Carlsbad Current, 12-19-1913 Carlsbad Printing Co
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-19-1913 Carlsbad Current, 12-19-1913 Carlsbad Printing Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Carlsbad Printing Co.. "Carlsbad Current, 12-19-1913." (1913). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ib ffl TWENTY-SECON- D YEAR CARLSBAD NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1913 NUMBER O VISIT OF GHOR M'DOWLD Si:i:. AI'TO.MOIMI.KS KS(()KT Mir: I'AIM V HtO.M AIM KSIA Luncheon. Smoker and Inspection by Informal Reception Visit Much Kn joyed by llolh t liicf Kxeruthe and the People. The female Ihk.- - ttrrrlvea eaHelnlly In Itimala and In In former ii.".. the Yesterday seven place abe la known aa the naUnishka. niorinnir autos went to Artc-si- Ancestry of Santa In the latter aa the Itcfnria. I'efana la The First Christmas Km) to escort the governor a corruption of Kplphnnla or Kplphn mi 4 down to Carlsbad. The governor ny. It la on Rplphany. Jan. that i rode down with his old friend V. II. for vtíJinam the ItnllHtia make preaenta to their often ha heeu atated that the I.usk, who served m the old Lincoln Is CIhum' age? Hants children In commemoration of theglfta birth of Clniat niUMt have occur-re- d county bourd in lNUJ with McDonald. roistering, DT WHAT Jolly. given by the three wise men to Christ f....r eura before the date 'i They talked about old times and days erer young old fel- chronolo- on that date liiel mi for the current gone by and but little mention was low that we know haa made gy and that it la probable thW event be- made of politics. Arriving here the his appearance on earth Id mo man;, fell at some other time In the year aol-atlc- ovcrnor'n party, consisting- of Adju- guises secret of his first com-In- s tban a few days after the winter that the (ietu-ru- l tant Herring and er threatens to remain forever wiled The reuaou for the confident as- State set Uon la ascertaining of the fact French, were ehtertained In the midst of antiquity. No one ran A Song the at of that Herod died about four yea ra B. C the Hatea hotel luncheon say with any certainty Junt when he at which The Imala of thla supposition la the was also attended by about thirty in- flmt made hla appearance among pre time of birth of reMirt that at the the vited quests, the affair f under historic men. for merry old Monta In Christmas Christ "there were ahepherda abiding I the auspices of Major Bujae. one form or another delighted rhll in field, watching flocka by JOSEPH WARKKN LOCK II The the their ART AM) WIFK town dren'a hearts In mnny a pagan hoiine night" a circumstance not natural In and surroundings were shown hold centuries before the cointiieiice-oien- t IMonerra of this section of the country Mr. the governor und he was introduced the blttaraweat and holly the latitude of Mcthlrhcn.) near the IN'khart passed away, Oeccm of the ChrlKilmi eru mid prior to TWINE abov tha haarthatone's shortest duy. That Is the height of ber Hlh, aged 90 years. to many durinir the interval between Én recorded history. the rainy aeason in Judeii. and the luncheon and a Miiokcr club - at the me Sun l.i Chills, lit- Joy. not melancholy, a The tin of which date do-- not apHar to have been ob- rooms. he Is known In America. Is Him Dutch Com. Inrirlftln with the anow. fn-- t generally before cen- of consent. So - I .... I I . I i In each the froat'a served the fifth Jewish doctora who nltlruied that he aire said the jury last ci i I.. i i i. pet mi me for St Nl hulas The i in- .sonmt-- in uf r in. rooms inline Ami on flyln wing tury. Hfty t Vi afur whs not yet forty .veara old. It evening at nl.out r.::0 l.cinir out ycti-nla- by which he Ih known after aflcn n was l Kriss Krlnule. Cornea tha alelKlibell'a rhythmtn llncla Many studeiita of Itidllcnl history Is remiirkfit. Pmi, In the spring of ah r that live hours. Motion for an appeal In Kuglaiid. I ii of Christ Tli-iiu- Joiirnaylna a lurre number of citi.ciis.amoiiir have argued that the aiory it Im mt the the hh mt- - year there was a triple con them was made immediately. i lie.......sentence L Klndleln or the Christ Child Km the of Itethlehein inlrita to a for l,,.,ni' inline vi... owners who feci Set tha hoard and aak tha blraalnt star date Junction of plniifts Saturn. Jupiter is in discretion festivities Mint distliii'iilsh Christ iiiiim n-- the of the judjre who in For the bounty amply aprrad. the Nativity inter ! " . ind Mars ami first two much interested the older that wu.J n that the cxlstt-- long before Christianity, mid In the nlmi'lfnt wnriln . will sentence all those convicted at I irnln It. ('. tl. on that lat. ii,. a llll Hied were III roll II net Ion as seen recently' issued by the tmciit of Jolly appears iim What a lnvln Father - cod of food cheer the I In- - this term of tin- court this tnoniinir. .lil-llc- c eHrth"-f- or Venus nuil Jupüer were so closely In from enrlli no less than three times to remove the fences from pcrsohllli-iit- l Hi period on thla la n'nraat of the from the coiiluiu-ilo- I lU This en. Is the When thv Known lth us ulilile ns .ft.n from lie carih the yenr pun eil liu' that I. It f 7 criminal docket for cei lam pieces in County. A eiirller palian times Now the Slllt:l - And the m Inter air In that tin- iiipart-i'- t ilNtam-- lietwceii Another theory anout the of this term of court. Some of the lx Hull old Jolly slur cases pel it ion was presented Clans of todiy simply the of ChrlittniaaUila. 1 Hetll-eht-ll- ei,n,or In hush WHS t ;. ti l III. Il Iheln fllial otilv in of Il ls lieeli aitvauceil were cop' jriieil 111. up. v:isln-i- l purllit-- uiilil the lievt til who l.i.:.!y v (ml anhered nuil m Tln-K- f ; to to 4 the full nit ill iihiiifts were la the -- seen hy the llinirl Is t tliit There Were only three jury cases , . The of the lirevhs. the Slit c 'r'iw isvw rvín a .in- .. it t ;,,) and eplain ts. Splca. the leihlinu hrillia nt in the con - urnnllii of the Koimins. the Twelve for this term. 'Im- uf these was set- 111111- t atelhitloti uf Iriiu. the Virgin l or t" Ilii p'opci ;i..t ii, Nights of the old Norsemen lind of the tled. This was the en, f I'.. T. i I inati.v years an. I after the " li a' won), ccrtaiidy Teutons nil e llln-he- k t'om-pan- the of Kneat Ice I' - ('lilNtlíin the st.n was chantliic airainst the ! e ,ll o! ,1 I :n- iel.ceS. People g.ivc - the Inter solstice then in whieli In- no In-- ita place unlil II was llieii t.iri a asked i il'lt tliele is a ill-- t Hid loll l ll U themselves it to nil soil cil ri-- i i ir elUet "stiir III the east." alul lis loot enienl (laniML'es claimed he lo t :i and excess In the IiIoiivnIii I In- - r. drill fence and an enclosure st clued in iPreetioii in iv have I n tin-ver- thumb nuiiiir to carele-siu-s- s of not i.ini'-PIoiivh- the evident from the uridine; Sr tit: ure was the oi a notice fact null eil by the wise Ineli of - Tin-cas- or I'.aechus. Imt the need tin- lüashrks at the ice plant. enl one of ti e to,k It is some leiituries pieeeilllin who niel.. the cheery mid disreputable SllelillK. t etect was settled for íJihi out of court. irclieiill Wish ni all if eil that the prophet iilmut tin- - the people t'iul the of the Satyr mid the god ol The jury case of Juan Rubin vs. would hi- - fiilllllt-i- l wlii-- lis prim jpal a. iii.ll drill fei ce l.e ailuue.l to stand In It a drunkard the Saturnalia wits Miller was up v. Rubio is - Hie ami il will lie tin- endeavor ol the )ov-erii- or Until rn; In the (ieriiiii III feast It was Star reaeliftl pusilioii tioletl. If Hllinir for JIM claimed because ol' In- Thor. Iioth loin: heiirded imd while this wire ho the vls't of the iniiL'l from to explain I true status and Itm-frii- s In far is ex ditch tliiririnir. This has not ended. w, , hlllretl kihIi like Silt-till- the tret tin author, io .osipoue for a Now. nlihotiL'h the flirure of pial I.