
No Matter What Singers: Written:/Jim Steinman

Ch-k-ch, huh huh Ch-k-ch, huh huh Ch-k-ch, huh huh Ch-ch, huh Huh,huh, ch-k-ch, huh huh huh huh [中譯]

Steve: No matter they tell us 無論他們所言為何 No matter what they do 無論他們所做何事 No matter what they teach us 無論他們如何教導 What we is true 我們堅信的才是事實

Ronan: No matter what they us 無論他們如何稱呼我們 they attack 或是無情的攻訐 No matter they take us 無論他們帶我們到何處 We'll find our own way back 我們會找出屬於自己的歸途

Steve: I can't deny I believe *我不能否認我的信仰 I can't be what I'm not 無法不忠於自我 I'll know our love forever 我明白我們的愛將會天長地久 I know no matter 我明白無論如何

Ronan: If only tears were laughter 如果淚水即是笑聲 If only night was day 如果黑夜即是白晝 If only prayers were a ed 如果祈求即是答案 Then we would hear God say 我們將聆聽神的旨意

Steve: No matter what they tell you 無論他們所言為何 No matter what they do 無論他們所言何事 No matter what they t you 無論他們如何教導 What you believe is true 我們堅信的才是事實

Ro&St: And I will you safe and strong 我會讓你平安堅強 And sheltered from the storm 做你暴風雨中的避風港 No matter where it's barren 無論前方有何阻礙 A dream is being b 但夢想已經成型

Ooh ooh ooh ooh Ronan: No matter they follow 無論他們追隨何人 No matter they lead 無論他們所向何處 Now matter they judge us 無論別人對我們評斷如何 I'll be everyone you need 為你所需我將付出一切

Steve: No matter the sun don't shine 即使陽光不在照耀 (Ronan: The sun don't shine) Steve: Or if the skies are blue 或是晴空萬里 (Ronan: Skies are blue) Steve: No matter the ending 無論結局如何 My life began with you 我的人生將由你開始

Steve: I can't deny what I believe (重複*) *我不能否認我的信仰 (Ronan: What I believe) Steve: I can't be what I'm not 無法不忠於自我 (Ronan: I know, I know) Steve: I know this love's forever 我明白我們的愛將會天長地久 That's all that matters now, no matter what 我明白無論如何

No, no matter (Ronan: No, no matter what) no [repeat twice]

No, no matter (no, no matter) That's all that m s to me (Ronan: No, no matter what) [Repeat thrice]

No, no matter (what) That's all that matters to me 這是現在我最在乎的一切 (Ronan: No, no matter what) no 無論如何 [repeat twice]

No, no matter (what)

Ro&St: That's all that matters to me 這是現在我最在乎的一切