DePaul University | School of Continuing and Professional Studies Program Identifier: Undergraduate Program / Graduate Programs



SPRING, 2021


Office Location: NA

My office hours are on Tuesdays 5:30-6:00p.m. and by appointment

You can reach me [email protected]

Course Dates: March 30th and ending June 8th. Required zoom meeting Tuesdays 6:00-8:30 pm

Students are strongly urged to attend the zoom meetings. The meetings will be recorded for those unable to attend. A link to the recording will be published within the course on D2L.


Required Materials for this course are

The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikacher, available through DePaul bookstore and online.

Other readings/handouts/links can be found on D2L in the ‘content’ section.

In addition each student must have the following

• 2 yoga blocks • Yoga strap • Yoga blanket or a large bath sheet or beach towel.

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices Spring 2021 1

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course combines an introduction to yoga and techniques with an examination of the scientific and philosophical knowledge of yoga to improve health. Course is appropriate for beginners; no previous experience needed. : Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Understand basic yoga teachings: 8 limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, philosophy of non- duality, Seva: compassion and social justice through yoga practices 2. Demonstrate body awareness and alignment in the yoga postures. 3. Understand basic human anatomical systems and functions 4. Perform proper yoga breathing and meditation techniques. 5. Understand the therapeutic benefits of yoga practices 6. Study the historic and contemporary cultural reach of yoga 7. Develop and practice a personal sequence

LEARNING STRATEGIES & RESOURCES Required equipment- Yoga mat, yoga strap, 2 yoga blocks. A yoga blanket or a large towel/bath sheet.

I recommend the following sources for purchase of these supplies to keep costs down. Much pricier when purchased separate

• Basic beginner Yoga set https://www.theyogawarehouse.com/Basic-Beginner-Yoga-Set- 2 32.95 • Yoga Direct value yoga kit https://www.yogadirect.com/Yoga-Direct-Value-Yoga- Kit_p_1164.html 39.98 2 blocks plus yoga bag • Yoga for Beginners kit https://www.yogaoutlet.com/products/gaiam-yoga-for-beginners- kit-45955 29.98 only one block • YOU MUST HAVE YOGA EQUIPMENT BY WEEK ONE AS WE WILL USE THESE IN PRACTICE

Required text The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice by TKV Desikachar ISBN: 089281764X.

• Readings, videos, web links found on D2L • Weekly scheduled Zoom meeting-Each week students will meet on Zoom for a discussion of the assigned readings and other materials (videos, ppt, web links, etc) for approx. 60 minutes. Following a brief ‘bio-break’ the instructor will lead the class in a 75 minute yoga practice including (breath work), asana (postures), and meditation

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021



Veg Head forum week 9, respond to other students

Asana Sequence Project- this includes weekly responses to the practice and fellow students. The reflections and notations will be used to create a personal asana sequence

These posts will be considered proof of attendance

Weekly forum posts of student practice of pranayama, meditation and asana with anatomical notes to culminate in a personal yoga practice will assess due: weekly posts, completed document week 11 Objectives 2, 4,5, 7

Reading responses forums due weeks 2, 6, 9 Refer to assigned readings to answer the questions and post in the discussion forum. Full points include response to a fellow student. Objectives 1,6

Quizlets: 3 quizlets week 3, 5, 8

2 self evaluations: Objectives 2,5 Due week 2 ,11 Students taking the course for 4 credits will also accomplish the following

2 exams will assess philosophy, history, anatomy due-week 7 and week 10 Objectives 1,3,5,6,

Research presentation Objectives 5, 6 due week 8

PLEASE NOTE Students who take the course for 2 credits are excused from the research presentation and the exams.

No work accepted after June 8

Assessment of Student Learning

Attendance will be assessed in through

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021

1. Attendance/viewing/practice to the zoom class (Zoom records views outside of the live event) 2. weeky asana posts- a reflection of the group asana practice that includes notation of poses. These posts will contribute to the creation of a personal asana sequence which will be completed at the end of the term.

Rubrics will be provided for the reading responses, asana sequence final project, and research project. These will be found in the D2L content.


A = 95 to 100 A- = 91 to 94 B+ = 88 to 90

B = 85 to 87 B- = 81 to 84 C+ = 77 to 80

C = 73 to 76 C- = 69 to 72 D+ = 65 to 68

D = 61 to 64 F = 60 or below


Students interested in taking a course on a Pass/Fail grade basis need to contact their academic advisor to request the option by the end of the second week of the course. SCPS students can email their requests to their advisors and include the course number, quarter, and student ID number. Non-SCPS students need to contact their home college for instructions on submitting these requests. Please review the P/F guidelines, course restrictions and GPA implications in the University catalog before making your request. A grade of Pass represents a D or better standard and therefore will not meet requirements that have a minimum standard of C- or better. For further clarification of the P/F option for SCPS students beyond the university guidelines, please refer to the SCPS catalog.

