Special Shavuot Edition זמן מתן תורתינו Celebrating the Gift of Receiving the Torah Zman Mattan Torateinu Table of Contents: Rabbis Message……………2 English Section………………..7 Torah Heritage Section…….35 Loshon Hakodesh Section…53-38 ●This Kuntres was sponsored anonymously● for the Success of the Kollel Kollel Milhamta Shel Torah 147-63 71st Ave Flushing NY 11367 347-560-4223
[email protected] 1 Kollel Milhamta Shel Torah Shavuot 5779 Zman Mattan Torateinu A Message From the Rabbi: Some years back, when I lived in Eretz Yisrael, I was zocheh to hear lectures from Harav Avraham Erlanger, author of the acclaimed sefer Birkas Avraham, every motzaei Shabbat for two years, at his home in Meah Shearim. אם בחוקותי תלכו Once, on Parashat Behukotai, he quoted Rashi on the passuk toiling in learning. He, עמילות בתורה Rashi explains that it refers to. questioned, if one learns Torah without toil, will he get the kelalot. Also, how mean “toil”? Reb" תלכו" does the text support this interpretation? How does Avraham Erlanger explained. Behukotai telechu, walk with Torah – that is what the passuk is telling us. To walk around while absorbed in Torah thought means that the Torah is part of you. in his studies. The only way to do this is by intense, immersive learning Torah, being always absorbed and engaged in one’s learning, you should be thinking of Torah on your way out of beit midrash. Says Hashem in His Torah, if you want the berachot, the only way to merit them is אדם .to be toiling in Torah. What is ameilut baTorah? “Ameilut” means to toil ,says Shlomo Hamelech, man was created to toil.