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Security Council UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/6313 30 April 1965 COUNCIL ENGLISH ORIGINAL: SPANISH CABLE DATED 29 APRIL 1965 FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS In accordance with Article 5^- of the United Nations Charter, I have the honour to transmit to you, for the information of the Security Council, the communication approved by the Council of the Organization of American States at the meeting held today, which I am sending to the Papal Nuncio and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in the Dominican Republic: "Monsignor Emmanuel Clarizio, Papal Nuncio and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, Santo Domingo: The Council of the Organization, profoundly disturbed by the bitter fighting which is ravaging the Dominican Republic, a sister nation, and desirous of avoiding further bloodshed, has instructed me to convey to you, as Dean of the Diplomatic Corps at Santo Domingo, and, through you, to the diplomatic representatives of the American Republics, to the Dominican authorities, to all political parties of whatever leaning, and to the Dominican people, an expression of the Council's earnest hope that all armed activities and hostilities will be suspended. In asking me to transmit this humanitarian message to you, the Council expresses its confidence that the Dominican people will be able to determine its national destiny in peace and within the framework of the institutions of the inter-American system. I should be grateful if you would inform me as soon as possible, in view of the urgent circumstances, what the situation is in the Dominican Republic and what prospect there is for an immediate cease fire, so that I can convey the information to the Council of the Organization, which is following events closely. Accept, Sir, etc. (Signed) Jose A. Mora, Secretary- General, Organization of American States." Accept, Sir, etc. (Signed) Jose A. MORA Secretary-General, Organization of American States 65-09823 \ UNITED NATIONS TH ^"i'T* SECURITC C r* I I D I T YV GENERAL COUNCIL ORIGINAL: SPANISH CABLE DATED JO APRIL 1965 FROM THE SECRETARY -GENERAL OF THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS In accordance with Article 5^+ of "the United Nations Charter, I have the honour to transmit to you, for the information of the Security Council, the following resolutions which were adopted today by the Council of the Organization of American States: "The Council of the Organization of American States, "Considering that on 29 April 1965 the representative of Chile addressed a note to the Chairman of the Council in which his Government requests 'that a Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs should be called for 1 May 1965 ', "That the representative of Chile has proposed that the said meeting, which wculd "be held pursuant to article 39 °f "the Charter of the Organization of American States, should have as its programme the following question: 'Grave situation created by armed hostilities in the Dominican Republic1, "That the urgency of the call for a meeting makes it necessary to draw attention to the provisions of article h2 of the Charter of the OAS, to adopt as regulations those adopted by the Council at the meeting of 1 March 19515 and to designate as the site of the meeting the Pan-American Union at Washington, D.C., "Resolves: "(l) To call a Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics for 1 May 19^5, pursuant to the provisions of articles 59 and Uo of the Charter of the Organization of American States; "(2) To approve the following question as the programme of the meeting: 'Grave situation created by armed hostilities in the Dominican Republic'; "(3) To adopt as the regulations of the meeting those adopted by the Council of the Organization of American States at its meeting of 1 March 1951; 65-09901 S/6315 English Page 2 To designate the Pan-American Union at Washington, E.G., as the site of the meeting; "(5) To request the Secretary-General to communicate this decision, by the most rapid means available, to the 'Governments of the States members of the OAS, drawing attention to the provisions of article k2. of the Charter of the Organization of American States; "(6) To appoint a committee to undertake a study today of those aspects of the preparations for the meeting which are most urgent and are not dealt with by this resolution." "The Council of the Organization of American States resolves: "(l) To reiterate the appeal of 29 April calling upon all authorities, political parties and factions engaged in fighting in the Dominican Republic to take all possible measures forthwith with a view to bringing about a cease fire and the suspension of all hostilities and military operations and thus preventing further harm, loss of life and material damage; "(2) To appeal urgently to the said authorities, political parties, and forces representing all factions to permit the immediate establishment of an international neutral refuge zone comprising the section of the city of Santo Domingo immediately adjoining the embassies of foreign Governments, the inviolability of the said zone to be respected by all the hostile factions, and the nationals of all countries to be guaranteed suitable protection and safety within the zone; "(3) To communicate the text of this resolution to the United Nations Security Council in accordance with Article 5^ of the United Nations Charter."