Regular City Council
Draft Minutes City Council Regular Meeting City Council Chambers, 2400 Washington Avenue Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 7:00 PM MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Marcellus L. Harris III, Councilman David H. Jenkins, Mayor McKinley L. Price, DDS, Councilwoman Sharon P. Scott, MPA, Councilwoman Tina L. Vick, Councilwoman Dr. Patricia P. Woodbury, and Vice Mayor Saundra N. Cherry, D. Min. MEMBERS ABSENT: None A. Call to Order Mayor Price called the meeting to order and extended a welcome to all in attendance. Mayor Price indicated that it was good to be back holding public meetings in the Council Chambers, but City Council would continue to follow guidelines with regard to limiting the number in attendance to under 50 and following social distancing requirements. Only Council members sat on the dais. The City Manager, City Attorney, and the City Clerk were at desks on the platform. Due to limited space in the City Council Chambers, plexi-glass screens were installed as a precaution for the safety of City Council and the public. Mayor Price stated the City Code identified the procedure for citizen participation regarding items on the Council agenda, as well as the opportunity for citizens to address City Council on matters germane to the business of the Council and were advised to register in the foyer. He explained matters that were germane to the business of Council meant matters that the City Council, by law, were empowered to act upon. This did not include announcements that were personal to an individual, business, or organization, including campaign information. He pointed out copies of the ordinance highlighting citizen participation and encouraged citizens to review the document.
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