Mñ 1N 1HIS ISSUE Fourteen y o u n g women IN THIS ISSUE receive habit of Sister* nf Fr. Coughlin e poke at re- St. Joseph at Easter Mon- quest of Secretary of Treas- day ceremonies. ury, "Michigan Catholic" THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC editor reveals. Founded m 1844 by Rt. Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop of Pittsburgh Diocese «HETIETH YEAR PITTSBURGH, PA., APRIL 20, 1933 pays Fr. Coughlin F Deny Therese Neumann Made Any Predictions of Catastrophe in U.S. Munich, April 17.— teports spread, At present, during Lent, Therese Ipoke at Request abroad that Therest Neumann, the j Neumann is very siek as she lives Old St. Philomena's Assistant K. C. Catholic Action Croup Of stigmatized girl of through the days leading up to the And Pastor for 28 Years Konnersreuth, \ has prophesied aa 1hug e catastrophe Passion of Our Lord. No visitors McKeesport Council Holds Ordained 50 Years in the United are allowed to see her. Her suffer- Interesting Meeting States which would ings are said to be more heart- r Of Treasury Head entail the loss of many human rending this time than ever be- The Rev. James Wernert, C.SS.R., lives, can be denied on excellent I fore. | After six weeks of inactivity due On 14 Young Women ' for 19 years assistant, and for nine authority. Negotiations with reference to j to the Lenten season, McKeesport years pastor of old St. Philomena's Editor Of Official Organ 0! Therese Neumann has never ex- & possible new examination of j Council 955, Knight3 of Columbus, J church, will celebrate the golden pressed any views concerning fu- Therese Neumann in order to prove J will launch an interesting post Rt Rev. Msfr. Martin Rya* anniversary of his ordination to the ture possibilities in worldly affairs, the authenticity < f her abstension Detroit Diocese Shows BERNARDI FUNERAL priesthood on April 20, at St. i Lenten season beginning this week. Her visions and prophecies concern from food and <l rink are .«till in ALLEGHENY VALLEY Presides At Impresnfii Secretary Woodin Asked Mary's College, North East, Pa., only the salvation of human souls I progress, and it i,- not known when Last Tuesday, the seventh in a j i where he has been stationed for and religious matters generally. I a decision will be reached. i ¡series of Catholic Action programs) Ceremonies On Easter the past six years. Priest To Defend New | sponsored by the Study Club of the | At the same time and place, the Monday Afternoon Is St*.. Bank Plans In Special Rpv. Fathers Joseph G. Schuch, | Council was held with another large I Son Sings Solemn Requiem For C.SS.R., and Martin G. Hepner, ; attendance on hand. Capital Punish- Priests, Laymen Speakers At Joseph's Chapel, GaH& C.SS.R., will celebrate the silver Broadcast—Income Tax Father as Other Masses Are I ment as viewed by the Catholic Freenort Mnntintr tn Rrtn«t anniversary of their ordination, | Church was the topic of discussion Meeting t0 Boost zin—Fr. Daly Preach«» Ckarge Against Father Read at Side Altars father Hepner, bom in Germany of | for the evening, and A. J. Flynn, Jr., j Summer Retreats Jewish parents, became a Catholic local secretary, read the paper for Sermon—Many Relative» at the age of 21 years, shortly Coaghlin Proved Untrue. The solemn funeral rites for Ma- | the evening. Various arguments after coming to this country. An- I were advanced by the members The first of the Spring meetings j And Friends Present thias Bernarding, Sr., well-known other brother has since become a in the Allegheny Valley to encourage ! resident of Mt. Oliver and long prom- Sacred Heart Players Entered Knights of Coltimbus Sponsor based on civil and ecclesiastical By ANTHONY J. BECK Catholic, as have several other rela- j authorities' statements of capital attendance at the Summer retreats j | inent in church activities, took place was held last Sunday evening at St. | At tw>o-thirty o'clock Easter Mob« iSvifritt» fw the N.C.W.C. Servirt : on Easter Monday, April 17, The tive?. In Amateur Players' Test 179th Anniversary Mas« i punishment items during the past tk* Cditor of "Thc Mirhiifim Catholic.") | month and these theories were ad- Mary's school, Frceport, under the I day afternoon, in the presence, of I funeral procession was formed at The Most Rev. John Mark Gan- Starting April 25 At St. Mary Church a pvBetroit, Mich.. April 17. —After I the home of his elder son, Mathias nop, D.D., Bishop of Erie, will de- jvanecd in the interesting open forum auspices of the Holy Name Society | .large gathering of relatirea and offering a monetary quake through | Berokrding, Jr., 434 St. Joseph hver the festive sermon