בעזרת ה יתבר ' ב עז רת

A Tzaddik, or righteous person, makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits.

Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1)

 BALAK 


Torah and Business How good are your tents, O Yaakov, your dwellings, O Yisrael (24:5). This is the famous blessing that Hashem placed in the mouth of Bilaam regarding the Jewish people. Why is the residence of the Jewish people considered a tent when they are addressed as Yaakov and a dwelling place when they are addressed as Yisrael? We can see an allusion here, explains Rav Levi Yitzchok, to the proper relationship of a Jew to his Torah learning and to his business affairs. Yisrael is a higher level than Yaakov, as is well-known. Therefore, the name Yisrael is used when speaking about Torah and the name Yaakov when speaking about business. Since tents are temporary dwellings, Yaakov is being told to make his business the subordinate part of his life, and since dwellings places are permanent, Yisrael is being told to make Torah learning the anchor of his existence, as the Mishnah states (Avos 1:15), “Appoint times for .” n Story For the first few years after his marriage, Rav Levi Yitzchok and his wife lived in Levertov in the home of his father-in- Reb Yisrael Peretz, a wealthy businessman who provided for all their needs so that Rav Levi Yitzchok could sit and learn Torah undisturbed. 1  Balak / [email protected]

After a while, however, Reb Yisrael Peretz decided that he had done his share. “You know, I’m not such a young man anymore,” he said to Rav Levi Yitzchok. “I cannot continue supporting you indefinitely. It’s time you gave some thought to earning your own living. I gave you a large dowry, didn’t I?” “Yes, you did.” “Very well then, you need to learn how to put that money to work for you. Find a good business and invest. The annual trade fair in Leipzig is coming up soon. Take ten thousand silver rubles, and go to the fair. Find some good merchandise and invest in it.” “How will I know what is considered good merchandise?” “It’s true that you will need some experience for that. Otherwise, the merchants will swindle you. So I will send one of my employees with you to guide and advise you. I will also pay all the travel expenses.” A short while later, Rav Levi Yitzchok packed his bags left for Leipzig in faraway Germany together with his father-in-law’s employee. He took along a bag heavy with coins and several sefarim so that he could learn when he was not occupied with his business dealings. They arrived in Leipzig and settled into their lodgings. The next day, his companion awoke bright and early to be among the first to inspect the wares displayed at the fair. “You know something,” he said to Rav Levi Yitzchok, “there is really no point in your coming with me right now. Once I get a good idea of what is going on at this fair, I’ll come for you. In the meantime, keep the money here. You’ll bring it when you come.” “Suits me fine,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. As soon as the door closed behind his companion, Rav Levi Yitzchok opened the sefarim and was soon immersed in the world of Torah. Presently, however, he realized that he needed some sefarim that he had not brought with him. Surely, he thought, there must be a beis medrash stocked with sefarim here in Leipzig. He put the bag of coins into the deep pocket of his coat and went out to find the nearest beis medrash. After wandering for a while through the winding streets and asking directions from more than one person, he found a beis medrash that served his needs perfectly. That evening, his companion returned from the fair, but Rav Levi Yitzchok was nowhere to be seen. He waited for hours and went out looking for him, but could find no sign of him. Finally, he went to sleep. Just after dawn, he heard the door open, and Rav Levi Yitzchok appeared. “Where have you been?” he asked him. “In the beis medrash.” “All night?” “I lost track of time.” “How can you expect to do business if you are in the beis medrash all day and all night? Your father-in-law is paying all the travel expenses as well as my salary. We’ve been here for a full day, and we’ve still accomplished nothing. We have to find something today. What will we say to him if we return empty-handed?”

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“I understand.” “Stay here in the hotel. When I find something I’ll call you.” “What the use of sitting here in the hotel? You know where to find me. I’ll be in the beis medrash two streets over, and I’ll have the money with me. When you have something, come and get me.” After his companion left, Rav Levi Yitzchok caught a few hours of sleep, then he went off to the beis medrash again. Having been there the day before, he thought he knew the way, but before long, he was hopelessly lost in the vast labyrinth of Leipzig’s streets. Soon he found himself in a seedy neighborhood populated with drunks and vagrants. He needed help to get back to the city center, but he saw no one he could ask. Finally, he saw an open door and thought he might find more respectable people inside, but when he entered he saw it was a tavern filled with degenerate men and women far worse than those he had seen on the streets. He realized that Satan had enticed him there to lead him astray, and he immediately turned and fled into the street. Several of the people in the tavern followed him into the street and ran after him as he tried to escape. He ran as fast as he could, but they were faster. How could he get away from them? He reached into his pocket and pulled out the bag of coins. Without a second thought, he flung it at them. The money caught their attention, and they forgot about him. Relieved, he ran and ran until he was back in the center of the city. After asking for directions, he found the beis medrash. He entered the hallowed place and collapsed into a chair. Then he calmed himself, opened his sefarim and was quickly absorbed; his experience was no more than a bad memory. In the evening, his companion appeared in the beis medrash along with another man, whom he introduced as a textile merchant. “Let’s step outside,” he said. “We have to talk.” They stepped into a side room. “Well, we’ve had a good day at the fair,” he said. “I found this gentleman here who has some really excellent merchandise to sell, and if we buy all of it, he will give it to us at an exceedingly low price.” “That is wonderful news,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “But there is one problem.” “And what is that?” “I’ve lost the money.” The companion burst into laughter, and after a moment, the merchant began to laugh as well.” “You certainly have a great sense of humor,” said the companion. “I’m not joking,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “B-but how could you lose it?” they sputtered. “It happened.” “You’re really serious?” “Yes, I am.”

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“This is unbelievable. Reb Yisrael Peretz certainly has a fool for a son-in-law.” “There’s no need to worry,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “Someone will find the money and return it to me.” The companion snorted. “You’re living in a dream world. If you lose something in Leipzig during the fair you can be sure you’ll never see it again.” “We’ll see. In the meantime, there’s nothing more for us to do here, so let’s go home.” When they returned to Levertov nearly a week ahead of schedule, Reb Yisrael Peretz was all smiles. “You must have been very successful,” he said, “if you cut your trip so short. Tell about your business deals, my son.” “There were no business deals,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “Why not? You certainly had plenty of money, more than most buyers bring to the fair.” “I lost the money. So we returned home. But there’s is no need to worry. The Master of the Universe who watches over all of us will undoubtedly return the lost money.” Reb Yisrael Peretz was so furious he could hardly speak. “Get out!” he managed to say. “Get out of my house.” Rav Levi Yitzchok accepted his fate and headed for the beis medrash. During this time, one of the townspeople had a fire in his granary. Part of the grain had been designated for the squire who owned the land, which meant that the loss was not only borne by the merchant but also by the squire. Based on affidavits of false accusations, the squire became convinced that Reb Yisrael Peretz had caused the fire by using a Kabbalistic formula. Reb Yisrael Peretz vehemently protested his innocence, but to no avail. A date was set for a trial. Beside himself with worry, Reb Yisrael Peretz traveled to Rav to ask for his blessing and advice. “What shall I do?” he wailed. “Go home, and ask your son-in-law what you should do.” Reb Yisrael Peretz did not mention that he had driven his son-in-law from his home. He went home, dejected and bereft of hope. When the day of the trial drew near, he went to Lizhensk once again to ask for Rav Elimelech help. “Ask your son-in-law,” the replied. Once again, Reb Yisrael Peretz left without divulging what he had done. He waited in Lizhensk for two days, then he returned to the rebbe again. “Ask your son-in-law,” the rebbe said sharply. “Listen to his sage words as you would to the words of a prophet. Then do exactly as he says. Do not return to me unless you have done as I am telling you to do.” Reb Yisrael Peretz returned to Levertov and invited Rav Levi Yitzchok to his house for a meal. “Forgive me,” he said. “I’m sorry for what I did. It was wrong.”

