 0697. WE WILL give a new barrel cleaned and repaired, 80 years’ can net excellent income. Once, though, I Imke my own Call 646-9616. free to anyone that wants their experience. Free estimates. For personal interview, rule on this. It was on the 17th PL'YMOUTH 1962, nine passeng­ 6.50x13 17.50 19.00 1.81 barrel emptied on a monthly CaU Howley 643-5361, 644- write, including phone mun- ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS hole of the Master's a few yeara er wagon, V-8, automatic trans- run. At a charge of $1 a nlonth. 8833. ber, to: <3al-Ton Supply Cb., ago. I was trying to get in con­ 7.75x14 (7.50x14) 19.00 21.00 mlsBlon, power steering, power 2.19 Automobllos For Solo 4 1-428-7818. ' Inc., 1041 Central Avenue, TURRET LATHE OPERATORS tention and was faced with a brakes, radio, teater, good ______Albany, N. Y. 12206. shot from the Up of a trap. 8.25x14 (8.00x14) 21.00 23.00 2.35 1964 OCR'VETTE convertible. tires, recently ' overhauled s t e p s . SIDEWALKS, stone I decided to gamble because H o itiiingand Plumbing 17 LAYOUT MAN-DRILLS back. I lost the gamble. 8.55x14 (8.5pxl4) 22.50 25.00 Excellent condition. 2-tops, 36,- brakes. Moving to Texas, must walls, fireplaces, flagstone te r - ______I felt I had nothing to lose and 2.56 sell. $476. C3aU 644-1778. races. All concrete repairs, m & M Plumbing ft Heating. everything to gain. But, it must be emphasized, 000 mUes, 4-speed posl-tractlon, SHEET METAL FABRICATORS 7.75x15 (6.70x15) 19.00 1967 MUSTANG 'fastback. 289 Reasonably priced. 648-0851. I tried for loft and distance, that was a rare ctrcumstonce. 2U )0 2.21 AM-FM radio. $2,800. CaU 649- Service calls our specialty. No but primarily distance. I swung, And you aaw how it paid off, 1042. cubic Inch, automatic, power l a w n MOWERS sharpened job Is too small. Free Privoto Instrucrions 32 8.15x15 (7.10x1^ 21.00 23.00 2.36 estimates gladly given. CaU Horiz. & Vert. BORING MILL OPERATORS hit the lip and the ball nUled anyway. 1960 AUSTIN-HBALY. Excellent steering. $1,795. CaU 849-9620. ^ repaired. Engine tune-ups, YOUNG COLLEGE graduate reel, rotary, hand. Pick-up and 646-2871. CX>ME IN AND COMPARE VALUES mechanical condition. CaU 648- 1966 COME'T Cyclone OT, 390 arrived from Argentina, fluent MACHINE ASSEMBLERS deliver, 649-7658. 2625 after 5 p.m. cubic Inch, 4-speed, low mile in English, desires to teach Big Name Golfers Out of Oassic age, excellent condition. Call fixJBBISH — trash removed to M llllnory. Spanish to groups or indi­ MILLWRIGHTS Brand viduals. 643-1141, Ext. 832. ST. PAUL, Minn. (A P ) —The 640-6013. the dump, lawns maintained. Drossmaking 19 and newly-crowned PGA champ ------Call 646-1868 after 6 p.m . Mr. Bill Hai*vey will be at the Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodgre, 490 Main $100,(X)0 Minnesota C lassic—the Julius Boros will be sitting out New! WANTED DRESSMAKING — Alterations, Street, East Hartford, Connecticut, Room 85 on 'Hiursday, July 25 from closest thing to an institution on the tournament. The field of 160 Clmn, Late Model 1966 BUICK Special, $76. Good TYPING, mimeographing, key­ zippers replaced, etc. Excel­ Help Wonfod— 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. He would be pleased to talk with you about our company, the pro golfing tour—opens a will be packed with young pros. SPARK running condition. Call 649-6018. punching. Resumes, reports, lent workmanship. Call 649- Fem ale 35 four-day run Thursday witliout Lee Trevino, colorful U.S. proposals, theses, letters, bul­ 4311. a leading manufacturer of pulp mill and plastic molding machinery. 1966 OLDSMOBILE, low mile­ most of the big name golfers. Open champion, and young Tom PLUGS USED CARS letins, bUling. Low rates, serv­ CAPABLE hairdresser good sal­ age, Immaculate condition. CaU The oldest tournament on the Welskopf, currently the leading Save on Name auto stores Top Prices Plaid ice around the clock, 20 per ary and commission, good op­ i m PROVED PDA circuit, the meet originat­ Brand Quality 649-6019. I Movlng~Trucklng— money winner of 1968, are rated For All Makwl cent discount on initial order. portunity for experienced ed in 1630 as the St. Paul Open. the favorites. Defendiilg cham­ 681 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER 1961 HILLMAN Minx, 4-door, ra­ , Llll Bond, 280-3907. ..Business S to ra g o ;20 beautician, 643-2449 or Apply niACHinBRY me.. Such srtars as Jack Nlcklaus, pion Lou Graham and 1966 tiUist CARTER CHEVROLET dio, heater, original, owner, 44,- Automation Services. , in person Magic Mirror Beauty CXMIB/n ING t w o SPCWTS is Ronnie Bloom of Jacksonville who intended to Arnold Palm er, Billy Camper, CHARGE Hartford National Bank MANCHESTER Delivery—light golf. It WB8 imidvertent that he went swimming at Beauclero Country Ray Floyd are back for another Thunie WITH C O .. IN C . 000, m iles, $260. 647-1(029. Shop, 767 Main St. ' Nashua • new Hampshire 0 3 0 6 0 Doug Sanders, Gary Player, fling at the $20,000 first-prize Ev6nlai(t Conn. Bank Credit; Card* OBitAMIC tile, walla, floors, trucking and package delivery. eSub when he lost balance while hitting wedge shot. (AP Photofax) Masters champion Bob Ooalby money.. 5 9 ^ 1229 Main St. CADALLAC engine, will fit up vanities, etc. AU work g^ran- Refrigerators, washers and GIRL WANTED to assist clean- An Equal Opportunity Employer Phone 649-5238 to 1062. Very good running con­ teed. Free estimates. Call 649- stove moving, specialty. Fold- ing apartment once a week, dition. CaU 647-1288. 8430. ing chairs fo r rent. 640-0762. CaU 643-0166. | V / ranrrY-pouE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDfJESDAY, JULY 24,1968 PAGE THnOW-PIVE Bw Iiwm LoeoHoDi Gar of Tamm Situorions Wowtorf For R«nf 64 Hoosot For Sola 72 For Solo 72 Oof O f Towa O of O f Town fwiMMIltS 63 63 For Roof 4 4 75 38 BERRY’S WORLD For Salt 70 SCARBOROUGH Rooid, Oohmlal M A N C H B am t FOUR BEDROOM Oohmlal. For 7B UBTmOS WANTED — Plan- MANCHESTER — 6 rooma, 'STORE FOR RENT - ring on saUlBg your Mme er BABYSrmNa wanted by relia­ SIX ROOM duplex, adulU only. State ROOKVILLB — ^ttraotive 6% MANOaBBTER GREEN _ 7 itXHne, m odnn Mtehan, form­ Treee, desirable Bowen area. COVENTRY WILLINOTON — 6H room A] CLASSIFIED iUrd floor. Large yard, $128. room apartment, residential ar- al dining room, dm, loiige liv­ BEAT THE HEAT 826,600. BeUiore* Agency, 647- Ranch, 2-oar garige, 2% acree. property. Oar ettorta an wt- ble 16 year old girl in Orchard $140. 22 Locuat St.______646-2426, 6-8. monthly. Everett Agency, Theatre Bldg, inquire Manag Three panels tor sole. Four SMALL COUNTRY ea. Adults, no pets, $100 month, family house, “C” acne lot and ing room with firsplooe, IH 1418. $17,900. Rockville Realty, 878- limited. Yoar aattoteetkai, o * Hill School area in Wapping. er. State Theatre. 648-7882. In thto fuHy a ir cxmdttlfotwd, ESTATE oonoeni. M criina Agency, 646- rt c CaH 644-0S38. MANCtlESTER —Suburb—New 6M-65S8. ly. 64948M, 870-U66. a 10,000 square foot buildtag. baths, a large bedrooms, 3-car 7-room homo. Lat your fam ­ 2827. garage, $82,000. Phllbriek MANCHESTER — 4-bedroom On 4 oersb with apple urch- 1016. large 8 room apartnient. — ^SSir'duDlex newly «4 MAIN ST, office tor r«it SMALL furnished home. Rent Unlimited potential. T. J. ily en ^ life In the lasge home, central locaUon, 3.flre- ord. loigo wwknmilng pool, ADVERTISING Crockett, Realtor, 648-107L Agency, Realtors, 649-5M7. Rec room or Bring trxim. TOLLAIH) — ItyoUess 6 roqm tacludee uUlIttee. fiuttabie tor placea, 2-car garage, 'wooded privacy and ffibrUcua 4-6 Ranch, a real cream puff! FAMILY OF 8 would Uke to Dogs— Birds— P«t« 41 ------frlgerator and garage, nice ing, 646-2426. 9A. See Ckto 8 bedroom, 1% k Oap« with 3 bobtoi, lease with opUen to buy 4 or 6 CLA ; .'I ji HI ADYOmSING DEFT. HOURS Estate Co., 648-6189 or 648-8779. one person. Convenient, shady, PORTER ST. Engltoh Cape, im­ Iwth, cool home now! Mid lot. Immediate occupancy. Bel Two cor garage, large-equip­ OROOUmO ALL breada. tiar yard, quiet nelghbortiood. Call BROAD STREET location private, location. 648-6809, maculate condition, full rtied Air Real Eetate, 048-9882. extra large fOmfiy room. room home, vicinity ot Man­ 8 AJL to 4iM PJL InvMtmaiir 30s. OWI Don eiBOO, 646- e ta A ra re,fin d ! $36,900. ped Utehen, vacuum system, motiy ran. H.C. Chaae. Hebfbn \m HAVE customers waiting W9-1166. Immediate occupancy, 1,600 sq- dormer, frpnt to rear living chester, Boiton, Coventry or For Soto 6806. SIX ROOM Cape ta very central OaU John BMericy, 649- walk-out basement, large wood­ Rd.. Bolton. SU-Sm. Molo 36 dog puppy, mimaiture coiue. 1498-4846. porch, garage^ Bxcattenit minutes from UOonn, over an 1-8754042. WASraCNOTON (AP) -P r e s i­ w ------— r -r------644-1354. ONE AND two bedroom garden cota o^ri^t^ w ^ « MANCHESTER - 10.000 sq^re condHhm throughout. Am­ with bullttoe, livtag room with buUt-tne, laffge patio, situated acre. Wolverton Agency, Reel- com oporeuw wawier un industrial spacs. Prime UMd For Sak 71 fireplace, 8 bedrooms, 1^ dent Johnson’s foreign aid pro­ p a r t -t i m e h e l p wanted, SERVICE STATION attendant------type apartmenta. CaU Paul W. er in basement. Heat, hot wa­ MIADISON, New Hampehlre, ple rtiiBde treex city utfl- on % acre wooded lot, upper tors, 649-3818. gram, a oonttautag target of an good homea tor location, inside loading dook. baths, garage. SelUng below re­ Moriarty Chevron Service, 270 'ranted, nigMa. Apply Rmaet WANTl^ Dougan, Realtor, 649-4686. ter and electricity furnished. ■mall tour room cottage. CSean, itlea, ameolto delve. Aosun- 30’s. Owner 644-8407. W e m f d K b oI Esfatfi 77 economy-mlmM Congress, has Service Station, 666 E. Middle three Uger kitten*. 