High School ‘Determined to Achieve’

Headteacher: DMA/LFO Mr D A Mackenzie BA (Hons) NPQH

Freshfield Road Formby 18 June 2021 L37 3HW

01704 873100

enquiries@ formbyhighschool.com

www. formbyhighschool.com

Dear Parent @FormbyHigh

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday that there will be a delay to the easing of Covid-19 restrictions until 19 July, the school is currently reviewing all planned activities until the end of term to ensure that risk assessments have been appropriately reviewed in light of the delay. As a school, we are committed to ensuring we can continue with as many activities as we can safely deliver for our students. Any changes which do need to be made to planned activities will be communicated in due course.

As promised during my letter on 11 June 2021, I have consulted with the Headteacher of Range High School and we have decided that staff and students will continue to wear face coverings in classrooms and communal spaces in school during week commencing 21 June 2021. Both schools continue to manage positive Covid-19 cases and consider this control measure, along with the continued twice weekly testing of staff and students, essential in mitigating the extent of the impact in our schools. I would also like to share with you a letter from the Secretary of State for Education for all parents of children (please click here) about testing. The use of face coverings in school will continue to be reviewed on a weekly basis and I will write to you again on Friday 25 June 2021.

Finally, I would like to remind you that Friday 25 June is an INSET day (staff only).

Thank you again for your continued support during these challenging times.

Yours sincerely

D A Mackenzie Headteacher

Formby High School is a Limited Company registered in England and Wales under Company No. 7724342