VrBT PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILV CIRCUIiATIOX : THE WEATHER, OF THE EVENING HERALD : - ■ ■■^■^■^ for the month of March, 1026, Probably ..local ahowem toiU ^t and Saturday.' Somewhat co

FORD INVESTS FFl’ER RDODE ISLAND WILL IN LEAKY ROWBOAT. A Real Smile HAVE SU^AY MOVIES UNWED MOTHER WIRTALLA Tft ROQSEmT IN Providence, April 23.—Sun­ RIM QUESHON’ I Wellesley. Mass., April 23.— day movie shbws will open In A leaky old rowboat, warped every city of the; state except and ready for the kindling Pawtucket- next Sunday. Mono­ IS ACCUSED OF woodpile, stood in the yard of HGHT FOR HIS SPEiHLASHES logues. singing’ and sketches IS POlSOliie William Diehl, a liveryman. will go on with the movies. •’Take five dollars for it?” Both branches of the legisla­ asked William Taylor, repre­ JOB FORCE V O L S ™ ACT ture have passed the Lawton SUYING CHILD sentative of Henry Ford, m 0 1 roimcs Sunday movie bill and Governor searching for an ancient sign Pothler signs It today. for the famous W’ayslde Inn. ♦ "Sold,” leplied Diehl, pocket­ Rockville Girl Smothered ing the five dollar note. Policeman Withdraws His T. R. Jr^ Ont for Modffica- Chicago Mayor, Asserting The ancient boat will go f > witli Mr. Ford’s antique collec­ Enforced Resignations; tioi^ Declares Dry Law GREATNEW JERSEY Three Months’ Old Infant, tion at Sudbury. Law Is Ehforcible, Is Detectives Say — She 6- To Have Hearing Before Has Bred Law Violation FIRE IS M T E N Convinced It Is Riuning Denies Accusation. OFFICIAL FAMILY Board Thursday. on a Gigantic Scale. Government, He Says. Hundred Houses Gone as New York, April 23.—Theodore (Special

•S. ■ - V-; i-.fr-; i.y...... ■ A .‘•'W- i ... •’■< • ■77'“ & 4 " k . 4 FACE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 29,

New Brit. Mach, pfff.102 __ Brie ...... 32% Niles.Bt. Pd. N. Stock 19 22 Erie 1st ..... 41% North & J u d d ...... 23 25 Gen Asphalt . 67% lANDYKlD'TRIAL CLARA nOLLiPS c m 3 MONTHS Y I E A T H ^ ' J R Montgomery pfd. — HO Gen Elec ... ,310% WITHOUT FAITH, } R Montgomery com. — lOO Gen Mot...... 124% Peck, Stow & Wilcox 23 25 Great No. Pfd, 74% SEE DYING MOTHER JUMP IN 48 Hours Russfeli Mfg. Co...... — 75 111. Central ..120% MAY END TONIGHT TO AHEND,PARLEY Stanley Works com. . 75 77 Kennecott-Gop 62% San Quantin Warden Says He Smyth Mfg. C » ....3 7 5 400 Insplra Cop . . 22'% Torrlngton ...... 59 61 Will Not Obey Court Order Tuesday Temperature That of Louis & Nash.125% LOCAL STOCKS Underwood ...... 54 55 Lehigh Valley 83% Eight Witnesses of Alibi on Murderess. U. S. Will Not Withdraw any March 13, Thursday’s Union Mfg. Co...... 25 30 Marine Pr. . . 42 Belonged to June 6. Whitlock Coil Pipe . . — 25 Motor Wheel . 27 Sari'Quentin, Cal., April 23.- (FarnlBhed. by Pntnam « Co., U. S. Envelope pfd. .106 110 Norfolk West .146% Squad Swear Whittemore Clara^ Phillips, "tiger girl” and 6 CentrAl Row. Hartford, Conn.) from Geneva Preliminary New Haven, April 23.— ^Three Bonds. Natl. Lead ..150 "hamper murderess,” serving a months’ difference in weather con­ BidDid Htfd. Elec. Lgt. 7’s .220 230 termf of from ten years to life In Aetna Cas. & Sur. ■.. —• North Pacific . 71% Was in Philadelphia. ditions was made in forty-eight 700 East. Conn. Pow: 5s . 98100 N Y Central .126% San Quentin prison for the slaying Conference. .535 545 hours as a result of the sudden /* * Conn. L. P. 514's . . .108 109% N Y, N H & H. 37% of Alberta Meadows, who once coming of "summer type” weather,- ' A u tom obile...... 250 300 Conn. L & P 7’s ____ 113 115 staged a sensational flight from the Conn. General . . .. Pan Am Pet . 66 according to Leonard M. Tarr, head 1200 1400 B’dpt. Hyd. 5’s ...... 104% 106 Buffalo, N. Y., April 23.— With Los Angeles county jail to Hon­ Washington, April 23.— Reports Hartford F ire ...... 485 5 00 Pennsylvania . 52% of the weather bureau office here. People's Gas .120% testimony written into the record duras, will not be permitted tn go from London today that the United Htfd. Steam Boiler . . --- 70 0 which means either that Richard Mr. Tarr explained today that on Pierce Arrow . 27% to the death bed of her mother in States is considering withdrawing! Tuesday, April 20, the temperature National Fire ...... 600 715 Reese Whittemore is innocent of San Diego. Pressed Steel . 38% from the preliminary arms_confer-| was that of the average tor March F h oeiiix...... 5 2 0 5 3 0 the Bank of Buffalo hold-up and Warden Smith of San Quentin Travelers...... 0 60 0 80 New York Stocb Rep Ir & Steel Bl*% ence at Geneva, set for May 18, | 13, while on Thursday, April 22, R ea d in g...... 86% the Clifford murder, or that nine declared today that despite a court were vigorously denied today at Travelers rights . .. .210 215 defense witnesses are in danger of the temperature became that of the Ch R Isl & Pac 52% order issued in Los Angeles direct­ the State Department. average of June 6. The change Public Utility Stocks. perjury charges, today saw re­ ing the sheriff of Los Angeles to High Low South Pacific .100% Members of the American dele­ constitutes a record for the local Conn. Power Co. .. .240 260 Close sumption of the Baltimore bandit's take her to San Dfego for a last gation, it was said, have their At. Gulf. W. I. 36% 34% So. Railway .113 office. Conn. LP 7 % rfd. . .100 112 35 St. P a u l...... 11 trial and prospect of Its conclusion visit with her mother, Mrs. Phillips trunks packed, their passports in Htfd.- E. L. com. . . . .270 28 0 .-Vm Bert Siig. 25% 25% 25% before night. Studebaker .. 54% would not be permitted to leave the order, and passage booked on a TRIANGLE RESULTS IN Htfd. ^las com...... 60 6 2 .■\m Sii.gar Kef. 60 6 8 % 68% Opinion around the courtroom prison. • Am Tel & Tel. Union Pacific ,148% ship leaving New York one week So. N. E. Tel. Co. . -.14 6 152 145% 145% 145% appeared to be that District Attor­ from today. CANADIAN MURDER. -\naconda .... , 44 43% 43% U S Rubber . . 64% Mann facliii'ing Stocks, U S S te e l___ 123% ney Guy B. Moore must break the Much Pessimism. Am. Hardware Co. . . 78 81 Am Smelting .116% 115% 115% Philadelphia alibi, must rip it to Montreal, April 23.— A wife and Am L o c ...... 100% 99% Westln’house . 69% GOVERNOR CALLS OFF There is however, a considerable mother is dead, two little children American Silver . . . . 27 30 100% West. Union .141 pieces, or the "candy kid" will amount of pessimism in official cir­ Acme Wile com. . . . . --- 20 -\m Car Fndry . 09 OS 08 beat the electric chair, which are orphaned and a father faces the .■\tchison .... 132% 131 132%- cles here concerning the succesF of hangman’s rope— all through the Eigelow-Htfd. pfd. . . 0 5 102 TWO BURNED IN FIRE AT doesn’t mean quite so much as it PARLEY AT PASSAIC the gathering. Few officials be-^ Blgelow-Htfd. com. . . S 5 S ~ H o “3: .I tile workers schedule'^' to be held Hart & Cooley . . . . ,,18 5 ■--- 3 3 33 today. Firemen summoned by tel­ . .Stripped to its elements the case ing. house. Poitras upbraided his wife. ('lies iC Ohio 12,5% 124 1.'. Today our hat comes off in hon­ in Passaic this ri^'i'ning. She retorted, police said, with a Int. Sil. pfd...... 102 105 125% ephone put out the blaze with lit­ this morning stood a conflict be­ Cnic Steel . 6 0 6 8 %. 69 or of Chauncey Depew. There are Tho governor Rxp’ ’ i\ nesses declared Whittemore at­ \/ALU ES, such as these, ,are Appear at Bar for Impeach­ tended a birthday party up to four Rockville Saturday and Sunday ment Trial. hours before the bank messengers ^ rarities today. We’ve gone were slain last October 22. was Wednesday, April 28 Wasliington, April 23. — Tlie grilled mercilessly concerning her Bill Waddell the extreme limit in marking Senate today resumed its role of interest in Kramer. I BEBE DANIELS in | the price so low and by doing a liigli court of impeachment to And His Orchestra i f issue a summons for Federal Judge MORINO TO DEFEND vs« I “ Miss Brewster’s MiUions” | ■ jr-* so we offer you value that George W. English, of the Eastern Illinois District, to appear before Max Kabrick hasn’t been equalled in ^ its bar to answer charges of "high HIS TITLE SATURDAY And His Princess Orchestra crimes and misdemeanors". I TAMADGE ^ • 7^*® Night PatroF | months. He is called to appear on May 3. A d m is s io n ...... sqc. This preliminary move, calling Little Lewis Morino, 4 year old iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiff Judge English to appear to enter a kiddie Charleston champion of plea of “ guilty or not guilty," Ytill Mmiclioster, will have opposition L At an unusual price: pave tie way for the tenth im­ for his coveted honors tomorrow peachment trial in the history of afternoon. Little Phyllis Potts, the government. another 4 year old, and a resident If Judge English declines to re­ of Bristol, will be here to dance -4--, iK^ ^ spond to the subpoena, a plea of ag.Tinst Morino. "not guilty" will be entered in the The contest will be held at the court's record in his behalf and a State theatre as part of the Sat-' formal date set for the trial. urday afternoon performauce. STATE When Morino was named cham- picn last Saturday here the fact at SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. OHIO BAD MEN AT tracted attention throughout the state, and Immediately Miss Potts Now Playing ' Both light and dark pat­ was heraldfed as a batter kiddie END OF CAREERS Charleston exponent than Lewis I'orino. The results will be worth terns are included; single and watching. SELECT double-breasteds, too. Stripes, Only Lyon Brother Gets the plaides, plain colors and con­ Chair, Other Life Imprison­ DAYLIGHT TIME IN VAUDEVILLE ment, for Murder. ventional designs are to be Norwalk, O., April 23. - - Tin- THE VARIOUS STATES found in this vast selection. checkered careers of James and Leonard Lyon, Huron county bad men, were brought to a finish hen- Massachusetts and Rhode Is­ today when Judge Irving Carpenter land Make It Statewide; 7. SYNCOPATORS.7 formally sentenced James to die in the electric chair and imposed lif»' New York Cities Adopt It. 9 HOTTEST DANCING ACT IN VAUDEVILLE. 0 George H. Williams imprisonment on his brother, Leon­ ard. New York. April 23.— Daylight saving time becomes effective in 711-713 Main Street James was convicted by a jury New York City and many other FURMAN &' EVANS—Champion Sellers of Songs. last niglit of the murder of Spe­ eastern cities at 2 a[ m. Sunday. Johnson Block cial Agent Frank McGrath at the Railroads were making prepara­ ROSS & HAYES PARISH & PERU Lyon home near Havanna, 0., Feb­ tions today to conform with the So. Manchester ruary 18. change. Comedy and Classic. Bright Variety Bits. His brother Leonard, who fled to Various states handle the ques­ Michigan af'er the McGrath shoot­ tion of moving the clocks forward JEAN PHILLIPS & CO.—Bits of Songs and Dances. ' ing and on March 11 shot and se­ an hour differently. Massachusetts riously wounded Chief of Police and Rhode Island will both make Dougal McKenzie of Alpena when the change state-wide. There is a REX BEACH’S “THE BARRIER” recognized there, pleaded guilty law in Connecticut forbidding pub­ this morning. lic clocks to show any but stand­ ard time, yet many business firms MAURETANIA FOULS CABLE, in that state will accept daylight IS HELD FOUR HOURS. saving time. Practically all the Tomorrow Afternoon - New York, April 2 3.— The Mau­ large cities in New York state will retania, of the Cunard line, which push the clocks ahead an hour LEWIS MORINO — 4-Year-0 Id Champion Kiddie Charles- BAMFORTH’S arrived today at quarantine with Sunday. 666 passengers, was blocked in In Maine, only Portland and Bar ton vs. PHILLIS POTTS of Bristol, Also 4 Years of Ag^ reaching her pier when her anchor Harbor observe daylight saving F i r s t Anniversary Sale and cables fouled in a cable run­ time. Most large cities in New Jer­ ning across the Narrows from sey will change to the daylight Staten Island to Brooklyn. The time. We are offering savings in quality merchandise you cannot Brier was released after a delay of aftord to overlook. four hours. CHAIRMAN OP BOARD Sunday - Monday and Tuesday SALTS CO. RECEIVER. MUSSOLINI ADOPTS Norwalk, April 23.— William T. Pierce’s Paints and Varnishes BOXING AS EXERCISE Smith, a member of W. A. Harrl- 2ANC6R{Y5 Sporting Goods London, April 23. — Premier man and Co., New York, was today nHE strictly pure outsitic white that you can Mussolini has taken up the study nii.x, $2.75 a jrallon. Baseballs - Bats - Gloves - Catchers* named receiver for the Salts Tex­ Mitts. of boxing, a Central News dispatch tile Company, Bridgeport. Mr Varnishes, $3.00 gallon up. from Rome said today. The Pre­ Smith hag been chairman of ths Tennis Rackets - Tennis Balls, etc. mier has long been a keen follower the board of the Salts Co„ for some W ith Garden Tools of the sport but it was not until years, and will continue the firm. his return from Tripoli that he de­ Judge Thomas, who named the re­ “ The Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Hand Cul­ Fishing Tackle cided to take up the study person­ tivators. ceiver, set Mr. Smith’s bond at ally. ‘ $ 100, 000. Lawn Jilowers— 16” and 18” wide. Special! All Steel Rods, 69c. Judge John Pullman filed the Vanishing POLICE BLOCK WELCOME application for receivership on be­ Seeds TO BED U. S. SOLDIER. half of Frederick Vletor and Am erican” It’s planting time now ! Hardware — Tools New York, April 23.— A parade Achelis, of New York, sole credit­ of sympathizers which was broken ors, who have a claim of $1,600,- Fresh tested bulk and package Seeds of up by the police marked the arrival 000. Judge Carl Foster answered SPECIAL all kinds. Auto Windshields and Glass in New York of Walter Trumbull, the application in behalf of the Flower Seeds. an American ex-soldier whose 26- Salts Co., admitting all allegations. School Six months in the making in PROLOGUE Grass Seed of all kinds. Visit our store. See the array of things year‘ sentence for attempting to or­ the majestfc Arizona canyons. you need for your house and garden. ganize a revolutionary Communist MANY KILLED WHEN Children league among his fellow soldiers in g r Be k s h e l l s e x p l o d e . According to the New York Beautiful Honolulu last spring, was commut­ London, April 23.— Many lives Matinee 10 per cent Reduction On All Merchandise ed to a year. Sun “The Vanishing Ameri­ are believed to have been lost ip M onday at Stage the explosion of an ammunition can” “is a film that reaches epic dump near Salonika yesterday, a^A 4i00 P. M . JACK QUINN NOW ON grandeur at times, spectacular Setting FIFTH Big l e a g u e c l u b . cording to' a Central News dlspatcl from Athens. Six bodies hav* al Admission beauty at other times, and deep Pitcher Jack Quinn, veteran ready been recov^ed. 10c. major leaguer. Is now with his humanity at still other times.” fifth big time club. He has BAMFORTH’S been with the Yankees/ Red Seven Syncopators-- Haidware ~ Tools — Paint — Painters’ Supplies. Sox and Boston Braves.' Connie ALSO MATT MOORE in “THE FIRST YEAR” 891 M A IN s t r f f t t 1, ^'"dshields and Glass. Mack of the Athletics expects now playing at »»1 MAIN STREET-Johnson Block. SOUTH MANCHESTER to help his club considerably 2 SHOWS SUNDAY—6:45 and 8:45. MON, & TUESm 2:15, 7:00 and 9:00. this season. State. 't > 1 A A -I


generously shown this evening, and •alooD’.' I am convinced, however, OmCUL FAMILY you may be sure that it will echo ROOSEVELT IN SPEECH that the repeal or modification of and re-echo through my heart and the Volstead law does not predicate I will ever hold a large part of it the return of the saloon. That can AT WELDON PARH LASHES VOLSTEAD ACTbe preVehted by enactmient. no matter what may be thp stores 55“ of pleasure reserved for me in Eu­ “Were I a inember of the Federal Congress I would vote for the (Contlnaed trom page 1.) rope during my absence from Man­ (Coutinned from page 1.) chester and home. modification or repeal of the Vol­ "With a heart brimming over practicability. This, of coursei. la stead law and the substitution cither directly or Indirectly with therefor of some enactment permit­ T)r. Weldon. They were; William with gratitude, glowing with thoroughly wrong. It ja putting friendship’s best wishes to all the cart before the hors' ting the Increase of alcoholic con­ C. Cheney, O. E. Keith, Aaron tent to such a point as the Consti­ Johnson, Howell Cheney, Dr. W. R. gathered here this evening I say Unpopular Laws Pe: jlclons. au revolr, with fondest and most “ Laws that for o^e re on or an- tution might permit. Delimitation Tinker, Thomas G. Faulkner, should be left to the States individ­ Thomas Ferguson, Arthur Corbin, cherished hopes of seeing you soon other do not meet with t approv- Practical Savings For again.” al of the majority of a c immunlty ually. I believe this to be abso­ Raymond A. Johnson, Samael Nel­ lutely necessary.” son, Howard I. Taylor, Dr. F. A. 'Hiose Present. are particularly pernlclkus. It Sweet, G. H. Waddell and W. B. The party was closed with the may be that they are toojetrlct. It Rogers. singing of “ Auld Lang Syne.” may be that they are on. Borne sub­ Home Makers Mr. Rogers was the last speaker Those present were: ject which the average Individual ABOUTTOWN and his talk. In a humorous vein, H. C. Alvord, W. E. Alvord, believes is one that should not be was reminiscent of the strenuous Herbert H. Blssell, J. Frank Bow­ regulated by law, but should be A son was born today to Mr. and times he had while oti the Board of en, Louis Breen, James M. Burke, governed by the Innate, decency and Mrs. Michael Kleinschmldt of 94 The serious-minded young couple’s thoughts turn to a happy home. A home is just what you Selectmen with Doctor Weldon and N. A. Burr, M. D., W. J. Carr, honesty of the individual. Wells street. make it. It can either be a palace or a prison. Wealth is not necessary to happiness if the home the other members. He recited Howell Cheney, William C. Che­ “ Whatever the reason, however, some Inside facta about the system ney, Arthur Corbin, Robinson these laws lay themselves open to A marriage license was Issued is actually “ homey.” that the “ Big Four" used In the Crockett. Albert T. Dewey, Ed. C. careless violation, and careless vio­ yesterday at the town clerk’s of­ A shabbily or poorly furnished home drives men to clubs and the boys and girls out on to the conduct of town affairs. Becoming Elliott, Jr., T. D. Faulkner, Thom­ lation of one law breeds contempt fice to Robert Chambers and Eli­ streets. A tastily furnished home encourages domesticity. more serious as he ended his talk, as Ferguson, George Ferris, James for all laws. In this category zabeth Sanderson. Mr. Rogers said gatherings of this W. Foley, Albert B. Foy, S. G. comes the Volstead law. Perhaps character tended to wipe out ani­ Gordon, C. R. Hathaway, J. A. Hig­ no law in the community has cot^ Miss Emma Colver returned mosity which was bound to creep gins, M. D ., E. L. G. Hohenthal, tributed more to the breakdown of last evening from Sarasota, Flori­ Buy Your Complete Home Ojitfit Here In among the men of the town who Jr., George H. Howe, John H. the respect for law. da where she spent the winter. were called upon to administer Its Hyde, C. E. Johansson, Aaron “ Entirely outside of the moral affairs. Johnson, R. A. Johnson, S. E. or constitutional aspect of this law, About fifteen tables were filled Field Glasses as Present. Johnson, J. H. Johnston, Harry it has brought about law violation with whist players at St. Bridget’s i At A Real Saving In presenting Doctor Weldon a W. Keeney. Geo. E. Keith, J. H. on a more commercialized and gi­ parish hall last night. The whist At the present time we are offering complete Home Outfits at 1-3 off the regular price for pair of field glasses as a gift from Keith, William A. Khofla, John 1”. gantic scale than our country has was given by the Holy Name socie­ the party. Mr. Rogers paid a high Limerick, G. A. F. Lundberg, M. ever known before. ty, refreshments served and a so­ cash, or 10% off and 12 months to pay on our Profit Sharing Club Plan. compliment to the doctor for his D., Edward D. Lynch, F. R. Man­ Builds Crime Profession. cial time had by all. The prize faithful work as a town official, ning, D. C. Y. Moore. M. D., Jef­ “ This law has built up a profes­ winners were Mrs. Agnes Chartier and in behalf of those present frey Moriarty, Edward J. Murphy, sion in the United States, that of and George Moonan, first: Mrs. P. wished him a pleasant trip and a Samuel Nelson, P. J. O’Leary, the violators. Not only is there a Nelson and Alonzo Foreman, sec­ safe return. Alexander Rogers, Thomas J. Rog­ considerable body of our citizens ond; Mrs. Mary Bingham and Jos­ The doctor, with feeling, re­ ers, W. B. Rogers, Jas. E. Row­ engaged in making a living by vio­ eph Moriarty, consolation. sponded as follows: land, E. G. Seaman, Lewis H. Sipe, lating this law, buff there la an­ "Gentlemen: Wells A. StriCKland, Dr. F. A. other considerable body who live Frank J. Rlppin, who was for "I thank you from my heart Sweet, Howard I. Taylor, W. R. by preying on them, for corruption several years sales manager of the for this kind and much enjoyed re­ Tinker M. D ., R. V. Treat, Sam­ always breeds maggots. retail division of the C. R. Burr ception. And the most endearing uel Turkington, Robert N. Veitch, “ I have never been for the Vol­ Nursery company, and who left element of it all is the expression Francis Miner. stead law, primarily because It al­ their employ about a year and a of friendships, early made and long ways seemed that this would be the half ago to accept a similar posi­ enduring, in so uncertain a sea as FIREWORKS FACTORY result. The only time I could le­ tion in Rochester, N. Y., is coming anything like political life, its in­ BLAST KILLS SIX gally express my opinion thereon back to town. He wi.l be with the terests and occasions of miscon- was when the so called ‘Beer Bill’ Burr concern in the same capacity sfrugtion of one’s best motives. Tokio, April 23.— Six persons was before the Legislature when I as formerly. “ Among the many fond mem­ were killed and sixteen Injured to­ was a member. I voted for the ories I will take with me on this day in an explosionT in a fireworks Beer bill. Miss Henrietta Lamprecht, daugh trip to Europe is the friendship so factory at Hiroshima.lllr f‘‘Ot course. I am opposed to the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lamp­ recht of Village street and Fred­ erick C. Hurlburt of Burnside will Queen Anne Group For The be married at the home of the bride Wednesday afternoon, April 28. Dining Room $159 ;• Loyal Circle of Kings Daughters This is an unusual value and we have but two suites to offer at this price. Centei* church have prepara- It is excellently constructed, with many points in workmanship emphasizing its much higher ops well under way for their M.ay stival which will be given at the worth. Suite consists of table, 66-inch buffet, and set of six chairs with tapestry covered seats. irr’i May 7. Miss Lucile Chen- If you see this suite on our floor, you will surely buy it. ' is coaching the children in the aypole and other dances. \ Boys from Center church who New Styles Kroehler 're attending the Older Boys’ con­ ference at Bloomfield include Stu- ( Davenport Beds and Living Room Furniture. -’rt Roliinson, Russell Gould, El- New Styles ! New Patterns.! Low Prices I ott Knight, Rodney Wilcox, Frederick Bgrnsby, Sherwood Mc- This special sale of Kroehler Davenport Beds L Creery P"d Simon Dersahr~ian. and Living Room Suites is your opportunity to se­ J Ray C. Pillsbury, George H. Wil­ cure handsome new living room furniture — re­ cox and Lucius Foster furnished markable values— on most convenient terms. A /- their auto: oblles to convey the 00020002014830 party of boys representing the Hi- large assortment of living room suites and daven­ Y c’ub. Center and Second Congre­ port bed suites— a choice selection of covers— here gational churches to Bloomfield you will find just the suite you want—don’t wait this afternoon. but come in today. Mrs. Robert Templeton of Fos­ The suite shown on the left can be purchased ter street', who has been ill with a complete, or you can buy just the Davenport Bed. severe attack of grip, is improving. We are offering for a few days only the Daven­ port Bed covered all over with a fine grade of Forms for the Summer issue of e telephone directory close May Jacquard velour, for $128. Changes In present listing Mattress is included. mid be left at the local tele- one office as soon as possible.