4  Balak / [email protected]

“I forgive you,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “And now I need your help.” “What do you need? If I can help you, I will.” “I am falsely accused of a crime,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok, and he gave the details of the story. “Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk said I should turn to you. So please help me. The trial takes place tomorrow.” “I will pray for you,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “I will ask the Master of the Universe to save you from the villains who have conspired against you.” That night, the courthouse of Levertov burned to the ground, and all the documents and the falsified evidence relating to the case against Reb Yisrael Peretz were incinerated as well. With no evidence, all charges were dropped. The next day, Reb Yisrael Peretz and Rav Levi Yitzchok traveled together to Lizhensk. As soon as they were shown into Rav Elimelech’s study, he handed Rav Levi Yitzchok the bag of coins he had lost in Leipzig. “Is this yours?” asked Rav Elimelech. “Yes, it is,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “How did my money get here from Leipzig?” “Last night, a woman came here holding the bag,” said Rav Elimelech, “but I could see right away that it was really a creature from the netherworld in the guise of a woman. She put the bag on the window sill and begged me to take it. I refused. So she told me the entire story of your unfortunate experience in Leipzig. She explained that you had thrown down the money to save yourself from spiritual contamination. Your pursuers grabbed the money, but from the moment they took it, they could found no rest. They were gripped by terrible fear and anxiety without cease. Realizing that their only hope was to rid themselves of the money, they dispatched her to Lizhensk to deliver the money intended for you.” n n n

הילולא The anniversary of the petira of a Tzaddik is known as a Hilula, which means “A Day of Joy”. One of the tools that Kabbola teaches is to connect to a Tzaddik (righteous person). The method to connect to a Tzaddik is to adopt the following ritual: 1) Learn the anniversary of his petira or, if this information is not available, the days of Erev Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Chodesh and the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month can be utilized for a connection. 2) Light a twenty-five-hour candle in his or her honor. There is no specific berocha. Some say the following: This candle is being lit in the merit of ______. Others say that it is the custom within Klal Yisrael to light a yahrzeit candle on the day that a relative or a Tzaddik has passed away. The lighting has no accompanying blessing, and people would like to express themselves in a tefilla when lighting the candle. This is not only true on a yahrzeit but on every Yom Tov as well. The author of the Pele Yo’etz, Rav Eliezer Papo (1785–1828), did in fact compose such a

5  Balak / [email protected]

tefilla. Rav Papo was the Rav of the city of Selestria in Bulgaria. Bulgaria was a part of the Ottoman Empire at the time. The tefilla of the Pele Yo’etz is reproduced and translated below, as a public service.

Hebrew Tefilla for Lighting a Yahrzeit or Hilula Candle [ #ְ פִ ילָ ה הַ נִ מְ ,צַ ת !ַ סֵ פֶ ר אֶ לֶ / הַ מָ גֵ ' מִ !ַ עַ ל הַ ֶ לֶ א יוֹעֵ עַ ל ָ רָ ַ ת וַ יֵ צֵ א עָ כמוֹ ]ד"ד ]ד"ד כמוֹ א עָ צֵ יֵ ת וַ ַ רָ ל ָ

הַ רֵ ינִ י מַ דְ לִ יק נֵ ר זֶ ה לִ נמְ חַ ת לְ ילעִ י נִ ְ *מַ ת בִ י / אִ מִ י מוֹרָ תִ י / הַ צַ דִ יק ______/'!ֵ !ַ ת ______, יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' מִ לְ פָ י2נֶ 'ה אֶ קֵ ינ וֵאקֵ י אֲ בוֹתֵ ינ !ֵל, ֶ#ְ קַ !ְרַ חֲמִ י% !ְרַ חֲמִ י% ֶ#ְ קַ !ֵל, אֲ בוֹתֵ ינ י בְרָ צוֹ' (ָל מַ עֲ)ֶה הַ טוֹב ֶ ,נִי עוֹ)ֶה !ֵי', !ְמַחַ ָ בָה !ֵי', !ְדִ י!ר !ֵי', !ְמַ עֲ)ֶ ה וְ יִ הְ יֶ ה הַ (ֹ ל (ֹ ה הַ יֶ הְ יִ ה וְ !ְמַ עֲ)ֶ !ֵי', לִ כזְ ת לְ נמְ חַ ת לְ ילעִ י לִ נְ ָ מוֹ ת עַ 2מְ יִ )ְ רָ לאֵ , !ִ פְ רָ ט לְ נֶ פֶ ר חַ  נְ ָ מָ *ה ֶ ל בִ י / אִ מִ י / י מִ אִ / י בִ ל *ה ֶ מָ ָ נְ  חַ ר צַ דִ יק ______. יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' ֶ #ִ הְ יֶ נָ ה נַ פְ וֹ תֵ יהֶ % צְ ר רוֹ ת !ִ צְ רוֹ ר הַ חַ .י%יִ Translation: Behold I am lighting this lamp for the resting and uplifting of the soul of my father/my mother/the Tzaddik ______the son/daughter of ______. May it be Your will before you, Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, that all my good deeds whether in thought, speech or action be done for a merit and a resting and an elevation of the souls of your nation Yisrael. It should be especially for the soul of my father/mother/the Tzaddik _____. May it be Your will that their souls be bound in the bond of life. 3) Learn about the person including history, culture, writings and teachings. 4) Study some of his teaching or writings. See more at:

n n n n n Y GEDOLIM BE'MISASAM YOSER Z YAHRZEITS BEGINNING SHABBOS BALAK Biographical information and yahrzeits compiled by Reb Manny Saltiel and ththth + 161666 of TammuzTammuzTammuz ~ Begins Friday Night (Jun 25th)  Chur, son of Kolev and Miriam, killed by the Erev Rav for his protest against making the Eigel, (1309/2451 or 1312 BCE). Chur did his tikkun (correction) in allowing himself to be killed by the Erev Rav, while this was the mistake that Aharon made in not allowing himself to be killed. Aharon saw the death of Chur and thought that he did not have to do the same action for his tikkun;  Rav Shimon Moshe Diskin (b. 1932), son of Rav Yehoshua Zelig Diskin, Rav of Periaslov (Ukraine) and Pardes Chana, and grandson of Rav Shimon Moshe Diskin. He learned at Ponevezh and the Kaminetz-Knesses Bais Yitzchok . He served for twenty-six years as one of the Roshei of Yeshiva , (5759/1999);  Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel ben Rav Yitzchok Meir, the Kapyscznitz Rebbe (b. 1888). Named after the Rav, the Ohev Yisrael, of whom he was a direct descendant, he was born in Husyatin. His maternal grandfather was Rav Mordechai Shraga of Husyatin, son of Rav Yisrael of . He moved with his father to Vienna at the outbreak of World War I. He succeeded his father, Rav Yitzchok Meir, on the first day of Rosh HaShana 1936,

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his father’s petira. Only two years after Rav Avrohom Yehoshua became Rebbe, Yiddishe life was shattered by the German occupation of Vienna. The Rebbe was seized and forced to clean the streets to the amusement of the jeering Germans. On his arrival in America, the Rebbe settled in the Lower East Side of New York. The Rebbe was among the founding members of Chinuch Atzmai (semi-private religious school system in Eretz Yisrael), together with Rav . One of his most faithful followers was the Ponovezher Rav, Rav Yosef Kahaneman, (5727/1967);  Rav Aharon Yosef Bakst (Baksht), Hy”d. Rav of Shavel (b. 1867). Born in Ivye, as a young man in Volozhin, he caught the eye of Rav Yitzchok Blazer. He eventually moved to Kelm, where he became attached to Rav . He served in no less than thirteen cities, including Beisagola; Semiatitz; Tzaritzin; Poltave; Seduva; Lomza; and Suwalk. He came to Shavel in 1930. He was killed in together with his son- in-law, Rav Rabinowitz of Telz. He was the last Rav of Shavel, (5701/1941). ththth + 171777 of TammuzTammuzTammuz ~ Begins Motzai Shabbos (Jun 26th) The 17th of Tammuz is a morning-to-evening fast. The purpose of the fast is to remember the spiritual cause of the destruction of the walls of Yerushalayim as one step in the process of the destruction of the Bais HaMikdosh. This day should have been a day of happiness but we built the Golden Calf;  Rav Yehuda ben Rav Osher, son of the Rosh, a Talmudic Sage, (5109/1349);  Rav Salman Mutzafi (b. 1900), born in Baghdad to Rav Tzion Meir, who descended from an illustrious family of Torah scholars who first arrived in Baghdad during the Spanish expulsion. The person who had the greatest influence on Rav Salman during his childhood was the Ben Ish Chai. Every Shabbos, the young Salman accompanied his father to Baghdad’s main shul to hear the Ben Ish Chai’s derosha, which lasted for two hours and was attended by over two thousand people. In 1934, he moved to Eretz Yisrael. For two full years, he studied the nine volumes of HaRashash, with all of its kabbalistic kavonos. It is said that his prayers have successfully saved the Jewish people on many occasions, (5735/1975);  Rav Shmuel (b. 1923). The Weinberg family is from the Slonimer Chassidic dynasty, a Lithuanian Chassidus. The approach and relationship of the Chassidim to Torah has been similar to the classic Litvishe approach. The founder of the dynasty was Rav Avrohom ben Yitzchok Mattisyohu Weinberg, the mechaber of Chessed L’Avrohom. As a youth, Rav Weinberg studied in the Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin Yeshiva in New York City under Rav , a talmid of the Alter of Slobodka. Rav Weinberg married the only daughter of Rav , the of Ner Yisrael of and another talmid of the Alter. In 1964, Rav Ruderman sent him to Toronto, to preside as the Rosh Yeshiva of a branch that Ner Yisrael had established there several years earlier. Eight years later, when the Yeshiva in Toronto decided to become independent, he returned to Baltimore. Shortly before the petira of his father-in-law in 1987, Rav Weinberg was asked to preside as the Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisrael in Baltimore. He was a member of the Moetzes Roshei HaYeshivos of Torah Umesorah for many years, and was very active in expanding the projects of this important organization, (5759/1999);  Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Spiegel (b. 1937), Rav of the Romanian shul Kehal Shaarei Shomayim, son of Rav Moshe Menachem Spiegel, the Admor of Ostrov-Kalushin (formerly

