Cover Page Binder Catalogue and Sections

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Cover Page Binder Catalogue and Sections DIVINE INFANT CATHOLIC PARISH LIBRARY CATALOGUE Biography Biographies of Multiple Saints Visit us on‐line at LIBRARY CATALOGUE Dated Sept. 2014 Biography Title Author Category (Call_no) Alexandrina : The Agony and the Glory Johnston, Francis Biography (ALE ) Alphonsus de Liguori : Saint of Bourbon Naples, 1696-1787, Founder of Redemptorists Jones, Frederick M. Biography (LIG ) Amazing Grace in The Life of William Wilberforce Piper, John Biography (WIL ) As The Morning Star, The Story Of St. Dominic Wilms, J. Biography (DOM ) At God's Pace : A Biography of Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, Founder of Opus Dei Gondrand, Francois Biography (ESC ) Athlete Of Christ : St. Nicholas Of Flüe, 1417-1487 McSwigan, Marie Biography (NIC ) Augustine : A Very Short Introduction Chadwick, Henry Biography (AUG ) Autobiography of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, The : The Story of a Soul Therese de Lisieux, Saint Biography (THÉ ) Autobiography of St. John Neumann, C.SS.R. : Introduction...and Epilogue by Alfred Neumann, St. John Biography (NEU ) C.Rush, C.SS.R. Babsie, Go Teach My People Bleasdell, Ursula M.-C. Biography (BLE ) Bernadette : The Only Witness Lynch, John W. Biography (BER ) Bernadette Speaks Laurentin, René Biography (BER ) Birgitta of Sweden : life and selected revelations Biography (BIR ) Both My Houses O'Sullivan, S. Biography (O'SU ) Boy Who Met Jesus, The Ilibagiza, Immaculée Biography (SEG ) Brother and I, The Haffert, John M. Biography (PAU ) Brother Andre : The Wonder Man Bergeron, Henri-Paul Biography (AND ) Brother Francis of Assisi Larranaga, Ignacio Biography (FRA ) Butler's Lives of Saints Biog Multiple Sts (BUT ) By Their Blood : Christian Martyrs of the 20th Century Hefley, James Biog Multiple Sts (HEF ) Call to Sainthood Rosica, Thomas Biog Multiple Sts (ROS ) Cardinal Newman : His Life And Spirituality Bouyer, Louis Biography (NEW ) Cardinal Of Africa : Charles Lavigerie, Founder of the White Fathers Arteche, José de Biography (LAV ) Catherine of Sienna : Vision Through a Distant Eye Noffke, Suzanne Biography (CAT ) Charlie Osburn Story : You Gotta Give It All To Jesus Osburn, Charlie Biography (OSB ) Christian Mystics : The Spiritual Heart of the Christian Tradition King, Ursula Biog Multiple Sts (KIN ) City On A Mountain : Padre Pio Of Pietrecina Parente, Pascal P. Biography (PIO ) Collected Works, Vol. 1 (Her Life) Teresa of Avila, Saint Biography (TER ) Collected Works, Vol. 2 (Way Of Perfection) Teresa of Avila, Saint Biography (TER ) Collision Course Storey, D. Biography (STO ) Confessions of a Feminist Murray, Lorraine Biography (MUR ) Constantine The Great : The Man and His Times Grant, Michael Biography (CON ) Contemporary Challenge of John of the Cross, The Doohan, Leonard Biography (JOH ) Conversations with Thérèse of Lisieux Gauthier, Jacques Biography (THE ) Divine Infant Catholic Church (Orléans, ON) Page 1 of 8 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Dated Sept. 2014 Biography Title Author Category (Call_no) Conversion : A Spiritual Journey Muggeridge, Malcolm Biography (MUG ) Cross and the Switchblade Wilkerson, David Biography (WIL ) De La Salle : Letters And