(From Our Own Representatives) Radio Executives Caught by the Camera INTER S TA I' E IT.EM S-·~~~------~~------.]_--~o---GR~A M~-~BU~SI N---E~ss]

Johnston Jonl?s Advertis'ing have con­ Western Australia tracted with 4BK/ AK on behalf of John Hicks & Co. Ltd., furniture house Noble-Bartlett Advertising advise that Nell Shortland-Jones, who conducts the for 52 x ~-hour sessions Frid:i,ys, 7.45-8 p.m'. "Screen Biographies" sponsored by afternoon seseion from 6PM-AM each day, .Jennings Rubber Company have renewed Musical presentation, " An Invitation to Alfred Lawrence & Co. Ltd., Pharma­ has been obliged to go into hospital and their sponsorship of "The Sports Roundup" Melody.'' will not be heard for some weeks. "Auntie on 4BK/ AK Saturday nights at 6 o'clock. ceutical Manufacturers, broadcast Nell" will be very rruch misse d by scores The French Salon, Rowe's B uildings, Bris­ frorn 3XY on Mondays at 3.15-3.30 of interested listeners. Peter's Ice Cream have extended their bane, through Johnston .Jones Advertising, feature time Thursday evenings on 4BC­ have cont racrt:ed for l001 ~word announce­ p.m., which commenced January 20', Intense interest was created at the final "Modern Romances" a series of true-to­ ments morning wom en's session on. 4BK/ 18 presented by Denbeigh Salter, who round of the State History Quiz from life stor'Ps-now begins Peter's entertain­ AK. relates intimate details concerning 6IX-\VB-MD when vVesley C'ollege student ment at 7.15 p .rn., preceding "Popular F'alla­ S. Moses, furrier, is opening his \vinter G. Bolton w.on the £50 first prize. Runner­ cies." This extends Peter' s Thursday night campaign, arranged by .Johnston Jones the careers of film personalities, with vp J. M. Wheeldon put up a good show and presentation time on 4BC to thirty minutes. with 25-word scat ters daytime on 4Bc' the contest was keen to the last question. recordings of musical numbers made 'L'he account is handled by Noble-Bartlett 4BK/ AK, 4BH, 4BC-three times weekly Next in the series is the Geography Quiz, during the Breakfast Session-50-word scat­ bY them, including dubbings direct which commenced. on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Advertising. ter announcements are being sponsored by from film sound tracks. An innova­ 1'he musical show, "The Bright Horizon," the Chamford Decorative Furnishers, Bris­ Frank \Vhitford has returned from his bane. Pollock Advertising handle · this ac­ tion is the "Greeting Service" insti­ will be utilised in the Maxam Food Products' trip to t h e eastern s tates,. and also' back count. from a business trip to Sydney is Graham time channel on 4BK each Wednesday night tuted by Denbeigh Salter to new Dowland, manager of 6PR-TZ. at 8.3o~Noble-Bartlett account: G. .J. .Jacobs, gen eral carr ie~s and for­ mothers in Maternity hospitals. On warding agents, The Valley, are sponsoring Maxine (Maxine Kerr), of station 6PR, "Spotlight on Music" is the new show over 4BK 7-50 word announcements spread the morning of each broadcast, hos­ wbo conducts "Magazine of the Air," left being sponsored by J. .Jackson & Son, through the. Saturday afternoon race broad­ pitals will be contacted, so that the by Skyrnaster on Friday for a holiday in Queensland furriers on 4BK each Sunday casts. Pollock Advertising account. Adelaide and Melbourne. mother-to-be can be congratulated ori night at 7.30 to 8. At the end of February Sponsor Lesleigh J. Williams, Brisbane the birth of her baby when greeted ·walsh's Men's Stores have renewed "Racing the time for this show will be 8.30 to 9 on optometrist, has substit uted "Listening De­ & Trotting Round-up" on 6IX-WB-MD for Mondays. light" in place of "Coral Island" in 4BC's over the air during the session in the a further period (Adcraft Service). Sunda y evening 5.15 chan n