VOL. XII. No. 11.—EIGHT PAGES. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE. R. I., FEBRUARY 7, 1950 10 CENTS A COPY PILGRIM VIRGIN DUE TONIGHT Penny Sale Ready To Go College Set For Nocturnal People, People and . . . R.I. Arena Set Veneration In Aquinas Hall For Sellout Consecration Ceremonies Tomorrow At Grotto On Thursday See Pages 4 and 5 The Pilgrim Virgin, one of two images of Our Lady of Fatima which are making a tour of Europe, Canada, and the United States, See Page 3 will be received at the college at seven o'clock this evening, the Rev. Charles H. McKenna, O.P., Chaplain of the college, an- Providence College will hold its an- nounced yesterday. Upon arriv- nual Penny Sale at the Rhode Island al, the statue will be borne in Auditorium. Thursday. Feb. 9. Rev. solemn procession to the Stu- Charles H. McKenna, O. P. has an- Committees Named dents Chapel in Aquinas Hall nounced that this year's arrangement where it will repose for the will be slightly different from that of night. last year, to take care of the greater For Seniors' Events number of people expected to attend From seven-thirty to eight-thirty, this year's affair. By Class Officers a Marian Holy Hour will be held. Members of the Third Order of St. The Rhode Island Auditorium has Appointments to Senior Class Com- Dominic will pay homage to the Vir- a usual seating capacity of 8.000 which mittees were announced this week by gin from nine to ten with recitation will be increased to 9.000 by an extra the Senior Class Officers. Chairmen thousand seats placed on the floor of of the committees were also an- of the Rosary. Students of the col- the auditorium surrounding the plat- nounced as follows: William J. Bren- lege will be present at a nocturnal form. Loudspeakers in the lobbies nan, Class Gift Committee; John F. vigil in the chapel from ten this even- will carry the announcements from Geary, Cap and Gown Committee; and ing to six o'clock tomorrow morning the main auditorium to the overflow Robert A. Flynn, Commencement Ball Then, in connection with the closing crowds in the lobbies. Extra facilities Committee. A repeat performance of the above scene taken at the 1949 Penny Sale for the seating and the selling of session of the annual retreat, the en- in the R. I. Auditorium is expected Thursday night. Brennan, from Hartford, is a Sen- tickets in the lobbies have been ar- tire student body will assemble at the ior Business student. He has been on ranged War Memorial Grotto of Our Lady of the Dean's Honor List for the past The platform will be arranged in two semesters. He is a member of the the Rosary for a brief service tomor- the same manner as it was last year MORE WORKERS NEEDED! Fr. McKenna is still in need of Senior Business Club, the Carolan row morning at eleven when the col- except for the barrel which will be Armstrong To Play workers for the Penny Sale and Club, the Hartford Club, and has lege will be solemnly consecrated to much larger this year, and which will has requested that as many as been active in extra-curricular activ- the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This have windows in it through which it At Carolan Club's possible give their services this ities on the campus. Brennan was also will be possible to see the ticket stubs will be followed by solemn Papal year. He has announced that it is recently appointed chairman of the being thoroughly mixed before each Blessing. From P. C. the Pilgrim Vir- imperative that there be at least Dorm Week-End Easter Dance to be sponsored by the drawing. seven hundred workers at the Hartford Club. gin will go to Elmhurst, Providence, Seven hundred workers will be on Rhode Island Auditorium on The Annual Dorm Week-End of the Geary, from Waterbury, Conn., is The American Pilgrim Virgin has hand to sell tickets and distribute Thursday night, Feb. 9. If you Carolan Club will be held February also a Senior Business student. Quite already toured the eastern, midwest- prizes. There will be one hundred want to see the 1950 Penny Sale 10. 11, and 12, with a diversified pro- active in campus activity, Geary is ern, western and southern parts of the more prizes this year than last year, as big a success as the last one, gram planned to make this the finest president of the Waterbury Club and country where several million people which means seven series of tickets it is requested that you sign up "Week-end" yet held on the campus a member of the Carolan Club, Sen- have venerated it. The original statue.- instead of last year's six. In order to as a helper a; the return booth Gerry Crotty, '50, chairman of the ior Business Club, and was recently facilitate the handling of tickets in the rotunda. Social Committee, announced today elected to the Friars Club. of Our Lady of Fatima, from which cables have been strung from the that Jack Armstrong's Orchestra has Flynn is a resident of West War- this one was copied, is in the basilica highest tiers to the platform on which been engaged to provide music for wick. He is an Arts student and has of the famous shrine in Portugal. baskets will be run to carry ticket dancing in the lounge of Aquinas Hall. been active in the Kent County Club stubs in each individual series from For those who are more versatile in for the past four years. A member A modern Crusade of prayer and every part of the auditorium to the College To Sponsor the terpsichorean art, the Martin Ha- of the Junior Prom Committee in his reparation for the conversion of Rus- central platform. gopian Combo has been engaged to (Continued on Page 8) sia and the restoration of world peace, The first three prizes this year will provide the music of the faster tempo which Our Blessed Mother promised be: First prize, $5,000 in cash; Second Six Lenten Lectures in the Penguin Room. to the three children during Her ap- prize, a new Chevrolet Deluxe sedan; Dancing will follow the dinner, paration to them at Cova de Iria in Third prize, a Stromberg-Carlson "Getting instructed on the Sacra- No Medical Reason Friday evening, served by Mr. Joseph July, 1917, is the purpose of the pil- combination FM-AM-phonograph-tele- ment," will be the first of six weekly Murphy and his dietary staff. grimage. vision set. Among the seven-hundred lectures composing the Fourth Annual Saturday afternoon the Rev. Adrian Given For lesser prizes to be raffled off are elec- Lenten course on Courtship and Mar- T. English. OP. will conduct a Black- In all. the Blessed Virgin appeared tric refrigerators, table model tele- riage," starting Sunday, Feb. 26. friar Lecture for the students and There is no medical explanation for six times to the children, only one vision sets, pressure cookers, wrist The course is sponsored by the So- guests in the lounge of Aquinas Hall. the stigmata of Therese. Dr. John J. of whom is still living. In all Her ap- watches, all-expense vacation trips, ciology Division and the Office of The subject of the lecture will be Donahue told a group of Tertiaries pearances She urged them to pray the leather luggage, and many others. the Chaplain of Providence College; "The Contemporary Catholic." Teas and other interested persons at their Rosary and stressed the need of pen- Between-series entertainment will the lectures will be held Sunday eve- will be served in the lounge. regular weekly meeting. Friday. Jan- ance. be provided by the members of the nings at 7:30 o'clock in the auditor- Saturday evening the Brown-P.C uary 27. The Cranston physician, who It was during Her July apparition Providence College Glee Club and by ium, Albertus Magnus Hall. The Rev. basketball game will be of paramount saw medical service during the war that the Blessed Virgin promised a soloists Everett Morrison, '51, tenor; William R. Clark, O.P., will act as importance on the agenda of the busy and has studied the case of the famous miracle during her final visit to them. Lucien Olivier, '53, baritone; and Rod- chairman. week-end. This game will be played German stigmatic. said he was pres- Together with the three children, over ney Delasanta, '53, accordionist. Mr. "All students and friends of stu- at Marvel gym on the Brown campus. ent as she began her weekly agony. 70,000 people gathered to pray on a : (Continued on Page 7) dents," Fr. Clark sa d, "are invited A limited number of tickets have Therese Neumann, it was explained, rain drenched October 13, 1917. At to attend these lectures." Sessions been received for the Regis-P.C. Glee relives the passion of Christ every, this, the last apparition, the Lady re- will consist of a half-hour talk and Club Concert which will be held at Friday. The possibility of the exist- vealed her identity, by saying "I am a question period. There will be no the ballroom of the Sheraton-Biltmore ence of any extraordinary natural the Lady of the Rosary." Again she BARRISTERS TO DEBATE admission charge. on Sunday afternoon. phenomenon is discounted by the oc- asked for repentance: "People must amend their lives, ask pardon for their Schedule of lectures is as follows: From the large advance sale of bids, curence of the suffering in accordance The Barristers. Providence College sins and not offend Our Lord any February 26. Getting Instructed. President Charles Hayden, '50, fore- with the religious calendar The agony debating team, will journey to Boston sees the largest crowd in years to at- occurs every Friday, but during more for he is already too much On the Sacrament of Marriage, by this week for a series of six debates tend the affair sponsored by the Car- the bleeding from the famous wounds offended." Rev. John T. Dittoe, O P. at Boston University Friday and Sat- olan Club, resident student organiza- Is much more profuse, and on Good Shortly following this message, the March 5. Getting Acquainted. urday. tion at the college. Friday it reaches a climax. On reli- sun lost some of its brilliance, then On Courtship, by Rev. Charles H. Question for the debates will be gious holidays, however, Therese Neu- emitted rays of multi-colored light. McKenna, O P. the National Topic." Resolved: The mann does not suffer. The sun whirled on its axis, then Marsh 12. Getting Inspired. U. S. Government Should Nationalize started to fall rapidly towards the On the Cana Movement, by Rev. W-D-O-M ANNOUNCEMENT Disproving any possibility of a hoax All Basic Industries. Competing teams are U. S. Army medical hospital tests earth. Then, almost as suddenly as it in the tourney, according to the Rev. John F. O'Neil, Assistant Pastor. St. W-D-O-M, Campus Broadcast- jf the blood issuing from the wounds had began the sun ended its flight and Irving Georges. O.P., Barristers' mod- Mary's Church, Pawtucket. ing Service, will resume opera- and the fact that the saintly woman resumed its former place. erator. must be prepared to defend March 19. Getting Meals. tions on Wednesday, February has taken neither food nor drink for This was the miracle which Our both the negative and affirmative of On home management, by Mr. and 15, 1950. Watch this paper for twenty years. Lady had promised so that all might the question. Fr. Georges will accom- Mrs. Charles F. Reynolds. broadcasting schedule. believe in Her and Her message. pany the team to Boston. (Continued on Page 7) (Continued on Page 7) 2 THE COWL, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1950

