The gavel monTezuma lodge no. 1 af & am 431 Paseo de Peralta Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501-1958 Just west of the Scottish Rite Temple Phone: 505-982-0971 - Email:
[email protected] Volume 20 Issue 4 “The Oldest Masonic Lodge in the Rockies“ Organized May 8, 1851 April 2020 Dear Brethren of Montezuma Lodge No.1, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. As we continue through this public health crisis, we should take time to remember those who have been lost to COVID-19 and be grateful for those who have recovered. New Mexico has done a remarkable job in flattening the curve which has recently gotten national attention. As the state begins work on planning a reopening, it is very important that we follow the Public Health Orders and continue practicing social distancing. It is unclear when we will return to a place of normalcy and what that new norm will mean for Montezuma Lodge and Freemasonry. Some recent adaptations include the use of video conferencing platforms such as Skype, Zoom, GotoMeeting, MS Teams to name a few. Lodges are already using video conferencing to have untiled meetings and share presentations as allowed by the Grand Lodge. Montezuma Lodge is planning to host our own meeting so keep a lookout for an email announcement. For those of you who do not have a strong internet connection or a camera, a call-in number will be provided. I imagine during the new normal, video conferencing will be more common. I would be happy to hear about your ideas on things we can do with video conferencing.