INDEX, VOLUME 70, 1985*

Ab initio calculations, halite 601. Analyses,chemical, cont. Analyses,chemical, cont. Absolan, seafloor sediments ?05 apatrte 830,1i37 orthopyroxene 35,672,988 Acmite, Ti, inclusions in diatreme 499 arfvedsonite 507 paracelsian 969 Actinol ite intergrowths 980 basalt 935 paragonite 1194 Activity-composition relations 696 basalt, Fe0-Fe20? 961 parisite 1140 ADAMS,G,E. and F.C. BISHOP:An basaltic andesitE 280 , Ih 1095 experimental investigation of beidel lite 1009 perovskite 1111 thermodynamicmixing properties biotite 907 phengite 1194 and unit-cell parametersof biotite, Fe0-Fe20q 961 phillipsite 808 forsterite-nonticellite solid bronzite ?50 phlogopite, F, Cl, synthetic 530 solution 714 591,1141 phosphosiderite 398 Agardite-(Ce),new (abstr) 871 calcite cement 388 pimelite 551 Agardite-(La), new mineral (abstr) 877 carbonatite 1107,1137 pitchblende 1293 Agate, compositionalzoning in fibers 975 carlosturanite 77I plagioclase 1118 AHN, J.H.,D.R, PEACORand E.J. ESSENE: cassiterite !047 polydynite 1040 Coexistingparagonite-phengite in chabazite 808 polylithionite 1131 blueschist eclogite: a TEMstudy 1193 chlorite 20,907 rhoenite L272 AINES, R.0. ANDG,R. R0SSMAN:The high chondrodite 381 richterite 20,507 temperature behavior of trace chromite 1146 rinkite 1095 hydrous componentsin si licate clinohumite 382 samarskite 859 1169 clinopyroxene 20,35,47,77,504,672, schiillhornite 641 AKIZUKI,I'4IZUHIK0: The origin of 1110,1116 sicklerite 398 sector twinning in harmotome 822 clinozoisite 377 sillimanite 1233 and HIRoSHIK0NN0:order-disorder - L047 sincosite 409 structure and the internal texture cuminqtonite 983 sonolite 382 of stilbite 814 dioosiie 250 sohene 1095 ALBERTI,ALBERT0 and M.F. BRIGATTI: diobside, synthetic 476 spinel 35,673,1146 Dependenceof chemistry on genesis in dolomite 1141 standard glass 1061 zeolites: multivariate analysis of dolomite cemenr 38€ stilbite 815 variance and discriminant analysis 805 epidote 20 stilpnomelane 20 Albite, high-low relations 911 erionite 808 surinamite 7I1 Albite, melting relations 924 1095 tapiolite 1047 ALEXANDER,E.C.,JR.: review of Noble fennite 1123 569 Gas Geochemistry(ozima and Podosek) 882 "ferrifayalite" 730 thorikosite 846 Alkali amphibole,inclusions in fingerite 194 tourma'line 7 diatreme 499 forsterite-tephroite 569 tourmaline, synthetic 1219 Alkali basalt, garnet websterite 668 freedite 846 viitaniemiite 850 Alkal i feldspar "freyalite" 1061 violarite 1040 NMR 106 garnet 35,674 wodginite 1047 optical data 428 gedrite, Na 1206 250 Alkali metasomatism 1114 glass, Fe 320,489 zeolites 805 Alkaline 1095 igneous rocks granite, Fe0-Fe203- 961 zircon carbonatite complex 1101 granitic gneiss- 1155 zoisite 377 clinopyroxene 74 gysinite 1316 Anandite, structure 1298 fenitized crustal xenoliths 1L14 heulandite 808,1066 Ancylite, relation to gysinite 1314 fluid inclusions, nodules 288 hornblende 983 Andalusite, optical data 428 polylithionite II27 humite 382 ANDERSoN,TOM and HENRICHNEUMANN: REEminerals in carbonatite 1135 hureauljte 398 Identity of "freyalite", an alleged Silsilah ring complex 1075 i'lmenite L293 rare earth-rich variety of thorite, Alleghanyite jerrygibbsite 386 and its pre-metamict composition 1059 structure 182 kaersutite 674 Andesite, basaltic ?79 analyses 381 kambaldatre 42I Andorite, new data (abstr) ?L9 Aluminosilicate glass, NMR 332 kerolite,'lacroixite Ni 551 ANIEL, BRIGITTEand JACQUESLERoY: Anazonite, coloring 794 850 The reduced uraniferous minerali- Anethyst , color 1180 laihunite 730 zations associated with the volcanic Anphibole, intergrowths 980 lanthanite-(Ce) 4I2 rocks of the Sierra Pena Blanca Analcime, chemistry 805 lavenite 1095 (Chihuahua,l'|exico) l29O Analyses, chemical leucite lI47 Antarctica, leucitite 1143 acmite, Ti 504 leucophoenicite 385 Anthoinite, new data (abstr) 1334 actinolite 20,983 lindsleyite 416 Anthophyllite albite 913 lithic wacKe 501 stability 223 atkali basalt 669 398 thermodynamicdata 237,249,261 alkali fe'ldspar 1118 lizdrdite, Ni 551 Antiferromagnetism,laihunite 576 a'lkalic ultramafic 501 magnesite 591 Antigorite, thermodynamicdata 237 alkaline granite 1079 manganhumite 382 Antimonysulfide, Pb-free fiil6ppite 1056 alkaline plutonics 1107 melinocerite, Th 1061 Antiphasedomains, scapolite 134 alkaline volcanics 1079 meli lite 1111 Apatite alleghanyite 381 microcline 796 urinary stones 630 anazonite 796 monazite 1140 zoning 829 amphibole, Fe0-Fe201 961 nepheline I1,2I ARAKI,TAKAHARU see M00RE,P.B. L7L analcime 808 nepheline syenites 1090 Arfvedsonite, inclusions in diatreme 499 anandite 1299 nepouite 551 ARIMA, MAKOTOsee EDGAR,A.D. 529 anorthite, synthetic 477 olivine 35,673,935 see FLEET,14.E. 1232 anthophyllite 25O orthoclase 796 Arsenopyrite oxidation 838

* Preparedby Michael J. Holdaway, Myrtle Watson, Nazlee Coburn and Linda Dungan, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. 1340 Arzakite

Arzakite, newmineral (abstr) 873 BR0WN,t.J.L. and IAN PARSoNS:Calorimetric cHAf4BERLAIN,C.P., J.A. D0CKA,J.E. Ash-flow tuff, geobarometry 52 and phase-diagramapproaches to two- P0STand C.l{. BURNHAII:Scapolite: ATKiN, S.A. see CZAMANSKE,G.K. 499 feldspar geothermometry:a critique 356 alkali atomconfigurations, anti- Augite nucleation 279 see WILLAIME,CHRISTIAN 124 phase domains, and compositional Austral ia Brucite, thermodynamicdata 237 var iat ions 134 A'l-rich spinel in leucite 1143 Brushite,urinary stones 630 CHAPI4AN,N. SCCLERIV, PETN 1044 chlorite after biotite 902 Bulachite,new mineral (abstr) 2L4 Chernicalanalysis, Fe0-Fe201 961 heulandite 1065 Bulaiinite, newmineral (abstr) 87I CHERNoSKY.J.v., JR., H.l,ll DAYand 419,423 Bulgaria, pyroxenoids 885 L.J. CARUS0:Equiljbria in the u ltrapotassic rocks 529 BURNHAI4,C.[J. see CHAMBERLAIN,C.P. 134 system MgO-Si02-H20:experimental albi te 911,924 _ see CoHEN,R.E. 559 determination df the stability of see J0HNSoN,M.L. 165 Mg-anthophyllite 223 BTNN-S,R.G., V.M. BURNSANd H.I,,t.STOCKMAN: see oAY, H.w. ?37 BAILEY,S.|,l|. see FILUT, M.A. 1298 The -buserite Droblem: EfrTAR.I,G., G. GAZZONI,J.R. CRAIG, BAIN, D.C. see NADEAU,P.H, 1004 further considerations 205 c.V. GIBBSand S.J. LOUISNATHAN: 8AKER,M.B, and T.L. GR0VE:Kinetic BURNS,V.M. see BURNS,R.G. 205 Two indeDendent refinements of the contro'ls on pyroxene nucleation and BURSILL,L.A. and R.t,||.GLAISHER: structure of parace'lsian, metastableliquid lines of descent Aggregation and dissolution of BaA12Si20s- 969 in a basaltic andesite 279 small and extended defect structures China (PRCJ BANCRoFT,G.M. see HENDERSoN,G.5. 