Cowl Mail Box

Dear Editor: This week I received my copy of the December 14. 1949. issue of the COWL. Established November It. IMS. I always find the COWL well edit- PROVIDENCE COLLEGE. PROVIDENCE. RHODE ISLAND ed. very interesting and informative. Of nee Donnelly Hall It is received, shall I say. as a wel- Published every full school week for the students of Providence Collcc* by the come letter from my Alma Mater. students Interested in Providence Collece. But now I find in this issue that my STAFF Alma Mater no longer recognizes this Editor-in-Chief unfortunate son. Anthony E Jarzombek. '51 At any rate I do thank you for Associate Editors sending me faithfully each issue of the Leonard I. Levin. '52 Joseph M. Ungaro. '52 COWL Newt Editors Sincerely yours in , William Plummer. '51 Thomas Sullivan. '52 T. M Sparks. O P New$ Stall Charles Haggerty. 51 Robert Reardon. '51 Assistant General for the N. Thomas Coleman. '52 Gerald Gregory. '51 American Dominican Provinces. Guy Geffroy. '52 Sports Editor (Alma Mater, ue are happy to re- Robert Flanagan. '51 port, Father, certainly Joes recognize Sports Stall your esteemed position. It uas our cuh Joseph Laughlin. '51 Dick Boulet. 52 John Salasses. 12 Charles Sakany. '52 radio reporter u-ho uas, shall ue say, Photographers slightly confused. Said reporter, ue Edward Etrack. '50 Walter Little. '51 might add, has been assigned to re- Cartoonists Circulation Manager port on transmitting jacilities in the Edward Leonard. '51 Norman Beausoleil. '51 Siberian salt mines. Many thanks, Donald Sullivan 52 Assistant Leonard San Souci. '52 Michael Pane. '52 though, for your kind uords. Ed.) Business Manager ROSARY STRATEGY Alanta Sproul. 52 Dear Editor: In order to do battle, man must have weapons. A few days before examination The man who possesses the most powerful weapon, Subscriptions: If cents a copv, $2.00 a year Same rate by mall. time I was enjoying a light repast it naturally follows, will emerge from battle victorious. Advertising: 7fic per column-Inch. in the cafeteria. My coat was on the | Kntsred as second-class mutter, November 6. 1917 at the Post OfBce at Providence A current example of this concept is easily seen in the Rhode Inland, under the Act of March 8. 1879 J table, my complete set of chemistry Member of Rhode Island Intercollegiate Press Association ' notes beside the coat. Turning around feverish race for arms' supremacy in the world today. to join in on some extra-curricular The potentiality of this race will result in but one IT IS OUR AFFAIR badinage. I momentarily forgot about thing: Destruction. said coat and che nistry notes. Return- Conjoined with this race to doom, rages an in- From the earliest days it has been the delight ing to the table. I saw that the coat tellectual battle of idea against idea, the material- of Catholics to honor God through His blessed and was still there, but. curses of curses, the notes had disappeared. I hardly istic principles of Marx versus all Godliness. We Cath- ever virgin mother Mary. The riches of the Byzan- suppose that Billy the Kid mistook olics can no longer ignore the issue. The enemy is tine East were poured out in endless streams for the those notes for a coffee cup. Do you'' upon us and we must prepare to do battle. Now! be- building of ikon-encrusted churches and monasteries I might add that if I flunk that fore the slimy, treacherous tentacles of red atheism chemistry exam because of some to honor the Theotokos. The crude fortress-churches light - fingered Jimmy Valentine, completely destroy our freedom and cast us into the of barbaric Europe echoed with her praises. The there'll be h-e-1-1 to pay. ignomy of utter slavery and bitter persecution. genius of medieval craftsmen erected cathedrals in Sincerely, For our weapon we do not choose arrow, pistol, Sorry Soph. her honor. The artists of Italy brought their talents A-Bomb, or, for that matter, even the hellish H-Bomb. (And we'll help you. Ed.) Rather we select a far more potent instrument whose to the feet of the Madonna. Dear Editor: divinely emanating rays are powerful and searching God has no need of us. The churches we build, We would like to make a gripe as enough to embrace every man, woman, and child in the shrines we so lovingly tend cannot add more to to how the Queen of the Junior Prom the world. We choose the Holy Rosary. His glory. The homage we pay Our Lady cannot add (Continued on Page 8) Our Lady clearly pointed out at Fatima, and per- to the honor of her who was made worthy to be the sisted again at Lipa, that the Rosary must be recited Mother of God. But as a child, to show his love, gives daily by everyone in order to obtain peace for the his most cherished possession to the parent, who first world, in order to combat Communism, in order to gave it to him, so we return to God a part of what He LITERARY COLUMN bring Russia back to the one, true Fold. The great has so generously given us, whether in material goods saints of the Church lend credence to her words . . . By William Plummer. '51 or in talents. And let no one say that what is given no homage is as agreeable to Jesus and His divine to God is wasted. It was Judas who said, "This could Scotch Without Water Mother as the fervent recitation of the Rosary . . . the have been sold for much and given to the poor." "Tight Little Island." now playing at the Avon Cinema in Providence, is Hail Mary puts the devil to flight . . . you shall recite Civilization has changed. For better or worse a droll story of a group of Scottish the Rosary as often as you are able . . . we live in a capitalistic society. Kings and lords are fisherfolk. living on the island of We know our enemy. Through the intercession gone; the rich are too often out of touch with God; Todday. who have been cut off with- of the divine Mother, the divine weapon has been out a drop of the uisgebeatha, with- placed in our hands. We must now plan our strategy: it is no longer feasible for us to build together, each out which no Gael can long survive. with his stone, as St. Francis rebuilt the Portiuncula. The monotony of life without the Let us every one consecrate our hearts wholly and But if civilization has changed. Catholic tradition has stuff is humorously portrayed and without reservation tomorrow, on the occasion of the not. As our ancestors in the several parts of Europe: the joy of all. when a shipload of Pilgrim Virgin visitation, to the Most Immaculate and the East delighted to honor Mary, so do we. whiskey is delivered them by an act Heart of Mary. Then let the 420,753 Catholics in the of Providence, is delightful to behold. Diocese of Rhode Island pledge to recite a daily Rosa- At Providence College we have done the Catholic This picture was filmed on the is- ry. If the remaining states follow suit, then 26,718,- thing. Through St. Dominic we are under the special land of Barra. but the events por- 343 Rosaries will be recited daily. Within a year's protection of Our Lady of the Rosary. In her honor, trayed. which are true for the most , part, happened. I believe, in Eriskay time nearly 10 billion Rosaries will have been recited and to ask her intercession for the souls of Providence Compton MacKenzie. who wrote the in the United States alone! College men who fell in the recent war, we have erect- story, is an old hand with islands, but Such a powerhouse of prayer, such a glorious ed a grotto on the campus where Mass will be said' more often writes about those of the manifestation of Catholic faith and action, such a di- for those dead as long as Providence College exists. Agean and eastern Mediterranean. He is, however, in some way associated vinely-inspired strategy will surely be pleasing to Our In order to support this foundation. Providence with that group of nationalist writers Lady and, in turn, will invoke the mercy of God Him- College has inaugurated an annual Penny Sale, by in Scotland, among whom are Neil self. Unless man with all the effects of his civiliza- which means it is possible to maintain and embellish Gunn and Hugh MacDiarmid

