........ Beth-El I Tem9le 688 Broad st. R. I. y p evi dence , I Attn : 1.,,1. ..,.. s P i \'.\C US Rhode lslond's _Only Anglo-Jewish Greatest Newspaper Independent Weekly_ The Jewish Herald in Rhode Island FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1952 PROVIDENCE, R. I. SIXTEEN PAGES I , VOL. XXXVII, No. 1 10 CENTS THE COPY I Hundreds of Volunteers to Canvass City on BIG .Day Ohio Travelers' To Meet at 9 A.M. Read the Herald For Breakfast· The Herald has turned up in some distant places in the past, Providence volunteers for BIG but a recent occurrence in the DAY next Sunday, March 9, will Mid-West merits repeating. The listen in on a coast-to-coast story was told by Robert (Pat) special telephone hookup du ring .-· Novgrad, formerly of Provi­ their pre-canvassing breakfast at ' dence, now a traveling sales­ the Sheraton-BilLmore at 9 A. M . man out of Hartford, Conn. The signal for the start of BIG Pat relates. tha t he was on a DAY by Rudolf G. Sonneborn, train running between Cincin­ president of the Bonds of the nati a nd Dayton; Ohio when he Israel Government organization, noticed . that a fellow passenger will be followed by remarks from was reading a newspaper that Henry Morgenthau, Jr., chair­ looked suspiciously like t h e man of the Board of Governors of Herald. the Israel Bond Issue; and Golda Closer investigation revealed Myerson, Minister of Labor in the that this actually was the case; Israel Government, speaking from so Novgr a d introduced himself Washington , D. C. to the stranger, who also was Joining with lay leadership in originally from this city, and Providence a nd in other cities told of his Providence back­ and towns throughout the United ground. States in stressing the importance The two men then continued _of BIG DAY to the J ews of their journey, each perusing a America and Israel ar e religious section of the latest issue. leaders. They point to the fact that Governor Dennis J. Roberts signs a document proclaiming Sunday, I Purim , which begins only two days March 9 to .-be BIG DAY, when hundreds of volunteers will canvass after BIG. DAY, is the holiday that Jori Registration in Providence and in other ~bode Island communities for Bonds of Go\'ernor celebrates the rescue of Jews from the Israel Government. Present a t signing were, left to right, Benja- , Mayor their oppressors. min R. Albert, Providence Israel Bonds Committee chairman; Mrs. Bertram Bernhardt, co-marshal ; and Saul Abrams, marshal for BIG On S unday, volunteer workers Starts Monday DAY in Providence. will visit the homes of fellow Jews Issue Proclamation who have not previously bough t Acting on the recommendations The Governor of Rhode Island Israel Bonds, and ask them to l of a Camp Jori survey, the board a nd the Mayor of Providence both m ark the Purim holiday by buying of directors of the Jewish Child­ GJC Allocations Group took official cognizance this week Bonds of the State of Israel. ren's Home and Foundation has of BIG DAY, Sunday, March 9. -;;::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;; announced major program changes Each issued official proclama­ for t he 1952 camp season. To Hold Hearings Wed. tions calling attention to the im­ Scores of P-rizes ·Alex Rumpier, president of the portance of t he one-day drive for Foundation, revealed that the Wednesday evenin g, March 12 agencies. More than 12 groups Bonds of the Israel Government. camp will go on a three trip basis , will mark the first of a series of h ave submitted written requests In the document issued at City To b_e Awarded ' each period being of three weeks meetings of the Allocations Com­ to appear before the Committee. Ha ll, Mayor Walter H. R eynolds duration. T he fee for the three mittee of the General J ewish At the second meeting, the date asserted, in part, that: To Bond W orkers week period will be fifty dollars, Committee of Providence, Inc: to of which has not yet been decided , " . The entire western free including all expenses, plus a $1.50 Scores of valuable and attrac­ determine apportionment of funds some of the local agencies sup­ world h as thrilled to the em er­ tive prizes will be distributed health insurance fee. raised during 1951 by the GJC for ported by the GJC will send their gence of the State of Israel as a Rumpler indicated that the among the hundreds of men and distribution to nearly 60 local, na ­ representatives for hearings. new outpost of democracy. women volunteers on BIG DAY, new three week periods will allow tional a nd overseas beneficiary Decisions concerning final allo­ " Americans in all walks for tetter programming. "Child­ Sunday, March 9 at the Sheraton- agencies. cations to