1 Student Outcomes Committee of the Board Of
__________________________________________________________________ STUDENT OUTCOMES COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, January 7, 2021 1:00 p.m. Zoom AGENDA (1) Executive Session (2) Public Session (a) Approval of the Minutes of November 5, 2020 (A) (b) Academic Program Review (A) Religious Studies (A.A. Degree) What changes in the Program have occurred as a result of assessment? Has continuos assessment taken place? What actions have been taken to address recommendations made in the last Program Review? To what extent does the Committee agree with the Program Review findings and recommendations? What is the Committee’s action recommendation to the full Board? Guests: Dr. Chae Sweet, Dean, Liberal Studies Mr. David Prejsnar, Program Coordinator and Asst. Professor, History, Philosophy and Religious Studies Mr. Osvil Acosta-Morales, Department Head History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies (c) Academic Program Review Follow-up Report International Studies (A.A. Degree) (A) What actions have been taken to address recommendations made in the last Program Review? What is the Committee’s action recommendation to the full Board? Guests: Dr. Chae Sweet, Dean, Liberal Studies Dr. Mak Khan, Program Coordinator, Asst. Professor, English Mr. Massimo Musumeci, Department Head and Asst. Professor, World Languages 1 (d) Student Outcome Data: ( I ) Summer Course Performance Outcomes (e) Requested Information: ( I ) Career Program Advisory Committee Membership Career Connections Employers by Program Map (f) New Business Attachments: Minutes of November 5, 2020 APR Executive Summary: Religious Studies APR Executive Summmary and Follow-up Report: International Studies Powerpoint Online 7 Week Careers Programs Advisory Committee 2020 Career Connections Employers by Program Map 2 STUDENT OUTCOMES COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES Thursday, November 5, 2020 1:15 p.m.
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