Guiding Genius Penny Sale 1950: Expectation Highlights

Last year - Penny Sale at Rhode Island Auditorium was the most suc- cessful affair ever held at the Audi- torium. The crowd which attended last year's affair was the largest ever as- sembled at the Auditorium An esti- mated 19,000 people crowded into the area which normally seats 5.400 Traf- fic was tied up from Randall Square in Providence to Pawtucket. The lob- by of the Auditorium was packed and many people were turned away In the Auditorium itself, it was al- most impossible for the ticket sellers to get through some sections of the crowd, which was packed ten rows deep However, in spite of the con- gestion the crowd was very orderly and very responsive to requests from the platform Workers were identified by red and white sashes marked with numbers This year workers will be assigned five different jobs, the job of each to be designated by the color of the sash being worn. The colors will be: red; white and gold; royal blue; and pearl gray. This year's sashes will be made cf satin and will be reserved for other uses during occasions at Provi- Rev. Charles H. McKenna, O.P. dence College. Members of the Junior Veridames Two More Sold handled ticket and money checking . . .And More People and sold tickets in the lobby. This year members of the alumni will assist members of the student body and members of the Junior Veri- dames during the Penny Sale.

PENNY SALE Busses will leave Exchange Place for the Auditorium every two-and-one-half minutes in or- der to accommodate the crowds attending the Penny Sale, Thurs- day night. A meeting of Penny Sale work- ers will be held tomorrow, Wed- nesday, at 1 P. M., immediately after the final retreat confer- ence, in Harkins Hall. Fr. McKenna selling tickets to Ed Strack, '50, and John Fagan, '50. 4 THE COWL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1950 Heed Fatima Plea-Pray The Rosary Fatima: The Beginning. . . ACT OF CONSECRATION

O Mary, Virgin and most powerful Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and Refuge of sinners, we consecrate ourselves today to thine Immaculate Heart. We consecrate to thee our very being and our whole life, all that we have, all that we love, all that we are. To thee we give our bodies, our hearts and souls, to thee we give our homes, our families, and our country. Mindful of this consecraMon, we now promise to imitate thee by the practice of christian virtues, without regard for human respett. We resolve to re- ceive Holy Communion on the first Saturday of every month when possible, and to offer daily five decades of the Rosary with all our sacrifices in the spirit of penance and reparation. Amen. Mother of God Asks Pilgrim Virgin Daily Family Rosary To Strengthen Home

The power of the Rosary is unchal- lenged. it has saved individuals, fam- ilies, nations, and the whole world through its powers. We are again asked to pray the Rosary, to bring peace to this chaos-torn world by the Lady of Fatima who said: "I am the Lady of the Rosary and I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. They must not continue to offend Our Lord, already so deeply offended. They must say the Rosary." And what better way is there to say the Rosary than with the family?

If My requests are heard. Russia will The Rosary has great power but the Family Rosary has even great- be converted and there will be peace. If er influence, for, as Christ said, . . where two or three are gath- ered together for my sake, there not, . . . Communism will spread its errors am I in their midst." And how much more truly gathered are they when through the whole world, the good will united in a family group. How much more truly does the prayer be persecuted in every country. . . of the Family Rosary ascend as one voice when individuals so close- ly united in love as a family talk to God.