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of Brownsville, later of the Lower East Side), and the grandson of Rav Naftoli Arye Spiegel, the former Rav of Ostrov-Kalushin in ; a talmid muvhok of Rav Aharon Kotler, (5761/2001). ththth + 181888 of TammuzTammuzTammuz ~ Begins Sunday Night (Jun 27th)  Rav Yehuda HaLevi Eidel [Edel] of Slonim, born in Zamosc, Galicia, in 1757 or 1759. His most famous work was Afikei Yehuda. His chiddushim on Seder Toharos was considered indispensable for anyone studying this topic. Rav of Brisk kept a copy on his table at all times. He also published a book on Hebrew synonyms called Redifei Maya, and his first book, Safa leNe’emonim, a treatise on grammar, was what caught the attention of the . He had five sons, all of whom became Rabbonim, (5565/1805);  Rav Avrohom (Maskileison) ben Yehuda Leib (b. 1788). He authored Maskil L’Eisan (chiddushim on parts of Moed and Kodoshim); Be’er Avrohom (chiddushim on ); Nachal Eison (chiddushim on the first two parts of Rambam’s Yad Chazoka) and Yad Avrohom (chiddushim on Yoreh De’a; notes on Sifre), (5608/1848);  Rav Moshe Dovid Ashkenazi, Rav of Toltshova-Tzefas, (5615/1855);  Rav Yaakov Arye Guterman (b. 1792). A Chassid of the Kozhnitzer Maggid, the Chozeh of , the Yid HaKodosh of Peshis’cha, and Rav Bunim of Peshis’cha, he took the mantle of leadership in Radzymin ( district) after the petira of the Vorka Rebbe in 1848. His divrei Torah were written in Bikkurei Aviv (on Chumash) and Divrei Aviv (on Medrash for Sefer Bereishis), (5634/1874);  Rav Yehoshua of Tomoshov, (5664/1904);  Rav Chaim Meir Yechiel ben Rav Dov Beirish Shapiro, (b. 1907), Naroler Rav who passed away just shy of his hundredth birthday. He was a grandson of the Rav of Narol, and a descendant of the Sar Sholom, the first Belzer Rav. When he was a young child, his family fled to Kashuai in Hungary, where his grandfather re-established his court. The family returned to Narol in 1924. After his grandfather’s petira, in a decision made by Gedolei Yisrael, Rav Chaim Meir was appointed Rav and Dayan in Narol despite his young age. He received heter horo’a from the Bais Din in Lvov, and became a for Belzer Chassidim. After the Nazi invasion in 1939, he fled with his family to Taprov, where his father-in-law lived, and stayed until the summer. In June, all Jews who didn’t have passports were seized by police and shipped to Siberia. The Naroler Rav’s family managed to leave Siberia and reach Samarkand where survival was easier. In 1945, the Rav was permitted to leave Russia and go to the West. In 1946, he arrived in , and began to give shiurim to the Belzer Chassidim who had arrived there. He was active among the refugees here too, helping to marry off orphans and setting up their homes. In 1948, the Naroler Rav moved to . A Belzer Bais Medrash was founded, and the Naroler Rav appointed at its head. He gave many shiurim, among them a on Minchas Chinuch, which he consistently gave for over seventy years. On Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, 1972, the Naroler Rebbe left America and settled in , where he founded the Naroler Bais Medrash. The Rebbe leaves behind his son Rav Berish, Rav of Narol. (Some say the 17th of Tammuz), (5767/2007).

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ththth + 119999 of TammuzTammuzTammuz ~ Begins Monday Night (Jun 28th)  Rav Yitzchok Isaac ben Rav Yoel Leib HaLevi Herzog was born December 3, 1888 (29th of Kislev 5649) in Łomża, Poland. He became chief Rav of Ireland and later Eretz Yisrael (1888–1959). His father, Rav Yoel Leib Herzog (1865–1933) was chief Rav of Paris. From his birth until his sixteenth birthday, Rav Yitzchok studied at the feet of his father. He was given semicha by Rav Yaakov Willowski (the Ridbaz, mechaber of a peirush on the Yerushalmi). In 1916, he was named chief Rav of Belfast, Ireland. Later he served in the same post in Dublin, and later he became chief Rav of all of Ireland. Following the passing of Rav Avrohom Yitzchok HaKohen Kook in 1935, Rav Herzog was invited to become Eretz Yisrael’s second Ashkenazi chief Rav. He served in that capacity from 1933 until his petira. He is the mechaber of the Heichal Yitzchok, (5719/1959);  Rav Yona Stenzel, initiator of Halocha and Mishna Yomi, (5729/1969);  Rav Bentzion Abba Shaul ben Rav Eliyohu, Rosh Yeshiva of Poras Yosef, great Sefardi Tzaddik who was recognized as one of the greatest Halachic authorites of his time, (5758/1998);  Rav Eliezer Yehuda ben Rav , Rosh Yeshiva of Mir. His father was the Alter of Slabodka. He married the daughter of Rav Eliyohu Boruch Kamai (Rosh Yeshiva of Mir) in 1903. Between 1939 and 1941, because many businesses were taken over by the Soviet government, the left . Rav Finkel, many other Rabbonim and Yeshiva students went to because that country was still independent. The story of the escape of Mir Yeshiva to Shanghai during World War II has been the subject of several books. After the war, the Rabbonim and students founded the Mir Yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York. Rav Finkel survived to establish the Mir Yeshiva and moved the Yeshiva to Yerushalayim in 1944, (5725/1967). ththth + 202020 of TammuzTammuzTammuz ~ Begins Tuesday Night (Jun 29th)  Rav Nosson Nota Hanover Hy”d ben Rav Moshe was a talmid of the Maharshal and mechaber of Yaven Metzula and Shaarei Tzion, a very popular kabbalistic sefer of tefillos and minhogim. He was killed by a stray bullet. (Kabbola teaches that there are no stray bullets), (5443/1683);  Rav Yisrael of Rikel, murdered in Kavakaz, (5583/1823);  Rav Moshe Yehuda Twersky of -Chelm, mechaber of Imrei Mi, (5697/1937);  Rav Avrohom Yitzchok Bloch, Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, brother of Rav Eliyohu Meir Bloch and second son of Rav (1860–1929). Upon his fater’s petira, Rav Avrohom Yitzchok assumed the leadership of both the Yeshiva and the city of Telz, although he was not yet forty. The Yeshiva’s end in Europe began in the summer of 1940, when the Soviets, who had occupied Lithuania, ordered the Yeshiva closed. The Nazis entered the city on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz of 1941. After three terrible weeks of torture, on the 20th of Tammuz the Nazis massacred the male population of the city, including the Yeshiva’s administration and student body. The women and children of Telz were killed on the 7th of Elul. (2nd of Tammuz, per Yated 2006), (5701/1941);