649-6480 af­ Call for details. Haysa Agency, ■hle 6^% mettgoge. Owi». placement cost at 131,900. PhU- VERNON — Custom buUt 6H Hartford Rd., ICandieater. Older couple preferred. $140. oonsfortoMe, aU faoUitlea, fire suffered another setback. ■^pke., Mancbaeter. ter 6:80 anytime weekends. HHREE BOOM heated apart­ 646-0131. er tnnsgecTed and onxloua brick Agency, Realtors, 649- room Ranch, aluminum 'riding, 3ELLJNO YOUR HOME? Jhr per month. Convenient looa- place, (Ulnese cancellation) COVENTRY MANCHESTER The Senate Foreign Relations MAN WANTED lor roaflng end ment, holt water, atitlc rtorage, to oatt. ()ulck oociqkOPcy- 6847. rec room, buUt-tae, dlsh'saah- prompt courteous service that FREE TO good home, adorable tlon, 21 Knox St. CaU 640-9404, Tyyo ROOM office, 100 percent July 37th, through August 3rd. Committee Tuesday refused to aldtag. tofl-tlme. OaS 526A138 two bloclce from Main St., on Chnrlce Letocsonoa 649- er, excrilent location, tip top gets results, call Louis DImook female gray and white kitten, 649-0498 Main St. location. Inquire Mar­ $76 weekly. CaU 872-4838. 7920. POUR BIG BEDROOMS restore the neariy $1 bilUoR cut two bu* Unos. AvaUable A u- IMMACULATE 6 room Ranch, condition. Hayes Agency, 646- Realty, 649-0838. housebroken. CaU after 6. 649- low's, 867 Main St. 88 ACRES—Near Route 6, by the House last week from the Dean Machine Products guat let Write Box L, Man- MANCHESTER 4H room du­ GOOSE RO eX Beach -r. Ken- high, scenic, mostly wood­ three bedroouw, fireplace, gar­ In thls right room Goni- 0181. 9978. age, lovely lot Walk to school, .\LL CASH for your property Prerident’e original $3.9 billion 0(EL TRUCK driver experienced, dieeter Herald. plex, large countiy kitchen, nebuhkport, Maine. Three ed. A irteal at $186. per sen Ookrtal. 2H hatha, 102 COLONIAL RD. MANCHESTER — $17,000, Six shopping, and transportation. pozMAod fam ily rontn, esn- CXIVENTRY—Horse lovers call within 24 hours. Avoid red request In fact, the committee oWaring good pay,' Vacation, POODLES — Six week old, AKC garage included. $188. CaU J.D. bedroom Raitoh, available July acre. WTt.T.VTBUV TOWNHOUSB8 — Out o f Town room Cape, cloae to bus and ObU H. M. EYechette Realty, txol olr^rtmdHlontag, buttt- now. Over rix acras. New 9 tape. Instant service. Hayes trimmed another $32.0 million paid holidays, ualtomu, insur- registered, brown, males and New laage '2-bedroom town- Heal EJetate Oo., 648-6129, .648- 27Ut through August lOth, shopping. Treed lot, tour bed­ Has immediate openings tor: 8779. For Rant August 24th through Labor 647-0008. ta hltd ton appManCTWi. Im- ataU horn with tadc room. .\gency, 6464181. on its own. aaoe end other Mnge beneflts. female. EbcceUent breeding. ® INI H NU. he houee, featuring RdA WWri- 40 ACRES—Ideal tor hors­ rooms, city utilities. Immediate modkute odcuponcy. Oom- Large 4 bedroom Oricnlal, plus Observers said by the time Oafl SSS«4S1 or apt^y Kaeden Next shot due in six months. pool aopllanoes, dlahwasher, BOLTON — Three room cottage, Day. Oontaot 646-1092, after 6. es, ten acres pasture, near occupancy. The Mayor Agency, TRULY A home for larger fam- pasie, $88,900. High oasum- BUYERS, buyers, buyers! For Turret Lathe Operators 2% room apartment Included tile ovetseos proposals get VXiel Ob., 840 ToUand St.. Boat Small standard. OaU 649-8827. *Ht M n't gnH you, b§caut§ hit /ororfft thow h on b »A , Caloric gas ranges, heat and fact water faolUtlec, village, $12,800. 648-0600. Uy, 8H custom built rooma in­ obie mortyoge with low tn- In this $38,900 price. CaU to­ homes^h^, tavratawnt through bring worked'over ta / tenorit re/te available. Haittord. Inq;>eatorB — experienced in now—‘Julia ChiUl" xUllfUU waUW&U to wallWftJl OBrpCUsl^fcarpeting. E v v 1^1 A .J 8IOV6stove oJlQand rHirigHI'Bwrrefrigerator toVtoU*avaU- WcntMl Te Kent 48 cluding 4 bedrooms, living day. Gay Bhklr, 7434921, Pa- erty. Call now, Paul J. Co^ today’s committee heartags, private cellani, central laundry H0&C1 X l6r& iC l /1.C1& Unmediate occupancy, ROLUNO Park — 6 room Cape room — dining room combina­ rentl, Agency, 648-8863, 648- experienced custodien aircraft parts 7 ACHES—Near Route 6, ■eek Reattora, 280-7476. ture debate on the Swiate fieor, Arrictos For 45 area, edr-oondlMonlng, marier 648-2771. PROFESSIONAL woman and ta fine neighborhood, fireplace, tion with beamed ceilings and L. C. GREENOUGH CO. 213&. wanted tor part-time work eve- Ugh, gorgeous view, 660’ two fidl battis, looda ot cloaet and certain reduction ta sq;>- AU Benefits DARK rich stone-free loam. TV antenna tor odor and black sou needs unfurnished house, frontage, $9,000. a fireplace. A famUy room and 647-9921 PRIVACY — 6 room Ranrii, 3 v m the ntawB. Must be over 21. CaU apace, fuU abed dormer, fonn- a game room, famUy sised baths, beamed ceiling, pan- WHEN a merchant dunned a arote approprlathms $15. Pool and patio sand, HousohoM G oods SI Rooms Without Roevd 59 and white, gas heat end hot flat or diq^ex, Manrtieater ar­ customer with a note saying program might barety total half stone, flU, gravel, sand and waiter, plus gae for cooking, ea by Sept. 1st. Please call 640- al dining room or fourtti bed­ kitchen and tvro fuU bathrooms. eUng, garages, pond, water- SINOER JULY used sewing ma- MAIN ST. aorose from park. room. Loots of trees. 823,000. 4-car attached garage. In ad­ tolls, 0 acres, pine grove. "This hUl la one year old,” he ol what was asked, nuuiure. 643-9504. paricing, bus line; one of Man- 6066, 4-7 p.m. OHAPUN AGENCY Lets For Sole 73 got bock a card reading, foreign, akrtstance pi^ p a p e r MAGHIN& helper ___ chine Jubilee. Save I Save! one room with beat, complete­ cbeetar’is finest nelghboriioods MEN ANB WOMEN NEEDED I%lM>rlck Agency Realtors, 649- dition. . .a tidy 4 room apart- Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 640- npw'iny on 2nd shift, rate: PICNIC tables — aU kinds and Portables from $9.96, consoles ly unfumiahed. $46. monthly. WANTED TO rent —young cou­ 5847. ment or ta-law suite. Wolver- LAND WITH road frontage, on 6S24r “Happy Birthday, Bid!” With granji has beeriin increaetag dlf- SENIOR ACCOUNTANT and most convenient location. SECOND AND THIRD SHIFT JOBS 648-4626 or without a birthday, come to Acuities since a year ago w l ^ 82.62 per hour. Applications ac- slset, $26 and up. DeUvered. from $19.95. Limited supply 649-2290. ple would Uke 8-bedroom home. ton Agency Realtors, 640-3818. Buckland Road, Manchester, ------HUlvlew’s gracious and com­ EXPEBDCNOE NOT NECESSARY DUPLEX 4-4, central looatioa. and see our listings at Keith Oongfress first demanded multi- cepted daily apply to Rogers W. Snker, RTndsorviUe Rd., demonstrator “ touch and sew” fort filled .package is offered to good location and good yard. PhUbrlck Agency. Realtors. COVENTRY, high scenic loca- machinea greatly reduced I WE WILL TRAIN YOU Excellent Income, aaktag $22,- MANCHESTER CENTER, 4 tlon, older 10 room brick Cb- Real Estate, 649-1022. billion-doHar ^pending cuts ' ta A sldUed profeaslanal U Corp., MUl A Oakland Sts., EUingtott. CaU 872-4848 after you from the Silae BuUdtng Husband baa Multiple Sclerosis 649-684'. Easy 1-86 months credit plan. BURNISHED room for rent. 801 ATTRAOnVE WAOES y 9 i m m . Frectaette Realty, 847 bedroom cldar home, 1% baths loolal. New heating system and retum tor passage of the Presi­ needed to' augment our Manctaeater, Conn., or trie- 4 p.m. Company and will be ready tor and 4s on full dlsabUtty tnsur- STAFFORD Area — 172 acres CaU or visit your Singer Sew­ Main Street. CaU 648-4074. QBOCP INSURANCE fireplace, garage, trees $21,000 BOLTON LAKE — Lots 600' well, acre lot. Bring check dent’s 10 per cent income tax staff. OoUege or accounting phone Mrs. Helen Roberta, occupancy on Bapiember 1, ance, 8 ohUdren.' 648-4887. Isnd. Several himdred feet, for ing Center, 866 Main St., Man­ ------Phflbriok Agency, Realtors, from water, treed and in very book, only 819,000. Hayes Agen­ surcharge. school required along with 648-6162. An equal opportunity ’TOBAOTO netting. Good 1968. For your pereonal In­ AND PROFIT SHARDfO BENEFITS borders on beautiful lake. 1789 (XILONIAL. 17 bush chester, 647-1426. *®® ^’ ® 6404847. nice area. Priced to sell. cy, 646-0181. British Author Rep. George Mahon, D-Tex., experience in the general employer. spection oonitact J. D. Real Terms. Tom Minor Broker, 1- fireplaces, 2 fuU baths, buri- covers. CaU RockvlUe Scrap APPLY AT 8764042 . Hayes Agency, 6464181. S7 * s t t • chairman of the House appeo- In I aoocwntlng field. C.PA. is SINGER ZIG-ZAG cabinet Estate Oo. 618 Center St. Man­ ness potential for antique aluq> RANCH — 7 rooms, 2 fuU 'VERNON —FIVE room Ranch, OOUvi Company, 872-6587. Taiwmonti 43 r IU Q S n flU piU C S S prlatlons committee, has pred- U64. preferred but not neceseaiy model, ueed 6-6 months. TUs chester, 643-6129 - 643-8779. BOIAON — Bolton Center Rd., ric. $21,000. PbUbrick Agency, baths, modern kitchen with BOLTON-NEAR Center—beauti­ screened patio and porch, tour „ __ , ¥ 7 * * j leted the money falU may be $400 THE ALDON SnNNHNt W IIS Realtors, 049-6847. with adequate background. a b l e __ APT — ALERT SCREBINED loam, processed machine wUl monogram, over- MANCHESTB3R — 4^ room Bbcclusive leasing agents — S M l S T W t t O N approxlniatriy 600’ fremtegh, buUt-tas, formal dining room, ful residential area, 1% aejee. privacy. liiClU fllS Jt P66C10111 miUfon under the authorisation In addition to a dnUenghig gravel, also bank run gravel. Town—house Includes utUltles, anytime. TALOOTTVnXB. CONN. famUy room, S bedrooms, 2- Call 640-7867. cast, blind hem dresees, makee 200’ deep, level, cleared, one LARGE MODERN home plus Lake privUegea, $10,6(W. C^ ^n Ultimate appropriation of' aaslgnment tfals opportunity George H. Griffing, 742-7886. button holes. Need responsible appliances, dishwasher, VA car garage. ExceUent neigh­ owner before 2 p.m., 648-9407. LONDON (AP) — Jrim lesa than $1.9 bllUon. If you have these qualltiee baths, private basement and e Oeed Wa mile from new Rt. 0 parkway. 