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021


SCPS degree programs with majors (BAPSBA, BAPSC, BAHA, BADA, BANM, and BALS) require a grade of C- or better in courses taken at DePaul or transfer work applied to course requirements in the Major and in the LL 261: Essay Writing course in the College Core. All other course requirements in these programs can be completed with a grade of D or better. SCPS degree completion major programs (BAABS and BALS) require a C- or better in all courses taken at DePaul applied to those programs. SCPS competence-based programs (BAIFA, BAC, BAGB and BAECE) require a D or better in courses taken at DePaul or transfer work applied to competence requirements.


This process follows university policy.

A student who encounters an unusual or unforeseeable circumstance that prevents her/him from completing the course requirements by the end of the term may request a time extension to complete the work. • The student must formally initiate the request by submitting the Contract for Issuance of Incomplete Grade form (via email, word doc), no later than week 10 (or prior to the final week of a shorter-term course). • The instructor has discretion to approve or not approve the student’s request for an IN grade. • The instructor has discretion to set the deadline for completion of the work, which may be earlier but no later than two quarters (not counting Summer term). • The instructor may not enter an IN grade on behalf of a student without a completed and agreed upon contract. • The student is alerted that IN grades are not considered by Financial Aid as evidence of satisfactory academic progress.

COURSE SCHEDULE This course is subject to minor changes during the course. Students will be apprised of changes via D2L announcements, email, and D2L content posts.

Weekly modules will open on Sundays, beginning March 21 for week 0. Week 1 opens March 28

Each zoom session will open with a discussion of the assigned readings. It is expected that students will Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021

have read the assigned readings and be prepared to discuss the ideas in small groups in the zoom classe. Each session will include an asana practice session.

Video Conference Schedule -Weekly zoom session Tuesdays 6:00- 8:30 p.m.

Week 0 Getting Started- opens March 21 – please review as preparation for class

• Review D2L page and syllabus • Read -Eric Schiffmann Why Yoga? pdf on D2L and How to be a Nose Breather (pdf on D2L) • Videos: watch Welcome video • Read – Creating a Home Yoga Space • Submit to discussion forum Introduce Yourself- opens 3/21, respond to 2 or more student’s posts • Submit to assignment- Self evaluation 1, opens 3/21 Week 1 What is Yoga? March 30

View: The story of Yoga video, Yoga Philosophy ppt, Review Yoga sequence Project,

Assignments: • Attend or view Zoom meeting discussion/asana practice Thursday 6:00-8:30 p.m. • Post 3 asana on Weekly Asana Notes, asana/pranayama MUST BE from the class practice . Include description/ sketch/muscles/joints • Read : Wind Through the Instrument- Schiffmann (D2L) • Desikacher Heart of Yoga chptr 1-3 (on D2L) Week 2 Asana and Pranayama- Physical Yoga April 6 Discuss Schiffmann and Desikacher Links- Diaphragmatic Breathing article/video, Interactive Anatomy Illustrations on D2L: Simple Skeleton, Muscle diagram, Breathing Diagram Assignments: Asana practice (Zoom) Assignments: • Desikacher pp25-71 • View video on Avidya • reading response 1 and 2 responses to posts of fellow students • Weekly asana Notes post 3 asana (from zoom practice)

Week 3 Yoking the Duality April 13 Review skeleton/muscular system diagrams worksheets Asana Practice: Zoom Assignment- • Quizlet: Pranayama, Avidya, pose/counterpose • Post 3 asana to weekly asana practice from zoom practice • and Complete skeleton and muscle diagram Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021

Week 4 Experiencing the Stillness: Yoking the Mind with Meditation April 20 Zoom meeting Review of asana and pranayama, avidya,

• Introduce dhyana, quiet reflection, sukha/dukha, 3 gunas, Dhyana, Citta Vritti, Samskara • Assignment: practice a meditation using online suggestions or an app- the following readings may bring more clarity to the Desikacher text • https://www.yogajournal.com/practice/the-eight-limbs • //beyogi.com/patanjalis-yoga- sutras/?utm_source=beYogi&utm_campaign=83e7ae6f12-yoga-vibe- weekly_04_21_2017&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bdc1460a98- 83e7ae6f12-102106861&mc_cid=83e7ae6f12&mc_eid=650dff2526 • review suggestions for presentations on D2L • zoom asana practice includes

