TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1988 ATwrag* DeUjr N et Preea Ron t O K 8IXTCBN iRanrlirfitpr Cttrttitts Irrolii For The Week Ikided The Weather Anne 1$; l$H Ptrl,- Chance of scattered tbunder- Belch, 14 Wadswesth St., Aug. Young Denis Set H a n rljw tf r lEum ttig abowers. Overnight low In 60s. PoHce Recover 3, Oomrmmity Beipttot Church. Scouts Return In Africa, the 4-B’$ About Town BITUMINOUS 15,105 Tomorrow partly cloudy, warm. John Robert Davids, 38 Lodr- From Phihnont Botsivana, a riwAy Inde­ To Hear Duffey Chance of showera. High in 80a. f l n t ClMirch ot Chriat. Stolen Vehicle wood St., snd Joeime Bueno, pendent African rwtton has Manchester— ‘A City of Viiiage Charm wlU have Its regular East Hartford, Aug. 2. its own 4-H program thauks The Manchester Young Dems DRIVEWAYS A Manchester police patrol­ FV>ur Senior Scouts of Troop ay evening testimony Douglas Hattan, 232 E. Mid­ to a visiting American 4-H’er. ere sponsoring a pUbUn meetr .Parkiag Areas • Oos fitollont e Basketball Oourte VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 2«0 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 (OhMOlfled AdvertlalBg « b Pag* SS) PRICE TEN CENTS tomorrow at 8 p.m. at man early this morning recov­ dle T ^e., and Janet Margaret 47, South M ethodist Church, re­ The .new orgahsation is 4-B Ing J«4y 91 at 8 pjn. at the Now Booking For Seasonal Wofk ered a car that was stolen yes­ Bogge, 99 Ferguson Rd., Aug. turned last weekend from a Instead of 4-H, however, and An Work Petoonally Sopervleod—We Are 16$% Ibiored 3, St James’ Church. Waddell Bohool on Broad St., terday from NMnd a Parhed^ three-week trip to the Boy Scout stands for Boltshwaro, Bol- Boleslaw Ktolelewlcx, 9 Chest­ at the Ladles at S t Philmont Ranch in Clmanron, kanyo, Bonatla and Bots­ with the Rev. Joseph IXUKey of JM ss Will meet toniglit at 8 depertment More. nut St, and KaMmlera Sta- wana. The first three words Hertford os the principal ^ > ^ - ■ DoMAlb BROTHERS N. M. «S S m John F. Tletney Fawnd Marie M. Quhnby o f 96 Spring diow.ska. Now Britain. mean better dtlien, trust­ er. 18$ PARK SnWBT 8L, Rockville, reported the four Trade Nam e Dustin Wood Jr., James aoBW. S18 W. Center St, to at- worthy and hard worker, The (Rev. Mr. (Dulfoy, chair­ $$$-n$$ SDfOB 1$M tnrt a reeHatten at <he rosary door 1981 Chevrolet sedan was Robert Oonthler and John Schrelber, Steven Dunl^ and The emblem is the same, a men o f the Connecticut for Mic- Soviet Heads Said taken between BM and 9:80 Callahan, doing buelneaa an The Oerthy Oemmittee and a dele­ T error ta r S m late Wapolesn Pitcher, tour-leal cloVer, but the Af­ Cleveland Robert Trotter were members of Carriage Shed, 244 Broad St. gate to the Demooiatic Netlionr • M ta n d at Mha Hasel P. Pttch- p.m . a group of nine Hartford area rican version has a sebra in The mlasing veMde, having Building Permits al Oonventton, wfil speak cn the •ar, a naaaber. They will meet scouts who traveled by bus the center. Maine Ucenee platee was located Nutmeg Homes, new dweU- BuhJeot, 'iOampaign '68—Fros- temuriuw at St Janies' Churdi across country with a Oardner, Organiser is Lyle Murphy at 4:16 this morning ahandooed Inge at 66 Montclair Dr., $25,- peobs for a New PoBttos,” On Way to Prague at 8:4>ja.m. for the tunerel. Mass., contingent. of Michigan, the first IFYE ott W. Middle T^ke. near New 000; and 386 Soott Dr.. $26,- delegate to Botswana and The Young Dems had pion- Included fai their Itinerary FIrat ChmxA at Christ Sden- State Rd. 000. one of the few to receive a ned to conduct a dehate be- PRAGUE (AP) — Uncon- can be no turning bock the hint that the maneuvers were S A J Builders, new dwelling were visits to the National Boy tii(t **1 N. Main St., will hold year-long assignment to any twaan the Rev. Mr. puffey and firnted reports today said Le<m- clock. We are not gtiihg to -com- connected wMh Soviet presaure at 30 HamUton Dr., $17,000. Scout CouncU, New Brunswick, a representative o f the Oon- Leaves 10 Dead, 18 Hurt Its regular Wednesday Eve- country. Id I. Brerimev and the rent of promise and* are determined to against CtechoalovaMa’s more N. J.; the U. S. Air Force Mu­ nlag Testimony meeting at 8 at R.E. Miller for Dr. and Mrs. necticut for Humphrey Oommit- the Soviet Ctommunlst party continue on the present courae." liberal coune. Nevertheless, Public Record Phillip Sumner, edditionB to seum at Dayton, Ohio; Itullanap- tee, but the plan fell through. CLEVELAND (AP) — Snipers tha dnirch. A full sdiedule at prospecting for gold, conserva- P^tburo was on its way ^ Party officials said they