»n S S BERTHA GOTTIER. Kroehler Davenport Bed with Mattress, G. E. KEITH FURNITURE CO.,___ ^ he Miss Bertha Gottier, aged 14, 5X28. MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS - SO. MANCHESTER, CT. one of the ten children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gottier, of West Willing- ton, but formerly of Manchester, Spring Suits You’ll Like died at her home Tuesday night after a two days’ illness of pneu­ You’ll like the way they’re made; you’ll like the careful atteii- monia which followed diabetes. Bertha was well known among HIGH SCHOOL NOTES tion to details; you’ll like the trim smartness of the new styles, the school children in the Eighth district where she formerly attend­ j » And here’s such a variety of new weaves and patterns that ed school. you’re sure to get just what you want. Born in Storrs, Bertha later Yesterday at the regular Thurs­ moved to Manchester with her par­ day afternoon assembly at the high FRADIN’S ents. They lived on Edward street school Principal Quimby. represent­ r.f the north end until about two ing the student body, awarded bas­ '■ears ago wlien they removed to ketball letters to the following who $ 2 5 to $ 5 5 '.Vest Willington. had played on the varsity team dur­ Saturday Special In addition to her mother and ing the past season: Elmo Mantelli, Saturday "■’.ther, Berth.x is survived by four captain; James Quish, Walter Hol­ Colorful IndividuaJity The Theme Of ■'•ters and five brothers. They land, Ivar Dahlqulst, Stanley Bray, Special re: Mrs. Gertrude Columbat, the Oliver Gotberg, Clarence Lacoss, Misses Clara. Louise and Sylvia and James Gorman. . Frank Hara- Dresses The New Foot-wear For Ladies Gottier, Fred. Jr., John, Edward, burda, the cheer leader, was also Henry and Walter. presented a letter. Mr. Quimby The opportunity for expressing your own personality in foot­ The funeral will be held Satur­ expressed appreciation for the ex­ day afternoon at 2 o’clock from cellent work done by the team. $15.75 wear, never more pronounced than this season, is at its best at Notwithstanding the defeat at Tufts Coats Wm. P. Quish’s undertaking par­ this store— lors. Rev. Gerber, of Rockville, tournament, he said, the team made High grade silks, will officiate. Burial will be in the a record for which it may justly be beautiful styles and For we select a limited number of many styles and replace East cemetery. The family has re­ proud. He said that everywhere expert workmanship quested that flowers be omitted. the boys had occasion to go, they them with still other varieties of the popular modes as soon as always had conducted themselves $ make these dresses re­ Friends of the little girl will be 17.95 markable for their allowed to see Bertha at the under­ in a creditable manner. They al­ they are sold. Thus you are always assured of finding the new­ ways played a clean game, and will taking parlors this evening. price. A good assort­ always be welcome again wherever ment of colors and est style versions here. they have gone, he said. Leading Spring B.\TTLE OF iMUSIC AT When graduation comes this styles bought from sizes. PRICED $5.00 AN D U PW AR D S. PRINCESS BALLROOM June, five of these athletes will be a manufacturer at a lost to S. M. H. . S. Dahlqulst, special low price War has been declared between Bray, Gotberg and Quish will grad­ The Newest Things In Furnishings Manchester and Rockville again, uate, while Mantelli will become in­ due to the back­ •ind the battle Is scheduled to take eligible because of age. The team ward sieason. Shirts "lace next Wednesday, April 28. at has always striven to hold high the the Princess ballroom, Rockville. name, glory and honor of their The best values New Trimmed Shirts that reflect “ Bill” Waddell and his orchestra school. obtainable. Spring time cheerfull- of this town has challenged Max Several awards were made in the Hats $3.75 Kabrick and his Princess orchestra commercial department for efficien­ ness— and good taste. of Rockville, to a battle of music Every new For dress, tailored cy In typewriting, to Anna Cervlni, Spring color and And they’ll look good in this popular ballroom. “ Bill” Marjorie H. Smith, Bernard Vidal f t and sports wear. way to vest-on time and his boys have been trying for and Marcella Welch. fabric. Straw, Swiss, halr- next Fall. a long time to have this battle, and L like hats, fabrics and Wednesday, April 28, has been se­ combinations of straws Priced $1.00 to $7.00. lected as the date. This Is bound to and silks. be a battle royal and It is expected UQUOR QUESTION IS flfct a very large delegation from Underwear i^^nchester will go to Rockville to POISONING POLITICS Light or lighter, knit |[^r these two orchestras play. underwear or athletic. lints. CHAPPELL’S FUNERAL. (Continued trom page 1) C oats styles. Cool as you •wish COATS of rich quality materials, dis­ Sport Coats authorities attempted to halt the to be. The funeral service of Mrs. Fan- tinctive -and youthful models that -^1^ (Jackmore) Chappell, was held Illicit trade. SPORT COATS for every type and every Choose your own leave nothing to be desired. C weight. her late home, 33 Cooper street, “No effort la made by local au­ need, of plaids and English ^ 1 A sterday afternoon at 2 o’clock, thorities to auppress this traffic,” Regular to $49.75 ...... v O O mixtures. Special ...... Priced $1.00 and up­ e funeral was largely attended Dever continued. “All around-us, wards. d there waa a profusion of flow- a great horde of places have sprung Rev. J. S. Nell officiated, pp that have no business to exist urlal waa In the East Glastonbury anywhere. They are as vile as can metery. A delegation from the he.” Boys Stocking Special The Mayor named Cicero, Ills., merlcan Insurance Union attend- prohibition hearings, It was an­ the funeral. Anthony Fortunate, as one of the lawless places on the charge, Gen. L. C. Andrews, assist­ Seven Syncopators-L W e have put on sale 50 dozen boys’ Black Cat 50c Stockii border of Chicago, but added that ant secretary Of the treasury, told nounced this afternoon -by Jnlien New York, son-in-law of Mrs. Codman, “pros-utlng attorney” happen, waa In charge of the ar- the towns of “Eyanston and Oak the committee. in black or brown, at 35c pair. 3 pair for $1.00. m for the wets, and tell of the-"wet hgementa. Park” were exceptions, because Andrews, recalled by the drys, now pla3ii^ at The the local authorities did enforce was not questioned about bis pre­ and dry” vote among Yale' Under­ graduates. FLIERS BEACH BANGKOK the laws. vious testimony that govelrnmbnt State. Andrews for Dry Unit. sale of beer would be a material aid r Reed (D., Mo.), declar­ London, April 23. -— The two . The dry law can never be en­ to law enforcement. ed the Yale News poll had-shown panlsh Madrid-to-Toklo filers ar- forced effectively until Congress To GaU Yale Eddtor the Prof. Irvirig Fisher, Yale eco­ C. E. House & Son, Inc. 'Washington. April 23-^The edi­ nomist, gave the committee incor­ Developing and printing, 24 hour ; Ived at Bangkok today in their passes the administration’s bill es­ service. Bring your , dims to tBUi* op from Rangoon, according to a tablishing an independent .prohibh tor of the Yole News will b’e sum- rect informatidn about the ‘attitude McNamara's Drug Store.-—adv. , Bangkok dispatch. tion bureau with a director ' Esenc^ as a witness Tn' the Seriate of Yale students on prohibition. MANCHESTER EVENING HBRAL’ D, FRIDAY, APlOL 28,1826. PAGE F O X ^, ■ RESERtE BANK CUTA ECONOMY GROCERY PARTY. adapted It to the screen. Warner act for tha opener o f the vaude­ University of Michigan, was re­ BEREDANIEI5 PLAYS Baxter and Ford Sterling have the FEDISCXhUNT RATE ported optimistic following spring two featured roles, playing oppo­ ville bill. They can do about ev­ CAUFORNU SCHOOL The Economy Grocery Company DANCING A O IS erything any vaudevlllian ever et- football practlce\ site the star. Clarence Badger, well Spaulding has a stiff schedule will, on Sunday, April 25th, act as IN POPULAR PICTURE known comedy director, produced tempted and they do all the tricks hosts to a large group of employees London, April 23---BritlBh fi­ well. Furman and Evans have a SEEKS GRID H0N(HIS for this fall climaxing November It from the screen play by Harold 27 In a game here , against Iowa and their families Ih their new Shumate and Lloyd Corrigan. It’s nance w®s er0ected today to. fol­ STATE FEATURE piano and singing act that Introduc warehouse at Park and Oakland es a number of new popular songs. State. a-Paramount picture. , low the federal .^erve bank In re­ avenues. East Hartford. Many will Millions have read the novel and ducing the re4«count rate from Both sing well and their songs are Los Angelas— ^University of thousands have seen the play. Now ■The other feature for tomorrow attend from distant points In the and Sunday Is a snorting melodra­ five to foiur..and ona-hall per cent. really new. Southern California wants to suc­ OIL MEN’S CLAIM ON state where Economy Grocery untold multitudes will have an op­ Jean Phillips presents a pretty ceed the University of Nebraska GERMANY DISmSSEO ma Illumined by booming coipedy The Federal Reaepe stores are located. Modem machin­ portunity!,to see the cinema^ ver­ the Unlte4 Btatia yesterday cut [llBHSiial Company of Synco- dancing act assisted by two young as the western nemesis of Notre sion. Gewge Barr McCutcheon’s romance with fun the main Ingre­ ery used In the preparation and dient! Dashing, daring Dick , Tal- the rate from four to three ane men. They offer the usual thing Dame’s famous football team. Washington, April 23.— A com- handling of foodstuffs will be in “ Brewstqt’s Millions” has been pators Could Not Appear in stage dancing, but Miss Phillips Coach Howard Jones, It was re­ blnatlon claim by the Standard Oil full operation._Entertainment will transferited to the screen with madge in a brand new role "The one-halt per caut» ; has the edge on a lot of them in ported today. Is going to “ point” Company of New York, the Sun Oil Bebe Daniels starred. It vrlU be at Night Patrol.” Today the Circle be provided In the form of a mo­ will present the last showing of looks. Rosa and Hays put on a his eleven all season for the Notre Company of Philadelphia and the tion picture show followed by a the Circfe Theatre Saturday and Dame game here December 4 and Buck Jones in “ The Desert Price” Last Night — Fine Picture. good comedy dancing and singing Pierce Oil Corporation of New York luncheon. Sunday, Seven Syn^pators-^ skit. The lady of the act is In will attempt to have the Trojans for $4,576,832 for damages to Of cop^se,. in the process of and Alice Calhoun In “ The Part line for the world championship fill the shoes of the Nebraska seven oil tankers by German sub­ transform^ion, lots of things have Time Wife.” for snappy comebacks. Cornhuskers, who defeated Notre marines was dismissed today by the changed. For instance, the title Is now playing at The (By Member Herald StaM) ^ Dame three times during the past The feature ftct of the State s A good comedy and news reel German American Mixed Claims now “Miss Brewster’s Millions,” select vaudeville program was not are on the program. four years. . _ Commission. ~ Watch Your Fra3, Puny and the action centers around a Glacier Natlohal Park covers an The Manchester Chamber of Southern California has a heavy The tankers were In service of girl. Instead of a man. Monty Brice area of over 1500 square miles. State. presented at last night s show, be­ schedule for 1926, climaxing with cause the members of the Seven Commerce and Sunset Rebekah the British and the companies Lodge attended last night’s per­ the clash against Coach Knute claimed the balance between thb Child Grow Strong, Syncopators had not arrived In Rockne’s eleven. • Manchester. The act was missed formance. amount paid by Great Britain and on last night’s bill, but the other Games against the powerful the total damage done by the sub­ Take on W ei^t numbers worked hard to make up AT NINETY IS J.4ILED Stanford and California elevens marines. AGAIN AS PICKPOCKET are expected to put the Trojans In for the void. The Seven Syncopators will play superb shape for the severe test In just a few days— quicker than BROKERS’ LOANS. at the State tonight and tomorrow. Cardiff, Wales, April 23— Henry they will face In Notre Dame. you ever dreamt of— these wonder­ They are colored dancers and they Tltch, aged ninety, has been Im­ Coach Jones will lose only five ful flesh making tablets called Mc­ veterans of his extremely large Washington. April 23.— Brokers’ have their own jazz band with prisoned for, six months for picking Coy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tab­ them. They reached the theaire pockets. Henry admits that he 1925 squad. Most Important In his loans by member banks of the Fed­ lets will start to help any weak, just as the show was closing last has engaged In crime since the age losses will be Earle, Adams, and eral Reserve, New York district, thin, under-nourished little one. night. The substitution was nec­ of fifty-three. Ho Is probably the Starke, ends. for the week ending April 14, After sickness and where rickets This year’s Trojan eleven will essary because of the sudden Ill­ world’s oldest prisoner. amounted to $2,451,339,000, a de­ are suspected they aro especially probably be built around Larenet- crease of $36,013,000' from the valuable. No need to give them ness of Bud Snyder, the Hippo­ ta at fullback and Morton Kaer, drome clown who was billed for NO BEAUTY, SAYS BETTY, preceding week, the Federal Re­ any more nasty Cod Liver Oil— veteran quarterback. the last three days. Manager BUT CAN WEAR CTX)THES serve Board announced today. these tablets are made to take the Drury and Boren.veteran half­ place of that good but evil smelling, Jack Sanson apologized to the backs, will complete the first large audience and Introduced London, April 23— Betty Blythe stomach upsetting medicine and string backfleld. Miss Mae Archer who sang two well known film star, is no beauty they surely do It. They do put on but she can wear clothes— at least Last season the Southern Cali­ a c q u it t e d OF SENDING solos. fornians were rated particularly RIVAL POISON CANDY flesh. Though the Seven Syncopators that is what she told the judge In Ask any druggist for McCoy’s the King’s Bench Division of the weak at tackle. A condition en­ haven’t been seen at work here tirely opposite was expected to pre­ Jersey City, April 23— Ernest Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets— Law Courts today. In the trial of as easy to take as candy and not at they carry enough good press no­ her suit against G. B. Samuelson, vail this season, as Jones will have Herman was acquitted by a jury tices with them to prove that they of a charge of sending poison all expensive— 60 tablets 60 cents. ti[ British film producer. One of a wealth of new and old material 11 are good. The feature on last to whip Into shape for the tackle candy to Otto Hartman, who de­ Be sure and get McCoy’s, the Betty’s complaints against Samuel­ ti night’s show was the motion pic­ berths. clared Herman stole Mrs. Hart­ original and genuine and give the m son Is that he did not furnish her child a chance for 30 days. If you ture. Lionel Barrymore, Henry with sufficient clothes to wear in At the University of California man's affections. Herman and Mrs. Walthal and Marcellne Day were aren’t delighted with results just u his production of “ She.” Southern Branch, Coach Bill Hartman then left the courtroom starred In Rex Beach’s famous Spaulding, romer mentor at the arm in arm. get your money back. Arctic drama, “ The Barrier.” NO BETTER OFF. Beach, an Inimitable story teller, Hub: Do you really need a new did his best work in “ The Barrier.” hat? it has all the necessary elements Wife: I always need a new hat. 79 YEARS OF SER'VING CONNECTICUT. for a big movie and the production Hub: Then what’s the use of at the State does It justice. Parish and Peru present a stunt getting this one?— Japan Advertis­ iv? er. TO CALL US WITHOUT CHARGE— Sage-Allen’s SIMPLY CALL 1500 JfnpCtation(i> Basement Store PreiAred at h o m e in a minute by briskly stir- r i n g t h e S a fe M ilk p o w d er in hot or cold and D ie t water. No c o o k in g For Infanta, Invalids, the Aged, Nursing Mothers, Children, etc.

Qnu/*^Rme For all members o f the family, ailing or well. Serve at meals, . ••'V V. . between meals, or upon retiring. A nourishing, easily assimilated Food-Drink, quickly relieves faintness or hunger day or night. ‘i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i u I .Mberl Jleiggt, toe 1

i “ The Store of Specialty Shops” = = Hartford E S Phone 2-4206 E Sale of An Extraordinary Sale Of I \ I PUMPS Wool Jersey

FOR MISSES AND SMALL WOMEN I Special Prices Dresses New Spring Frocks All Man-Tailored All Neivest Styles (AS ILLUSTRATED) ONE AND TWO PIECE

Jersey Cud’l-Doon $1 ^ 7 5 $ I Q 9 8 $2 5 m

410 Pairs of 340 Pairs of Another typical Basement Store Sale of dresses. TUNNING dresses in one and two-piece m(^els for Sizes 200 of them in smartly, styled models for street, the miss or small woman. Smartly fashioned of business, school and sports wear. S fine materials. Cud’l-Doon shows the highest ar­ D ress N ovelty Handwork of the highest character. Fine knit tistic development of the knitted loom. In the new wool Jersey, firm, yet soft and elastic, that will Spring colorings, as wild rose, Paris blue, cameo, pen- not wrinkle or sag. winkle and crystal gray. Sizes 14 to 18. I Pum ps Pum ps All newest and most f^ ored colors are here Silver Sky Blue Absinthe Terrapin Misses’ '*Tri-Garb” Costume Oak Candy Pink B {^ o u Palmetto A SMART COAT AND DRESS IN ONE Coral Delft Blue Jade Cocoa $ ^ . 0 0 Melrose Ensign Poplar Toast Too many styles to attempt descriptions, piece effects—^bolero styles— embroidery applique—around and ^ o r e d collars—^hi ' lire* Patent Leather y - buttoning, round or V necks, etc. Tan Calf BImide Kid • i In Step-in Grey Kid s ' “^ ^ a r t coat, suit and dress in one—a single garment "designed Strap and Tan^Calf 5 All fresh, new, perfect 'dresses—not made for ordinary sale purposes- triple utility. Actually completes a wardrobe. ^ S h o w in ColoniiU Styles New I Sm art! 5 ag you can see at a glance. imported stripes, checks' and plain ka sha. Jacket is bound with silk braiOi| i Cleverly styled along Smart trim models in new | Misses* Shop—Fifth Floor. V / / graceful new lines. Cu­ designs. Cuban, Spanish E Slaes I I to 46—And plenty of the larger sizes. ban, Spanish, or low heels. or low heels. S Main Floor. Main Floor. i

r • V * '• * ' 1 ’. j- ^ lilllllllllllililllilllllllllllllllllliliilillillllllliilllllllHIIIIIIIIIIillllilliilllUlillllllljf

SSf'UsSri ' "■ • •*'? ■ - -r ■ *'"j '\^'^-^-s: ' .‘'^v■ c ‘ ■ . ■, -• ... . •> - S'.. ' ■'■^r ^ ■-•. •

\ . n / / \ / / \ \ / / \ \ A / /

1 ■n O l« EASY CREDIT TERMS hr ARE OFFERED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE Brides ^1 AA WEEKLY PAYMENTS ON A A d)X.l/U PURCHASES UP TO / 0.UU ~3 Hen-up’s is the home of home outfits. You

Usual Price $149. Usual Price $239 Large Davenport, luxurious and Laree daTenport, lusurtous comfortable — the seat has aud' comfortable— seat has springs with flexible steel con­ springs vrith flexible steel con­ struction—loose cushions, deep struction-loose cushions, deep, restful back and arms—large restful bade and arms—Large wing chair and club chair. wing chair or club chair. The The jacquard is beautiful and velour i.s beautiful and v.'cars wears well—an extraordinary well— an extraordinary value at Talus at $ 1 6 9 , $169 31.50 Weekly. $1.50 Weekly. ,n 4-Piece New Huguenot Walnut Bedroom Suite Beautiful 4-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite Usual Price $205, Usval Price fl89. ■ 'iil l U i .1.... The new Huguenot Greatest value yet! A H' I Walnut combined with 4-drawer dresser wlttj other fine cabinet woods mirror—a full size bow- is ricli and beautiful— foot bed'—B-drawer chif­ everyone likes it! Tudor fonier—and semi-vanity period design is a great case—well made of com­ favorite. 4 fine pieces— bination walnut. You’ll all finely built with dust- travel far to equal this proof construction—full value. !li > 3-drawer vanity case—; double bed—cbifforobe $145 and large dresser. $1.50 Weekly.

Beautiful 8-Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite $1.50 Weekly.

Usual Price $125. 10-Piece Italian Period Dining Room Suite Usual Price $229. This Is an exceptionally Where else can you buy hi.gh-grade suite, well built a 10-piece Dining Room 1 ; of walnut in combin.ation Suite of equal beauty and with other cabinet wood. value at $159. Scan the picture— note the impres­ Oblong extension table, sive, large buffet— the ob­ uj.. M china cabinet, extra large long extension table, the buffet, serving table, one silver cabinet (often used host’s cliair and five side as a radio cabinet), the china cabinet, the arm chairs \A-ith leather seats. chair and five side chairs — note the Italian period design—then consider how low the sale price at $ 1 5 9 .

$1.50 Weekly.

$1.50 Weekly.


O ASSV e ADYERHSEMOnS r V A N H O E - — Sir Walter Scott's Classic In Pictorial Form