946 in Type la diamond 608 "ferrifayalite" 729 BANFIELD,J.F. see EGGLET0N,R.A. 902 BURToN,B.P. : Theoretical analysis laihunite 576,729 8ARRoN,P^[. and R.L. FRoST:Solid of chemica'land nagnetic ordering Chlor i te state tYSi NMRexamination of the in the systen Fe2o?-FeTio? L0?7 after biotite 902 2:1 ribbon magnesiumsilicates, Buserite. seafloor Sediments- 205 ootical data 4?8 sepiolite and palygorskite cHMi'eiovA,t'tAnin see l.|Elss, zoENtK 747 BARToN,P.B., JR.: Acceptanceof the Chondrodite, analyses 38f Roebling li,ledalof the Minera'logical Chrysotile, therrDdynamicdata 237 Society of America for 1984 650 Cacoxenite, new data (abstr) 220 Chuisinite, new mineral (abstr) 871 Basalt, garnet websterite 668 CALAs, GEORGEsee MANCEAU,ALAIN 549 Classification Basaltic andesite, pyroxene nucleation 279 Calcareousnodules, fluid inclusions 288 hi lgardite-tyretskite group 636 BAUER,J.F. and C.B. SCLAR:Intra- _ Calci te ninerals 455 crystalline expansionof the "1OA cement 388 Clay minerals, NMR 537 phase," a high-pressure phyl'lo- hioh T^structure 590 clinoenstatite, NMR 332 581 to ortho-MgGeo3 silicate in the systen Mg0-Si02-H20- - 362 mgi co{-oisoroer Clino-MgGeo3 BAUMER,ALAIN see CARUBA,RA0UL 1224 Californii transiti6n 365 BAYLISS,PETER and J.|t4. HUGHES:X-ray albite 91I,9?4 Clinohumite, analyses 382 diffractin data for melanovanadite 644 ash-flow tuff 52 Cl inopyroxene BECKER,D.J. and J.K. MILLER:A micro- carbonate cements 388 determination of solvus 678 fiche reader as a petrographic aid 646 dacite, NMR 33? low-grade netabasites 16 Eeidellite garnet websterite in basalt 668 oscillatory zoning 74 comDositional variations 1104 hectorite, saponite 996 garnet peridotite 30 magnetic susceptibi I ity 996 paragonite-phengite in blueschist 1193 CI i nopyroxene-orthopyroxene BELKIN,H.E., BENEDETTODE VIVO, pegnatite, phosphates 395 transition, ferrosilite 141 EDtIINRoEDDER and MASSIMoCoRTINI: rhyolite, NMR 332 Clinozoisite-zoisite stability 375 Fluid inclusion geobaroretry from Ti acmite, alkali amphibole 499 Coesite-quartz transition 782 ejected Mt. Sonna-Vesuviusnodules 288 CALLAI,|AY,t,l.S., 3rd and J.L. MCATEE, CoEY,J.M.D. see KAN, XUEMIN 576 BERG,J.H.: Chemicalvariations in JR.: lllagnetic susceptibilities of CoHEll,A.J.: Anethyst color in quart2, sodium gedrite fron Labrador L205 representative smectites 996 the result of radiation Drotection Bergslagite, new nineral (abstr) 436 Canada involving 1180 BERTRANo,JEAN see SARP,HALIL 1314 biot i te-garnet geothermometry 272 CoHEN,R.E. and C.|,l. BURI{HAM:Energetics , high T hydrous component 1169 carbonatite comp'lex 1101 of ordering in aluminous pyroxenes 559 BETHKE,P.M.: Presentation of the komatiite 40 Colo|in amethyst 1180 Roebling lrledal Na gedrite 1205 Colorado, ash-flow tuff 5? of the Minera'logical'1984 Society of America for to orthopyroxene 987 Colorimetry, Fe0-Fe201 961 Paul Booth Barton, Jr. 648 polyl ithionite LL27 Co'lumbite, new data- 1044 Betpakdalite, new data (abstr) 1333 REEminerals in carbonatite 1135 COI.IPAGNONI,ROBERTO, GIOVANNI FERRARIS BEVINS,R.E., GEORGEROI.IBOTHAM, F.S. sillimanite r23? and !'IARCELLOMELLINI: Carlosturanite, STEPHENS,STEPHEI{ TURGO0SE and urinary stones OJU a new asbestiform rock-forming P.A. TJILLIMS:Lathanite-(Ce), Capsules, experimental ?oo silicate from Val Varaita, Italy 767 (Ce,La,Nd )r(COr)?'8Hr0, a new Carbonati te see MELLINI,MARCELLo 773 mineral fr6m w;]Es, 0.K. 411 REEminerals I 135 6m-parison charts for volu[€ percent 1318 Bioti te si I icate-carbonate irniscibi l ity 1101 Cof,press'ibil i ty, quartz 782 altering to chlorite 902 Carbonatitic magma I 114 ConpressibiI ity-vo'lume relation 450 octahedraI coordination 747 Carlosturanite Coo'lingrate experiments, komatiite 40 Biot i te-garnet geothermometry, new mineral 767 Cordier i te oranul i te 272 polysomatic senies with serpentine 773 high T hydrous conponent 1169 BIS.HOFF,l^l.0., S.K. SHARMAANd F.T. CARMICHAEL,I.S.E. see MURDoCH,J.B. 332 replaced by surinamite 710 IYACKENZIE:Carbonate ion disorder Carnallite, structure 1309 Cornubite, new clata (abstr) 1333 in synthetic and biogenic magnesian CARPENTER,M.A. and MECHTHILDIIENNEMER: C0RTINI,MASSIMO see BELKIN,H.E. 288 calcites: a Ramanspectral study 581 Characterization of synthetic tri- Corundun structure 446 BISHOP,F.C. see ADAMS,G.E. 7L4 dymites by transnission electron Coupledsubstitution, rhoenite I2TT BLAKE,D.F. and D.R. PEAC0R:TEM/STEM microscopy sl7 CRAIG,J.R. see CHIARI, G. 969 microanalysis of Holocenefresh- CARUBA,RAOUL, ALAIN BAUMER,MAX _ see VAUGHAN,0.J. 1036 magnesiancarbonate cementsfrom the GANTEAUMEAND PHILIBERT IACCONI: Crichtonite, nantle-der ived 414 Coast Rangeof California 388 An experimental study of hydroxyl CRONIN,D.J. see DINGI,IELL,D.B. 80 BL0SS,F.D.: Labelling refractive groups and water in synthetic and see MYSEI'1,8.0. 487 index curves for mineral series 428 natural zircons: a model of the tnomev, P.D. see HooGEs,K.v. 702 Blueschist, paragonite-phengite I193 metamict state l2?4 Cryptoperthites 124,130 BOISEN,lY.B., JR. see ZHANG,Z.G. 1238 CARUSo,L.J. see CHERNoSKY,J.V.,JR. ?23 Crystal chemistry 443 Bond valence 455 eebaite, new mineral (abstr) 214 Bondino in borates 1238 CERNY,PETR, I,I.L. ROBERTS,T.S. ERCIT a1leghanyite 182 Borate and R. CHAPMAN:llodqinite and aluminouspyroxenes, ordering 559 borosi licate glass, Mbssbauer 304 associated oxide minerals from the anandite t298 molecularorbital studies 1238 Peer'lesspegmatite, Pennington biotite 747 Brazi'l County, South Dakota 1044 borates 7238 arethyst quartz 1180 _ and 0.1. TRUEIiIAN:Polylithionite calcite, cement 388 sodalite 1186 from the rare-metal deposits of the calcite, highT 590 BRIGATTI,M.F. see ALBERTI,ALBERTo 805 Blachford Lake a'lkaline conplex, carlosturanite 773 Bronzite, thermodynamic data 249,26I, Canada LL27 carna'lI ite 1309 8RoI,JN,G.E.,JR. see SHIGLEY,J.E. 395 Chabazite, chemistry 805 chlorite after biotite 902 Fleet t34l

