Download 2018 Ofsted Report
School report Range High School Stapleton Road, Formby, Liverpool, Merseyside L37 2YN Inspection dates 27–28 November 2018 Overall effectiveness Requires improvement Effectiveness of leadership and management Requires improvement Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Requires improvement Personal development, behaviour and welfare Requires improvement Outcomes for pupils Requires improvement 16 to 19 study programmes Good Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding Summary of key findings for parents and pupils This is a school that requires improvement School leaders and governors know the aspects The poor behaviour of a minority of boys is of the school that need to improve. However, having a disproportionately negative affect on they do not know the extent of the the care, welfare, education and personal weaknesses. They have been slow to improve development of the significant majority of the school. pupils. The attendance of some groups of pupils is poor. Leaders are not achieving the Leaders at all levels, have extensive ethos and culture they seek to promote. information about how well pupils perform in their areas of responsibly. However, they do Leaders have very recently introduced training not have an accurate understanding of what for teachers on how to improve behaviour in this information is telling them. This limits their their classrooms through improved teaching. capacity to make improvements. However, it is too early for this to have had a significant impact on the overall quality of Leaders have a clear vision of how the teaching and learning. curriculum and enrichment opportunities should support strong progress and personal The quality of teaching is variable across the development for all pupils.
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