el. afternoon. Simple competitions will The new Macquarie show "Leave it to Littleton-Harvey-Simmins announce re­ the Girls," heard from 4BH every Friday n ewal contract for 12 months for t he regular The Sheft College of Music a re sp onsor­ also be conducted during the pro­ Friday morning 10 minute session on 4BC/SB ing " Melody Girl" relayed from 4BC to 4GR evening at 8, is attaining great heights of gram, with free theatre tickets as Not very ·olf·ten do the radio men adm it to bei ng cornered, but here's a group of popularity, due mainly to the novelty of the presented by G . H. Stewart & Co., suburban every Friday at 9 p .m. drapers of Stone's Corner. On e of the oldest prizes. "leading lights" of radio well and truly cornered by t he camera-man at a recent cocktail show and the professional manner in which "Melodies for the H ome," a 15 minute it is presented. · of 4BC's regular advertisers, G. H. Stewart show over 4BK/ AK Mondays and Thursdays, party in the Blue Room at Ushers. have presented this Friday morning "Bargain at 9.15 p.m. is being sponsored by Henry Bulletin" for more than twelve years. Berry & Co. Account handled by Gordon * * * From left to right: Harry Clarke (2.GB), David Manuel ( Goldberg Advertising) Leo & Gotch. South Australia 4BK/ AK broadcast descript ions from Milton "Sally" (Mrs. Miller) of Junior 3AW F inn ( president of The 21 Club), F rancis Levy (2UW), J ohn Barnes (2UW ) , Cyril F'rench Courts of the Exhibition tennis w ith Torn R oyal Art Furnishing Co. Pty. Ltd., are (publicity officer 3, 2, 1, Campaig n, Liquo·r Referendum ), Bernie Stapleton (generai' manager Mr. E. R. Ross-Webster, manager of the Brown of U.S.A. and Geoff Brown, John sn onsoring a program of selected records­ has announced that in addition to the· radio division of Paton Advertising Ser­ Bromwich and Sidwell of Australia. Asso­ " Comedy Interludes" for a period of 12 Junior Station's own light symphony 2SM ) , " Paddy" Campbell-Jones (ge neral manager 2U E ), Alf P addison (general manager vice Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, visited Adelaide dation with this sporting hook-up was m onths in half-hour sessions, 5.30· to 6 every orchestra, Audrey Anderson 's choir of 2KA), Les Hood (sales· manager 2UE), John O' Malley (2GB) and kneel ing, John Dunne (2SM ). to confer with 5DN-5RM on the first broad­ arranged by Littletori-Harvey-Simmins for Sunday night over 4BC/ SB. This firm also cast of th0 big £200 cash prize quiz program, has signed up for 12 m onths with 4BH for 40 will be heard henceforth at 5.30 the Black Cat Casket and News Agency. 100-word scatter announcements, prior to "Yes, Teacher." Mr. Webster is himself no p.m. every Thursday afternoon. A the m idday news seF:-sion---every Monda y 1 stranger to ra.dio. At one time studio man­ \Vith the interest being shown in the spe­ Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Camp­ vocal atmospheric theme of "Liebes­ ager at 4BK, he has also done microphone cial narration and dramatisation by Ajax liell Advertising h a ndle t he account. work for several other stations. Neither is of "The Life of Les Darcy" at 9.15 each traum" will open each of the choir's ANNUAL CONFERENCE he strang·er to merchandising through radio Friday night on 4BC/ SB, sponsor Harry Ci-ouch & Connah Pty. Ltd., are aclvert i·s­ performances. An additional musical OF h aving been ass·,ciat~d with market ·develop­ Guinsberg, has had prepared a folding bro­ ing " T'a r zan's Grip" with a 25-word scat­ ter in the \O\Tomen's Session over 4BK/ AK AGE N c IE s I· CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE ment for Lever Bros.' products and later chure cortaining .a photo of Darcy and set­ feature of the 3A W Junior Station is with Colgate- Palmolive r a dio activities. four times weekly. c ·a