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INDEX, VOLUME 70, 1985* Ab initio calculations, halite 601. Analyses,chemical, cont. Analyses,chemical, cont. Absolan, seafloor sediments ?05 apatrte 830,1i37 orthopyroxene 35,672,988 Acmite, Ti, inclusions in diatreme 499 arfvedsonite 507 paracelsian 969 Actinol ite intergrowths 980 basalt 935 paragonite 1194 Activity-composition relations 696 basalt, Fe0-Fe20? 961 parisite 1140 ADAMS,G,E. and F.C. BISHOP:An basaltic andesitE 280 pectolite, Ih 1095 experimental investigation of beidel lite 1009 perovskite 1111 thermodynamicmixing properties biotite 907 phengite 1194 and unit-cell parametersof biotite, Fe0-Fe20q 961 phillipsite 808 forsterite-nonticellite solid bronzite ?50 phlogopite, F, Cl, synthetic 530 solution 714 calcite 591,1141 phosphosiderite 398 Agardite-(Ce),new mineral (abstr) 871 calcite cement 388 pimelite 551 Agardite-(La), new mineral (abstr) 877 carbonatite 1107,1137 pitchblende 1293 Agate, compositionalzoning in fibers 975 carlosturanite 77I plagioclase 1118 AHN, J.H.,D.R, PEACORand E.J. ESSENE: cassiterite !047 polydynite 1040 Coexistingparagonite-phengite in chabazite 808 polylithionite 1131 blueschist eclogite: a TEMstudy 1193 chlorite 20,907 rhoenite L272 AINES, R.0. ANDG,R. R0SSMAN:The high chondrodite 381 richterite 20,507 temperature behavior of trace chromite 1146 rinkite 1095 hydrous componentsin si licate clinohumite 382 samarskite 859 minerals 1169 clinopyroxene 20,35,47,77,504,672, schiillhornite 641 AKIZUKI,I'4IZUHIK0: The origin of 1110,1116 sicklerite 398 sector twinning in harmotome 822 clinozoisite 377 sillimanite 1233 and HIRoSHIK0NN0:order-disorder columbite-tantalite L047 sincosite 409 structure and the internal texture cuminqtonite 983 sonolite 382 of stilbite 814 dioosiie 250 sohene 1095 ALBERTI,ALBERT0 and M.F. BRIGATTI: diobside, synthetic 476 spinel 35,673,1146 Dependenceof chemistry on genesis in dolomite 1141 standard glass 1061 zeolites: multivariate analysis of dolomite cemenr 38€ stilbite 815 variance and discriminant analysis 805 epidote 20 stilpnomelane 20 Albite, high-low relations 911 erionite 808 surinamite 7I1 Albite, melting relations 924 eudialyte 1095 tapiolite 1047 ALEXANDER,E.C.,JR.: review of Noble fennite 1123 tephroite 569 Gas Geochemistry(ozima and Podosek) 882 "ferrifayalite" 730 thorikosite 846 Alkali amphibole,inclusions in fingerite 194 tourma'line 7 diatreme 499 forsterite-tephroite 569 tourmaline, synthetic 1219 Alkali basalt, garnet websterite 668 freedite 846 viitaniemiite 850 Alkal i feldspar "freyalite" 1061 violarite 1040 NMR 106 garnet 35,674 wodginite 1047 optical data 428 gedrite, Na 1206 wollastonite 250 Alkali metasomatism 1114 glass, Fe 320,489 zeolites 805 Alkaline 1095 igneous rocks granite, Fe0-Fe203- 961 zircon carbonatite complex 1101 granitic gneiss- 1155 zoisite 377 clinopyroxene 74 gysinite 1316 Anandite, structure 1298 fenitized crustal xenoliths 1L14 heulandite 808,1066 Ancylite, relation to gysinite 1314 fluid inclusions, nodules 288 hornblende 983 Andalusite, optical data 428 polylithionite II27 humite 382 ANDERSoN,TOM and HENRICHNEUMANN: REEminerals in carbonatite 1135 hureauljte 398 Identity of "freyalite", an alleged Silsilah ring complex 