' כסלו תשפ;Quot&א כה שב פרשת וי 8Th Year, Edition 364 December 11

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' כסלו תשפ;Quot&א כה שב פרשת וי 8Th Year, Edition 364 December 11 contains the impure outside influences as well as being out in פרשת וישב כה' כסלו תשפ"א modesty. This is in contrast to ,צניעות December 11, 2020 8th year, edition 364 the open, the opposite of 7 In a .יחידו של עולם ,which is the domain of Hashem רשות היחיד Coming Soon Bez”H 8 to get :עד שתכלה רגל מן השוק Incredible Insights—The Sefer (in English). similar vein, this is what is meant in For Dedication Opportunities (which can be given from rid of the negative outside influences. 4) The Gemara teaches the wicks and oils that we may not Maiser money)—L’Ilui Nishmas, in memory of a loved kindle on Shabbos, we may kindle on Chanuka. one, L’Refuah Shleima, Hatzlacha, or for any reason, in addition to sharing in the merit of the Torah learned by Just as the candles of Chanuka puts light in the impure each reader—please send an email places, it also puts light into the lowest of Jews. This is how the 9 to yalt3285@gmail.com. Donations can also be given via Tiferes Shlomo explains “the wicks and oils that we may not credit card by clicking “Donate” kindle on Shabbos, we may kindle on Chanuka”: those that are not lit up from Shabbos can get lit up from Chanuka. This is at https://thechesedfund.com/fascinatinginsights/incredi because when we light the candles of Chanuka, we are lighting the spirit of man is the ,נר ה' נשמת אדם bleinsights. Any amount is welcome. up our Neshama as it says נר, פתיל, forms an acronym of נפש ,If you know of anyone else who would be interested in candle of Hashem.10 Therefore should be placed by the doorway of one’s נר חנוכה The 11.שמן helping the spreading of Torah in this way please let me know. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to house from the outside. This also means that on Chanuka that contact me at yalt3285@gmail.com those Neshamos that are on the outside are lit up. In this way poor person ,עני המתפרנס מן הצדקה we can grasp why even a 12 refers עני To purchase the sefer, Fascinating Insights, send an email should be very careful with lighting Chanuka lights, as 13 אין עני אלא בדעת to yalt3285@gmail.com or visit to , the real poor person is one impoverished of understanding, referring to the Jews that are low. The Chidushai the one who said oil 14,מי שאמר לשמן וידלוק... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08929ZCNM. Harim explains To join the thousands of recipients and receive these insights free on a ,חומץ .should light can let vinegar light, in the following way weekly email, obtain previous articles, feedback, comments, unrighteous and ,מעול וחומץ suggestions (on how to spread the insights of this publication further, vinegar, refers to lowly people as in 15 make it more appealing or anything else), to support or dedicate this cruel man. Just as Hashem commanded us to light oil, similarly .Neshamos, as Hashem lights up those Neshamos חומץ publication which has been in six continents and more than forty with countries, or if you know anyone who is interested in receiving these זאת insights weekly, please contact the author, Rabbi Yehoshua Alt, at This is really what Chanuka is as it has been said means this is what Chanuka truly is! The Krias Hatorah of חנוכה .yalt3285@gmail.com. Thank you ,כי נשני who are called so because בני מנשה is about the זאת חנוכה לעילוי נשמת שמואל אביגדור בן יצחק מאיר This newsletter can also be viewed at to forget.16 This refers to the forgotten Neshamos. His Nasi is ,meaning those low Neshamos. That is to say ,גמליאל בן פדהצור fascinating-insights/ and/הורדות-עלונים/https://www.dirshu.co.il/category http://www.ladaat.info/showgil.aspx?par=20200425&gil=2725 these Jews are also for ,גם לי א-ל is a contraction of גמליאל Archives: https://parshasheets.com/?s=Rabbi+Yehoshua+Alt פדה צור פדהצור To view these essays in German, please visit https://judentum.online/ Hashem whereas is a contraction of , Hashem is composed of the same מנשה ,Please feel free to print some copies of this publication redeems them. Consequently .