The Family Rosary, too, in a prac- Penance, Rosary, Devotion tical way is a bond of unity. It unites the family, separated so much of the time by the modern way of life. Father at work, brothers and sisters Demand of Fatima Vision ot school or work. It joins, if only for a few short minutes, the family ABOUT THE STATUE One day in the spring of 1916 three er of reparation three times more with spread her errors throughout the in a bond of living prayer to God The Pilgrim Virgin Statue has now little shepherd children took their the children and disappeared. world, promoting wars and the per- and His Mother. It breeds greater visited over fifty dioceses in Canada secution of the Church . . She love in the family and eliminates pet- sheep to the pasture land near the PRAY THE ROSARY and the United States. Marian devo- also told the children that in Octo- ty quarrels brought on by misunder- Portuguese village of Fatima The A year later, on May 13, 1917, tion, stressing the urgency of the mes- ber she would work a miracle so standing and disunity. children. Lucy, aged 9, her cousin the children were tending their sage of Fatima, have been held in Francis, aged 8. and his sister Jacinta. sheep in almost the same spot, when great that all would believe her pre- The Family Rosary, through the more than 800 churches and in- aged 6. followed their usual routine suddenly a brilliant flash of light dictions and promises. intercession of the Lady of Fatima. numerable institutions throughout the appeared in the East. This time it is a powerful weapon against world- land, while more than 5,000,000 people and began to play. They had played 70,000 WITNESSES was a lady dressed in white, shed- liness and worldly doctrines which have crowded churches, stadia, and only a short while when a strong On the 13th of October 70.000 peo- ding rays of light more brilliant surround us. It has overcome the amphi-theatres all the way from Can- wind shook the trees and above them ple were gathered at the hill of the than the sun. She appeared month- infamous teaching present every- ada to the Gulf of Mexico, and along a radiant light appeared. miracle, among them many atheists ly after that, from May till Octo- where on radio, television, newspa- the great Pacific Coast. and scoffers. At noon the familiar VISION OF THE ANGEL ber. six times in all. Each time she pers, comic sheets, magazines, mov- flash appeared towards the East. The The Statue was carved by Thedin. stressed the necessity of penance, (Continued on Page 1) As the light approached it took the people realized from the ecstatic ex- famed Portuguese sculptor. urging them over and over to "pray form of a young man. transparent with pressions on the faces of the children the Rosary . . . pray the Rosary" resplendent, light. He began to speak: that they were gazing once more at to bring to an end the war then "Fear not. I am the angel of peace the Beautiful Lady. To the children Sun-Miracle Witnesses raging and to ensure peace for the Pray with me." He then recited this she announced: "I am the Lady of world. prayer: "My God. I believe. I adore. the Rosary. People must amend their I hope, and I love You. I beg pardon VISION OF HELL lives, ask pardon for their sins, and of You for those who do not believe, not offend Our Lord any more for He During the July apparition the do not adore, do not hope and do not is already too much offended." As she Mother of God showed the children love You." Then he arose and said. took her leave from the children, she a terrifying vision of Hell and told "Pray this way. The hearts of Jesus opened her hands and from them rays them: "You have seen Hell, where the and Mary are attentive to the voice of light extended in the direction of souls of poor sinners go. To save them of your supplications." the sun. God wishes to establish throughout Three times the Angel visited the the world devotion to my Immaculate At that moment a great cry of children. The third time he held aloft Heart. If people do what I tell you. astonishment rose from the multi- a chalice with a host suspended above many souls will be saved and there tude. Gradually the sun grew pale, it. from which drops of blood fell into will be peace. But if they do not stop lost its normal color and appeared the chalice. Leaving both suspended offending God. more terrible war will as a sort of silver disc at which all in mid-air he prostrated himself and break out . . could gaze directly without even three times recited a sublime prayer shading their eyes. Then rays of of reparation. He then arose, gave the CONVERSION OF RUSSIA multi-colored light shot out in every host to Lucy and the contents of the "To prevent this I shall come to direction. MeanwhXe the heavens chalice to Francis and Jacinta. and ask the consecration of Russia to appeared to revolve as the sun spun said: "Take and drink the Body and my Immaculate Heart and the Com- madly on its axis. This happened Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly out- munion of Reparation on the first At lust 70.000. including believers and non-believers, witnessed the awe- three times. Then suddenly the sun raged by ungrateful men. Make rep- Saturdays. If people heed my re- some spectacle of the "son-miracle" at Fatima. Portugal, on October 13, seemed to be torn loose from its aration for their crimes and console quest, Russia will be converted and 1917. noon, solar time. The miracle was God's stamp of approval of the (Continued on Page 8) your God." Then he recited the pray- there will be peace. If not. she shall heavenly apparitions Our Lady granted to the three shepherd children. THE COWL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 19505 Consecrate Thy Heart To Our Lady PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA . . .Lipa: The Question

Queen of the Rosary, sweet Virgin of Fatima who hast deigned to appear in the land of Portugal and has brought peace, both interior and exterior to that once so troubled country, we beg of thee to watch over our dear homeland and to assure its moral and spiritual revival. Bring back peace to all nations of the world so that all, and our own nation in particular may be happy to call thee their Queen and the Queen of Peace. Our Lady of the Rosary pray for our country. Our Lady of Fatima obtain for all humanity a durable peace. Amen.

Throngs Greet Pilgrim Statue DO THIS FOR ME. . .

In Rhode Island Penance: Men mull cease lo of tend the good God. already too much Response to the visit of the famous offended Keep the Commandment* Pilgrim Virgin Statue, which is in its of God and His Church, the perform- second week of a six weeks' stay In ance of the duties of one's state in the Diocese of Providence, has been life. overwhelming. In every church or Sacrifice: Give up everything that institution where the Statue has been Interferes with the keeping of the displayed, huge throngs have gath- Commandments and the performance ered to consecrate themselves to Our of duties of slate in life Lady of Fatima and the Rosary. Reparation: Go to Holy Communion on the first Saturday of the month Nocturnal veneration, as will be The l>all> Rosary: Recite the held at the College this evening, was Rosary every day while thinking of met night after night with overflowing the mysteries Practice the devotion crowds wherever the Pilgrim Virgin of the Five First Saturdays. It con- has appeared sists in H Receiving Holy Commun- At the closing of all Masses during ion on the first Saturday of five con- the past two weeks, the clergy, reli- secutive months iconfession any time gious. and laity have recited the Act during the week before' 2> Reciting of Consecration to the Immaculate five decades of the Rosary that day. Heart Response to pledges distributed meditating briefly on the meaning of two weeks ago along with the book- each mystery S) Meditating for fif- let, Fatima and You." indicated the teen minutes on the fifteen mysteries What I ask here is the same as I have increased devotion Catholics are giv- of the Rosary Our Lady has prom- ing to Our Lady. ised to come to such a soul who ful- asked at Fatima. . . Most of My people do Public devotions of the Rosary are fills this devotion In the hour of his taking place every noon, during the death and aid him with the graces six weeks' stay of the statue, over necessary for salvation. not listen at all, or they listen a little radio station WDEM. with Monsignor Consecration: She wished all the McGrath. head of the Pilgrim Virgin faithful to consecrate themselves to while and then go away. . . Will You caravan, reciting the Rosary. Again at Her Immaculate Heart. 11:30 p.m. daily, the Most Reverend Listen To Me Now? ... Or Will You. Too, Bishop McVinney leads the nocturnal Rosary over radio station WEAN. Sister Mary Lucy Go Away? What the Saints Say