1075 i'lmenite L293 rare earth-rich variety of thorite, Alleghanyite jerrygibbsite 386 and its pre-metamict composition 1059 structure 182 kaersutite 674 Andesite, basaltic ?79 analyses 381 kambaldatre 42I Andorite, new data (abstr) ?L9 Aluminosilicate glass, NMR 332 kerolite,'lacroixite Ni 551 ANIEL, BRIGITTEand JACQUESLERoY: Anazonite, coloring 794 850 The reduced uraniferous minerali- Anethyst quartz, color 1180 laihunite 730 zations associated with the volcanic Anphibole, intergrowths 980 lanthanite-(Ce) 4I2 rocks of the Sierra Pena Blanca Analcime, chemistry 805 lavenite 1095 (Chihuahua,l'|exico) l29O Analyses, chemical leucite lI47 Antarctica, leucitite 1143 acmite, Ti 504 leucophoenicite 385 Anthoinite, new data (abstr) 1334 actinolite 20,983 lindsleyite 416 Anthophyllite albite 913 lithic wacKe 501 stability 223 atkali basalt 669 lithiophilite 398 thermodynamicdata 237,249,261 alkali fe'ldspar 1118 lizdrdite, Ni 551 Antiferromagnetism,laihunite 576 a'lkalic ultramafic 501 magnesite 591 Antigorite, thermodynamicdata 237 alkaline granite 1079 manganhumite 382 Antimonysulfide, Pb-free fiil6ppite 1056 alkaline plutonics 1107 melinocerite, Th 1061 Antiphasedomains, scapolite 134 alkaline volcanics 1079 meli lite 1111 Apatite alleghanyite 381 microcline 796 urinary stones 630 anazonite 796 monazite 1140 zoning 829 amphibole, Fe0-Fe201 961 nepheline I1,2I ARAKI,TAKAHARU see M00RE,P.B. L7L analcime 808 nepheline syenites 1090 Arfvedsonite, inclusions in diatreme 499 anandite 1299 nepouite 551 ARIMA, MAKOTOsee EDGAR,A.D. 529 anorthite, synthetic 477 olivine 35,673,935 see FLEET,14.E. 1232 anthophyllite 25O orthoclase 796 Arsenopyrite oxidation 838 * Preparedby Michael J. Holdaway, Myrtle Watson, Nazlee Coburn and Linda Dungan, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. 1340 Arzakite Arzakite, newmineral (abstr) 873 BR0WN,t.J.L. and IAN PARSoNS:Calorimetric cHAf4BERLAIN,C.P., J.A. D0CKA,J.E. Ash-flow tuff, geobarometry 52 and phase-diagramapproaches to two- P0STand C.l{. BURNHAII:Scapolite: ATKiN, S.A. see CZAMANSKE,G.K. 499 feldspar geothermometry:a critique 356 alkali atomconfigurations, anti- Augite nucleation 279 see WILLAIME,CHRISTIAN 124 phase domains, and compositional Austral ia Brucite, thermodynamicdata 237 var iat ions 134 A'l-rich spinel in leucite 1143 Brushite,urinary stones 630 CHAPI4AN,N. SCCLERIV, PETN 1044 chlorite after biotite 902 Bulachite,new mineral (abstr) 2L4 Chernicalanalysis, Fe0-Fe201 961 heulandite 1065 Bulaiinite, newmineral (abstr) 87I CHERNoSKY.J.v., JR., H.l,ll DAYand kambaldaite 419,423 Bulgaria, pyroxenoids 885 L.J. CARUS0:Equiljbria in the u ltrapotassic rocks 529 BURNHAI4,C.[J. see CHAMBERLAIN,C.P. 134 system MgO-Si02-H20:experimental albi te 911,924 _ see CoHEN,R.E. 559 determination df the stability of see J0HNSoN,M.L. 165 Mg-anthophyllite 223 BTNN-S,R.G., V.M. BURNSANd H.I,,t.STOCKMAN: see oAY, H.w. ?37 BAILEY,S.|,l|. see FILUT, M.A. 1298 The todorokite-buserite Droblem: EfrTAR.I,G., G. GAZZONI,J.R. CRAIG, BAIN, D.C. see NADEAU,P.H, 1004 further considerations 205 c.V. GIBBSand S.J. LOUISNATHAN: 8AKER,M.B, and T.L. GR0VE:Kinetic BURNS,V.M. see BURNS,R.G. 205 Two indeDendent refinements of the contro'ls on pyroxene nucleation and BURSILL,L.A. and R.t,||.GLAISHER: structure of parace'lsian, metastableliquid lines of descent Aggregation and dissolution of BaA12Si20s- 969 in a basaltic andesite 279 small and extended defect structures China (PRCJ BANCRoFT,G.M. see HENDERSoN,G.5. 