be recommended to the of life have given wide recogni­ Biltmore Hotel. - ren now will be able to enter into The first m eeting will be de­ GJC's Board 6f Directors will be tion to th e needs of the Sta te of the camp spirit knowing tha t they voted to hearings for representa­ based upon evidence presented at Israel by supporting its Five The items. including electrical can finish m any projects they tives of those organizations which these preliminary h earings-to­ Hundred Million Dollar Inde­ a ppliances, jewelry, ho s i e ry , start," he said. Arrangements are have requested an opportunity to get her with comprehensive data pendence Bond Issue." household furnish ings, wine, and being made for a th ree day orien­ appea r before the Alloca tions in the form of an "allocations Mayor Reyn olds also noted tha t leather goods, h ave been donated tation period at camp for the staff Committee to give information workbook" compiled under the the purchase of more than $101,- by public-spirited businessm en . to work out the new program and answer questions about the direction of Joseph Galkin, GJC 000,000 in Israel Bonds during All BIG DAY workers will have a schedule. Experts from the camp­ program and budgets of their , (Continued on Page 6) 1Contlnued on Page '6) chance to share in the awards, Ing field will participate in this starting at 4 P . M. institute. Acting as master of ceremonies "Th e Foundation policy of pro­ Mrs. Roosevelt Visits l·srael On Mid-East Tour a nd chief prize-giver will be Jan viding camperships when eligi­ Bart, popular singer -comedian. bility requirements are met will The following firms and indi­ be continued," Rumpler e m - viduals had, up to press-time, phasized. In 1951, 78 children given or promised gifts: A & C received full camperships. Appli­ Electric Supply Co., toaster; A & D cations for cam perships will be Products Co .. corn popper; Adler's available during the registration Hardware & Paint Co., fishing period. reel ; Albert Mfg. Co., jewelry; Camp Jori, located at Pt. Judith, a nonymous, necklace and earrings; accommodates 45 boys and 35 girls. There will be a staff of 20 American Luggage Works. lady's counsellors and a full-time regis­ overnight bag; Arden J ewelry Co.. tered nurse. The health insurance pearl necklaces. policy provides for complete medi­ H arry Ballon & Co., jewelry; cal coverage. Archie Bellln & Co., cam eo pins; Arrangements have been com ' Bergere, Inc., costume jewelry; pleted for the camp to utilize the Berkley & Co., jewelry; Leo a nd Sand Hill Cove beach area. This William Bojar, jewelry; Harry move was made to allow the Chaet, candy; Concord Mfg. Co., campers an opportunity to learn lady's locket; Dauer & Son, basic and advanced swimming jewelry; Dorette Novelty Co., techniques. In the past Scar­ jewelry; Edison Electric Supply borough State Beach was the Co., electric clock. camp swimming area. Faln's, cutlery set and chopping Rumpler stressed t hat Camp bo ard ; Foster Jewelry Co., Jori Is open to the entire com­ jewelry; General Wine Co., case munity and is not maintained for of Welch's Wine; George Gerber any particular group. The camp Co., table radio; Gracious Living, (Continued on Pare 6) cameras; F . M. Heller Mfg. Co., Jewelry; Sydney Hoffman, electric Iron; Hyman's Loan Co., clock. The A visit to Israel was high on the calendar of a · recent tour of strategic Middle East countries Ideal Home Equipment Co., undertaken by Mrs. Franklin D, Roosevelt. Her trip in Israel Included visits to settlements, major carving set and Jewelry; J ack's Children's Page cities and a first-hand inspection or Israel's growin g economic might. During her stay ln the J ewish Variety Store, groceries; K ane's, IN THIS ISSUE State, the former first lady spent an afternoon with Prime Mlnlster David Ben-Gurlon. Amid a dis­ leather goods; · Kaplan's, m en 's cussion of problems facing the Middle East, the wife of the late FDR and Mr. Ben-Gurlon enjoyed a On Page 10 Jewelry; Kestenman Bros., Iden­ cup of tea. Later, Mrs. Roosevelt spent hours touring new colonies springing up In Israel, se~king out tification bracelets; Kotler & Ko- and chatting with Israel's leaders of tomorrow, her youth. (American Jewish Press Photos from I .S.I.l (Contlnued on Page 6) \, ,: THE PROVIDENCE .JEWISH H ERALD, J:;RIDAY, MARCH 7, 1952 Ahavath Sholom, then located at The New Miriam Hospital will Jewish Community Center 27-21. Memoria lized The Globe Trotters led at the Scott. and Howell S treets. He was be one of the m ost modem hospi­ instrumental in planning the pre­ - tal buildings in America--<:0m­ quarter 6-4, and at the.
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