"The Rosary is the most beautiful Pleas of Lady of Fatima and the most rich in graces of all prayers, it is the prayer that touches most the Heart of the Mother of Renewed by Lipa Vision God . . . and if you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the family wished the spot to be blessed the Teresita met each other at the same Rosary." —St. Bernard. On September 12. 1948 at about five o'clock in the afternoon. Teresita. a next day, and She also forbade spot. She gave Teresita motherly ad- Carmelite postulant was taking a Teresita to forget the incidents of vice. telling her to be obedient, hum- "The best method of prayer is the walk in the garden of the Philip- the fifteen days. ble. and simple: also to tell the Com- Rosary, if you say it well!" pine convent at Lipa Suddenly she SECRET MESSAGE munity to practice those virtues. One —Saint . noticed that a vine shook, although At three o'clock in the afternoon day the apparition asked from the there was no wind at all. She ap- of the next day. Carmel's Chaplain Community to practice those virtues. proached the vine and heard a "Great is the strength of an army entered the enclosure and the Com- One day the apparition asked from woman's voice that said: "Fear not. that holds in its hands, not the sword, munity followed him to the spot. The the Community an individual conse- my child. Kiss the ground. Whatever but the Rosary " —Pius IX. Lady, visible only to Teresita. ap- cration of its members to the spirit I shall tell you to do. you must do. peared and told her to write down of St. Grignon de Montfort. For fifteen consecutive days come to this message: "My daughters: I ask "The Rosary is the most wonderful Lucy, lone survivor of the three visit Me here in this spot. Eat some you. first, to believe in Me and keep INSTRUCTIONS TO SISTERS means of destroying sin and recover- Fatima witnesses, is now Sister grass, my child." The sister could not this a deep secret among yourselves On the last of the fifteen days. Sep- see anyone, but could only hear the ing the grace of God." Mary-Lucy of Sorrows In the Doro- for the time being. Second, love one tember 26. the Lady repeated Her voice. —Gregory XVI. thean Sisters. another as true sisters. And third, counsels to Teresita: "My child, you THE BEAUTIFUL LADY come often to visit Me. Make this a must love and obey your Mother Pri- oress. Tell your sisters to love one The next day, as she had been told, sacred place and respect it. Gather the petals, My children. I bless you all." another as true sisters, to practice she returned to the place. She knelt humility and simplicity, the virtues I and started to recite the Hail Mary, Then the Lady vanished and in the place of the apparition there were rose love most. Tell them to love and but had recited only the words "full obey their superiors and not to forget of grace" when she noticed that the petals scattered. The Chaplain pro- ceeded to bless the spot, and gave a the things I ask. I shall not ask bigger vine was again moving. At once she things from you as you expect be- saw a beautiful lady with hands short talk to the Community, empha- sizing the Lady's message. cause you are My little ones. Do not clasped on her breast, a golden Rosary forget to consecrate yourselves to Me hanging in her right hand. Her dress At five o'clock on the same after- on October 7. Be very good. I am was pure white and her feet were noon, Teresita went back to the MARY. MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRAC- bare, resting on clouds which were spot. This time the Lady asked to ES. I shall always bless the Com- about two feet from the ground. Her have Her statue placed at the spot munity, morning and evening." Then face, of indescribable beauty, was ra- and to have it made a place of pray- She disappeared. diant. and she was smiling. er. On the next day She told Tere- To Teresita she said, "Be faithful sita to describe Her to the Chap- On September 30 rose petals were to come here, be It rain or shine." lain, for She wanted the statue to strewn in the cells of the monastery. Then, when Teresita asked her who be as big as that of Our Lady of On October 3 they fell on the stair- she was, she said, "I am thy Mother, Lourdes that was in the cloister. case. On November 11 they fell out- My little one." Then She vanished. She also directed that the Rosary side and were seen by some visitors. Above Iin shown the map prepared by the Oblate Fathers of Mary Im- On the next day at the same time be recited by the Community every On the first Friday of November, maculate to show principal points visited on the North American pil- Teresita went to the same spot. afternoon during these days. between noon and three o'clock, grimage. Heavy line traces most recent stops; light line, those earlier This time the Lady told her She The following days the Lady and (Continued on Page D after the statue entered the U. S. from Ottawa. 6 THE COWL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1950 FRIARS FACE BROWN IN QUEST OF 11th WIN

