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19930094556.Pdf 2 c E c TE eRN I CA.T~ IvlElJORA1\j"DLTlIi S NATIONA~ ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUT lOS No . 860 TH~ DESIGN OP FLOATS By W. Sottorf Luftfahrtforschung Vol . 14 , No~ . 4 - 5, Auril 20 , 1937 Verlag von R . OldenlJourg, lti~!lchen und Borlin .c \. Washinbton April 1938 --- --------~------~~--~ NATIONAL ADVISORY COM~ITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS .. TECHNIC AL MEMORANDUM NO . 860 THE DESIGN OF FLOATS* By W. Sottor f Following a summary of the multiplicity of domestic and. forei ~ n floats and a brief enumeration of the require­ ments of floats, the essBnt i al form parameters and the ir effect on the qualities of floats are detailed. On this basis a standard f l oat design i s developed which in model families rrith varying l ength/beam ratio and angle of dead rise is analyzed by an expcrime!).tal method I'.hich permits its best utilizat i on on any air plane. A comparison with the bent U.S . N. A. C. A. model No . 35 reveals the quality of the DVL standard float which t among others, is used on the Ha 139 of the German Luft Hansa. nOTATION total length of float, (m) . length of forebod: , ( m) • ~or izontal distance of the c ente r of buoyancy from the steP t (m) vertical distance of the water line from the bottom of the keel at the step, (m). b nt , beam of float at the step, (m) . b nat , natural beam of pressure area , (m ). h st t clepth of step , (m) . A, lift, (kg) . w, resistance, (kg) . 3 Dt static displace~ent at rest , (m ) • -------------- ------ . -- - -------~--------------------------- *IIGes taltung von Schwimmwerken . III Luftfahrtforschung t vol. 14, nos . 4 -5, An ril 20 , 1 937 , pp . 157- 167 . 2 N . A . C. A. Technical Mornornnduc No . 860 G, gross weig4t.of airplane , ( kg ) • P, i mpact load , ( kg). E, unloadi ng , (kg ). 'Y , s:pec i f ic i7e i ght, Doment about the transve r se axis thr ough the po i nt of the step, (mkg) . v , 8:!?O ed , (m/ s ) • v n D.x ' speed at maxi mum r esistance , v t ~ Got- away speod , (m/ s ) • s a r v t e: = A'IV :!? l an i ng nunber . A C a f = load coefficient . 'Y b 3 st CODent coeffi cient . F = -======v , Froude nunber . J g ba t A, sc~le of nodol . a = tri~ , angle with the horizGntal of the tangent to the keel at the step . trin of n i n i nun resistance . (:Best tr i m.) , angle of Ir ing chord to the tangent to the keel CJ 1 at the step . included angle of dead rise (dihedr a l angl e) . ~J . A . C . A. Technical Lomorund.uJ:'1 No . 860 3 I . 'I'HE FORMS OF DO ME STIC AND FOREIGH FLOAT SYSTE MS A survey of the type~ of seapl ane dev eloped here ~nd abroad within tho las t yeurs, d i sclose s the v iews of the desiGne r e us regards sui table des i gns and dimensions of float systems a re still g r ently at vari~nce . Fi ~uro 1 shous that the b eam a t the step bet vers~s g ro ss weight G for fl y ing boats and a gai nst G/2 for tuin-float seaplane s in logarithmic s cale . The load coef­ G f i cients c t - ------ n re used as the parameters and, a - Yb 3' s t accordi ng to New ton 1s gene r a l law of s i mili tude, are con­ stant for simi l arly loaded fl o a t syctems . EstabliGhi~g f with cal = 2 . 92 constant a l oue r, and with ca = 0.364 con ct~nt an upper , l i mi t on the cluster of points, t he reGpe c t ive liJ:'1it ing be ams of fl oat systems that have been ( r1)1/3 ( )1 /3 b u:11 t CJ reb s t = O. 7 \ ~ an d I • 4 ,,~ , an d fo r equ ~ l load , a re in the ratio of 1 : 2 . Fieure 2 sho~s , to the same scale , midship sections and sheer p l a ns f o r a selection of well- known types wh ich , by applying t his l aw of si milarity , have been reduced to the CO ~Bon gross we i ght of 1 ton for both hulls and float. It illus t rates how different l y beam , l e ngth-beam rat i o, length of forebo dy , to tal l eneth, or p osition of step and cro ss . scction we re se l e c ted by the various designera , and it is not to be assu med t hat these des i g ns are of equal valle. The differ e nces i n fo r m are i n p art conditioned by different requirements of tho float system . So if any standardization of the form of the float system is to be atteMptod, the r equire ments must f irst be defined . II. REQ.UIRE ENT S OF A FLOAT SYSTE M a) The wat e r resistance must b e small and the anglo of at tack of the p l an i ng bott om to be reached by pulling up Mus t a t the instant of get - ~TIay , be great enou gh to be abl e to bri ng the angle of at tack of the wing into the range of c . a max 4 N. A. C. A. Technical Memorandum No . 860 The g r eat e r the ~xces s thrus t a nd the lowe r the ge t - array speed , the small e r t he t ake- off t i me and t ake- off run . b ) The spr ay f ormed shou l d be small. c ) The i mpact fo r ces excited durin g t ake - off a nd l andi ng s houl d be suall. They i n creas e wi th the seauay , fo r wh ich reason t h e str eng t h spo c­ i f icat i on s a r c g r ouped ac c ording to s tresscs i n o rde r to b e abl e to mod i f y t h e r e qu irements r e ­ garding sean o r t h i ncss . d) Duri ng take- off the a irp l a n e mu s t h a v e no t endency to oscillat e abou t t h e t r ans v e r se axis which nay be c ome t h e cause of d e l ay of take- off and of po r p oi s i ng at h i g h e r speed . e ) Ri ding at an cho r, the a irp l ane should be weat h e rly , so that borr u i l l he~d into t h e wind ; i t fur ther shoul d be s t able about a ll ho rizo n tal axes i n a s i de wi n d , whose v elocity i s in p r opo r tion to the require d seauorth iness . I n twin- float sea­ p l anes the mi n i mu m s t ability occur s wh e n down by t h e stern , and the r efo r d i s de t e rm i n ed by t he f orn of the float . In f l y i ng b o a ts and sea­ p l anes with a c e n t r a l float , it oc cur s unde r t r ansve r se i nclination , in wh ich c a s e the s ize and d istan c e of t he side float s a r e de ci s ive . r ) Wh i le maneuve ring the a irp l ane mu s t r espond qu i ck ~ ly t o a ir and wat e r rudde r s . g ) The a ir res i stanc e must be sm all . The effect of the fo r m par amete r s on po i n ts a) t o c) wi ll b e di scussed af t e r the take - off p rocess h a s b een de ~ scr i bed . Data for a qu al i tative opinion r egar d ing p oin t d ) ~ r o a l togethe r l a c k ing at tho p r esen t t i me . Tho char ­ a ct ori sti c s c ited unde r po i n t s 0 ) and f ) a r e l a rge ly de­ pendent on the a irp l ane des i gn as a wh ol o a n d t h e r efo re wi ll not be d iscussed fur the r in the p r esent pape r . I I I I I I I ~ . -------------- -- ~j \ N.A.C . A. Tochnical Memorandum No. 860 5 III . TAKE - OFF WI TH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE EFFECT OF THE AFTERBODY Figure 3 sho7s a take - off diagram with the usual curves of tho forces and trims . It may be divided into four speed stages , in which the flow forms differ markedly and consequently , the effect of the aft e rbody on the take­ off is oarkedly different .
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