KHtALD BARGAIN COLUMNS BRIN^ESULTS HC STORY tte m t X______TOWARD THE M S / f THE REIGN Of KING RATE: One Mftt per word for each lasertlOB, One-aalt RiCHARO THE FIRST. cent per word for eacb subsequent insertion. Combiaed initials THE SCENES ARE LAID IN SCAUTIFUL WOOD­ of name count ae one word. Minimum charge 25 cents for first ED VALUYSk NOCHSOO- Insertion; three consecutiTe insertions for 50 cents. INC THE TONSS OF 8MV- FIELD ANS OONCHESrCR. PHONE YOUR ADS. m ENGUmS. NSSE FLONRISHED SAMPS OF Teiephone fo sr bargain columns to 004 or mall tbsai to GALLANT OUTLAWS^ OF WHOSE DEEDS MIKH MAS The Herald Office. Cash must accompany orders from persons BEER WRITTCN;^ AMONG whose names are not on our books. Advertisements must be THEM THE FAMOUS at The Herald Office by noon of the day Insertion is desired. ROBIN HOOa AT THIS TIME THE SAXONS WERE STILL SMARTBNS UNDER THE NORMAR VOEE. THEY FOR SALE WERE STRX TWO HOS­ REAL ESTATE TILE RACES. SFCAEWC FOR SALE — One Atwater Kent DIFFERENT LAN­ MAIN STREET—Juet North of GUAGES AND OSSCRV- nvo-tube radio set. Practically new. Center, dandy two family twelv« Call after six o'clock at 32 Cottage INC DIFFERENT CUS- room house, strictly modern, a real ' TOMS. Wmt ALL THE ^ URTH, THE SWnMEHERO. HAD SPOKEN AGAINST THE NORMANS BEFORE WAM- ^ HE CAVALCADE SOON OVERTOOK THEM. NUMBER, street. home. Price and particulars of Wal­ S y BA. THE JESTER. "DOC." SAID CURTH. “THOU WOULDST BETRAY ME AFTER m PPROACHINC WAMBA ANDCURTH. THE MONK SPOKE lace D. Robb, 853 Main street. POWER W THE HANDS dil INO TEN IN ALL. THE FOREMOST TWO RIDERS FOR SALE— 0-Tite Piston rings. OF THE NORMANS. HAVING LED ME OUT TO SPEAK 80." BUT HEARING APPROACHING HORSES. SEEMED PERSONS OF IMPORTANCE. ONE WORE THE there a .manT n the Tli^y regulate the oil. also make THEY CEASED ARGUMENT. “PERHAPS THEY ARE COME WITH A MESSAGE FROM DRESS OF A CISTERCIAN MONK AND THE OTHER WORE NEIGHBORHOOD WHO WILL GIVE TWO OF COD’S HUM­ WEST SIDE — Single six room FAIRYLAND." BANTERED WAMBA. "FOOU” SPOKE CURTH. “LET US HOME ERE high compression. They give u>o-e strictly modern, new, and the price THE REGALIA Of A KNICHT TEMPUR. THE OTHERS BLE SERVANTS AND THEIR TRAIN A NIGHTS LOMINO?’’ power and higher mileage. Fred H. is only $6,700. Small amount of THE TEMPEST OVERTAKES US." AND WAMBA GRASPED A OUARTERSTAFF AND WERE ATTENDANTS. TWO OF WHOM SEEMED TO BE OF LCONTINUEO TOMORROW.) Norton, 180 Main street. cash. Wallace D, Robb, 853 Main HELPED HIS COMPANION TO DRIVE HOME HIS SWINE. TURKISH DESCENT street, FOR SALE — Young Jersey cow, tested. Call after 5 o’clock. 25« FIXIRENCE STREET—Two family West Center street. practically new, of ten rooms, or will trade for Single In good locatton. FOR SALE—Glazed sash, largo and Wallace D. Robb, 853 Main street, TO RENT POUND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii small sizes, cheap if taken at once, Wm. Rubinow, telephone 826-2. FOR SALE—5 room bungalow, 198 FOR RENT—Two room cuUe, John- FOUND—Will the p a r tw h o called HEBRON Middle Turnpike East, near Benton cea Block. Apply to Aaron Johnson. the dog. warden Sunday morning re­ FOR SALE—Oak dining room set, street, well worth looking over. Call (2 Unden street, or the Janitor. garding a large dog, partly St. Ber­ refrigerator, gas heater, and other evenings after 6 p. m. nard, kindly call again? household furniture, 120 Cooper st., TO RENT—New five room flat; all Charles Garbloh has been very phone 1442-3. FOR SALE—Six room single house, Improvements. Inquire 270 Oak street. FOUND—Large female dog. Own­ severely ill with measles with a I You Choose the Colors and I at Manchester Green, large lot, nrlcs er may have same by paying for complication of bronchial pneumo­ ” f o r s a l e —Used Cane Living only $4500. See Stuart J. Wasley, 827 FOR RENT—8lx room tenement. this adv. Phone 477-2. Room Suite with 6-ft. davenport, and Main street. Telephone 1428. wKh all improvements at 40 Garden nia. He is Improving. There are arm chair. Loose, damask covered street. Inquire at 38 Garden street or several other cases in town all of seat cushions, 4 pillows to match In- FOR SALE—On Lydall street, new telephone 1952. AUTOMOBILES which are on the mend. The di­ eluded. Mahogany finished frame. modern single home. '6 rooms and 1125. WATKINS BROTHERS. Inc., FOR SALE—1923 Overland tour­ sease has spread all through the I Shades in Truly Daylight Here f bath, oak floors throughout. 1-3 acre FOR RENT—^Flve room house, all 935 Main street of land, more If desired. Price reason­ improvements at 23 Cambridge street. ing, good mechanical condition, new town and It is Impossible to esti­ able, easy terms. B. H. Johnson, TeL Inquire at 38 Hawthorne street battery, price $150. Call 2025 for mate the number of cases. There “ f o r s a l e —(2) Bow Back Kit­ 629-3. demonstration. have been no deaths. chen Chairs, used, suitable for palnt- TO RENT—Furnished rooms for Ing »1.25 each. WATKINS BRO­ FOR SALE — Building lot on light housekeeping, also single room. FOR SALE—1925 Jewett Six sport Permission should be obtained THERS, Inc., 935 Main street. Apply 18 William street or call 97-2. touring with bumper, trunk, steel from the fire warden, J. Bankr Academy street, near Parker. Price is wheels, automatic wiper, stop light, reasonable for this excellent location. etc. Telephone 1770. Jones, by any who wish to mak f o r s a l e —Combination walnut Build according to yo r own ideas. TO RENT—Six rooms on Lllao bonfires or to burn over land. E;- and gumwood Dining Suite, slightly Stuart J. Wasley. 827 Main street. street steam heat all improvements, used but In excellent condition. 48 two car garage, five minutes to mills, ~ POULTRY pecial caution is urged as the sen Inch table. 60 inch buffet, arm chair FOR SALE—Greenhlll s t *.t, Ler.u- also garage on EIro street Inquire son is dry and there is apt to be and 5 side chairs, with genuine lea­ tiful home of six rooms, reception 21 Elro. EGOS FOR HATCHING danger in fires spreading. ther seats. fl25. WATKINS b r o ­ ball and su.i room, has fire place, oak Barred Plymouth Rocks, eggs tor Mrs. Charles W. Stewart has re­ t h e r s . Inc., 935 Main street. floors and trim, steam heat, two car RENT—Several small rents at hatching from prize winning and ex­ garage, and beautiful high elevation. '•2!) per month. Apply to Eduard J cellent laying stock $2.0o per 14, turned to her home in Tylervllle, AX rC3, FOR SALE—Used Bedroom Suite U1 Arthu: A. Knofla. Holl, Orford Bldg TeL 660 S12.00 per 100 J. F Bowen, 670 Wood- having been the guest of her daugh In good condition. Queen Anne style bridge Jtreet. Phone 1285-2. Manches- ter, Mrs. N. C. Johnson for several walnut and gumwood. Bed, dres­ FOR SALE—Washington street, a FOR RENT—Furnished room at 85 ' er Green. H is the Tciilored Suit That ser and chifforolie. New Dresser dandy building lot. $500 down. 3 years :ch street Telephone UBS. days recently. mirror is on order and Included at to pay the balance; lot has gas, water BABY CHICKS—Bred-to-Lay Pop- Miss- L. C. Kleuser, educational this price, $60. Act at once. WAT­ and sewer in front of It. Call Ar­ FOR RENT—On W Center street, u* r Breeds: guaranteed Uve delivery; secretary of the Seventh Day Ad­ KINS BROTHERS. Inc.. 935 Main thur A. Knofla, telephone i82-2, 87B a new five room flat, all modern Im­ free catalogue of chicks, brooders hiis a Most Appealing Note street. I tin street provements. Wm. Kanehl. Tel 1776 and suppllea Clarks Hatc.hery. Dept ventists made another visit to the '2 East Hartford. Conn. Advent school in Hopevalq^ this FOR SALE—Bed Davenport Suite, FOR SALE—New six room house, TO RENT—Four room flat first week. She brought with her a slightly used, mahogany finished just off East Center street, tak floors and second floors lust been renovat- "BABY CHICKS” frame, leatherette upholstery. 60 and trim Price $6,900. Terms. See fd. Cement cellar. Gas, handy tray, B.<»BY CHICKS—Smith Standard nurse, who gave the pupils each a For Early Summer Inch davenport-bed. chair and rock­ Arthur A. Knofla, telephone 7S2-J. 875 electric lights, bathtuba Inquire 16 sturdy thoroughbred of tree range physical examination. er to match, $50. WATKINS BRO­ Main street. inton street flocks. Order now and have your Work is going on on the Hope- THERS, Inc., 935 Main street. chicks when you want them Man­ vale road, stones being filled in to FOR S.ALE—East Middle Turnpike, TO RENT—Heated apartment three chester Grain Co.. 246 North Main St Carrying the desired youthfulness of line and smartness FOR SjVLE—Small chicken coop right near Main street, new six room nice large rooms, bath. gas. etc. over Phone. 1760- the h"d1y rutted places. 15 cheap. Apply 11 Lauiel street. the post offlee, 1009 Main street. Rent Peter Smith has taken his tw o js of style, the tailored mode has_achieved a most attractive bgle oak trim, fireplace, steam only $36 00 a month. Robert J Smith. eat, silver fixtures, sink room, LOST children to his home in New Lon-• S position in the new season's mode. “ f o r SALE—Upright Piano, in garage .n . lit: fnr wo cars. A nice good'playing condition, to sell quick­ lie in the right location at the FOR RENT—Two furnished rooma don. The children have been : E ly for $35 delivered. Watkins Bro­ fight pii..-- I'm lie seen at any time. and a single room, for Ugh* house­ LOp--Wedne8day at North School i-„-,arded in Hopevale for the lar- = thers Music Department. Walter Friciu>. 54 East Middle Turn- keeping Also three room tenement at street playgrounds, or private way ^ 3 >ike TeL 848-4. 109 Busier street, and a four room near school, pocketbook containing i '' montns. ] — TOMORROW—SATURDAY f o r S'T.E—H.ardy Connecticut leneme.v on Ridgewood street. Apply sum of money, receipts and pair o f' ’ ’^iss Jennie Loomis who is now 3 at 109 Buster street. Valley Grown Ornamental trees, FOR SALE—Six room house, steam eyeglasses. Finder will receive suit- i ,ving in Franklin, New Hampshir' “ shrubs, roses, fruit trees, etc. Send heat, all Improvements, lot 100 by 200, able reward if left at 134 North has had her goods moved fror 3 for our spring catalogue. MAN­ good location Price $6,800 Stuart J. TO RENT—Midland apartments, School street. CHESTER NURSERIES. MANCHES­ hree rooms, steam heated janitor her place in Hopev?’ * to anoth' 3 Wasley. 827 Main street. TeL 1428. -erviee. refrigerator gas range fur­ 1 'I owned by her in the v : TER. CONN. nished rent $38 per month Call WANTED ® Exchange, a new- Mancliesier Construction Co.. 2100. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Jokoson v 5 SUITS FOR SALE—Strawberry plants, with all Improvemen's or teleu'.one 781-2 Ited relatives In Hockanum c 2 "Howard 17" variety, $1.50 per 100. What have you to offer? Wm Boarding: Home $10 per 1,000. Orders taken now for Kanehl 519 Center street. Sunday. 3 Psed. Edward E. Smith, Mrs. May Sey ' 3 $1.79 $3.95 blocks. Prompt delivery. S. Anderson. FOR RENT — Attractive 8-room day morning. Meet truck at Apels’ Upon application of the Executor Tel. 477-2. cottage, partly furnished. State road ■orner at 6:45. C. L. Vanderbrook & ‘"or an order of sale of real estate Mrs. Wilbur Hills and^'othors. 2 Son. i olonging to said Estate as per ap­ Frank Jones while burnir"' o^ - FOR SALE—Large quantity of bar­ 30 daily trains and trolleys, artesian running water, large hennery, about plication on file. some brush lots on his farm 3 berry bushes. Fine two-year old acre garden, furnace, fruits, elec­ WANTED—Machinist for light ac­ ORDERED:—That the said ap.pll- shrubs at half price. 36 Griswold tric lights, telephone, garage, $40 a curate work on steel. The Gammons oation be heard and determined at nesday afternoon got to the 2 street or telephone 861-4. month. Vernon Center, Conn., first Holman Co. ' he Probate office in Manchester on where ha had to call on nc' ' 2 Let Us Fishior^ Your Furs Into station on Rockville branch. H. H ‘ he 1st day of May A. D. 1926, at fr help as the fire got away f. 3 FOR SALE—100,000 extra early Willes. WANTED — Your old electric 9 o'clock In forenoon, and the Court Copenhagen market cabbage plants cleaner in exchange for a aew Royal lirects said Executor to give public his control. Half a dozen m 5 ready now. Also strawberry plants Standard Cleaner. $10 allowed for old otlce to all persons interested in fought for some time before tl 3 1926 Models Including the famous Howard 17. All xld estate to appear if they :ee other vegetable and flower plants f ' “ rna^ce'^heat® e7ec*: " ® | R o fe R | ^ Inc danger was ended. House 3 ,trio lights, - water------in house,---- - modern m BROTHERS, Inc., 935 ■xause and be heard thereon by pub­ farm build'ngs were in more • 5 later. The Wayside Gardens. Tele­ improvements, garage, land for gar­ Main street. lishing a copy of this order once in phone connection. P. J. Burke. Prop. den obtainable if desired. House some newspaper having a circulation ess danger during the time of ' s (Near Rockville). will be vacated May 1st. TeL 629-3. WANTED—$13 for your old elec­ in said probate district, and by post­ fire. A fire starting from 3 tric cleaner—regardless of condi­ ing a copy of this order on the pub­ wood sawing outfit on Lucius R 3 FOR SALE—Will arrive April 10,- For Rent—Two newly furnished tion—in exchange for a new Royal ic signpost In said Manchester, six a car load of fresh Indiana farm and rooms, with bath. In Selwltz Build­ uper. WATKINS BROTHERS. Inc., days before the said day of hearing -’s place on Post Hill mad s draft horses. This is an extra fine ing. Inquire at Selwltz Shoe Shop. 35 Main street. ' and return make to the Court. things lively there a few days age S load of all country horses, selected by William S. Hyde, Judge. The grass was very dry and th- 3 me. S. D. Pearl, 120 Woodland street. WANTED — Any kind of house- H-4-23-28. XX? Six room tenement at flames ran through it and charred 3 u b l n o v r Manchester. Tel. 1457. 90 Stella street, all improvements. work. Call or address 119 Wetherell Apply to 90 Wells street. street. the house at the base where the j 3 GARMENT FASHION CFNTEP- FOR SALE—Gladiolus. Finest flow­ flames came in contact with it. It ering bulbs. New price list now ready. WANTED—Position, by an experi­ Ask for your copy. Marshall. 674 E. FOR RENT—Five room tenement took quick work to fight It off. ^ Middle Turnpike. Inquire at enced practical nurse, by the day or Farms Farms miiiiiiiiimimiiiiMiiiiiniiiliiliilfiiiliiliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliimiliiiiiiimHiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii Middle Turnpike, Manchester Green. 38 Hawthorne street. evening, will act as relief nurse, Clarence Porter, tax collector, Is TeL 1090. ready any time. Inquire of, phone recovering from an attack of grip 1174-3. FOR SALE—Hard and chestnut TO RENT—From May 1st two Our Specialtyg by which he wa'* xv"ostrated the wood, sawed stove length. L. T. Wood. tenement bouse, with garage ' High first of the week. school of the Hopevale Seventh B5 Bissell street. Phone 496. Putting In all Improvements. WANTED—OIrl for general house­ 8-Acres, good six-room house, (:.ood locatn n, 4 minutes to Cheney work. Apply to Mrs. W. W. Robert­ barn, chicken coop, $ . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coates, and Pay Advent eburqb for the flrft son, 63 Henry street. Phone 690. 2 2 0 0 FOR SALE—Hard wood, stove mills. Inquire 91 Charter Oak street. 16-Acres, four-room house, good the Misses Mabel and Hazel- quarter of this year. Five other PINE FOREST length $12.50 per cord, white Itirch barn and good chicken coop, $2500. Bfoome have cards of honor show­ pupils have a record of perfect at­ $12.00. Telephone 884-12. O. H. Whip, TO RENT—5 room tenement, gar­ WANTED—Ashes to move, also tendance, being present and on HARTFORD'S AND SO. ftlANCHKSTER’tJ NEWEST ' pie, Andover. Conn. age and garden. Apply 164 Charter trucking and moving. Edward Cope­ 25-Acres, wonderful house, good ing perfect record of attendance Oak street. land, telephone 347-5. and lesson study at the Sabbath t' e e ■'h week. Four pupils of AND MOST BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN DEVELOPMENT barn and garage; about 13 acres of the school had a perfect record for REAL ESTATE tillable land; two minutes froia We are pleased at the intelligent interest aroused in South TO RENT--4 room tenement. In a WANTED—Two girl boarders. In­ the year 1925. 2-tenement house. Oak street, all quire at 38 Garden street. State Road, $5500. Manchester following our announcement of the opening of PUNiO FOR SALE OR RENT—48 acres on Improvements. Inquire 273 Oak st. By mistake it was mode to ap­ FOREST. The class of people who came ta Investigate, exech- main Wapplng highway. About 7 or WANTED-To buy olfi oars for 50-Acres, Poultry and Dairy pear that the Rev. C. H. Reiraers acres beat tobacco land, about H Farm, with all good buildings, i) tives and heads of departments of the'big CLeney plants. Insur­ 8 room basement, junk. Telephone 789. conducted services in Hope on acres hay land, balance fine pasture $10 ^ r month. Inquire at 83 Char­ sows, 2 horses, 1300 chicks, Ford ance men connected with Hartford companies,— these the land with brook. For sale or rent, ter Oak street. ' WANTED--Repalrlng. refinishing of S.atuvf’ The name of Elder C. kind to whom a high grade, rigidly restricted park-lfke d^elop- Mrs. H. O. Miller, 82 Vermont street, antique and modem furniture. Also cruck, 2 minutes from State Road. ^ l e House F. Lill'e should have been given Springfield, Mass., TeL Walnut 4744, cane and rush seats put in. Antiques $9000. ment such as PINE FOREST would appeal, ahd who would instead, for that day’s service. appreciate the architecturally designed OOEBEN-BUILT houses 7 ment and sewing room; large bath­ bought and sold, V. Hedeen, 87 Hol­ AND MANY...... OTHERS. On Thur-day the thermometer REAL ESTATE—1,000- cash buys rooms, white sinks, set tubs, furnace lister street. that we are building there. a 1-famlly, 7-room house on Spruce e ectrlc llghta Bissell and ® A TR.VDE WILL BE CONSID­ here registered 80 degrees abom \tUiile no lots are for sale, remember we inrite selection of Street, terms and price right. West streets. Inquire 135 Bissell street. WANTED—Painting In all Its zero. Center section, four family, $1,500 branches. Papei*hanglng. calclmlnlbg. ERED AND EASY TERMS AR­ .1. ^, any site (^sired from Our maps, and a specially designed cash, easy terms. See me before buy­ etc. Workmanship guaranteed.'Prices RANGED. . . Miss Clarissa Pen-^ieton Is spend TO M N T —With private family, ing a f ' days at the home of Mrs. GOEBEN-BUILT housfi, made to harmonise with its snrround- ing. Walter F. Lewis, 11 Vine street. large pleasant room near bath. Boat-d reasonable. FoHneriy with Clheney r r Ings, will oe constructed for you. Broa Estimates furnished cheeHully. Sidr^v AlHng In ‘Windham. If desired. Inquire at 170 MapU Special attention is called to the fact that the first two houses, DAIRY FARM FOR SALE—Near 8vT66l« Ted LeClair, 39 Chestnut street. Brand new and modern, garage Mrs. Henry Richmond who has State road, school, and church. now nearing completion, will be priced on a cost basis, and It le in basement, good large lot. Price been in friling health for the last Smooth fields, fruit, quantity wood. FOR RENT—Prom May 1st 6- WANTED—The people ©^Manches­ P. D. COMOLLO suggested that early reservation be made by those desiring Running water in hennery yards. roo;n flat, second floor. Cottage st ter who want good photographs to $5500— terms. year or more Is confined to her them. Trout stream. F. tv. Chase, Rock­ Inquire Manchester Trust Co. oall L. Fallot. 97 Ridge street. Ar­ home by illness. ville, Conn. Call phone 1064-5, Man­ range for a sitting at your home. Real Estate and Insurance. Appointments will be made at any time convenii^ by tele­ chester Dlv. Phone 241-12. New two-family flat on Summer Measles cases are still being re­ FOR RENT—Large front room, Mortsrages. ported. Jesre Hi'is. son of Mr. phoning Mr. F. 0 . Goeben, the architect and/generM3zt«Qager, with or without board. Call 31 North street, modem, two-car garage, all at the Hartford offlee, or his residence, MANCHESTER GREEN SECTION: Elm street, or phone 694-12. WANTED—Highest prices paid for and Mrs. Merton Hills Is the lat­ Ifew six room bungalow, strictly rags, metals, paper, magaxlnes, etc. 13 Oak Street Tel. 1540. for $10,000. One of our officers expects to have the English house Open for Also buy and sell ueed furniture. Open Every Evening From 7 to. 8. est victim. The children of Mr. iodem, oak floors and trim, steam FOR RENT—Farm, 3 acres and and Mrs. J.. B. Tenncnt are recov- preliminary Inspection Sunday at 3 P. M. feat, a bargain at $6,200, small shed. Inquire at 188 Hlllstown Road. Chas. Lessner, 28 Oak street Phone. ount of cash. Wallace D. Robb, South Manchester. 2116. Green section, new single, just r-ing f--"n the " --se. Main street. completed and ready; a fine place PINE FOREST CORPORATION m Main Office: 15 U iW lS STRBBT. HastfWd. .Room 606. RENT—On West Side, right WANTED—I will pay the highest for $6900. BIRCH STREET—Two houses of off West Center Street, six room te­ prices for all kinds of junk. Also buy Seven Syncopators- Telephones: $-0275:4-1864. |wo families-each, modern. 200 feet nement, all Improvements, steam heat all kinds of poultry and old cars for Telephones, Manchester: ^57' aitd 109$. Main street. Income $1,056 a and bath. Inquire at 28 Foley itreet junk. Morris H. Lessner, teiephdbe Two houses on Birch sti yUlA’S 1925 FISH l ^ r and the price Is only $8,500. or telephone 445-12. ^82.j. now playing at The n rty left town. Must be sold Imme- two-family. 11% in Bats|r> Wallace D. Robb, 853 Main WANTED — Vaennm cleafinn and Price only $9000. 'TO RENT—Furnished rooms, Orford electric irons for repair*. Kay mak­ Bldg, 865 Main street Brand new ing, saw filing, clock and phono­ State. furniture. Steam heat and janitor 072,028, followed by New Bruns­ WEST CENTER STREET—On reasonable. Apply TeL graph cleaning or repairing. Razor Fine home on Cambri^ countries amounted in value to volley, eight room house for either 1925-4. blades 8har,«euefi. Br^ltbwaite, 169 wick with $2,967,272, and Quebec $38,$25,458 in 1926, according to lee or two family, strictly modern, Center street. ' six rooms, gas, heat, garfl with $1,708,081. the bulletin. Fish held in. storage fver acre of land, plenty of fruit, TO RENT—May 1st at 231 Ea«t n n o ia r i o t s c o n t i n u e lot, st a reasonable price. two car garage. Price $7,500 for Center street, five room tenenii-.i. .11 MISCELLANEOUS return . Most important sea fish, the bnl- from the previona year inereased lok sale. Wallace D. Robb, 858 improvements, garden and garage, Cglcuttn, April 23— Serious Hot- $24,2''8i’960 last year. This "was letin shows, was salmon, wliich ac the total. Of this,, canned galmon iln street. B Apply at 329 East Center etreet. I pgr hightot ensh prices for roar lug 1$etween Hindus and Moslems a g | in I of about $2,000,000 over counted for a value of $7,427,403, accounted for $11,223,274, dried ra g * , magaslne*, banfiled paper and Continued today. One peigon was the ^ 9 $ 4 volume, according to a an increase of about $1,600,000 podfish for $5,093,740 and canned FOR SALE—Five room bungalow, FOR RENT—Four roonj tenement, Junk of all kind*. Pbon* 849-2. I wlU Mather street. Inquire at 42 Wood- with large garden, rent $17 per month. calL J. Elsenbsrg; killed and eighteen injnrejl, bring­ bull^ih issued by the Dominion over 'he 1925 catch. God was next lobsters tor $4,089,486. Rdge street. Inquire at 92 East Middle Turnpike. ing the car altle* of the present Robert J. Smith Buraui of Statistics. with a valne of $4,570,788. Then Capital raised threngli sale of Be. British Columbia produced near­ came lobster with $$,848,028, Colonial QnaHty Household SCHOOL J3TREET — Seven room period of rioting to five dead and 1009 MAIN STREET. ingle, strictly modern, for quick , ..r® ? RENT- Furnished room at earftfes by established organization thirty-five injured. ly 50 per cent of the fisheries out­ 1 libnt with $3,225,719, and her­ Ready Mixed Fialnts and Window 163 Center street, five pilnutes to with active clientele. Submit details Real Estate Insurance le $7,000. Wallace D. Robb. 853 tiillle and Main street Call after S for prompt action. Addlsoh, Byrne* The leader of the Moelems has put vrlth a value of $11,607,937. ring with $1,783,133. Glass at the North End Pharmacy. Etin street. p. m. & CX, 42 Broadway, New Tor’' been arrested, after a struggle. Steamship Tickets. Nova Scotia was second with $6,- Total export of fish to other — adv.

■ ■■ • ■ -' ■ - s . -



Bethel-Newton Road, road and bridge construction under way. No detours necessary. SPRING OPENING Roxbury-Southbury Road, sur­ face In good condition. Shoulders and gutters uncompleted. New Mllford-Gaylordsville Bridge values I work on the new bridge and ap­ H ere eight proaches under way. No detour necessary. Washington G-rade Crossing Eli­ 1926 event* mination, road and bridge con­ specii struction under way. No detour necessary. Canaan, South Canaan Lime Rock road Is under construction, open for travel. Hartland, E. Hartlond Mountain road Is under construction. Pres­ ent road Is open for travel. Sharon, Sharon-Amenla Union Road is under construction, open for travel. grading at Lighthouse Curve. No road is u;.der construction, open for travel. Waterbury-Watertown, Water- bury-Watertown-Thomaston Road is under construction, open for i f Jg! travel. Greenwlch-Boston Post Road, grading is under construction at Cos Cob cut-off. -No delay to traf­ fic. Westport-Boston Post Road, grading at lighthouse Curce. No delay to traffic. • down delivers, a three-piece living group consisting of dav­ down delivers a tHree-piece bedroom group consisting of $ Westport, grading at Compo Tnn $ enport, arm chair and wing chair in a charming two-tone * Curve. No delay to traffic. bow-end bed, dresser and chifforette— a suite that has been gold and blue shading of selected velour. It is a suite that ^ Shelton, road is under construc­ especially selected for our spring opening. Of American the thrifty homemaker Vvill be proud to show in her home. Depend­ tion in front of Laurel Heights walnut veneer, joined with other woods; dependably built— at this Sanitarium. No delay to traffic. ably built throughout— it would be a good value at $175. West Haven and Milford-Oyster price it sets a new record in furniture savings. It would be a good River Bridge is under construction. value at $169.00. LIBERAL TERMS Temporary bridge provided. LIBERAL TERMS Waterbury-Cheshire road Is under construction. No delay to traffic. Chaplin, Wllllmantlc-Hampton Road is under construction, open to traffic. Kllllngly, Norwich-Putnam road is under construction, open to traffic. Norwlch-Montville, Norwich-New London road is under construction. As grading is being done on this section of road short delays may be expected. Through traffic be­ tween New London and Norwich should use the road on the east Bide of the Thames River. Franklin, Norwlch-Willlmantlc road is under constructon, open to traffic. Cromwell-River road Is under construction but is open for traf­ fic. Suffield, West Suffield-East Granby road is under construction but is open for traffic. $ *l /\ down delivers a three-piece bedroom group comprising a down delivers a three-piece living group in a delightfully Southington, Cheshlre-Merlden I I I bow-end bed, a large dresser and three-quarter vanity Waterbury Turnpike is under con­ toned shade of rose Jacciuard velour—a suite that will * T |[ j dresser—another suite which our manufacturer built ex­ struction but is open for traffic. bring charm and beauty to your living j^oom for ^many *P 9 Middletown, Midletown - Hart­ pressly for our spring opening. Of American Walnut veneer, com­ years. See hov/ comfortable this suite is—its Nachman Spring ford road is under construction bined V . ether wcoeh— an amazing value that you will concede the f V-.1 -I r \ r \ Units guarantee luxurious ease. It would be a good value at but is open for traffic. It would be a good value at $2^5.00. East Hampton, road between momen i see it. LIBERAL TERMS the four corners and the lake Is LIBERAL TERMS under construction but la open for » 5 traffic. Colonial Quality Household Ready Mixed Paints and Window Glass at the North End Pharmacy. — adv. FOR SALE Certified Seed Potatoes Green Mountain and Cobblers. Louis L. Grant Tel. 1549. Buckland. * ^ down delivers a four-piece bedroom group consisting of a I ^ I bow-end bed, 48-inch dresser, full six-drawer triple-plated Built ‘‘Norge” vanity and chifforette—in twe-toue American Walnut A ^ pi down delivers a three-piece group in mohair! Consider joined with other fine woods. For design, for cabinet work, for S what this means—a mohair suite at such a price! For- beauty, there are few suites in its class that will equal it. It would ^ tunate indeed will be the lucky buyer who chooses it at this be a good value at $275. extraordinary spring opening price. In taupe, ^especially well con­ LIBERAL TERMS structed— it would be an exceptional value at $250.00. LIBERAL TERMS

I f

tdown delivers this beautiful four-piece Sheraton ^ u p to your home—newly designed straight-end bed, 48-inch * A ^ down delivers a three-piece group in figured mohair— a suite dresser, chest of drawers and dressing table; of American ^ by Kroehler as only Koehler can design it. Admire its Walnut veneer combined with burl walnut, maple and rosewood. No­ beauty, reflected in the style of the covering and^ in the tice the lovely wood figuring, the distiijctive hand floral decoration carving of the frame; relax on the davenport or either chair. You by an artist—a 20th century expression of an 18th century master will be quick to admit that here is an extraordinary spring opening designer. It would certainly be a good value at $375.00! special— and it would be a great valuiB at $325.00. LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERMS 1 } Tnunbull Near Pr4tt Trumbull Near Asylum

Old Customers Not Liberal Terms 1NC9 Required to Pay To Suit Your N fol. Umbert Nobile, of Italy, Is de- H a r t f o r d ’S M oney D ow n V V Igner and commander of the imundsen airship, “ Norge” and LEADING PURNITORE STORE rill command It on Its flight Into he Arctic. This picture was taken It Pulham, Eng., after the Norge lad successfully completed the kat step of its flight from Rome. «.« r I


bricklayers, plasterers, iron work­ Kid in a suit like his own, send him Jftuirl|»sl»r ers and the like, has become a seri­ to Boston with instructions to rislt ous economic problem. It Is hurt- a few night clubs and introduce Ssnitng Bfralb ting general business. It compels himself as Ike, and If the Pitts­ PUBLISHED BY the ordinary citizen to buy fewer burgh affair eventuates in a pinch, THE HERALD PRINTING CO. clothes and to scrimp on his house­ twenty Bostonians will be ready to Fouatfcd by Elwood 8. Els hold budget. swear a hole through a brick wall, Oct. 1. 1881 If the condition is permitted to if necessary, that they spent de­ Ev*ry Eveains Except Sunday^ srd Holidays. grow worse, the economic conse­ lightful hours in Ike's company at Entered at the Poet Ofllee at Han* quences of it must, of course, grow the very time of the "crime. A y ohester na Second Class Mail Matter. worse In turn. name, a suit of clothes, a few para­ ; 1 7^ .SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mail lyzing drinks and a shot or two of mx dollars a year; sixty cents a A showdown In the building Mi. liionUi for shorter periods trades Is imperatively necessary. dope perhaps will do wonders in By carrier, eighteen cents a week, The country cannot go on indefinite­ the establishment of an alibi— to ^ngrle copies, three cents ly following the lead of these In­ say nothing of the complaisance 6t , SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ SENTATIVE: Hamilton-De Llsser, satiable demanders of more and district attorneys in submitting to Ttic., 26 West 43d Street. New York the testimony of known crooks. and 127 N. Dearborn St.. Chicago. more and more. Either the build­ The Manchester Evening Herald la ing trades unions must be made to on sale in New York City at Schultz’s DEPEW. News Stand, Sixth Avenue and 42nd understand that not every person Street and 42nd Street entrance of can be a millionaire, and must not Chauncey M. Depew is ninety-two Grand Central Station. 3 Burner Gas Stove insist on being one, or we shall years old today and intends to make "International News Service has the it a hundred. Advising others as j exclusive rights to use for republlca- have a crash that will last long tlon In any form all news dispatches enough to put some of these poten­ to how to become a centenarian, he credited to It or not otherwise credit­ says: "Think about cheerful things. 17.50 ed in this paper. It is also exclusively tates of industry on the bread line. $ entitled to use for republication ail Always be an optimist, Don’t the local or undated news published herein.” SIDEWALKS. brood or bs morbid. Don’t be an­ Fitted with three live heat top New York city has begun to raid gry and bate things.’’ And so on. liumers and an oven with drop FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1926. its sidewalks for the behoof of the The debonair nonogenarlan Is door. Range is finished in reg­ roadways— in other words to take always as interesting as he is blithe. ular stove black, with white MOSES ROOSEVELT. from the pedestrian and give to the Yet it is to be wondered if bis re­ porcelain oven door panel. With Theodore Roosevelt, son of Presi­ motorist. Central .Park West, a cipe for a long, gay and unworrled this, or any other range, we dent Roosevelt, it might ba well to promenade potentially and a river life would not be still more inter­ The Spirit of Spring will give, absolutely free, while remember today, not so long ago of automobiles In fact, is to be the esting if he could and would glyh they Inst, a SHINO chemical declared that he intended to make scene of a clipping of fifteen feet out to a yearning public a work­ Mitten Duster ! politics his life’s work; and therein from the walks for addition to the able plan for getting into a soft is in These Gay, New Fabrics carway. snap early in life and sticking to it. he was franker than some others Easy Terms. who hold the same ambition. His And so It goes. The sidewalk, The beloved Chauncey ought to statement and his purpose are. of once a major factor In urban life know quite as much about that, or ousecleaning ! Down will come heavy, Winter draperies, and more, than about smiling though especial significance at the moment everywhere and a guage of the state everything must have its semi-annual cleaning. Wouldn't it be de­ for the reason that he took oppor­ of advancement of any city or town, hungry. H tunity yesterday, in an address to is falling int6 a class with door lightful to have charming new Spring draperies of cretonne ready to put newspapermen, to make a full and knockers and footscrapers. unequivocal declaration against the Whether the change 'Is a perma­ up when the cleaning is done? But you can't make them while you are Volstead law, advocating the New nent one or not no human being Sfewarfs housecleaning. You should make them now, and store them away until York Idea of state option as to al­ can tell. It is not at all Incon­ WASHINGTON ceivable that the time may arrive the day they are needed. coholic content of beverages while LETTERS asserting that the return of the sa­ when motoring will not be as rela­ loon can, at the same time, be pre­ tively inexpensive as It is now; By Charles P. Stewart. Every home needs at least one room that is gay with cretonne. There vented by enactment. when a car of some kind will be no Washington, April 23.— Placing is a sheer gaiety of spirit about cretonne or chintz that makes them dear It is not to be assumed, of course, longer within the reach of prac­ a guard over the unknown soldier’s grave at Arlington has pretty well that young Mr. Roosevelt has a tically every family; when the put a stop to the pftviously fre­ to the heart. You cannot look over our lovely new designs without seeing monopoly of all the wisdom in the oil pools are used up and the shale quent tourist performance of sit­ country, but It is to be borne in rock not only costs more to reduce ting on it, lunching on the slab visions of some charming room with hangings, bedspreads or upholster­ mind that he has a political career but In turn may become scarce; which marks It and otherwise treat­ ies of these fascinating fabrics. in prospect: that he has hope of when the prohibitionists forbid the ing it with the lack of considera­ tion characteristic of a certain $13 some day succeeding his Illustrious distillation of fuel alcohol— when class ft people who’d scratch their Come in this week and see the ya rds and yards of fresh, crisp pat­ father In the Presidency is wholly people again ride to work on the initials on the pearly gates them­ probable. It is, then, with an eye cobbler’a ponies and legs are once selves If they knew where they were terns just unpacked! for your old cleaner and could get at ’em. to the trend of public opinion that more used for something besides Your old cleaner, no piatter props in subways and street cars. But It hasn’t put a stop to the he seizes the opportunity to place activities of shoals of petty celebri­ Other cretonnes, 30 to 36 what condition it is in, is worth himself on record as the first presi­ But not only is that day probably ties who make a business of leaving inches wide, from 49c to $13.00 in exchange for a new dential possibility in the Republican more or less remote; the roadways wreaths on the tomb purely for Royal Super. Easy terms, party— a presidential possibility say can always be re-converted in part purposes of self advertisement. $1,59 a yard. A large num- * * • 29c vd. ber of these are guaranteed 39c vd tool into sidewalk again. And in in 1932 or 1936— to have the cour­ An occasional individual deposits age and the foresight to openly op­ those days perhaps some of the sunfast. Another large se- his wreath in a spirit of real rever­ Good quality, yard lection is imported from An excellent selection pose the bone dry theory of prohi­ folks who now spend most of their ence. wide Cretonnes in bition. time chasing about the pavements On formal occasions, and as a England and France. Also of new patterns, in a sincere tribute, it’s algo a perfecHy smart patterns suit- It was precisely that sort of per­ in automobiles will be glad of jobs a new selection of sunfast fine quality Cretonne, proper ceremony. able for all purposes. mohairs in printed cretonne yard wide. spicacity that made his father the helping to provide a place for them­ But when the whole idea is to JL great leader that he was. Theo­ selves, their fellows and their chil­ get a photograph of some movie patterns. dore Roosevelt, senior, was no cre­ dren to walk. « star or one-horse politician or other ator of issues. He never in his Who knows? publicity seeker in the act of leav­ ing a wreath where he thinks it See Our m W Street Window Display. life originated a cause. But he will get him talked about, it’s about had an uncanny understanding of OSTRICH BOOZE. as cheap a proceeding as it’s easy to the surge of public feeling toward think of. The Bostonian who, under the in­ * • • or away from any new issue or new Beginning Tomorrow— The Annual fluence of strong waters, climbed a The folk who used to sit and cause, and an unparalleled audacity seven foot iron fence in order to go lunch on the tomb ought to have And genius in leaping to the lead­ to bed in the midst of a Franklin known better, but at least the things ership of a movement already ger­ park Zoo compound where was Im­ they did generally weren’t premed­ minated and only awaiting stirring itated. “rhey had the excuse that prisoned a belligerent ostrich, and their taste was bad, that they were up to spring into full flower and who, when he was attacked by the Refrigerator Club ignoramuses and hadn’t been importance. feather biped, slew the creature brought up properly. The younger Theodore has taken with his bare hands after a Homeric The publicity crowd deliberately $5 for your old ice chest. a leaf out of his father’s book. He j set out to capitaliat the unknown conflict, has been acquitted of cruel­ for their own beneflt. sees, just as the latter would see ty to animals but fined for tres­ * * • Select your new Leon^’d Refrigerator tomorrow. You’ll The Colony if he were still alive, the opportun­ pass. Getting a guard for the tomb need it very soon, the weather men tell us. Use your old ity for Influence and power In the His name is McIntyre and he lives wasn’t easy in the first place. A popular size Orthophonic Republican party open to leaders Members of Congress, scandal­ refrigerator as a part payment on the new one! $5 will be In Roxbury. In Roxbury there is Victrola in a Colonial style cab­ who have courage enough to defy ized by the behavior of many per­ a government depot where are sons who visited it, demanded one allowed for the old one. The 3-door, front icer sketched, inet, finished in two-tone ma­ the bogy of the Anti-Saloon league stored the fruits of many a raid by repeatedly. holds 75 pounds and has a white enameled d* O Q T C and the bone dry vote— which has hogany, with maple overlays. prohibition officers. Throughout Yes, objected the War Depart­ interior ...... It has the deep, sonorous tone been demonstrated to be less than all that territory the air is preg­ ment, there ought to be a military one-fourth of the vote of the coun­ guard there, but there’s no appro­ quality obtainable only in an nant with the suggestion of booze. priation to provide one. try, and at that largely confined to Orthophonic. For blocks around bleary eyed In­ But Great Scott! rejoined the the Democratic South. dividuals loiter, some of them most congressmen, there’s Fort Mybr That there will soon be a great unsteadily. - Perhaps it Is for the right over in the cemetery’s neigh­ borhood. Surely there are plenty scrambling of Republicans of influ­ stimulating atmosphere of the lo­ WATKINS BROTHERS. In c. ence to get into the modification of soldiers there, paid and armed cale, though cynical natives look and with nothing to do. Why not $110 band wagon is certain, for the party sidewise at you and grin if you in­ assign some of them to sentry FLORIDA BRANCH ~ THE WATKINS-LIMBACHER CO. — ST. PETERSBURG. is not going to commit suicide for duty? Others from $85 up, on easy quire if any of the stored treasures- * • • the sake of continuing the profes­ ever leak. Incidentally the price terms. sional salaries of Dr. Dinwiddie, Yes, said the War Department of a half pint is said to be lower in again, but it would take a motor Mr. .Upshaw and other dry mercen- that neighborhood than anywhere lorry to transport a guard from the arl^. But young Mr. Roosevelt else In Greater Boston, and in Chel­ fort to the tomb- Well, urged the congressmen, will always be able to claim the sea— so we have the sworn testi­ honor and consideration of having there are motor lorries at the fort, mony of a bottlegger^a dime buys aren’t there? be«n tha first natlonal.leader of the a drink with an lron«ihod kick. Yes, but— G. 0. P. to blaze the path out of Actors from a doisn thoators gave It “would appear that Boston, for However, demonstrating plainly a "tsitlmonlaT* performance' on a niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiii the prohibition wilderness. the protection of Its ostriches, is the fact that there wasn’t any real Sunday night in bis behalf. Wise son of a wise father, he difficulty any of the time, the guard TOM putting Its fences in the wrong Some of them visited him at the shows In this course both courage was forthcoming when the pressure hospital. place. Instead of fencing in the became stronger than the War De­ S IM .8 Your Watch Will Keep j and wit. Was there anything he wanted Zoo compounds it should fence out partment could stand up under. It was as typical an example as in particular? Was there any mes­ the rest of its territory against the New York, April 23.—-The clown sage be wanted to send the great WAGE PIRACY. departmental red tape as Washing­ who hides behind his merry mask SAYS Correct Time If You | Influence of that Roxbury storage audience that would come? Was ton’s seen in a long time. some sorrow or tragedy and yet It is much to be hoped that the place. That would add to the se­ there any song he wanted sung? Chicago builders will stick to. their goes prancing through his antics Yes, he said, there was some- Galesburg, III., girl won a rifle curity of ostriches, feathered and has ever been a favorite with the resolution to fight the latest de­ tl 'ng he wanted. championship. Just the same, Give It a Chance | human, tigers both visual and blind, tale spinners. some brave man may marry her. mand of the Plasterers’ Union, even Many such tales are hidden be­ His mother was in Europe, tra­ and of young men, named McIn­ veling. He wanted her at his bed­ S The best way to grive a real opporturfity is torhave = to the point of tying up the city’s hind the grotesque make-up of There’s one nice thing. Before a tyre and otherwise, who cannot Broadway caperers. side. It might be he would die— 5 it kept in ?ood running condition and free from dirt. i building program indefinitely. stand the effects of the kind of how could he tell? And he wanted girl goes swimming she can hide There is one musical comedy her clothes in her swimming suit This is said In no spirit of oppo­ booze that comes out of United clown who peculiar quality of to have his mother there. But that couldn’t be— and, since it couldn’t, bag. sition to the principle of the best States warehouses. LITTLE PROWLER. voice is his stock in trade. wages that the traffic or the busi­ It’s maybe two or three a. m., Because he can utter certain would someone sing a "mammy’’ song for him— oh, not the usual The rising generation’s great ness will bear, but In the firm con­ when solid slumber’s sweet. You rasping and guttural sounds the problem is the cost of gas. ALIBIS. partly wake to sense the pltter-pat audiences laugh and applaud bis "mammy’’ song, hut a real “ mo­ F. E. BRAY viction that the building trades Now that the criminal has be­ ther song’’ ...... something that of tiny feet. It’s In a cautious songs and recitations of lines. Learning to drive slowly seems I JEWELER * 5 unions In the large cities are creat­ come gregarious and flocks in whisper that you hear somebody His ability to create suph sounds would speak for him to the crowds, ,The crowds didn’t know, of to be harder than learning to drive i Selwitz Block, cor. Main and Pearl Sts., So. Manchester. = ing a condition that must eventual­ gangs, no longer hiding in secret call, an’ coarse you know some tiny began when he was gripped by an fast. tot is cornin’ down the hall. incurable throat ailment. It is course. They didn’t know what 3 = ly lead to a ruinous period of de­ kens and In holes under docks but quality it was In the voice of the Your bedroom door is open and only a matter of a short time-:—a Arrested a man in Yellowstone fmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiimHiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiinT pression throughout the country. maintaining a considerably rami­ there’s someone peekin’ through. year, perhaps two at the most— famous ballad singer that brought tears to their eyes. A rather hard- Parl^ .for killing a deer. Of course By their limitless demands the fied social existence, with acquaint­ Just kinda hesitatin’ and awon- when the ailment will kill him, he tried to pass the buck. building trades craftsmen have In­ d’rin’ what ta do. It’s only for a the doctors say. There is no hope. boiled, audience, too....not given ances outside of as well as on the to sentimentalism, .rather inclined creased the cost of housing to the moment that the nightly prowler Yet night after night, as long as Ford says thO'Charleston isn’t a fringe of the underworld proper, stands, and then your bed is Jolted he has the strength, he plays this to think such songs maudlin. Yet point where nearly half of the for- there were tears in a thousand . Y«t tW-.people learned it the alibi Is mounting in importance. by the youngster’s little hands. grisly role. The thing that is eat­ in his cars. dlnary city worker’s pay is confis­ If a dozen eye-witnesses Identify Another timid whisper, as the ing away his life is the thing that eyes. cated In the form of rent. To meet three-year-old grows bold. "Move makes him the amusing clown. In "Sob stuff,’’ you say— Is that so? a man as the individual they saw The clown was Jack Rose, whose use has voted 13,900,000, to the extraordinary sums— It is ridic­ over, dad. I’m crawlin’ in with you his caperlngs he can forget for the rum runners, which seems to shoot a policeman and rob a bank and mom. I’m cold.’’ And then straw hat smashing has sent mil­ Today is feast day of St.. George Woe unto yon, Pharisees! .For ulous to use the terms ‘‘wages’'— moment. He can hear the laughs lOut $.1 per runner. In San Francisco on a certain day, the youngster snuggles down. You and the applause and then go home lions into hysterica, martyr, ‘‘slayer of the dragon.” ye love the uppermost seats In' the which the building trades compel two dozen persons who have never never hear a peep, and gee, before — to wait— and wait. Borne night Today is ninety-second birthday synagogues, and greetings in the GILBERT SWAN. markets.— Luke 11:44. . employers to hand over to them, been fingerprinted appear to swear ya know it, little prowler’s fast the voice will not come at his bid­ MEANNESS anniversary* of Chauncey Depew* asleep. wish I had money enough to and seventy-fourth birthday annl» ■* * * ' practically every other kind of that the prisoner at that particular ding and he will leave the stage. Not long after the world will fet married,” Jim remarked. versary of EJdwln Markham. Vanity is a confounded donkey, breadwinner Is compelled to con- day and hour was dancing at Atlan­ YOUNG LOOKING be told that he is dead. Then I HIS PROPER PLACE ' Katherine looked down and Today is St. George’s, Day and very apt to put his head .tribute. The extent to which the tic City, Host: And that is a portrait of can tell you his name. But you blushed. “ And what' would you la. observed in Greece, Newfound­ his legs and chnek us dVer; jcittt vnrcbasing power of the public is If Ike the Blood anticipates pull­ my great-grandfather. will know it already. Perhaps you The Big Boss: How you feeling do?” she asked, looking very hard land, Rumania, New Zealand and pride is 8, fine horse that will carry Guest: Wonderful! Why, he at the carpet. Queensland. us over the ground and.'ehable ’!ia curtailed by this everlasting trib­ ing a little turn in Pittsburgh next will be one of the millions who today, Bill? does not look any older than you. have laughed at him. Tbe Garbagemaii: Down in tbe "I would, spend it .traveling,” The steamship .’Great Western to distance our fellotf-traveleii.—r ute to the bank accounts of tbe Thursday he cau rig up Gyp the — MeggendorfoT Blaetter. Another clown lav critically lU. damps,—^Wticoaaiii Octoipai. Jim replied,—Punch SowL veached New York April .28, 1886. ManTot.