PUGILISTS PREPARE P. C. TO AVENGE TWO 1949 DEFEATS Boxing Coach Pete Louthis — Friar Folio — has announced that this week BRUINS MINUS MAHONEY WEAKENED will be the final opportunity for fellows to sign up at the equip- By Dick Boulet ment room for boxing instruc- by BOB FLANAGAN tions. The line-up for the boxing Saturday night at Marvel gym the high-flying Providence show will be chosen from these College Friars will be favored to knock off a weakened Brown candidates who have worked and The "acid test" for a good ball club is its ability to make a University quintet. The Friars, sporting a ten win and four loss trained under his guidance. If recovery after one or more serious setbacks. Vin Cuddy and his record, will be playing their first game in two weeks, but this enough aspirants report, Louthis hoopsters are in the process of doing just that. may serve as an advantage, since they were in need of a rest. plans to stage two shows instead Brown, on the other hand, has been greatly weakened by the loss With the season about half over, it might be a good idea to look of the originally proposed one. back and consider what the Friars have done to compile their enviable of their ace, "Moe" Mahoney, 10-4 record. Before they felt the sting of defeat, the Cuddymen racked who was declared ineligible last first twelve played, but Brown has up eight straight victories. On the evening of January 17, the most pow- week. had the better of the going since the 1937-38 season, copping ten of erful basketball in the country. Holy Cross, put a sharp end to that win- Coach Vin Cuddy is planning to fifteen. Last year, the Friars dropped ning streak with a fashionable 83-55 triumph. start the same five which has Runners Meet With both contests by scores of 59-51 and Three more strong teams. Brooklyn' opened the last four games. The 75-51. College, Iona. and Boston College, an Armenian-American society of lineup will be Sam Nissel and Jim followed on the P. C. basketball this state. Among the other sport Ill Fate At Boston Schlimm, forwards, Frank Pelli- Winning this game would move the schedule, and three times the Friars luminaries representing athletic or- grino at center, and Co-Captains Friars one notch closer to the State fell before a high-scoring outfit. Lack ganizations in the neighborhood In 3 Relay Races Walt Lozoski and Art Weinstock at College basketball championship, a of defensive strength was, perhaps, were: Rip Engle, football coach at the guard posts. The shock troops, crown which they havent won in sev- the most important factor in each of Brown; Ivan Fuqut, track mentor the second-string first team, Ray eral years. Certainly, the Friars should these three losses. Their offensive of the Bruins; Moe Mahoney, ex- By John Salesses Korbusieski, Jerry Lembo, Ray be ready for this contest, having had rolled on, however, as they averaged basketball star of Brown; Vin Cud- Garcia, Tom Bauer, and "Skippy" two weeks to prime themselves for Lady Luck did not smile upon more than 70 points in the three con- dy, basketball coach of Providence McGuirkin, is expected to see a lot it. The layoff, however, could also Providence College as its track team tests. Gloom filled the hearts of P. C. College; Shirley May France, swim- of service. The Bruins will probably have an adverse effect. invaded Boston Garden for the B.A.A. fans, replacing the spirit of optimism. mer of English Channel fame, and counter with a lineup of Zeke Cres- During the weekend before exams, games last Saturday night. But the team proved that it was more her coach, Harry Boudakin. This well. Ken Provoste, Freddie Kozak. the Friars played some of their best than equal to the task of comeback, may be a society note, but it is ru- The 2 mile varsity relay team, com- Ned Corcoran, and Marty Badoian. ball of the campaign. In the Fairfield and went on to finish up the semester mored that Frank Pelligrino asked posed of John McMullen, Frank Lus- This game will be the 28th meeting game at Bridgeport they broke up a with two one-sided wins over Fair- Shirley May to the Junior Prom, sier. Bill Sherry and Bill Keenan, of the schools' quintets, and the P. close battle with a sensational 52 field University and St. Anselm Col- but the result showed that Pelly's was pitted against Tufts. Harvard. C.'ers will be out to notch their point scoring splurge in the second lege. talents are definitely restricted to Holy Cross, Boston University, and 17th win. The series between the two half, winning out 83-55. This tilt is Saturday evening, Marvel Gym the basketball court. M.I.T. They placed fourth behind institutions started back in the 1921- indicative of the progress the team has made since the start of the sea- will be the site of the clash between It will be the policy of the sports Tufts. M.I.T., and B.U. 22 season. The Friars won 11 of the son. For, in their second game of Providence College and the Bruins department of the COWL to report McMullen was unable to make up year, a home contest at that, the of Brown, their traditional cross- the athletic activities of Providence the deficit of 15 yards gained by the Friars had difficulty registering a 60- town rivals. Let's take in that game College in a full and comprehensive leaders. The distance was cut a few — Dormuralites — 59 decision over this same Fairfield and watch the Friars prove that they manner. Ideas and suggestions will be yards by Sherry. Then Keenan, as squad which they walloped by 28 are on the comeback trail. Let's gratefully accepted. Please drop a line anchorman, turned on a terrific burst points a week ago last Friday. Jim and place it in the COWL Mail Box By Joe Laughlin show our basketball players that of speed. Coming into the back stretch Schlimm, whose accurate marksman- we are behind them in spirit, and in the rotunda. Beginning with this the leaders bunched up. However. Although the dorm basketball ship has added some sorely needed have regained, also, that proud issue a column devoted to Dorm Lady Luck was not with the Friars league is reaching its final stages, scoring punches to the offence, paced feeling which comes with a top- League Intramurals will appear on as the Tufts anchorman stumbled there still remains many more thrill- the scorers with eighteen points. flight ball team representing our the sports page, giving a little public- across the finish line with M.I.T. an ing games to be played. So far, the school. ity to a much neglected group. On the Saturday night before eyelash later. Keenan. running as dorm league has provided fast enter- exams, the Friars scored their tenth With a quick glance into the future great a race as he did, could not make tainment for those students who, not win of the year, defeating St. An- we find that baseball and outdoor up the final 2 yards of the 15 yards only enjoy watching the game but selm's in a high scoring tilt, 91-81. track are not far away. The major deficit that he had acquired. who also like to participate in it. They duplicated their scoring feats of league teams go into spring training Frosh End Semester It is nothing out of the ordinary to In the next event in which P.C. was the previous night by racking up 52 in about three weeks. It won't be long go over to Harkins gym at the time entered. Jack Cassedy, Jim Penler. points, as they built up a 21 point before Hal Martin will be calling out one of these contests are being played With 66-52 Victory Jerry Kallman and Gerry McGurkin half-time margin. Hitting on 19 of 45 his potential Williamses, DiMaggios. and see a large number of the stu- represented the 1 mile relay team. shots in the first half, the Friars and Fellers. Track coach Harry Coates dents relaxing from their studies in A week ago Saturday night, the Harry Coates had planned to use Bob put on one of the best offensive dis- is now preparing for the outdoor sea- the enjoyment of this sport. Not only Friar Frosh rolled over the Edgewood Aldrich as his lead off man, but a plays exhibited by a Providence Col- son. and especially the second annual is it of entertainment value but it Junior College quintet. 66-52, before spike wound in the ankle received toy lege quintet. All the plays worked to Providence College Invitation Out- is a strong factor in introducing the a packed house at the Mount Pleasant Aldrich during practice last Friday perfection as every man played ade- door Board Track Meet. This event is different students and binding them High School Gym. prevented him from running. As a quately. Frank Pelligrino did tre- one of the grand highlights of the with the bond of friendship. Continued improvement of team result Cassedy was moved from his mendous work under the boards, in athletic calendar of the College, and Each year it remains for some per- play in basic fundamentals was the anchor position to the lead off spot. addition to scoring fourteen points the sport fans of Rhode Island call son to fulfill the tasks of getting the cause for the P. C. victory. Hal Mar- and covering St. Anselm's big man. it a must. Kallman, as third man, turned in a teams together, preparing the sched- Sam Nissel and Jim Schlimm were tin was able to clear the bench in The newly formed Athletic Ad- fine race. He came from 9 yards be- ules. seeing that competent referees high point men with 20 and 18. re- each half and, as a result, the subs visory Council should be a definite hind the leaders as he handed the are on the job, and many other de- spectively. were able to gather much needed ex- power in College athletic policy. It baton to McGurkin. However, P.C.'s tails that are concerned with the dorm perience. will not be too long before it is anchorman, try as he would, was not league. This year it is through the Coach Cuddy has expressed satis- one of the strongest organizations Keating, a boy who started slowly, able to keep up the blistering pace tireless efforts of Joe Beatrice that we faction with the general all-around attached to the College. Aiding the came into his own in this game. His and placed 4th behind Holy Cross, are able to appreciate and enjoy the play of his club. Especially encourag- athletic department in such matters defensive work, especially that under Boston College and Brown. league. ing have been their offensive show- ing. and their scrappy determination as schedules, coaches, varsity sports, the boards, was greatly improved. Due to the retreat there will be no The Freshman 1 mile relay team to win. Surprisingly, the best percent- intramurals, and the newly pro- Other standouts who were also the games played this week until Thurs- with Joe Tetrault, Jim Gannon. Dick age shooting and field goal total for posed gymnasium will be among the high scorers for the Martin-men were day, when the Metropolitan 1 will Johnson and Bob Tiernan placed sec- a half were recorded in a losing game. topics acted upon by this group. Kirby (18) and Clegg (15). face the boys from Western Massa- ond behind Brown. Other teams in In the first half of the game against In a Rhode Island college publica- This week, the Frosh quintet moves chusetts for the first game of the the same event were R. I. State, Yale Brooklyn, the Friars scored 22 point- tion. we recently ran across the fol- evening. The second game which starts back into action after a lay-off of and M.I.T. ers in 29 attempts—a sensational 69 lowing little caption: "Lest We For- at seven will feature the Boston Club nearly two weeks. They play Attle- per cent. get", Providence College 59. R. I. boro High at Attleboro this Thurs- Brown led by 4 yards at the start against the Freshmen Business. The State 57. and the box score of that day night. Saturday night, they will of the fourth leg. After receiving the final contest of the evening brings The team