itc e FFoouurr BBitchhiinn’’ BBaa TThhe bbeess TM WWhheerree mmuussiicc,, llaauugghhtteerr && ggiirrllffrriieennddss rreeiiggnn!! “Together they tell humorously observant “The BABES stir the heart as well as the “A stellar group of contemporary artists tales of modern urban life, and harmonize like funny bone” – Billboard who swim the emotional river with humor a heavenly chorus.” – The Chicago Tribune “Traveling Oprah Winfreys” – Boston Globe and poignancy.” – The Los Angeles View “It’s“It’s notnot justjust aa musicalmusical revue...revue... it’sit’s aa statestate ofof mind!”mind!” Now Booking! SRO Artists, Inc. • ph. (608) 664-8160 • email.
[email protected] • web. From those multi-talented gal pals that brought you “Hormonal Imbalance... A Mood Swinging Musical Revue,” comes their new entertainment destination... Starring:Starring: Diva Nation… Where Music, Laughter & Girlfriends Reign Join this Fabulous Female Folkestra for a royally hilarious musical journey as they navigate life in the nation... Diva Nation, that is! Sally Fingerett With their whimsical, hip and sophisticated girl-group harmonies, these Crowned Consumption Commissioner hysterically funny and multi-talented musicians let loose on how the new concerning candy, cookies, cakes, millennium has, in some cases literally, changed the face of The Diva! and cocktails. Covertly uncovering the You can find her everywhere; in your office, your mall, your grocery caloric computations of our adored store, she’s cleaning up messes, and putting out fires, possibly from her ingestible items, she insists we ignore own hot flashes! But there she is, in your mirror. “HELLO DIVA!” all information and eat it anyway. As Super- Come celebrate the “Inner Majesty” in us all.