5 room older home with bam MANCHESTER — Cambridge wBl provide above avHage we want to talk to you. We party to pay 10 peymoits of Frank Mott, 0484068. borhood, $81,900. PbUbrick Bratae, beet-eelltag British au- The authorization measure salary, benefits and excel­ COMPLETE BASBIBOARD hot patio, $180. CaU J. D. Real and 100 acres of land. $86,000 Agency, Realtors, 640-6847. S t, 60 X 127 buUdtag lot for sin­ have an exceUent position $8.48 per month or $52. Carii. (or the package. PhUbrlck lent working oondlOons. water heating system. CaU 649- CaU Credit Manager, tlU 9 Estate Cb., 648-6129 or 648-8779. gle home mily. All city utilities Thr^fm^ “‘f open for a man to train as 8691. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, aOosfi WatUBg Agency Realtors, 649-6847. $18,000 — LARGE 6H room Bel Air Real Estate, 648-0882. bedrooms. Ideal in-law ar- ****** appropriations bUl fixes the Write ststmg e:q>erience, ^ p.m. If toU, caU coUect, 246- Hobsm For SoIb 72 pUoably happy during an unsuc- amount that may actually be a sales representative. Good OONNBCnCOT TOWN OF SOUTH 'MNOSOS Rapob. Fireplace, IM batbs, rangement. Modem kltriien, education and salaiy re- EXCELLENT, efficient and eco­ 2140. MANCHESTER — Brick Ranch, COVENTRY —100 x 100’ treed cessful lecture tour of the UiUt- spent. salary and commissi mi. MODERATE SIZED Ranch, buUt-iii range, baaement. Quiet formal dining room, famUy Ik ::::' ^piirements to P.O. Box TOWN OF MANCHESTER, Formal dining room, two fire­ ed States. Ho didn’t know what a combination of factors has company vehicle furnished. nomical, that’s Blue Lustre TAKE over payments on re­ that’s as clean as a whistle, street. Hutchins Agency, Real­ buBding lot. Lake prtvUeges. room, fireplace, 2Vi baths, gar­ 1488, Haittotd, Conn. CONNECTICUT NOTICE EMPLOVlIEin'OPPORTUNITY places, finished rec room, Excrilent opportunity for carpet and iqihdistery cleaner. claimed G.E. 23” color console 'rith new point outride, newly tors, 649-6824. Sacrifice, $900. Ovsier. OaU age. $28,900. PhUbrlck Agency ^ M sent the aid program to ite low- •m IBr. breeze'vay, garage, large lot. Toward the end of the trip I level ta Its 21-year history. advancement. For this bet­ Rent electric ehampooer, $1. T-V. CaU Jim, 646-0102. OF ADOPTION OF redecorated inside. Kitchen has 648-6724. Realtors, 640-6847. ter than average position The Sherwln-WilUams Oo. NOTICE MeCHAMC'S ASStSTANT $28400. Phllbriek Agency Real­ LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN—Sev­ ______®’^’" *** in a» It has Its longtime critics who ORDINANCE tunny dining area, 20’ living tors, 649-6847. MANCHESTER — A zone wood­ ELLINGTON — 8 year rid magaztae. Spec- have termed It a giveaway that CARPENTERS and carpenter’s apply to FRIOIDAIRE electric range, OF ADOPTION OF Interesting poslfien msintnining Ught and heavy vehicles room. Downstairs completely en room Oolonlri, 2^ tiled OERTB a gay giri — ready new condition, deep fryer, $60. ORDINANCE and oonstnicttoa ero^ment in rapidly expanding Trisn High­ baths, built-ins, three ttre- ed tots, convenient locaticn, Ootoniol Ciqw In Vermont-like “ tor. The narne of ^ happl- made no friends for this coiro- haliers. CaU 648-2282, 644-8886, for a 'sbtri after cleaning car­ In accordance with the pro­ flniriied and heated. Hini-park- NEW LJSTINO — $17,000 wlU near bus. Priced to aril. ness was freedMn. This (the try after 6 p.m. CaU 643-2861. In accordance with the' pro- visions of Chapter 8, Sections way Department. Excellent opportunity tor eqeilenoe and Uke yard. , Teen’s. Wolverton plaoes, Modtowee haU floor, setting, an room s, 1% bathe, SINGER CO pets with Blue Lustre. Rmt advaacement. Starting salary $6,48846. OaU Dlreoter of buy this 7 room Cape with a Mot water oil heat,' city utili­ Hayes Agency, 6464181. 2-car garage, ptaoter walls, was aWl a coun- qj^ey have been Joined ta re- vlslona of Chapter 8, Sections 1 1 and 9 of the Town Charter, Agency Realtors, 648-2818. full shed dormer and a garage. PART-TEME Janitor tor cen- ™ isa t k - ht MANCHESTER HI-POST mahogany bedroom and 9 of the Town Charter, PnbUc Works—$89-6486 for Interview. Our drivers pump their ' TOWN OF MANCHESTER, ties, 2-car garage, many ex­ fireplace, buUt-tos, much ^ in which ym could be any- ^^^t years by form«- supporters * _ n _ hi.iuins’ m a in ST., MANCHESTER ^ Wallpaper Supply. like new. CaU b notice U hereby given of the own gas. COSNECTITCOT City ' utUUies. House needs trolly located ofOoe building. Board of Dl- MANCHESTER West Side, 4 tras. Lange lot, double A zone, Rttsort ProBBity more. Low 200*, owner, 872- '*'iim***^ oppose the program to W rite box ‘V, Manriierier 872-3227, 876-8860.______adopUon by the Board of Di- y,, . palnUng and papering, Act fast many trees. 30 days occupan­ 4278. beatnik to mlUlonaire. This was ^ rrs INEXPENSIVE to clean Town of Man­ bedroom borne, Ciountry at- on this one. T. J. Crockett, a country in whirii sUH the state opporitiem Hesald. ' rectors ot the Tbwn of Man­ moepberek $20,900. PhUbrlck cy, (h orles Leeperance, 640- For Solo 74 MECHANIC wanted, salary plus rugs and tqiholstery with Blue chester, Connecticut, July 16, NOTICE Realtor, 648-1677. MANSFIELD—Raised Ronrii, 7 commlsrian. 648-6676. Don’s Lustre. Rent electric ritampoo- chester, Connecticut, July 16, 1968, of an Ordinance as fol- Agency Realtors, 6494847. 7620. BOLTON LAKE, Bolton — 6 blU contains substantial OF ADOPnON OF rooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, 2- people for. the state. amounts tor the civUlan econo- American Bet vice, 128 ToUand er $1. Olcott Variety Store. M usical Instm nwnts 53 1968 of an Ordinance as follows: lows: MANCHESTER — New Listing BALDWIN RD. sector —^Large room summer home secluded “ The name of the system the ORDINANCE PREBTTOE AREA Eight room car garage, built-ins, cathedral my o f Vietnam, but the m ajor EXPERIENCED Tpke., Maneheeter. Chapter B 188 Purchase of Chapter B 184 Purchase of — Cape, aluminum riding, oversized custom buUt Cape hldaway, near water, 8 bed­ people lived under was capital­ BOLEN riding lawn mower JANSSEN L a n d f t ^ Earie B. Rohan, In accordance 'sith tbe pro- IXitch Oolonial. Assumable ceilings with rustic beams. war costs are In tiie Defense De­ Land from Angeline LomiSiere. seven roome, three bedrooms of 6 rooms, 2 full baths, 2-car rooms, only $9,800. Hayes ism. It was often cruel, often tractor, front reel mower plus aUy new. CaU 649-0472 after 4 ^ ^ w„ virioas of Chapter 8, Sections 1 FHA mortgage. Pasek Real- Hurry and pick out your o'vn partment budget. BE IT ORDAINED by the BE rr ORDAINED by the TOWN Of SOUTH WINDSOR iqietaira with waU to wall car­ garage, fuU basement, % acre Agency, 6464131. unjust, often taefflcient, often OD. GRINDERS snow blade, exceUent condition. p.m. and 0 o f the Town Charter, tom, 289-7476, 742-6263. colors. Over on acre lot min­ And the foreign aid program Board of Directors of the Town Board of Directors of the Town peting, tour rice rooms down, lot. This home must be seen, utes from UOonn. Wolverton wasteful, but it gave everyone, BRIDGEPORT Trades accepted. 649-6888. TRUMPE3T, student model, of Manchester that the Town of ______notice U beraby given ot tbe large eat-ta Idtdieii, attractive STATE-LINE Lake — Beautiful has driwn Increasing criticism of Manchester that the To'vn EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY adoption by the Board of Di­ SEVEN ROOM custom built Co­ loaded with extras. Designed year ’round home or better cot­ A gency,' Realtors, 849-2818. even in, an arbitrary and con- OPERATORS TREE TWO DOUBLE hung windows, good condition, best offer. CaU Manchester purchase tor the ^ Manchester purchase for the lonial. Attached breezeway and Uving room with fireidace, dta- and buUt tor present owners. fused way, a chance to be what ^ “ *“ ■« J**® P®***‘ 649-8878. total sUm Of Hiree Thousand ^ Sixteen Thousand rectors of the Town of Man­ tag room and den. One car tage. Three bedrooms, large ANDOVER LAKE — Summer he wanted to be. Above aU. It problems and other in casings, tri];de track screens chester, Omnectleut, July 16, garage, fireplace. Authentic Immediate posssesion. Mid 80’s. Uving room 'vlth fireplace, ALL AROUND ------:------Six Hundred and Sixty (88,6601 Hundred ($16,600) DoUars SeWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Colonial paneling and decor. oversized garage. Beautiful home that Just has had electric didn’t care. It left people conditions, arguing the and windows. One 3' door and 1968, of an Ordinance as fol- T. J. CSrockett, Realtor, 648- large cabinet kitchen, glassed TOOL MAKERS TRIMMERS naeing with aluminum ftorm Dollars from Eiarie 8. Rohan Angeline Lomphere of the Four bedrooms if needed. private treed lot. Wolverton 1677. heat tastaUed. Five rooms, alon e.. government should concern It- Anrianas gA of the Town of Manchestn, ^ Manchester, County of ASSISTANT OPERATOR kiwvz BuUt-tas and convenient walk- Agency, HeaMors, 649-2818. in porch, out on a. peninsula. porch, fireplace, fuU bath. Bbc- Although Bratae around up his with homefrant needs first. doors. CaU 643-4311. One acre lot. Beautiful pines _T , , , , ____ . . J. ------_?------County of Hartford and State Hartford and State of OonnecU- Chiqder B 182 Purchase of up attic. One of Manchester’ s ceUent location. A good buy at lecture tour without making the E & S GAGE GO. W oxlds lazS'SSt tree trim - SORSRY s a l le now ^ merry w a n t e d TO B ir r — antiques, of Connecticut that certain jjj »hi»» tract ot land with The Town of South Windsor win open Us new sewage tjiimi from Chester A. and POR’TEK--’Sn pJE T area, $17,- and hardwoods. Tom Minor $12,900. Immediate possession, financial profit he had anticipat- treatment plant this fall and to seeking an aeslstant to the better locations. Priced ta up­ NO BROOK IQtchell Dr., M ^haster hoe/wuminiro Lustre nig string furniture, pewter, lead- piece or parcel of land conslrt- improvements thereon Marion C. Langtry. per 20’s. For appointment call 600, attractive rix room home, Broker, 1-8764042. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- ed, he writes that the visit was CUef Plant Operator. TUs to a new sendee to our taxpayers, BE IT ORDAINED by the fireplaoe, garage, nice condi- GOP Resumes m inf company nas openings and uphristerj^cl^ner. lamps, art glass, priinitlves, tag ot rear land located tm the jmown as Noe. 81-83 Oak Street creating an entirely new department which most eiqwad J. D. Real Estate Co., 648-6129. 1677. worth more than anything mon- electric shampooer $1. Board of Dlrectora of the Town lUnn. Hirtriiins Agency Real- NO CONSERVATORY for foreman. Top wages and quantity. 644-8962. south side of Hercules Drive in the said Town of Manchester, greatly In the oomtag yean. Out O f Town ay could buy. It gave him a new Preparations AUTO MECHANICS, eU bene­ Ftnewood Furniture Shop. ------more particularly bounded and more particularly bounded and of Manebester that the Town ROLLING Park Cape — Six tore, 649-6324. HEiBRON —Twelve room Ool- insight, he says, and riuinged We are seeking n person who bae completed high school good size rooms, fireplace, For Sol* 75 onial! Two acres! 4-car gar­ fits. Apply Ctoorehee Mbtars OToeUent benefits. Call 649- mu of Manchester purchase tor the NO TENNIS (X)URT him from a Ufe-long Socialist to M l.■■■- O e « a* toUowB: described as follows: and has at least one year's experience ta this or n related three bedrooms, plenty of NEW LISTING — Six room For Convention h ic., 648-2791. Wanrea lO Northerly and easteriy ^ Northerly by land now or field. total sum pf Three Thousand oversized Cape with fril riied NORTH COVENTRY — near a ge! Sound tateresttag? Call a supporter of Britataa’ Oon- closet space, nice yard. Gera.rd H. M. Frechette Realty, 647- MIAMI BEACH, Flo. (AP) — 4242. Boots and Accossorios 45 h o u s e h o l d lots Antiques uow or tofmeriy of Dwight fomieriy of William Taylor and This to a permanent salaried position with full fringe ($8,000) Drilara from Chester dormer. Stones throw from It’s all house. Just square, Parkway. Older three bedroom servative party. m e n for counter work at new Agency, 648-0366, 649-0638. 9993. bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, Bldwell, southerly 1^ Isf"* j,y ^ght of way, easterly by benefits. Stsrtlng sahuy—$6,303 per year. AppHcatlcas win F. Langtry and Marion C. Majn Street. Two full baths, Cape. Three car garage, five Less complimentary Is Ameri- Z^roporations tor the RepubUoan daily her, bom 7 p.m. to mld- 14’ SELF-etart Arkansas Travel­ honest value. 7 rooms, glassware. We buy estates. Vll- tormeriy Jotui Loomis, of Sdward J- Holl and by close Aufost 9, 1966. CaU Dlreotoc of PnbUc Works—386-6186. Langtry of the Town of West FIVE ROOM Ranch, immacu­ Uvtag room iwUh fireplace, baths, 2-car detached ga- acres, privacy. Only $16,600. EAST HARTFORD Rannh Viewed through the eyes of NaiUonal Convention were back nfgfat, exDrileat pay. Write Box er flberglas boat with 35 h.p. ? Talsuke Pujlshlma, a popular the track today after settle- lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 westerly by land now or former- Clifford R. Burr, aouth- Harwich, County of Barnstable late condition, nice deep large kitchen, three car rage. ■ Hayes Agency, 6464181. W, Manchester Herald. Jrimson motor, both for only and Oommonwealth of Massa­ Japanese writer appearing ta ment of a dispute over operation m e c h a n ic s —front end aUgn- Lake St., Bolton. 649-3247. *y Mary Ann Keeney. g^ly by Oak Street, and wester- lot, garage. Gerard Agency, garage. In immaculate condi­ $460. ExceUent running condi­ chusetts that certain piece or BOI/rON—6 room Ranch, Uke the Shukan Yomiuri, a weMy of a piece of television ment, full or part-time. Per­ Said prcmtocG are convey^, jy ^ fdrmerly of 048-0866 or 649-0688. tion. Wolverton Agency, Real­ Including all furniture $23,600. Phllbriek Ag(ency Real­ tion. CaU 875-7186 aU day Sat­ parcel of land located in the new, air-coaditloned, electric magaztae In Japan. equipment. sonal interview. Apply 328 WE BUY and sell antiques, and together with a right of way to L*,cla Farr et al and by a right tors, 640-2818. $24,900. tors, 6494847. urday or Monday, thereafter, used furniture, china, glass ril- Keeney Street, and consist of Town of Manchester bounded heat, wall ito wall caiT>ettag, The biggest hangup of Ameri- The Oriumbda Broadcasting WANTED W. Mlddte Tpke. EAST CENTER ST., 9 room after 4:30. ver, picture frames, old coins. Three Hundred (800) Square Said premises are to be con­ and described as follows, TO lot 100x200, wooded, brook, BOLTON — 8-bedtobm Raised cans is that they would “ rather System television network an- house, C zoned, for doctor’s of­ KEITH REAL ESTATE be loved than love othera,” he nounced Tuesday it had reached LICEN8BID plumhers and guns, pe'vter, scrap gold, Rods, veyed together 'vUh a right of WIT: PUBUC 918,900. Call before 9 a.m ., 649- Ranch with 2 acres of land plus Good neitahle meCbMiic ftor Notice of Itefuse Collectioii fices, 2 or 3 families, 186’ writes. Another big proriem is a temporary agreement with plumberia helper. Top pay, Diamonds— W otchas-— watches, old Jewelry, hob- ggy purchase ^UMi be B* way of record. Beginning at a point on the 649-1922 3666. rec room and garage#. $24,600. rtm****™™*' fleet o f Dear Houeebolder: frontage. Hutchins Agency, “their Incredible simplicity to the International Brotherhood of beneftto, steady employment. by coUectlons, paintings, attic nanced from the Capital Re- Said purchase shaU be fi­ northerly side of Middle Turn­ NOTICE BOL’TON''"— tour room expend­ Mitten Agency, Realtors, 643- school buses. ILiat hove Jowdry 48 contents or whole estates. Fur- gerve Fund, pike West, which point marks 649-5824. 6930. the extent of stupidity,” he goes Electrical Workers A CBS ■ifmml knowledge of e> O al W.C. Gihbe Ptumbtag A nanced from the Parking The puipose o t this letter te to explalsi the (diange ta refuee •— ■ -..—i Notice is hereby given that the ------able C!ape. Twp unfinished up, Heating Inc., 875-0968. nlture Repair Service, 643-7449. ordinance shall take ef­ ooDeotlcn procedures otaittag August 1, 1908. Due to the fact therouth«urt^y_cor^« - Zoning CV>mmls- MANCHESTER — 7 room alr- MANCHE8TEK—7 room Cape, on. spokesman said workers would npatas tachidtag air and Authority Funds. Convenient location near Park­ COVBNTRY — NORTH - Im­ To prove his claim, EHiJiriilma be back today to complete pre­ fect ten (10) days alter this (1 ^ the coot tor thto service has increBoed beyond the amount premises' t. herein i_ described, ^ Coventry, fuU shed domer. Formal din­ tyrdrauSc brake wyUbmm, RAKITR >i^D ra!E nsMled to KEEPSAKE wedding band with nUs Ordinance shall take ef- conditioned Split Level, IH ing room, finished rec room, way and Lake. CaU now, $16,- mediate occupancy on the L tells of an experience with a parations for the Aug. 6 conven- iiiiiiM ifinii ovctboUl, bi- BAKEUl TRAINEE needed to ^ diamonds. CaU 643-1683. of money appropriated In the present budget tor the eervloe, thence by a curve, the radius baths, eUding glass doors off learn taondcut donut and muf­ Roems Without Board 59 publication m this newspaper feet ten (10) days after this OMXiecticut, 'Vtil hold a pubUc extra lot of record. Handy lo­ ,400. Hayes Ag;ency, 646-0181. shaped Ranch. Gairage, fire­ group of American tourists tlon opening, at riutebea, etc. provided that within ten (10) pubUcatimi ta this newspaper thto step is explained below has been taken. of which is nine hundred rieverf family room, modem Mtriien fin burineas. Some experience Staitfiig Augisat 1, the prasesit oofieaUon days will remain hearing on August 6, 1968, at cation. $28,900. PhUbrlck place, ahuntaiun stonns. Acre aboard an airliner about to set it was the second IBEW set- Good txxna and good pay. ATTRACTIVE sleeping room days after this pubUcatlon of provided that within ten (10) aiu4 fifty-four one-hundredths 8:00 p.m. ta the auditorium of with buUt-ins, garage. $26,900. BOLTON — Older home, bam, Roferenoeu lequhed. preferred but will train. Please HoosahoM Goods 51 the same w$th twice per week curb collection of any trash, (911.64) feet, the line runs a Agency, Reedtors, 649-5347. lot. Only $18,600. Owner down at Hong Kong. tlement of the day that cleared gentleman, shower bath, pri- this Ordinance a petition signed days after this puhUcatlon ot waste or rubbish, eet at the curb Uno of the property. On the the Coventry High Sol, Cov­ PhUbrlck Agency, Realtors, out buUdings. 2 building lots apply, Mr. Donut, 256 W. Ifid distance of slxty-one and five plus land $20,000. PhUbrlck a n x lo "S . CaU now, Pascek An American sitting next to the way for the two major par- die Tpke. or cali for appoint- CLEAN, USED refrigerators, vate entrance, free parking, by not less than five (6) per this OnUnance a petition signed eeoond ooSectlon day of the week, Ifaere will ok» ^ a raor entry, Connecticut, toncentlng 649-6847. MANCHESTER — 6 room Realtors, 289-7476, 742-8243. him spotted a green iiy>uutata ties to open their presidential Apply 195 Spruce St. cent of the electors of the by not lese than five (6) per yard ooHeetton ot waste (goitMge). It wlH be permtostble to one-hundredths (61.06) fast to tbe "Proposed Amenitoente of Ranch. Two baths, famUy Agency, Realtors, 649-6347. H. A. FRINK ment, 649-8277. ranges, automatic washers the eitd of sold curve; thence SIX ROOM Cape, formal dining below and asked If it was in selection meetings on schedule. Town, as determined from the cent ot the electors of the Town, mix the waste (gori»ge)wlth traoh ooUopted A’T THE CURB the Town of Coventry,;! Connecti­ room, breezeway, garage, -TOLLAND —NEW Seven room Hong Kong or In Red CaUna. Fu- EarUer Tuesday, the IBEW continuing weoteriy along the room, 8 bedrooms, good condi­ ANDO'VER — Overlooking lake. 5q|fftlHgn W onfod 3A-A B!*D?