Uiere was aome thinking in Mbo- Warraatee Deeds dwellii^ at 73 Princeton St., olts Speedway where they watch­ James Oasey, abate comnde- —ohooUi^ from rooftops, win­ BlUe Oassee fbr all siges arill Osechcriovakia for its crutdal viewed the Soviet note this week army exeraisea Henry J. and Helen F. $12,000. ed the making of a mo^e star­ Uon projects, a burro pack trip, dows and behind buriiee— begin Wednesday et 7:30 p.m. ak»er for efonsumer protection Jneettng with Prague’s new demanding a strengthening of could provide a cover for any Opalach to Robert B. and Amy ring Paul Newman; St. Louis mountsdneertng, survival, and launrtied a reign of terror at at the church. and (drainnan of the state Hum- Oommuniat leaders to discuss Csechoatovakia’s bolder with Soviet forces that might be pre- B. Taylor, two parcels on Fer­ University; Truman Ubrary at learning to prepare dehydrated dusk Tuesday that lett 10 per­ ,phrey oommlttae, said thbt no the latter’s oontrcveraial demo- Waat Germany, presumably by paring for an invasion of guson Rd., conveyance tax Indepeiulence, Mo.; "Boot Hill” trail food. sona dead hr a predominantly Dad, Dau^ter epe^her was avsilahta and that cratto reforms. r ^^ Army troops, as "Just an- Czechoslovakia If the party Town to Fill $38 at Dodge City, Kaa.; the Ko- he was not prepared to ftinfish Negro neighborhood on Cleve­ Departure of the Soviet dele- other step In die war of talks failed to settle the ci^is. ■ pcf/ Joseph A- and Rejeanne Y. On Dean’s List rhare Indian Klva at La Jun­ one. land’s EWat Side. Two Positions Menseou to Joseph E. and Mery John Ottemiller Dies gatlon for the previously an- nerves.” The mounting Soviet military Four of those kiUed were Edwin A. Naschke of 23 Nye to, Colo.; the Air Force Acad- He told Demoonuttc Town and political preasure appeared L. Ooagrovc, property at 14 Chairman T M Cummings, who nouneed meettog was reported in apparent rebuttal to the So- white, three at them poUoemen. The town la advertiaing for a St. and hia daughter Judy have,_ ohy near Denver, Colo.; Boys NEW HAVEN (AP)-John H. 4^ .. ; bookkeeper (payroll super- Strang St., oonveyance tax $33.- ' Town, Omaha, Neb.; Museum of had made the request for a by the Yugoslav news agency, vlet note, MaJ. Gen. Jan Pe- (See Page Eighteen) Police said two of the victims both been named to the dean’a Ottemiller, 61, who resicned as Tanjug, from Mbscow. There pmy, conimander of the frontier vlaar), at an annual salary 66. Science and Industry in Chica­ Yale Umveretty’s associate U« speaker, that the request was were Negro snlpeni. Robert B. and Amy B. Taylor Uat for acholastlc achievement tvaa no official oonfirmation, but guard forces, said In a stato- r a i« e o f $6,804 to $6,009; and go, and Niagara Falls, N. Y. brsrian this month, is dead. the first of Its kind received in At leaat 18 otheiw w ere huri, to William E. BelQore, proper­ during the last semester et dif­ GLASS INSTALLED rumore of the depaiture circu- ment to the t^cial news agency an account clerk (payroll clerk), Overnight accommodations The Hamden reeident died the state. two criUcally, in the three-hour ty at 196 HeraTT Q t, conveyance ferent colleges. IN ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS lated in Moscow. OTK: at an annual salary range of were obtained mostly at Boy Monday at Yale-New Haven gim battle with poUce that riutt- tax $86.40. Naschke, who received hla B8 : The trip to decboslovakla ia $4,480 to $6,625. The starting rate Scout Reeervations across ttie Hospital. He Joined Yale as as­ AND WINDOWS OF A U TYPES tered the calm of a hot aummar JndgnMBt lien degree In m ecbon ical engineer­ the first by tha Politburo—steer­ - Reagan Sees (or both pi^tlons may be above cotintry. At Philmont, ttie boys sociate librarian in 1968 and re­ night. Scattered arson and loot­ The Oonectlcut Bank and ing in June, made the dean’a ing oommlttee of the Soviet par- quite unfounded. The Csechoelo- the minimum, depending on earned their 50-Mlle Hiking signed thla July 1. ing followed the shooting. TVust Oo. eqEatost Jack A . The­ Hat dt Western New England LaRMhtHt $ m N i Matt Oo, hN. ty—outside Russia as a group- vak' Socialist Republic has qualifications. Badge, biking and camping on After resignation, be devoted Twenty-four persona were ar­ odore, property e t 86 SktMcn College, Springfldd, MiasB. kOsa Tha meeting la expected to be enough strength to safely pro- Delegate Shift Applications and Job deacrip- a trail for 12 days which includ­ full time to the Ewe String Open 8 A Jf.
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