at the discussion which followed the read- of that parish. Nearly 200 men of | f«"i**nds, fourteen young women tke Closing of two national bank ! street, Mt. Oliver, at S:30 a. m. A triple jubilee ceremonies. Only one Catholic group, the Km- j All Catholic men, as well as | in™ of the paper. the district were present. The Very j walked in procession Bp the spaeioWT «FOups with a half billion dollars j large congregation of relatives and Father Wernert is a native Pitts- i erson Club of the Sacred Heart i Knights of Columbus, arc invited to The sccond portion of the evenings Rev. S. J. Benson, V.F., pastor, de-1 aisle of St. Joseph's Chapel, MoaSt in deposits and 800,000 depositors, j church, will enter the Ninth Amateur i attend the 179th anniversary Mass at rogram was devoted to the Question i H,vcre!thp '"vocation and also made j Gallitzin, Baden, to places which ha« friends of the deceased was present burgher, having been born in old tllP this city became the center of a ! to pay him their last tribute of love j Players Contest, which will take St. Mary of Mercy church, Ferry ?ox and other important religious * , of welcome. j be*n reserved for them near the Allegheny City, now the North Side, Amon financial electrical storm that in- ! and respect. Members of the St. on January 25, 1857. His first edu- place for four nights, beginning street, Sunday, April SO, at 8:10, opics which was ably handled by the I S the speakers were the Rev. | sanctuary.. They were attired fat Jam€e s M. Delaney, spiritual director ! spotless white to typify the volved "The Detroit Free Press," I Joseph's Men's Conference, of which cation was received in St. Mary's | April 25, in the Irene Kaufmann Set i daylight saving time. Practically all Rev. Michael J. Hegerich, assistant! (fee Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, fa- j he had been president for about • tlement Theater, under the auspice* I men in attendance will receive Holy pastor of St. Peter's church, McKees- of the Diocesan Union Holy Name °f their youthful heart«, and aaomc_ parochial school, from which "he Society; the Rev. Bertrand Brook-1 w'th the graceful folds of th* coo» i no us radio priest, and the Roose-! thirty-seven years, attended the ob- later on transferred to St. Philo- of the Pittsburgh Drama Li ague. j Communion and a majority of them port. Incidentally, Father Hegerich velt administration. | sequies in a body. , | Rev. E. Lawrence O'Connell, t|ie will afterwards attend the special was the speaker for the special Holy man, O.M.Cap., and the Rev. Victor | ventional bridal veil to nymbolist « mena's school. Here he first came Green, O-M.Cap., retreat director and ! ^eir spiritual espousals with thçit On February 14, Governor Wil- under the influence of the *Redemp- most outstanding director of church breakfast at Hotel Mayfair, though Week program of the Study Club The Solemn Mass of Requiem was plays in the city, will coach the play- j end spoke on "The Seven Last Words assistant retreat director, respective- ' Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, liam A- Com=took handed the city I celebrated in St. Joseph's church, torist Fathers. Having evinced an this attendance is not obliged. The ly, of St. Fidelis' Laymen's Retreat j They were accompanied by ai* a Valentine in the form of a proc- inclination for the religious life, in ers, the play chosen being one ol the j speaker for the breakfast program of Christ." A local Catholic priest Ortnsby avenue, Mt. Oliver, where is in attendance at every meeting,i league, Herman; thé Rev. Charles ; young aspirants of St. Joseph'a Pn» lamation which closed all banks in the deceased had faithfully dis- 1871 he entered St. James' college, I classics of the modern one-act play | will be the Relevv . Dr. Paul E. Camp- v : repertoire. "The Old Lady Shows I dent of paris h and questions of the day arc dis-l Kerr of Holy Rosary parish, j paratory Class, carrying the die state and led to a national bank charged his religious obligations for Baltimore, Md., the Redemptorist bell, superinte I Homewood, who is a native of St. i K'ous Habits for the spiritual bridai, ? i Her Medals," was written by Sir school Si The to; ¡tm aster will be Da- cussed freely and with assurance holiday. After various plans for re- well-nigh 50 years. His son, the Rev. j Minor seminary. He made his pro- that the Catholic point of view ' j Mary's parish, and John McShane, ! which they placed at the aide thaiâg James M. Barrie, whose plays wear vid M. Martin and the committee ma opening the two old banks had Peter J.
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