*Pwl^^A^ances, 649 ^ e ^ ^ ^ S ly loc^d large' latest official lists of the Reg- as determined fnmjInMn the latest on eltfasr coUeoUon day. cut, Zmting Regulatioflis’ ’ Dated: screened porch, park like yard. Raised Ranch, 4.2 acres. Im- Jishlma told him It was in Chi- ag;reed to allow its members— W apdi«—644-1902 northerly line of Middle Turn­ tion, $17,900. P;illL;lck Agency Clean Cape with fuU shed ------Mata St Call &13.2171. l»trars of Voters has not been official lists of the Registrars We reattze that thfo change may couso eome taconwRienoe, May 1968. Mid 20’s, Hayes Agency, 646- medla£e occupancy. Rockville Mata St Call o«-2i7x. pleasantly furnished rooms, ^ has not been filed b u tit to our hope iHmS wlu rwa/My tO pike West the line runs a di«- Realtors, 649-6347. dormer. Four rooms down, one ua. working without pay—to tastaU LICENSED Real Estate sale- A copy of said proposed 0181. up. Space for bath and lav up. Realty, 876-2627. Ihe American “looked flab* necessary communications fa- U 3T OVER 1987 rig-zag sew- \ ®^*!i querttag its reference to this new arrangement which means a saving of KOOwT dST tonce of three hundred thirty- men with prevloiu experience. with the Town Clerk request­ year to Ihe town. amendmente has been placed on m a in ST. — Business zone. Big enclosed front porch. Deep VERNON — Fifteen minutes bergasted,” Fujiriiima writes. ctidUes for the Aug. 26 Demo- BOOKKEEPER —Mature man CaU Mr. PbUbrick, PhUbrlck tag mariUnes, buUt-ta controls nlFht ''" 'I permanent guest gp^^jgj election. ing Its reference to a special four (884) feet to the center Large 8-room house ta excel­ BOWERS SCHOOL — Cape, 6 “Ihis man shouted to his rates. file in the Office of the Town rooms plus paneled office, wooded lot. Lake privileges. from downtown Hutford. Five cratic convention ta Chicago. tor permanent fuU-time poel- Agency, 649-0847. to make button boles, sew b u t-______™ * ' JOHN I. OAR81DE JR. Town eleetkm. « Btaoeroly youns, line of a brook; thence norther­ lent condition, 8-car garage, friends sitting across the aisle, Clerk, Town HaU, Coventry, treed lot, garage, $21,600. Phll- Only $16,900. T. J. Crockett, room Ranch with large kitch­ Hie Miami Bcsich dispute was tion in Manchester area. AU tons on. bUnd hem dresses, j^q o M for rent - - gentleman ' Secretary ly, easterly, northerly and $^,000. Phllbriek Agency, 049- saying; ‘Did you know titat? ROBERT B, WEiBS. General Manager Connecticut, and Is available brlck Agency, Realtors, 646- Realtor, 648-1677. over JurlsdlcUonj on the feeling ptiss" to eventual fuU charge. Holp moke fancy siltche#. aearance parking, central lo- Board of Directors JOHN I. OAR8ZDE JR. northwesterly by the high water en and buUt-iiu^, large lot. $18,- That’s a Red Chinese moun- ______„ „ „ „ „ „ „ Secretary IVywn at Meacheutear, OonneoUout for inspection by the public. MANCHESTER and viotaity. 5347. 900 firm. Ov^iier. 876-6774. o f taformaLtion toja new, campu- All emjdoye beneflts. Reply price only $88.60 w you ^ cation. CaU after 6 p.m. 648- Manchester, CoimecUcut line of Hilliard Pond, the line Planning end CXJLUMBIA —^Year old Wp roof ______ter^le.’ Ihe whole CBS device ^ flashra K M o or 37 pay $4.20 per month. For free Board of Dtrectora runs a distance of seven hun­ Ovisr 76 homes from $7,600 up. giving ejgwrlence, salary re- Dated at Manchester, Ckmnec- Z(mtag Oommlsrion brlok Ranch, custom built CO'VENTRY two years old happe^g sjnaply a m ^ d ^ . I printed Information on televi- deUvery caU Manager tUl 9 Manchester, (tonnectlout Call Mitten Realty Company, CONTEMPORARY Ranch — eulreroent and availability, to - tlctit, this nineteenth day ^ dred and fifty (760) feet, more throughout, cen|»r hall, 2-zone six room Raised Ranch, Z-car taiew then how deep-rpotea acreena. C2BS wanted edito* p.m. U toU caU collect, 246- CLEAN comfortable room for^v» juiy,— .. ___ 1968. Dated at Manchester, C!on- or leu, to a point; thence Coventry, Realtors, 648-6930. large living room with dining Herald, Box ‘HH” . Oomwettout heat, central vacuum system, tlreplace, storms and America's CmlM-miergy was, perawmrf to feed Informa- RESTAURANT refined gentleman. Free perk­ necUcut, this ntaeteeth day of Primary NeHpa of Rapubliean Party turning the line runs ta a gen­ L, 2 fireplaces, three bed­ 2140. , Robert H. Gantner, RANCH — 6% wm s, modem G.E. buUttos, formal din­ screens, % acre treed lot. ing. Also efficiencies. Inquire July, 1968. To the Town aerk of each town ta the 6Ut Assembly Dtotrlot: eral easterly direction ninety- rooms, 1^ baths, finished rec ing room, two 25’ covered pati­ ^ the device, caUed the Chairman kitchen with dtoin|^ area, fire­ room, carport. Large treed Truly a very clean home. Im­ the United Sta^. Videograph. The IBEW wanted FuM or portrime help Scranton Motel and Cabins, 160 Notice to hereby given that a Primary of the Republican five (96) feet to a point; thence r t- oo io m os, 3 ibedrooms, 2-car garage. place in Uvtag boom, 3 bed­ lot. PhUbrick Agency, Real­ mediate occupancy. Only $22,- America’s educational poll- one of “ its members to hantUe wanted in nattomJ chain ToUand Tpke., 649-0826 before Party ta the Olat Aaaembly District wUl be held on August 7, turning by an interior angle of Dated: July 22, 1968. The Meyer Agmcy, 648-0609. cies got special attention ta a TRADER “P” rooms, garage, large wooded tors, 649-6s'47. 600. Assume 6% per cent VA the function. ot Mealcan style food. Op- 6 p.m. 1968 for nomination to the office of State Representative for the Una runs ta a gen' weekend supplement' of the PRCX3RAMMER 128* 67’ lot, $21,800. PhUbrlck Agency, mortgage with only $6,600 Bill Leonard, a CBS vice pres- portmlty to manoga yuur USED FURNITURE said district. erol southeasterly direction a ' NORTH COVB3NTRY Frankfurter AUgemelne Zel- Realtors, 649-6847. MANCHESTER — Custom buUt down. Don’t miss this one. CaU Went ih chaige of the network’s own mop. Apply between Notice to also hereby given that the following to the name distance of three hundred forty- tung. It came In tbe aftermaui “ d i d y o u 12-8 pm. at . . . TOWN OF SOUTH WINDSOR L egal 8 room Garrison Grioolal. Fam­ A L L ELECTTRIC RANCH Manchester Realty Company, READ THIS of the party-endorsed candidate of the Republican Party tor seven (847) feet to a point; CAPE 7 roomsv formal dining o f l strike by students at West Now Open At — Uy room, double garage, wood­ 643-4348. QUOTE FROM THE nomination to said office, together with the street of 'thence turning by an Interior Advertisement waU to waU carpeting, alumi­ ed lot, city utiUUes. Hayes Now under oonatnidtion German tecl^cal schools tor a ^ PEPE TACO 86 Oak St. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY sold candidate: angle of 110* 24’ the Une runs num siding, garage, deep Agency, 646-0181. and could be youns before BOLTON LAKE — 6% room more modem curriculum. . 346 Brood S t, Manrtieater NOTICE MANCHESTER NAME ADDRESS ta a general southerly direction t o w n o f VERNON wooded lot, Phllbriek Agency, school enia. 6 bdg rooms Ranch, one car garage, % acre In a fuU-page report, SE'VEN ROOM older home, ex­ phis space fo r rec room in or con Mr. Looter Good used furniture, appliances T O B ID D E R S Dorothy R. Miller Cook Drive a distance of two hundred fifty- Realtors, 649-6847. wooded lot. Firm $18,600. Will newspaper concluded there w m t o o EVENING HERALD (Simsbury) 1-666-9904 GA11 GUARD Bolt ended on the California coart, tertag the haU wto no efforts EAST HARTFORD cent of the electors of the Town, TIME: 10:80 A.M. COOL TREE shaded yard beck­ ot- l'! kaw England area.” dltlon. Call 649-6296. town Manager’s Office, Town QIRL FRIDAY condition. $8,600. Tom Minor no limits are set to the number fered to install them. CAB CO. Hall, Main Street, South Wind- BUmiER 8Emn8E MAN The foregoing to a copy of the notice which I have received as determined from the latest INVITATION TO BID ons you to look at tiUe well con­ Broker, 1-876-5042. On nMUon of Attorney J. Vincent AUTOMATIC washing', rtachtae, geaJed Wds wlU be acoept- from Elia T, Graseo, Secretary of the State, ta accoidenca with official lists of the Registrars A certified ciieok ta tite structed 7 room Oolonial, nice ______Hauser, adminlstretor, on the ea- and direction of the new prob------Ttoto Is your chanos to work One giri office. Typing. Wntw-hABter Une AnnSL KoUtchls. late of Now 197 Burnside Ave., good condlUon. $«0. Call 648- ^ address untU Section 9-488 of the General Statutee. Ae provided in said notice of Voters has not been Jlled amount of 6% of the total bid neighborhood, among homes of 'VERNON — Manenester ime, Ro^rfie, n .Y.. (owning Pr< >erty) lems. In a period of fermenting , j e* * looafiy In a dynamic, ex­ Experience Necessary 5 planning at European universl- Book MemOTweO, tO$t panding Data Proc wring Bart. Hontford 0488. August 6, 1968 at 1:80 p.m. a primary of the RepubUcan Party for nomination to the office ilrith the Town Clerk requesting must accompany each bid. Said better quality. Hurry, mid 20's. Immaculate 5% room Ranch, wMhIn said district, deceased". Most meet the Ugh stondaid, qnaUty and shorthand, general Call Paul W. Dougan, ReaUor, 1)4 baths, nice yard, near .-?bl6 Court doth decree th^ throo ties, the e(yes of all ■'vho care for NEW YORK—In less than on Dspt The asluy Is open THREE PIECE livtag room set, B.D.S.T., in a sealed «»v e l^ required byi of State Representative in the 51it Aeeembly District will be its reference to a special Town check of ttie suooeeaful bidder ' 640-4636. school. Call now, only $18,800. SSte'^e'?