mpbell A.dver t ising The annual Conference of the ting out his complete record of tights. To­ advise t hat this contract is for 6 months. the establishment of a popular music ''Yes, 'reacher" is sponsored by Purina Grain gether with "The Life of Les Darcy," the band, conducted by Stewart Wilkie, to A newcomer to Campbell Advertisin g Chambers of Commerce of Australia Foods and with the object of tying in re­ George Edwards' feature "The Pace That 100 w ord announcements-just prior to Agency staff is Miss June Cry stal; who was will commence on April 22, in the tailer interest, executives and staff of gro­ Kills" is also presented in this Friday night the Sunday morning news sessions-8.45 a.rn. be kn'own as "The Melody Makers," previously with N obel-Bartlett A dvert ising. ceries throughout Adelaide and suburbs are sporting foRture. The progTam and brochure and 12.55 p.m. over 4B/ AK are being spon­ differentiating the combination from Les Sims, w ho has just been discharged . Adelaide Town Hall, when delegates being issued with invitations to attend the have been designed and arranged by Little­ sored by the Australian Legion of Ex-Ser­ from the Air For ce with the rank of Flight from all States will be present. Five vi cemen and Women-a 12 month's contract the same conductor's Wednesday night broadcasting on the Saturday nights when ton-Harvey -Simmins. Lieut enant , a f t er 5 years' serv ice, has joined boys and girls from their particular· suburbs -handled by C'arnpbell Advertising. Junior Orchestral Concerts. the r a dio d ivision of United Service delegates from the Queensland branch are competing. Arra ngements are now being completed Publicity Pty . Ltd. Les Sims w ill be r e ­ of this Organisation will attend - for the pr esentation of two special broad­ membered as deputy conductor t o Bert An informal gathering of test men and Howell's band in t h e "Shell Show" from four from Brisbane and one country commentators at the home of 5KA's general casts from 4BH of the ·"Queensland Quiz Kids." A few hours a fter the intended 1935 to 1938. He composed the theme song delegate. manager, Mr. C. W . Batten, on the night * * * used in the Sh ell Show - " On Wings of of .Jan. 31, included .Jack Gurry of 3UZ. broadcasts were made public, it was neces­ Song" - a n d has also presented h is own The Electrical Section together with sary to make several announcements to the Broadcasting Business Brian Newman of 2UE, test umpire George The recent Junior Red Cross Camp bands ov er the A .B .C. and commercial ~ta ­ effect that all tickets for bot h shows had all other sections of the Chamber of Hele who participated in the "Adelaide W. J . and F. Barnes Pty. Ltd., Mel­ at Mount• Panorama, Bathurst,' the tions. H owev er, h is duties will b e mainlv Commerce are invited to put up sug­ Speaks" s h ow Feb. 3, .Johnny Quinn and Bill been distributed. All are confident that the bourne, packers of honey and a wide variety first of its kind, provided another op­ on t h e executive rat her than t he m usic~l Davies, who were· associated with 5KA's performances will be equally as successful of tinned food products, have taken s catters side.. L es was oper ations officer w ith No. gestions through their delegates at broadcasts of football in '46, and announcers as the original broadcasts from Brisbane in t he 3A W breakfast session commencing portunity for Orange station 2GZ to 3·0· (Beaufighter) Saua dron and Fighter Con- this Conference. During the same Pat Hodgins and John Hansberry. Johnny last year. Feb. 10. Leyshon Publicity Services Pty. trol Unit in New Guii:tea. · Ltd. handle the account. do an outside broadcast of more than Quinn told how he'd telephoned Georg·' Hele Mr. W. A. McNair, d irector of the McN air week the Chamber of Manufacturers 'l'he Re.gent Theatre