Mñ 1N 1HIS ISSUE Fourteen y o u n g women IN THIS ISSUE receive habit of Sister* nf Fr. Coughlin e poke at re- St. Joseph at Easter Mon- quest of Secretary of Treas- day ceremonies. ury, "Michigan Catholic" THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC editor reveals. Founded m 1844 by Rt. Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop of Pittsburgh Diocese

«HETIETH YEAR PITTSBURGH, PA., APRIL 20, 1933 pays Fr. Coughlin F Deny Therese Neumann Made Any Predictions of Catastrophe in U.S.

Munich, April 17.— teports spread, At present, during , Therese Ipoke at Request abroad that Therest Neumann, the j Neumann is very siek as she lives Old St. Philomena's Assistant K. C. Catholic Action Croup Of stigmatized girl of through the days leading up to the And Pastor for 28 Years Konnersreuth, \ has prophesied aa 1hug e catastrophe Passion of Our Lord. No visitors McKeesport Council Holds Ordained 50 Years in the United are allowed to see her. Her suffer- Interesting Meeting States which would ings are said to be more heart- r Of Treasury Head entail the loss of many human rending this time than ever be- The Rev. James Wernert, C.SS.R., lives, can be denied on excellent I fore. | After six weeks of inactivity due On 14 Young Women ' for 19 years assistant, and for nine authority. Negotiations with reference to j to the Lenten season, McKeesport years pastor of old St. Philomena's Editor Of Official Organ 0! Therese Neumann has never ex- & possible new examination of j Council 955, Knight3 of Columbus, J church, will celebrate the golden pressed any views concerning fu- Therese Neumann in order to prove J will launch an interesting post Rt Rev. Msfr. Martin Rya* anniversary of his ordination to the ture possibilities in worldly affairs, the authenticity < f her abstension Detroit Diocese Shows BERNARDI FUNERAL priesthood on April 20, at St. i Lenten season beginning this week. Her visions and prophecies concern from food and