9  Balak / [email protected]

 Rav Avrohom Chaim Na’eh, posek; mechaber of Shiurei Torah and Ketzos HaShulchon (b. 1890), one of the leading poskim in Eretz Yisrael. His shiurim for units of measure are among the most well known, even by those who do not use them. He is the mechaber of Ketzos HaShulchon, Shiurei Torah and Gesher HaChaim. Born in Chevron to Rav Menachem Mendel Na’eh, Rosh Yeshiva of the Sdei Chemed’s Yeshiva, Mogen Avos. Later, he studied at Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin’s Yeshiva, Ohel Moshe, under Rav Yehoshua Leib’s son, Rav Yitzchok Yerucham. In 1912, he published his Chanoch LaNoar, which contains the necessary for bar-mitzva youths. With the outbreak of WWI, the Turks, who were in control of Eretz Yisrael, expelled anyone who did not possess Turkish citizenship. Most of the expelled Jews clustered in Alexandria. Rav Avrohom Chaim opened Eretz Yisrael there. This Yeshiva had two hundred avreichim and Talmidei Chachomim, who had been exiled from Yerushalayim, supported fully by Rav Avrohom Chaim during the entire war. There, he wrote Shenos Chaim, a special Kitzur Shulchon Aruch for Sefardi Jews. In Teves of 1918, he returned to Eretz Yisrael and served as safra de’daina (personal secretary) of the Eida Chareidis, under Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, the Rav of Yerushalayim. In 1948, he founded the Vaad HoRabbonim of Agudas Yisrael. Later, he helped found the chareidi weekly newspaper, Kol Yisrael (later still, he was one of the prime movers behind Hamodia), (5714/1954);  Rav Hillel Lichtenstein, the Krasna Rav, (5739/1979);  Rav Chaim Shaul Karelitz (b. 1912), Av Bais Din of Badatz She’eiris Yisrael, of Yeshivas Bais Meir and Torah Tashbar, nephew of the Chazon Ish, learned at Kosovo, Barnaovich (under Rav Elchanon Wasserman), Kaminetz (under Rav Baruch Ber Leibowitz), and Lomza in Petach Tikva, (5761/2001);  Rav Betzalel Rakow (b. 1927), born in Frankfurt, Germany. His father, Rav Yom Tov Lipman, studied in Volozhin under Rav Isser Zalman of Slutzk. After Kristallnacht, his family left via Antwerp to England, in 1939. Rav Betzalel learned at Rav Moshe Schneider’s Toras Emes, along with Rav Moshe Sternbuch and Rav Tuvia Weiss. By age eighteen, he became very close to Rav Elya Lopian and Rav Yechezkel Abramski. He then joined the Gateshead Kollel, marrying three years later. In 1956, he became the Rosh Yeshiva of Etz Chaim in Montreaux, Switzerland, where he developed a close relationship with Rav Yechiel Weinberg and the Brisker Rav. In 1963, he became the Rav of Gateshead, where he remained until his petira. He is the mechaber of Birkas Yom Tov. He was the brother of Rav Bentzion Rakow, Rosh Yeshiva of Chayei Olom Yeshiva, but he was also the Rav of Bais Medrash Heichal HaTorah and a leader of Agudas Yisrael in London, (5763/2003). ssttst + 212121 of TammuzTammuzTammuz ~ Begins Wednesday Night (Jun 30th)  Rav Shlomo Machlama of Chelm (b. 1717). Born in Zamosc, he became Rav of Chelm and Lvov (Lemberg), mechaber of Merkevet HaMishna, a work considered by many to be among the most important commentaries on Rambam’s Mishneh Torah. He also wrote Kuntres Breichos Becheshbon, a collection of Talmudic math problems and their solutions, (5541/1781);  Rav Avrohom Matisyohu Friedman of Stefanest (Shtefanesht), Romania (b. 1848), only son of Rav Menachem Nachum (fourth son of the Rizhiner Rebbe). He succeeded his father after the latter’s petira in 1869, (5693/1933).

10  Balak / [email protected]

nnddnd + 222222 of TammuzTammuzTammuz ~ Begins Thursday Night (Jul 1st)  Rav Shmuel ben Yoel ibn Shuiv, Rav in the Aragonese community of Salonica. His father, who was born in Spain and moved to Salonica in 1495, authored Olas Shabbos, Nora Tehillos and Ein Mishpot, (5288/1528);  Rav Mano’ach Hendel, mechaber of Chochmas Mano’ach, (5371/1611);  Rav Shlomo HaLevi ben Rav Meir of Karlin, Hy”d (born 1740 or 1738). A student of the Maggid of Mezritch, as well as of Rav Aharon the Great of Karlin, whom he succeeded in 1772, he was murdered al Kiddush Hashem, stabbed by a Cossack while in the midst of the Amida prayer. After his passing, Rav Aharon HaGodol’s son, Rav Osher, became Rebbe, (5552/1792);  Rav Avrohom Grodzenksi, Hy”d. Mashgiach Ruchani of the Slabodka Yeshiva, murdered al Kiddush Hashem, along with his sons, Yisrael, Zeev and Eliezer, and his daughter, Miriam. A collection of his thoughts is recorded in Toras Avrohom. His last three years were spent in the Kovno Ghetto. An account of that period in his life was written by his daughter, Rebbetzin Wolbe, who became the wife of Rav , entitled Ve’emunos’cha Baleilos. On June 23, 1941 (27th of Sivan), German bombardment of Lithuania put a stop to the learning in Slabodka, as Kovno took the brunt of the attack, (5702/1942);  Rav Levi Yitzchok ben Rav Avrohom Noach Bender (born 1897). Born in Grodzisk (near Warsaw), he was sent to Yeshivas Mokov when he was ten, where he became drawn to Chassidus. The teachings of Rav Nachman (who was niftar in 1810) were transmitted chiefly by his talmid, Rav Nosson Sternhartz, who transcribed the Rebbe’s teachings and conversations. After Rav Nosson’s petira in 1844, the torch of Breslov was carried on by a number of leaders, including Rav Nachman of Tulchin (niftar 1884) and Rav Nachman of Tcherin (niftar 1894). The fourth generation of leaders included Rav Yitzchok Breiter (niftar around 1943) and Rav Avrohom Chazan (Rav Nachman of Tulchin’s son, niftar in 1917). Rav Levi Yitzchok, one of the fifth- generation leaders, was a talmid of Rav Avrohom Chazan. The sixth-generation leaders of our time include Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter (born 1931), one of the well-known Gedolim of Eretz Yisrael. After his father-in-law’s passing, Rav Levi Yitzchok moved with his family to Uman, where he remained for twenty years until 1936. After five years in Moscow, Rav Levi Yitzchok, his wife and his daughter moved to Tashkent in Uzbekistan, Central Asia. In 1945, the family moved to nearby Samarkand, known as the Yerushalayim of Uzbekistan, which had a much larger, loyal Jewish community. In 1949, Rav Levi Yitzchok arrived in Eretz Yisrael, where he helped build Breslov Chassidus into the vibrant community of today, and helped establish the main Breslov Bais Medrash, near the border of the district, (5749/1989);  Chacham Yosef Yedid, Syrian Rav in America, (5776/2016). 


11  Balak / [email protected]

Y HILLULAHILLULA DE’THILLULA DE’TZADDIKADE’TZADDIKAZADDIKAZADDIKA Z WHAT’S BEHIND YAHRZEIT MEANINGS & CUSTOMS The Maharil, in Hilchos Taanis, teaches us that the reason why there is a custom to visit the Bais hachaim on a fast is because “this place is the resting place of the Tzaddikim and is therefore sanctified, pure and holy and our tefillos are more readily heard, accepted and answered when davened on holy ground. When you daven there, do not make requests of the dead who are buried there; rather ask Hashem to answer you mercifully in their merit. Then circle around the graves and donate charity before reciting tefillos.” בית הקברות הוא מקו מנוחת הצדיקי ומתו כ הוא מקו קדוש וטהור התפילה נתקבלה ש יותר יש, א אל י מגמתו נגד המתי, א יבקש מהשי“ת שית עליו רחמי בזכות הצדיקי שוכני עפר הקברות, ויקי , וית צדקה קוד שיאמר התחינות. The in VaYeira page 71 teaches us that if we suffer any calamity or tragedy we have the custom to go and daven at the kevorim of Tzaddikim. The reason for this is that we approach them with fasting, remorse and repentance, and we have in mind that the departed souls ask and daven for us before Hashem on High, as opposed to the prohibition against speaking to the dead which is an idolatrous practice where the idol worshippers sought out the impure dead souls and bodies using sorcery and witchcraft. Instead, beseech our Tzaddikim who, in gan eden, are truly alive, and ask through tefilla and fasting and teshuva alone.   