has averaged 67.4 points famous game. With investigation we travel over to Marvel gym to meet baton from Johnson, Tiernan had a together Waterbury and Donnelly. a contest, a strong indication of their learned that this newspaper features the Bruin Frosh in the first game of little trouble getting started and as a Games played on Friday are as fol- offensive mindedness. They have this item in every edition as a sol- a double-header with the Friar var- result, he lost valuable yardage. His lows: Heidelburg and the Kigmies twice broken 90, racking up 93 against emn reminder of a basketball defeat. sity playing the Bear's varsity in the opponent was George Malineaux of (this should prove to be a winner); Bates and 91 in the St. Anselm's tilt. An answer to that expression might nightcap. Brown. After losing about 2 more Western Mass. and Donnelly, Met. 2 On the individual side of the ledger, be, "How Can We Forget!" We won- yards. Tiernan put on a burst of speed and the Scientists. On Saturday. Guz- the vast improvement of high scor- der what they will write after the and passed the Brown man before man will meet New Haven. Hiedel- ing sophomore Jim Schlimm has been second meeting of the two clubs. the start of the last bank. But all to burg versus Met 1. the Kigmies (ful- a highlight of the season. His work A week ago Monday evening THREE MUSKETEERS no avail, as Malineaux saved his kick filling their appelation) will go has been especially pleasing to Coach Walt Lozoski, co-captain of the till the end of the bank and won the against Donnelly, finally the Eagles Cuddy. Starting the season on the sec- Friars, and Frank Pelligrino, star race by a yard. will tackle the Met. Club 2. ond team, his scoring efforts enabled center, attended a testimonial din- Few college basketball teams in As the league stands now, top hon- him to break into the top five. The ner at the Crown Hotel of two the United States can claim three per- In the other events Larry Marra ors go to the snappy quintet from hustling hard-driving work of Sam Rhode Island athletes, sponsored by formers on their squad that have failed to place in running against a Newport. Included in this aggrega- Nissel has also been very satisfac- played ball on the same high school strong field in his heat of the 45 yard tion are such court notables as Back- tory, while the rebounding and scor- club. Providence College, however, high hurdles. Dan Walsh did not have borad Beatrice. Lay up Lynch. Joe ing of Frank Pelligrino has been lit- a chance to run as he was disqualified has that distinction. Sam Nissel. Jim Lalli, Goose Caputi, Bob Flaherty. tle short of superlative. after two false starts. John Shanley REMEMBER Schlimm. and Tom Bauer all hail Swish MacKinnon, Lou Murphy, War- bowed out of the pole vault failing to High scorer for the first half of the from the small Pennsylvania town of ren Dobson, and last but not least. season is Jim Schlimm with 186 Don't forget to pick up your clear 12'6". St. Mary's where they performed for Pete Razza the dazzler. It is well points, followed by Frank Pelligrino. tickets to the Brown game at the the local sport fans on the high school Tomorrow night, the Providence known that the Newport club is a 156, Sam Nissel. 152, Walt Lozoski. A. A. office this week. The stu- College track team under the guid- crowd pleaser. Their games not only 82. Ray Korbusieski. 75. Ray Garcia. dent ticket book will not be hon- club. Sam is a junior at P.C. while ance of Harry Coates enters the run- furnish excitement but a great deal 70. and Art Weinstock. 69. Sophomore ored at the Marvel Gym. There Tom and Jim are sophomores. ning events of the N.E.A.A.U. There of fine basketball is displayed. Jerry Lembo. out of several games be- will be no charge for the P. C. should be plenty of backing from the A dormitory tennis league is in the cause of a shoulder injury, has scored students at the first meeting of students of this school for the meet making. Further information concern- only 24 points, but they have certain- the two clubs Saturday as it is Reading maketh a full man; con- as it takes place at the Cranston Street ing this league will be in the forth- ly been big ones, helping to win the the Friar home game. ference a ready man: and writing an exact man.—Bacon Armory in Providence. coming issue of the COWL. State and St. Anselm's games. THE COWL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1950 7 Former Italian Citizen Tells Valley Club To Hold Of Pilgrimage To Holy City Mid-Winter Dance By Alessandro Rossi, '53 group of familiar words come back to A Valentine theme will be predomi- The Holy Year which today fords his memory, "Tu es Petrus, et super nant when the Blackstone Valley Club seas and mountains, surpasses every hane pelram aediclcabo eccleslai holds Its mid-winter Informal dance political frontier and reaching to meam." After he has entered the tomorrow night at the Oak Hill Tennis every race of the world, holds in Its Basilica he finds these words en- Club, starting at 8:30 p m. Final plans mystical expression an invitation and graved In huge letters on the ceiling for the event were made recently at a promise. In leaving Saint Peter's Basilica, he a meeting of the club at the Irish- An invitation of a pilgrimage to will take a tram which takes him far American Club in Pawtucket. , where lives the testimony of ther away from the beating heart of Thomas McDonald le general chair- the Christian Message; a promise to the city, where facing the sea is Saint man of the dance. He is assisted by obtain the "Great Pardon," that the Paul's Basilica. The pilgrim stops, the following: William F McMahon. Church offers to men of good will. looks at the front of the aged struc- publicity: John A. Lucas, refresh- ture and in a mood of meditation The Holy City. See of the Success- ments; John R. Kenny, decorations; or of Saint Peter, is a remarkable site walks in. . . He will find printed on Edward French, hall; John P. Mc- of unmistakable splendor towards Its threshold ' Dottore delle Gentl" Greevy, orchestra. John J. Egan. pres- which is strongly drawn a multitude and as he moves closer to the main al- ident of the club, is ex-officio mem- of pilgrims, differing in language, race tar he will be able to feel a happi- ber of all committees. Rev John J. and costume. They come to drink at ness of Paradise. Even this Basilica Kennedy, O.P., is moderator of the that spiritual font which never in for the Holy Year gave a Ceremony club. in opening its doors, not only to Rome the course of centuries has stopped At the same meeting twenty stu- but to the entire world. to extinguish the mystical thirst of dents were admitted to the club. The From here we see our satisfied pil- the faithful. members were also photographed for grim walking the overflowing streets the Veritas. Refreshments followed Host of Rome, of any derivation or of Rome towards another of the out- the meeting. costume, a pilgrim cannot do other- standing Basilicas: Santa Maria Mag- wise but visit the four Basilicas. Not giore. of which the traditional name to "have an experience" but to meas- is "Saint Mary of the Snow". There Penance— ure his experiences in spiritual value. he is able to see the relics of Pious Combined Concert Sunday Business Students (Continued from Page 4) And having completed the visits he V. Sisto V, Paul V, and splendid j place in the heavens, and it hurtled will at the same time have visited the works of art. The Providence College Glee Club centuries. Attend Conference will join voices with the Regis Col- down, closer and closer to the earth. He walks out of this Basilica think- From all parts of the multitude Usually the pilgrim begins his vis- lege Glee Club at a joint concert ing back to his school days when In arose cries of repentance and ap- Rev Edwin I. Masterson, O.P. fac- sponsored by the Veridames of Prov- its at Saint Peter's Basilica, even a classroom a devoted Father or in- peals for mercy. But just as it idence College and the Regis College though the Chief Basilica of Rome is structor tried patiently to place Into ulty member, and Donald Roark and seemed that the end of the world Alumnae Association, next Sunday af- that of Saint John. As the pilgrim be- his brain the history behind the Ro- Philip Cunningham, students at Prov- was at hand, the sun suddenly re- ternoon at the Sheraton-Bilemore. gins to climb the stairs leading to the man Pontifs. which now comes very idence College, will attend a confer- sumed its accustomed place in the entrance of Saint Peter's Basilica, a (Continued on Page 8) Tickets to the concert will cost $1.20. ence on "Executive Careers in Retail- heavens, whence it shone forth as peacefully as before. ing'' at the New York University Meanwhile the children alone wit- School of Retailing on Friday. Febru- Lenten— nessed a Heavenly Tableau. Our Lady ary 24, Dean Charles M. Edwards an- (Continued from Page 1) reappeared, first with St. Joseph and nounced. March 26. Getting the Facts. the Divine Infant, then with her Di- On the medical and personal side, vine Son as a grown Man. blessing At the conference, which will be by Dr. Thomas F. Fogarty. the assembled crowd and finally in attended by more th?n one hundred April 2. Getting Married. the garb of Our Lady of Mount Car- student and faculty delegates from mel. forty colleges and universities, con- On the ceremonies and contract of ferees will learn of the opportunities marriage, by Rev. William R. Clark, Thus came the stupendous miracle for college graduates in retailing OP. of the sun, the stamp of Divine ap- Speakers at the panel and luncheon proval on the promises made to hu- sessions will include prominent retail- mankind by God's own Blessed Moth- ing executives, retailing professors, Lipa— er. and recent graduates now employed (Continued from Page 5) in the retailing field Teresita in ecstasy re-enacted the Stigma — During the morning meetings, the sufferings of Our Lord on the cross. (Continued from Page 1) students will be given a visual presen- On Friday. November 12. Teresita The Rev John C. Rubba. O.P., di- tation of the divisions of a department was called to the spot of the appari- rector of the college chapter of the store and the variety of jobs in each tion and she again saw Mary. Medi- Third Order of St. Dominic, told of division. Also included will be spe- atrix of All Graces. She said: "Peo- "his meeting last summer in Canada cific information on how to prepare ple believe not My words. Pray. My with the mother of a large family and apply for positions in retailing child, pray much . . . What I ask here who has borne the stigmata for nine After the luncheon session in the is exactly what I asked at Fatima. years. Father Rubba was present dur- Fifth Avenue Hotel, at which confer- Tell this to the people . . . Tell the ing the entire three hours, from 12 ence participants will be the guests sisters that I ask them to pray and noon to 3 p.m., of her regular Friday of Bloomingdale Brothers. Inc.. well- help spread My devotion and to do agony. Like Therese Neumann, it was known New York Store, the delegates penance for those who do not be- remarked, except for her weekly suf- will be taken on a bus tour through lieve. These things may now be re- fering and her consequent intimacy mid-town Manhattan, the retailing vealed. This is My last apparition in with God. she leads the life of a center of the world. The day's activ- this spot." Then, blessing Her little normal person, healthy in mind and ities will be concluded with a behind- one and the Community. Mary, Medi- body. the-scenes visit to a well-known New atrix of All Graces, vanished. York department store and a fashion showing at a leading dress manufac- turer.