WEEK 5 BEYOND ASANA- 8 LIMBS OF YOGA APRIL 27 • The Tree of yoga has 8 limbs: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi • Assignment : • Yoga nidra- meditation and the brain • D2L ppt and zoom discussion • ppt Meditation and the Brain • introduction of research project • zoom practice- short asana warm up, meditation including yoga nidra


• read Desikacher 121-140 • Meditate at least once see D2L for links to guided • Review for quiz 1, complete quizlet on 8 limbs • http://www.yogajournal.com/article/beginners/the-eight-limbs/ • see D2L for https://neiu.desire2learn.com/d2l/le/content/2953678/viewContent/1369362/View • reading reflection 2 due week 6 Week 6 The Mind and the Path- Mantra Mala May 4

• Shiva, the adhi , ppt slide show Shiva /Yoga, muscles/bones • Discussion and Demonstration of mantra, mudra, mala in zoom meeting • Review suggestions for student presentation Assignment- Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021

Review the following on D2L • 5 elements of body mudra and other pages • anti-inflammatory food pyramid, other links on D2L including introduction to doshas

https://beyogi.com/ayurvedic-techniques-improve-strengthen- digestion/?utm_source=beYogi&utm_campaign=8018a59d69-yoga-vibe- weekly_06_16_2017&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bdc1460a98- 8018a59d69-102106861&mc_cid=8018a59d69&mc_eid=650dff2526

• take Dosha quiz http://www.eattasteheal • review bones/muscles (attachment) • 4 credit students Complete Quiz 1 • Yoga asana practice • Weekly asana post : 3 asana- Begin to create 20 minute sequence • Meditate at least once • Proposal for presentation including partners, topic, 2 resources via email • Read Ayurveda healing pdf on D2L Week 7 Inside/Out Ayurveda, subtle body, diet/dosha May 11

Zoom discussion- principles of Ayurveda, vegetarianism (connection to sauca and ahimsa),dosha

• Video Dr. Weil anti-inflammatory diet • Link Andrew Weil balanced living and eating • Anti-inflammatory food pyramid • Review core muscles • Practice: focus on core muscles introduction inversions


• Complete research project and upload to discussion forum by Wednesday. If you will not be present at zoom meeting please add audio to your presentation • Weekly asana post- use current posts to develop a 20 minute practice -practice sequence at least once, post your response to the practice and any adjustments you may make • Eat a plant based diet for 2 days- post to forum Veg Head, respond to 2 students posts • Meditate at least once

Week 8 Student as Teacher- May 18 zoom meeting -presentation of projects by 4 credit students

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021

Asana practice, chair or restorative


• Review chakra charts/illustrations on D2L • Read Opening the Chakras-New Myths and Old Truths Dr. David Frawley pdf • Weekly asana post- practice your sequence 2x, post reactions/adjustments • Quizlet on Chakras • Reading Response 3 forum Week 9 Chakra Talk May 25

• Zoom meeting: discussion of chakras/ chakra balancing class including (beginner’s) inversions • Review core muscles


• Complete quiz 2 (4 credit) • Weekly asana posts- Practice your sequence with a friend and after discussion post the doc and their response. Make any changes you feel necessary • Final Asana Sequence project opens- Create a legible document the illustrates and describes your sequence and includes anatomical notes and benefits of each asana. See rubric on D2L • Videos, “Is it ok to do yoga?” “Yoga and the Impact of Cultural Appropriation” on D2L Week 10 Yoga and the World June 1

Zoom meeting: discuss videos “general clean up” questions, asana practice extended to 90 minutes

Assignment: submit self evaluation 2 and Final Asana Sequence If you have a ‘favorite’ asana send me an email and I will be sure to include it in the final practice

Week 11- Last Asana Practice June 8 All work must be submitted by this date

Course Policies It is the student’s responsibility to procure the proper yoga equipment. This is for the safety of the student and for the ability to correctly perform asana.

It is highly recommended that students attend the zoom meetings. Some of the material can seem dense and the class discussions help to clarify difficult ideas. These discussions will be recored and posted on D2L.

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021

It is extremely important to practice the weekly zoom asana sequences. If unable to attend the zoom meetings, students may use the recordings to practice. Weekly practice (and later in the semester at least twice a week practice) is crucial to develop skill and strength for the final weeks. Late work will suffer deductions and specific assignments will not be accepted if late. No work will be accepted after the final due date of the semester.


Incomplete (IN) and Research (R) Grades Expiration Policy

Withdrawal/Drop Policy and Withdrawal Tuition

Accommodations Based on the Impact of a Disability

Students are also invited to contact me privately to discuss your challenges and how I may assist in facilitating the accommodations you will use during this course. This is best done early in the term and our conversation will remain confidential.

