149/06 (09) CASE NUMBER: 06/01061/OUTMAJ GRID REF: EAST 425851 NORTH 453225


LOCATION: Moor Park House And Estate Moor Park Beckwithshaw North HG3 1QN

PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of a golf club house to include staff accommodation and associated car park with layout considered (Revised Scheme).

APPLICANT: Historic Restorations Ltd

REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed clubhouse includes elements that should normally be located within a town centre (and no sequential test has been provided) and are considered to be unnecessary in relation to the operation of the golf course. The proposal is therefore contrary to the guidance in PPS6 and the provisions of Policy R3 of the adopted County Structure Plan and Policies R5, R8 and R12 of the adopted Harrogate District Local Plan. 2 No justification has been provided for the new dwelling in the countryside and no provision towards open space provision in connection with the dwelling has been made. The development therefore conflicts with the provisions of Policy H5 of the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan and Policies HX, H7 and IMP2 of the adopted Harrogate District Local Plan (as amended). 3 The proposed clubhouse, by virtue of its siting, massing and general design, extent of hardstanding, water features and tree loss, will significantly impact upon the setting of the listed buildings and be harmful to the historic parkland landscape and therefore conflicts with the provisions of Policies R3, E2 and E4 of the adopted North Yorkshire County Structure Plan and Policies A1, HD1, HD20, R5, R8, R12, C2, C5 and C15 of the adopted Harrogate District Local Plan.

(Councillor Galloway attended the meeting and spoke to the item as an objector (on behalf of Haverah Park and Beckwithshaw Parish Council) under the Council’s Opportunity to Speak Scheme).

(Mr Hawden attended the meeting and spoke to the item as the applicant’s agent under the Council’s Opportunity to Speak Scheme).

(Councillor Willis declared a personal interest in this item on the basis that he had written about the application as a freelance journalist, but on the basis that the interest was not prejudicial, he remained in the meeting and took part in the debate and voted thereon).

(Unanimous decision).