Penny— (Continued from Page 1) Delasanta was a recent prize winner on the Horace Heidt Show and was an entertainer at the Jerry Martin Night held recently at the Auditorium Entertainment will begin at 6:45 p.m. and will continue until 7:45 p.m. be- fore the Penny Sale begins. People coming into the Auditorium at that time will be expected to take tickets on the first series. 8 THE COWL. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1950 COWL STAFF CHANGES Mail— Providence Men In 'Continued from Page 2> At the mid-year COWL meeting will be elected. April 28. Do you think CAMPUS CALENDAR Vermont Ski Contest held Last week in Donnelly Hall, it's fair that the Prom Committee or changes in the staff administration the committee chairman should be the Tuesday, February 7—Annual Retreat. 7 P. M.—Glee Club Meeting in Entries from Eastern college stu- were made These changes were neces- judges:» We object for two reasons: Harkins Hall Lounge. 7 P. M.—Arrival of Pilgrim Virgin. dents in Vermont's Why Ski" con- sitated because of vacancies left by 1. They are not qualified. Wednesday, February 8—Annual Retreat. II A. M.—Conusecration of Col- test were pouring into Montpelier to- Senior members, who yearly, at this 2. The choice of queen would be lege to Blessed Virgin. 7:00 P. M.—Glee Club Meeting in Harkins day even as snow finally blanketed time, depart from active participation that of a few of the members of the Hall Lounge. 7:30 P. M— Flying Club Meeting in Room A-300 ol Green Mountain ski resorts which In the school publication. committee and would not reflect the Albertus Magnus. 8:00 P. M. to 1:00 P. M — Blackstone Valley Club will play host to the 10 contest win- Anthony Jarzombek. '51, took the choice of the entire class. Dance at the Oak Hill Tennis Club in Pawtucket. ners February 25-March 4 helm as editor-in-chief. William Plum- They, the committee, would be apt Thursday. February 9—Penny Sale at Rhode Island Auditorium. mer. "51. and Thomas Sullivan. '52. Contest winners will earn a full to elect their own date; after all, the Friday. February 10—Carolan Club Weekend Commences: 8 P. M. to were appointed News editors; while week of skiing, all expenses paid, at committee won't be the only ones 9:00 P. M.—Buffet Supper at Aquinas Hall. 8:00 P. M. to 12:00 P. M — Leonard Levin. 52. and Joseph Un- such famous Vermont winter resorts present at the dance