* Accept, Sir, etc. (Signed) Jose A. MORA S e cr et ary-Gener al , Organization of American States * Provisional translation. UNITED NATIONS Dietr C C /*" II D I T \S COUNCIL £|***5 EHGa-iloH ORIGINAL: SPAMOH CABIS BAOED 1 MAT 1965 FROM THE ASSISTANT SSCTf^CAlT/^MfCRAL OF SHE ORGANIZATION 0? AMERICAN STATES ADDRESSED TO TIE SEORElARY-GEiiiERAL OP TIE UmED NATIONS In the absence of the Secretary-General and in accordance with Article 5^ of the United Nations Charter, I am transmitting to you herewith, for the information of the United nations Security Council, the following resolution which vas adopted today by the tenth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs: "The tenth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics "1, Decides to establish a commission composed of representatives of the following five Member States: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala and Panama; "2« Instructs the commission to proceed forthwith to the city of Santo Domingo, to do everything possible to bring about the restoration of peace and normalcy, and to carry out the two following tasks as a matter of priority: "(A) To offer its good offices to the Dominican armed groups, political groups and diplomatic representatives "with a view to bringing about as a matter of urgency: "(l) A cease-fire, and Tl(ll) She orderly evacuation of the persons who have taken refuge in embassies and of all foreign nationals who wish to leave the Dominican Republic j 11 (B) To conduct an inquiry into all aspects of the situation in the Dominican Republic which have led to the calling of the Meeting; "3» Requests the commission to submit to the Meeting, as soon as possible, a report on the progress of its work, including such conclusions and recommendations as it may consider appropriate; 65-09919 /.., English ye 2 "^. Requests the American Governments and the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States to provide their full co-operation with a ., viev to. facilitating the work of the commission, and "5. Instructs the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States to transcit the text of this resolution to the United Nations Security Council in accordance with Article 5^ of the United nations CLarter." Accept, Sir, etc. (Signed) William SAMDERS "Assistant Secretary-General - Organization of American States pan wsh unations nyk nrl newyork 41 17 175Qedst doctor joge a. mora seeretario general organization estados pan ataerican union Washington (d.c.) ftonraffle comunlearle que he designado al senor migueL a. inarin para asistir en calidad cie observador de Las naciones imidas a ta deeirna reunion de consulta de ministros de reLaciones exteriores de la organizacion de estados araericanos stop mas alta consideraoion u tliant "" col nil cr m H o rn how recvd pis 33 TJ IT C en o o"? wsh ID 03 unatiens nyk UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/636U 18 May 1965 COUNCIL ENGLISH ORIGINAL: ENGLISH/SPANISH LETTER DATED 12 MAY 1965 FROM THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY- OF THE UNITED NATIONS In the absence of the Secretary General, I have the honour to transmit to you, pursuant to Article 5k- of the Charter of the United Nations and for the information of the Security Council, copies in Spanish and English of the First Report of the Special Committee of the Tenth Meeting of Consultation of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Accept, Sir, etc. (Signed) William SANDERS Assistant Secretary General 1 65-11688 ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES TENTH MEETING OF CONSULTATION OF MINISTERS OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Pan American Union, Washington, D.C. 1965 Doc. V7 (English) 8 May 1965 Original: Spanish FIRST 2EPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE TENTH MEETING OF CONSULTATION OF MINISTERS OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE AMi ilCAN STATES Submitted at the Fourth Plenary Session (closed) held on May 7 and 8, 1965 Doc. 47 (English) FIRST REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE TENTH MEETING OF CONSULT'iTION OF MINISTERS OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE AMERICAN STATES I, INTRODUCTION On May 1, 1965» the Tenth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics adopted a resolution establishing a special committee, composed of representatives of five member states: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, and Panama, for the purpose and with the powers set forth by the resolution in the following terms: ^The Tenth Meeting of Consultation/ 2.
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