St. John the Baptist Catholic Church An Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter 106 Pin Oak Drive, Cabot, Arkansas, 72023 Fr. Jared McCambridge, FSSP, Pastor Email:
[email protected] Fr. Stephen Braun, FSSP, Assistant Pastor Email:
[email protected] Church Office Phone: (501) 941-1566 Rectory: (501) 605-1533 Emergency: (501) 551-0269 Mass Schedule (See Liturgical Calendar within for exceptions) Sunday: 8:00 am Low Mass, 10:45 am Sung Mass Mon. 8 am; Tue. 6:30 pm, Wed. & Thu. 7 am, Fri. 12 and 6:30 pm, Sat. 8:00 am. Confessions are heard one half-hour before each Mass, or by appointment. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: First Fridays after Mass. Low Sunday April 28 - May 4, 2019 Liturgical Calendar Sunday, April 28, Low Sunday (Octave Day of Easter) 8:00 am Beverly Richards (Monica Richards) 10:45 am Pro Populo Monday, April 29, St. Peter of Verona, Martyr 8:00 am Louis & Alison DeSimone (Andrea Rice) Tuesday, April 30, St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin 6:30 pm Beverly Richards (Monica Richards) Wednesday, May 1, St. Joseph the Workman 7:00 am Louis & Alison DeSimone (Andrea Rice) Thursday, May 2, St. Athanasius, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor 7:00 am James Guess (Curtis Nierstheimer) Friday, May 3, Feria 12:00 pm For the Church (Ludwik Kozlowski) 6:30 pm Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Bobbye Wade) Saturday, May 4, St. Monica, Widow 8:00 am Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Bobbye Wade) Sunday, May 5, Second Sunday after Easter (Good Shepherd) 8:00 am Stan+ and Betty Turner (Joshua Witter Family) 10:45 am Pro Populo Weekly Attendance & Collection For Last Sunday, April 21: Attendance Collection Easter Vigil: 60 Regular: $1,838.00 8:00 am: 94 Diocesan Seminarians: $ 170.00 10:45 am: 47 Holy Land $2,300.00 Total: 201 Total Collections: $4,308.00 Welcome! Welcome to Newcomers and Visitors! Please come join us in the parish hall after Sunday Mass.