- ®'**‘ and tho frings beneOtn are dishes, lamps, bedspreads, marked “BID ON LEASED VE- held August 7, 1968. The hours of voting at said Primary ani election. will be held until such time as knowl^ge of book- eawaltonl., Zf you have any the location of tho polls will be as tolhm; JOHN I. OAR8IDB JR. all ctmdliUona of the prapooal Hayes Agency, 646-0181. htolt.their.cirtms against the.sanie directed on the Califomla super- iMnujme a novel tne sis* re egmortonce as a IVogtam- SItiiatioiis Suitable for oo^ge. 649-1169. HICLB’’. MORIAKTY BROTHERS, Inc. MANCHESTER — Starter to the administrator and directs Institute.” “Dr. Zhivago” and at the push The Town reserves the right HOURS OF VOTING — 12:00 M. to 8 P.M. Secretary have been met. keoping. ExcoHent sal­ VERNON - Mancherter line. that public noUce be given ot this The article went on to say of a buttaa rscoU and print mar, ptanas oontadt. the 38 197-816 CENTER ST. Speriffleatiens con be obtained home. Five rooms, lucludes FI^IGIDAIRE custom Imperial aocept or reject any and all LOCA'nON OF POLLING PLACES VOTING DISTRICT ' Directors Seven room Split Level, pri- per having a clrct^lon In said dis­ that Caltech had the highest within seconds any of the atorsd BomooBOl DapL, kdsm'hes- MANCHESTER, CONN, — 648-6188 Ctonnoctiout at the office of the Director of two bedrooms up, three rooms WILL babysit for working par­ electric stove, practically new; tatereste of Dated at Bolton, Connecticut, this 20th day of July 1996. ary avaikMo. Apply rate treed lot, near school, 2 ®pS2*".rS?i number of Nobel Prize reel- information it Iz ozked to prih tar Mwaorlal Hospital, V aotloo—Insurance—Pension pated' at Manchester, Con- Admlnlriratton at any time from down. Aluminum slding,| new 64I-U 4I, n e t MS. ents. £maU children preferred. Westtaghouse heavy duty wash- TVrwn. OUVE H. TOOMBY furnace. $16,800. Wolvertwi baths, only $19,600. Hayes Town of Coventry. plents, an achievement no Euro- duce about any of the hundnds and Many Mora Fringe Benefits! ' Town Clerk necticut, this nineteenth day of 9;00 a re . through 6:00 p.m., oian isi Certified from Record iReUabk, also references. Call Ing machine, practically new; Terry W, Sprenkel, Box C. Agency Realtors, 649-2818. Agency, 646-Q181. daWID C. RAPPB, Judge. peon institution could ipatch. of characters and attuationa. nii' 646-8857. brass flrej^ace set. 648-6661. ’^own kfanager I Town of Bolton July, 1068. Monday through Friday. r

WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 T H I R T Y ^ iSanrlifi^ab^t Evrnitts H^raUi ’'T-; Most Manchester Stores Are Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock CipoIIa, George E. DeMetrion, Womeu to Fight ABolit T owf Crash Brings 99 Students Pamela J. Duell, Stanley M. Fedynlak, William D. Fltaglb- Federal Waste, your housu deseryujl AvumiW Ditily Net Prom Run K h DMrict firemen Miswer- Man’s Arrest bens, James L. Foy, George J. for The Week EadeC 4ii • ealt at 3:U yeaterday and AtMCCMake La'pins, Michael W. Lowell, Ron­ 4M0h|y oMtlDculahed flomea on A 73-y^-old MancheMer man ald L. Shaw, Jacqueline Tar- Says Ed May lo n e 18, 1 8 « M m m a t. m o t W. Middle was cKuged with failure to ditf, Sandra J. Wayland, Rita A. the bust! Deanes List "Our wives, iriio are losing T ^ . and nniord Pond. The drived a reasonable distance Ziegler, Wayne D. Zhkauskas. ilanriypatpr lEurnttig K p ralli WOha of the amoll gra** end a p w , after an accident at 11:08 the battle of the budget, will be 15,105 3 Ninety-nine Manchester Com­ HairtfCiird: R obert F . Am odlo, (^^alifornia hrMh fire U unknown. ^ k.m. yesterday at E. Middle Ben^jamin iFoster Jr., Joan C. leading the way against govern­ Tpke. and Lenox St. munity Oollegre students from 23 ManeheHer^ -4 CUy of Villoge Charm communities have t>een named MeMwe, Trotakl LUlo, Vincent ment waste on election day,” A lan R . L y on i o f 88 Qoftt^win The man, Joseph Naretto of Paneccaaio Jr., Stephen J. Plao- VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 251 to the college's dean’s list for Edwin H. May Jr., of Wethers­ (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHEOTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1968 Adrostlsing M Fh«e 17) W. la attendhig a band/donduc- M Dale Rd., was charged after cik . lo n iaorhatim> at Haiti College the car he was driving was in the spring semester. To be field predicted last night' eligible for the dean’s list, stu­ HaaardviUe: Leonard Wls- May, the Republican candi­ of ICiHie of the ytUversHy of collision with a car operated by neaky. PAINT HarHord. / William J. Cooke, 41, tA 104 dents must be matriculated full­ date for the U.S. Senate, spoke Kensington: David L. Sled- AND Lockwood St. time In one of the college’s 13 at a dinner meeting of the New­ two-year associate degree pro­ mon. ington Klwanle Club at the Nut- Maaeiiertaf' Barraoka and Naretto will appear In court Neiw Britain: Robert S. HHH Backern —“ ----- 'ta Worid War I Vet- Aug. 5. gram s. megger House. Named to the dean’s list are: Adamowlox, Roger J. Beig, He said that, according to a fadve a picnic Sunday Cars (^>erated by James O'­ Btanlay B. Brace, George J. 'p.m. at the home of Mrs. Meara Jr., 17, of 53 Hudson St., Manchester: Thomas C. Ash­ recent Gallup poll, "the most ley, James L. Baker Jr., J (^ KlUeen, Stephen J. Satallno. urgent problems facing the W m U p h o ld lieOaitfay, 170 Warren and Eugene L. Dumell, 24, of Netwkigton: Joyce M. Boncal, Atra., Vernon. Those planning Blast Hartford collided at the M. Boulski; Lorraine C. Beau-^ American family today are the ‘^chemln, James C. Blseell, Mil- Andrew R. Biusik. higli cost of llvtog, taxes, and to attend ate reminded to bring Center yesterday at 8:40 p.m. Putnam: David A. Dexter. Kennedy Spot a dfadi o f food fo r the picnic, a Police said neither driver was ton F. Blough Jr., Diana C. the cost of oducation.” Bottum, Paul W. Buck, Donald Rocky HUl: Jay C. Coyle. Engaged He said, "Tliere will be 7Vk ohalr, and an article for a charged nor injured. Stafford Springs: Patricia kMehen bingo. P. Chabot, Amelia O. Costa, The engagement of Miss Pa­ more women than men eligible WASHINOTON (AP) -Sup­ Andrea J. Deary, Katherine M. Oilman, Kenneth M. MicKeever. to vote this November, and they port reportedly 1s growing Storrs: Robert J. Hoffmeister. tricia Anne Aceto- to Midiari DeCbbert, Lucia A. Dougan, will decide the election.” among some Demoeratio paity There wlH be a Holy Eiucharist Tax Collteclor Waterford: Patrick M. Wat­ V. Taft, bofii of Manchester, has Janice M. Eckler, Robert A. ‘”nie more the government Isaitera for a possible apM on Thursday at 7 p.m. at St. Mary's son. been announced by her paroits, Bploeopal Church, S3 Parker St. Extends Hours Fisher,. Lawrence H. Frelheit, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Aoeto wastes the taxpayer’s dollar,” the nattooBl tldiet tor Xassa- Wethersfield: Deborah S. ohusetts Sen. Edward M. Ken­ Peter D. Gagne, Esther C. of 197 Olenwood St. May warned, “the weaker the The Manchester tax collector's Hearn, Sylvia S. Hellstrom. Macher, Steven L. Pine, William nedy. There 'will be a special execu­ J. Walker. John R. White. Her fiance is the son of Mr. dollar becomes, the less It will office will be open to 7 p.m. to­ Former Ohio Gov. Michael V. tive meeting of the American Also, Frances M. Kooa, Carol WUUmanUc; David F. Curren, and Mr,?. IWard J. Tsft of 144 buy, and the higher the prices Psint Job for the house? Do It right with Call- morrow and from 8:30 a.m. to DtSalle sold Wwhiesday many liogion on Friday, Aug. 2, at J. Krleski, John J. McCarthy, Peter T. Foss, Robert Wojlck. Main St. will rise.” fomli Acrylic House PaIntI Beeutiful colors Iset noon Saturday for the collection party leaders siqppartliig Vice 7:80 p.m. at the L>^on Home, Philip A. McOehan Jr., Francis Windham. Janet E. Edwards, >OSs A ceto is a 1968 graduate and last... no more blisters, peeling or chalk­ of 1088-69 taxes. PreMdent Hubert H. Humphrey 30 Leonard St A Post meeting D. O’Brien, Patrick M. O'Don­ Ernest D. Goss. < of Blast Catholic High School. ing. And the trim? Reach for Cellfomle Trim Tax assessments of under 800 Paint... the original ogterlor latex trim paint tor the top spot on the Demo- will be held at 8 p.m. at the nell, Robert E. Peary, Sheila L. Windsor: Almira A. Karr, She will attend Manchester Hospital Notes Legion Home to discuas the re­ must be paid in one installment. Ready,. Alan C. Rossetto, Mark Community College this fail. Mr. orattc tfoket baive toU him they 'Taxes o f $50 smd over m ay be Patricia A. Martinlck. novating ot the building. P. Schlllinger, Gary H. Smith, Taft Is employed as an aaslstanit All evening vtstUng hours end would back Kennedy as a run­ paid In two Installments — the ning m ate. Roxanne Spoffard, Catherine M. manager at the Bonansa Steak at 8 p.m., and atart. In the E.A.J0HNSOK PAINTCO. first half delinquent If not paid A m eeting wUl be held at St. Vendetta, Peter Williams Jr. House, Bristol, and Is serving varlooa units, at: Pediatrics, 8 Kennedy’s posslbte candidacy by Aug. 1, the second half due Postal Service also got a s t i^ boost Wsthies- Mary's Episcopal Church, S3 Andover: Barbara C. Mc­ with the U.S. Coast Guard Re­ p.m.; a ^ aervloe unit, 18a.m.; 723 Main St. ManehMfw by Jan. 1, 1969 and delinquent day from CSiicagD M ayor Rlch- Park St., tonight at 7 :S0 for the Bride. serves. Crowell House, 5 p.m. week­ staff and all volunteers partici­ if not paid by Feb. 1. Cut Saturdays and J. Daisy, who dstdared, ”I Bolton: Susan E. Gee, Thom­ No date has been announced days, 8 p.m., weekends and hol­ J USE DIAL-A-LIFT EVERY DAY pating in the Day Camp spon­ An interest penalty of one-half hope ths uonventlon will draft as O. Hickey, Gregory E. starting Saturday, and every for the wedding. idays; private rooms, 18 a.m .; 643-2751 EVERY HOUR DAY OR NIGHT sored by the Committee of Con­ o f one per cent per month wlU Ted Kennedy tor the vice presi­ K dtaya. Saturday until further notice, seml-iwlvate rooms, 8 p.m.; tinuing Concern. be charged for all delinquent dency.” Coventry: Roger A. Bell, the service windows of the Post Station on Hartford Rd. will be visiting tai 810, 811^ and 828 la taxes, dating back to July 1. Daley said he thhAs Ksimedy Ralph M. Judkins, James D. Office will not be open. Box open fo r the sale o f stam ps only^ an^ time tor immediate family would make a "great running M oriarty. patrons and General Delivery This new pcMcy is in line with only, wMi a llve-mlnnte llmlta- mate” for whomever toe con­ Hebron: Walter J. Doyle. patrons will be notified of mall the Federal Govemment’a pro­ tkm. Afternoon vlatting hoars In Maple Stolen vention nominates aa tbs party Penonal Notices Rockville; Candice A. Batchel- received and may call at a serv­ gram to cut back Post Office ex­ obstetrics are 8 to 4 p.m. then standard bearer. From Nursery der, Paulette M. Dlugas, Ken­ ice window in each Installation penses and manpower to the begin again at 7 p.m. Vlottors In Memoiiam - y neth H. F riedrich, Robert W. between 9 and 11 a.m. for their 1966 level. The Poet Office is are asked not to smoke In pa- DiSaUe also said he has re­ Robert Coleman, an employe Werstler. mall and parcels. only one of the governmental tlent’s'rooma. No more than two BUY PINEHURST ceived favorable rseponss ftom In loTlog memory of LAUsa llec- QgUnay. who pesM «way,^uly 31, at Cascio's Nursery, 390 Tolland Vernon: Patricia A. Doyle, There will be no sale ot Bg«icles effected by Congres­ visitors at one time per patient. This is the Cumberland Farms Store at 449 Hartford Rd., where a masked convetitlon iMegatss in eight Ham A f Special Prices states to his prc^x)sal to nomi­ Tpke., is searching for one of his Ronald J. Foster, Dorothea E. stamps, acceptance of parcel sional frugality. Postmaster AI- Patteots Today: 258 'bandit last night kidnaped a 17-year-dd girl. (Herald photo by Knto) nate Kennedy for presideat Tour memory is a ktapsske, charges today. Halpin, Patricia M. Heavisides, poet. Issuance of money orders, den E. Bailey said, "Other serv­ Thomas A. Kelley, Diana L. ices may be curtailed at a lat­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: DlSalle, In a statement re- Wtth wtiloh we will never p ^ , Missing from Coleman’s care or other transactions. These in­ KRAKUS Ihoogli God has you In His keep- Paulin, Grace C. Smith. er date. However, there Is a Mrs. Norma Bither, Boltcn Cen­ 3 Lb. Con .leased in Washington, said ths Is a 5 ft. maple tree that was structions apply to the Main I M P O m iD Broad Brook: Kathleen M. plan in Congreoa to try to ex­ ter Rd., Bolton; Eklward BUm , support came from (AP PhotoOsz) We % bove you In our hearts. taken from In front of the busi­ Office, Bolton Branch, Broad Girl Found tlnharmed , Kessler, Mark J. Simmons. St. Parcel Poet Station, and empt the Poet Office from feder­ 38 Trout Stream Dr., Vernon; Maine, Nebraska, West Virgin- Cleveland Mayor CZarl Stokes talks with newsmen at a conference early this Haeband. Daucbter ness Monday evening. It was Oiandson and Femily East Hartford: Lawrence J. Buckland Station. The contract al m Storrs; Stanley Wendtu, 163 A! our Fresh Meet Counter ^ perimeter and all white persons day night, urging residents to go carbine hadn’t jammed, I would Union St., Rockville; James the register.” merous cam pa^ speeches, the Cleveland’s East Side neighbor­ were banned from the GlenvlUe IHjH home and curtailing minor out­ have kUled you. You police have Caldwell, 271 Woodbrldge St.; He was waving a 46 caliber need to leam from what he caUa hoods ran into many touch-and- neighborhood. ‘ breaks of looting. As an introductory epeclal, we offer these patties in freshly automatic pistol. mlstakee in Viotoam. bothered us too long." L By Cambodia Border go sltuotiona. Leslie Dion, 301 Woodland S t; The only police In the area Three white poUcemen and Evans, an astrologer who fa­ frosen form ...... 4-Ib. box $8.18 “Too often we pay tor what But their coiwtant Iwmmering Francis Weir, Glastonbury; SAIGON (AP) — Fifty of The wife and girl moved into were Negroes. seven Negro civilians were vors African garb, has cwi- Take them on your picnic.. .keep 4 Ibe. or more In treeier. other Phantom w as the 286th we think will be peace with at the themes of community Marlene Mockalis, 477 Graham Am erica’ s m($st powerful bom b­ the corner by the register. Mayor Carl Stokes said today killed In Tuesday night’s ex­ ferred with Stokes on several StSiZ such combat loss in the South. blood, with men and munitions. ccmtrM and protection of itmo- s«n::u::: Rd., Wa|q)ing; August Schaller, ers, the U.S. Air Force’s B52s, Lowd gave the cash In the reg- that his gamble on the Negro change of gunfire: A 10th victim occasions. The mayor described Deloxe Freehly Ground Sirloin Patties___22c each, $1,08 lb. The prolonged lull In, the I suggest we start to pay the bill cent wom en and children Avho Siimbury; Mrs. B2izabeth Res­ attacked enemy twse camps inler to the man who then de­ community leaden paid off: was Identified by police Wednes­ him as having a "black nation- ground war, now Is In lU fifth fo r peace with goods, and wHh might be shot by police man­ nick, 590 Porter St.; Kathleen along the Cambodian border manded, "Now give me the “We had no shooting and we day night as a looter riiot by a aUst idewixiint.’ ’ week, was reflected In the week­ aged through the night to cool Johnson, 233 Center S t; lilrs. north o t Saigon and In the cen­ money from imder the counter.’’ services and with capital and had no deaths.” policeman. < In M ay 1967, E vans predicted ly casualty report. U.B. head­ with education and with health almost every itvcldent. Stokes, first Negro mayor of a BYancee Kendall, HO Paiker tral hlghlande Wednesday and Lowd opened a cash box be­ an uprising of Negroes In Cleve­ St. quarters said 157 Americans and with social development,” Stokes is putting his trust in malor U.S. city, said It was too The vlcUm, Donald Grim, was TENDERGURE OCNttlED BEEF today. hind the counter and handed land. It did not happen. Also, Leo 'Rowe, 20 Earl St.; were UUed In combat last week, Humphrey sold. black people, putting his reputa­ early to consider releasing the at first th o u ^ t to be the 11th Senior U.S. officers said the the lowest weekly total since over the largest portion of the person kiUed In the violence but Stokes- said that the building Mrs. Bernice Getohell, 9 Ridge­ Later, Humphrey told news­ tion and his city on the line, said guardsmen. "We are playing it Oomed beef is much in demand . .. many cook it in heavy raids were.made because early last October. It was the money stolen. it was discovered his name had which the snipers used had been wood St.; William Moran, Park­ of ”a lot of enemy activity.” men he would issue within the a lavryer who had volunteered under survelUance by a priice the cool of the evening' and serve it ooU. Shoe it wafer fdUrth consecutive week the to­ The man then grabbed the tor street duty.' He Is saying erroneously been placed on the er Bridge Rd., Andover; Rich­ Buying in formations of five next 10 days two statem«its on task force. He also said that the thin for sandwiches on Plepperidge Earm rye bread. tal of U.S. deaths was below 200. teen-age girl by the arm and there Is sn alternative to mass casualty list twice with two dif­ ard DeMartln, 46 Westminster planes each, 10 waves of the American policy toward Asia FBI warned him that black na- This week we feature U. S. Ch^ce Brisket Corned South Vietnamese and enemy said,. "You’re coming with me.” force. ferent spellings. Rd.; Mrs. Herida Gustafson, 91 Stratofortresses dropped 1,500 and Southeast Asia. Uonalisto planned coordinated Beef by Swift and Alper and our own Pinehurat Ten- casuaUtes o f 166 and 1,248 dead, To Lowd he said, ”If you fol­ It didn’t matter whether the Ten police and nine other per­ fwJJi Norman St.; Laiwrence Zadra, tons of explosives. On the RepuWlcan side, Gold Supply idolent demonstrations in Cleve­ respectively, were sUghtly less low. I ’ll kin her.” sons were either wounded by titin- Kentteth Dr., Vernon; James dercure Lean Chuck, Bototn Round and Sirloin Tip sources close to Nixon said the community worker wearing the land, ' Chicago, Detroit, and The U.S. Command also an­ than the week before, but the Police said they believe he gunfire or Injured In the ston­ Lambert 22 Gardner St.; Bid' Corned Beef. candidate probably would pick a orange cardboard armband Pittsburgh. nounced the loes. of two more number of Americans wounded fled In a car he had parked be­ ing, burning and looting that ittxsi win DonaldsiOn, 137 Green Rd.; fighter-bombers, a Na'vy ' F4 vice presidential running mate printed "Mayor Committee” Gain$ Greatly PoUce Chief Michael Black- Increased considerably, from hind the store. No trace of the caused an eafimated $1.5 milUon John Spinney, 46 WaUcer St.; Phantom downed albout 160 wlthjn the next week but that was black nafionallst Harllel well said that he had no knowl 1,337 In the week that ended car has been reported so far. Jones In dungai%es, beads, in damages in the GlenvlUe II Mrs. Groce Andreoli, Talcott- miles north of the demilitarised the man who is chosen probably edge of plotted'vlolence and that mii; July 18 to 2,014 la st week. Miss Lynn was found by a beards and skull cap; or the neighborhood. vlUe; Theresa Kelly, Taloott- Here are the famous VIVA SCOTT TOWELS you zeme and an A ir F orce Phantom won't know) about It tor a while. Officials Say Tuesday’s ambush was "a total Twenty of the B52 bombers at­ passing motorist, bound and Rev. Baxter Hill in his Afro PoUce investigators continued, ville; Sharon ToUacind, EHling- wanted a sale on .. . which was hit by enemy fire In The sources said Nixon has surprise and shock to us.’’ tacked elements of two North ragged with t --' c - the side of haircut and fight blue polo shirt probing the deadly uprising and ton; Rocco FrancoUne, 616 TWIN PACK VIVA South Vietnam and crashed into been crmtoictlng private polls In BlackweU refused to comment Vietnamese regiments believed lettered "Cleveland Pride,” or . WASHINGTON (AP) — Back the background of the Negro Spring St.; Mra. Ann Ballan- Da Nang harbor. >' the road at Hlgidand St. and several nnjor states to test on why E'vans has not been IlSil TOWELS Pk«. o f 2 JVC massing along the Cambodian corporation executive Romle in Mairch, U.S. officials strug­ militants 'wdio Mayor Stokes W '%^ tine and son, Ellington. All