ARTIGO ARTICLE 1393 Social epidemiology of a large outbreak of chickenpox in the Colombian sugar cane producer region: a set theory-based analysis Epidemiología social de una gran epidemia de varicela en la región colombiana productora de caña de azúcar: un análisis basado en teoría de conjuntos Alvaro J. Idrovo 1 Cidronio Albavera-Hernández 1,2 Jorge Martín Rodríguez-Hernández 1 Abstract Introduction 1 Instituto Nacional de Salud There are few social epidemiologic studies on Chickenpox, or varicella, is a benign disease Pública, Cuernavaca, México. 2 Hospital General Regional, chickenpox outbreaks, although previous find- caused by infection with the varicella zoster vi- Instituto Mexicano del ings suggested the important role of social de- rus (VZV). In general, cases of chickenpox appear Seguro Social, Cuernavaca, terminants. This study describes the context of a among children between the ages of 1 and 14 1, México. large outbreak of chickenpox in the Cauca Valley and when the infection occurs in adolescents or Correspondence region, Colombia (2003 to 2007), with an em- adults the severity is higher than in children. In A. J. Idrovo phasis on macro-determinants. We explored the addition, it is potentially more frequent among Instituto Nacional de Salud 2 Pública. temporal trends in chickenpox incidence in 42 immunosuppressed individuals . Migration is an Avenida Universidad 655, municipalities to identify the places with higher important risk factor associated with the occur- Col. Sta Ma. Ahuacatitlán, occurrences. We analyzed municipal character- rence of chickenpox. When adults not exposed Cuernavaca, Morelos, 62100, México. istics (education quality, vaccination coverage, to VZV migrate to regions where chickenpox is
[email protected] performance of health care services, violence- endemic, the risk of infection is high 3.