CONSECRATE JOIN YOUR HEART PRAYER CRUSADE TO FATIMA FOR PEACE VOL. XII. No. 11.—EIGHT PAGES. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE. R. I., FEBRUARY 7, 1950 10 CENTS A COPY PILGRIM VIRGIN DUE TONIGHT Penny Sale Ready To Go College Set For Nocturnal People, People and . R.I. Arena Set Veneration In Aquinas Hall For Sellout Consecration Ceremonies Tomorrow At Grotto On Thursday See Pages 4 and 5 The Pilgrim Virgin, one of two images of Our Lady of Fatima which are making a tour of Europe, Canada, and the United States, See Page 3 will be received at the college at seven o'clock this evening, the Rev. Charles H. McKenna, O.P., Chaplain of the college, an- Providence College will hold its an- nounced yesterday. Upon arriv- nual Penny Sale at the Rhode Island al, the statue will be borne in Auditorium. Thursday. Feb. 9. Rev. solemn procession to the Stu- Charles H. McKenna, O. P. has an- Committees Named dents Chapel in Aquinas Hall nounced that this year's arrangement where it will repose for the will be slightly different from that of night. last year, to take care of the greater For Seniors' Events number of people expected to attend From seven-thirty to eight-thirty, this year's affair. By Class Officers a Marian Holy Hour will be held. Members of the Third Order of St. The Rhode Island Auditorium has Appointments to Senior Class Com- Dominic will pay homage to the Vir- a usual seating capacity of 8.000 which mittees were announced this week by gin from nine to ten with recitation will be increased to 9.000 by an extra the Senior Class Officers. Chairmen thousand seats placed on the floor of of the committees were also an- of the Rosary. Students of the col- the auditorium surrounding the plat- nounced as follows: William J. Bren- lege will be present at a nocturnal form. Loudspeakers in the lobbies nan, Class Gift Committee; John F. vigil in the chapel from ten this even- will carry the announcements from Geary, Cap and Gown Committee; and ing to six o'clock tomorrow morning the main auditorium to the overflow Robert A. Flynn, Commencement Ball Then, in connection with the closing crowds in the lobbies. Extra facilities Committee. A repeat performance of the above scene taken at the 1949 Penny Sale for the seating and the selling of session of the annual retreat, the en- in the R. I. Auditorium is expected Thursday night. Brennan, from Hartford, is a Sen- tickets in the lobbies have been ar- tire student body will assemble at the ior Business student. He has been on ranged War Memorial Grotto of Our Lady of the Dean's Honor List for the past The platform will be arranged in two semesters. He is a member of the the Rosary for a brief service tomor- the same manner as it was last year MORE WORKERS NEEDED! Fr. McKenna is still in need of Senior Business Club, the Carolan row morning at eleven when the col- except for the barrel which will be Armstrong To Play workers for the Penny Sale and Club, the Hartford Club, and has lege will be solemnly consecrated to much larger this year, and which will has requested that as many as been active in extra-curricular activ- the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This have windows in it through which it At Carolan Club's possible give their services this ities on the campus. Brennan was also will be possible to see the ticket stubs will be followed by solemn Papal year. He has announced that it is recently appointed chairman of the being thoroughly mixed before each Blessing. From P. C. the Pilgrim Vir- imperative that there be at least Dorm Week-End Easter Dance to be sponsored by the drawing. seven hundred workers at the Hartford Club. gin will go to Elmhurst, Providence, Seven hundred workers will be on Rhode Island Auditorium on The Annual Dorm Week-End of the Geary, from Waterbury, Conn., is The American Pilgrim Virgin has hand to sell tickets and distribute Thursday night, Feb. 9. If you Carolan Club will be held February also a Senior Business student. Quite already toured the eastern, midwest- prizes. There will be one hundred want to see the 1950 Penny Sale 10. 11, and 12, with a diversified pro- active in campus activity, Geary is ern, western and southern parts of the more prizes this year than last year, as big a success as the last one, gram planned to make this the finest president of the Waterbury Club and country where several million people which means seven series of tickets it is requested that you sign up "Week-end" yet held on the campus a member of the Carolan Club, Sen- have venerated it. The original statue.