Y GEDOLIMGEDOLIM BE’MASAYHEM Z STORIES & ANECDOTES CChachamhacham Ben Tzion Abba Shaul,Shaul, 191919tthhth of TammuzTammuzTammuz Ambulances speeding down ’s Yisrael) was an inherent part of Rav Ben Malchei Yisrael Street with their sirens Tzion’s every action. His love for others wailing are, sadly, not an uncommon sight. was so great that when he would see young Nonetheless, each time the wail of an children walking to cheder, their innocence ambulance was heard in the Geula-based and sweetness would cause his heart to , its Rosh Yeshiva, Rav swell with a love for all of Klal Yisrael. Ben Tzion Abba Shaul, would bless the Before going to bed each night, he passing patient with a speedy recovery. would forgive all those who had wronged Then he would quietly resume his shiur or him during the day. He recited the studies. While it’s impossible to know what nighttime prayer “I hereby forgive all who effect these particular blessings had, it is angered me” not by rote, but with great well known that Rav Ben Tzion’s blessings sincerity. worked miracles. Once, someone greatly offended Rav “Why are your blessings so Ben Tzion. “Did you recite the prayer that effective?” a student once asked him. night?” a friend asked him. “To tell you the “Because I really love people,” was truth,” replied Rav Ben Tzion, “I found it his unassuming reply. very hard to forgive him. Twisting and This love for his fellow Jew (Ahavas turning in bed, I said, ‘Hashem, my anger 12  Balak / [email protected] is justified. But what should I do? Skip the settled in Yerushalayim, and became prayer?’ Then I sat up in bed and for a long followers of Rav Tzadka Chutzin. time struggled to judge that person Rav Eliyohu later married Banya, a favorably. When I was certain that I no woman who was very devoted to Torah. longer bore a grudge against him, I placed When her children returned home from my head on the pillow and recited the , she would hug them and prayer.” say, “May you become Talmidei Rav Ben Tzion’s formula for Chachomim.” Her prayers were answered, developing and maintaining strong and all of her children become Talmidei interpersonal relationships was based on Chachomim. The fact that the entire family simple arithmetic: Instead of calculating remained Torah-observant during a period what others owed him, he would ask, when many families of Oriental and Sefardi “What do I owe others?” Then, backgrounds were lured into sending their enumerating all of the mitzvos between children to Zionist schools was highly man and his fellow, such as “Love your unusual. The fact that they became neighbor as yourself”; “Don’t despise your Talmidei Chachomim was even more so. brother in your heart”; “Don’t bear Rav Ben Tzion was born in the year 5684, slander”; “Don’t harbor vengeance”, he on the 29th of Tammuz, the Yahrzeit of would say, “How can I be at odds with . He studied in the Bnei Tzion School people to whom I owe so much?” founded by Rav Moshe Porush. When Rav  Ben Tzion grew older, he helped Rav Porush recruit students for the school, Miraculous Beginnings saving many children from spiritual destruction. As was the case with many Gedolei Yisrael, prior to Rav Ben Tzion’s birth, As a youngster, he also studied miraculous events occurred to his parents. under Rav Yaakov Adas and Rav Tzadka These events seemed to foreshadow the Chutzin. But he reached the height of his greatness of the child they were destined to spiritual growth in the Porat Yosef Yeshiva, usher into the world. where he studied under its Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Ezra Attia, his primary mentor. The Rav Ben Tzion’s father, Rav Eliyohu, two were very close, and Rav Attia came to grew up in a small village in Iran. One day, regard Rav Ben Tzion as his successor. one of the Moslem rulers gave the Jews there an ultimatum: convert or leave the Whenever Rav Attia came up with a country. Rav Ben Tzion’s grandfather fled chiddush, he would discuss it with Rav Ben Iran with his family and boarded the first Tzion and anticipate his reaction. Rav Ben available boat to Eretz Yisrael. But instead Tzion, meanwhile, would tremble in awe of reaching Chaifa’s port, the boat crashed when he spoke with the Rosh Yeshiva. on the shore opposite Eliyohu’s Cave on  Har Carmel. Rescue squads arrived on the scene Marriage and Teaching and tossed the passengers into rowboats. In 5709, Rav Ben Tzion married Rav Eliyohu was also tossed into a rowboat, Hadassa, the daughter of Rav Yosef but he landed in the sea. A non-Jewish Sharbani, a great Torah scholar and son of sailor noticed the drowning child and the Mekubol Rav Yehoshua Sharbani, a dragged him out of the water, saving his student of the Ben Ish Chai. life. During that period, there were still After much wandering, the family no Bais Yaakov schools in Eretz Yisrael,

13  Balak / [email protected] and the Sharabani daughters were medical records to the patient’s relatives. considered very unusual in that they In this case, the hospital staff went so far as wanted to marry Torah scholars. When to call in the police, and it was only due to Hadassa became engaged, people tried to the intervention of a community leader that dissuade her from marrying Rav Ben Tzion charges weren’t pressed against the family. because he planned to devote his life to In the end, the child recovered Torah study. But she ignored them. True to without the treatment, the consequences of her goal, she enabled her husband to study which may have been dire. Torah after their marriage even under the Rav Ben Tzion disagreed with most difficult circumstances. doctors on many different occasions, and Rav Ben Tzion earned his living as a his diagnosis would invariably prove to be teacher at the Bnei Tzion Talmud Torah. In correct. How was this possible? He never time, Rav Attia asked him to serve as Rosh studied medicine, nor did he have access to Yeshiva of Porat Yosef. But he refused to X-ray machines or ultrasound devices. As accept that position as long as his mentor, the Chovos HaLevovos says, “One who Rav , was alive. Instead, he lives a life of faith merits seeing without an agreed to serve as a Ram at the Yeshiva. eye, to hear without an ear. His soul sees” In his new role, Rav Ben Tzion (Sha’ar Cheshbon HaNefesh, Chapter 3). taught Choshen Mishpot and tested the Rav Ben Tzion also gave advice on students. He also delivered Torah shiurim family matters. His approach was in the Ohel Rochel shul, and gave Shabbos innovative and invigorating. lectures to hundreds of prominent young A father whose son had left Yeshiva Torah scholars. told Rav Ben Tzion, “My son’s a good-for- Following Rav Tzadka’s passing in nothing. He not only roams the streets, but 5743, he became Rosh Yeshiva of Porat he has even asked me to buy him a Yosef Yeshiva, a position he held until his motorcycle.” own petira fifteen years later. “Then buy him one!” replied Rav  Ben Tzion. Though surprised by Rav Ben Advice that Works Tzion’s reaction, the father decided to heed During Rav Ben Tzion’s tenure as his advice and bought his son a motorcycle. Rosh Yeshiva, people came to him not just When the young man saw that his father to learn Torah, but also to receive his was reaching out to him, he reacted in kind blessings and advice. and eventually returned to Yeshiva. Once, a father whose son was  critically ill came to Rav Ben Tzion. The doctors had recommended a treatment for “But I’m Not a Talmid Chochom” his son that was very risky, and he was Rav Ben Tzion’s ability to freely give unsure whether to give them the go-ahead advice and blessings was a natural to do it. outgrowth of his great Ahavas Yisrael. That “Take him out of the hospital,” Rav Ahavas Yisrael was coupled with an Ben Tzion advised him. equally great sense of humility. The father followed Rav Ben Tzion’s Rav Ben Tzion Mutzafi, Rosh advice, but it proved to be rather Yeshiva of the Bnei Tzion Yeshiva and the complicated. Taking a seriously ill patient son of the Mekubol Rav Suleiman Mutzafi, out of the hospital is no simple affair, since told the following stories to illustrate Rav in such cases hospitals refuse to release Ben Tzion’s humility: 14  Balak / [email protected]