Community Concerts, Passing interest to the community'. Survey, w h o is also a director of .J. Walter and offered to pay him on<' guinea if he could b roadca st over 4BH, a r e still d rawing full May Sma r t Frocks (Melbourne) h ave in Adelaide are holding an Exhibition pick the voice of the next s peaker. Jack booked 52 qua rter-hour s essions on 3KZ The 100 ,girls attending the camp rrhompson Agency. returned from a ~ i x 'weei, s • houses every Wednesday at 12.45 and it is from Monday to Friday inclusive at 3.30 tour of New Zealand on Friday; Februar y to which all interstate delegates from Gurry took over, said "Hullo George" and necessary for many of the "would be" audi­ came from all parts of N.S.W. 2GZ George replied "Hullo, .Jack, you can tell p.111. "Smarties" feature bright mns ical 14. Mr. McNair has been conducting sur ­ the Chambers of Commerce are in­ ence to hear the show broadcast instead of broadcast -an hour's entertainment veys in A uck land, Wellington and Chris t ­ Johnny he owes me a guinea." numbers and commenced Feb. 3. vited. being there in person-it' s a case of " first from the camp, the program having. church. Professor Oliphant, who was recently in in first served." Darrods are broadcasting " The M~sl< of Off t o Eilgland in March· is Miss Ma r ia~ne Australia in connection with atomic energy Fate"· from 3KZ at 7.1 5 p .m., Mondays to been organised by Pam Manning, who Ma rt·n . who for the past six years h a s been The .Ajax Publishing Co. have signed a projects, has drawn attention again to the Pathway to Health, Adelaide S t reet, Bris­ Thurs days inclus ive. '!'he 52 quarter-hoUI· bane, are using 50-word announcements day­ conducts the station's "Feminine 'n charirn of t he r adio division of Traders contr a ct for twelv e months for 100 word an­ extensive uranium deposits of uranium­ el)isodes commenced February 10. John ·Adver t ising Ser vice. She h ad 'i ntended t o nounc emen ts just prior to the n ews session bearing matepial at the Flinders Rang·es in time on 4BC to publicise healt h foods. Con­ Clemenger Adve rtising Pty . Ltd. s·ervice the Fare" programs, with announcers Eric go to London in 1939 to further her car eer t ract t h r ough .Johnston Jones Advertising. on Sunday mornings 8.45 a .m. a n d 12.55 p.m, South Austra lia. As the Premier, Mr.. Play­ account. Child and Dick Turner also taking as a b allet d a n cer; bu t owing t o t he war These can b e hear d over 4B K / AK and• ford, has pointed out, these deposits hold HousewiveR A Rsoci'ltion havP. rf'nP\Vf>d Part. The girls were given the oppor'­ beca m e a copywriter instead. H;owever , •th.is Campbell Adver tising look aft er t h ls ac­ Brown & Broad Ltd., Queensland t imber count. untold wealth for Austra lia. their contract w ith 3XY for 416 quarter­ en t erprising young Jass h as managed t o com ­ and h a rdware merchants, have renewed their tunity to broadcast a play of their bine ballet with busin ess, and ·will ioin a Twenty-four new companies, with a total ~-hour session "Music in the Tanner Man­ hour sessions from 10 a.m. Mondays to Friday s and 4 p.m. Tuesdays to Thursdays. own writing and also choral numbers L ondon ballet company t o g ain experienee Ian M.a crae, m edia man ager of H awki ns nominal capital of £269,000, were registered ner" 8.30-9.00· p.m., Fridays on 4BK/ AK. in choreography arid production, in which adver tis ing is spending his .annual holidays. in South AMstralia last month, continuing .Johnston .Jones Advertising is t he service Commencing Feb. 24, the advertising is and folk songs. she is particul:).rly interested. · at Taree on t he north N .S.,V. coast. last year's high level of new registrations. agency. direct. . ,- BroadcasUng B usine'ss, F'ebruary 20.,: 1947 33 32 Broadcasting Business, February 20, 1947