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, ountry Mel( CONTENTS Organizations 4 Artists 6 Booking Agents, Personal Managers & Contacts 14 Concert Promoters 23 Record Companies 28 Music Publishers 36 Radio Stations 42 Radio Programmers Poll 50 Syndicators 52 Top Singles 53 Birthdays 55 International 56 Festivals 62 Awards 62 The continuing growth in country music is reflected in this year's improved directory. Probably most noticeable is the steadily expanding international list- ings as country music spreads beyond its historical boundaries in the U.S. Totally new features include asurvey of radio station music directors, who chose their top artists in 10 categories. The emphasis on radio in the directory is reflected as well in asteadily lengthening list that now includes radio stations that can be determined to program at least 50% country music. For the sake of convenience in looking up artist addresses, we have grouped together personal managers, booking agents and contacts into one easy- to-locate section. For determining how to contact an artist, refer first to the artist listing where the appropriate contact will be listed in abbreviated form: i.e., BA, PM or Contact. Still other added features in this third annual directory a, listings of awards, amore comprehensive listing of festivals, television as well as radio syndi- cation firms and a more in-depth organization listing. Billboard Publications, Inc., 9000 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069 (213) 273-7040 Cable: Billboy LA: LA Telex-698669; NV Telex-620523--Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Lee Zhito (1.A.)—DIRECTORY STAFF—Editor: Earl Paige; Assistant Editor: Susan Peterson: Editorial direction, Gerry Wood, Nashville Bureau Chief and Bob Iludoba, Manager of Directory Services: Assistant Manager of Directory Services & Directory Editor: Jon Braude: Directory Associates: Kathy Poll, Joan Elsener, Rand Ruggeberg, Roy Crosthwaite; Art Director: Dan Chapman. Production: John Halloran, Torn Quilligan and Ron Frank— PUBL1SHING—Associate Publishers: Torn Noonan, Bill Wardlow: Director of Sales: Tom Noonan; Natl. Sales Manager: Ron Willman (N.Y.); Country Sales: John McCartney (Nashville)—. Copyright 1980 Billboard Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. This work may not be copied or reproduced in any form (including but not limited to microfiche or microfilm), stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, on ciwtic I photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. ñA Organizations Regional offices: Hollywood, Calif., 6430 Sunset Blvd. Zip. 90028. Tel: 465.2111-Nashville, leen., 10 Music Square E. Zip: 37203. Tel: (615) AFT RA, see American Federation of Television & Radio Artists. (213) 466.7681-Nashville, Tenn., 2Music Square W. Zip: 37203. Tel 259.3625. VP: Frances Preston, ASCAP, see American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers. (615) 244-3936. Southern Region Exec. Dir.: Ed Shea. Founded-1940; Membership-Writers: 35.000 (approx.); Publishers: Academy of Country Music, PO Box 508, Hollywood, Calif. 90028. Tel: (213) Founded-1914 (National); 1965 (Nashville): Membership-Writers: 20,000 (approx); Affiliation requirements-Composer or lyricist of amu. 462-2351. Exec. Sec'y: Fran Boyd. 18.000: Publishers: 7000. Membership requirements-Composer or lyr- sical composition commercially published or recorded, or otherwise likely Founded-1964: Membership-1200 (approx.); Membership require. icist of acopyrighted musical work which has been commercially re- to be performed. mento-Professional: Must be affiliated with the country music industry corded or regularly published: or publisher actively engaged in normal Country Music Ass'n Inc., PO Box 22299, Nashville, Tenn. 37202. Tel: (615) in some area; Fan: No requirements. publication et musical works: Associate membership open to writers of at 244-2840. Bd. Chm.: Tom Collins; Pres.: Ralph Peer; Exec. Dir.: Jo Academy of Country Music Entertainment, PO Box 574. Thornhill. Ont.. Can. least one copyrighted work. Walker: Assoc. Exec. Dir.: Ed Benson; Exec. VP: Jim Foglesong; VP's: Rick ada 1.31 4A2. Pres.: Jack Feeney; Exec. Sec'y: Joan Price. Blackburn, Don Zimmermann, Mary Reeves Davis, Jim Mazza, Gary Buck, Founded-1976; Membership-600; Membership requirements-Must Australasian Country Music Ass'n, PO Box 35, N. Quay, Brisbane. Qld. 4001, Australia. Federal Pres.: Norm Orage; Federal Sec'y: Kathy M. Rafter. Sam Lovullo. Bob Sherwood, Barrie Bergman. Norm oWilson, Jim Halsey, derive aportion of income from country music industry. Founded-1964; Membership-640; Membership requirements-Desire Glenn Snoddy; VP Intl: Mervyn Conn; Sec'y: Bob Austin; Met Sec'y: Jim American Federation of Musicians. Local 257, PO Box 12399, Zip: 37212; 11 to promote and preserve country music within Australia &New Zealand. Duncan; Treas.: Jim Schwartz; Ass't Treas.: Don Reid; Sgt. at Arms: Char- Music Circle N., Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Tel: (615) 244.9514. Pres.: BC M A. see British Country Music Ater. ley Pride; Met Sgt. at Arms: Jimmy Bowen; Historian: Ken Kragen. Johnny DeGeorge; Sec'y-Treas.: Dutch Gorton. Founded-1958; Membership-5500 (approx.); Membership require- Nat'l headquarters: New York, N.Y., 1500 Broadway. Zip: 10036. Tel: BM I. see Broadcast Music Inc. Bluegrass Club of New York, 417 E. 89 St.. New York. N.Y. 10028. Tel: (212) ments-Earn aportion of income from country music. (212) 869-1330. Country Music Asen (Germany), Friedenstr. 