GJC Women's -Division ·Names -Officers
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Temple Beth-El 688 Broad. St. Prcvide:i ce, R. I. Only .Anglo-Jewish Serving 30,000 Newspaper in This State in Rhode Island The Jew,rstr Herald VOL. XXXIV, NO: 16 FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1949 PROVIDENCE, R. L TWENTY PAGES 7 CENTS THE COPY Camp Centerland GJC Women's -Division ·Names -Officers Opens Monday Plans Made for Camp Centerland, the country - day camp operated by the •Jewish Community Center, begins its sec ond season Monday at the camp Early Campaign site in Hope. ready for almost 300 ' children throughout the summer. Campaign plans for the Wo men's Division of The General Milton Kay, day camp commit: Jewish Committee of Providence tee chairman, recently announced are now swinging into full gear that the staff of 33 counselors with the announcement of divi and supervisors and 13 junior sional officers. Mrs. Albert Pila counselors will be in charge of vin, chairman. reports a quick activities. Swimming, scheduled a c c e p t a n c e by all those ap for twice daily, will be under the proached thus far in this great supervision of Arthur Levin, a attempt to end the misery of our certified Red Cross swimming in people overseas. structor. Mrs. Bernard Pollock is The following is a list of the the camp nurse. officers appointed to date. Cap The camp is completely en tains for the "M" DAY drive will rolled for the first four weeks. be announced at a later date. Parents are advised to make ap And elsewhere in the HERALD plications immediately for the there is an opportunity for every 1 i m i t e d number of vacancies Jewish woman in Providence, who available for the second period. MRS. MAX L. GRANT MRS. ARTHUR J. LEVY MRS. AL VIN A. SOPKIN wishes to take part in the one ----------------------~- - day campaign to sign up for the September campaign. Israel to Reduce 5400 American Associate chairmen: Mrs. Max Arab Underground Railway Used by Mufti L. Grant, Mrs. Arthur J. Levy, Tourists in Israel Mrs. Alvin A. Sopkin. Special Cost of Living TEL AVIV- An Arab "under It was learned Monday from offi-· Gifts: Mrs. Nathan Samors, Mrs. TEL AVIV- The Israeli Gov ground railway" operated from cials of the American· Friends TEL AVIV-5400 tourists, most Samuel Michaelson. Special Gifts ernment intends to lower the cost Palestine areas held by Trans Service Committee, which is ly American Jews, arrived in Is co-chairmen; Mrs. A b r a h a m of living by 25 percent within the jordan through Israeli territory handling relief for the Arab refu rael during the last ten weeks. Black.man, Mrs. Albert Cohen next few months, Eliezar Kaplan, to Egypt-held Gaza districts is gees in the Gaza area, that the While the governJllent and people Mrs. Irving I. Fain, Mrs. Thoma; Minister of Finance, told the being used mainly by followers major surreptitious movements of of Israel are pleased with this Goldberg, Mrs. Joseph W. Ress. Knesset last week. He emphasized and supporters of -Raj Amin El Arabs across Israel is toward the influx of tourists who spend con Mrs. Abe C. Fine, Mrs. Samuel that the high cost of living is Husseini, exiled Grand Mufti of sea from the Hebron area to the siderable amounts of money in Rosen, Mrs. Charles Temkin, Mrs. frightening away investors and Jerusalem, who are escaping from Egyptian-occupied Gaza coastal the new State, nevertheless tour Henry Hassenfeld, Mrs. Samuel constitutes an obstacle to deve King Abdullah's jurisdiction. strip. ism as a whole is looked at ask Rapapo1:te Jr. T e I e p h o n e lopment of the country. Conflicting reports appearing The Egyptian military authori ance in Israel now. squad chairman: Mrs. David Ba in the Arabic and Hebrew news ratz. "M"-DAY chairmen: Mrs. The Israeli Minister estimated ties in Gaza approached the Am Conditions in the country are papers last week-end stirred con erican Friends Service Commit so bad, and hotel and other ac Harry Fowler, Mrs. Morris Ba that the Jewish state will this siderable speculation here as to tee 15 days ago and presented a commodations are so scarce that ruch, Mrs. Samuel Chernov, Mrs. year have to import $180~000,000 the direction of the "railway" and list of 364 new arrivals, for whom tourists are subjected to many Burton Finberg. Special assign worth of goods, including $100,- its purposes. ments committee; Mrs. Herbert 000,000 for essential commodities. the Egyptians requested food ra inconveniences and they leave Is ' tion cards and other relief sup rael displeased. M. Woolf. Mrs. Samuel Schneider. It is therefore