’:0 George Crandall has bee n spend ■Westport. Relatives from this place THE COME-BACK TOLLAND Ing several days at his home at MARLBOROUGH attended the funeral Friday after­ CONCERT TICKETS Grant’s Hill. noon. Burial was In the Cedar Hill, The teacher had been giving a Several of the men and boys of cemetery, , . , lesson on Creation whSn John in­ The officers of the W. C. T, U. our town attended the baiiqhet Elmer Shlppy who died of pneu­ Mrs. George W. Buell of thip terrupted with the remark: ‘‘My GOING IN BLOCKS are Mrs. C. H. West, president; for ‘‘Fathers and Sons” held with monia at his home in Hartford father says we are descended from The Best in Used Cars place and Mrs. Nellie Lull of Man­ Mrs. Emma Crandall, vice-presi­ the Wlllington Y. M. C. A. in Tuesday night resided here several apes.” dent; Mrs. L. B. Price, secretary; the Memorial church, South Wil- years and was well known In this chester left Friday for Washington, And we stand back of them. Miss Bertha Place, treasurer. liugton last Wednesday evening. place. About twenty-five years ago p, C., where they will be guests of Teacher: Your private family m W. C. Overman and Miss Elea­ Governor Trumbull was the Jiraest be went to Hartford and has since Mrs. Buell’s sister, Miss Cora Lord matters have no interest for the Men’s Chora! Club Reserves nor O'-erman of Sprlnffield were of honor and was one of thet^peak- then been connected with The WJl- for two weeks. class.-.—Tit-Bits. 1923 Biiick Six 7-Pass. Toiiriiig in town recently making prepara­ ers. \ Jiam Olds Co., wood workers. He Misses Cora, Rebecca and Doris’" 1924 Biiick Six 7-Pass. Tonring 35 Seats for Swedish Glee tions to oppi their summer home. The Sei.lor honors weje anriounc leaves a wife, two sisters, Mrs. G. Buell who are employed in Hart­ Harry Bartlett of Hartford was ed at the Rockville H | gh school B. Robbins of West Willington and ford, spent the week-end at their 1924 Buick Six 5-Pass. Touring at his summer home here last Sun­ last Wednesday and- Miss Helen Mrs. F. W. Fuller of this place and home here. 1922 Buick Coupe. Club— 32 for High School day. Sparrow of our town is the salu- one brother N. Adelbert Shlppy of The next Grange meeting will be tatorian of the class. 1921 Hudson Touring. ; held with ^ r . and Mrs. C. H. West Mrs. Burton of Rochester, N. Y. 1923 Hudson Touring. Orchestra. and family at Snlpsic, May ds visiting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Miss Helen Sparrow, Miss Rose Simpson. ) s ^ 1921 Franklin 4-Pass. Road. Chorches and Miss Ethel Bakos 1923 Willys-Enight Coupe. are seniors to go with the Senior ^VERY CHARMING. Two large blocks of tickets for 1921 Ford Touring. the concert of the Men’s Choral class of ” - Rockville High school A transparent hemline of chiffon club of Manchester next Monday to Washington fro— this town. or iaille Is often added to the bouf­ 1925 Ford Sedan. evening at the High school hall They will leave next Saturday fant frock to give It length, and a morning. certain distinction. For Spring T h is were withdrawn from tlie main 1 supply today. The Beethoven isIMtterent Glee club of the Swedish Lutheran Our Motto Is church has decided to attend the from all other laxatives and reliefs concert in a body, and has made for To Sell a Used Car Right I application for thirty-flve seats. Ac­ With the advent of the Defective EUmination cordingly, a section has been re- firsts warm days of G>nstipation seiwed for the club, and thirty-five Biliousness tickets set aside for the members. ^In the Evening Spring, women turn to Another block of seats set apart thoughts of a complete The action of Nature’s Remedy (Nf today consisted of thirty-two tick­ Tablets) is more natural and thoi- ets reserved for the members of new Summer wardrobe ough. The effects will be a revela­ Capitol Buick Co. the High school orchestra. This — lightsome and cool tion—you will feel so good. action was the result of the deci­ Meike the test. You will J. M. Shearer. sion of the Men’s Choral club to in­ by the Moonlight’ Frocks, silken Wraps, E appreciate this difference. Tel. 1600. 285 Main Street. Tel. 1600. vite the school orchestra to be Sport Clothes and the V fii For Ov0T present as the club’s guests at the Thirty Yaara concert Monday evening. The Chor­ Accessories so necessary al club desires to offer all possible to the harmonious en­ Chips off the Old Block encouragement to the young musi­ IR JUNIORS— Uttle N?s cians of the High school orchestra, It’s darn chilly without a little semble. All of our Wo­ and has taken this generous and men’s Departments are The same K) — In one-third doses, graceful way of doing so. heat. candy-coated. For children and adults. Elaborate Program. displaying beautiful new M SOLD BY YOUR DRU68I8T Advertise in The Herald~It Pays Not only w'ill the musical pro­ assortments, large gram for the concert be elaborate, but the printed program for distri­ enough to assure a pleas­ bution Monday evening will be ing and satisfactory elaborate as well. It will consist o!' Use A a generous-sized twelve-page book­ choice, let, neatly printed, and will go iu to unusual detail in the informa lion given. Besides containing a NEW DRESSES PUSSY WILLOWS complete program of the fourteen numbers to be given, it will give Radianthre New prints— plain col­ • You have no doubt noticed how much more beautiful the.y look than they did in the words of the principal songs. ors. In crepe de chine, There will also be a complete list the cold Winter months— all in full bloom with their Spring dress, which adds an of the active and associate mem­ flat crepe and velvet attractiveness not noticed in other times of the year. bers of the Choral club of Manches­ rose, the new washable ter. And be comfortable. Did it ever occur to you that Springtime was the time to give your appearance a One of the early numbers which silks. little thought? will add zest and fire to the pro­ After wearing the dull, colorless, heavy clothing of Winter, don’t you think you gram will be the ringing Cornish $15.75 to $24.75. Marching Song commencing: would feel better, look better and make a more favorable impression if you changed now to the beautiful colorings of Spring ? le t *■ y . "A good sword and a trusty hand, A Merry heart and true! King James’s men shall under­ The Manchester stand "What Cornish men can do!” Reardon's The program will be in two Gas Company parts, and the various numbers are B efore on the same high plane which has miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimii characterized the four concerts al­ ready given by the Choral club. And for variety’s sake there will - be a rousing negro spiritual: Buying

*T got a harp, you got a harp. Your Spring clothes, we would be glad to All of God’s children got a harp, dress you up from shoes to hat and let you "When I gnt to heaven goln’ to play An Opportunity Sale Of see what a difference it will make. You’ll on my harp, / Goln’ to play all over God’s find that life will take on a worth-while feel­ heaven. ing and everything will appear brighter to Everybody talkin’ about heaven you. - ^ ^ ain’t goin’ there, Spring Furnighings For Goln’ to play all over God'.- Kj 4 heaven.”

Singers hx Boston Director Archibald Sessions and The Whole Family Jarle Johnson, of the Choral club left yesterday for Boston, xvhere they planned to take part in re Men's Suits hearsals with the Boston Sym­ phony Ensemble, assisting artists Prices That Y ou Can’t Duplicate Anywhere at the concert Monday evening. One of the strongest numbers will be “The Farewell of Hiawa­ and Topcoats tha,” with solo by Mr. Johnson, ac­ Come In And Be Convinced companiment by the Boston Sym­ Made frotn the cream of the season’s phony Ensemble. Lovers of Indian fabrics, clothes that the best dressed men lore will hear once more the noble m Boys’ Wash Suits, q q Hiawatha in his farewell to old are wearing at prices that do not bar any; Nokomis: For Ladies regular $2.98 ...... i/OC man. $25 to $45. _ - For Men Slightly irregular. V .i "I am going, O Nokomis, on a long Men’s Suspenders, Q Q and distant journey. Childrefi’s Sport Golf C Q To the portals of the sunset. regular 6 5 c ...... Socks, regular 8 9 c ...... O^C To the regions of the home-wind, Ladies’ 2-Piece Men’s Shirts, C O Two p a ir ...... $1.00 Of the Northwest-wind Keew’ay- regular $2.50 ...... din; Children’s Fancy Stock- Q C Many moons and many winters Rayon Silk Sport Men’s Shirts, ^ a C A ings, regular 39c. Pair . . . ^ O C ■ Will come and will have vanish regular $2.25 ...... Boys’ Corduroy Pants, Q Q ^ Student’s ed Dresses. Popu­ 'Ere I come again to see j-ou!” Blue Chambray Shirts, regular $ 2 .6 9 ...... O^C lar shades and regular 9 8 c ...... 0 . 0 C Slightly irregular. Hartford \’lsitors Coming. Two for ...... $1.25 Boys’ Wash Pants, Several Hartford music lovers Suits who are associate members of the patterns. Extra sizes, q regular $ 1 .5 0 ...... O^C Choral club have signified their in­ regular $1.50 ...... ^ O C Boys’ Wool Mixed Pants, all sizes, Two pairs of trousers correctly tailored, tention of attending the concert. Men’s Athletic Union Q q sizes 17 to 20, priced low enough to give qual- , Those who are still without tickets Suits, regular $1.50...... ^ O C will find them at Watkins Brothers Sizes 34 to 40...... $1.00 ity : $23.50 to $33. store and the Kemp Music House Men’s Overalls, sizes 36 A Q Collegiate Sport Sweaters, pure Regular $15.00. to 44, regular $1.49...... ^ O C wool, ETA.MIXE RETURNS. Extra sizes, 46 to 50, ^ i O Q regular $5.00 ...... SPRING NECKWEAR, SHIRTS, HO­ Etamine has been revived this regular $1.98 ...... Boys’ Belts, spring and is usually seen in coats Men’s Khaki Pants, A j O O regular 50c value .. SIERY, UNDERWEAR, SPORT HOSE, or wraps in soft, pastel colors. Special At regular $1.98 ...... Boys’ and Men’s Caps, Q Fancy Men's Hose, H regular $1.50 ...... ^ O C SPORT SWEATERS. regular 69c. P a ir ...... OOC Telephone 1652, Boys’ Long Pants, 1 Two pair ...... $1.00 regular $3.50 ...... v x e O c / Men’s Fancy Neckwear, C C Boys’ Knickers, all C regular 79c each ...... OOC sizes, regular $2.50 . . . ^ X George S. Patten Two for ...... $1.00 Slightly irregular. Comfortable Spring Footwear Ladies’ Knickers, all 7 0 Contractor and Builder sizes, regular $3.95 . . . ^ X • / X/ Men’s Oxfords that are made to satisfy in all requirements, quality, comfort, Slightly irregular. style, fit and cost. For Boys Novelty Guest Sets, Jobbing Promptly Done regular $1.39 ...... fO C We will be pleased to show you what we are offering. Extraordinary Closing out on Boys’ 4-Piece Suits, Children’s Gingham Dresses, regu­ Ask to see the PACKARD SHOES. This is an old established Company that has 65 Hollister St. — Manchester, t,'t. regular $14.95. Slightly irregular, lar $1.95. Sizes Q Q been making shoes for years, with just one object in view— QUALITY SHOES at a i Value. moderate cost. $7.50 to $9, ' , The $4.98 "" With every $3.50 purchase and McGovern Granite Co. Boys’ Play Suits, '7 C over we will give you Free, a piece of regular 9 8 c ...... / O C CEMETERY MEMORIALS Ladies’ House Dresses, Aluminum or white enamel ware. Boys’ Bell Brand Blouses, Value $1.00 each. This offer good Represented by 98 c regular $1.50 ...... O. W. HAR'TENSTEIM regular $1.65 ...... for all items except the special dress Boys' Oxfords and Shoes i7 Benton St. Telephone 1621 Two f o r ...... $1.00 item. Slightly irregular. Learn to Trade at The Hub— Won­ that will fit the average boy, long wearing leather and Ladies’ Silk . Brand Shirts, sizes 121^^ derful Values Always. Look for the the style is correct. $3.50 to $4.50. full fashioned, re^ toti/rtgulay Sign. TYPEWRITERS $1.95 7 i f C Girls’ Smocks, ACk $1.50. Pair • • .- QUALITY SERVICE LOWER PRICES All makes. Sold, rented, ...... $1.50 regular $2.00 ...... V ^ •TtJ/ exchanged and overhauled. Special discount to students. SERVICE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE THE HUB VARIETY STORE G lenney’s Telephone 821 At Hemp’s Music Shop 29 Oak Street South Manchester Next Door to Woolworth’s. 691 Main St., So. Manchester / PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1926. Two of Braves’ Best GREBPRAiSES « p e o rs RELAY MEET EXPECTED Big Ed Brown and Little Walter Gautreau Stand Out TO BUST ATTENDANCE RECORD in Beantown Battlefront. J A d [D E lie <#- OC:- NEW ZEALAND BOASTS A homer in the tenth Inning by 2 v jo t WILLIAMS Sees Him Next Heavy* Two Day Carniyal Opens at GREAT GIRL SWDLMER Todt, his second during the game# gave the Red Sox the long end of It would be much easier to face weight Champion o f World Franklin Field Today; De­ New Zealand seems to have a 9-8 nightmare with the Yankees. the music these days if someone another great girl swimmer in Pat Collins also hit a homer and would keep the trap-drummer leads the league’s sluggers with More Honors quiet. on Eve of Hartford Fight, cathlon and Spring Med­ Kathleen Miller. She recently “ What 'ft game for Johnson to covered the 1 1-4 miles across three circuit clouts. Three Yankee rookies, Thomas, McQuaid and wm . The beat part of fisherman's lack Otag' Bay in record time, des­ * J i h m r - “ Some start for Walter to make Harry Greb. king of the middle- pite a rough sea most of the Braxton, failed to stand the gaff, Is the day off he gets. ley Features. Thomas passing ten men. W iL i M m f-- in his 20th year as a big leagu- weights until Tiger Flowers came way. Miss Miller is 17 and in uer.’’ along and stripped him of the title, the past ’year has stepped to Having Invaded both Canada Rain washed away the Cleve- “ What do you think of the old heaps fulsome praise on. Jack Philadelphia, April 23.— Thirty^ the front rapidly. boy?” and Cuba In recent months, Mr. land-Detrolt games and also wash­ 3 O’Goofty Is now moved to commit Delaney in discussing the Bridge­ two years ago almost to the day and These are Just a few of the ex­ ed the Indians into first place. a new novel, entitled, “ Under Two port light heavyweight’s skill as a hour, a small but select group of pressions I heard relative to Wai­ fighter. pioneers fared forth on Franklin Vic Chapman, of Wisconsin, can’t te? Johnson’s 15-inning victory ov­ Jags,” Field and, almost in semi-privacy, The Athletics suffered a relapse The great Park City ring per­ miss in tho two mile run although er the Athletics, in the opening former, who is to battle King Solo­ ran themselves silly. When this and lost to the Senators, 8 2. There is so much conjecture as there are few push-overs in the field. Reuther outpitched Harris by sev­ clash of the season. mon in the Hartford State Armory interesting result was achieved, Among othe... he will have to beat The baseball world seemed glad to whether Coolidge will run again they called it an afternoon and the eral alty blocks. on next Monday night, is picked by are Shimek, of Marquette and at the triumph of Walter Johnson. we’re beginning to think he must Greb as the man who will make the first annual University of Pennsyl­ be sCrmething like a second-hand Schmidt of Columbia who ran sec­ Dazzy Vance’s 1926 debut was a This feeling extended not only to ascent to the heavyweight throne, vania relay meet was history. ond and third last year; Loucks of the fans but players as well. 'Ther* car. Today, the first of 500 teams and great success for the Giants, who and in so doing, will jostle— Jack Syracuse and Helmo of Georgetown. sent the Brooklyn ace to the show­ could be no greater tribute. Dempsey from the pedestal. 3.000 individuals will go to the It is the writer’s guess that Loucks Working the opening game be­ Some alligators live to be 1,000 mark in the opening event of a two- ers in the fifth frame and trounced Seldom if ever has a fighter and Shimek will ^phase Chapman tween Cleveland and Detroit, both years old. . . . And, oddly enough drawn such a measure of ^ praise day carnival that is destined to the Dodgers 11 to 4. It was open­ without the use of yeast tablets or right to the tape and perhaps force ing day for the Robins and old Ty Cobb and Tris Speaker as well as Greb is bestowing on Bridge­ break all records in the matter of him to better 9:25 or take the con­ as other stars of the two teams Nuxated Iron. spectators and entries. Nearly home week for the Giants, who col­ port Jack. When asked his ppinion sequences. lected seventeen hits. made favorable comment relative of Delaney as an exponent of the 60.000 paying guests ' will have Guthrie, Ohio State hurdler, is to Walter. About the beat way to get Demp­ given the turnstiles a whirl before so-called manly art, Greb had thw another western entry who can win When the Detroit - Cleveland sey back into the ring is to start following effusion: nightfall tomorrow. Judging from Hafey’s homer in the tenth another world war. today if he feels the urge. He is staked the Cards to a 5 to 3 victory game was over, the -score board “ Delaney will be the next,heavy­ this data it is an event that grows figured to spreadeagle the field pro­ showed Washington and Philadel­ on one like warts and vers libre. over the Pirates. Pie Traynor, weight champion of the world, be­ vided he went to the post at all, phia still deadlocked in a score­ A monument to the memory of cause he is the best man in the 15,000 Expected. Pittsburgh third baseman, was Pancho 'Villa, has been erected in which was doubtful. Guthrie may spiked and painfully injured. ED BROWN, LEFT, AxND WALTER BAUTREAU. less tie at the close of the tenth ring,” said Greb. Anyhow most of the local citizens decide to remain inactive until the Inning. Manila. . . . But Johnny Buff will have lashed themselves into a lath­ Heap Big Brave and Little Much Brave of the Boston Braves— in other ‘"rhat’s simple logic. I fought field is called for the 120 yard hur­ As I wended my way to the club always be able to remember him Gene Tunney and beat him twice er over the prospect and, in spite of A four-run rally in the fifth en­ words, we mean Ed Brown, star outfielder, and Walter Gautreau, infield without a monument. dles tomorrow. abled the Braves to beat the Phils house, I heard at least a half dozen and I was only a middleweight the fact that no foreign entry was However! Occidental College fur­ sensatio.i. “ The long and short of it,’’ is another nickname for the pair. players remark: to be on display for the first time again, 6 to 2. when I defeated him. Tunney ia nished another prospective western They’re two of the best bets on the Beantown roster this season. “ Well, I hope Walter wins that You often read of the acorn not a great fighter, he is not a in recent years and that the early winner either in the spring medley one.” growing into a mighty oak. . . . It weather prospects called for show­ The Cubs and the Reds fought natural fighter. Delaney is a better or 440 yards relay championships an eleven-inning draw, 5 to 5. For would seem more logical to use if puncher and a better boxer. ers at least 15,000 spectators will or both. The Californians turned Boosts Game it grew into a bunion. view the proceedings today. once the Reds gave Luque a lead “ Delaney would knock out Tun­ 1:28 1-10 for a new sprint medley to work on but the Cuban couldn’t The attitude of fans and players ney inside of five rounds. Jack is They will be worth viewing, at record at the Kansas relays last relative to Johnson and his 15-in- Pessimistic Note: Only 42 days that. In the Decathlon, Plansky hold It, a natural fighter, Tunney is a me­ week and a fast track today was nlng victory, made it apparent to now until the season’s first ice chanical fighter. and Norton of Georgetown, the re­ likely to see them going better than me the big pirt that an outstand­ shortage. spective champion and runner-up in SONS OF ITALY PRACTICE. "Delaney is the best boxer be­ ever. They will have to, at that, ing star plays in the success of the fore the public today, and the most 1925, will come back for more and game. The mills of the gods grind ex­ with teams like Holy Cross, George­ The Sons of Italy baseball team dangerous hitter. Any time he lets may get considerably less. Sturt- ceedingly slow. . . . Indicating town, Notre Dame, Syracuse and will open its season early in May. It is really remarkable the Influ­ that right hand go he is apt to ridge, of De Pauw, who last year Chicago going to the post. ence for good, that a colorful play­ phone girls may have something to won four events outright and tied The tentative date has been set for flatten his man, and he doesn’t Quarter Mile Fast. BV SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH GOLFERS MAGAZINE, CHICAGO er with a picturesque background, do with that also. have to draw it back and cock it, for first place in another, will give May 9 with opponent yet to be se­ can exert. the thing another rally and this The company also will be quite lected. The team will practice JOCK HUTCHISON— MENTAL engaged in a practice round, but as we say in the ring. Jack is cun­ The master performance of You don't have to join the ma­ ning and resourceful. time may have the right answer. hasty in the quarter mile relay with Sunday afternoon at the West Side SIDE OP GOLF. fall down miserably in match or Johnson in blanking a slugging rines to see the world. . . . Yon He claimed today that he has im­ Cornell’s exceptional team faced by playgrounds at two o’clock with medal play. “ He was wonderful against Mo- club like the Athletics for 15 Jn- can become a tennis star. Tlgue, and tricked that trickster proved his work in the field events Alabama Poly, Syracuse, Chicago, Tommy Sipples and Sammy Kotsch Golf is at least one-third mental Just before going out to play Var- nings allowing only six hits and Ohio State and possibly Occidental. in charge. The following players Into doing just the right thing at which forced him into third place in tournament play. There are few don and Ray in the play-off for the striking out 12 men was a wonder­ One of the Cleveland catchers is in 1925. Bender of Gettysburg, Since at least two of the latter’s are requested to be on hand: players, indeed, who can play their open championship at Brookline in ful thing for baseball. the right time for Delaney to Sipples, Kotsch, Carlson, Lam- posing as a right fielder this year, smear him. Is another plausible entry. short distance men will have to be best game when facing a strong op­ 1913, little Johnnie McDermott, the "The night of the' opening of the and even without a mask his dis­ Sturtridge will be the lone hope requisitioned for the distance med­ precht, Georgettl, Holland, Senk- ponent. There are few, also, who former open champion and one of “ Six months ago Delaney lay at major league season, as well as guise is perfect. death’s door. He weighed only 140 of the west in this event but that ley in which Occidental has an ex­ bell, Boyce brothers, P. Cervini, can puty together four good medal our foremost stars at that time, the day following, the subject of section will have a greata plenty! cellent chance, the Californians Farr, Peterson, Hunt, Partons, Han­ rounds in competition when the told Francis Ouimet not to watch pounds. Now he is a stalwart, baseball conversation everywhere strapping man. He will continue to in many of the remaining competi-' probably will let one of the short na, Lovett, St. John, Dowd, War- final round means something. There them play a single shot. was Johnson’s great pitching feat. tions. races go by default. It seems al­ nock, Wilkinson, Mathewson, Man- are many fine golfers who go out This was, of course, medal play RIFT IN BOXING grow, and when he grows up them It gave the game worth while will be none to contend with him. Concede Cliapman Win. together likely that they could telll, Stratton, and any other play­ to thb links and play every shot and not match, but it was excellent publicity. It stirred up interest in Two years from now and he will Judging by past performances afford to. ers who wish a tryout. with machine-like precision when advice. baseball. It made the old fans COMMISSION LUTE lick Dempsey, He can punch with marvel and the newer flock of en­ thusiasts gasp with astonishment. Dempsey and Is a better boxer.” It just seems a shame that Wal­ ter Johnson cannot go on forever. Fireworks Tomorrow Whpn Interest In Delaney’s appearance Y. Stfite Comms. Ask Rick­ on George Mulligan’s coming card Good Influence ard Some Pointed Questions. in Hartford continues on the UI^• The passing of great stars like ward trend and present signs Indi­ Mathewson, Lajole, Wagner< John­ New York, April 23.— The rum­ cate that all prevlouA Indoor at­ son, Cobb, Ruth, Speaker and oth­ ble of war circulated through Box­ tendance records in Neyv England ers of that ilk are ft distinct loss ing circles today as the result of will be wiped out. Requests for to baseball. Tex Rickard’s signing with Jack tickets are pouring in frbm all over The deeds of these players In the Dempsey, heavyweight champion, Connecticut and : Western Massa­ box, at the bat and in the field, for at least one big time bout In chusetts. make the fans forget the unpleas­ New Jersey but no explosion was The supporting card promises ant things that often crop out. expected. If any, until the return much in the way of action. In the dark days, such as fol­ of Rickard to New York tomorrow In the semi-final Paul Doyle is lowed the 1919 scandal, the stars down to battle Irish Tommy Jor­ morning. dan. Th^ie'two-vrelterwgights are of the game by their play, tided The New York State Athletic the sport over the rough spots. Commission, with a threatened real rivals and this tiiffe will aim The players made the public real­ split within its ranks regarding to settle the question of superiori­ ize there was nothing wrong with Rickard’s definance of Commis­ ty in conclusive fashion. The last the sport, simply because a few In- sioner James Farley’s stated pre­ time they met was in Albany about Indlviduals fell from grace. ference for Harry Wills as a title a year ago and the result was a Perhaps Babe Ruth more than contender, will cross-examine Rick­ draw. Doyle, a resourceful fighter any other player came to the front ard at length. Farley has An­ with a good punch, will he seen against a more rugged and per­ in this crisis. Th^ Babe began nounced he will not countenance a hitting home runs shortly after Tunney-Dempsey match and inti­ haps harder hitter in the Irish lad. In an eight-rounder Ruby Brad­ some of the White Soi changed to mated dire reprisals it his wish is ley of Holyoke will take on Johnny black hose. douted. Breslln, a member of Delaney’s Ruth and his home run ram­ William Muldoon, another com­ page made the fans forget all stable while in the sixes, Romeo missioner, is equally emphatic in Roche of Holyoke will battle Phil about the dlr'^onest actions of a his objection to a Wells-Dempsey few. As a result all previous at­ Richards, the Englishman and Alex y say bout. The third commissioner, Rely, a Peruvian, will square off tendance records were broken the George H. Brower, declares he has with Murray Gitlitz of New Haven. year following the scandal. an open mind on both subjects. This, in view of the fact that the "The last two are heavyweights. pessimists had predicted dire LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS. things. Too bad there must be an end to At. St. Louis.— Jack Renault, the playing days of every color­ Canadian heavyweight, stopped \ ful star. Sully Montgomery, one-time Centre College football player. In the sev­ uyMom CHENEY BROTHERS enth round. AMERICA’S GA3IE SUPPLY At Boston.— Red Chapman, Bos­ The wild life of America can ba ton feathetweight, knocked out saved in only one way. It is NINE ORGANIZES Herbie Shaeffer, Chicago, in the through the game sanctuary me­ fourth. thod. At Yonkers, N. Y.—A1 Tripoli, With agriculture reclaiming wa­ New York featherweight, beat Joe ter-fowl areas out of existence Will Hold First Practice Mon­ Kr.ufman, New York, six rounds. daily the migrating horde, in much day Afternoon at West Sine of the cou-utry, finds Its best Oval. friend to be the private duck club. These clubs are now feeding the U S ^ Word was sent to about forty north-bound ducks in the hope of baseball players about the mills WORTH getting a crack at them on the yesterday notifying them th&t the same shooting grounds when they first practice session of Cheney UN SPORT return next fall. And the feed in­ \ Brothers nine will be held Monday vestment will no doubt pay big evening at the West Side play­ dividends. grounds, weather permitting. It is What America needs and needs expected that the opening game of KNOWING quick Is a national policy to stay W e l l , let that go. I’m rcatfy to admit They tell me it’s the Prince Albert the season will be played at the *• Jimmy Ring, Philly hurl- • the drainage of our swamps and stadium Saturday afternoon. May er, obtained by the Giants • marshes where waterfowl must that so far as pipe tobacco is concerned, process that cuts out bite and parch. Fair 15 with the International Silver ** in the Bentley-Dean trad) * fit d food, nesting grounds and pro­ Company of Meriden, as opponents. •* du ■ the winter, has been • tection— or perish. I’ve got ideas. And if insisting on a enough. I’ll testify before the well- •* in the blr show continuous- • The Cheney brothers team will Every, sportsman in our country tobacco that won’t bite the tongue or known world that P. A. is the coolest, play twilight and Saturday after­ •• ly sine* 1919. That yehr he • should exert every ounce of aid •• was with Cinclnnaiti, tak- • and influence he possesses In be­ P. A. h told tverynthirt In liny red noon ball. It will be played on a parch the throat is ” being fussy,” you sweetest, most genuinely friendly smoke ** Ingpartin the world series • half of the Game Refuge Bill, or (Ins, pound and half-pound tin humu purely amateur basis and the ma­ against the White Sox. He • can write "guilty” alongside my name, a fellow can get on this planet. You sus­ dors, end pound crv5/

