The Jewish Herald in Rhode Island FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1952 PROVIDENCE, R
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........ Beth-El I Tem9le 688 Broad st. R. I. y p evi dence , I Attn : 1.,,1. ..,.. s P i \'.\C US Rhode lslond's _Only Anglo-Jewish Greatest Newspaper Independent Weekly_ The Jewish Herald in Rhode Island FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1952 PROVIDENCE, R. I. SIXTEEN PAGES I , VOL. XXXVII, No. 1 10 CENTS THE COPY I Hundreds of Volunteers to Canvass City on BIG .Day Ohio Travelers' To Meet at 9 A.M. Read the Herald For Breakfast· The Herald has turned up in some distant places in the past, Providence volunteers for BIG but a recent occurrence in the DAY next Sunday, March 9, will Mid-West merits repeating. The listen in on a coast-to-coast story was told by Robert (Pat) special telephone hookup du ring .-· Novgrad, formerly of Provi their pre-canvassing breakfast at ' dence, now a traveling sales the Sheraton-BilLmore at 9 A. M . man out of Hartford, Conn. The signal for the start of BIG Pat relates. tha t he was on a DAY by Rudolf G. Sonneborn, train running between Cincin president of the Bonds of the nati a nd Dayton; Ohio when he Israel Government organization, noticed . that a fellow passenger will be followed by remarks from was reading a newspaper that Henry Morgenthau, Jr., chair looked suspiciously like t h e man of the Board of Governors of Herald. the Israel Bond Issue; and Golda Closer investigation revealed Myerson, Minister of Labor in the that this actually was the case; Israel Government, speaking from so Novgr a d introduced himself Washington , D. C. to the stranger, who also was Joining with lay leadership in originally from this city, and Providence a nd in other cities told of his Providence back and towns throughout the United ground. States in stressing the importance The two men then continued _of BIG DAY to the J ews of their journey, each perusing a America and Israel ar e religious section of the latest issue. leaders. They point to the fact that Governor Dennis J. Roberts signs a document proclaiming Sunday, I Purim , which begins only two days March 9 to .-be BIG DAY, when hundreds of volunteers will canvass after BIG. DAY, is the holiday that Jori Registration in Providence and in other ~bode Island communities for Bonds of Go\'ernor celebrates the rescue of Jews from the Israel Government. Present a t signing were, left to right, Benja- , Mayor their oppressors. min R. Albert, Providence Israel Bonds Committee chairman; Mrs. Bertram Bernhardt, co-marshal ; and Saul Abrams, marshal for BIG On S unday, volunteer workers Starts Monday DAY in Providence. will visit the homes of fellow Jews Issue Proclamation who have not previously bough t Acting on the recommendations The Governor of Rhode Island Israel Bonds, and ask them to l of a Camp Jori survey, the board a nd the Mayor of Providence both m ark the Purim holiday by buying of directors of the Jewish Child GJC Allocations Group took official cognizance this week Bonds of the State of Israel. ren's Home and Foundation has of BIG DAY, Sunday, March 9. -;;::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;; announced major program changes Each issued official proclama for t he 1952 camp season. To Hold Hearings Wed. tions calling attention to the im Scores of P-rizes ·Alex Rumpier, president of the portance of t he one-day drive for Foundation, revealed that the Wednesday evenin g, March 12 agencies. More than 12 groups Bonds of the Israel Government. camp will go on a three trip basis , will mark the first of a series of h ave submitted written requests In the document issued at City To b_e Awarded ' each period being of three weeks meetings of the Allocations Com to appear before the Committee. Ha ll, Mayor Walter H. R eynolds duration. T he fee for the three mittee of the General J ewish At the second meeting, the date asserted, in part, that: To Bond W orkers week period will be fifty dollars, Committee of Providence, Inc: to of which has not yet been decided , " . The entire western free including all expenses, plus a $1.50 Scores of valuable and attrac determine apportionment of funds some of the local agencies sup world h as thrilled to the em er tive prizes will be distributed health insurance fee. raised during 1951 by the GJC for ported by the GJC will send their gence of the State of Israel as a Rumpler indicated that the among the hundreds of men and distribution to nearly 60 local, na representatives for hearings. new outpost of democracy. women volunteers on BIG DAY, new three week periods will allow tional a nd overseas beneficiary Decisions concerning final allo " Americans in all walks for tetter programming. "Child Sunday, March 9 at the Sheraton- agencies. cations to be recommended to the of life have given wide recogni Biltmore Hotel. - ren now will be able to enter into The first m eeting will be de GJC's Board 6f Directors will be tion to th e needs of the Sta te of the camp spirit knowing tha t they voted to hearings for representa based upon evidence presented at Israel by supporting its Five The items. including electrical can finish m any projects they tives of those organizations which these preliminary h earings-to Hundred Million Dollar Inde a ppliances, jewelry, ho s i e ry , start," he said. Arrangements are have requested an opportunity to get her with comprehensive data pendence Bond Issue." household furnish ings, wine, and being made for a th ree day orien appea r before the Alloca tions in the form of an "allocations Mayor Reyn olds also noted tha t leather goods, h ave been donated tation period at camp for the staff Committee to give information workbook" compiled under the the purchase of more than $101,- by public-spirited businessm en . to work out the new program and answer questions about the direction of Joseph Galkin, GJC 000,000 in Israel Bonds during All BIG DAY workers will have a schedule. Experts from the camp program and budgets of their , (Continued on Page 6) 1Contlnued on Page '6) chance to share in the awards, Ing field will participate in this starting at 4 P . M. institute. Acting as master of ceremonies "Th e Foundation policy of pro Mrs. Roosevelt Visits l·srael On Mid-East Tour a nd chief prize-giver will be Jan viding camperships when eligi Bart, popular singer -comedian. bility requirements are met will The following firms and indi be continued," Rumpler e m - viduals had, up to press-time, phasized. In 1951, 78 children given or promised gifts: A & C received full camperships. Appli Electric Supply Co., toaster; A & D cations for cam perships will be Products Co .. corn popper; Adler's available during the registration Hardware & Paint Co., fishing period. reel ; Albert Mfg. Co., jewelry; Camp Jori, located at Pt. Judith, a nonymous, necklace and earrings; accommodates 45 boys and 35 girls. There will be a staff of 20 American Luggage Works. lady's counsellors and a full-time regis overnight bag; Arden J ewelry Co.. tered nurse. The health insurance pearl necklaces. policy provides for complete medi H arry Ballon & Co., jewelry; cal coverage. Archie Bellln & Co., cam eo pins; Arrangements have been com ' Bergere, Inc., costume jewelry; pleted for the camp to utilize the Berkley & Co., jewelry; Leo a nd Sand Hill Cove beach area. This William Bojar, jewelry; Harry move was made to allow the Chaet, candy; Concord Mfg. Co., campers an opportunity to learn lady's locket; Dauer & Son, basic and advanced swimming jewelry; Dorette Novelty Co., techniques. In the past Scar jewelry; Edison Electric Supply borough State Beach was the Co., electric clock. camp swimming area. Faln's, cutlery set and chopping Rumpler stressed t hat Camp bo ard ; Foster Jewelry Co., Jori Is open to the entire com jewelry; General Wine Co., case munity and is not maintained for of Welch's Wine; George Gerber any particular group. The camp Co., table radio; Gracious Living, (Continued on Pare 6) cameras; F . M. Heller Mfg. Co., Jewelry; Sydney Hoffman, electric Iron; Hyman's Loan Co., clock. The A visit to Israel was high on the calendar of a · recent tour of strategic Middle East countries Ideal Home Equipment Co., undertaken by Mrs. Franklin D, Roosevelt. Her trip in Israel Included visits to settlements, major carving set and Jewelry; J ack's Children's Page cities and a first-hand inspection or Israel's growin g economic might. During her stay ln the J ewish Variety Store, groceries; K ane's, IN THIS ISSUE State, the former first lady spent an afternoon with Prime Mlnlster David Ben-Gurlon. Amid a dis leather goods; · Kaplan's, m en 's cussion of problems facing the Middle East, the wife of the late FDR and Mr. Ben-Gurlon enjoyed a On Page 10 Jewelry; Kestenman Bros., Iden cup of tea. Later, Mrs. Roosevelt spent hours touring new colonies springing up In Israel, se~king out tification bracelets; Kotler & Ko- and chatting with Israel's leaders of tomorrow, her youth. (American Jewish Press Photos from I .S.I.l (Contlnued on Page 6) \, ,: THE PROVIDENCE .JEWISH H ERALD, J:;RIDAY, MARCH 7, 1952 Ahavath Sholom, then located at The New Miriam Hospital will Jewish Community Center 27-21. Memoria lized The Globe Trotters led at the Scott. and Howell S treets. He was be one of the m ost modem hospi instrumental in planning the pre - tal buildings in America--<:0m quarter 6-4, and at the.