cl ino-trlgceo? A1201-Si02; - 365 implications for baldaite, NarNin(Coa)r,(0H)n'6Hr0-- 423 dana'lite 186 ptrdn6titei, trachyter and rhyo'lites 80 England,paracelsidn 969 dolomite cement 388 , thermodynamicdata 249,26I Englishite, new data (abstr) 1334 farringtonite 624 Distance least squares, Al pyroxene 559 Enstatite, thermodynamic data 237,249,26f ferrierite 619 Disulfides 448 Enstatiteachondrite. schdllhornite 638 fingerite 197 DoCKA,J.A. see CHAMBERLAIN,C.P. 134 ERctr,t.s. seerERIY, P. 1044 ftiliippite (Pb-free) 1056 Dolon i te ERICSS0I'I,T0RE see N0R0, A.G. 6?4 genthelvite 186 cement 388 ERIKSSoI{,5.C.: oscillatory zoining in halite 601 thermodynamic data 26r clinopyroxenes from the Guide Copper harmotome 8?2 Domainboundaries, feldspar 124,130 Mine, Phalaborwa,South Africa 74 helvite group 186 DoMENEGHETTI,M.C., G.M. MoLINand Erionite, chemistry 805 i lvaite I24g VITToRI0TAZZoLI : CrystOl-chemical Errata 1338 kambaldaite 423 implications of the Mgz'-Fe" Error estimation, geothermbarometry 702 lacroixite 852 distribution in orthopyroxenes 987 ESSENE,E.J. see AHN, J,H. 1193 lepidolite 747 D0VE,P.M. and J.D. RIMSTI0T:The _ see TREIMAN,A.H. 1101 nacfallite L7f solubility and stability of Estimating percentages 1318 magnesiancalcite 581 scorodite, FeAs0a'2H20 838 Ettringite, optica'l data 428 nagnesite, high T 590 0U BRAY,E.A.: Geol

HENRY,D.J. and C.V. GUIDOTTI:Tournaline solids: reply 130 carnal I i te I309 as a petrogenetic indicator mineral: and MAKoToARIMA: 0riented GHoSE,SUBRATA: A new nomenclature an examplefrom the staurolite-grade hematite inclusions in sillimanite 1232 for the borate minerals in the metaDelites of Nl,lMaine I Henryite, new mineral (abstr) 216 _ see HENDERSoN,G.S, 946 hi lgardite (Ca2Bq,OqCl'H20)- FLoT0W,H.E. see J0HNSoN,G.K. 1065 tyretskite (CafBi0q0H'HfO)group 636 Heulandite 805 Fluid inclusions, erupted nodules 288 -SCHLEMPER:, P.K. SEN GDPTA-and E.0. chenistry Fluorine, effect on viscosity 80 Electron ordering in thermodynamic study 1065 F0lT, F.F., JR. see R0SENBERG,P.E. L2l7 ilvaite, a mixed-valenceiron HEWITT,D.A. see PRUNIER,A.R., JR. 375 F0LEY,S.F. see JAQUES,A.L. 1143 si licate: crystal structure High-lowalbite F00RD,E.E,, review of Mineralogiya refinement at 138 K t248 melting relations 924 911 ( Godovi kov ) 1337 GIBBS,c.V. and CHIARI,G. 969 phase re lations Fors ter i te see ZHANG,Z.G. t238 Hiqh-pressure crystal chemisLry 449 NMR 332 Gibbsite, NMR 537 Hioh-oressure ohase. MqSi0ei lrenite 1020 thermodynamicdata 237 GIoVAN0LI,RUD0LF: A review of the ttiigaioite-tyrbtskite groud norenclature 636 Forsterite-monticel I ite, solvus 714 todorok i te-buseri te prob lern: HIRANO,MASAHIRO SEC YAMANAKA, TAKAMITSU 365 Forsterite-tephro'ite, new data 568 implications to the mineralogy HoDGES.K.V. and P.D. CR0WLEY:Error FRANCIS,C.A.: Crystal structure refine- of marine manganesenodules: estimation and empirical geothermo- ment of magnesianalleghanyite r82 discussion 202 barometry for pelitic systems 702 : Newdata on the forsterl'te- GLAISHER,R.ll. see BURSILL,L.A. 608 HoFMEISTER,A.M. and G.R. RoSSMAN: tephroite series 568 Gobbinsite,new data (abstr) 440 A spectroscopic study of irradiation Franconite, new nineral (abstr) 436 GoLDSMITH,J.R. and D.M. JENKINS: coloring of amazonite:structurally Fransoletite, newmineral (abstr) 2r5 The high-low albite relations hydrous, Pb-bearing feldspar 794 Freedite, new mineral 845 revealed by reversal of degree of HOGARTH,0.0., RONHARTREE, JOHN LOOP "Freyalite", identity 1059 order at high pressures 911 and T.N. SOLBERG:Rare-earth element FRITZ,S.F. and R.K. P0PP:A single- -meltingand D.M. JENKINS: The hydrothermal minerals in four carbonatites near dissolution techniquefor deter- of low and high albite 924 Gatineau, Quebec 1135 HoL0AI,I|AY,M.J.: Report of the Editor 658 mining Feo and Fe20f- - in rock and GRAIILICH,VoLKER see GRAMLICH- mineral samples 961 MEIER,RAHEL 619 Hornblendeintergrowths 980 FR0NDEL,CLIFF0R0: Systemataic GRAMLICH-MEIER,RAHEL, VOLKER HoSIENI,K.R., R.A': HoWALDand compositionalzoning in the GRAMLICHand t.l,M.MEIER: The crystal M.t,l.SCANL0N: Thermdynamics of the quartz fibers of agates 975 structure of the monoclinic variety lambdatransition and the equation quartz 782 FR0ST,R.L. see BARRON,P.F. 758 of ferrierite 6I9 of state of F0loppite, Pb-free analogue 1056 iranite H0STETLER,C. J. : Thermodynamic Fumarolicsublimate, fingerite 193 chlorite after biotite 902 properties of NaCl obtained bY 601 Fundamental bu'i ld ing b lock oxygen buffer, peraluminous 65 comDutercalculation 782 mineral classification 455 ring coflplex 1075 H0WALD,R.A. see HoSIENI,K'R. 537 ruizite, macfalI ite, orientite t7I Granitic gneiss, Texas 1151 H0WER,JoHN see KINSEY,R'A. GranuI i te HUEBNER,J.S. see THORNBER,C.R. 934 biotite-garnet T HUGHES,J.M. and C.G. HADIOiACOS: .7-goldamalgam,new minqral (abstr) 2'15 s'i'l I imani te-heraati te t232 Fingerite, Cu1102(V04)5'a new GANGULY,JIBAMITRA and S.K. SAXENA: sur i namite 7LO vanadiumsublifrate from lzalco l,4ixingproperties of a'luminosilicate Greece, thorikosite 845 volcano, El Salvador:descriptive 193 garnets: constraints from natura'l Greenland, nepheline syenites 1087 mineralogy PETER 644 and experimental data, and Greigite, crystal chemistry 1036 see BAYLISS, applications to geothermo- GRoAT,L.A. see HAiITH0RNE,F.C. 1050frifrJTe, analyses 382 barometry: Clar if ications 1320 GR0VE,T.L. see BAKER,M.B. 279 Humite group 379 398 Ganophyllite,new data (abstr) 440 SEEKINZLER, R.J. 40 Hureaulite, analyses GANTEAUME,l4AX see CARUBA,RAoUL r224 GRM.DY,H.O. see HASSAN,ISHMAEL 186 HURST,V.J., review of Clay Mineralogy (Ve1de) 1336 Garnetmixing properties 1320 GUGGENHEIM,STEPHEN see YESKIS, ooUGLAS159 Garnet Peridotite, GUIDoTTI,C.V see HENRY,0.J. I --I-lay, review of Crystal Structures of garnet-olivine equiI ibration 30 Gysinite, new mineral 1314 Minerals and their X-ray (Bnindley Brown) 1336 Garnet websterite 668 ldentification and 638 Garnet-b i ot i te geothermometrJ, HUTCHEON,l.D. see 0KADA,AKIHIKO 1169 granuI i te 272 Hydrous components, trace GARRISoN,J.R., JR,: Petrology, HMPALA. ILMRA: i4,emorialof Thure geochemistryand origin of the Georg Sahama1910-1983 433 1224 Big Branch and Red Mountain HADIDIACoS,C.G. see HUGHES,J.M. 193 IACCoNI, PHILIBERTsee CARUBA'RAoUL gneisses, southeasternLlano Halite, calculated thermodynamic ldaho, beidellite 996 Upli ft, Texas 1151 properties 601 I lmeni te Garronite, new data (abstr) 440 HALL. S.R. see ENGLEHARDT,L.M. 423 assoc'iation with Pitchb lende 1290 GAZZ0Nl,G. see CHIARI,G. 969 HARIHARAN,A. see LEVINSoN,A.A. 630 MgSi0?calorimetry 1020 phase r027 Gebhardite, new mineral (abstr) 2r5 HARL0W,G.E., review of Gemand I lmenite:hematite relations Gedrite, Na, chemicalvariations I205 Crystal Treasurers (Bancroft) 1073 Il'lite, NMR 537 Genthelvite, structure 186 Harmto[E, sector twinning 8?? Il'lite-smectite, Nl4R 537 Georgi a HARTREE,RON see H0GARTH,D.0. 