Morgan and Get All the Selling Direct Market Facts Before I To The You Buy— Streets Public HARTFC' Look for the Garber Bros.’ iiA ::r.7:::D Guarantee Tatr. On ever.v tag ^vill bo specified, tlio de­ W >.» - S f / f sign. the material of Achlch the piece Is made. The inside specifications as well as the a ff exterior will be jiven. Tou If it Comes From Gt !— It Is Furniture of Quality won’t have to guess— you will know. If the piece is upholstered, the ta.g will tcK roll the material with whb li it is covered, al.so the tlllin": ?:iid an c’ tbn.-'ia -tic .sbojipcr to us recently. “ You have all the good points that certain stores claim for themselves— and you say and interior construc-tion. luu.hing ii! it— ib'.y .'a\- it all but do nothing. And beside.^. I find Garber Brothers so different from all other furniture stores.’’ You get all the facts — the —yes, we are Ye.s— we i!o what others only i;i!!t about—and we ABE different We believe this to be the most unique furniture establishment truth. in America. A’fe nro in an out-of-the-way location— we have no display windows to attract passersby—and our huge factory different— building is et on unattractive in apiiearance and we NEVER have sales. Apparently, every advantage in favor of other stores lo­ cated in the heart of the city— with attractive disid.iy windows and beautiful buildings. And yet the good people of New England are making a beaten path to our door ‘Demand tke — tile rapid growth of our busiriess is the marvel of ilm furniture trade. A\'hat is the reason for this? You answer it for yourself— AVould you rather pay_ “ high-rent’’ prices or go a little out of the .sl)o)';)ing district and .'.u\e the difforonce? Are you buying “ window atmosphere’’ or home atmosphere? Do you mind shopping in a fac­ Facts’^ tory building where you can bu\- direct from tli" m:'nnftteturcr withotit pc.x'in.g the middleman's profit? Do you believe in “.sales”— or would you rather pay Garber Brothers’ always lowest in the cit\- E V E R A'D.\ A' B R IfilS and know tiiat wm’ have received utmost value for your money and not an imaginary reduction? Intelligent, cicr.r-thinking, thrifty folks arc an.swering these questions e\ery day at Garber Brothers’.

99 The $169.50 “A Safe Place To Buy Your Furniture Living Room Outfit— •rin| 1— ^Davenport. 2— Club Chair. S— AVing Back Chair. 4— Davenport Table. —here's the biggest $508.50 5— Smoking Stand. C— Table Laini). worth of good furniture f— I'crnery. 8— Bridge Lamp. 9— End Table. Hartford ever saw for 10- :—Book Ends. 11— Searf. the m oney- •12— Ash Tray, Just think of it— your choice of a living room, din- I ing room or bedroom outfit at Garber Brothers The $169.50 EVERYDAY PRICE of only $169.50— each outfit complete in every respect— or all three outfits com­ Bedroom prising thirty-six articles at a total of $508.50— just think of it—three rooms completely and luxur­ iously furnished for only $508.50. Where else but at 1— Bow-end Bed. Garber Bros, could anyone buy so much good furni­ 2— Dresser- ture for so little money? Opportunity is knocking 3— Vanity or Chifforettc, at your door, Mr. and Mr^. Newlyived— and ■with­ 4— Night Stand. 5— Bed Lamp. in easy reach of anyone’s purse— you can budget 6— Rug. your purchase at Garber Brothers at extremely rea­ 7— Rug. 8— Bench. sonable terms. 9— Pillow. 10— Pillow. 11— .Spring. Ifc—NIattress.

Here’s a Living Room You’ll The $169.50 Be Proud to Own Dining Room Outfit— 1— Biiffet Weekly 2— Table Living Room Outfit—12 Pieces For . . . 3— Chair Just Imagine! Three piece Jacquard living room ^uite, ns pictured ahovo. wiili rc\ cr.-ib’o satin dama.sk cushions. 4— Cliair Resilient spring constructed, outside backs and sides covered all over with the sa.nic (luaii;'. ami p.iilern of Jacquard. .'5— Cb.air. This outfit comprises nine more pieces to complete the living room ensemble: An ariis'.i.- davenport table, richly fin­ 6— C luilr ished in mahogany. A mahogany humidor .smoker. A wrought iron table limp \viih < i'.■.■■lallino .'■hade. .\ pair of 7— Chair Buys the 12-Piece Outfits cast-brass book end.s. Wrought iron fernery witli copper bowl. Polychrome bridge lamp with .silic shade. Mahngar'- end table. Porcelain ash tray. And a tapestry table scarf. All 12 pieces offered complete at Garber Drosr EVERY'DAY 8— Chair PRICE. » 9— Serving Tray On This Page 10— Tea Set, 23 pieces 11— Silverware, 26 pieces 12— Buffet Mirror Every Article on This Page Exactly ^4s Sketched From The Stock on Our Premises


Here’s a \ece Bedroom Outfit ^nd Comparison at I vvalnl te is constructed of walnut and other quality cabinet side Hll last a lifetime. Finished in an exquisite tAvo-tone will alnut effect. Bow-end bed, dresser and choice of ditioi i*ette or vani^. • The additional nine pieces comprise hatch, night stand, georgette bed lamp, 2 axminster set (lows, national spring and a pure cotton mattress. Com- at G| It Garber Bros’. EVERYDAY PRICE of only.. \’

-> s U ; - . y . - .

3 -• ’ 1.?.' ^ ■■ ■»

Xl- • / OTHERS

Get All the Morgan and Selling Direct Market Facts Before E To The You Buy— Streets Public !H AE*50Si) HARTFr Look for the Garber Bros.’ Guarantee Tap:. On every tag \vlll bo specified, tlie de­ sign. the material o" ^■.•hl(•b the piece la made. The ins!ile specifications .-us well .as th“ a exterior will be J^i^•en. You li It Comes From Garber Bros—It Is Furniture of Quality” won’t have to guess— you will know. If the jiieco is upholstered, the tag will tcK you the material with whioii it is covered, al.so the fillin-r an eutbn.-iiaatic sbr,]i];c!' to us recently. “You have all the good points that certain stores claim for themselves—and you say and interior construction. nothing of it— tlicy rat' it .all lint do nothing. And beside.'-i, I find Garber Brothers so different from all other furniture stores.” You get all the facts — the ■yes, we are Ye.s— wo do wh:;i others only itilk tibout— and wo AKE different, AVo believe this to be the most unique furniture establishment truth. in Aiiu'rictt. AVo are in an out-of-the-way location—we have no display windows to attract passersby—and our huge factory building i.s even Uiiattrai'tivc in ;ippearanco and we N EV ER have sales. Apparently, every advantage in favor of other stores lo­ cated in the heart of the city— v. ilh attractive dis|il.iy v.ituiows and beautiful buildings. And yet the good people of New England are making a beaten path to our door ‘Demand the — the nipid growth of otn- Ini.sitiess is the marvel of the furniture trade. AVhat i.s the re.ason for this? You an.swer it for vourself—AA’ould you rather pay “high-rent” prices or g- EX'E ft A’0.\ A' Pitiri-l.-t ;ind know that you have received utmost value for your money and not an imaginary reduction? Intelligent, clcr.r-tliinking, thrifty folks arc tinswcrin.g these questions every day at Garber Brothers'.

Safe Place To Buy Your Furniture” The $169.50 Living Room Outfit— Spring Brides

1— ^Davenport. 2— Club Chair. 3— ^AVing B ack Chair. 4— Davenport Table. —here^s the biggest $508.50 •I—Smoking Stand. 0—Table T.ainp. worth of good furniture 7— Fernery. 8— B ridge Lam p. 9— End Table. Hartford ever saw for 10— i—Book Ende. 11— Scarf. the money— 12— Ash Tray. Just think of it—your choice of a living room, din­ ing room or bedroom outfit at Garber Brothers EVERYDAY PRICE of only $169.50—each outfit The $169.50 complete in every respect—or all three outfits com­ Bedroom prising thirty-si-x articles at a total of $508.50— just think of it—three rooms completely and luxur­ Outfit— iously furnished for only $508.50. Where else but at 1— Boxv-end Bed. Garber Bros, could anyone buy so much good furni­ 2— D resser. ture for so little money? Opportunity is knocking 3— A'anity or Chlfforcttc. 4— Niglit Stand. at your door, Mr. and Mr^. NewlyAved—and with­ 5— Bed Lamp. in easy reach of anyone’s purse—you can budget 6— R ug. your purchase at Garber Brothers at extremely rea­ 7— Rug. 8— B ench. sonable terms. «— Pillow . 10— Pillow. 11— Spring. Ifr—Mattress.

Here's a Living Room You'll The $169.50 , I i K i I'l’i . V "'v 1 ; ' ''T ''i ’ ' ; 'f T Be Proud to Own 1 " ' ilr'i Y ' ; Dining Room Oidfit— 1— Bu ffet Only Weekly 2— Table Living Room Outfit—12 Pieces For . . . 3— Chair Just Imagine! Tliree piece Jacquard living room ^uitc, pictured above, witli rewr.-ib’o rtttin damask cushien.s. 4— Chair Resilient spring constructed, outside backs and sides covered till over with the r.-.nie (]iiaiit,\ ::iid pailern of ,l;u-tiuard. r— Chair. This outfit comprises nine more pieces to complete the living room ensemble; An urt':-;i.- davenport table, rlclily fin­ 6— Chair ished In maliogany. A mahogany humidor smoker. A wrought iron tabic limp with < i .'.allinc .'-hade. A pair of 7— Chair Buys the 12-Piece Outfits cast-bra?s book end.s. Wrought iron fernery witli copper bowl. Polychrome l-r;d,'p- l:ipip wiili .sill; shade. Maho'r-ir'- end table. Porcelain ash tray. And a tapestry table scarf. Ail 12 pieces ollered coiupleic at Garber Bros: EVERY'DAT 8— Chair PRICE. » 9— .Serving Tray On This Page 10— Tea Set, 23 pieces 11— Silverware, 20 pieces 12— Buffet M irror Every Article on This Page Exactly /Is Sketched From The Stock on Our Premises


For This 12-Pieee Dining Here’s a .-•-SI r 12-Piece Bedroom Outfit Room Beyond Comparison at Dining-room suite of eight handsome g|^i(^.finished in French « AA^alnut. Large b'affet, oblong extensioii-tafeSi liaat’s chair and five The suite is constructed of walnut and other quality cabinet side chairs. Highly finished and desigae4.i ^lately period that Avoods that will last a lifetime. Finished in an exquisite two-tone will give your dining-room an air of digriit^’ 1 “elegance. The .ad- Huguenot walnut effect. Bow-end bed, dresser and choice of ditional four articles comprise—Buffet,- l^^perving tray, tea either chifforette or vanity. . The additional nine pieces comprise —Bench to match, night stand, georgette bed lamp, 2 axminster set of 23 pieces and a silverware sat ot I Complete outfit rugs, pair pillows, national spring and a pure cotton mattress. Com­ at Garber Bios.’ EVERYDAY PRICE.'' plete outfit at Garber Bros’. EyERYlDAY PRICE of pnly.i_.^ \