נשמה letters as and distribute it in your local Shul for the public, having a ***************************************************** hand in spreading Torah. Delving Deeper A Lifting Light R’ Shimon bar Yochai, stated in the Zohar,17 that Throughout Hilchos Chanuka we see the emphasis of permission to reveal [the secrets of kabbalah] was only granted putting light in places that don’t contain spiritual light. to himself and his associates. The Arizal (1534-1572) wrote that it high which is where טפחים The Menora is placed less than 10 (1 the Shechina doesn’t rest.1 2 plural (Breishis 36:6), in contrast to Yaakov where it says ,נפשות The Menora is placed on the left side. This represents the 7 By Esav it says (2 3 singular (Shemos 1:5, see 46:26, Rashi). Additionally, Avoda Zara is called ,שבעים נפש ,שמאל the same word as ,סמאל is called שטן as the טומאה side of .(see Breishis 1:5, Rashi) ה' אחד plural whereas Hashem is referred to as ,אלהים אחרים 4 left. Lighting on the left side is putting the light in a place of 8 Shabbos 21b. This is the time for lighting Chanuka candles (Literally it translates לכה דודי ימין ושמאל תפרוצי טומאה . With this we can fulfill (in ): to as until the passerby vanishes from the market). .Shabbos 21b .השמטה לחנוכה spread Kedusha to the right and left side as the Mezuza is on 9 In we will 10 Mishlei 20:27. In a slightly different way we can understand it as follows: the :ואת ה' תעריצי ,on the left.5 Then נר חנוכה the right side and Hashem is our shadow. Hence, when we light the Chanuka ,ה' צלך Pasuk states ,שם א-ל is a contraction of שמאל exalt Hashem. In fact, the term .נר ה' נשמת אדם light Hashem lights there is Hashem, as we need to spread Kedusha even there. 11 The Nekuda known as a Cholam is the only one that is in the air since it consists of the same חולם should be placed by represents a dream. Therefore, the word נר חנוכה The Gemara instructs us that the (3 ו as the חולם resembles a נר חנוכה dream. The light of ,חלום the doorway of one’s house from the outside. If he lives on an letters as upper floor it should be placed in a window that is adjacent to appears as the candle and the dot above it as the flame. This hints to us In the name of the Chida). For this) נר חנוכה as it that we should dream by the טומאה is a place of רשות הרבים public domain.6 ,רשות הרבים reason, Chanuka coincides with Parshas Miketz, the Parsha about dreams. Let us dream of the person we desire to become, the life we 1 Orach Chaim 671:6. Succa 5a. want to lead and the like. .forms an 12 Orach Chaim 671:1 שמן .Shabbos 22a, Orach Chaim 671:7. See Melachim 2, 23:8 2 .as we light from left to right. 13 Nedarim 41a נר שמאל מדליקין acronym of .which represents the Jew without Torah 14 Taanis 25a ,ערבות We also see this by the 3 .Sicha 6 ,שיחות בעבודת ה' .Tehillim 71:4 15 .לולב which is placed to the left of the ,מעשים טובים and that Yaakov went back for refers to the פכים קטנים are interchangeable as in Shemos 25:5, 33:22. 16 Bamidbar 7:54. The ש and ס The 4 .of Chanuka. On a deeper level this means the low Neshamos פך שמן are the first שנתים This is alluded at the outset of Parshas Mikeitz as 5 It is reported that R’ Elyashiv said that the Zohar is not kabbalah. It is a 17 .שמאל נר תדליק ימין מזוזה letters of 6 Shabbos 21b. Orach Chaim 671:5. see Tanya end of 33. commentary on Chumash (Sefer Vayishma Moshe volume 5, p. 237). is only in these latter generations that it is permitted and The idea of founding the yeshiva Shaar Hashamayim obligatory to reveal this wisdom—i.e. kabbalah, which 31 illuminates the esoteric dimension of the Torah—but not in the came to R’ Chaim Yehuda Leib Auerbach (1883-1954) one night earlier generations.18 In explaining why we are allowed to enter in a dream. He awoke from the strange dream and tried to fall this share of Torah called kabbalah although in previous asleep again, only to dream the same thing a second time. He generations it was just for certain individuals, R’ Yisrael Salanter decided to get dressed and go out to consult with his friend, R’ it went from the Shimon Tzvi Horowitz (1864-1946), about this. As he walked ,1840 ,ת"ר said that from the year (1809-1883) private domain of individuals to the public domain of the toward R’ Horowitz’s home, he was surprised to see R’ 19 Horowitz walking toward him. It turned out that R’ Horowitz masses. was coming to see him about his dream, which was one and the So one way recent history is different than all the same. They had each envisioned an elderly man, his face shining periods that precede it is the learning of the deeper parts of with an otherworldly light, who had forcefully requested them Torah—called kabbalah, Sisrei Torah, and Pnimiyus Hatorah.20 to teach his Torah in Yerushalayim.
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