1135 I lvaite, structure 1248 kaolin ite 159 HASSAN,ISHMAEL and H.0. GRUNDY:The Inclusions, diamond 347 pa'lygorski te 758 crystal structures of helvite group INoARES,A. and J. MARTIGNoLE: Geothermmetry, geobarometry minerals, (Mn,Fe,Zn)g(Be6Si6024)SZ 186 Biotite-garnet geotherrcmetry in the b i ot i te -garnet -muscov i te- Hawaii granulite facies: the influence of magneti te 65 rhoenite I?ll Ti and Al in biotite 272 carbonati te 1141 urinary stones 630 India d i amond 350 HAIITH0RNE,F.C.: Towardsa structural sti lbite 814 experinental determination classification of minerals: the talc 996 vlM lvT2r^ of pyroxenecompositions 678 minerals 455 Infrared spectroscopy feldspar, tuff 52 -structureand t.A. GROAT:The crystal amazoni te 800 feldspars 356,696 of ylroewo1feite, a mineral beidellite 1006 (Cu4(0H)6(504)(H20))sheets 1050 carlosturanite 769 Fe-T'i oxide, tuff 5? .. with. fluid inclusjons in erupted HecEor 1 Ee forsterite-tephroite 512 nodul es 288 magnetic susceptibility 996 goethi te t262 fluid inclusions in mineralized NMR 537 high temperature spectroscopy tuff 1290 Helvite group, structure 186 of hydrous components 1169 f orsteni te-mont ice I I i te 714 Hematite-'i'lnenitephaserelations L0?7 iron oxides r26? garnet, olivine, pyroxene 30 Hematite-sill'imaniteintergrowth L232 lacroixite 851 garnet-bioti te ?72,1320 HEMINGIIAY,B.S. see KRUPKA,K.M. 249,261 sodal ite 1191 pelitic schist 702 HEI{DERS0N,D.M. see KIRKPATRICK,R.J. 106 2rrcon t225 pyroxene, garnet webste|ite 673 HENDERSON,G.S., G.IU.BANCROFT, M.E. FLEET Ingodite, new data (abstr) 220 GermanDemocratic Republic, and D.J. RoGERS:Ranan spectra of Intrinsic oxygenfugacity 1I64 lacroixite 849 gal lium and germaniumsubstituted lonic radi i Germany(FRG) silicate glasses: variations in effect i ve 444 beidelI i te 1004 intermediate range order 946 octahedral ions in mica 747 Memorials lf41 lonic thermal current measurements, LEVINSON,A.A., M. PAZY MIftO,U.K. sodalite 1190 dissolution, olivine 934 STAI'I|Sand A. HARIHARAN:The Iowa, kaolinite 149 KINSEY,R.A., R.J. KIRKPATRICK,JOHN mineralogy of humanurinary Ire land, "ferrifaya1 ite" 729 H0tlER,K.A. SMITHand ERICOLDFIELD: stones from Calgary, Quito and Iron oxides, electronic spectra 1262 High resolution aluminum-z7and Honolulu 630 Ita ly si'licon-29 nuclear magnetic resonance Liebenbergite (Ni-o1 ivine), car'losturani te 767,773 spectroscopic study of layer sil'icates, cation distribution 723 "ferrifayalite" 729 inc'luding clay minerals 537 Lindsleyite, mantle-derived 4L4 fluid inclusions in erupted SCEKIRKPATRICK, R.J. 106 LIOU, J.G. see MARIJYAIIA,SHIGENORI I6 nodules 288 Krr{zLER,R.J. and T.L. GR0VE: Liquid irmiscibility 1101 IT0, EIJI and ALEXANDRANAVRoTSKY: Crystal 1i zation and di fferentiation List of officers and Comittees 869 MgSi0-1i lmenite: calorimetry, phase of Archaenkomatiite lavas from Lithiophi l i te, analyses 398 equilibria, and decompositionat northeast ontario: phase equilibrium Lizardite, heterogeneousNi 549 atmosohericDressure 1020 and kinetic studies 40 100P, J0HN see H0GARTH,0.0. 1135 IT0, JUNsee KRUPKA,K.M. 249 KIRKPATRICK,R.J., R.A. KINSEY,K.A. Lotharmeyerite, new data (abstr) 1334 SMITH,D.M. HENDERSoNand ERIC LoUCKS,R.R. see SACK,R'0. L?70 0LDFIELD:High resolution solid- LoUISNATHAI'I,S.J. see CHIARI, G. 969 ,Japan state sodium-23, aluminum-Z7,and Loveringite, comparisonwith amphibole intergrowths 980 si licon-29 nuclear magnetic I i ndsleyi te 414 metabasites 16 resonancespectroscopic reconnais- Luminescence,apatite 829 pumpellyite 1011 sanceof alkali and plagioclase samarskite 856 feldspars 106 stilbite 814 see KlNsEY.R.A. 537 Macaulayite, new mineral (abstr) 1330 JAqUES,A.L. and S.F. FOLEY:The (TTAM-MURA,MASAO SEE KONOOH,SHINJI 737 Macfall ite, structure 171 origin of Al-rich spinel inclusions KNUTS0N,CRAIG, D.R, PEAC0Rand t'I.C. MACKENZIE,F.T. see BISCHoFF,l,l.D. 581 in leucite from the leucite lamproites KELLY:Luninescence, color and MACKENZIE,tl.S.: Presentation of the of lJestern Austral'ia 1143 fission track zoning in apatite Mineralogica'l Society of Anerica Jask6lskiite, new mineral (abstr) 872 crystals of the Panasqueiratin- Award for 1984 to Bernard J. Wood 652 Jeffreyite, new mineral (abstr) 87? tungsten deposit, Beira-Baixa, JENKINS,D.M. see GOLOSMITH,J.R. 911 Portugal 829 _ see GoLoSMITH,J.R. 924 Komatijtes, phaseequilibrium 40 JENSEN,D,E., memorialof 2r2 K0NDoH,SHINJI, MASAoKITAMURA and Jeppeite, new mineral (abstr) 872 N0BU02U0RIMQJo:Synthetic'laihunite Jerrygibbsite, analyses 386 (fr,Fei-?"Fei;Si04), an oxidation Jinyunite = a mixture of mordenite and Dr6du;t-6f 6livirie 737 cl inoptilolite, newmineral (abstr) 873 K0NN0,HIROSHI see AKIZUKI,MIZUHIKO 8I4 Johannsenite, reaction to pyroxenoids 885 Korea, stilbite 814 JoHNSoN,G.K., H.E. FLoT0W,P.A.G. KoSTERVAN GR00S, A.F. see YESKIS, 0'HAREand t,l.S. |,lISE: Thermodynamic DOUGLAS I59 MANCEAU,ALAIN ANd GEORGECALAS: studies of zeo'lites: heulandite 1065 KRAJICEK,JAN see I.IEISS,ZDENEK 747 Heterogeneousdistribution of J0HNSoN,K.G.: Frlemorialof Lester KRUPKA,K.M., R.A. RoBIE,B.S. hydrous si'licates from llilliam Strock 209 HEMINGt.lAY,D.M. KERRICKAND JUN NewCaledonia deposits 549 JoHNS0N,M.L. and C.}J. BURNHAM:Crystal IT0: Low-temperatureheat capacities Mandarinoite, new data (abstr) 440 structure refinement of an arsenic- and derived thermodynamicproperties Manganhumite, analyses 382 bearing argentian tetrahedrite 165 of anthophyllite, diopside, enstatite ilan gani te 202 JoHNSToN,A.0. and J.H. ST0UT: bronzite, and wollastonite 249 Manganotapiolite, new mineral (abstr) ?17 (abstr) ComDositionalvariation of _, 8. S. HE|4INGI|AY,R. A. RoBIE Maniienneite. new rnineral 1330 naturally occurring rhoenite 1211 and D.M. KERRICK:High-temperature Margarite, NMR 537 J0NES, A.P. and V. EKAMBARAM:New INM heat capacities and derived thermo- MARKGRAF,S.A. and R.J. REEOER:High- analysis of a mantle-derivedtitanate dynamicproperties of anthophyllite' temperature structure ref inements minera'lof the crichtonite series, diopside, dolomite, enstatite, of calcite and magnesite 590 'to with particu'lar reference the bronzite, talc, tremolite and MARTIGN0LE,J. see INDARES,A. 272 rare earth minerals 4L4 woI laston i te 261 MARTIN,R.F. see ltl0R0GAN'VIORICA l1 14 -and and L.M. LARSEN:Geochemistry, KUMIN,H.J. see DAY, H.