“In 5723, the Porat Yosef Yeshiva melech tosif – ‘Add days to the lifespan of decided that all of its Rabbonim and the king.’ teachers had to wear long rabbinical coats. “Rav Ben Tzion felt uncomfortable Rav Ben Tzion was very upset by this being honored in that manner. Pointing to decision. the groom, he said, ‘Chosson domeh “‘You’ll get used to it. Everyone will l’melech – A groom is like a king. They are wear them,’ his colleagues consoled him. singing in his honor.’” “‘That’s not the point,’ he replied.  ‘How can I wear a rabbinical coat when I am not a Talmid Chochom?’ Love of Hashem “His humility,” Rav Mutzafi When Rav Ben Tzion spoke about continued, “was even more apparent one love of Hashem, his eyes would glisten and when, with every sip of wine, secrets his face would glow. seep out. What was the secret he revealed In his talks, he would advise his as he fulfilled the mitzva of the day? In students how to strengthen their fear of front of his guests, he said, ‘Pray for me, my Hashem. “Sometimes, a person searches friends. Pray that I merit knowing at least for mitzvos, but doesn’t know that there are one Halocha perfectly.’ hundreds at his fingertips,” he once said. “The same unassuming, self-effacing “If he avoids forbidden sights, he can earn manner was evident one evening when hundreds of mitzvos at one time.” someone accidentally locked the doors to After he recovered from a serious the Yeshiva’s kitchen,” Rav Mutzafi added. stroke, he told his brother-in-law Rav “A hundred and twenty students were Reuven Sharbani, “When I was ill, what destined to go hungry that night, and the worried me wasn’t how long I will live, but bitul Torah would have been great. whether I would be able to stand before the “‘What do you suggest we do?’ I Heavenly Court and account for my deeds.” asked him.  “Taking some money out of his pocket, Rav Ben Tzion said, ‘Send a student Honoring His Parents and Wife to the bakery for pitas, and another one to Rav Ben Tzion went to great lengths buy falafel balls and some tomatoes.’ A to honor his parents. During the War of short while later, Rav Ben Tzion could be Independence he lived in the seen in one of the rooms, rapidly cutting neighborhood. Yet every Friday afternoon the pitas and filling them with falafel balls he would visit his parents in order to kiss and tomato slices. How stunned the their hands. His parents lived on the other students were when he personally served side of town, near the Jordanian border. each a portion, along with wishes to ‘enjoy Later on in the evening, he would walk it’. With breakneck speed, he finished his home in the dark, when it was extremely work and returned to his studies. That dangerous to be outside. evening, the students studied with added This practice was in line with the enthusiasm. Arizal’s teaching in Shaar HaKavonos “When he recovered from a serious (71b) that a person should kiss his parents’ stroke,” Rav Mutzafi concluded, “he hands every Shabbos. nonetheless came to the weddings of his In addition, on Shabbos mornings, students. At one wedding, his arrival he would walk back to his parents’ aroused much excitement. Forming circles, neighborhood and pray in the Ohel Rochel the students began to sing Yomim al yemai shul founded by his father. 15  Balak / [email protected]

The honor he showed his wife, more tefillos each day. It’s a privilege to Rebbetzin Hadassa, was also legendary. serve as a volunteer in Hashem’s corps.” He would tell his students, “If a man  and woman deserve it, the Shechina rests between them. When the Shechina rests in His Approach to Torah Study your home, the Soton can’t enter it, nor can Rav Ben Tzion Mutzafi describes his poverty or illness. Honor your wife with experiences as Rav Ben Tzion’s student: your deeds, your thoughts and your speech. “Every day, a different student Buy her jewelry and items she likes, speak would be called upon to explain the sugya pleasantly and don’t upset her, think well being studied. He had to explain the entire of her and judge her favorably.” peshat, from its beginning in a very precise Rav Ben Tzion practiced what he and comprehensive manner, paying preached. attention to each Talmudic shakla and tarya. He also had to explain the reasoning Serving Hashem with Joy of the one who asked the question and that Rav Ben Zion served Hashem with a of the one who provided the solution, as joy and enthusiasm that was infectious, well as why it was impossible to resolve it and that penetrated his halachic rulings otherwise. and his advice to others. “He also had to know the Rashi, and He once explained the Halocha that not to skip a word, because there are no states that it is forbidden to ask a non-Jew extra words in Rashi. He had to understand to put out a fire on Shabbos, even if all of Tosafos, as well as why Tosafos differed one’s possessions are likely to be burned. A from Rashi, and how Rashi would stand up student was so enthused by the discussion to Tosafos’ challenges. ‘Every question has that he actually envisioned himself in such an answer,’ he would say. ‘You must find it. a situation. “Studying was a central “Kevod HaRav,” he called out. “I and important part of the lesson. don’t understand. Am I supposed to sit Sometimes, Rav Ben Tzion wouldn’t state back and watch while everything I own his opinion on the sugya until we had goes up in smoke?” studied the Maharsha. “That’s not what I said,” Rav Ben “He taught us to probe the peshat Tzion replied. “I meant that one should and its many ramifications. During one dance, sing and rejoice at having merited to lesson, he asked an explosive question. We fulfill the pasuk, ‘You should love Hashem sat there, our mouths agape. Suddenly, he your G-d with all your heart, with all your stated two brilliant answers, and then a soul and with all your might (me’odecha)’. straightforward one. He remained silent for According to our sages, me’odecha means a few moments and then said, ‘Know that one’s possessions.” the third answer is the only true one. The two others have external luster. I told them A newcomer to Torah once feared to you only in order to teach you not to be that the mitzvos would be too burdensome dazzled by glitter, but only by the peshat. It for him. Rav Ben Tzion encouraged him, must be absolutely true.’” saying, “There’s no reason to feel pressured. Every morning, volunteer to Although Rav Ben Tzion was well serve Hashem. Don’t obligate yourself, but known for his brilliance and clarity of volunteer. Volunteer to put on . It’s thought, he tried to remain unobtrusive not so hard. Here, let me show you how. and did not rush forward to issue halachic Volunteer to pray, adding on more and rulings. Until the passing of Rav Ezra Attia, 16  Balak / [email protected] he refused to issue halachic rulings even to humble and preferred spending his time his students or close acquaintances, out of within the four cubits of the Halocha, he respect for his mentor. did not hesitate to involve himself in After Rav Attia’s passing, he would communal affairs, especially in battles over discuss his halachic opinions with his religious matters. students, but only on a private basis. One He was one of the leaders in the day, Rav Yehuda Tzadka, the Rosh Yeshiva battle over the preservation of the sanctity of Porat Yosef, decided to put an end to all of Shabbos, and he bravely protested mixed that, and began to refer people to Rav Ben swimming pools and post-mortem Tzion, telling them that he was a great operations. halachic authority whose rulings they In 5732, he was at the forefront of should heed. He would say, “Rav Ben Tzion the battle against mandatory army service will refuse to issue a ruling. But don’t give for girls. Along with Rav Yehuda Tzadka, he in.” drafted a halachic ruling declaring that Rav Ben Tzion, who was a bit mandatory army service for girls was in the stymied by all this, asked Rav Tzadka how category of “be killed and do not he should relate to people who asked him transgress”. The text of his ruling was sent halachic questions. Rav Tzakda urged him, to all of the Torah sages in the country, and “You are well-versed in Halocha. Why was signed by four hundred Gedolei shouldn’t you issue rulings?” Yisrael. It was in this way that Rav Ben Rav Ben Tzion was also a leader of Tzion’s ability to become a great halachic Sefardi Jewry not just in Eretz Yisrael, but authority was brought to light. also in countries around the world. He  traveled to Iran, England, Italy, France, South America, Mexico, Panama, Columbia S.O.S.! and the United States, strengthening the Sefardi Jews of those countries. He Rav Ben Tzion was careful not to founded rabbinical courts for them and waste a moment of precious Torah study provided them with Shochtim, Mohalim time. One morning on his way to Yeshiva, and Rabbonim, thwarting assimilation and he saw a student examining a billboard the influence of heretical streams. poster. Suddenly, Rav Ben Tzion cried out: “S.O.S.! S.O.S.!” and continued on his way. In 5743, while delivering a eulogy at The student ran after him and breathlessly the funeral of Rav Yaakov Mutzafi, he asked, “What happened? Who needs help?” suddenly felt ill. A short while later he suffered a stroke. (He had suffered a heart “The entire world,” Rav Ben Tzion attack previously.) Although he recovered, replied. “If you don’t study Torah the world part of his body remained non-functional. will be destroyed. If you were an But this situation did not prevent him from ambulance driver or a paramedic, and were spreading Torah and from being involved summoned to save a life, would you stop to in public affairs. read the latest announcements? As a ben Torah your job is far more vital, because Above all, Rav Ben Tzion devoted his the world is maintained only in the merit of energies to the education of Jewish Torah study.” children, personally founding scores of Talmud throughout Eretz Yisrael.  He regarded strengthening the education of the younger generation as his primary goal. Communal Involvement Rav Ben Tzion, together with Rav Even though Rav Ben Tzion was 17  Balak / [email protected]

