VrBT PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILV CIRCUIiATIOX : THE WEATHER, OF THE EVENING HERALD : - ■ ■■^■^■^ for the month of March, 1026, Probably ..local ahowem toiU ^t and Saturday.' Somewhat co<der 4,736 tonight. V ■ ?v;-. VOL. XLIV., NO. 174. Olasslfled Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1926. t.x'.l PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN%i FORD INVESTS FFl’ER RDODE ISLAND WILL IN LEAKY ROWBOAT. A Real Smile HAVE SU^AY MOVIES UNWED MOTHER WIRTALLA Tft ROQSEmT IN Providence, April 23.—Sun­ RIM QUESHON’ I Wellesley. Mass., April 23.— day movie shbws will open In A leaky old rowboat, warped every city of the; state except and ready for the kindling Pawtucket- next Sunday. Mono­ IS ACCUSED OF woodpile, stood in the yard of HGHT FOR HIS SPEiHLASHES logues. singing’ and sketches IS POlSOliie William Diehl, a liveryman. will go on with the movies. •’Take five dollars for it?” Both branches of the legisla­ asked William Taylor, repre­ JOB FORCE V O L S ™ ACT ture have passed the Lawton SUYING CHILD sentative of Henry Ford, m 0 1 roimcs Sunday movie bill and Governor searching for an ancient sign Pothler signs It today. for the famous W’ayslde Inn. ♦ "Sold,” leplied Diehl, pocket­ Rockville Girl Smothered ing the five dollar note. Policeman Withdraws His T. R. Jr^ Ont for Modffica- Chicago Mayor, Asserting The ancient boat will go f > witli Mr. Ford’s antique collec­ Enforced Resignations; tioi^ Declares Dry Law GREATNEW JERSEY Three Months’ Old Infant, tion at Sudbury. Law Is Ehforcible, Is Detectives Say — She 6- To Have Hearing Before Has Bred Law Violation FIRE IS M T E N Convinced It Is Riuning Denies Accusation. OFFICIAL FAMILY Board Thursday. on a Gigantic Scale. Government, He Says. Hundred Houses Gone as New York, April 23.—Theodore (Special <o Hie Herald.) Officer Rudolph H. Wirtalla Washington, April 23.—Prohibi­ AT WELDON PARTY Roosevelt said that he would vote Rockville, Aitril 2 3.—Accused of who on March 2 6 resigned from tion is slowly destroying good gov­ for modification or repeal of the People of Many Villages TnurdorinK 'her (hrec-montlis’-old the iUanchester Police force, last ernment ' in the United States, 'Volstead act if he were a member child, Miss Julia O'Hara, young, night withdrew his resignation. Mayor William E. Dever, of Chica­ of Congress, in an address at the Battle Raging Forest Blaze unwed Rockville mother, who lives Former Selectman Given Bon The Board of Police Commission­ go, declared today before the Sen­ at 57 Brooklyn street, will face a ers at a regular meeting was in­ annual dinner of the Bureau of Ad­ ate prohibition committee in a plea hearing in the local Police Court Voyage Dinner— 55 of formed of Wirtalla’s desire to re­ vertising of the American Newspa­ New York, April 23.—With al­ to Congress to end the nation-wide main as a policeman here. tomorrow morning following the per Publishers Association at the most a hundred dwellings de­ agitation over modification of the A hearing will he given to the Waldorf last night. result of the coroner’s Inquest be­ His Friends There. officer by the commissioners on stroyed in the New Jersey villages dry laws. Thurs'’"'- night. This reform was necessary, he of Pleasant Plains, Sllverton and The public welfare is Ignored',- ing conducted today. The body of asserted, to check the murder, cor­ the child, with discolorations which Early in March Officer Wiltalla Osborneville,' the fire which started Dever said, when -wets and drys A gathering at Cheney hall last was before the board for an in­ ruption and other crime that have clash over prohibition without any may prove it was smothered to followed in the wake of the 'Vol­ Wednesday was spreading west­ evening of Manchester's official fraction of department rules and ward with slightly diminished vi­ thought for good government. The death, was found in a small satchel at that time he was given a chance 'J stead act. result has brought "pandemonium” family was unique in the town’s The cai'ic-iti ciui-.uL me iirsc m u j ui lhc lauu juai ul i-.