INTENTIONAL DLPE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, FEtIDAY, APRID 28, 1926. TWECW M \ y FEATURE ARTlCLES^ ABOUT INTERB3ia|^ LATEST FASHION WOMEN - HINTS BY FOREMOST AUTHORITIES THE HERALD’S HOME PAGE . . ■/ Smartest Gloves liim in iiiin im in iiiin n in iiin iifflH iiiiiii* Jimmy looked straight other's eyes. “Why don’t you <»11 up Jensen or Kid Dlvls and see if you can get any help from them? He Test Guiurds Your Cliila E r tie st' saw every vestige of color recede from Church’s face. “1 seo you know tho gentlemen, & because of some protective sub­ ^ COP>>RIOHT 1926 Bt NCA SCRVICE. IWC. pursued Jimmy. By DR. HUGH S. CTOIMINO Church looked as If he had been Burgeon General, U. S. Public stance in their mothers’ mill^ seem struck a sudden blow. “I d°n’t know Health Service. to have usually a natural immuni­ BGUIN h e r e today what you’re talking about. he ty to diphtheria, hut this immunity HENRY RAND. 65, a business snarled. “You’re crazy.” AUene SahheV’ is nearly always lost after the man, Is found murdered In a P erhaps I am—but let me go on After a child is ten years old he child is weaned. Food for Thought! is less liable to contract diphtheria, cheap hotel In Grafton. Police M th my story. You had me flr^. The best time then for making [ didn’t leave town. And tnen Some women might well ponder though he may do so. Few grown the Schick test la when the child Is find a woman’s handkerchief and conceived the brilliant Idea of upon this extract from a modern people are relatively Immune. about one year of age, though they the yellow stub of a theater writing me anonymous notes of novel: “Mrs. Adams considered in Why not have the doctor make may be immunized at any time. If warning. Usually they were deliv­ the traditional manner, that the ac­ a Schick test on your children and the skin where the test Is made ticket. cidental bearing of a child was a JIMMY RAND, his son, goes ered by your good friend Dlvls. Once if this test shows a lack of protec­ does not show the characteristic re­ he paid a little boy to leave one at moral tribute, and assumed that tion against diphtheria why not to Cleveland, where the theater action, you may know that the iny door. she was ennobled in Mary’s eyes have the doctor give the thren pro­ blood contains enough resisting Is. The stub Is traced to OLGA "Never mind. Sit still," and Jimmy because she had cenceived her. Yet tective injections? In every school power to protect the child against MAYNARD, a cabaret singer. raised a hand to ward off the other’s if there was one thing Mary could or home where children are diphtheria. When this latter hap­ Jimmy meets and faiis In love interruption. "Why. would you be­ not bear about her mother It was brought together, diplj^heria may pens it is known as a negative re­ lieve it, Mr. Church? One night Mr. just this fact, She loved her, not break out at any time. with MARY LOWELL. Later but for post-natal, action, and means that the child is Dlvls, a little nettled that I wasn't for pre-natal, Step For Eradication^ protected naturally. he finds Olga. She faints at hear­ paying much attention to his love reasons.” Nothing Is smarter than the wash­ By testing every child it is pos­ ing she Is wanted for murder. letters, actually shot at me.” able suede glove in beige or light sible to determine which children Church struggled angrily to his Without Rubbing VERY NEW, INDEED. Mary, out with SAMUEL reaches brown, heavily stitched in black. are susceptible to diphtheria and The quilted taffeta coat is smart CHURCH, a wealthy lawyer, feet, red color once more flooding America’s speed mania which are not. Thc«e children who his ‘ cheeks. "This has gone far a climax, methlnks, with the loud both for day and evening wear, and sees Jimmy lift Olga into a taxi give a positive reahtion to the frequently has 9. flaming jining. enough. I won’t sit here and listen ballyhooing of a new turkish tow­ Schick test should be given the and misunderstands. to you make mysterious allusions to eling bath robe which Is advertised GOOD FOR BOTH. toxin - antitoxin treatment. If this Olga tells police the stub things that don’t concern me. I don’t “to dry without rubbing.” The (at cubist exhibition) Only were done to all such children, it care if you 'were shot at. It's too He might have come into possession idea is for the bather to don the the artists can tell what the pic- would not be long before diph­ bad he missed you.” robe, read, rest, listen to the radio^ bf a man who “picked her up’’ “Indeed It was, from your stand­ tures mean. theria would he eradicated. anything, and presto! the old epW Many physicians give the Schick Mrs.A.M.Gordon two nights before the murder. point. But the time for allusions Is Friend: Then they ought to dermis Is dry as a dried herring! test and the first injection of to.xin- Jimmy and Olga, out one nearly over with now. I'm going to 3 hang them, too.—Japan Advertis­ has taken up an exclusive line ol “And.” as the polite Chinaman antitoxln at the same time. night, get a swift glimpse of the surprise you In a moment or two | asked his American host who had er. Monasllk made-to-measurs dresses by coming right out with what the | The three injections are given a man she says got the stub. Later figured that they would save time newspapers would call a startling | “ w hat week apart. They are harmless. made and sold by the Independent by taking an earlier train, The protection lasts for years, per­ they Identify him by his police disclosure. You read the newspapers, ; all this do you Americans do with ETIQUET BY PICTURES. haps throughout life. Industries of New York, cannot ha photo as IKE JENSEN. don’t you? Of course. I see you have | time you save?” Mary promises to marry just laid one aside. 'Wen. you will | Tokyo.—The Japanese are to be Nursing Immunity. duplicated by any store. Call at Church, but later breaks the en­ have read. then, of the mysterious | taught etiquet by means of moving The United States Public Health When to Marry Service wishes you to know that all my rooms, 689 Main street, all day gagement. disappearance of Olga Maynard. ; More men and women marry at pictures. Officials of the Depart­ children over one year of age Saturday and evening, to see sam­ Jimmy gets a phone call from Jimmy had picked up the revolver j 22 and 23, they tell us, than at ment of Education are planning to Olga, saying she has found Jen­ and pointed It carelessly at Church. | start a cinema campaign of instruc­ should be given the Schick test. any other age The ripe old age Children who are nursing, possibly ples, etc. sen. He rushes to her apartment Church slowlij raised his eyes and then gave a sudden start who sank back again In his chair. of 27 is nov-' conceded to be oup na­ tion in the spring. to find her gone. Her disappear­ And Rand’s voice, continuing, was a servant and have you thrown out. tional “old maid” and bachelor ance becomes a newspaper sen­ However grudgingly they may have cold, without emotion. deadline, ani?. at 30, one’s chances sation. looked on Sam Church’s affluence, Damn your Impudence.” "Funny thing about her disap­ are mighty slim, statistics show. h e a l t h I..ater, Jimmy accidentally sees people were free to admit that he “Go ahead and ring. Church. I pearance. Church. In her apart­ YOURSELF TO KID DIVIS, a known intimate h e l p was a hard worker. Rare indeed don’t think anyone will answer.” ment we found a picture. It was a Glad Rags of Jensen, and trails him to a Rand’s tone was still level, uncon­ picture of my father, taken when ha lonely house where he and Jen­ was the night when someone did not “Pink is for girls. cerned. Then he said sharply. Sit was a boy of fifteen or so. Wouldn’t Blue Is for boys. sen are holding Olga prisoner. observe a late burning light In his down. Church." and there was a have recognized it myself, I suppose, Jimmy sneaks in the house. But white is best of all.” library and remark. "Sam Church rising, ominous note In his voice If It hadn’t been for Lieutenant So runs the old rhyme. Big girls When Jensen goes upstairs to p f / . burning the midnight oil again. that caused the other man to stop O’Day. Ever met O’Day, Church? as well as babies, are ■wearing, not answer the phone, he hits Dlvls Think he’d take it easy, now he s Charming fellow. It seems he knew -7/ • / / over the head with a broken and­ dead still and stare. really pink, but pink shades this got such a pile.” “Go on, sit down.” he reiterated. my father when the both of them year. Variations of last year’s rose­ iron, then rushes after Jensen. And this evening was no excep- were mere kids. Oh. that surprises In the fight that follows, Jen­ “If you don't, 1 may have to use wood shade of hois de rose. Plain tlon. this.” From his hip pocket he drew you, eh? rose glows in the new summer sen crashes through the stair Of all the rooms In his house, Sam “Now, the peculiar thing about railing and breaks his neck. a revolver, which he laid on the end fabrics. Church loved his library best. Here of the table nearest him. Then, as the finding of that picture was Just Jimmy takes Olga to a hospital, there was a broad fireplace, and a this. It positively incriminated Olga then goes to see LIEUTENANT Church slowly settled Into his chair. Poor Tilings 'rare Italian walnut table, and easy Jimmy drew one for himself. Maynard In a murder. . . . My O’DAY, his police friend, who books, brave In their many-colored Now they’re -writing book ah He said, leaning forward and fixing father’s murder. He was killed some shows him an important tele­ bindings. poor, abused males in a woman- the other with an unblinking stare, time ago In Grafton. You probably gram. He sat In his favorite chair before, read that In the papers, too? Yes. ruled world! What, begin to ask 1 Jimmy makes O’Day promise the table, the heavy bowl of his pipe "Church, I've got a long story to tell tho authors today, will become of to “let me handle this thing in you tonight—and I've got something Incriminated her. She was known to almost caressing his chin. Its curved be In Grafton the day of the mur- poor man as he finds his home my own way.’’ stem gripped loosely In his teeth. to settle with you.” He continued, gone, his job snatched from him In- noting the swift blanching of der. Furthermore, her handkerchief NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY But Sam Church was not working; was found in the rooVn, and the stub a marauding female? Such a pit­ Church’s face. ’'First, there’S the iable spectacle is Jeffrey Kildare CHAPTER LII he was reading a newspaper. of a theater ticket that a b o had used. She needed more matter of Olga Maynard." in a novel n"--''--! “ T rium ph” by SIDE from being one of its From time to time he looked up, When we found the picture, there glanced Irresolutely toward the tele­ He paused, and at his next words was nothing to it, of course. You’d John Wiley. Not a very good hook ■ A wealthiest men, Samuel Church phone nearby, and turned back again sudden relief wqa stamped on say she was guilty yourself, wouldn’t because Jeff is such a simp no­ beauty was one of Cleveland’s unex­ to the print. Church’s countenande. you—from all that evldence?’| body could possibly care whether than “Church," he said, "you hounded he got spanked in a “woman’s plained mysteries. After a time he threw the paper "Yes, of course. God. y«s!" fehurch If eaten regularly, Kellogg’# ALL-BIUy^ down, puffed savagely on his pipe that girl to death, didn't you? Be­ fished a handkerchief from a pocket, world,” or any other kind. A good WHAT a forlorn figurp she is . . . haui^ng For Instance. It was hard for the theme, though, wasted in a poor xa guaranteed to bring permanent relief and turned a loose-leaf notebook on cause she defied you, you had her mopped his tprrehead; and his eyes the beauty parlors . . ^ «temally brooding IS average man In the street to under­ fired from every job she could find. book! from constipation or your grocer refunds the table In front of him. were like black beads. . . . wondering, worrying. Where had her stand why a bachelor should want A quiet step In the wide doorway Only a low dog would play a trick Jimmy took his eyes from the the purchase price. -In chronic an 18-room house, when something that opened living room Into like that.” other man’s. Deliberately he began “Acting Right” beauty gone? Her glorious complexion? ALL-BRAN -with every meal. Its delightful much smaller would have answered library failed to disturb him. . . . "Even If that were true," replied to turn the revolver over In his Goblets of gold and silver, va.s- There are tnillions of women in the world Church, who had regained much of I a of crystal and platters of sapp- nutty flavor quakes it good as a cereal. Serve as well, without sacrifice of comfort The butler was very light on his hands. His silence was positively today who need much more than beauty- feet. his lost composure, "I can't see maddening and Church looked as if I'ired gold a\ere carried awnv by •with milk or cream alone or with fresh or or beautiful surroundings. Without looking up. Sam Church where It becomes your business.” he was ready to scream. "iiests of t’ue ancient emperor Hel- parlor beauty—^who need only to c^ect preserved fruit; sprinkle over other cereals "Think of the money he squanders said. "Yes. Thorne" "If that were all that I had to say still holding the weapon, still look­ iogahalus as gifts from him. -As that great affliction— constipation. What a may he imagined, few guests "turn or cook with hot cereals; use in soups, or in In upkeep,” they often remarked. But Thorne’s low, unctuous voice 1 wouldn’t be here, never fear. It ing at it. Rand went on: “You can blessing it is that Kellogg s ALLBRAN the recipes given on every package. "A butler, a gardener, a cook, and became my business when you ha(3 imagine how surprised I was. cd down” an invitation to dine. It did not answer him. The silence happens, though, in modei'.n life brings sure, safe, permanent relief from this Lord knows how many other ser­ was disturbing. . . . Church slowly me fired, didn’t It?" Church, to learn that picture came Insist on Kellogg’s ALL-BRAR Only "What do you mean? You're from you." 11 that “regrets” are often necessary. 'vicious disease. ALL-BRAN brings sure results. Kellogg s vants. Personally, I think Sam raised his eyes and then gave a sud NEVER fill In an engraved “re­ crazy!" Again that flat silence. Onc.e Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN brings sure relief Church Just likes to show off." den start. Church’s mouth writhed as If he gret’ form. Either accept'anees is the original ALL-BRAN. At all grocers. "Good evening," said Jimmy Rand. "Listen, Church, save your breath were about to utter hot denial. Then or “regrets” must always be writ­ because it is 100 % bran. As it journeys Served in leading hotels and restaurants. Which may or may not have been With admirable control. Church for what you’re going to tell me through the body its fiber remains Un­ true. It was certainly to be con­ he sank back, his beady eyes fixed ten by hand. Mad* by Kallogg in Battl* Crmah, Michigan removed the pipe from his mouth presently. Mr. Hilton, at the Q. & on Jimmy as a fascinated bird eyes ceded that Sam Church loved his and with both hands pushed himself K. R.ailroad, admitted he fired me at changed. Doctors call it v bulk food. a snake. Girls JUKI Coiklaife ease and comfort and elegance, and back from the table. your suggestion. Furthermore, that Then Jimmy closed his hand on “Women must disronr.'. re the *lt was not surprising that he should "How did you get In here?" he man Porter at the laundry ad- (he h.indle of the revolver and serving of ('(jcktail:'. ’ A:aistnut ■um oonsnpnno* mit.s he was paid a hundred dollars be fond of a certain amount of os asked coolly. pointed It. "That bookcase over Secretary of the Tren^iry An­ W & y f i tentatlon. "The sumo way, 1 suppose, that to let me go. His stenographer told there. Church. Right through the drews. prohihilion enforcement Another mystery was his sudden most people get In —through the on him. middle of the glass, now. Watch.” conclave Atta bok, make it rlie leap from the position of an obscure front door. How did you suppose?" "Bjt even that, Mr. Church, Isn’t He pulled the trigger, and Church woman’s job as always! Of enurap AU-BRANl lawyer to that of one of the best "Hut the butler, where—how—” all, and you know It." Jumped as the room was filled with «WTOBAT "Oh. your butler Very fine butler this whole prohibition is all wom­ known In the city and, indeed, In "Well, hurry up. I’ve no time to explosive sound. There v^s a tinkle an’s fault, too! that part of the state. As Is so often you have. Church. Didn't want to waste Bitting here listening to you.” of glass on the floor. . . . let me In at all. I had to persuade the case, his prominence came hard "There's no hurry.” Jimmy’s voice "Not so bad. eh. Church?" Jimmy Diplomas all bound round with on the heels of his newly-acquired him.” was tantallzingly cool. “You’re not patted the revolver. “The next bul­ colors’n everything aie now ALL-BRAN wealth. "Damn you:’’ cried Church holly, going anywhere—not just yet, any­ let’s for you"— he pulled out hi* his calm vanished In the face of the being awarded graduates of beau­ One day he had been a fairly sue way," he added significantly. watch and laid It on the table—“un­ ty schools. One city boasts a class The original ALL-BRAN—ready-to-eal cessful law practitioner, and the other’s maddening coolness. "What less you tell me Inside of five min­ do you want here?" His face was "You young cub," Church sput­ of 30 marcelled graduates addres­ next thing you heard he had bought tered, "I'll have you thrown out on utes why you murdered Hem:' sed by a “Madame Louise” who this mansion and was suddenly red, his voice loud and no longer your neck.” Rand.” wore a silver and apple green cir­ looked up to as one of the brightest under control. (To Be Continued; ...... inn...... His fingers twitched, "i'll ring for "You'll listen to me first. . t” clet about ■'■'er evening “transfor­ miiiiiii of legal lights. mation.” “Madame Louise” per­ ^ orated quite atiine with modern ed ucational Ideals. “Every one of BEST HE COULD SAY. you can drive your Cadillac’’ quoth l..id the ha.- luhnt. the old man interrupted I sU ; 1' “Can you recommend that re­ she. I'.is son liad sent to me on his desk j irascibly. Special for mvsclf comfortab- “What did jou want tO' be Inde­ so rt?” and then seated “All depends. I didn’t like It, hut ly beside it. pendent for? Couldn't your father take care of you?” my wife’s dog gained an ounce.”— HEAVY, LARGE SIZE TURKISH secretary 1 Louis-v^ille C ourier-Journal, The young woman “He certainly could—he wanted 25c I started to tell me to get up again r TOWELS ...... to do so—in liis own way. But his 4 and I rem arked: • ¥ A Y - way was not to let me make onej Garden trow els...... -19CX 15c, 25c GIRL o/jQOdY “I am sure that after I get decision on my own account. I , Children’s Socks— they’re here in abund­ tlirough, Mr. Hatliaway, you will must do what he said, I should do [ ance—cotton, mercerized lisle and sjlk— Weeding hooks ...... 10c MAKING A CLEAN BREAST OF liavo many questions to ask me. and go where he wanted me to go, Pruning shears ...... 29c up Besides I'm not used to do some­ but mostly I should stay at home.” all colors, all len gth s...... 2oc up IT, Grass shears ...... • ...... ,.. -39c one a favor.” “Well, wasn’t that good enough Children’s panty dresses in plain coltn’S, “(Go on,” put in Mr. Hathaway for you, young woman?” Screen door hinges...... 15c, 25c pair "Look here, young woman, what Impatiently. “Not the kind of home I had. r printed materials and v oile...... 99c “Oh, yes, I had enough to eat Screen door catches...... • 19c, 25c are you talking about? W'hcre did But, someway I got an idea that An unusual variety of boys’ fast colofl, you meet Sterns? Get over with It. and plenty of clothes—the kind he Ice picks * 19c> 15® my bearding him in liis den had wanted me to wear—but as I told who washable suits in many styles and colors, Can’t you see I'm busy.” given him an added respect for me^ LookFirst Sprayers...... 25c, 50c “Pardon me, Mr. Hathaway, but I vou before, I could not stand my suitable for dress and play . . . 99c to $2.9» I told him the whole story. I said father’s domineering temper. inherited you don’t look as busy to me as be in- The only quick-cooking Garden sets, consisting, of 3 pieces, you do annoyed. All right, here came here to get work and When he found that I was going to Our 99c ladies’ silk hosiery in a,ll the fash­ dependent. When I reached this 10c, Me, 39c, 50c goes.” leave home anyway, he gave me the best oats with this flavor is ionable colors is the best value in town. two hundred and fifty dollars and “Quick Quaker” Baseballs ...... 19c, 25c iip to $1.63 although I decided In my own home-keeping Bloomers and step-ins of Windsor crei^, Baseball gloves, mitts, bats, etc., at lowest mind never to ask him for another lingette and lawn—full cu t ...... 59c penny, yet, I knew if I got into traditions prices in town. trouble my father would help me l a v o r is the all-important point Rose Marie ties of silk crepe— every n^ Scooters—with and without brake, some out, giving me the devil all the from their in food. In oats it is probably shade ...... with balloon tires, $1.98, $2.98 up to $4.29 time he did so.” Fmore important than in any other. Again the supercilious young mothers That is 'why people who once taste New collar and cuff sets, an excellent as­ Kiddy c a r s...... ------• • .$1-39 woman secretary sliuddered, but it the toasty richness of Quaker Oats sortment ...... 25c, 50c, 99c Children’s wagons ...... •. • -59c, 99c seemed to me that the old man s are spoiled thereafter for all others. Garment b a g s...... 19c, 69c, $1.49 Other larger ones a t ...... • ouraine face became a little softer. 4i m c U U f m u t Quaker flavor is unique, toasty and Paints, Garnishes arid enamels, 10c up COFFEE-^TE. delightful. No other oats offers it Moth balls. 12 ...... 19c Brushes of every description to do the^job. TOMORROW: Coming to the to you. Some SO years were spent ...... 99c Point. perfecting it. Roller sk a tes...... Now is the time .to plant Ferry’s seeds, Quaker milling, too, retains much ,$1.98, $2.25 10c per paper of the “bulk” of oats. And that makes Ball-bearing roller skates DIAMOND LOST IN SNOW. laxatives less often needed. Protein, You mi^ht Bloomington, 111. — Norman carbohydrates, and vitammes and this Shideler, a student of the Indiana “bulk” are thus combined to make as well have University, is advertising for * dia­ Quaker Oats an excellently balanced mond ring which was lost when it the best slipped from his finger and fell In ration. the snow. He was unable to flntl For your own sake, saj? "Quaker* So. Manchea- when buying oats. Two kinds now at 867 Main St. It. groceries: Quick Quaker (cooks m 3 , ter» Conn. to S minutes) and Quaker Oats as RICH AND IMPRESSIVE Orford Bldg. W.S.QUINBY CO. Sliver and gold lace are often always. FOR VALUES NEW YORK BOSTON CHICA combined on the same coat or wrap —and silver and gold lame are 7,iuiiiiiiiuuiiiiuu used together. duakerOats 1 ... p a g e 'T ^ /

Hartford Providence Woonsocket

Henry Grant paeeed away very suddenly at Mt. Dora, Florida Sun­ day, April 18tii with acuta Indi­ gestion. He was sick only about second year and had been In Flori­ da (or the past six months. Be­ sides his yrlt* ''*'ho survives him, be leaves one brother, Chester Grant Andover, Mass., April 23—John of this place, and one daughter, Zlda, farm hand suspected of mur-1 •*1 Mrs, Alice Grant Smith. He was dering John Budrowltz, father of ! one ot the assessors in this town four children, whose battered body I and one ot the original members was found on the floor ot an j of the Wapplng Creamery, also a American Woolen company cow- charter member of Wapplng baru, was sought today In woods Grange. He was a representative surrounding Lakevlew farm. V r' of the-Town of South Windsor In Because of the density of the I 1887. He was an esteemed citi­ woods a night search had to be | zen and beloved by all who knew abandoned, but early today a civil­ him. The funeral will be held ian posse led by armed forces of Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, state troopers and police from standard time, from his late resi­ neighboring cities and towns bad dence. The burial will be In the formed an ambush about the vi­ family plot In the Wapplng ceme­ cinity and \/ere using man-hunting tery. Rev. Truman H. Woodward dogs in an effort to run Zlda down. will officiate. After a thorough beating of the re­ Little Miss Nellie Burnham, gion, however, the conclusion was daughter ot. Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ reached that Zldh had escaped. mond Burnham is ill at her home this week with grip and croup. Mrs. Marlon Pierce is confined to her bed with the grip and Is un­ der the care of Dr. Lundberg of n e atl Manchester. Ralph Collins was given a very pleasant surprise party at his No Connection With home Wednesday evening. About twenty-four of his young frleods Any Other Hartford Prices spent a very pleasant time with him. Games were enjoyed and re­ freshments served. Furniture Store Miss Irene Buckland is the own­ e?= 111 s er of a new Ford coupe. Raymond Burnham is ill at his Do You Take Off home with an attack of the grip. Dr. Moore of Manchester is at­ Your Shoes tending him. W Miss Kate M. Wifhrel visited Before Your Hat? iV< friends in Hartford Wednesday. If your shoes ai-e so uncomfort­ Master Clyde Johnson is a re­ able you feel like loosening and cent victim of the grip and is un­ kicking them off as soon as ik>s- der the care ot Dr. Maybury of sible, you ai*e not treating your East Hartford. feet fairly. Miss McGrath is substituting for No neeieces com­ plete for S120. JACK Symington Shop Any room sold sep nrately or changed Only $1.50 AVccI At the Center.

Seven Syncopators— Exclusive agency: now playing at The The Cantilever Shoe Shop State. aS9 Trumbull St. Hartford.

jiiii(iiiiii{iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin| I * 10 Day Sale Of Jewelery WALNUT FINISH BED ESSEX MATTRESS $16.50 3-Doer REFRIGERATOR I Silverware - Ivory and Cut Glass NATIONAL SPRING A EASY TERMS ■; Sale Priefe This remarkable value Includes a full-size walnut finish metal bed with 2-lnch contlnuious posts and heavy fillers—a National_spring I D ia m o n d s •with reinforced edges-i-and our comfortable and durable "Essex” 5 $350.00 Diamond Rings, no w ...... $280.00 mattress in one or fwo parts. Complete for $16.50. $16.75 S $250.00 Diamond Rings, no w ...... $200.00 i $175.00 Diamond Rings, no w ...... $140.00 E .$150.00 Diamond Rings, no w ...... $120.00 Extraordinary 3-Piece Living Room Suite A Good Walnut i $125.00 Diamond Rings, no w ...... $100.00 A fully puarantecd nverrturfod living room suite, upliol.stercd in plain or t\g- E $75.00 Diamond Rings, no w ...... $60.00 tirA>d velour, or coui!iin:'.tion of l)oth—a lyell-designed, honestly made suite that will give sati.sfaction and comfort— and beautify the home— one of the great­ KITCHEN CHINA E $45;00 Diamond Rings, now ...... $36.00 est sale vnluc.s. E $25.00 Diamond Rings, no w ...... $20.00 ANY ROOM SOLD SEPARATELY OR CHANGED AS DESIRED $1.00 Weekly CHAIR CLOSETS I Ladies’ Wrist Watches I White gold watches, all the latest designs, high-grade 5 American and Swiss movements. $1.19 E $65.00 Watches, n o w ...... $52.50 $18.95 E $55.00 Watches, n o w ...... $47,50 No mall or phone orders filled—none sold to deal­ That Were $35 to $65 E $35.00 Watches, n o w ...... $27,50 _ ers. E $25.00 Watches, n o w ...... $20,00 E| = $35.00 Silver Tea S e ts ...... $28..50 Ti"7' You Can Buy This E $25.00 Silver Tea S e ts...... $19.50 8-PIECE WALNUT S $20.00 Silver Tea S e ts ...... $16.75 DINING ROOM E $12.50 Silver Tea S e ts ...... ,...... $10.00

I Roger’s 26-Piece Silver Tea Sets I $30.00 V alue...... ‘...... $25,00 ■ \ S $25.00 V alue...... $19.50 EASY TERMS. I $20.00 V alue...... $16.75 See This ,!|0"^^ce Dining Room Suite Incindinx — Handsome S $15.00 Value $11.50 buffet; Oblong- Extensto,! Modern Tudor perlodr4««to'--rbeautlfully made of Gumwood finished in Table, Ann Chair ana S $12.50 V alue...... $9.7.5 Walnut, including'largV large Extension Table, seml-closed China Fiva Side Chalre—well built of- Amerlosn- .Wal­ Cabinet, Serving or Radio Ij^blnet, Arm Chair and 5 Side Chairs In real nut combined with other I ______20% Off On All Ivory. ' $1.50- Weekly cabinet woods — a pe­ rn ark^ble •value. 4-T(iWE RWBt* Included FREE With Any 4-Room Outfit. Chine Cabiiiet Xlxtre E $55.00 Seth Thomas Chime Clock...... $44.00 M Desired. I $25.00 Seth Thomas Clock...... $20.00 I $19.00 Seth Thomas Clock ...... $15.20 I $12.00 Seth Thomas Clock...... $10.00 ’ay: :Ar I Ingersol Watches, regular $1.75...... $1.35 Buy To-day! Kane’s g Ingersol Radium Watches, regular $2.75...... $2.35

■ 1 s 20% Oflf On All Men’s Watches and Wrist Watches. f 6he bt Ammea’s i Great savings on ev^thing-in our stock of diamonds, Successor i to Ire 5 watches, jewelry, ivory, silverware and cut glass. 1 Greatest Cham v PHILIP Sh ) I iliTjAFFE & c a P iffiu tiiK I 891 Main street So. Manchester ^ .Nimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1092 MAIN STREET \PPE9»te Grand TWater BIANCHBarrBR EVENING HlbtALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1926. ^ Q E FOUSTBE^ GAS BUGGIES—Why Bother About Such ’Trifles? SENSE AND nonsense N T U R E 8 IT WAS WORTH ALL THAT SURE,SURE--ICH DER METER FOR DER SEE DOSE STEBS- VELL- DOWN IN WHY RUN AW AYIP-TBJ. NOW COME DER BASEMENT IS DER VASH BAS|N- ______HIM YOU OOhfr WANT IT- A fat man’s race at the Elks’ TAXI FARE TO GET A COMBLETELY ELECTRICITY IS IN DER w CHANCE TD GRAB OFF A FORGOT DOSE SHOB NEXT DOOR--ITS IN DER HALLVAY SHOOST HELB YOURSELF, ONLY DONDT ITS a LUCKY THING FOR -,,./^.TW IN S picnic 1s funny, but the human race SPLASH 10 'ROUND— YOU HAVE YOOST M l H'l YOU I HAD SENSE ENOUGH is funnier than that. STORE LIKE THIS-- BUT TINGS- COME AN ELECTRICAL STORE— BEHIND DER J^Q U V B fiQBSQSS B/^Qk BEFORE WE GO TD YOUR MIT ME UNO EVERY MONTH YOU UNO. STAIRS, UNO ICH AS MUCH RI6HDTS AO ID AS DER TO ASK ABOUT THOSE THINGS IN TIME — VPU. In the old days they put a chorus OFFICE TD SIGN THE ICH VILL EGSBLAIN HIM YOOST 5PUD DER. VILL POIND OUD UDDER TENANTS— ICH VAS GOW’ TER ' Nick took ttia W« box with Ring girl who dressed too scantily In the LEASE, WILL YOU SHOW DEM— DOT'S BILL— EVEN--YOU VONT DER VASSER PUT VUN IN DER STORE. BUD DER THE BRAINY ONE, WHO taU Ooon't spring clothes In It un- stocks. Nowadays they put them US ABOUT THE WATER HAFF NO DROUBLES VORKS — UDDERS SAY WIN - DIS IS IS NEVER OUT-SMARTED, 4sv his arm. in the picture papers. APOUT DCrr— HE IS BLENDY H A N D Y-- DIOr^T EVEN TUMBLE TD "Now come alon«, Nancy and AND LIGHTS AND THOSE THINGS-!/ MEIN 6RUDPER-IN-LAW- THE LEAKY ROOF W)£N HE Mister Tlngallng,” he said. "W e’re "I found a letter in a woman’s EXPLAINED ABOUT SPREADBIG going to find that sly old coon O H -JUST A handwriting in your pocket this \ MERE DETAIL- CANVAS OVER IT IF IT and make him pay his rent, so we morning,” she began angrily. RAINS-STOP PULUN6 ME-J are!" “ But what— where— why— I did­ "Dear, dear! I certainly hope n’t know— did you open It?” ho so,’* said poor Mister Tlngallng. asked in confusion. "If I don’t get some rents soon, "I did not; it was the one I gave I’ll be In rags.” you to post yesterday.” "No, you won’t,” said Nick. "Not If my plan works out.” Signs of Spring. They went down the stairs and Fields and garden patches being out of the door. Then they cross­ ed the meadow and went past the "burned off.” briar patch and across the corn­ Men plowing In the fields. One tree entirely green— a cedar field to Ripple Creek. Then they went up Ripple Creek tree. Tenants— not renters— moving quite a way. from one farm to another, with "Did you see old Ringtail Copyright. 1926, hf MBoepotiuh fJcwipipef Scrvkt Coon?’’ called Nick to Marky packs of coon dogs in the wagon. -2^ A foursome in a rusty Ford e — — Muskrat. "Ho went up that way,” said “ goln’ flshln.” By Percy Crosby Our favorite flapper In a new SKIPPY Markey. So they went up a piece further. plaid coat with a silk scarf tied 1 "Did you see old Ringtail jauntily at neck, and close-fitting ^ fwHAr A n e Y A ttOlt*' lO H AY I COTTA (4 A u £ Coon?” called Nancy to old Mosey rose felt hat. Oil tanks being painted. JIH O U CO lAJK lT? T o HANC Mud Turtle. i s S i ^ S w i n g o k . "He went up that way,” said Patches of green grass under Mosey stretching his neck. rows of hedge trees. I ^ After they had asked Billy Beav­ Planting of onion sets and sweet I I er and Charley Otter and Marty peas. Mink, they decided that It was Shrubbery salesmen call. about time they were finding Ring­ Procession of furniture vans. tail himself. Pneumonia. P C A N T IN Daughters writing from boarding Pretty soon they came to a place AN O A K where a flat rock stuck out over schools for new frocks of lighter the water. weight. ACORM An there, sitting as nice as you After lent plans for parties. please, was Mister Coon, fishing. He was singing a little song to Practical Effect. himself. The tune was "Thanks If Einstein’s theory Is right. for the Buggy Ride,” but the He is entitled to his fame. words were different. Should it prove wrong, no doubt The words were: we might " I ’ve fooled them all again, Find planets moving, just the I’ve fooled them all again, same. I’ve had a wonderful time, Discoveries are strange and great I hate to pay my rent, And yet the hope of all mankind I will not pay a cent, Lies In a willingness to wait I’d rather have a good time, And toll with a contented mind. Copyright. P. L. Crosby. 1021^. Johnson Features, Ine. I’ve fooled them all a— ” J Suddenly he stopped. Advice to husbands— a little by Swan There, on the bank opposite sat earning Is a dangerous thing. $ALE$MAN $AM Ya Can’t Blame Guzz Nick and Nancy and Mister Tlnga­ llng In a row. "Father,” inquired little John­ 'oieu-,NAPOLEON,K/64H-BUT S o L/OO atomiT '■'DON'T BE HARD OM HH’ K.\D <5U XX-^ ny: “ Is a zebra a black animal with WOO 60TfA 6HJB HIM CR-BDlT All of them were quietly fishing A ^ But just then his eye lit on the hat on Mister Tingaling’s head. Short skirts keep the men from Not his Ice cream saucer hat with having their sights very high now­ the feather, but a new green one adays. exactly like one Ringtail had just The feminine styles are a con­ ordered. spiracy to conceal the age, but not And the little falryman had on the figure of a woman. a new coat, too! One with big zig zag stripes on It like flashes of Teacher: Johnny, name a collec­ lightning. Exactly like the co’at Ringtail had ordered also. tive noun. And the falryman had on a neck Johnny: A vacuum cleaner. tie with big sky-blue mosquitoes When you are wholly unpreju­ all over it. NO And out of his breast pocket diced it will be time to call the un­ 8.IU hung a silk handkerchief with lav­ dertaker. Hi.]:, ender grasshoppers and pink snails The fly-paper business is good If In the corners. you only stick to it. And I Don’t Mean Maybe By this time Ringtail Coon was FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ■o worried that he called across Goodby Willie! the creek. "Hi there! Those are Here lies what’s left Of Willie McNabblt, QK A O 'O A my clothes you’re wearing. Mister \wuy, G&oKot MOAS AXS'TEO fob ) GEORGS vj^A^AlMSToN- Falryman! They are my best new A hunter hit Willie UJASAIMSTOM, A)o " iiKooeKr eprlng clothes and you can’t have And missed the rabbit. ♦ MAAi TAAT VOO woo VWOULD/W'r WS GEBAT* MAKES VOO kyoovw OP UJAS OF COORSE' AF-ALOEV' r 7A1MK. WS-MEMOHy them.'* KAiOU3-= IT 'JOAS* M E M O R Y ^ ^ VWAS50(SBEAr? "Oh, hello. Ringtail,” said Tlng­ The modern girl doesn’t keep It a A)OTED FOS AlS ABBAAAM allng. "If you can’t pay mo my secret when she kisses a man. She XktMOQy 2 UMCOL/O: ADK? kUH? rent so I can get some clothes. keeps It a secret when she doesn’t. I’ll have to borrow yours.” " I ’ll pay you! I’ll pay you right The best recipe,for getting ahead. now,” said Ringtail reaching for Tend to business. That’s all. his pocketbook 11 zo Fwshrd gf bm gf bm gf gfgg So Mister Tlngallng got his rent and Ringtail w nt home with his box of clothes. A PUZZLE A DAY (To Be Continued)

Mac’s Corn Solvent for corns, bunions, callouses, etc. McNama­ ra’s Drug Store.— adv.


WASHINGTON TUBBS U by Crane High Spots in the Life of Little Stanley, the Great Explorer

v4a »T "XtLl S COME.

If CAtff fWL.CeOL'. f -Then vne get HERX’S frt' T>LKH; NOUE-E ANO <0 POSE AS A ROSBeR— coLuecf The RC«\E ANf V SEE NOO — AN'

Billy arnted at the bowling al­ ley an hour earlier than the other pin boys, for he was very anxious to set up the pins in the first al­ ley. That was the alley that Jim­ my Smith, the world famous bowl­ Yon don’t have to be a traveling er, used most frequently. Billy salesman to take orders. amused himself during the tedious minutes of waiting by setting up nine of the pins in all manner of designs. He had just completed LITTLE JOE this cross, when he noticed Mr. QU\CK\ “DROP Smith watching him. "Look, Bil­ CM IN fK Af -CttAT ly,” Jimmy Smith said, "If you VSH CAN-I move four of those pins In this COME BACK way you will form seven distinct rows of three pins each." Billy thought It a good trick, and the re,- mainder of the week attempted to repeat It, but could not, as he had forgotten which pins to move. Can you help him? . .Last puzzle answer: The puzzle stated that Mr. Doze sold 3536 rabbits In the last eight weeks. Increasing every week’s supply by one dozen rabbits. Therefore he sold 400 rabbits the first week; 400 plus 12, or 412 rabbits the second week; 412 plus 12 or 424 the third week; 424 plus 12, or 436 the fourth week; 436 plus 12, or 448 the fifth week; 448 plus 12, or 460 the sixth week; 460 plus 12, or 472 the se­ venth week; 472 plus 12, or 484 the eighth week. Adding 400 plus 412 plus 424 plus 436 plus 460 plus .472 plus 484 eqaals 8686. * “I

■ S r



LUIRI«' Business is good In _ ^ Asylum S t That Is proved by th

Just |l5.00 Down and $2.00 Weekly Only $1.50 Weekly For This Delivers This Because: i 8- Piece Venetian Walnut Dining We Have No High Salaried Buyers. Suite 3-Piece Kroehler Suite No Floor Walkers. Nc Charge Accounts. A richly made suite at a price Here is another real bargain for lower than you will find such fine those who act promptly— these quality elsewhere. Included Is ex­ richly made Kroehler Suites of lux­ No Elaborate Fixtures. tension table, buffet, five chairs and urious coil spring construction and host chair In tapestry or blue leath­ $ 1 2 7 - ^ covered in attractively figured ve­ er. See this wonderful bargain to­ lour. The new soft shades of the day. most wanted colors are featured. $136 Priced with the three pieces com­ Suits and T o p coa ts Special!r plete.

