District Census Handbook, Sangli, Part XII-A & B, Series-14
CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK SANGLI Compiled by THE MAHARASllTRA CENSUS DIRECTORATE PRINTED IN INDIA BY THE MANAGER, GOVT. CENTRAL PRESS, MUMBAI-400 004. AND PUBLISHED BY =rHE DIRECTOR, GOVERNMENT PRINTING AND STATIONERY, MAHARASHTRA STATE, MUMBAI-400 004. 1995 Y4-A Price: Us. 100 E -" -_. " « c:J ..N 0: 0 t- :z N J !!! ::x: @) en III I <[ ~ 0: = (.) ., <[ '" ::x: -£IE • : <[ ~ 0 ~ II) .. I -C :Ii I I Vl ::1:. ! . I i i j j@" ~ ...... i i @~ ffi ,.. ~ i ! <.J,g i.. i i I ~i~ ~ :I: In - ~ ... '"C> '0 => g => l-" ..C> ] 0.. ;; 1 I- e II! ~ E~ ~ t; '"Q; :3 ~~ "- lEI 2 ~ .~ .; "'1': f '" l- z .. c ~m II 0 ;:i ~ 0 : ~! 0=,= Q! '" l- e ~ .!!! ~ .. 3:: t- V> ~ '"x .2 >.J£! E" \.! i5 --' c( !::: : o~ ... a: ~ !it ~ ] -g2 ~~ Iii I- i ~ tJ ~(f) "'(f) l- V> '"a: !2 l- i5 ~ w x ~ ~ !II! '" ~'6 I--ii .-'" l- :::; ~ '" '" ~ ~ '" " ~ '"~ ~ >- ~ .. c : <:> co; ~ a: ;" ~~ ~(f) =>~ !il ! :: q~ ~ 0 Iii ~ z uw 3::£.. 't' z: Een i ~ " '" "" lVIO'T'IF SANGLI Turmeric (holodJ. furnishes an underground s\.vollen stem ,"vhie}l 15 used both as a spige and as a dye. It torIns an inlportant flavouring and colouring ingredient Ill. curries and varIOu,'"' other preparations_ SilnililJ"ly,· it IS considered valunJjle as it contains Hledical properties. The soils suited for the crop are sandy 01" clayey loams \'vhich c:lr-fC: vvell drained and uniCornl In texture_ rI'he crop is, planted in a line "vith TUITO\,VS about. rnne inches apart... Planting on broad ridgE~s 1S Tollo\.vE~d by prog,-essive cultivators.
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