- l......... oe a At the same time he urged strict gor in the direction of Barnegat in a shed at the rear of TUiss to resign. Ho ten’dered his resig­ Bay. to public life, he added, because O'Hara's home Sunday by Chief of history. Fifty-five of the present nation effective *'^ril 1, and later great big smile wlien Children of the American Revolution greeted her enforcemfent of the law while it re­ prohibition has become a football mained on the statute books, declar­ The fire, -which has cut a path Police Steplien J. Tobin. an^ past office holders assembled asked for an extension of time to in Washington. JIrs. Coolidge is shown with Ann Pierson of Round eleven nailes long and five miles of politics. Xo Marks on Body. for the purpose of giving Dr. Way 1. Bay, Mich; (left), and Suzanne Preston of Erie, Pa. ing that what this country needed Dever was continuing his evi­ His letter withdrn’-’ng his res­ was less law and stricter enforce­ wide, this morning had approached According to Medical Examiner Thomas H. W'eldon, for many years the outsHirts of the villages of Ce­ dence of yesterday when he appear- ' Thomas F. Rockwell, of Rockville, ignation was dated April 19. ment of the law that existed. At­ cd as a neutral witness and declared a selectman, a farewell party. Dr. tacking "sloppy sentimentality” in dar Ridge, Laurelton, West Man- Ihe infant’s body revealed *no In­ Means a Fight toloking >and Adamstewn. that it was Chicago local authority juries and had apparently been Wirtalla’s action means, evi­ DEPEW TELLS the treatment of criminals, he ad­ that "cleaned up” a- scandalous vocated "certainty of punishment” One death was reported. Gen. well cared for up until the time of dently, that he inter'’- to fight out WINDHAM BOY, John C. Visser, who fought in the ' bootlegging situation there, not the its death. There was, however, a charges that he has broken de­ HOW TO BE 100 and “justice unswayed by fear or federal authorities as had been partment rules. When reached by favor,” in order to curb the wave of Boer war against England, dropped discoloration of the child's lips dead of heart disease, while figh- asserted. which tend to show that the child phone today by a Herald man he Ninety-two Today, Active Rail­ DROWNS IN BROOK crime throughout the country. was suffocated. The child's body admitted he had withdraiwn his One© Backed by Dry League. ing the fire at Pleasant Plains. Has No Remedy. just fitted into the satchel and rc-iv-ation, but he did not feel road Head Has No Idea of When Mr. Roosevelt was a candi­ Seen from Lakewood Dever declared he had no rem­ the face of the child faced up to­ that it w~a right for him to discuss Getting Old. date for Governor of New York in The flames were visible at dawn edy for the situation but he urged wards the top of the satchel which the matter prior to the hearing on 1925 he was endorsed by the State above the trees In Lakewood, but the committee to give the subject was tightly closed. The coroner Is Tuesday. New York, April 23.— All Night Searcher Finds Anti-Saloon League as its hope it is believed the fire will be careful study. investigating the case today and The resignations of Officer Jos­ Chauncey M. Depew. ninety- against the wet sentiments of Gov­ checked before it reaches that "Who is going to win in a Chica­ following the inquest it will come eph Foley and Supernumerary Of­ ernor Smith. town, fainous as a winter resort. go mayoralty campaign?” Dever two years old today, expects to Hundreds of volunteers were demanded. “The man with best up for a hearing in court before ficer Fred Brosseau which had live to be 100—at least. Body of Child After Pond "The’cornerstone of our Ameri­ Judge John E. I-'abey tomorrow been received at a previous meet­ can government is obedience to the aiding tl^e fire-fighters by throwing and longest experience in public There’s no great triQk in liv­ up embankments and pounding affairs? Oh no, not at all. i-.oniing. In all probability the ing were accepted effective May 1. ing to a ripe, old age, accord­ Is Dragged. laws we ourselves have made,” said : oun.g mother will be bound over Hading New Officer Colonel Roosevelt. flaming .'brush and weeds with "The man elected will win solely ing to Depew, who is hale and blankets, and by backfiring. Sixty on his attitude on prohibition. That to the Superior Court on a charge One supernumerary officer was hearty and getting quite a "By the same token, should a law of murder. The full charge which appointed to the force last night that has been enacted prove wrong, sailors and marines from the Lake- is a desperate situation. It affects "kick” out of life. One of the Windham, April 23.—Five-year- hurst naval air station have been cities all over the country Just as Miss O’Hara will face tomorrow aud the applications of four others secrets is "moderation”; De­ and the majority of the people wish morning is: ‘‘abar.donment of a fe­ were received. The officer- ap­ old Albert Oehrig was found its repeal, the means are establish­ sent to assist in combatting the it does Chicago.
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