aint Peter of S U U 1205-1252

Peter was born in Verona to a family of heretics around the year 1200. At the University of , he became charmed by the word 1 of the Castilian preacher and decided to enter the . Innumerable were the conversions worked by his untiring activity.

Named Inquisitor for the region his step or look back when he understood of (1242) he saw concentrated he was to die – before he died, in fact, I upon himself the implacable hatred of the revealed his end to him – but, like a true heretics: one of their hired killers assassinated knight without any servile fear, he marched him on the 6th of April 1252 on the road out, right onto the field of battle.” between Como and (near ). Pope Innocent IV canonized him eleven The life of Peter of Verona months after his martyrdom. No eulogy can was written several years after his death by compare itself to that which we find in the one of his old apostolic companions,

“Dialogue on Divine Providence” in which Brother Thomas of Lentini, prior and founder Jesus communicates to Saint of the Monastery of Naples, who gave the the following words (p. 158): “Look also habit to Saint Thomas Aquinas. Often at Peter, virgin and , who with his numerous crowds of the faithful would blood brought light to the darkness of many come to hear his sermons. One time, when heresies: he detested heresy so much that he the crowd which had gathered became was ready to lose his life. And while he was unusually large, the Saint was obligated to alive, his continual attention was that of preach outside of the door of the Monastery. prayer, preaching, disputing with heretics, The devil was so irritated he assumed the and hearing confessions, announcing the guise of a huge black horse which began truth and propagating the faith without any to gallop towards the crowd frightening fear. And not only during his life, but also at everyone. Witnesses in the process of the the point of death, as his voice was giving out Saint wrote that “the Saint, without losing and having run out of ink, he dipped his heart, made the sign of the cross and the finger in his blood: but not having paper, horse disappearedS leaving behind an intense this glorious martyr bent over and wrote on black smoke.” the ground his act of faith, ‘I believe in God’. His heart was afire in the furnace of

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