}J. 237 MARUYAI'IA,SHIGEI{oRI and J.G. LIoU: REEminerals of nepheline Kvanefjeldite, new mineral (abstr) 873 The stabi'lity of Ca-NaPyroxene syenites from the Motzfe'ldt Centre, in low-grade nretabas'itesof high- South Greenland Dressure intemEdiate facies series 16 KAN, XUEMINand J.M.D. C0EY:Miissbauer Massachusetts spectra, magnetic and electrical Lacroixite, new data 849 fayal i te 729 properties of laihunite, a mixed LAGER,GEoRGE, review of Microscopic wroewolfei te 1050 valence iron o'livine mineral 576 0etermination of the Non-opaque MATSUI'|0To,TAKEo see YoSHIASA,AKIRA 1011 Kankite, new data (abstr) 220 Minerals (Fleischer, l,lilcoxand I',ICATEE,J.1., JR. see CALLAWAY, Kanonaite, optical data 428 Matzko) I07? ll.S., 3rd 996 Kansas, schiillhornite in Norton LAHTI, S.T. and MRNEPAJUNEN: New MCHARoY,ft.J. see NADEAU,P.H. 1004 County achondrite 638 data on lacroixite, NaAlFP0a 849 MCTIGUE,J.t.J., JR. and H'-R. t{EliK: Kambaldaite Laihun i te Microstructures and orientation new mineral 419 intergrowth with fayal ite 729 relationships in the dry-state and calcite- structure 423 Mossbauer,magnetic, electrical 576 aragoni'l te-calcite Kamitugaite, new nineral (abstr) 437 synthetic 737 ime Dhase transformations 1253 Kaol inite Lanbdatransition, quartz 78? MEIER,tl.M. see GRAI4LICH-MEIER,RAHEL 619 dehydroxyI at ion 159 Lamproite Itblanovanadite, X-ray data 644 multiple phases 149 d i amond 344 lilelanocerite, "freya l ite" 1059 NMR 537 spinel inclusions 1143 MELLINI, MARCELLo,GIoVANNI FERRARIS and Katoite and the nomenclatureof LANo, 1.S., review of Carbonates: RoBERToCoMPAGN0NI : Carlosturanite: hydrogrossular minerals, new Minera'logyand Chemistry, HRTEMevidence of a polysomatic mineral (abstr) 873 Reviews in Mineralogy, Vol. l1 series includingserPentine 773 KEIL, KLAUSsee oKADA,AKIHIKo 638 (Reeder, Ed.) 881 see C0MPAGi{0NI,R0BERTo 767 KELLY.I{.C. see KNUTSON,CRAIG 829 Lanthanite-(Ce), new minera'l 411 l|elt structure KeroI i te Lapieite, new mineral (abstr) t329 Fe in glass 304'317 heteroqeneous Ni 549 LARSEN,L.M. see JoNES,A.P. 1087 gallium silicate and 104 onise 362 Lattice misfit, s'illimanite- g€rmanate glasses 946 KERRICK,D.|\4, see KRUPKA,K.M. 249,261' hemati te 1232 l{MRon silicate and alunlino- Khanrabaevite, new mineral (abstr) f329 Lavrentievite, new mineral (abstr) 873 si'l icate glasses 332 Kiddcreekite, new mineral (abstr) 437 Leadama'lgam,new mineral (abstr) 215 Ramanstudy, NaZ0-Al?03-5i0A 88 Kidney stones 630 Lennilenapeite, new mineral (abstr) 215 vrscoslf,y KIMATA,MITSUYOSHI see SUENO,SHIGEHO 141 LEoNARD,B.F. see 0KADA,AKIHIKo 638 F-bearing si licate melts 80 Kinber I i te LERoY,JACQUES see ANIEL, BRIGITTE 1290 Fe-, A1-bearing silicate nelts 487 crichtonite ( lindsleyite) 414 Letov'icite, new data (abstr) 1334 i,lemrials di amond 344 Leucite lamproite, Ernest EmersonFairbanks 867 Kinetics spinel inclusions IICJ David Edward Jensen ?L2 crystal lization 40,474 Leucophoenici te, analyses 385 Thure Georg Sahama 433 1344 Metabasites

I{ADEAU,P.H., V.C. FARMER,l.t.J. I{CHARDY Lester t{illian Strock 209 and D.C. BAIN: Compositionalvariations retzian-(La) (abstr) 1332 Ith beidellite 1004 schollhornite 638 ;UGITAI{I,YoSHIN0RI 856 scotlandite (abstr) 876 rral (abstr) 1331 schulenbergite (abstr) 438 see IT0, EIJI 1020 schumacherite(abstr) 438 rral (abstr) 437 silver-rhodostannite (abstr) 876 (abstr) 874 smirnite (abstr) 876 IEEminerals 1087 straczekite (abstr) 877 rus Ni 549 sverigeite (abstr) 1332 0 see MYSEN,8.0. 377 svyazhinite (abstr) 877 Ai{DERSo[{,Tofi 1059 sv,eetite (abstr) 438 tausonite (abstr) zfg 6?6 thorikosite 845 579 tongbaite (abstr) 218 lificas, octhahedral coordination 747 ilEVILLE,S.L. PETERSCHIFFIT,|AN and tsiiaisite (abst;) 877 Michigan PETERSAoLER: Ultramafic inclusions tuperssuatsiaite (abstr) 1332 macfallite L7I in late l{locene alkaline basalts ucirucchacuaite(a6str) 1332 l,lountains, San urancalcarite (abstr) 438 California 668 vyaches'lavite (abstr) 878 (abstr) 875 yimengite (abstr) 218 phyllosilicates 549 Nevadatest site, XRoof minerals 663 NewYork, tlollastonite, NMR 332 182 NICKEL,E.H. and B.t,r|.ROBINSOI{: te 568 Kambaldaite - a new hydrated Ni-l{a cophoenicites 379 fron Kambalda, intracrJstalline cation distribution flEHFIEXIC0, garnet peridotite 30 tJestern Australia 419 in Fe-Mnand Fe-Ni silicate olivines 723 Newrnineral nanes 274,436,87f,829 l{itrogen in diamond 608 l'fineral classificatlon 455 Newminerals t{odulis, fluid inclusions in volcanic ?88 Mixlng properties, garnet 1320 agardite-(ce) (abstr) 871 N0R0,A.G. ana T0REERIcssoN: cation ibdified electron gas potentials, agardite-(La) (abstr) g7l distribution studies of some Al pyroxene 559 aizakite (abstr) 873 ternary orthophosphateshaving - ibganite, new mineral (abstr) 874 bergslagite (abstr) 436 ttre fair'lngtonite structure 624 l'lolecular orbital ca'lculations, bulichi[e (a6str) zl4 N0RD,c.1., JA.: Report of the borates 1238 bulaiinite (abstr) 871 Treasurer for 1984 L3?4 M0LIli, G.M. see D0MEI{EGHETTI,M.C, 987 car'losturanite 767 Norton County achondrite, sch'dllhorntte 638 214 Norway 87L "freyal i te" 1059 ) L3Z9 orthopyroxene 987 214 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy L3?9 beidellite 1006 str) 87I feldspars 106 215 palygorskite, sepiolite 758 ) 436 phyl losi I icates 537 str) ?Ll silicates, silicate and I93 a'luminosillcate glasses 332 436 sodalite ll9l r) 215 Nucleation kinetics, basa'ltic 845 andesite 279 str) ?I5 z"!, zLo r) 872 octahedralcoordination in micas 747 872 0'HARE,P.A.G. see JOHNSOil,c,K. 1065 87? OKADA,AKIHIKO, KLAUS KEIL, B.F. LEONARD ure of mordenite and I.D, HUTCHEoN:Schbllhornite, (abstr) 873 t{an?(H20)l(CrS2), a newmineral in 419 thE'XorIon-Countyestatite achondrite638 | 437 0L0FIEL0,ERIC see KINSEY, R.A. 537 rcnclatureof seeKIRKPATRICK, R.J. 106 era'ls (abstr) 873 dTii-ine tr) 1329 Fe-lih-Ni,cation distribution 723 r) 437 garnetperidotite 30 tr) 873 structure 445 411 &roratoite, newdata (abstr) 440 1329 oscillatory zoning,clinopyroxene 74 tr) 873 optica'l properties ) 2L5 carlosturanite 768 itr) 216 fingerite 195 ) 1330 gedrite, Na l?06 tr) 874 gysinite 1314 (abstr) 216 harrbtome 822 abstr) 217 hureaulite 400 r) 1330 llmenite I29L 874 kambaldaite 42L 1330 lacroixite 850 f330 lanthanite-(Ce) 413 r) l33l llvenite 1094 ) 1331 lithiophilite 400 | 437 phosphosiderite 400 874 oitchblende 1291 875 polylithionite 1131 1332 quartz fibers in agate 975 ) 875 sch6'llhornite 640 875 sickler'lte 400 133I solid solution series 428 ^) 1331 st i lbite 814 andF.A. SEIFERT: piypite (abstr) 437 surinamite 7ll Re'lationshipsbetween properties and pokrovskite(abstr) 217 rinkite 1094 structureof aluminosilicaterclts 88 rankachite(abstr) 876 violarite- 1038 Schlemper I 345