Protection of Human Research ParticipantsOther Resources for Students

University Center for Writing-based Learning

Dean of Students Office

INSTRUCTOR BRIEF BIO Nancy VanKanegan has practiced yoga her entire adult life. She completed her first teacher training in 1995 with Suddha Weixler at the NU Yoga Center, later called Chicago Yoga Center, and has since studied with many master teachers. Her eclectic approach to teaching is informed by Classical Hatha, Ashtanga vinyasa and Iyengar systems, focusing on breath, correct alignment, flexibility and strength building. She has trained in , trauma informed yoga and yoga nidra. Her students include preschool to senior citizens, pregnant women, cancer survivors, and those with injuries and conditions including Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injuries, strokes, and cerebral palsy. Before the Covid Pause she volunteered in the Women’s Division of Cook County Correctional Center. Her other passion and practice is making art, often influenced by yoga.

Additional Considerations

Additional information for the instructor’s consideration in planning the syllabus may be provided in this section, especially to address unique programmatic needs.

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021

Recording of Classroom Sessions Conducted via Videoconference tools:

• Synchronous teaching sessions can be recorded by the instructor for educational purposes. These recordings will be made available only to students presently enrolled in the course via password protected links. Links will be posted via the course webpages on D2L and viable for the present term only. • Students are prohibited from sharing class recordings or disclosing the links to a class session to anyone outside of the course. • Students have the right to protect their privacy during recordings by appearing in an audio-only mode; pseudonymous usernames can be used by students, if shared offline with the instructor. • Instructors may retain portions of the recordings that contain their intellectual property consistent with University policy, with students’ identifying information removed.

Reading Assignments: Videos: Assignments:

COURSE POLICIES Yoga is a system of activities and ideas. The poses and breathing practice is experiential and cannot be learned by ‘watching’ only by using one’s body. Because the use of the physical body is necessary students with existing complications or who experience physical complications through the term must communicate clearly to the instructor. Self Evaluation 1 is key in communicating information about injuries, illness and conditions. In an online class it is sometimes difficult to ascertain the modifcations needed and communication via this evaluation and perhaps further emails and maybe private zoom meetings can assist the student in finding ways to achieve benefit without injury. Students are expected to attend the weekly zoom meetings. In the event of an unavoidable conflict viewing and practicing with the recording will be accepted. It is expected that students will be fully present in the physical practice, whether in the live zoom meeting or using the recording. An understanding of yoga methods is impossible without weekly or more practice. Students are expected to come to the meetings prepared, by reviewing the materials assigned and being ready to practice asana each week. If a student experiences a hardship that prevents their full participation they must contact the instructor to see how the course goals can be accomplished. This communication should happen when the complication or hardship develops to avoid last minute fenzy.

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021


Academic Integrity Policy (UGRAD) Incomplete (IN) and Research (R) Grades Expiration Policy Withdrawal/Drop Policy and Withdrawal Tuition Accommodations Based on the Impact of a Disability

Students are also invited to contact me privately to discuss your challenges and how I may assist in facilitating the accommodations you will use during this course. This is best done early in the term and our conversation will remain confidential.

Protection of Human Research Participants


University Center for Writing-based Learning

Dean of Students Office

INSTRUCTOR BRIEF BIO Nancy VanKanegan has practiced yoga her entire adult life. She completed her first teacher training in 1995 with Suddha Weixler at the NU Yoga Center, later called Chicago Yoga Center, and has since studied with many master teachers. Her eclectic approach to teaching is informed by Classical Hatha, Ashtanga vinyasa and Iyengar systems, focusing on breath, correct alignment, flexibility and strength building. She has trained in restorative yoga, trauma informed yoga and yoga nidra. She has taught versions of this course for the past 6 years.

Her students in and outside of university settings include preschool to senior citizens, pregnant women, cancer survivors, and those with injuries and conditions including Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injuries, strokes, and cerebral palsy. Before the Covid Pause she volunteered in the Women’s Division of Cook County Correctional Center. Her other passion and practice is making art, often influenced by yoga.

ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Recording of Classroom Sessions Conducted via Videoconference tools:

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021

• Synchronous teaching sessions can be recorded by the instructor for educational purposes. These recordings will be made available only to students presently enrolled in the course via password protected links. Links will be posted via the course webpages on D2L and viable for the present term only. • Students are prohibited from sharing class recordings or disclosing the links to a class session to anyone outside of the course. • Students have the right to protect their privacy during recordings by appearing in an audio-only mode; pseudonymous usernames can be used by students, if shared offline with the instructor. • Instructors may retain portions of the recordings that contain their intellectual property consistent with University policy, with students’ identifying information removed.

CHANGES TO SYLLABUS This syllabus is subject to change as necessary. If a change occurs, it will be clearly communicated to students.

Yoga: Philosophies and Practices, Spring 2021