September/October 2010
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Volume 38 • Number 7 • September/October 2010 Randall Collins: A Smart and Influential Theorist Jonathan Turner, private scholar; and, on the side, he an enormous inside University of California-Riverside and somehow managed to write engag- body of work. University of California ing novels. And now, he Randy has founded the two major is the 102nd Wanted: Session rofessor Randall Collins has had 4 theory journals in our discipline, President the Suggestions for 2012 Pa remarkable career. AB from Harvard College, MA from Stanford served on the editorial board of just American With a theme of “Real Utopias,” (in psychology), and MA and PhD about every major journal, elected to Sociological ASA is preparing for the 2012 from Berkeley (in sociology). His chair several ASA sections, elected Association, meeting in Denver, CO. Randall Collins first academic job at the University president of the Pacific Sociological an honor that Association and to ASA Council, seemed (to me) Read About the of Wisconsin, first promoted at the 5 University of California-San Diego, received honorary doctorates, almost inevitable for several decades. 2012 Theme elected as a fellow to the American then professor at the University of Meeting the “Smartest Person” An exploration of “Real Virginia, senior professor at the Academy of Arts and Sciences, It has been a distinct honor and Utopias: Emancipatory University of California-Riverside, received the ASA’s Distinguished pleasure to be Randy’s friend for Projects, Institutional Designs and most recently, endowed Chair Scholarship Award for his truly more than 30 years and, for 12 and Possible Futures.” at the University of Pennsylvania. monumental The Sociology of the years, his colleague at University In addition, he has held many visit- Philosophies, lectured all over the of California-Riverside (UCR). I The First Postdoctoral ing positions at elite universities world, and, not surprisingly, had 8 cannot remember when we first Fellowships Awarded and institutes in the United States seen many of his books translated met, but I had heard of him before ASA welcomes the first cohort and around the globe. He has even into diverse languages. Randy is I had read his work. Sometime in of six postdoctoral fellows at quit academia occasionally to be a certainly one of the most cited soci- six universities. ologists ever, and he has published Continued on Page 8 10 ASA Research Tracks Master’s Students Results of the survey of Sociologists Explore Citizenship As Sociology on the graduate directors and graduate students reveal the Annual Meeting Returns to Atlanta Move in Gothenburg success of master’s programs at Daniel Fowler, International Sociological preparing students for careers. tial address. ASA Communications Office “Little did Association XVII World Congress of Sociology 12 Apply to Be an ASA he American Sociological we suspect Journal Editor Association transformed that by the Margaret Abraham, T time of this Contexts and the Rose Series “Hotlanta” into a hot spot for Hofstra University sociologists this summer, holding meeting, the are searching for editors. Apply meanings of ore than 5,000 sociologists by November 1. its Annual Meeting in the enter- from 103 countries par- tainment and cultural center of the citizenship, M inclusion, ticipated in the International South for the first time in seven Adam Habib at the 2010 Sociological Association (ISA) From the Executive Officer .................2 participation, years. More than 4,600 sociologists Annual Meeting XVII World Congress of Sociology attended the 105th Annual Meeting and rights Science Policy .........................................3 would become perhaps the hottest in Gothenburg, Sweden from July this August—approximately 500 10-17, 2010 (www.isa-sociology. Announcements ................................. 13 more than in 2003, the last time and most contentious issue in America.” For this, Glenn said, “We org/). Held every four years in dif- Obituaries .............................................. 18 ASA held its meeting in Atlanta, ferent locations, the World Congress Georgia—where they explored can ‘thank’ politicians and media personages who have enflamed provides a vibrant intellectual and the theme, “Toward a Sociology of social space for sociologists and Citizenship.” public passion by advocating for racialized nationalism, restric- social scientists to convene and “When I selected citizenship share their research, exchange as the theme for this meeting, the tions on immigrant rights, and, th ideas, dialogue and debate. This Program Committee and I were most recently, repealing of the 14 Amendment so as to end birthright World Congress, with the theme cautiously hopeful that all of our “Sociology on the Move,” had five many ASA sections and subfields citizenship.” During her speech titled, thematic priorities: Violence and would find topics that would relate War; Sustainability; Worlds of to their particular concerns and “Constructing Citizenship: Exclusion, Subordination, and Difference; Action and Imagination; interests,” ASA President Evelyn and Religion and Power. Nakano Glenn said in her presiden- Resistance,” Glenn also outlined a Continued on page 3 Continued on page 6 footnotes • September/October 2010 To view the online version, visit <> 1 American Sociological Association from the executive officer The Climate Is More than Right for Sociology n August at the Annual Meeting make its carbon footprint as small community that conducts global policy issues relevant to cultural Iin Atlanta, the ASA Task Force as possible by relying on virtual assessments increasingly embrace and institutional structures. It on Sociology and Global Climate meetings and online collabora- the importance of the social–cul- will be attuned to contributing to Change held its inau- tion in order to reduce tural ingredients underlying con- fundamental knowledge and to gural working session. the need for physical temporary global climate change. examining the discipline’s possible Although Task Force meetings. The ASA Task Force’s approved interface relative to emerging members received formal focus is timely and worthwhile, “earth systems science” or “coupled It’s Cooler in the Shade notification of their given this growing recognition human and natural systems.” Very selection just two weeks prior to In the July/August of the importance of research generally, the task force will exam- the Annual Meeting, nine of the Footnotes (p. 3), readers learned of on human and social factors in ine social and cultural forces that 11 members (plus ASA Council a new series of five climate change global warming, especially in drive greenhouse gas emissions Liaison John Logan) were able reports (see americasclimatechoices. relation to possible strategies for and influence possible mechanisms to participate physically or via org) commissioned by the National amelioration, mitigation, and of mitigation. conference call. Further testifying Academy of Sciences and produced adaptation. Other likely topics include adap- to the high-energy of this new task by the National Research Council tation to climate change; climate Seeking Input on Global force, another 23 highly motivated (NRC). Although the only sociolo- justice; civil society, and climate Climate Change sociologists attended the Task Force gist on the National Academy of change; environmental commu- meeting. Task Force Chair Riley Science committee, Michigan State The leadership of the Section nication (e.g., mass media) and Dunlap led the meeting and explic- University professor Thomas Dietz on Environment and Technology individual beliefs (including risk itly sought input from all attendees. has provided significant leader- should be applauded for propos- perception); and governance in The enthusiasm in the room was ship and influence. He acted as the ing that the ASA Council establish relation to the roles of the market, palpable as participants discussed Vice Chair of the panel tasked with the new Task Force on Sociology nation state, and civil society. the myriad ways the insights of writing one of the five reports, titled and Global Climate Change. Still, Additional topics of possible sociology could be applied to effec- “Advancing the Science of Climate the comprehensive nature of the interest focus on the sociological, tively responding to global climate Change,” and he was responsible for charge to the task force leaves methodological, and theoreti- change. briefing White House science advi- no room for ownership by any cal challenges that flow from the sor John P. Holdren on the report particular segment of ASA. Rather, recognition of the anthropogenic High-energy Group to Foster and its implications. global warming as a scientific origins of climate change and their Low Carbon Footprint In the shadow of NRC’s atten- problem knocks on the door of vir- implications for other human- ASA had announced the tion to social aspects of climate tually all our specialties in terms of caused large-scale environmental creation of the task force in change, ASA’s new task force will ideas, theories, research, and data. problems endemic to modern March 2010 (Footnotes, p. 1), the benefit from the Academy’s trail- In selecting task force members, society. A “Sociology of Climate members of which were selected blazing and stature. But, there is Council attempted to realize the Science” could ensue that has value from a large pool of stellar plenty of