44. D-7530 Pforzheim. West Founded-Dec., 1902 (Nashville local); Membership-approx. 3000 427.1488. Pres.: Douglas Tuchman. Germany. Tel: (07231) 24460. Chm.: Juergen Kramer. (Nashville local); Membership requirements-Must qualify as aproles. Founded-March, 1972; Membership-550; Membership requirements- Have an interest in traditional country and bluegrass music. Country Music Ass'n (Great Britain) Ltd.. IA Montague Mews N., London sional musician. W1H IAI, England. Chm.: Don Ford; Life Pres.: Mervyn Conn; Sec'y: Ann American Federation of Television &Radio Artists (MIRA), 1014 17 Ave. S., British Country Music Ass'n (BCMA), PO Box 2. Newton Abbot, Devon TQl2 Den; Treas.: Jeff Forrest. Nashville, Tenn. 37212. Tel: (615) 327-2944. Exec, Sec'y: David L. Mad- 4HT, England. Sec'y: Eddy Edwards. Founded-1969; Membership-219; Membership requirementi-Must Founded-1968; Membership-2500 (aPProx.): Membership require- dox. be within the music business. ments-Must be acountry music fan. Nat'l headquarters: New York, N.Y., 1350 Ave. of the Americas. Zip: Country Music Anon Intl Development (Sweden). PO Box 1178, S171 23 10019. Tel: (212) 265-7700. Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI). 320 W. 57 St.. New York. N.Y. 10019.Jel: (212) Solna. Tel: (08) 82.04-80. Rep.: Dan Ekback. Founded-1961 (Nashville local): Membership-1000 (Nashville local): 586-2000. Pres.: Edward M. Cramer; VP's: Theodora Lavin, Ronald Anton. Country Music Foundation Inc.. 4Music Square E.. Nashville, Tenn,37203. Membership requirements-Earnings in radio &TV commercials, phono- Helmut Gultenburg. Edward Molinelli. Russell Sanjek. Alan Smith: Aset Tel: (615) 256.1639. Bd. Chm.: Frank Jones; Pres.: Bill Lowery; Exec. graph recordings, TV shows and non-broadcast recorded material. VP's. Warren McFall, James Roy; Controller: Lawrence Sweeney: Sec'y: VP: Ralph Emery: 1st VP: Pee Wee King; VP's: Brad McCuen, Irving American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP), 1Lincoln Edward Chapin. Waugh, Bob Kirsch, Jerry Bradley; Sec'y: Roy Horton; Treas.: Joe Talbot; Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10023. Tel: (212) 595.3050. Branches: Hollywood, Calif., 6255 Sunset Blvd. Zip: 90028. Tel: (213) Dir.: Bill Ivey. Country Music Foundation of Colorado, PO Box 19435, Denver, Colo. 80219. Tel: (303) 936-7762. Pres. & Exec. Dir.: Gladys Hart; Exec. VP: Jim Pe. tern; Sec'y: Glenda Lewellen. Founded-1965: Membership-500 (approx.): Membership require- ments-Have an interest in country music. FICA P, see Federation of International Country Air Personalities. Federation of International Country Air Personalities (FICAP), 1201 16 Ave. S., Nashville, Tenn. 37212. Tel: (615) 320.0115. Exec. Dir.: Georgia Twitty; Pres: King Edward Smith IV; tot VP: Dale Tuner; 2nd VP: Tiny Hughes: Sec'y-Treas.: Jerry Adams: Parliamentarian: Carl Wendelken; Sgt. At Arms: Bob Cole. Founded-March, 1976; Membership-450 (approx.): Membership re. quirements-(composed of the following classes)- I pi,I)On our counter in A. Voting membership includes on.tbe.air country personalities. B. Associate member includes anyone in the industry. C. Entire radio station membership. both of our stores, D. Corporate membership. E. Radio personality membership: includes the radio personality not on.thenir. such as aprogram director or operations manager. we display the Florida Country Music Foundation &Hall of Fame, 2409 Winona Ave., Lees. burg, Fla. 32748. Tel: (904) 787.1051. Pres.: Mama lo Hunt. Founded-1972: Membership-500. Billboard pop singles, International Fan Club Org., Box 177, Wild Horse, Colo. 80862. Tel: (303) 962-3543. Co.Pres.: Esudillu, Loretta & Kay Johnson. country singles and Founded-1965: Membership-approx. 200 fan clubs; Membership re- quirements-Artists &their authorized fan club presidents hold member. ships. soul singles charts NARA S. see National Academy of Rec'g Arts & Sciences. Nashville Ass'n of Talent Directors, 25 Music Square W., Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Tel: (615) 254.5721. Pres.: Jack D. Johnson; Exec. Dir.: Maggie and find that Cavender: VP: Tony Conway; Treas.: Billy Deaton; Sec'y' Sonny Simmons: Sgt. at Arms: Robert Porter. our customers (a) read them, Founded-1975;