Men Nationally known Columbia Prams — Fibre Rocker H large group Includ- la grades regularly from 951.00 to Bargain 962.00 — your choice of colors in cafe, ecru, Just a limited number at blue and gray — Just this price. All are strong­ $5.00 delivers the one ly built and finished In the you want. popular n e w Baronial brown. Specially priced...:

Hundreds of meij who have always paid and $40 for their Suits and Top­ Columbia Prams coats are now buying at Fields and getting precisely the same value at $22.50— $7.50 At This Remarkable Saving OUR ONE STANDARD PRICE. Truly wonderful carriages In every way with Fields chain of stores covers the country-doing a great volume of business, well made bodies, pushers, strong, re­ and carries a sensational buying power in the market. It eliminates all silient springs, reversible gears and one Inch bal­ the overhead expense of the small retailer, and offers tremendous stocks loon tires. First quality heavy corduroy lining, and corduroy windshield. Strong leather safe­ of new fresh merchandise to its customers. ty straps. Do not delay if you want one, for $39 these wonderful Prams will sell quickly at this 'T'OPCOATS— Fitted Tube models and Box coats in blues, tweeds and mixtures. price. Just $5.00 delivers the one you want. * Quality clothes you’d want regardless of price. Silk lined. Only $1.00 Weekly Pays For At Our One Price $22.50 You Get Unrestricted SPECIAL! Choice Of Any Garment In Our Store Fiber Carriage This 3-Piece Suite In Bargain With Full Porcelain Top Match your ELvtra Gear Pusher coat from i^ronsers to Kitchen Tables Huguenot Walnut our stock match your Another wonderful opportunity to Three handsome pieces— bed and chiffo- of odd salt. save— these well made fiber car­ pants, riages with full gear pushers and All-white enamel kitchen ta- rette and your choice of dresser or vanity. fS 94 95 deep sheltering hoods. Your blee with eanitary porcelain All are finished in the latest fashion Hu­ $6 guenot walnut. Here Is a value seldom 96 iTWENTY-TWO e l FIFTY, dINC. s choice of finishes in gray, cafe,- top and cutlery drawer. F offered anywhere— take advantage of it at khaki, and royal blue. Just a Specially priced limited number at this price. this unusual saving. Just a small pay­ 139 ASYLUM STREET— Corner Trumbull— HARTFORD, CONN. at Plant’s only. ment puts it in your home—--balance only $1 Weekly. MANCHESTER EVENING HERAL D, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1926. ]| | G B S IX T E E N IHHiHIIHinmiHIHIHUHWiiHIIHHIWHiHmnillillllimilHmiHHHi * ------CHINBSE BAN91T6 BURK to any agreement whereby if Ger- VILLAOBBS IN HOMES Mussolini Bids Explorers Farewell many falls down on lisr repara- ANDOVER London, April 23— Scores of FRANCE MAKES A tions payments, the agreement will Chinese, men, women and children be revised in France’s favor. have been roasted alive by bandits Then as now the American Debt Mrs. Thomas Lewis and Mrs. L. Bidweil & WMm B. Whitcomb spent Wednesday ip a village near Weihslen, a Tient­ NEW DEBT OFFER Commission is opposed to any such sin dispatch sraid today. Home Made Candies 533 Main S ^ t proviso. with Mrs. Lewis’ sister, Mrs. John Jacobson, in Mansfield, The villagers resisted the band­ Compromise on Safety. its, whereupon the latter imprison­ It is hinted, however, that a Mrs. Lulu Lord and ^Iss Esther Lord were callers in town Wednes­ ed whole families, setting fire to compromise is in the making on the houses. Virtually the entire day. I Mother's. Day Packages Berenger Appears Before the safeguard clause, under which setilemdrt was wiped out. if Germany does fall down, and Mrs. Lewis Phelps was a visitor France requests it, a short mora­ in Willimantic Wednesday. I of Choice Chocoiates^ Commission; Terms of torium will automatically go into Mrs. Fred Bishop has returned home with her granddaughter Miss effect which will allow France 1 Liquid Gum Drops — Turkish Paste Tender Are Not Disclosed. time to meet such a condition, Annie. Mathewson, who recently Is Your Skin without nullifying the agreement underwent an operation for ade­ I Jelly Gum Drops. as a whole. noids and tonsils, at the Clark Sis­ Both governments are today- ters’ hospital in Willimantic. Too Oily J S May Baskets— ^Edible Chocolate baskets, also grass Washington, April 23.— A fresh more keenly desirous of settling Mrs. Charles Fredericks return­ Nothing is so unsightly as a skin i baskets filled ■with candies. proposal for the settlement of the five-year controversy than ever ed home from the Clark Sisters’ that always shines or looks greasy. hospital Friday with her infant France’s $4,000,000,000 war debt before— France because of her There is a preparation called MEL- I New Crop Maple Sugar daughter. was officially submitted to the falling franc and the i-estrictions LO-GLOW Sklntone (part of a new i and Maple Syrup. placed on her credit in this coun­ Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Frink and wonderful French Beauty Treat­ American Debt Funding Commis­ son of South Manchester were vis­ try, and the United States because ment) which removes excess oil, TillililiilllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllliliiilliilliillliiiilliilliiiillillllllllllllllliilliHHill sion today by Henri Berenger, the of a desire to wipe the slate clean itors in town Thursday afternoon. strengthens the muscles, cleans The Ladies’ Benevolent Society French ambassador. of the big war loans. and reduces pores, and beautifies The new offer was set forth in a met at the home of Mrs. George Stanley Thursday afternoon. the skin. Get a bottle of MELLO- seven page memorandum, which M. GLO Skin-tone. You’ll like it. Berenger personally read to mem­ NEW YORK LEGISLATURE Charles White and Charles Backus were visitors in Hartford The J. W. Hale Co., South Man­ bers of the commission in French TO END LATE TODAY chester. ADVERTISE IN THE EVENING HERALD and then delivered each member a Thursday. copy in English. Albany, N. Y., April 23— Al­ About thirteen members of the Andover Grange attended the Po­ There was no discussion of the though final adjournment of the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiing proposal at today’s meeting, the 1926 session of the legislature mona meeting held at Columbia on commission adjourning until to­ was set for noon today indications Wednesday. morrow morning as soon as the were that it would be late in the Mrs. Charles Taulkner and ambassador finished. The terms of day before the lawmakers conclud­ grandson spent Thursday in Hart­ the offer were closely guarded. ed their work. ford. j SERVICE - QUAITTY - LOW PRICES | As Understood. France is now understood to be prepared to undertake the dis­ charge of her obligation to the Premier Mussolini of Italy visited the hangar at Rome the day after the United States in payments over 62 years, beginning with modest an­ attempt on his life, to bid farewell to Capt. Nobile and the crew of the nual installments of $25,000,000, “ Norge”- as they started their flight to the Arctic. Note the bandage and gradually Increasing to a max­ Need A Used Car I Saturday Specials | hiding the wound on his nose caused by the would-bc assassin’s bullet. imum of $100,000,000 in later years. Look these over. There’s good value in every one This, in Itself, is no material ad­ met with Columbia Grange Wednes­ vance over the Caillaux offers. The at our prices: day at an all day session. A class principal hitches, then as now, 1923 WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING. COLUMBIA of sixteen was initiated Into the concern the rate of interest, and Fifth degree, among them being the “ safeguard clause” which 1924 WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING. Wedgewood Butter William Hansen, driver of the the following members of Columbia France insists shall be inserted in- 1924 CHEVROLET SEDAN. bus operated by the Connecticut Grange: Mrs. Henry Lafleur, Eu­ Motor Transportation company be­ gene Lafleur, Mrs. Elsie Collins, 1925 OVERLAND, Glassmobile Top. tween Colchester and Willimantic, Cloverbloom Butter Mrs. Ruby Wolff. Clinton Lewis, 1925 FORD ROADSTER, New Paint. lb. was tried in Town court Tuesday Erwin Collins, Howard Squiers, Seven Syncopators— on failure to give right of way, and and Miss Myrile Collins. Dinner Several $100 Cars. Your Choice failure to show operator's license. was served at noon to over 200 by Cash or Easy Terms. The complainant was Mrs. Eva La- the ladies of Columbia Grange. In now playing at The Bonte wlio stated that one morning the afternoon the program was un­ about two weeks ago sb.e passed j der the direction of the Pomona State. him and was forced into the ditch i lecturer, Mrs. Bidwell. A chocolate as the bus wouldn't give right of i cake contest was held, eight cakes PICKEIT MOTOR SALES way. The case was tried before ] being entered. Jhe prizes were Justice rollin' , who found Hansen i awarded as follows: 22-24 Maple Street' South Manchester guilty on both counts, and fined ! First prize—Mrs. Arthur Vinton 4 D a y s OPEN EVENINGS. him $5 and costs for failure to give ! of Coventry Grange. Finest Main Potatoes right of way, and $1 and costs for j Second prize— Mrs. Luther Skin­ failure to show operator's license. ner of Vernon Grange. O n l y The case was appealed to Superioi’ Third prize— Mrs. Arenc of court. Ellington Grange. 24 curs sold in three days and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 98c pk. Elizabeth Bertsch, a senior at the The Grange was inspected by we still have a few Used Cars ■Windham high school, is the second Worthy Overseer Louis Tolies of at prices that cannot be beat. to come down with the measles. Connecticut State Grange. 'VVor- 1025 Hubmobile Club Sedan, $850. Miss Anne Dix and Miss Alice thv State Lecturer Mrs. Whitain 1925 Essex Coach ...... $500. Clarke, who have been spending and Worthy State Flora Mrs. Kretz- 1924 Hudson Sedan . . $950. several days in W'^ashington, D. C., I mer ■were also present. The next 1924 Hudson Coach . . $500. I F o r the Lawn have returned to Columbia. I meeting will be held with Hebron 1924 Essex Coach . . . $350. j I Mrs. Eulu McCorncll is having a i Grange, May 10. 1924 Overland Touring $ 3 5 0 . 11 Quality Meats Delicatessen Dept. garage built at her place on the 1924 Hupinobile Touring $ 7 0 0 . 1I: Bone Meal | Green. Mr. Cady of Willimantic is 1924 Hiipniobile Coupe $ 6 5 0 . I iI Sheep Manure | building it. 1924 Chevrolet Coui>e . $ 2 7 .~>. ;; NICE NATIVE PORK ROAST CHICKENS A poultry meeting under the aus- Y > Cut Flowers 1923 Chevrolet Sedan . $ 3 2 .->. ! ; I Wood Ashes | $1.50 - $1.75 - $2.00 , pices of the Tolland County Farm 1923 Hudson 7 Touring .$5 0 0 . j : Raised by Hackett Bros, Bureau was held at the Town hall ;r^r^Potted Plants 1922 Nash Touring . . . $.3 5 0 . ; of Buckland Extra fine chickens. Extra low price. Tuesday evening. good sized 1922 Buick 7 Se

and 17c can Delicatessen Dept. Campbell’s Beans .1 Baseballs 8c can The popularity of our Home Cooked other Sporting Goods. Foods is gaining ground daily. It is very Finest American Cheese evident that Quality is doing the trick. 35c lb. To induce those who have not tried any of our Home Made Pies we are going to give PREMIER DUPLEX VACUUM CLEANERS THE SPECIAL SIX you for Friday and Saturday— Mascot Catsup The cleaner with the motor driven brush. Does Large size bottle, 19c. two jobs in one. 4-DOOR SEDAN H315 f . o . b. factorr It is our prediction that hot weather is coming soon. Full forc«>feed lubrication, air cleaner, gasoline filter, oil PRUNE PIES purifier, twin flywheel—plus 4-wheel brakes, full balloon tires Headquarters for G. E. and Westinghouse Electric Fans. ■nd 5 disc wheels induded at no extra cost. 9 Inches Across 1*4 Inches Deep All sizes. l Y i Pounds Filling Now is a good time to have your electric flat iron Fruits and Fresh or repaired. Especially is the far greater QUALITY RAISIN PIES V egetab les and VALUE of this car apparent in its Fancy Tomatoes — Strawberries — As­ Clean Up and Paint Up brilliantly smooth and responsive perform' paragus — Lettuce — Cucumbers — New Use Standard Paints Potatoes — New Onions — Carrots — [SO''® ance— and the price is the lowest ever 25c each and You cannot buy a better pie. Beets, etc. [C 0 ^ i So-E-Zy Varnishes placed on a Nash 4-Door Sedan.

Westinghouse Mazda Lamps. MADDEN BROTHERS Main Street Corner Brainard Place Johnson’s Electric & Hardware Co. I A. Podrove, Prop. Phone 10 87 Oak Street South Manchester ..MS er with the necessary conduit,, will be needed In connection with 'the _ 7:20— Studio. 9— Mui Where My Caravan Han Rested ...... Lohr require the expenditure of about new cables and the extension of the ties. m . CO. TO SPEND $28,000. New cable wilt be placed service to new'areas and for re­ WyJtC (526) New Whispering Hope ....Hawthorn WTIC Viking Song ., Coleridge-Taylor la yarious sections of the exchange placement of old poles. The wire, 7:46— Quartet. 9:50 among which may be mentioned referred to Is that necessary In program. i Travelert Iiunnince Co., The Glee Club ' Q ue^ City March ...... Costa $WH£RE West Center street and the cable connection with service extensions WOO (508.2) Phil Hartford. Conn. from Manchester Green toward Sa­ Into new areas, ih" addition, of 7:45— Band. 9:25 467. Popular Medley _ The Banjo Club lem. In addition to the new ex­ course, to that which Is run In 10:30— ^Dance tunes. change cables a new toll cable 1^ WJZ ( « 5 ) New Ycf Baritone Solos — Manager Clifford Explains Thomas C. McCray to be Installed between Manchester About $15,000 will be spent by Orchestra: Tonight's Program. and Rockville, an addition ^0 the the company, it is estimated, on BEST PICK. 8.30— Comic opera, "Rob Roy." WLIT (394.5) Phi Vocal Quartet— 10.30— Vocal. 6.30 p. m.— Messrs. Nagle, Carson, How Facilities Will Be Im­ facilities here which will prove new equipment and the installap- 8:10— Musical. 10 Dinner concert. Moe Blumen- tion of the same at subscribers’ KGW (481.5) Portland, Ore. KTHS (374.8) Hot Springs, Ark. Underwood, Gurney adequate to meet the ever increas­ — Variety. thal’s Hub Restaurant Quartet ing toll line business between these premises. This relates to the Instal­ 6— Concert. 8— Vocal and instru- 9— Organ. 9.35— Operatic select Ukelele Specialty, tions. 10— Ramblers. Overture, "Poet and Don Ball proved Daring Year. two exchanges. This latter cable, lation of new telephones for one jnental. 10.30— Frolic. Central Peasant" ...... Von Suppe also will provide local service In reason or another, leaving a net WBAP (475.9) Fort Worth, Tex. WBBM (226) Chi Land of Hope and , Eastern Time. Japanese Sunset ...... Deppen Glory ...... Elgar-Fagge some sections along its route and gain of 320 telephones for the 6— Orchestra. 7.30 — Concert. Variety. 8— Orchestra Ballet' Egyptian ...... Luiglnl Nearly $70,000 will be spent this will cost about $37,000. It will Xear. 9.30— Variety. 11 — Hawaiian WEAF (492) New York City. 5 WJJD (302.8) Mdiai#h««rt,' Heart Ache ...... Dvorak — Vincent Lopez and orchestra. 6 A dm iration...... Jackson Lamp in the W e s t ...... Parker year by the Southern New England contain about 1,700 mHes of cop­ Tbls ls a substantial Increase for trio. 5:3 0— Concert. 10— StUttlev' 12 :*0 Manchester In any. year and indi­ — Dinber music. 7.30— Sir Hob­ Selection from the The Glee Club Telephone Company on extensions per wire. KOA (322.4) Denver, Colo. 6.30 — Musical. j “Red Mill” ...... < • • Herbert and betterments of Its plant and Iteplaccs Open Wires. cates that this town Is enjoying Its — Concert. 8— Studio. goblin, by Miss Blanche Elizabeth WSWS (276) Chicafo,,- Medley (selected) Wade. To WOO (508.2), WCAE Aid de Ballet...... Herbert Popular Number (selected) facilities In this town, according to This toll cable will replace the full share of the business activity WAHG (316) Richmond Hill, N. Vocal. 8— Orchestra^ .jlfocal Rhythmic Paraphrase. announcement made today by Ex­ present open wire line between about the state. It means, too, that y. 7.30— Vocal. 8— Organ. 8 (461.3) , WGR (319), WTAM and instrumental. ; The Banjo Club 7.30 p. m.— change Manager L. C. Clifford, Jr. Manchester and Rockville, will re­ Manchester’s demands for tele­ — ^Vocal and Instrumental. 10.30 (389.4) , WTAG (268), WOC (484), WENR (266) Chl^o, Medley of Songs. WCAP (469). 10— “ Anglo Per­ Motor Talk: / The plant additions and Improve­ duce the heavy load on this pole phone service will constantly mean — Orchestra. Concert. 9—P opu lar.—wtoXie. Alma Mater ments here will Include new ex­ additions to the facilities here and sians.” To WCAP (469), WJAR Laurence F. Southwlck, Combined Glee and Banjo Clubs line and will also maxe the service WGY (379.5) Schenectady, N. Y. , WCCO (4 1 6.0 St. Paul-Mlnne- Engineer. change and toll aerial and under­ the telephone company is trying to (305.9), WOO (508.2), WEEI apolis. 6:15— Concert. 10^— Or- 10.15 p. m.— over this line less liable to be In­ (476), WGR (319), WTAG (268), 7.45 p, m.— ground cable, many new poles and terrupted by ice or sleet storms. keep pace with, or/be Just a bit WTIC’6 Mall Bag. much wire In the installation of ahead of, the public call upon Its WCAE (461.3), WOC (484), WCCO WTIC’s Cartoon Lesson, 10.30-11.30 p. m.— / About $18,000 will be spent on WSM (282.8) Nashville, Tenn. Bud Kingston, new telephones of which. It Is ex­ hew poles and wire. The poles will services. (416.4) , WWJ (352.7), KSD 6:30— Orchestra. 8— Popular. 10 Emil Heimbei^ger’s Hotel Bond (545.1), WTAM (389.4), WON Bridgeport Herald. pected, there will be an Increase of — Variety. Dance Orchestra, more than 300 In this town during R A M ASPIRIN (302.8). 11— Ben Bernle and or­ WFAA (476) Dallas, Tex. 6:30 8.00 p. m.— iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiinini the year. chestra. — Orch estra. 8:3 0— Variety. Medical Talk— "The First Great WRC (469) Washington, D. C. Victory— Disease Conquest” The principal Item In the con­ WGN (302.8) Chicago. 111. 6:45 struction program to be undertak­ 5— Orchestra. — Muslo®'. 9:30— ^Variety. Dr, Millard Knowlton Now is the time to take a good spring tonic. Take Hypotone, the en here this year is for the instal­ WREO (285.5) Lansing, Mich. WOAW (526) Omaha, Neb. 8.15 p. m.— •> I Reduced Prices | P R O M SAFE Concert of the Brown University reconstructive tonic and appetizer. lation of new exchange aerial and G—Concert. 6:50— Instrumental. 9 — Variety. underground cables which, togeth­ WIP (508.2) Philadelphia, Pa. 10:3 0— Orchestra. Musical Clubs direct from the McNamara’s Drug Store.— adv. Take without Fear as Told 6— Orchestra. WLIB (302.8) Chicago, 111. 7— Ballroom of the Hotel Bond. I ^ and Easy Payments | WWJ (352.7) Detroit, Mich. 6 Variety. 11— Orchestra and solo­ Where’er You Walk ... .Handel — Concert. 8— Orchestra. 10:30— ists. Blind Ploughman ^ . Clarke in “Bayer” Package Dance tunes. WEBH (370) Chicago, 111. 7— The Glee Clnb WMCA (341) Cazenovla, N. Y. Orchestra. 9:15— Dance tunes. 10 Frangesa March .. i ...... Costa 6— Orchestra. 9— Musical. 11— — Variety, Ghost Dance...... C/ora Salisbury I On Good UsedCars f Entertainers. WMBB (250) Chicago, 111. 7— The Banjo Club S You may purchase any of the cars listed below at consider- s "m Songs— USED CARS WTAM (389.4) Cleveland, O. 6 Vocal selections. 9— Orchestra aUd S ably less than their real value and in addition have 4he benefit E A —“Conc6rt» soloists. One Fleeting H our ...... Lee Compare These Prices: WCAE (461.3) Pittsburgh, Pa. KSD (545.1) St. Louis, Mo. 7— (With violin obligato ~ of onr easy payment plan. s b a y e p 6; 3 0— Concert. 8— Studio. Studio. V. Mullen) 1922 Oldsmobile Four T ouring...... $225 1923 HUPMOBILE SEDAN, new paint . S WBAL (246) Baltimore, Md. WHAS (399.8) Louisville, Ky. Caution ...... Hope 1923 Maxwell C oupe...... $350 1924 CHEVROLET SEDAN, good paint E The Builder ...... Cadman G;30— Concert. 7:30— Quartet. 8 7:30— Concert, 1924 DORT SEDAN, good paint E Mr. Gurney 1923 Hudson Speedster...... • $350 — Musical. 9— Trio. WOC (484) Davenport, la. 7:30 1922 S’TUDEBAKER SPECIAL TOURING, good paint 5 WTIC (348.6) Hartford, Conn. — Trio. Xylophone Solos— 1921 Ford Sedan ...... $125 6:30— Trio. 8:15— Musical. 10:30 WHO (526) Des Moines, la. 7:30 Jack See 1921 Studebaker Special 6 Touring ...... $225 1921 NASH TOURING, with Winter top, good tires, new paint. 3 — Orchestra. — Vocal and Instrumental. 11— Or- Vocal Quartet — 1920 Liberty Touring...... $175 BUICK TOURING CAR. 5 WGHB (266) Clearwater, Fla. Messrs. Nagle, Carson, 1921 NASH TOURING, new paint. E Underdown, Gurney 1919 Chandler 7-Passenger T ou rin g...... $175 6:30— Orchestra. 8:30— Variety. KFNF (266) Shenandoah, la. 1923 ESSEX 4-CYLINDER COACH. S Does not affect 11:45— Ramble. 7:30— Variety. 1925 Ford Touring...... $350 the Heart KDKA (309) Pittsburgh, Pa. WDAF (365.6) Kansas City, 1920 Chevrolet T ouring...... $75 1921 STUDEB.4KER SPECIAL TOURING. ' , ' = 6:30— Concert. 8:30— Studio. Mo. 8— Studio. 11:45— Frolic. MANCHESTER 1923 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle...... $125 1918 NASH TOURING. = Unless you see the “ Bayer Cross” WADC (258) Akron, Ohio. 6:30 KFAB (340.7) Lincoln, Nob. Each car has a good battery, 5 good tires, guaran­ These cars are all in good mechanical condition and have S — Concert. 8— Studio. 10— India 8:30— Orchestra. on package or on tablets you are AUTO TOP CO. teed to be mechanically right. good tires. Sold with gnarantec. Owls. WEMC (286) Berrien Springs, E not getting the genuine Bayer Sold on G. M. A. C. Easy Payment Plan, one-third Aspirin proved safe by millions and WCAU (278) Philadelphia, Pa. Mich. 9— Organ. 115 Oak St. Phone 1816-3 ' 1920 HUPP SPORT ROADS’TER. S prescribed by physicians over twen- 6:45— Variety. 9— Vocal. 10:30 WJAZ (322.4) Chicago, 111. 9— down, balance 12 months. 1924 NASH 'TO’ tpe. = ty-flve years for — Orchestra. Orchestra. Slip Covers Colds Headache WRVA (256) Richmond, Va. 7 WORD (275) Chicago, 111. 9— Gi­ ro Neuritis Lumbago — Orchestra. 9— Feature. 10— SUidlo. Auto Tops Re-covered. Toothache Rheumatism Orchsetra. WSB (428.3) Atlanta, Ga. Crawford Auto Supply Neuralgia Pain, Pain WEAR (389.4) Cleveland, O. 7 10:45— Entertainers. Carpets and Upholstery. Each unbroken “Bayer” package — Orchestra. 10:30— Dance tunes. Rex Winter Enclosures. Oldsmobile Sale and Service. 1 Madden Brothers | WBZ (333.1) Spr'-gfleld, Maas. contains proven directions. Handy Chocolate Covered Cordial Cher­ East Center and Walker Streets Phone 2021-2 = MAIN STREET AT BRAINARD PLACE. 5 boxes of twelve tablets cost few 7:10— Ensemble. 8— Concert. 9— Celluloids for Curtains. Variety. ries. Special 59c per lb. at the cents. Druggists also sell bottles North End Pharmacy.— adv. Silk Curtains. fiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiimiliiiiiiiiiiiii of 24 and 100.— Adv. WRNY (258.5) New York City. Money T alks! a.nd a Little of it Will Talk Big at this ' V • V t r Sensationed

SPRING SHOE SALE SHOES / FOR THE WHOLE Bankrupt Stock of Good Shoes FAMILY The Self Service Shoe Stores have held some remarkable sales in Manchester, but this unexpected All Ready at 9 For M en trade happening will eclipse all previous records in value-giving. The best makes in th^ w induded-such as RICE & HUTCHINS, TRIANGLE BRAND, ENDICOTT - JOHNSON, WALK-OVER, Tuesday Morning An assortment of High Shoes and Oxfords in all leathers, tan and black. Worth from RALSTON and others, Guaranteed Quality and the very last word in Styles for Spring. $4.50 to $6.00. Vast Assortments, for Women, Men and Children, and offering SALE Q C P a B ’ PRICE ...... VALUES THAT ARE POSITIVELY AMAZING Men’s Genuine Imported Calfskin and Kid PROVING AGAIN THAT WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD. » Skin Oxfords and High Shoes, such as you’d For W om en pay $5 to $7 for. Extra SALE Q d p a ir One Lot-Novelty Patent Leather, Satin, PRICE ...... Misses and ONE BIG FACTORY SPECTAL Velvet and Kid Pumps and Oxfords. Bargain Basement SALE Q e p a i r Childrens IN MEN’S AND BOYS’ PRICE ...... Specials One Lot of Women’s Spring Novelties in For Boys Felt Slippers gray kid, blonde kid, patent^ and dull kidj Patent Leather Pumps. Rubber Heels. some buckled fronts apd some plain Operas. One lot of Infants’ Sizes, 6 to 8, and Chil­ One great group of Genuine Goodyear SALE Q d p a i r SALE Q C P a ir Welt, Black and Brown. Medium Toes. pr. dren’s Sizes, 8 1-2 to 11, Patent Leather Ox­ PRICE ...... SALE ^ *1 Q d pair PRICE ...... fords with Uskide Soles. PRICE...... One Lot of Women’s New Style Creations* 95c such as are very much in demand now. Val­ Boys’ Moccasin Shoes, Uskide Soles, Rub­ One Lot Children’s Tan and Fancy Top ber Heels. One Lot Men’s, Women’s and Chil­ One Lot Women’s Rubber Aprons. ues up to $7.50 a pair. SALE O d P ^ ^ Shoes. Sizes 4 to 8. SALE PRICE ...... dren’s p r i c e ...... r V SALE 7Qn INDIAN 69 c One Lot Little Men’s Shoes, sizes 7 to 11. PRICE ...... One Big fXt of Women’s Full-Fashioned A SPECIAL BARGAIN GROUP .OF Regular price $2.50. MOCCASINS • ••••• Allen A Silk Hose, Several Colors. WOMEN’S OXFORDS ^ | A A pair \ SALE 1 O O pair a n d PU M PS...... V A * 1 / 1 / PRICE ...... $1.39 One Lot Misses’ and Children’s SANDALS, 69c Big Special—Women’s Felt Slippers, regu­ German made. Women’s House Slippers, with Leather One Lot of Sandals and Play Oxfords, In­ lar ^1.00 value. Special for this sale, one fants’, Children’s and Misses’. pair to a customer, SALE Soles, Rubber 95c M en’s PRICE...... ^ ^ 79c ' 3 9 c "“^

W ork Shoes f EVERY ITEM IN THig STORE A SUPER­ sturdy make,’Moccasin style, Uskide soles. Self Service Shoe Stores VALUE. IP YOU BUY IT HERE—YOU Regular price $3.50. SAVE MONEY., SALE dQ P“^ .. - 1013 Main street PRICE ...... Hustlers of Good Shoes *pfp PAGE ETGHTEBK MANCHESTER EVENING HERAL D, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1926.

ft- Q iftf— ■»*—***—■*>»>— .i^. . -Y '- 'V '- 'Tf'- •y-** >■ t V “ ^--V-** V—-yr— ryn urn i f%i

Choicest T i m e l f : Pickings l i p s ^ From For ManchestePs Prudent Markets H ousekeepm

