A New Species of the Genus Issus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Montenegro
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ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 26(1): 131–138 23 JUNE 2017 A new species of the genus Issus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Montenegro Новый вид рода Issus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) из Монтенегро V.M. GNEZDILOV В.М. ГНЕЗДИЛОВ V.M. Gnezdilov, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] A new species of the genus Issus Fabricius, 1803 is described from Montenegro. European fauna of the genus Issus is discussed. Новый вид рода Issus Fabricius, 1803 описан из Монтенегро. Обсуждена европейская фа- уна рода Issus. Key words: planthoppers, systematics, Europe, Balkan Peninsula, Fulgoroidea, Issidae, Issus, new species Ключевые слова: фулгороидные цикадовые, систематика, Европа, Балканский полу- остров, Fulgoro idea, Issidae, Issus, новый вид INTRODUCTION Gnezdilov et al., 2011). G.A. Oli vier (1791) added one more species from France (Fulgo- The genus Issus Fabricius, 1803, the type ra cinerea), but this remains an uncertain genus of the family Issidae has traditionally species (Gnezdilov et al., 2014). A. Ahrens been in focus of study of European hemip- (1814) described I. lauri from Greece, which terologists. Thus, finding of a new Issus spe- is currently widely distributed in Central cies in Europe after more than 200 years of and Eastern European Mediterranean (Gne- study is an event of particular interest. zdilov et al., 2014). Final ly J. Dlabola (1958) The type species of Issus, Cicada co- described I. pospisili (originally as Issus mus- leoptrata was described by J.C. Fabricius caeformis pospisili) from Georgia which was (1781) from Germany; but only 20 years later recorded also from Southern Russia later, the genus Issus was erected (Fabricius, and Greece (Gnezdilov, 2000, 2010, 2011; 1803). According to I.M. Kerzhner (2006), Gnezdilov et al., 2014). Three species, I. cli- this generic name is derived from the name macus Fieber, 1876 (from Portugal) as well of the ancient town “Issus” situated 30 km to as I. bellardi Melichar, 1906 and I. fieberi the north of Iskenderun in the Hatay Prov- Melichar, 1906 (both from Cyprus) are unas- ince (Turkey). In the same year as for C. cole- sociated with males, but one, I. climacus can optrata, another well-known European spe- be distinguished by a peculiar narrow me- cies of the genus, I. muscaeformis (originally dian process with an apical concavity on the as Cicada muscaeformis) was described by hind margin of female sternum VII (Fieber, F.P. von Schrank (1781) from Austria. Later 1876; Gnezdilov et al., 2011); for the other this species was erroneously described as I. species, identification is still problematical truncatus by F.X. Fieber (1876) (Melichar, (Gnezdilov et al., 2014). The condition of 1906), who also described I. frontalis Fieber, the hind margin of female sternum VII simi- 1876 (= I. novaki Dlabola, 1959) from Dal- lar to that of I. climacus (i.e., with two short matia (Croatia) (Fieber, 1876; Dlabola, 1959; median horns) is also found in I. maderensis © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 132 V.M. GNEZDILOV. NEW ISSUS FROM MONTENEGRO Lindberg, 1954 (from Madeira) as well as I. Paratypes: 1 male, same data as for holo- capapi Remane, 1985 and I. capala Remane, type (MNB); 1 male, “No. 351 Montenegro / 1985 (both from La Palma Island of Canary Dobrskoselo 400 m. / 19.6.11 Spaney- / Islands) (Remane, 1985). Schumacher S.V.” (MNB); 1 female, “No. 505 After the transfer of Issus analis Brullé, Montenegro / Mratinje / 1000–1200 m / 1833 and I. pallipes Lucas, 1853 (both de- 30.6.11 Spaney- / Schumacher S.V.” (MNB); scribed from Greece) to Zopherisca Emelja- 1 male, 1 female, “No. 354 Montenegro / Lipa nov, 2001 (Issidae) and Tettigometra La- b.Cetinje 600 m. / 19.6.11 Spaney- / Schum- treille, 1804 (Tettigometridae) by Gnez- acher S.V.” (ZIN). dilov & Bourgoin (2017) and Gnezdilov Description. Externally very close to Is- (2017), respectively, 10 species of Issus are sus muscaeformis (Schrank). Metope elon- known from Europe. Of these, a new spe- gate, with convex lateral margins, with cies described here and five other species complete median carina running from its are from the Balkan Peninsula, viz., I. coleo- upper margin to metopoclypeal suture and ptratus, I. frontalis, I. lauri, I. muscaeformis, thick transverse carina in its upper half; I. pospisili and I. montenegrus sp. nov. sublateral carinae weak (Figs 3, 5). Coryphe nearly scuare, with median carina, anterior MATERIAL AND METHODS margin obtusely angulate, posterior margin concave (Figs 1, 2, 4). Third segment of ros- Morphological terminology follows trum shorter than second one, slightly nar- Gnez dilov (2003) and Gnezdilov et al. rowing apically (Fig. 5). Males and females (2014). The classification of the family Is- with rich transverse venation of fore wings sidae follows Gnezdilov (2013, 2016). The (Figs 1, 2). Hind tibia with two lateral drawings are made using a Leica MZ95 spines in its upper half and 9–10 spines api- light microscope with drawing tube. The cally. First metatarsomere with two latero- photos were taken by a Leica MZ95 micro- apical and eight intermediate spines. Claws scope with a camera Leica DFC 290 and longer than arolium (in dorsal view). Hind then assembled with the Helicon Focus 5.3 margin of arolium straight (in dorsal view). and Adobe Photoshop CS6. Colouration. Metope above clypeus Type specimens of the species described as well as head laterally below and above below are deposited in the Museum für pedicel light yellow or ivory (Figs 3, 5). Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany (MNB) and Upper half of metope dark brown to black in the Zoological Institute of the Russian (between lateral margins and sublateral Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, carinae). Metopial median and sublat- Russia (ZIN). eral carinae and pustules light brown yel- lowish. Eyes are outlined by black stripe. SYSTEMATICS Postclypeus brown to dark brown, with black lateral parts and its upper angles be- Subfamily ISSINAE Spinola, 1839 low metopoclypeal suture, also with pair of Tribe ISSINI Spinola, 1839 dark brown spots above anteclypeus (Figs 3, 5). Post-anteclypeal suture black. Ros- Subtribe ISSINA Spinola, 1839 trum with third segment totally black or Genus Issus Fabricius, 1803 with black apex. Scape and pedicel dark brown (Fig. 3). Paranotal lobes with light Issus montenegrus sp. nov. yellow stripe on their lower margin and (Figs 1–14) with black wide stripe above it. Epimerae Holotype. Male, Montenegro, “No. 340 Mon- of mesonotum and episternae of metano- tenegro / Jezerskido 1100 m. / 18.6.11 Spaney- / tum black. Fore wings light brown yellow- Schumacher S.V.” (MNB). ish with dark brown veins. Hind wings grey © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(1): 131–138 V.M. GNEZDILOV. NEW ISSUS FROM MONTENEGRO 133 Figs 1–3. Issus montenegrus sp. nov. 1, male, paratype (Cetinje), dorsal view; 2, female, paratype (Mratinje), dorsal view; 3, holotype, frontal view. brownish with brown to dark brown veins. and pygofer brown to dark brown. In male, Fore and middle femora and tibiae brown. anal tube light yellow, and hind parts (pos- Hind femora with dark spots subapically. terodorsal) of style dark brown. In female, Apices of fore and middle tibiae, third tar- anal tube light yellow, and gonoplacs light sal segments, and claws dark brown. Leg yellow with dark brown margins. spines brown, with black apices. Abdominal Male genitalia (Figs 6–13). Pygofer tergites dark brown to black. Abdominal with convex hind margin (Fig. 8) and with sternites light yellow or sternites IV–VII a pair of hemisphaerical projections api- © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(1): 131–138 134 V.M. GNEZDILOV. NEW ISSUS FROM MONTENEGRO Figs 4–8. Issus montenegrus sp. nov., holotype. 4, head, dorsal view; 5, head, frontal view; 6, male anal tube, dorsal view; 7, male anal tube, lateral view; 8, male pygofer, lateral view. Abbreviations: lp, lateral process of anal tube; pp, hemisphaerical projection of pygofer. cally (Figs 8, 13, pp). Anal tube long and process of its ventral margin covering basal wide, narrowed basally and apically (in dor- part of aedeagal hook (Figs, 9, 10, rp) and sal view) (Fig. 6), with large semicircular with a digitate processes on its inner side lateral processes (Fig. 7, lp). Anal column (Figs, 9, 10, piph). Aedeagus well visible short. Phallobase wide (in ventral view) above phallobase. Ventral phallobase lobe (Fig. 10), strongly curved (in lateral view), long and wide, narrowing to apex (Fig. 10, with angularly convex basal part below its vphl). Apical aedeagal processes wide (in ventral lobe (in lateral view) (Fig. 9, acb). lateral view), each with an ear-shaped pro- Each dorsolateral lobe with a large rounded jection (Fig. 9, ep). Aedeagus with a pair of © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(1): 131–138 V.M. GNEZDILOV. NEW ISSUS FROM MONTENEGRO 135 Figs 9–14. Issus montenegrus sp. nov., genitalia (9–13, holotype; 14, paratype). 9, penis and connec- tive, lateral view; 10, penis, ventral view; 11, style, lateral view; 12, style, dorsal view; 13, male pygo- fer, caudal view; 14, female anal tube, dorsal view. Abbreviations: acb, angularly convex basal part of phallobase; adt, additional tooth of capitulum of style; cc, connective cup; ep, ear-shaped projection of apical aedeagal process; pp, hemisphaerical projection of pygofer; piph, digitate processes of inner side of dorsolateral lobes of phallobase; rp, rounded processes of dorsolateral phallobase lobes; vphl, ventral phallobase lobe. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(1): 131–138 136 V.M. GNEZDILOV. NEW ISSUS FROM MONTENEGRO Figs 15–20. Issus muscaeformis (Schrank) (Hungary: Mehadia), male genitalia. 15, penis, ventral view; 16, penis, lateral view; 17, anal tube, dorsal view; 18, pygofer and anal tube, lateral view; 19, ca- pitulum of style, dorsal view; 20, style, lateral view.