four fliers were rescued. Camp Meeting Rd. near Rt. 6 reaction to several potential chaiged. He was asked about border 70 to 76 miles north of Ste^diens in white turtleneck gled to come up with a plan to said were responsible tor the (Case of 24 $ 9 .1 2 ) The Na'vy plane w as the 868th construction, police said. chotoes but toot resuMs have not' Stokes’ reference to poUce sur- Saigon for the expected new and double-breasted blue Uazer. end a gold crisis and restore killings. •U::: 5 f U.S. warplane lost in combat In toe March 7 incident, a been ccnwlusive. veiUance of the black nafional- The message was the same, confidence In the dollar. They Ahmed Fred Evans, a black over North Vietnam, while the (See P age TOn) (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) shouted over and over in angry watched the nation’s gold pile nationalist, was being held for (See Page Twelve) Police Arrests Vt Price Srle is continued on COKE with SPRITE. srtreet rtietoric—We’ve got to shrink smaller and smaller. Now, In a com plete reversal, Buy 1 carton, 8 pack Sprite at reejular price and get keep “the man" (white police) Richard Macaione, 21, of 27 out of our neighborhoods the Treasui*y Department has 1 Carton, 8 Padt Cdie At One-Haif Regular Price at There were some precedents reported- one of the lag;est In­ E. Middle Tpke., was charged Pinehurat . . with intoxication at 1 ;53 a.m . to­ Support for Prague Leaders Vrged*^ for EMokes’ action. Former San creases in the U.S. gold siui^ly day after he allegedly Mumbled In over fiv e years—up $213 m il- (See Page Twelve) DRESS into a young lady’s apartment Him during Jiuie. Weakened Gun Bill on Main St. by accldeht. It was the first Increase in ^ • M acaione was released to the U.S. gold since a $2 mtUion gain custody of his father to appear s w u c k e r :s Talks ‘Difficult,’ Czechs Told last September and reversed the PRAGUE (AP) —CzechoSlD- heavy losses which followed de- Approved by House CLEARANCE in East Hartford Circuit Court 'Communist nations contend are very difficult,’’ tt said. "In thla Hebron Parents vaks were warned today the .valuafion of the British pound 12 today. fiourUhlng here. altuaUon we thkrh It wlH b e u m - WASHINGTON (AP) — The forthcoming Showdown talks last November. ber R obert L. SUces, D -Fta., and Alexander P. KoUay, 21, of 843 In Budapest, the Hungarian fid to show confidence In the O f Runaway with the Soviet Communlat par­ The Increase indicated re­ House has approved a gun-con­ would exclude from the WU’s Main St., surrendered himself Communist party paper Nepeza- Presidium and In Comrade Dub- ty Politburo will be "very dlffl- newed overseas confidence In trol blU faUlng far short of Pres­ provisions the National Board at Police Headquarters at 8:30 bodsag appealed to Czechoslo- cek on a broad scale, to reas­ etdt’’ They were urged to sup­ Girl Arrested the dollar, at least In relation to for Promotion f Rifle Practice, Exciting Savings For a.m. today and was subsequent­ vaikia "not to let the same thing sure Ihem with ton of thou­ ident Johnson’s recommenda­ port the reformist Prague lead­ other currencies. tions and has sent it on to the a civlUan-mlUtary group dcsely ly turned over to Vernon police happen that led to the aU-out sands of resolutions end state­ A Hebron plumber and his ailed with the NRA. Fashion Minded who held a Circuit Court Issued ership with a new demonshw- counterrevolution in Hungary”! m ents.” U.S. officials said the United Senate where final aofion is not tlon of confidence. wife, whose daughter tried to SUtea and R ep. John D lngtil, warrant for his arrest, charging In 1966. The Youth Union daRy m ia A. States bought the gold from expected until September. Juniors, Misses and The oomanents came in an ed­ run away from home two weeks D-Mkh., a director of the huge him with three counts of breach A carload of fresh, washed California C il A This was the uprising finally Fronta commented: “The orriy more than one foreign country At the same time Wednesday, itorial In Prace, the newspaper ago, were arrested yesterday on but refused to say which ones. the Senate Judiciary approved a rifle aaeociatlon, denied that H Women . . o f peace. Long White Potatoes to be featured 9 Lbs. ^ tY C crushed by orthodox Hungairien possible course for Czechostova- would be the sole beneficiary. of the 8.8 mlUlon-atrong Czecho- charge.s of risk of Injury to a The new figures, however, similar measure 9-3 and sent It Enrique Tores, 21, of 18 Ken­ Communists with the help of So- kla is a purposeful resolute and “Tile National Rifle Aasoda- ALSO AT PINEHURST . . . alovak Trade Union Federation. minor child and cruelty to per­ support the as yet unconfirmed to this floor. nedy Rd. was charged with op­ 'viet tanka. Nepszabadsag said catai way forward.” "A return sons. tion is so insidious, so Insstent, v a lu e r to *26 Prace raid the oonfiniutlon of the situation Czechoslavakla re­ reports that France sold as The House bill waa approved \ erating a motor vehicle without BUSHELS AND BUSHELS OF to an orthodox course "would that they seem t oprevaU.” CeU­ attacks on file liberalization The couple are Mr. and Mrs. much a s $100 milUon In gold to 304 to 118 after several amend- a driver’s license at 1:23 a.m. sembled (hat In Hungary, when mean that sodallsm had lost in er retorted. “But they won’t All right-up-to-the minute dresses drive and its exponents Indicat­ Donald H. Schulze of Old Col­ menU opposed by backets of today, after a cruiser patrolman CRISP, FRESH, GREEN m those who "volioed slogans of de­ this country,” it said. this country during June to ob­ prevail for long.” i|!i: ed the meeting will bilng a chester Rd. tain the currencies needed to stronger gun controls were ot truly terrific savings. You'll choose stopped' a car he was driving for mocracy, liberty and freedom of As passed by the House the CUCUMBERS at !a [flew low price. 9 For tough confrontation. Meanwhile there were ges­ The arrest was made by state weather an economic crisis. tacked on. ip from mirocle Arnels, easy-going cot­ a' routine check on Center St. criticism, once they grabbed tures of good will toward the So- bUl: inii! The editorial spedifloally re­ power . . . tried to silence every­ police after a two-week inves- It had been BVench policy un­ One such anyendment waa iii!;i Neither Tores nor two other ■vlet Union. The army weekly —Prohibits the Interstate sale tons, cool Dacron blends, groceful THUBS.—FBI.-SAT. jected w East German Politbu­ one with different idews.” tigafion. Circuit Court warrants til late 1966 to buy at least $34 aharply criticized by Rep. iiliii youths in the vehicle had a li­ Obrana Udu and the magazine of rifles and shotguns ttuouib ii'ii: SHOP PINEHURST for MunchcNtef’H Finest Ground Meats ro statement Wednesday that Referring to the East German cn the two charges were served million, in U.S. gold monthly but Emanuel CeUer, D-N.Y., chair­ crepes ond linen. Style fabrics. Styles cense, and the car was im­ FrankfiiH s, M orrell Keady-To-Eut HaniN, Tender Steaks *uid Student both announced they on the couple last night. the n$aU except by licensed i|i a'ooused the Czechoslovak Com­ statement, Prace declared de­ she ra^ short of dollars after man of the House Judiciary dealers. include shifts, sheaths, jacket pounded. PENOBSCOT FllESH CHICKENS. munists of not doing enough ot would dlsconttaue publloatton of The couple’s daughter, 11- Committee who said It would mands for a pdloy tevenal September of that year. —Prohibits ovei>the-counter ■ IHI Tores will appear In court interviews with editors of Radio y ear-old Marie Schulze, disap­ greatly benefit the Nafitmal Ri­ dresses. Dressy, ond cosuol* Sizes strengthen sodaUsih "with all* mean interference In the sovei^ France bought more than $2,8 sale to nonrealdents except to Aug. 12. means of state power.” Free Eurcqie, a privately fi­ peared from ihome the afternoon fle Association. elgnty of the state, “an attempt billion In U.S. gold under this thoee from contiguous states. ' 5-15, 8 20, I2Vi-29Vi. Come eorly for Stanjslau M ichalak, 36, o f 59 The Polish Communist party nanced Am erican atatUxi that of July 12. Several hundred peo­ CeUer called the amendment to change the condlfions o f Ufo pohey from 1962 through 1966. Thla was amended to also in­ best selection. North 8t. was charged with driv­ Pinehursf Grocery, Inc. newspaper Trybuna Lulu oame broadcasts to East Europe frgm ple joined In an all-night search "dreadful,” and said that If It In Cseohoalovak . . , which la so- The June gain raised the total clude those who sign an affida­ ing left at the crest of a hill at out In Warsaw today with a sim, - Munich. of nearby woods for the girl. survives he wUl stage cwigrea- ci'alist by the 'wlU of the popula­ U.S. gold holdings by the end of vit that their firearm was lost, HURRY WHILE THEY LAST 7:05 a.m. today, after a cruiser CORNER MAIN afld TURNPIKE Deputy Premier Franfisek Two days later, a neighbor went slonal hearings to bare NRA ac­ ( ' ) liar attack. It acotued Alexan­ tion and ivlll undoubte&y re­ the m onth to $U).6 billion and stolen or had become inopera- patrolman, allegedly saw him Hammiz said in a Sewnqpaper in- to his basement ;utd found the der Duboeks’ regime of taking main so.” I wiped out most pf the losses of tivities which CeUer said "can’t Uve. In the latter instance, the BKTl'KK DKBSSKS, Second FIimm . . pass two cars on Broad St. near tervlew that cooperation with stand the light of day.” nc) action against “forbes tiosUle "We con therefore exp ^ the girl hiding behind un oil burner. the previous two months. dealer must report the sale to Woodland St. > to socialism” that the orthodox forthcoming talks ,.. wlH be (See Page Ten) The amendment was intro­ Michalak will also appear In (See Page Ten)' (See Page Seven) duced by long-tim e N!RA m em ­ 1 . ' (See Page Bight) -i'lVili court Aug. 12. Read Herald AdvertiHements