2010 Presidential Address American Sociological Review 76(1) 1–24 Constructing Citizenship: Ó American Sociological Association 2011 DOI: 10.1177/0003122411398443 Exclusion, Subordination, http://asr.sagepub.com and Resistance Evelyn Nakano Glenna Abstract This Presidential Address develops a sociological concept of citizenship, particularly substan- tive citizenship, as fundamentally a matter of belonging, including recognition by other members of the community. In this conception, citizenship is not simply a fixed legal status, but a fluid status that is produced through everyday practices and struggles. Historical examples illustrate the way in which boundaries of membership are enforced and challenged in everyday interac- tions. The experience of undocumented immigrant college students is particularly illuminating. These students occupy a position of liminal legality, which transcends fixed categories such as legal and illegal. As they go about their daily lives, their standing is affirmed in some settings and denied in others. Furthermore, the undocumented student movement, which asserts that education is a human and social right, represents a form of insurgent citizenship, one that chal- lenges dominant formulations and offers an alternative and more inclusive conception. Keywords citizenship, education, social rights, undocumented immigrants aUniversity of California-Berkeley Corresponding Author: Evelyn Nakano Glenn, Department of Ethnic Studies, 506 Barrows Hall, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 E-mail:
[email protected] 2 American Sociological Review 76(1) When I selected citizenship as the theme for through face-to-face interactions and through the 2010 American Sociological Association place-specific practices that occur within (ASA) Annual Meetings, I was cautiously larger structural contexts. hopeful that all of the many ASA sections With regard to the question of what the and subfields would find topics relating to their study of citizenship offers to sociology and particular concerns and interests.