Yehuda Tzadka and Rav , ‘Linked to Klal Yisrael’ founded the Maayan HaChinuch On the last night of Rav Ben Tzion’s HaTorani, a federation for hundreds of life, one of the great Roshei Yeshiva of our Sefardi Talmud Torahs throughout Eretz times phoned and asked him a very Yisrael. He considered this enterprise his important question. The following day, the life’s work, and in its early stages, Rosh Yeshiva called back for a reply. From subsidized it himself. the weeping of Rav Eliyohu, Rav Ben Tzion’s One time, he saw a school bus only son, the Rosh Yeshiva understood what stopping beside a Talmud Torah. As the had occurred. children gleefully poured out of the bus, he The funeral of Rav Ben Tzion Abba th said to the person accompanying him, “Did Shaul, which took place on the 19 of you see how the doors of that bus opened? Tammuz, 5758, was attended by masses of It reminds me of the opening of the Aron Jews from all circles and sects. A brief glance at the list of Rabbonim who delivered Kodesh, upon the removal of a Sefer Torah. hespedim at the funeral and during the shiva I’m jealous of that driver. Those children week indicates that they represented the are heading toward Har Sinai now, where entire spectrum of Chareidi Jewry. At the they will receive the Torah.” funeral, everyone bemoaned the great loss to  Klal Yisrael. Rav Eliyohu, his son, was one of those How Can I Stay Home? who delivered a eulogy. After he had suffered his stroke and “My father,” said Rav Eliyohu, “did was confined to his home, the Hanhola of not belong to a particular circle. He was Lev L’Achim paid him a visit before their linked to Klal Yisrael. He drew everyone annual Asifa in Bnei Brak. They explained closer and loved all. He shared the suffering to the Rav that they realized that he would of the community, grieved over its pain, be unable to come and speak, since he participated in its sorrow and rejoiced on its could barely get around and speech was happy occasions. Everyone who encountered also very difficult for him. The Rabbonim him felt a close kinship with him, and Klal suggested that he send his son in his stead Yisrael’s love for him was complete and genuine. Everyone loved him and Jews from to say a few words of greeting in his name. all circles came to pay him final respects.” He refused. Slowly, and with great On the last day of shiva, a miracle difficulty, he said to them, “If the occurred. A car loaded with explosives was organization that does so much for placed in the center of Yerushalayim. hatzolas Yaldei Yisrael is holding an Asifa, Suddenly, the car went up in flames. People I cannot stay home. I must be there.” And rushed over to save the driver, not realizing with extreme mesiras nefesh, he came. He that the car had been full of explosives – or was carried into a car, and from the car, that the driver had been a terrorist. entered the large hall in a wheelchair. Had the bomb exploded in the town’s Rav Aron Leib Steinman had already center as the terrorist had intended, an left the dais of the gathering to return home enormous disaster would have occurred. when he was told that Rav Abba Shaul was We don’t know what happened to all on his way from Yerushalayim. He returned those patients in the ambulances that sped to the dais, saying, “How can I leave if Rav past the Porat Yosef Yeshiva and received Ben Tzion is coming? I must stay and wait Rav Ben Tzion’s blessings. We also don’t for him to be mechabed him.” know what went on in Heaven at the end of the shiva after his passing. But we can  surmise. This article originally appeared in Yated Ne’eman -

18  Balak / [email protected]

אל תירא אותו כא( )'לד' כא( אל תירא אותו ZeraZeraZera Do not fear him (21, 34) In Pirkei Avos (2:11), R' Yochanan Ben Zakkai asks his students what they think is 0 the most helpful trait for serving Hashem. He also asks them what they think is the most ShimshonShimshonShimshon detrimental trait for the service of Hashem. Most of the students say the positive and the  negative of the same trait. For example, R' Elazar says a good heart versus a bad heart. The opinion of R' Shimshon Ben Nesanel needs some clarification. For the positive Chukas trait he says that one must act based on his understanding of what the future of his actions will cause. For the negative trait, he says, one who borrows and does not pay back. A person

The Zera Shimshon, Rav Shimshon who borrows from a human is as though he borrows from Hashem. Such a person is referred Chaim ben Rav Nachmon Michoel to as a Rasha, a wicked person as the passuk in Tehillim says (37:21), 'The wicked person Nachmani, was born in 5467 (1706/1707) into an illustrious borrows and does not pay back while the righteous person is generous and giving'. The family with great Rabbinical commentaries try to understand how these two traits are connected. lineage. He studied the revealed and concealed parts of the Torah by the The Zera Shimshon explains the connection as follows. Torah greats of his day. The Arizal writes (Shaar HaGilgulim §36), that Moshe Rabbeinu was afraid to smite He served as Rav of Modena, Pisa, Sienna and Reggio, Italy, and was the giant, Og, the king Bashan since Og possessed a portion of the soul of R' Shimon Ben hinting to ש'מעו ב' נ'תנאל stand for בש recognized as a holy and pious Nesanel. This is hinted to in the word Bashan. The letters individual, as well as a tremendous 'possessed part of what would eventually become R ,(בש ) Torah scholar in all areas of Torah. the fact that Og, the king of Bashan He passed away on the 6th of Elul Shimon Ben Nesanel's soul. This is why Hashem said to Moshe Rabbeinu, 'Do not fear him'. In 5539 (1779). His Seforim were named, Toldos later times, this soul was entrusted to R' Yochanan Ben Zakkai to rectify. This soul was to Shimshon (The ‘Offspring’ of soul of R' Shimshon Ben Nesanel, who became one of R' Yochanan Ben Zakkai's foremost Shimshon) on Pirkei Avos and Zera Shimshon (The ‘Seed’ of students. Shimshon) on the Parshi’os of the From this experience, R' Shimon Ben Nesanel learned how one must evaluate his Torah. In his introduction, he explains that since his only son had present actions based on how they will affect the future. This was evident from the fact that died during his lifetime, he wrote Moshe Rabbeinu was hesitant to kill Og, being that he possessed a soul that in the future his Seforim to perpetuate his own memory after his passing. would be a great Tzaddik. (In Moshe Rabbeinu's case, he actually saw what the future held. The following is his passionate For us, this would mean to be careful that we do not place ourselves in situations that could request to learn his works. “I implore of you with ten terms of lead to not doing the will of Hashem, or anything similar.) For this reason, R' Shimon Ben supplication to choose from my Nesanel taught that one must act while taking into account how his actions will affect the Chiddushim (novella) the piece that finds favor in your eyes, for your future. learning will sooth my soul etc… This is also why he teaches that a detrimental trait to the service of Hashem is one “This righteousness will stand by you forever – to ‘eat’ in this world, who borrows and does not pay back. A person who borrows from a human is as though he and be satiated in the next. In this borrows from Hashem. Such a person is referred to as a Rasha, a wicked person, as the merit, Hashem will repay you with children, health and sustenance. passuk in Tehillim says (37:21), 'The wicked person borrows and does not pay back while the “…and now my brothers and righteous person is generous and giving'. friends etc. do a true kindness, and with your eyes you will see children This is essentially what Og did. He was lent a holy soul from Hashem and did not and grandchildren surrounding rectify it. This is the equivalence of borrowing and not repaying. your table, houses filled with all that is good, wealth and honor will This is why R' Shimshon Ben Nesanel finds it relevant to add that one who borrows not cease from your children…” from a friend is as though he borrows from Hashem. This addition does not really make it לזכר נשמת worse of an injustice to borrow from someone without repaying. However, since it was R' רבינו שמשו חיי ב רב נחמ מיכאל ל"צז מיכאל ב רב נחמ Shimshon Ben Nesanel's experience that directed him to teach this. And this experience בעל הזרע שמשו א"יעז