0ptical spectroscopy Pokrovskite, new nineral (abstr) 2L7 amazoni le 795 Polydynlte, crystal chemistry 1036 Proceedingsof the Thirty-Second anethyst quartz 1182 Polylithianite, alklaine granite II27 Annual Conferenceon Applications goethi te 1262 Polysonatic series, carlosturanite 773 of X-ray Analysis, Snownass, iron oxides I?62 P00LE,C.P., JR. see PIZANI, P.S. 1186 Colorado, 1983 (Peacor) lO7? Ni phyllosilicates 551 P0PP,R.K. see FRITZ, S.F. 961 oonnay,G. and J,D.H.0onnay:The sodalite 1191 Portugal, apatite 8?9 M.A.C. Crystal lographic order-disorder, Al pyroxenes 5s9 POST,J.E. see CHAIIIBERLAIN,C,P. 134 Laboratory lilanual (ouncan) IO7? oregon, albite 911,924Potential energy functions, halite 601 Fleischer, M., R.E. l.Jilcoxand 0rientite, structure 77I P-ourayite, new mineral (abstr) 1332 J.J. Matzko: Microscopic orthoamphibo]e, Na gedrite 1205 Presidential address 443 oetermination of the Non-opaque 0rthoclase, amazonitecoloring 794 PREt'lITT,C.T.: Crystal chemistry: Minerals (Lager) L072 0rthogneiss, Texas IIf,I past, present, and future Godovikov, A.A. : Mineralogiya ortho-MgGe03to cl ino-MgGeo3 (presidential address) 443 (Foord) 1337 transition 365 _ see SUENo,SHIGEHo 141 Hazen, R.M. and L.t{. Finger: 0rthophosphates,farrington ite 624 PRICE,J.G.: Ideal site mixing in ComparativeCrystal Chemistry. 0rthopyroxene solid solutions, with an application Ternperature, Pressure, Composition deternintion of solvus o/6 to two-feldspar geothermometry 696 and the Varjation of Crystal garnet peridotite 30 PRUNIER,A.R., JR. ind D.A. HEr{ITT: Structure (Peacor) 882 order-disorder 987 Experimental observations on 0zima, lllinoru and F.A. Podosek:lloble 0rthopyroxene-c I i nopyroxene coexisting zoisite-clinozoisite 375 Gas Geochemistry (Alexander) 882 transition, ferrosi I i te 141 Pseudomorphsof. surinamite after Ragland,P.C. and J.J.t{. Rogers: ovryheeite,new data (abstr) 440 cordier i te 710 Sasalts. A HutchinsonRoss Benchmark oxygen buffer, peraluninous granite 65 Psi lomelane, comparisonwith Eook (Thy) 1335 oxygen fugacity, intrinsic I I04 todorok i te 202,205 Reeder, Richard (Ed.): Carbonates: Pumpel'lyite, structure and Mineralogy and Chemistry: Reviews crystal chemistry 10Il in Mineralogy,Vol. 11 (Land) 881 PAJUNEN,MRNE see LAHTI, S.T. 849 Pyrophyllite, NMR 537 Velde, Z.: Clay Mineralogy(Hurst) 1336 Pa'lygorskite, NMR 758 Pyroxene, Al, energetics of ordering 559 Rhabdophane,new data (abstr) 440 Paracelsian, structure 969 Pyroxenoids, from johannsenite 885 , from johannsenite 885 Paragonite-phengite in blueschist 1193 Pyroxmangite, from johannsenite 885 Rhoenite,compositionalvariation 1211 PARS0NS,IAN see BR0HN,ll.L. 356 Rhyoli te Paulkerrite, new mineral (abstr) 875 NMR 332 PAIIL0SKI,G.A, : Quantitative Quantitative XRDof minerals 663 viscosity 80 determination of mineral content Quartz RIBBE,P.H. see MILLER,M.L. 723 of geological samplesby X-ray a-B transition 782 Richetite, new data (abstr) 1335 diffrsction 663 amethyst, color 1180 Richterite, inclusions in diagreme 499 PAZY MIN0, M. see LEVINSON,A.A. 630 high T hydrous component 1169 RIEDER,MILAN see tlElSS, ZoENEK 747 Pb feldspar, green coloring 794 diorite, amphibole RIMSTI0T,J.D. see.DoVE,P.M. 838 Quartz'i PEACoR,0.R., review of Advancesin ntergrowths 980 RoBERTS,I'1.1. see CERNY,P. 1044 X-RayAnalysis: Vol. 27. (Cohen Quartz fibers, zoning in agate 975 RoBIE, R.A. see KRUPKA,K.M. ?49,26I er al., Eds.) L072 Quatrandorite, new data (abstr) ?19 RoBINSoN,B.|.l, see NICKEL.E.H. 419 _, review of ComparativeCrystal R0E00ER,EDTJIN see BELKIN,H.E. 288 Chemistry. Temperature, Pressure, R0GERS,D.J. see HENDERS0N,G.S. 946 and the Variation of Crystal Ramanspectroscopy Romanechite,comparison }lith Structure (Hazenand Finger) 882 calcite, dolomite, magnesite 581 todorok i te 20?,205 _ see AHN, J.H. 1193 gallium si'licate and RoSENBERG,P.E. and F.F. FoIT, JR.: __ see BLAKE,D. F. 388 gernanate glasses 946 Tourmalinesolid solutions in the SECKNUTSON. CRAIG 829 magnesian -S -8203-H20 calcite 581 - - ^system-M90-A 1 203 i 0Z L?t7 ?E!fr-atI te MgSi0?ilmenite 1020 R0SSMAN,G.R. seE AINES; R:0. 1169 phosphates 395 sodiufi aluminosiI icate glasses 88 see H0FMEISTER.A.ll. 794 wodginite 1044 viscosity, Fe-, Al-bearlng I-dlF-e, n.c. see oUNN:P.J. 845 Pelitic Aranulite, biotite-garnet T 272 silicate melts 487 RoWBoTHAI'|,GEoRGE see BEVINS, R.E. 4ll Pelitic schist Ramdohrite,new data (abstr) 2L9 Ruiz ite error estimation and Rankachite, new mineral (abstr) 876 struc tu re 17L geothermobarometry 702 Rare earth elements new data (abstr) 441 oxygen buffer 65 alkali granite 1081 RULE,A.C. see FILUT, M.A. I298 tourmaline 1 alkaline plutonics I 107 Ruti le structure 447 Penginite, new mineral (abstr) 875 alkaline volcanics 1081 Peraluminous granite, oxygen buffer 65 apati te 830,1137 Percent by volume 13i8 carbonati te 1107,1137SACK,R.0. and R.R. LoUCKS:Thermodynamic Periclase, thermodynamicdata eudi a lyte 1095 prooerties of tetrahedrite-tennantites: Peridoti te, crichton ite ( lindsleyite) 414 "freya I ite" 1061 constraints on the interdeDendenceof Perlialite, new (abstr) IJJI + nineral 'lI aven i te 1095 the Ag Cu, Fe + Zn, Cu r Fe, and Perovskite structure 446 i ndsI eyi te 4L7 As r Sb exchange reactions 1270 Petrographic thin section viewing 646 |IElanocerlte, Th 1061 SADLER,PETER see NEVILLE,S.L. 668 Petrovskaite, new mineral (abstr) IJJI melilite 1111 SAHAM,T.G.: libmorial of 433 Phaseand domain boundaries, monazi te 1140 Samarskite, polynorphism 856 fe ld soar 124,130 nepheline syenites 1091 Sanple containers, experimental 200 Phengite-paragonite in blueschist 1193 parisite 1140 Saponite,magneticsusceptibility 996 PhiI lipsi te, chenistry 805 perovskite 1111 Sarcolite, new data (abstr) 44I Phlogopite rinkite 1095 SARP,HALIL and JEANBERTRAND: F, Cl in ultrapotassic rocks 5?9 tonalitic aneiss I 157 Gysinite Pb(Nd,La) ( C0?)2(0H)'H20, NMR 537 Redoxequilibria in melts ?17 a new lead, rare-earth Earbonale Phonolite, viscosity 80 REEDER,R.J. see MARKGRAF,S.A. 590 from Shinkolobwe,Shaba, Zaire Phosphateglass, Mbssbauer 304 REID, J.C.: Comparisonchart for and its relationshlp to ancylite 1314 Phosphates,pegmatite 395 estimating volume percentages Saudi Arabia, Silsilah ring comples 10i5 Phosphosiderite, analyses 398 of constituents in rocks and SAXENA,S.K. see GANGULY.JIBAMITRA 1320 Phyllosi 1icate, 10A phase 362 concentrates ln the range of SCANLON,M.ll. see H0SIENI,K.R. 782 Pierrotite, new data (abstr) 220 1.0 to 0.1 volume percent 1318 Scapolite, Na-Caconfigurations 134 Pigeonte Retzian-(La), new mineral (abstr) L332 SCARFE,C.M. see DINGWELL,D.B. 80 komati i tes 40 Reviews 881,i072,1335 _ see MYSEN,8,0. 487 nucleat ion ?79 Bancroft, Peter: Gemand Crysta'l SCHAEFER,M.l.l.: Site occupancyand two- PinElite, heterogeneousl{i 549 Treasures (Harlow) 1073 phase character of "ferrifayalite" 729 Pitchblende, replacing i lnenite 1290 Brindley, G.tJ. and G. Brown: Crystal SCHIFFMAN,PETER see NEVILLE,S.L. 668 Piypite, new mineral (abstr) 437 Structures of Clay Minerals and SCHLEMPER,E.0., P.K. SENGIIPTA and PIZANI,P.S., M.C. TERRILE,H.A. their X-ray Identification (Hurst) 1336 TIBoRZ0LTAI: Refinementof the FARACHand C.P. P00LE,JR.: Color Cohen, J.8., J.C. Russ, D.E, Leyden, structure of carnal lite, centers in sodalite 1186 C.S. Barrett and P.K. Predecki: Mg( H20)5KC I 1 I309 Plagioc'lase, lt'lR 106 Advancesin X-Ray Analysis: \o'1. 27. _ SEEGHOSE, SUBRATA l?48 u46 Schollhornite