States known as New England as thirty sections of the New Haven tenced to death for murd ,r and 1916-17. Dix, young, strong, self- shows.-Sunday: eveidn^, and being more dependent on steam system, passenger ttains were be­ ten were executed.” ZANE GREY’S LATIST educated and a champion of his road transportation than any other ing operated which were returning CRIME INCREASE Offenses under the Highways 8:45. Monday afternoon there wilf NEW ENGLAND people’s rights, has incurred the ill be a special matinee in order to similar section of the country, variously from ten to fifty cents Acts, such as automobile driving to will of Noah Beery, the crooked as­ give the Childr^ a chance to see owing to Its density of population. per train mile. Various experi­ the danger of the public,- etc., in­ PICTURE HERE SUNDAY sistant to the Indian egent, a man Its Intensively developed industrial ments proved conclusively that the creased from 3,879 in 1924 'to this woniderfuf production. The BLAMED ON OUR too occupied with the red tape of special school children matinee PROSPffiriY IS structure, and its remoteness from riding public would not walk any 123,774 in 1924. The number of his office to pay much attention to The tensely dramatic story of will Start atf4:6o p. :ni. Monday all sources of raw material and distance to the railroad station to persons tried for non-indictable of­ his work. The trouble between Dix the love. of a white girl tor an In­ and ’Tuesday there will be three from the bulk of its food supply. take a steam train or any vehicle fenses in 1924 was 584,453, as and Beery reaches a climax when LIFE OF LUXURY dian and his almost hopeless love shows, 2:15, 7, and 9, For the se­ If the steam roads should by any or means of transportation which against 546,606 in the previous the Indian whips the assistant SHOWN BY R.R.’s chance, cease to function for two year. for her is told against the gorgeous cond feature for these three days operated upon rails or other right agent for attempting to force his weeks. New England would starve of way, remote from the densely A decrease in the conviction for background-of the Painted Desert William Fox presents Matt Moore and the mysterious Navajo Moun­ attentions upon Lois Wilson, the in “ The First Year” , » ■ , was the way Mr. Newcomb put it. populated residential sections. drunkenness is believed to .be main 'young white school teacher. ly due to the high price and diluted tain with a .cast including ten thou­ The aim of the management is British Blue Book Shows Dix and Miss Wilson secretly New Haven Road Official Realizing the utter dependence strength of intoxicating liquors, to sand Indians in “ The Vanishing of New England upon the steam two-fold, namely: to give the New love each other and although each ATTORNEY ARRESTED IN England traveling public service restricted hours oftsale of such, to! American.” GUARDIANSHIP FRAUDS. roads for freight transportation, Modem Craving (or Ease unemployment, to the increased suspects the true feelings ' of ! the Tells Chamber Members and such service of a type that This story, Zane Grey's tribute other neither will say anything be­ the management of the New Haven cost of living,. and to a gradual to a cruihbling race of proud kings, road has bent every energy toward they want and Incidentallly to pay cause of the race barrier. Baltimore, April 23-.— ^Warren L. change of habit and-opinion. which opens at the State Theatre Here Industries and Rail maintaining this freight service on a dividend. It was obvious that if Leads to Dishonesty. After Dix rescues Miss Wilson Lloyd, prominent young, attorney people would not come to the rail­ on Sunday, was many long months from Beery he is forced to flee to and formerly a department adjut­ as high a plane as possible in order in the filming by Paramount on that the Industries and the general road, the railroad must go to them, the hills to avoid the vengeance ant for the American Legion, was Business Increasing. and Mrs. Newcomb says that the SEVEN ARE D ^ IN the Navajo reservation and repre­ Beery seeks. Beery has Instructed arrested on a federal warrant charg­ public might be adequately served London— The modern craving sents one of the greatest physical and incidentally, the stockholders experiment with motor coaches as his men to shoot the Indian on ing him with embezzlement of for luxury Is the paramount cause efforts in the history of motion pic­ of the corporation receive some re­ a substitute for steam trains in sight. $33,000 from disabled veterans of New England is not decadent. some of the non-paying sections, of the great Increase in crime and PHILADELPHIA FIRE ture production. the World war-for whom he was Robert H. Newcomb, assistant to turn on their Investment. The av­ With "The Vanishing American” has proved conclusively that it is dishonesty. Briefly and dramatically the the management has arranged a acting as guardian while they were the vice-president of the New erage ratio ifor all the railroads of story of the history of the forefa­ the country as between freight and the service the public'wants as in Philadelphia, April 23—.-Seven beautiful prologue with a special confined in government hospitals. York, New Haven and Hartford R. This is the considered judg­ thers of Nophaie, the last of a long passenger earnings, Is 70 per cent certain specific cases the patix)nage ment of the criminal records de­ persons. Including four children, stage setting to fit the picture. The R., In direct charge of motor coach has been Increased 400 per cent in two women and a man, all colored, line of chiefs, played by Richard trahsportatlon, director of Public ftom freight and 30 per cent from partment of the Department of prologue will be presented even­ passenger earnings, but the New two months after the installation were killed in a fire which gutted Dix, is unfolded on the screen. ings only. Relations of the New Haven road, Home Affairs here, as revealed in First comes the original man, a Mac’s Corn Solvent, for corns, Haven road’s ratio is but 55 per of motor coach service. "Criminal Records for 1924,’’ a a four-story brick building in "The Vanishing American” and bunions, callouses, etc. McNama­ and director of the New England Have 132 Coaches. squat, ape-like creature, shambling cent from freight earnings and 45 Blue Book just issued by the de­ South Philadelphia early today. prologue will be presented at both ra’s Drug Store.— adv. Transportation Company, told the They hkve at present 132 coach­ Those suffocated or burned to along with his mate and young Chamber of Commerce members at per cent from passenger earnings, partment. so that when Henry Ford conceiv­ es in operation, costing on an aver­ death were William Rhoades, 7; trailing behind. As he disappears their meeting last evening in Tink­ age of $10,000 each and the serv­ ' Giving the statistics of arrests, John Rhoades, 8; James Rhoades, into the forest another and higher er hall that New England is not on ed the idea of supplying every ' prosecutions and imprisonments American household with an auto­ ice is being extended wherever 5; Dorothy Rhoades, 3; Mattie type of being follows, and so the the decline, that her Industries are there is evidence that It will meet effected In England during 1924, Price, 70; and James Morgan, 60. race is traced down through the Increasing and that last year, the mobile, the result was a loss to the the department remarks that the Nqw Haven road of 15,000,000 pas­ the public need. The wisdom of the Annie Battes, 40, jumped from a coming of the Spaniards, the bat­ New Haven road handled more policy is shown in the fact that great increase in crime, especially fourth story window and broke her tles with the whites, until the pre­ freight than ever before in its his­ senger units in foui years, which petty crime, is largely assignable so reduced the revenues of the this past year has resulted in an neck. sent day. tory. actual net operating revenue of to efforts to maintain the same, or Several persons who sought Navajo Tale Campbell s Quality Grocery Mr. Newcomb gave a very graph­ company that to maintain -the even a higher standard of living freight service which New England about $7,000,000 in place of the safety on the roof of a blazing The modern story opens on the ic and interesting picture of the customary deficit which has faced than before the World War, and to building, were rescued by firemen. Navajo reservation in the winter of Phones: 802 and 1697. Depot Square. organization and development of demanded and to keep up the pas­ reckless attempts to live more or senger service to which they were the company for several years past. the New York, New Haven and Following Mr. Newcomb’s talk, less luxuriously. Hartford railroad system, using accustomed, it cost the New Haven "There appears to be decay of road $20,000,000 more than they the members of the Chamber ad­ MllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllililMlllllllllllllllilillllllllllllllllllllllllll MEATS the early history of the road as a journed to the State theater. commercial probity," remarks the background against which to out­ received for the service. report. "Frauds are greatly on the Fresh Dressed Native Pork, Fresh Hams, Fresh line the latest development In pas­ Must Make I*roflt. increase, and this may have had Shoulders, Pigs’ Heads, Pigs’ Feet, Fresh Bacon. senger transportation. Mr. New­ Obviously, something had to be its origin in the opportunities for Fancy Roasting Pork (10*12 size)...... 35c lb. comb particularly stressed the fact done, as the New England rail­ THREE STUDENTS HELD getting rich quickly afforded in I C I jOREINCE'S i that the New Haven road does not roads are in no sense a part of the certain quarters by the World War. Roasting Pork, large s iz e ...... 30c lb. operate motor buses; they oper­ associated charities; they are in FOR ABACK ON CO-ED The growth of shop-breaking, lar­ Lamb S tew ...... 15c lb. ate motor coaches which are the the manufacturing business, hav­ ceny, and fraud, which has been a = “ The store that holds faith with the people.” = Native Veal R oasts...... 35c*40c Ib. last word in luxurious appoint­ ing transportation to sell and can marked feature of the statistics E Corner Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 735*13. E ment with every known device for during recent years, was contin­ Rib Roast B eef...... 28c*35c lb. only continue in existence if they Sycamore, 111., April 23.— Re­ S F. KELLEY, Prop. | Pot R o a sts___ __ i ...... 25c*35c lb. safety of operation and comfort can sell transportation at profit. ports that a case against three ued." and convenience of the patrons. A survey disclosed the fact that prominent youths, charged with at­ According to the report’s statis­ Corned B e e f...... 12c lb. Depends on Steam Ronds. the average passenger train mile tacking Miss Dorothy Westervelt,. tics, 57,374 persons were tried for E Your money buys its full worth of purchasing E Home Made Sausages...... 35c Ib. criminal offenses during 1924. The Mr. New Comb pictured the geo- operating cost was $1.25, while on co-ed at the Northern Illinois i power in foodstuifs at this store. Everything you buy s grnphical section of ’tlie United Teachers’ College, would be settled remarkable fact is given that actu­ out of court, were denied here to­ ally 112,574 crimes came to the E here is the cleanest, most wholesome and nutritious that = GROCERIES knowledge of the police, the high­ day. A special grand jury is inves­ est, figure for sixty years, but only E it is possible to get. Everything we make is made un- = Premier J a m ...... 30c jar tigating. the previously named number of = der the best conditions, using only the best ingredients, a Gold Medal Flour ...... ; ...... $1.40 Indictments against Leonard persons were arrested. The report Rich, Stanley Hurt and Emerson Cheese that is kept for a year or more is superior to explains that this must not be tak new made cheese. There is very little June cheese on PUONI ■Wilson, all of them former stu­ en as indicative of weakening po­ . HOME MADE SPECIALS s dents at the Teachers’ college, are the market. We have some, 38c pound. lice methods, but rather that- the Daily— “ 5 expected late tomorrow. They are prc--"t!on of persons practiced Sunkist Prunes ...... 2 lbs.'25e in jail. and skilled enough to avoid detec­ Shrimp Salad > Large Flat Cans Tunafish...... 45c • f tion is Increasing. Vegetable Salad a Large Flat Cans Salm on...... Special,35c C.^MBRIDGE FACTORIES BURN. On the other hand the statis­ Potato Salad = OCX)D THINGS TO EAT Cambridge, Mass., April 23.— Elizabeth Park Canned Breakfast Figs. None better tics show that crimes of violence Country Club Salad ' E Fire caused $75,000 damage and to be had at _any price. Our price, 35c; 3 for $1.00. ^ are diminishing. "For the last Chicken Salad = THREE PHONES ’PHONE SERVICE threatened the Albany street man­ fifty years,” says the report, "the ufacturing district today. number of murders in each year Cold Slaw S Call 2000. Until Nine Tonight. The fire, it is believed, started in coming to the knowledge of the Baked Beans a FRUITS AND VEiGETABLES the plant of Nightingale & Childs police has remained almost sta­ Macaroni and Cheese S Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Apples,' PINEHURST HAMBURG ...... 25c lb. and spread to other plants in the tionary at about 150 yearly, of building. Heavy damage was suf­ which for many years past about Italian Style Spaghetti E Bananas. With or without pork. fered by the 'Willard Storage Bat­ fifty have been murders of Infants Home Made Crullers Home Made Pies. = Lettuce, Spinach, Celery, Bunch (Carrots, Bunch PURE LARD ...... 151/2 c lb. tery Company. T. A. Snyder, can- under one year. In 1923 and 1924 Hot Home Made Biscuits Every Evening at 5 O’clock. S Beets, Soup Bunches, Dandelions, Onions; Limit 3 pounds with each order. ners, Oxford Candy Company, Gor­ the number of murders committed don Taylor printing plant and the was exactly 150. equivalent to 3.9 Friday— 5 PINEHURST CREAMERY TUB BUTTER...... 43c lb. storehouse of the Selsberling Rub­ per million of the population. In Codfish Cakes Not more than 3 pounds with each order. ber Company, 1924 fourteen persons were sen­ Clam Chowder Seeds Seeds PINEHURST HOME MADE SAUSAGE MEAT. Saturday— Roast Chicken Garden Seeds in bulk or package. Garden Fer­ n = Chicken Pies " tilizer. Hay, Straw, Alfalfa, Grain. Pinehurst Market News Chop Suey. ^ We specialize in Baby Chick Mashes and: Baby Odek If you want your order before 8:30 Saturday, won’t Boston Brown-Bread Grains. ■ you please ’phone tonight? It helps, more than you Buffalo Market Co. Other Home Cooked Specials Not Mentioned. realize to get our early orders in the night before— 1071 Main Street especially Saturday— and it is better for us and for you when deliveries are on schedule. Almost warm enough for Strawberries and Aspara­ Full line of Ckudeed and Sm(^ed Meats, including gus, isn’t it? And we have both—not natives, of course Specials for Saturday our own Baked Ham. — but of very good quality. The Berries are in pint Full line of imported and domestic Jams and Jellies. Round Steak ...... O / ^ SMITH’S GROCERY. . baskets, and sell at 35c pint, and the Asparagus is in one Large assortment of imported and domestic cheese. and two pound bunches. Short Steak ...... § { * 2 NORTH SCHOOL STREET MANCHESTER Sirloin S te a k ...... Large assortment of Pickles, Olives, Onions and PHONES: 1200— 1201. Spinach is also very good, with short, green leaves, Relishes. and it is not too full of sand. LAMB Legs Spring Lam b ...... 35c lb. Large assortment of imported and domestic Health Lettuce, Celery, Green Peppers, Cucumbers and Bread. ‘ some of the best ripe red Tomatoes we have seen this Boned Roast Lam b ...... 32c lb. year— if you are looking for something for a salad. Shoulder I..amb C h op s...... 32c lb. Anchovies in spice, lobster andg^yster sauces. Keeping Up Swedish Fruit Juices. PINEHURST HAMBURG ...... 25c lb. PORK quality and keeping down prices, is rather difficult at PINEHURST ROUND GROUND...... 40c lb. Rib End R o a s t...... 25c lb. Large assortment of domestic and imported Sar- times. For instance, this week there has been sharp fflnes and Filet of Herring. ^ This has been a “ big week” on groimd meats— try Fresh Shoulders...... 22c lb. increase in the price of most all perishable food products, some either for a meat loaf or meat c^ es. Spareribs...... 22c lb. Knorr’s Soups and Bouillions — Maggi’s Seasoning. but you will find our week*end offerings, just as attrac­ Pork C h op s...... 25c lb. Yellow Peas and Brown Beans. tive as ever. The Meat Department has a very attractive display - i/ of Fresh Meats ready for you Saturday. VEAL Cinnamon and Sugar Rusks. How would you like some lean tender Lamb to serve Leg of Veal...... 25c lb. Fresh Lingon — Polkgrisar. Meat Department with baked brown potatoes and brown gravy? You can Boned Rolled R o a s t...... '...... 32c lb. Swedish Cocoa and Chocolate. Legs L a m b ...... '.‘.v.38e Jb; order either a small Shoulder boned and rolled nr a leg Veal C hops...... 25c lb. Pota Chips in bulk. of Lamb. They are equally good— the Shoulders we Roast V e a l...... 30c*35c' lb. Roasting Chickens...... 42c lb. Peerless Mayonnaise, Russian Dressing and Sand* can cut to any size from 3 '/2 to 6>/2 pounds each. We Fresh Eggs, d ozen ...... 35c wich Spread. Rib Roast B eef...... 28c-35c'lb. have some tasty Mint Jelly (also Mint Sauce) that is Boneless Pot R oasts...... ^ . , 25c-30c U>. nice to serve with Lamb. VEGETABLES — FRUIT. Salt Mackerel and Salt Herring. NATIVE POTATOES...... 88c peck Corned B e e f ...... 12c-25c lb. You will find Native Dandelions, also Rareripes, Smoked Whitefish — Salmon and Herring. Baldwin A p p les...... 4 qts. 25c Sausage M e a t...... ^35c Ib* New Cabbage, Beets, Carrots and Spinach in the Vege­ Navel Oranges...... doz. 25c Lamb Stew ...... 15c lb. table Department. Here’s something you might like__ Salt Mackerel — Salt Herring —- Pickled Herring. large Ripe Pineapples. Spinach, peck ...... 20c Fresh F o w l...... t . .45c Ib. Oysters — Clams— Scallops. -w IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC BEVERAGES I Pinehurst Meats Manhattan and Martini Cocktails — Apricotelle -*- Groceries New York Market Creme De Menthe — Grenadine — Braedictine —- Kum* Tender Pot Roasts, 25c to 38c lb.' One*eighth bag Gold Medal F lou r...... ,$1.45 mel — Military Punch — Vermouth. Button Boneless Chuck Pot Roast. Laundry Soap ...... 8 bars 25c Selling Out P. & G. S oap...... 4e Lean Pork for chops or roasting— fresh Shoulders, Daisy Hams and Boneless Hams. Lighthouse Cleanser ...... 5c can’ Boneless Roast of Veal. Last Day Tomorrow Wheaties . . . .2 for 25c, and one free with eUch ptmhasc Rolled O ats...... ;3 ^5ie Come to the store, if you can; or call 2000. We GROCERIES AT ABOUT E Heavy Cream — Sttii esh Eg^ — Brown’s S s^eet just what you order. Rock Cocoa ...... ^ ...... 2 lb. can 29e win = Butter. Today is the age of specialists. We are specialists Halt Price B^affie H^g ...-...... ^. 8 $t^ ckn in Ck>med Beef. Just try “PINEHURST QUALITY 2 packages Grandma’s Pancake Flour ..... J...... 25c CORNED BEEF.” It is guaranteed to be the best ever, FIXTURES FOR SALE or you can have your money back. Very Low Prices. Large Safe, 2 Delicatessen Show Cases, 2 Cigar Show I Store open every evening until 9 P. M., and all day Ilease ’phone your order tonight, if it is convenient. Sases, Counter^, Shelving^ etc. = Thursday. Full lin e of B^esh Emit and V <^taU «k


i4 ^w i^w i4^w 4 ^wiid|Hw n4 i% n n ^^^ M I LvjiTf^^rrVr-i ilfb^ -Ifi tf" "V '*

Advantage Where Where To Go For The Your Household Best Meats, Fruits Budget May Be And Spent To Best Vegetables

•5A‘ I «V >i ** ># *>ir Paying For Goods. . It is Urquliart s opliiiMi - Seven Syncopators— “The ouiy possible way to break i anticipated change itt tt*.^^Sovlet FOREIGN TRADE this. _vicious __ circle _f_1 - 1-is to obtain XV\^the attitude would Vfnvohave’ necessary funds for paying for the earlier had not adv<^lhtM^ Inwi- now playing at The goods coming from foreign coun­ ness men in foreign c o is m ^ Un­ TO BEAR DOWN tries in these countries them­ dertook to deal indivlduillly^ »lth selves.” Russia. State. ON RUSS CREDIT Im portant Economic Pressure Jlow Reductions Forcing Change in Ideas ... on the finest foods procurable. - of Soviet Government. A. & P. prices are always an econ­ London.—Economic pressure is omy, but these prices represent im­ steadily forcing a change in the at­ titude of the Russian Soviet gov­ portant reductions' and merit your ernment toward foreign capital and It’s a treat to eat these' Meats! They possess the full-flavored deliciousness that her private creditors, both Ameri­ can and British, according to the means they’re chosen from the best there is. No matter how particular the family is attention. There is always an oppor­ opinion in well-informed financial about food—a glad chorus of delight will ring out at sight of a delicious Roast, Steak, circles here. or Chops from Hale’s Health Market. , , „ tunity to save at the A. & P. stores. Claims of foreign companies ’Phone 403 and jflace your order and it will be ready when you call. against the Soviet for plants and equipment seized and diverted to m m m m tm m the uses of the government by the BEEF VEAL / Com munists will continue to e.ver- Boneless Roast of B e e f...... 30c Ib. Boneless Veal R oast...... 35c lb. cise an important influence on the Veal Steak ...... 50c lb. policy of other cotintries toward Juicy Shoulder Pot R oast...... 22c lb. pd. 4Sc Loin Veal Chops...... 40c Ib. Russia so long as compensation is Solid Lean Pot R oast...... 22c lb. |B not forthcoming, but it is now seen Tender Lean Beef S te w ...... 20c lb. Veal Breast for StuflSngiv,...... 18c lb. t n n Russia’s creditors, since they can virtually control the ttutside finan­ Fresh Ground Hamburg Steak ... .18c lb. PORK cial assistancG which the Moscow Prime Rib Roast of Beef . .25c and 34c lb. Tender Lean Fresh Shoulder...... 24c lb. government requires, are being Fresh Spareribs ...... 23c lb. placed in a position where they can LAMB compel their edmands to be given Fresh Tender Lean Pork Roast, 2 pds. 3 1 c more serious consideration than in Tender Leg of Lamb ...... 37c lb. 30c and 34c lb. Lard the past. Forequarter of Lam b...... 24c lb. Change Is Due. SPECIALS Among British business leaders ■who believe that a change is due POULTRY Scotch H a m ...... 45c lb. shortly in Russian policy is Leslie Milk Fed Roasting Chicken ...... 45c lb. Hale’s Sausage M eat...... 25c lb. Urquhart, the oil operator, who is Fresh Fowl to Fricassee...... 43c lb. Native Calv.es’ L iver...... 50c Ib. one of the largest claimants I Potatoes ispds. 95c | against the Soviet for property confiscated in the Revolution. I_r- Quhart sizes up the situation thus: “Under present economic condi­ tions in Russia, the Soviet govern­ ment is finding itself in a vicious Mellex circle. Its only source for the necessary development of industry Pork is its exports, of which preponder­ Michigan pea ance must be given to agricultural Selected fat backs Tooth Paste products, but to be able to get pos- ; gesslon of these products the gov­ Quick cooking I b S i ernment must supply to the agri­ Salt Pork lb A new paste that really cleans cultural population tile desired manufactured goods of industrial the teeth and mouth ------A, enterprise, by the import of the OOLDBN BANTAM EVAPORATED ■ needed equipment from abroad. It is endorsed by many lead­ ing dentists m i k Manchester’s Great Public Pantry! Corn Large tube Sweet and delicious & P. best milk AtC.H.Tryon's “Why, Mrs. Jones! Are you driving another new car? How can you do it with everything so expensive; foodstuffs especially? It takes most all our money to buy Introductory groceries.” , 2 c a n s 2 7 ' p r ic e cans ^ 7 ® Sanitary Mark^ “Mrs. Smith, you will probably be surprised when I tell you this, but since I ve started selecting my own groceries and meats at Hale’s Self-Serve I’ve saved so much The essence of tomato^ undiluted and unadulterated Tel. 441 that Mr. Jones decided to put a little more to it and bought me this car; so I can take TEIcll's Deans, 25c. French Fryer and 3 Pounds Crisco I’ancv Large Prunes, 18c lb, o z . 8 rolls Toilet Paper, 1,00(3 sheets, < ^ b 9 25c. $1.49 l o r ^ • ? r a o ' a |Knmds Fancy Dice, 25c. a packages Slire. FRESH FRUIT AND SUGAR or Spaghetti Brand Rib Lamb Cliops. .39c lb. VEGETABLES M acarom 3 ' * * * a 5 * Rib Roast Reef, 35c lb. In Sanitary .Cloth Bags. Pot Roast, 35c lb. of every kind will always be fQjind at their Small Sausages,’ .35c lb. k p af h e r e ! 5 pounds...... 30c Sausage Meat, 30c lb. Golden Ripe Bananas ...... Jc lb. 10pounds...... 58c Indian River Grapefruit...... 13 Vi c ea. Finest Coif ees Fruit Fancy Extra Large Navel Oranges, 59c dz. 25 pounds . .'.*.$L45 Florida Oranges, 69c dozen, Baldwin A pples...... '... 14 qt. basket 95c Freshly roasted and ground in our loccd plants California Oranges, 69c and 73c For pies and eating. 4 qt. basket 33c dozen. From Our Cookie Bananas, 10c Ib. Extra Fancy Winesap Apples, nnn CIRCLE ^ BOKAR EIGHT tTClfilCK 2 Grapefniit, 25c. 4 qt. basket 49c Baldwin Applc.s, 95c basket. Fresh (White) Mushrooms , ...... 59c lb. Department Apples, 4.5c dozen. Featuring National Biscuit. Our Fam ily Coffee Pure Fresh Real Ripe Tom atoes...... 35c Ib. lb Santos Fancy Crisil Celery...... 21c bunch rapid turnover which is twice a week, Blend Supreme V^ejaretables French Endive ...... lU. assuies you of fresh cookies always. DaudeUon Greens, 69c'l)eck. Snow white. Owpr 60 Varieties to Select From. Spinach, 35c jieck. Special For Saturday Only I Green String Beaiu, 20c qt. Iceberg Lettuce ...... 12c head TIA Parsnips, 4 lbs. for 25c. Lai’ge head. demonstrating .TUI Beets, 3 bunches for 25c. Fresh Clean Spinach...... 29c peck s. I Carrots, 3 bnnehes for 25c. A wonderful Spring tonic. Fig Nliwtons ..., ___22c lb. ec. Celery, 25c bunch. New Cabbage...... 8c lb. Fresh-from the oven with pure fig sm t Native Potatoes, S1.05 peck. Boston Head Lettnce, 20c head. Fresh Asparagus...... 25c lb. fiU is f. ( Parsley, 10c bunch. Soup Bunches, 10c each.

1 . ''ki felt-'': '■ ■ ■ • '■ - ■ • ■ .'......

% \ ■ *

P A G B T W M frr FRroAY, APRIL 23, 1926.

r•.•><,\/m yrrT*S\ CONCERT, lodges '•"''ently entertained at the KITCHEN AND MODERN State. The ladies arrived at sev­ DANCE MEN’S CHORAL CLUB en o’clock and occupied some of HISTORY OF TOWN the best se^ts in tl^e theatre. Hillstown Grange Hall of Mancheotor Satar()ay Evening, April 24 A T HMJE’S High School Hall Tonight at the School street rec­ Fred Taylor, Prompts. TO BE R E M SOON reation center the gymnastic and Caseys Orchestra Monday Eve., April 26 dancing classes will practice for Assisting Artists: the exhibition which is to take BOSTON STMFHONT ENSEMBLE, place on the 30th. At seven David Coe, Stuart Wells and Rus­ FndiQMiity Jr. Explu» 9 Pieces. o’clock this evening there will be a sell Taylor, all of Henry street, left rehearsal for the flag drill; at MISS OLADTS HAHN, this afternoon for Bloomfield where Soprano Soloist, New York. 7:30 the Slovak dances and at they will attend the meetings of the Dehy h PiAIkati^To 8:00 P. M. the Irish jig. All regu­ Older Boys’ Conference there this Tickets at Watkins Bros, and lar classes will be suspended next evening and tomorrow. They rep­ Kemp’s Music House. week in favor of the exhibition resent Second Congregational practice. church. are Smart Joel Prentice, who is at the Manchester Grange, P. 0. H., will The following letter will an­ ABOUT TOWN Memorial hospital, continues to im­ hold a rummage sale Tuesday and swer several inquiries The Hepald prove from the Injuries sustained Wednesday afternoons and eve­ has received regarding the pubHca- NEWEST NEWEST recently when he was knocked down nings next week. The sale will be tion of the. History of Manchester. Fifty-five of the members of by an automobile. However, his in a vacant store in the State thea­ Editor, The Herald. COLORS ! STYLES ! Mystic Review, Woman’s Benefit condition is such that friends are ter building. Grange members From the tenor of several let­ asociation accepted Manager San­ not allowed to come to the hospital and friends who wish their dona ters which have'recently been pub­ son’s invitation to be his guests to see him yet. tions called for are requested to lished in the Her

THE A. NASH COMPANY Wholesale Tailors Suit or Overcoat to EVERYBODY UKES GOOD CANDY! YOUNG MEN’S Measure, 828.0Q. LEROY E. GARDNER Local Representative SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY! 21 Huntington Street SUITS So. Manchester. - Phone. 205-4. that breathe of Spring— Light shades, snappy styles, stylish 4 9 c lb. COCOANUT CANDY 49c lb. tailoring— $30 up. COCOANUT BON BONS: § Some two pant suits as low as $30. COCOANUT DAINTIES: A white fresh cocoanut center with chocolate bottom Your choice of chocolate, raspberry aud Tnaple.i.; J i 3 and sides, • X

■ COCOANUT DIPS: COCOANUT MOLASSES g TOP COATS As above. One half white and one half chocolate. HAYSTACKS: - '4 ' In the popular light’ shades, attractive ihodels at $25 and $30. JqEBERGS: Chewy cocoanut spooned-out and flavored wll^., mo­ Vanilla cream center dipped in chocolate and rolled lasses. , In cocoanut. SPRING HATS SPRING CAPS. COCOANUT KISSES: HARLEQUINS: " Chewy cocoanut ln;Tainilla, raspberry and cl&O^late Marvins at $5 and $6. ’Soft, Creamy cocoanut spQoned'-out. and flavored. Va­ Light shades and attractive styles, $1.50 nilla, chocolate, raspberry and maple. flavors. Cut similar to amougatine. , ••• \ j; - Pther good Hats, $4 and $4.50. and $2. , CANDY— MAIN FLOOR. Right.

Store Open M ee Park­ Saturdays ing Space ARTHUR HULTMAN S .1-V ■" , v -.M ‘ Until Rear " r Next door to Manchester Trust Company. 9 P.M . SOUTH MRNCHESTER ‘ CONN ‘ 6 i Store. ' t ■itftV.

...... ■ ■ ■■ V T "' ' -o, V . ; ■; . ‘ .A,;-;., •• •.