- instead of last year's six. In order to as a helper a; the return booth Gerry Crotty, '50, chairman of the ior Business Club, and was recently facilitate the handling of tickets in the rotunda. Social Committee, announced today elected to the Friars Club. of Our Lady of Fatima, from which cables have been strung from the that Jack Armstrong's Orchestra has Flynn is a resident of West War- this one was copied, is in the basilica highest tiers to the platform on which been engaged to provide music for wick. He is an Arts student and has of the famous shrine in Portugal. baskets will be run to carry ticket dancing in the lounge of Aquinas Hall. been active in the Kent County Club stubs in each individual series from For those who are more versatile in for the past four years. A member A modern Crusade of prayer and every part of the auditorium to the College To Sponsor the terpsichorean art, the Martin Ha- of the Junior Prom Committee in his reparation for the conversion of Rus- central platform. gopian Combo has been engaged to (Continued on Page 8) sia and the restoration of world peace, The first three prizes this year will provide the music of the faster tempo which Our Blessed Mother promised be: First prize, $5,000 in cash; Second Six Lenten Lectures in the Penguin Room. to the three children during Her ap- prize, a new Chevrolet Deluxe sedan; Dancing will follow the dinner, paration to them at Cova de Iria in Third prize, a Stromberg-Carlson "Getting instructed on the Sacra- No Medical Reason Friday evening, served by Mr. Joseph July, 1917, is the purpose of the pil- combination FM-AM-phonograph-tele- ment," will be the first of six weekly Murphy and his dietary staff. grimage. vision set. Among the seven-hundred lectures composing the Fourth Annual Saturday afternoon the Rev. Adrian Given For Stigmata lesser prizes to be raffled off are elec- Lenten course on Courtship and Mar- T. English. OP. will conduct a Black- In all. the Blessed Virgin appeared tric refrigerators, table model tele- riage," starting Sunday, Feb. 26. friar Lecture for the students and There is no medical explanation for six times to the children, only one vision sets, pressure cookers, wrist The course is sponsored by the So- guests in the lounge of Aquinas Hall. the stigmata of Therese. Dr. John J. of whom is still living. In all Her ap- watches, all-expense vacation trips, ciology Division and the Office of The subject of the lecture will be Donahue told a group of Tertiaries pearances She urged them to pray the leather luggage, and many others. the Chaplain of Providence College; "The Contemporary Catholic." Teas and other interested persons at their Rosary and stressed the need of pen- Between-series entertainment will the lectures will be held Sunday eve- will be served in the lounge. regular weekly meeting. Friday. Jan- ance. be provided by the members of the nings at 7:30 o'clock in the auditor- Saturday evening the Brown-P.C uary 27. The Cranston physician, who It was during Her July apparition Providence College Glee Club and by ium, Albertus Magnus Hall. The Rev. basketball game will be of paramount saw medical service during the war that the Blessed Virgin promised a soloists Everett Morrison, '51, tenor; William R. Clark, O.P., will act as importance on the agenda of the busy and has studied the case of the famous miracle during her final visit to them. Lucien Olivier, '53, baritone; and Rod- chairman. week-end. This game will be played German stigmatic. said he was pres- Together with the three children, over ney Delasanta, '53, accordionist. Mr. "All students and friends of stu- at Marvel gym on the Brown campus. ent as she began her weekly agony. 70,000 people gathered to pray on a : (Continued on Page 7) dents," Fr. Clark sa d, "are invited A limited number of tickets have Therese Neumann, it was explained, rain drenched October 13, 1917. At to attend these lectures." Sessions been received for the Regis-P.C. Glee relives the passion of Christ every, this, the last apparition, the Lady re- will consist of a half-hour talk and Club Concert which will be held at Friday. The possibility of the exist- vealed her identity, by saying "I am a question period. There will be no the ballroom of the Sheraton-Biltmore ence of any extraordinary natural the Lady of the Rosary." Again she BARRISTERS TO DEBATE admission charge. on Sunday afternoon. phenomenon is discounted by the oc- asked for repentance: "People must amend their lives, ask pardon for their Schedule of lectures is as follows: From the large advance sale of bids, curence of the suffering in accordance The Barristers.
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