Schollhornite, newmineral 638 ST0UT,J.H. see JOHNST0N,A.D. 1211 Schu'lenbergite,new mineral (abstr) 438 Straczekite, newmineral (abstr) 877 heuI andi te 1065 Schumacherite,new mineral (abstr) 438 STR0CK,1,W., memorial of 209 MgSi0q i lmenite 1020 SCLAR,C.B. see BAUER,J.F. 362 Structure module L7L,455 order:disorder, Al pyroxenes 559 Scorodite, solubility and stabil'ity 838 Struvite, urinary stones 630 periclase ?37 Scotland, harmotome 822 Sturmanite, optical data 428 plagioclase 696 Scotlandite, newmineral (abstr) 876 SUEN0,SHIGEH0, C.T. PREl,llTTand quartz, d, B, coesite 782 Secondorder transition 782 MITSUY0SHIKIMATA: Structural scorodite 838 Sector twinning, harmotone 822 asDects of ohase transitions in talc ?37,261 SEIFERT,F.A. see |4YSEN,8,0. 88 Fe-Mg-Capyroxenes 141 tetrahedrite-tennantite 1270 see t'lYSEN.8.0, 317 SUGITANI,YOSHINORI, YOSHIHISA SUZUKI tremol i te 26L SENI-OnUtnl.|: Experimenta I determinat ion and KOZ0NAGASHIM: Poljmorphism of wollastonite 249,26L of pyroxene compositions in the samarskiteand its relationship to Thermoluminescence, zircon 1227 systgm Cao-!190-A1201-Si02at 900- other structurally related Nb-Ta Thorikosite, new mineral 845 1200oCand 10-15 kbir usinq- PbO oxides with the o-Pboc structure 856 Thorite, "freyalite" 1059 and H2Ofluxes 678 Surinamite, granulites fFom Zambia 7I0 THORNBER,C.R. and J.S. IIUEBNER: SENGUPTA, P.K. see GHOSE,SUBRATA 1248 Sursassite, new data (abstr) ?2L Dissolution of olivine in basa'ltic _ see SCHLEI4PER,E.0. 1309 SUZUKI,YOSHIHISA see SUGITANI, I iquids : experimental observations Senandorite, new data (abstr) 2I9 YOSHINORI 856 and applications 934 Sepiolite, NMR 758 Sverigeite, newmineral (abstr) I33? THY, PETER,review of Basalts. A Serpentinite, car'losturanite 761.773 Svyazhinite, new mineral (abstr) 877 HutchinsonRoss BenchmarkBook SHART'4A,S.K. see BISCHoFF,t,J.D. 581 Sweden (Raglandand Rogers) 1335 Sharpite, new data (abstr) 220 forster i te -tephro i te 568 Tin mineralization, ring complex 1075 SHEN,JINCHUAN see l'lo0RE,P.B. L7l freed i te 845 Tintinaite, newdata (abstr) 441 SHERMAN,D.M. and T.D. tlAITt' orth0pyr0xene 987 Todorokite, comparisonwith Elecironic so".t"i oi ie3+ oxides Sweetite, new mineral (abstr) 438 ps i lomelane 202,?05 and oxide hydroxides in the near S|'lINNEA,J.S., A.J. TENORI0and HUc0 Tongbaite, new nineral (abstr) zLB IR to near UV f262 STEINFINK:Sb16S1q, a Pb-free Topaz, high T hydrous component 1169 SHIGLEY, J.E. and G.E. BR0WN,JR.: _ analogueof fdloiiite, Pb3sbg515 1056 Topotaxy occurrence and alteration of Systems aragoni te r253 phosohateminerals at the Stewart Ab-0r-An 356 ferrosilite 141 Pegmatite,Pala 0istrict, San A9-Cu -Fe -Zn -Sb -As -S L?70 TourmaI i ne DiegoCounty, California 395 CaC0j-MgC01 581 petrogenetic indicator I Sicklerite, ana lyses 398 CaMgSi205-CaAl2Si20q- 474 sol id solutions L2r7 Siegenite, crystdl chemistry 1036 Ca0-Al;0i-Si02- : 487 Trace elements Silicate glass Ca0-Mg0-Al20?:S i 02 678 alkali granites I079 l4rissbauer 304,31 i Ca0-Si 02 -Fe -0 487 a'lkaline volcanics 1079 NMR 332 re-As-u 838 amazonite, Pb, H2- 796 SiI limanite, oriented hematite Fe-Ni-S 1036 amethyst quartz LI82 inclusions r?32 141 apatite 830 Silver-rhodostannite, 723 d i amond 346 new mineral ( abstr ) 876 702 granitic aneiss 1157 Sincosite, newdata 409 1217 9re r sen 1081 Skarnnodules, fluid inc lusions 288 249-261 lindsleyite 416 SLAUGHTER,M. see DELUCA,STEPHEN 149 365 lithiophilite 399 Smect i te 2?3,?37,362 nepheline syenites 1091 beidelI ite 1004 714 partitioning 448 magnetic susceptibiI itie 996 601 polyl ithionite 1131 N14R 537 Na20-A I 20?-Si 02 88 smoky quartz I 181 Smirnite, newmineral (abstr) 876 Na;o-Ar;o;-sio;-F2o_r 80 Trace water 1169 SMITH,OOUGLAS and C.R. |rIILSON:Garnet- Si02 -Fe:0- 729,737Trachyte, viscosity 80 o1iv'ine equi1 ibrat'ion during cooling Treasurer's Report for 1984 r324 in the nantle 30 TREIMAN,A.H. and E.J. ESSENE:The SfflTH, K.A. see KINSEY,R.A. 537 TAKEUCHI,YoSHI0 see YAI4ANAKA, 0ka carbonatite complex, Quebec: _-_ see KIRKPATRICK,R. J. 106 TAKAMITSU 365 geology and evidence for silicate- Smokyquartz, color 1180 Talc carbonateliquid iflniscibility I10l SNEERINGER,t4.A. and E.B. tlATS0N: magneticsusceptibility 996 Tremolite, thermodynamicdata 261 Milk cartons and ash cans: two 10A ohase 36? Tridymites, e lectrgn microscopy aLt unconventiona l weld ing techniques 200 thernndynamic data 237,26I TRUEMAN,D.L. see CERNY,PETR LT27 Sodalite, color centers 1186 Tantalite, new data 1044 Tsilaisite, newmineral (abstr) 877 SOLBERG,T.N. see H0GARTH,0.0. 1i35 Tanzania,fenitized crustal xenoliths 1114 TSUCHIYAMA,AKIRA: Crystal l ization jd Sol solutions, act ivity-composition Tapiolite, new data 1044 kinetics in the system relations 696 Tausonite, new mineral (abstr) zLg CaMgSi?06-CaAlZSi20g: development Sono'l'ite, analyses 382 TAZZoLI,VITToRI0 see of zonino and kinetics effects on SouthAfricia OOMENEGHETTI,M.C. 987 elementpartitioning 474 c l i nopyroxene 74 TEN0RI0,A.J. see SI,IINNEA,J.S. 1056 Tuff, ash-flow 52 crichtonite ( I indsleyj te) 414 Teohroi te Tuperssuatsiaite, new mineral (abstr) 1332 garnet peridot i te 30 cation distribution 723 TURGo0SE,STEPHEN see BEVINS,R.E. 411 ruizite L7L nevl data 568 Tyretsk i te nomencI ature 636 South 0akota TERRILE,M.C. see PIZANI,P.S. 1186 sincosile 409 Tetrahedrite, argentian, structure 165 wodginite 1044 Tetrahedr i te -tennant i te, Uchucchacuaite,new mineral (abstr) 1332 Spain,sepiolite 758 thermodynamic properties 1270 UI tramafic s Spin crossover 451 Texas alkal ic 499 Spinel, inclusionsin