Documents Battersby, W. J. Biography (DEL ) Dictionary of Saints Delaney, John J. Biog Multiple Sts (DEL ) Divine Mercy In My Soul : The Diary of the Servant of God Sister M. Faustina Kowalska Faustina, Saint, 1905-1938 Biography (FAU ) Don Francisco : The Story of St. Francis Xavier Purcell, Mary Biography (FRA ) Edel Quinn Duff, Frank Biography (QUI ) Enduring Grace : Living Portraits of Seven Women Mystics Flinders, Carol Lee Biog Multiple Sts (FIN ) Fatima In Lucia's Own Words Kondor, L. ed. Biography (LUC ) Fioretti of Saint Anthony Gamboso, Virgilio Biography (ANT ) Footprints in the Snow Helming, Dennis M. Biography (ESC ) Forget Not Love : The Passion of Maximilian Kolbe Frossard, André Biography (KOL ) Francis : A Saint's Way Cowran, James Biography (FRA ) Francis : Pope of the New World Tornielli, Andrea Biography (FRA ) Francis : The Journey And The Dream Bodo, Murray Biography (FRA ) Francis of Assisi : The Man Who Found Perfect Joy Bedoyere, Michael De La Biography (FRA ) God's Ambassadress, St. Bridget Of Sweden Redpath, H.M.D. Biography (BRI ) God's Double Agent Fu, Bob Biography (FU ) Great Things Happen McCoy, R.F. Biography (MCC ) He Came to You so that You Might Come to Him : The Life and Teaching of St.Anthony Hardick, Lothar Biography (ANT ) of Padua Henri Nouwen : His Life And Vision O'Laughlin, Michael Biography (NOU ) Her Little Way : St. Theresa Of The Child Jesus Clarke, John P. Biography (THE ) Heretic Blood : The Spiritual Geography of Thomas Merton Higgins, Michael W. Biography (MER ) His Holiness : John Paul II and The History of Our Time Bernateen, Carl Biography (JOH ) Holy souls : Viva Padre Pio Paerente, Alessio Biography (PIO ) Humble Giant : Moses Coady Canada's rural revolutionary Lotz, Jim Biography (COA ) I Knew Edel Quinn Walls, Mary Celestine Biography (QUI ) Ignatius of Loyala : The Psychology of a Saint Meissner, W. W. Biography (IGN ) Ignatius of Loyola : the Pilgrim Saint Tellechea Idigoras, Jose Ignacio Biography (IGN ) Immigrant Saint : The Life Of Mother Cabrini DiDonato, P. Biography (CAB ) In The Company Of Marguerite Bourgeoys Quigley, Florence Biography (BOU ) In The Light Of The Trinity : The Spirituality of Blessed Julie Billiart, Foundress of the Charmot, F. Biography (BIL ) Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur In the Stillness Dancing : The Journey of John Main McKenty, Neil Biography (MAI ) Divine Infant Catholic Church (Orléans, ON) Page 2 of 8 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Dated Sept. 2014 Biography Title Author Category (Call_no) In Weakness, Strength … General The Rt. Hon. G.P. Vanier Vanier, Jean Biography (VAN ) Incorruptibles, The Cruz, Joan Carroll Biog Multiple Sts (CRU ) Ireland's Saint : The Essential Biography of St. Patrick Bury, J.B. Biography (PAT ) Joan of Arc : The Image of Female Heroism Warner, Marina Biography (JOA ) John : The Son of Zebedee Culpepper, Alan R. Biography (JOH ) John Paul II's Book of Saints Bunson, Matthew Biog Multiple Sts (BUN ) John, Son Of Thunder Traylor, E.G. Biography (JOH ) Journey Of Love : the Life Story of Marguerite d'Youville Lefevre, Marie Cecilia Biography (YOU ) Journey to Sainthood : Super Saints Book 1 Lord, Bob Biog Multiple Sts (LOR ) Joyful Mother of Children : Mother Frances Mary Teresa Ball Loreto Sister Biography (BAL ) Julian of Norwich : revelations of divine love Biography (JUL ) Kajualuk : Pierre Henry, Missionary Oblate Of Mary Immaculate, Apostle of the Inuit Choque, Charles Biography (KAJ ) King's Good Servant But God's First : The Life and Writings of St. Thomas More Monti, James Biography (MOR ) Kolbe : Saint of the Immaculata Biography (KOL ) Lambs In Wolfskins : A Life Of St. John Bosco Doherty, E. Biography (BOS ) Last Days of Maximilian Kolbe, The Lorit, Sergius C. Biography (KOL ) Let Me Die in Ireland : The True Story of Patrick Bercot, David W. Biography (PAT ) Life and Cult of Saint Anne, The Desrochers, Gerard Biography (DES ) Life and Revelations of Saint Gertrude, Virgin and Abbess, of the Order of St. Benedict Gertrude, Saint Biography (GER ) Life and Sayings of Saint Catherine of Genoa Garvin, Paul Biography (CAT ) Life and Wisdom of Catherine of Siena, The Byrne, Lavinia Biography (CAT ) Life and Wisdom of Francis Xavier Byrne, Lavinia Biography (FRA ) Life Of Saint Birgitta Of Sweden, The Doheny, Wm. J. Biography (BIR ) Life of Saint Claude De La Colombiere : Spiritual Director of St. Margaret Mary Lavigne, Ruth H. Biography (LAC ) Life of Saint Dominic, The Drane, Augusta Biography (DOM ) Life of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, The Bougaud, Émile Biography (ALA ) Life of St. Benedict, The Gregory I, Pope Biography (BEN ) Life of St. Francis of Assisi Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, ca. Biography (FRA ) 1217-1274 Little Flower and the Blessed Sacrament, The Husslein, Joseph Biography (THÉ ) Little Flower's Mother, The Dolan, Albert H. Biography (DOL ) Lives of the Saints for Every Day of the Year : In Accord with the Norms and Principles Hoever, Hugo Biog Multiple Sts (HOE ) of the New Roman Calendar Lives-- of the saints for every day of the year … Hoever, Rev. Hugo Biog Multiple Sts (HOE ) Love Never Faileth : on St. Francis, St. Paul, St. Augustine, Mother Teresa Easwaran, Eknath Biog Multiple Sts (EAS ) Divine Infant Catholic Church (Orléans, ON) Page 3 of 8 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Dated Sept. 2014 Biography Title Author Category (Call_no) Magnificent Witnesses : 40 English and Welsh Martyrs Harney, Martin P. Biog Multiple Sts (HAR ) Mark : Images of an Apostolic Interpreter Black, Clifton C. Biography (MAR ) Master Albert : The Story Of Saint Albert The Great Dorcy, Mary Jean Biography (ALB ) Maximilian Kolbe : Saint of Auschwitz Stone, Elaine Murray Biography (KOL ) Mercy My Mission : Life of Sister Faustina H. K. Michalenko, Sophia Biography (FAU ) Merton : A Biography Furlong, Monica Biography (MER ) Miracle of Father Kapaun : Priest, Soldier and Korean War Hero Wenzyl, Roy Biography (KAP ) Modern Saints : Their Lives and Faces. Book Two Ball, Ann Biog Multiple Sts (BAL ) Modern Saints : Their Lives and Faces. Book Two Ball, Ann Biog Multiple Sts (BAL ) Mother Cabrini Joan, Mary, Sister Biography (JOA ) Mother Élisabeth Bruyère : Foundress of the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa Paul-Emile, Sister Biography (BRU ) Mother Teresa Chawla, Navin Biography (TER ) Mother Teresa : A Complete Biography Spink, Kathryn Biography (TER ) Mother Teresa : a life of love Stone, Elaine Murray Biography (TER ) Mother Teresa : Beyond
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