946 in Type la diamond 608 "ferrifayalite" 729 BANFIELD,J.F. see EGGLET0N,R.A. 902 BURToN,B.P. : Theoretical analysis laihunite 576,729 8ARRoN,P^[. and R.L. FRoST:Solid of chemica'land nagnetic ordering Chlor i te state tYSi NMRexamination of the in the systen Fe2o?-FeTio? L0?7 after biotite 902 2:1 ribbon magnesiumsilicates, Buserite. seafloor Sediments- 205 ootical data 4?8 sepiolite and palygorskite cHMi'eiovA,t'tAnin see l.|Elss, zoENtK 747 BARToN,P.B., JR.: Acceptanceof the Chondrodite, analyses 38f Roebling li,ledalof the Minera'logical Chrysotile, therrDdynamicdata 237 Society of America for 1984 650 Cacoxenite, new data (abstr) 220 Chuisinite, new mineral (abstr) 871 Basalt, garnet websterite 668 CALAs, GEORGEsee MANCEAU,ALAIN 549 Classification Basaltic andesite, pyroxene nucleation 279 Calcareousnodules, fluid inclusions 288 hi lgardite-tyretskite group 636 BAUER,J.F. and C.B. SCLAR:Intra- _ Calci te ninerals 455 crystalline expansionof the "1OA cement 388 Clay minerals, NMR 537 phase," a high-pressure phyl'lo- hioh T^structure 590 clinoenstatite, NMR 332 581 to ortho-MgGeo3 silicate in the systen Mg0-Si02-H20- - 362 mgi co{-oisoroer Clino-MgGeo3 BAUMER,ALAIN see CARUBA,RA0UL 1224 Californii transiti6n 365 BAYLISS,PETER and J.|t4. HUGHES:X-ray albite 91I,9?4 Clinohumite, analyses 382 diffractin data for melanovanadite 644 ash-flow tuff 52 Cl inopyroxene BECKER,D.J. and J.K. MILLER:A micro- carbonate cements 388 determination of solvus 678 fiche reader as a petrographic aid 646 dacite, NMR 33? low-grade netabasites 16 Eeidellite garnet websterite in basalt 668 oscillatory zoning 74 comDositional variations 1104 hectorite, saponite 996 garnet peridotite 30 magnetic susceptibi I ity 996 paragonite-phengite in blueschist 1193 CI i nopyroxene-orthopyroxene BELKIN,H.E., BENEDETTODE VIVO, pegnatite, phosphates 395 transition, ferrosilite 141 EDtIINRoEDDER and MASSIMoCoRTINI: rhyolite, NMR 332 Clinozoisite-zoisite stability 375 Fluid inclusion geobaroretry from Ti acmite, alkali amphibole 499 Coesite-quartz transition 782 ejected Mt. Sonna-Vesuviusnodules 288 CALLAI,|AY,t,l.S., 3rd and J.L. MCATEE, CoEY,J.M.D. see KAN, XUEMIN 576 BERG,J.H.: Chemicalvariations in JR.: lllagnetic susceptibilities of CoHEll,A.J.: Anethyst color in quart2, sodium gedrite fron Labrador L205 representative smectites 996 the result of radiation Drotection Bergslagite, new nineral (abstr) 436 Canada involving iron 1180 BERTRANo,JEAN see SARP,HALIL 1314 biot i te-garnet geothermometry 272 CoHEN,R.E. and C.|,l. BURI{HAM:Energetics Beryl, high T hydrous component 1169 carbonatite comp'lex 1101 of ordering in aluminous pyroxenes 559 BETHKE,P.M.: Presentation of the komatiite 40 Colo|in amethyst 1180 Roebling lrledal Na gedrite 1205 Colorado, ash-flow tuff 5? of the Minera'logical'1984 Society of America for to orthopyroxene 987 Colorimetry, Fe0-Fe201 961 Paul Booth Barton, Jr. 648 polyl ithionite LL27 Co'lumbite,
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