leucite I 143 montmoriI lonite 996 di amond 344 Spinifex, komatiites 40 tonalite. oranite I 151 garnet websterite 668 Stable isotopes, diamond 347 Thermalexpiniion, calcite, Ultrapotassic rocks, phlogopite 529 Spain, aragonite I 253 ma9nesi te 590 Uganda,u ltrapotassic rocks 5?9 Sri Lanka, anandi te t298 Thermodynamicdata Ultrav iolet spectroscopy STA|\'IS,U.K. see LEVINSoN,A.A. 630 alkali feldspar 696 anethyst quartz 1182 STEBBINS,J.F. see MURDoCH,J.B. 33? anthophyl I i te 237,249,261 apati te 830 STEINFINK,HUGo see S|,l|INNEA,J.S. 1056 antigorite 237 goeth i te L10l STEPHENS,F.S. see BEVINS,R,E. 411 bronz i te 249,261 iron oxides LZdZ STEIIART,0.8.: llemorial of bruc i te 237 soda'lite 1191 David R. I'lones 1321 chrysot i le 237 Unit-celI data St'ilb i te, order-di sorder 814 diopside 249,261 alkali feldspar 1119 ST0CKMAN,H.W. see BURNS,R.G. 205 dolom i te ?6I al leghanyite 182 ST0RMER,J.C., JR. and J.A. I,TIHITNEY: enstat i te 237,249,?6t anandite 1299 Twofeldspar and iron-titanium feldspars 356 antimony sulfide IUJO oxideequilibria in silicic magmas forster i te 237 anthophyllite 2?8,25I and the depth of origin of large forsterite-monticel I ite 7t4 biotite 903 volumeash-flow tuffs 5? halite 601 bronzite taL Zoltu t347

Unit-cell data, cont. X-ray absorption spectroscopy, calcite, high T 591 Na-Ca-Zrsilicate (abstr) 439 Ni phyllosilicates 554 carlosturanite 768 Pb-8i sulfosalt (abstr) 879 X-ray diffraction data carnal lite 1310 Pb-Bi-Te-S mineral (abstr) zLg beidellite 1006 chlorite 903 Pbcuse (abstr) zl9 calc'ite cemnt 388 c I ino-MgGeo? 367 phosphates(abstr) 880 car losturan i te 77L columbite-t;ntalite 1048 Sb-analogueof colusite and c lays, feldspars, carbonates, danalite 188 nekrasovite, (abstr) 439 quanti tat ive determination 663 diopside ?51 sulfosalts (abstr) 880,1333 c'linozo is i te 376 dolomite 262 sulfosirlts, "cuprocosalite" (abstr) 880 dolomite cenent 388 enstatite 228,?51 sulfotel lurides (abstr) 881 fingerite 195 farringtonite 625 vanadiumporphyrin (abstr) 881 forsteri te 7L6 fayalite 723 Urancalcarite, new mineral (abstr) 438 freed ite 846 fernieri te 619 Uricite, urinary stones 630 gysini te 3I5 fingerite 198 Urinary stones 630 kambaldaite 421 forsteri te 228,716 kaolinite 149 forsterite-tephroite 570 lacroixl te 851 freedite 847 lanthan i te- ( Ce) 413 fdldppite (Pb-free) 1056 VAUGHAI{,0.J. and J.R. CRAIG: The 1i ndsleyi te 415 genthelvite 188 crysta'l chemistry of iron-nickel melanovanadite 645 gysinite 1314 thiospine ls 1036 ronticellite /rb helvite 188 VEBLEI{,D.R.: TEMstudy of a pyroxene- orthopyroxene-c l i nopyroxene 141 heulandite 1066 to-pyroxenoid reaction 885 paragonlte 196 hureaulite 400 Viitaniemilte, with lacroixite 849 phengi te 196 i lvaite 1250 Violarite, crystal chenistry 1035 quartz fibers in agate 977 kambaldaite 42L V'irginia, scorodite 838 samarsklte 859 lacroixite 851 VIRG0,OAVI0 see MYSEil,8.0. 88,31i,487 schtil lhorn i te 642 liebenbergite (fli ollvine) 723 Vi scosity siqcosite 410 lithiophilite 400 F-bearlng silicate nElts 80 104 phase 363 macfal I ite 776 Fe-, Al-bearing silicate melts 487 thor ikosi te 846 magnesite, high T 591 Volune percent 1318 zolsite 376 melanovanadite 644 VRAI{A,STANISLAV see 0E RoEVER, 710 monticel lite 7L6 Vyacheslavite, new mineral (abstr) 878 YAMAGUCHI,YOSHIAKI : Hornblende- orientite 176 curmingtonite and hornblende- ortho-fttceo? 367 actinolite intergrowths fron orthopyroxeie 989 the Koyanacalc-alkaline intruslon, paracelsian 970 llacke, lithic 499 Susa, southwest Japan 980 phosphosiderite 400 IIAITE, T.0, see SHERiIAN,D.M. 1262 YAMANAKA,TAKAT.ilTS/, MASAHIRo HIRANo polylithionite ll3l Hales, lanthanite-(Ce) 411 and YOSHI0TAKEUCHI: A high pumpe'llyite Lc;-? t{ashington, ferrierite 619 temperature transition in M96e01 quartz 782 l,lATS0N,E.B. see SNEERINGER,M.A. 200 from clinopyroxene (CZ/Q type to ruizite Ll6 tlebsterite, garnet 668 orthoDvroxene(Pbca) tvoe 355 samarskite 859 Weddellite,_urinary stones 630 yEsKIs,bi)uGLAs, ATI-rosiEn vAilGRoos sch6llhornite 642 I{EISS, ZOENqK,MILAN RIEDEB, I.IARTA and STEPHENGUGGET{HEIM: The sicklerite 400 CHMIELOVAand JANKRAJICEK: dehydroxylation of kaolinite 159 sincosite 409 Geometry of the octahedral Yimengite, new mineral (abstr) 218 talc 228 coordination in micas: a review Y0SHIASA,AKIRA and TAKE0MATSUM0TO: tephroite 5l0,l73 of refined structures 747 Crystal structure refinement and tetrahedrite, argentian 166 l,lelding techniques, experimental crystal chemistry of pumpellyite l01l thorikosite 847 capsules 200 tourmaline, synthetic LZI9 t{EiK, H.-R. see MCTIGUE,, JR. 1253 Zaire, gysinite l3l4 tremo'lite 26? llENNEiIER,I,IECHTHILD see Zanbia, surinamite after cordierite 710 vlolarite-polydymite 1037 CARPENTER,M.A. 5I7 ZEN, E-AN: An oxygen buffer for some wodginite 1048 lftewellite, urinary stones 630 peraluminousgranltes and neta- wollastonite 251 tlHITE, A.H. see ENGLEHARDT,L.M. 423 morohic rocks 65 wroewolfeite 1051 I{HITNEY,J.A, see SToRMER,J.C., JR. 52 Zeolite zircon, synthetic 12?6 WILLAIME,CHRISTIAN and t.l.L. BR0}JN: ferrierite 619 Unnamedminerals 0rientation of Dhaseand domain heulandite 1065 AglBiTe2 (abstr) 439 boundariesin crystalline solids: Zeolites, dependanceof chemistry Bi:Te-SE-Sminerals (abstr) 878 discussion L24 on qenesis 805 bisruthsulfotellurides(abstr) 878 I{ILLIMS, P,A. see BEVINS,R.E. 411 ZHANG,-2.G.,M.8. BOISEN,JR., L.II, brockite-like rnineral (abstr) 439 hlILSoN, C.R. see SMITH, DoUGLAS 30 FINGERand G.V. GIBBS:lhlecular Ca-analogueof agardite (abstr) 1333 tllsE, ll.S. see JoHNSoN,G.K. 1065 nimicry of the geometry and charge calcium analog of edingtonite (abstr) 878 l.lISHART,J.S.: l|emorial of distribution of polyanions Ce analog of titanite (abstr) 979 David Edward Jensen zfz in borateminerals I238 cobalt (CoSb2)(abstr) antimonide - 439 l,Jodginite, new data 1044 Zincminerals 379 cobalt sulfide (abstr) ZIB t{o'llastonite Ziron copper arsenide (abstr) 2t9 NltR 332 high T hydrous conponent 1159 Cr-analogueof phengite (abstr) ?L9 thermodynamic data 249,261 structure 445 (abstr) Cu-Fe-Bi sulfide 879 hl0NES,0.R., memorial of L3?l vJater content LZ24 (abstr) FerCo 879 l.|000,B.J.: Acceptanceof the Zoisite, optical data 428 go'ld-lead tel lunides (abstr) 879 Mineraloglcal Society of Anerica Zoisite-clinozoisite stability 375 l.4o-Pbsu lfide (abstr) 879 Award for 1984 654 ZoLENSKY,l'|.E.: new data on slncosite 409 Na-Ca-doublesulfate (abstr) 439 l,lroewo'lfeite, structure 1050 ZoLTAI, TIBoR see SCHLEI4PER,E.0. 1309