Discussion: Gail Anderson

Sketchbook due: Tuesday, Oct 10th. ARGD

What is Typography?

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language most appealing to learning and recognition.

Typography | Off Book | PBS ARGD

• Paula Scher talks about building identity in messaging. (the Public Theater, the Maps Series, jazz album covers)

• Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones, designers, outline the importance of selecting the right font to convey a particular feeling. (Archer, Gotham,Whitney)

• Eddie Opara uses texture to create reaction.

• Infographic designers Julia Vakser and Deroy Peraza map complicated data sets into digestible imagery, mixing color, graphics and type. ARGD 1.Typeface vs Font?

Typeface describes an overall family

Example: Time New Roman Helvetica Rockwell ARGD 1.Typeface or Font?

Font describes a specific member of a family Example: Futura Condensed Extra Bold Futura Condensed Medium Futura Medium Italic Futura Medium Light (o)

(Futura is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed in 1927 by Paul Renner) ARGD 2.What is a serif?

Serifs are the decorative strokes at the ends of some letters.

If a font has no serifs, it is referred to as ‘Sans-serif’. ARGD ARGD

Anatomy of Type ARGD 3.What are some categories of typeface? 1. Serif 2. Sans-Serif

Sample: Sample: Garamond Helvetica Goudy Baskerville Gotham Century Futura Bodoni ARGD 3.What are some categories of typeface?

3. Slab typeface 4. Decorative

Sample: Sample: Rockwell Cooper Black Archer StENCIL Sentinel ARGD 3.What are some categories of typeface?

5. Script

Sample: Androgyne Lucida Calligraphy Sentinel Lucida Blackletters ARGD 4.What can we do with type?

Contrast in Size

Having a high contrast in size, it would capture the attention of the reader.

Screen: 12 pts Print: 9-11 pts

Bad typography has ruined more than just the Oscars ARGD 4.What can we do with type?

Contrast in Weight It refers to how bold type compares with lighter type.

The differences in weight are measured based on the thickness of the strokes between each variation of .

Heavy areas creates a powerful point of visual attraction or emphasis. ARGD 4.What can we do with type?

Contrast in Form It refers to the distinction between the CAPITAL LETTER of a typeface and its lowercase equivalent, its roman letter, or even its italic variant.

Mixing condensed with expanded types, script types with standard types can be used for dramatic change of form. ARGD 4.What can we do with type?

Contrast in Direction Vertical or horizontal

Even different angles

The effect of turning one letter, word, or a sentence on its side can have a dramatic effect on layout. ARGD 4.What can we do with type?

Contrast in Color A second color is often less empathetic in value than plain black on white.

It’s important to give emphasis to which elements get color. ARGD 4.What can we do with type?

Contrast in Texture Texture can be achieved through the density of letter forms.

A small amount of spacing can make a block of text appear as one large black block.

A lot of spacing can create more negative space, and create an opposing texture. ARGD 5.What are some useful typefaces?

Garamond for books

Helvetica for Web

BODONI for Fashion Magazine

Akzidenz-Grotesk for infographics ARGD 6.Do not use

Comic Sans




Brush Script ARGD 7.Do not

S T A Apply dropshadow C K Digitally Stretch T Y Outline your type P E