,included 'borrowing and not repaying Hashem', he added this point into his teaching. Thus "ויה ר שיתקיימו בנו ברכותיו של אותו צדיק .both the positive and negative trait that R' Shimon Ben Nesanel taught are in fact connected לזכות רחמי ב יוכבד שיזכה .This idea is further brought out by the passuk in Tehillim that he uses as his source לשוב בתשובה שלימה בקרוב Technically, he did not have to bring the end of the passuk, '...while the righteous person is לזכות רפואה שלימה משה generous and giving', since his main point is to show that one who borrows and does not repay שניאור זלמ ב רחל is called a Rasha? The reason he brought it was to hint to R' Yochana Ben Zakkai who did not ולזכות רפואה שלימה משה ב borrow anything. Instead, he went out of his way to help rectify this soul and turned it into לאה the soul of a Tana, R' Shimon Ben Nesanel. זכות רבינו ימלי טוב בעד רבקה רחל בת שיינדיל בלומא לזרע של קיימא במהרה לזכות כל ע ישראל לזכו ת כל ע זכות רבינו יעמוד לר' חיי דוד ב טויבא חוה וכל משפחתו להצלחה ברכה שפע רב וסייעתא דשמיא מרובה בכל מעשה ידיו ובכל העניני בכל מקו שה signup & dedications – [email protected]

Parshas Balak

How good are your tents O Yaakov, your tabernacles O Yisroel! The holy seforim teach us that when we say Yisroel, we are referring to a higher level as it says Bereishis 32:21 that Yisroel means to fight with angel and win, and Yaakov alludes to a lower level (like Ekev the heel). Rav Mordechai tells us that we all need to feel that Torah and mitzvos are our very lives, mamash! They are the most important thing that we live for and they must be our primary cause and objective. This should not be the case when it comes to mundane physical worldly matters that are the necessities and material needs for this world, these need to be secondary to the Torah and mitzvos that are primary. That is why the pasuk says how good are the tents because a tent is a temporary dwelling, and Yaakov refers to the lowly material matters of this world, that is temporal and fleeting. The pasuk continues saying that Mishkanos Yisroel, where avodas Hashem is represented by the symbolic mishkan, which has more permanence. This point is one we have to make and always remind ourselves that the entire purpose of this world is only to give Hashem nachas ruach and satisfaction, and we need to seize as many opportunities as we can to study Torah and fulfill mitzvos and do good deeds. By so doing we will draw near and attach ourselves to the Creator properly, Amen. And he took a javelin spear in hand.

The holy seforim explain what Pinchos had in mind is that he meant to accept upon himself the Ol Malchus Shomayim - the yoke of Divine kingship and by so doing to stop the plague. That is what is hinted at by the Hebrew word for a spear or javelin – romach, which hints at the 248 words in the three paragraphs of Keriyas Shema. And these 248 words correspond to our 248 limbs in our body, because by reciting the Keriyas Shema we merit to sanctify and refine our limbs and organs. Therefore, when we were tried by the test of Bilaam's terrible plot, Pinchos woke up and rose up to the occasion and accepted on himself Ol Malchus Shomayim, and thereby he brough a spirit of sanctity and kedusha down unto and over all of Klal Yisroel that entered their midst and stopped the plague, and all this was all accomplished by Pinchos. Now surely the Torah is eternal and therefore we must learn a lesson that applies to us nowadays from all this - and what we learn is that the power of Keriyas Shema has the segulah and ability to draw a person near to his Maker and close to his Creator. As Dovid haMelech said in Tehillim 144, that Hashem is close to all those who call out to Him sincerely. The holy seforim cite that Hashem is close to whoever calls out to Hashem with Keriyas Shema and acceptance of His yoke through Kabalas Ol Malchus Shomayim - that this is what brings us nearer and closer to Hashem, and Hashem is close to all who call out to him saying the concluding word of Shema - Emes - truth, which refers to those who daven in public with a minyan because individuals recite E"l Melech Ne’eman as a preface to their Shema to complete the required 248 words. But those who daven with the tzibur in a minyan complete the 248 words by hearing the Chazan's repetition of the 3 final words of Hashem Elokaychem Emes! This is hinted at by the forecited words of Dovid HaMelech that Hashem is close and near to all those who call out to him sincerely with the word Emes - referring to those who conclude their 248 words of Shema by hearing Emes recited by the Shatz, since they are davening with a minyan - which leads us to the conclusion that Hashem is closer and nearer to those who daven with a minyan. Because davening with a minyan brings us closer to Hashem and by reciting Shema in such a way, we complete all 248 letters that correspond to our 248 limbs and they are fulfilled, so that we merit to be able to overcome the forces of evil known as the sitra achra - the other side. This gives us the power to help us to overcome all the nisyonos - tests and trials that we endure and are put to nowadays in our modern society. Perhaps, we can further add based on the Bnei Yissascher's sefer Agra deKallah on parshas Bereishis 1:9, that Hashem said, ‘let the waters come together in one place’. He wrote to explain this based on earlier sources that all the pleasures of this world are referred to as water, based on the division where man's body is seen as made up of four essential elements: earth, air, fire and water, and when the balance is upset - so that the foundational element of water is strongest, this causes damage by awakening lust and desire for pleasures. However, there is advice and also a segulah that helps overcome this yetzer: to separate ourselves and abstain from pleasures and desires. It is well known that even sinners and criminals on the lowest level heaven forbid, still, and even so, deep in their hearts, the power of emunah and love for Hashem are entrenched because they heard at Har Sinai the words of Anochi Hashem and Lo Yiheyeh - the first two of the ten commandments from Hashem Himself, and this lodged itself in their hearts and gave them a special power of emunah and mesirus nefesh - self-sacrifice to lay down their lives for Hashem. So, that if a time comes when someone tries to heaven forbid cause them to give up their faith or convert, they are ready to lay down their lives willingly sanctify G-d's name and die for the cause rather than renounce their faith and give up their religion. And they are willing to suffer and endure even harsh torture and painful death, Heaven forbid, rather than renounce their . Now, if we reflect on this and take to heart just how much love for our Creator is deeply entrenched and fixed in our heart and soul, so that we are willing at any time to lay down our very lives for our faith and rather die - and by so doing we would off course be giving up all the pleasures and delights of this physical world in exchange for the love of Hashem our Creator. This should lead us to the following logical conclusion: if I willingly give up all worldly pleasure and lay down my life for Hashem, am willing to endure suffering and torture for His sake, and for His love, how then can I not quiet my lustful desire for a moment for some fleeting momentary desire?! When we take this to heart and consider this argument well, then at every opportunity, at any time it should be so much easier for us to overcome and defeat our yetzer hara and quell and silence our desires. Using this, we can explain the reason why we are commanded to recite Keriyas Shema twice daily with love, as is known that Shema symbolizes the concept of self-sacrifice and a willingness to lay down our lives with emunah and faith in Hashem. Therefore, the Torah commands us to daily recite the Shema, when we arise and get up each morning and again when we go to sleep each night, in order that we accept upon ourselves twice daily to be ready and willing to lay down our lives with self-sacrifice to sanctify the Divine Name of Hashem and give us the power to overcome and defeat the evil yetzer hara that constantly threatens us, all day long urging us to sin and pursue the fleeting pleasures of this world. This is what is hinted at in our aforementioned citation that the waters are to gather themselves into one place - when a person wishes to gather together all the worldly desires, delights and pleasures of this world, that are symbolized by the element of water, to one place - to that place where we recite the word - one - echad - in Keriyas Shema, when we are willing to accept suffering and even death upon ourselves for the sake of Hashem's oneness and unity, this allows us to easily overcome and defeat our desires and passions and cancel them. Those are the Bnei Yissascher’s words there in Agra deKallah. What we learn from this is that the primary purpose of our Keriyas Shema is to offer ourselves up willingly for Hashem's sake, to be ready to lay down our lives with self-sacrifice for emunas Hashem. This in turn sanctifies all 248 limbs to the Creator to help us defeat the sitra chara. May Hashem aid us to accept upon ourselves Ol Malchus Shomayim - the yoke of Hashem's kingship, properly so that we subjugate and overcome our heart's desires and thoughts and draw us close to Hashem until we merit to fulfill the pasuk that Hashem shall reign as King over all the land, and then on that day He and His name shall be One, with the coming of our righteous Moshiach speedily in our days, Amen.

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ehsm whvh okug rfzk - ,nab hukhgk `qec oa `pipg iax `pzd

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vrvnc ihnhv .ek ukrudk ouehu vrehv u,jpan sgc cuy .hknh