imperative to re Public relations; Mrs. Robert strict the import of the non-es plies. It was explained by the Apart from that, they actually Mrs. Nelson Gives Egyptians that the newcomers deprive the natives of food and Hochberg, cha irman . Public rela sential goods and to develop Is accommodations. tions co-chairmen, Mrs. William raeIi exports to the largest pos were "political refugees." Check to Hadassah Although not expressed, the im G . Braude, Mrs. Charles Reit sible degree'. he declared. plication was clear that the "refu-· man. Mrs. Martin Silverstein, The chief problem facing Is- A check for $1 ,000 for the Negev Mm. J acob Temkin, Mrs. Nathan rel. he pointed out, is the need Hospital in Palestine was pre gees" seeking asylum were parti sans of the Mufti who had active HOME N"EWS Traber. Motor corps chairmen. for increasing production in order sented by Mrs-. Gussie Nelson, Mrs. Joseph Adelson , Mrs. Nor to halt the inflationary trend in president of the Ladies' Union ly opposed Abdullah's plan to On Page 17 the country. Schemes for the use League for Consumptives, to tep annex the Ara b parts of Palestine man Fain. Arrangemen ts com to Transjordan. m ittee: Mrs. Charles Brown , Mrs. of savings which will be accumu- resentatives of Providence Chap Barbey Kay. Mrs. Joseph J . Seef lated through the reduced cost of ter of Hadassah, at the annual er, Mrs. Archie Albert, Mrs. Eph living are now being formula ted, bridge of the league at the J ew raim Feingold. he said. The government is plan- ish Community Center June 14. ning to increase production and Ra b b i Joshua Werner wns Ruvain Klein Wins Year's Study in Israel encourage foreign investment by g·uest speaker. Chairmen of the lowering duties on building ma- 1affair were Mrs. Morris Kelman Ruvain Klein, son of' Mr. and Comb Palestine terials. and Mrs. Lewis Spader. Mrs. Aaron Klein of Rocham beau Avenue, will leave Sunday for a year's stay in Israel. under For Scriptural Scroll a scholarship awarded him by the AMMAN. Jordan- A search is Rhode Island Zionist Region, now going on for a scriptural Fol low the Trend Frank Licht, president of the re manuscript. older than a ny yet gion. announced this week. known. which is believed to be The scholarship, which consists somewhere in Palestine. prob In the North End of six months study in the Heb ably in the hands of a nomadic rew University Annex and s ix shepherd. months in a kibbutz, was awarded Its existence can only be sur to Ruvain by the judges. Rabbi mised from the discovery of frag Rabbi Klein Morri s G . Schussheim, Mrs. ments in a cave from which other The Jewish Herald Radio Program Archibald Silverman and Dr. Ilie scrolls have been taken . But Ger Berger. ald Harding, director of Antiqui presents Ruvain. a 19-year old sopho ties of the J ordan Government. more at Brown University where says he is con vinced that at least Rabbi Carol Klein he is a member of Hillel and one scroll and perhaps more were OF CONGREGAT ION SONS OF JACOB IZFA, has also studied at the found. besides the eight already Boston Hebrew Teachers College. known. a nd that they are prob In a discussion on the proposed Both his parents are associated ably still in existence. His hope is Menorah Community House with the religious school of Tem that the shepherd who made the ple Emanuel, his father being original discovery. if he can be SUNDAY EVENING, JUNE 26 AT 6 :30 O'CLOCK director of religious education I RUV AIN KLEIN found, may know what became Ove r Station WHIM there. of the extra scroll or scrolls ALSO: Music, News and Comment by Art Milne r Ruvain will have little trouble since Hebrew is spoken in the I which a re of priceless value ~ in conversing with Israeli citizens. Klein home. a rchaeologists. , man Funeral Hom e with Rabbi : Willia m Braude officiating. Burial N Young Adults Map Plans for Campaign 1was in Beth El Cemetery. 1 She was born in Charlotte I N._C .. a daughter of the lat~ Michael a nd Caroline Lichtenstein ! and had resided in Providenc~ for 45 years before moving to Greenwood fi ve years ago. l\liss Lichtens tein was a member of : Temple Bet h E l. i Survivors are -three brothers· Lewis oi G reenwood , Sa muel of i Cranston. a nd William of Boston. ~ h e family .of the late .-\:'\:S IE R dst (B E R M.-\~) .-\B R .-\nSO:S wish to thank their m a n v friends a nd relatives for th~ kind. - expressions of symp~thy extended them in t heir recent berea;-~m e n t. · T he family of the late iU .-\...X H ERCO\" wish to t h ank their many relatives and friends for t h e kind expressions of svm 111 i'r"O, IU,13 1ST.