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Concluding Remarks Concluding Remarks The bulk of secretory material necessary for the encapsulation of spermatozoa into a spermatophore is commonly derived from the male accessory organs of re­ production. Not surprisingly, the extraordinary diversity in size, shape, and struc­ ture of the spermatophores in different phyla is frequently a reflection of the equally spectacular variations in the anatomy and secretory performance of male reproductive tracts. Less obvious are the reasons why even within a given class or order of animals, only some species employ spermatophores, while others de­ pend on liquid semen as the vehicle for spermatozoa. The most plausible expla­ nation is that the development of methods for sperm transfer must have been in­ fluenced by the environment in which the animals breed, and that adaptation to habitat, rather than phylogeny, has played a decisive role. Reproduction in the giant octopus of the North Pacific, on which our attention has been focussed, pro­ vides an interesting example. During copulation in seawater, which may last 2 h, the sperm mass has to be pushed over the distance of 1 m separating the male and female genital orifices. The metre-long tubular spermatophore inside which the spermatozoa are conveyed offers an obvious advantage over liquid semen, which could hardly be hauled over such a long distance. Apart from acting as a convenient transport vehicle, the spermatophore serves other purposes. Its gustatory and aphrodisiac attributes, the provision of an ef­ fective barrier to reinsemination, and stimulation of oogenesis and oviposition are all of great importance. Absolutely essential is its function as storage organ for spermatozoa, at least as effective as that of the epididymis for mammalian spermatozoa. Relevant in this connection may be the observation that the sper­ matophoric plasma which surrounds the sperm rope inside the spermatophore of the giant octopus bears close chemical similarity to mammalian epididymal plasma, reflected in the high concentration ofmucoproteins, several glycosidases, and glycerylphosphorylcholine. Equally intriguing are the recent observations on the occurrence, of spermine in the spermatophoric plasma of ticks and the pros­ taglandin-synthesizing potential of spermatophores in certain insects. To what extent spermatophores of other animals share biochemical properties with liquid semen is by no means clear at the present time. This is only one of the many gaps in our knowledge that remain to be filled in the future. If the present monograph can generate interest in this direction, it will have fulfilled its purpose. 176 References Abele LG, Gilchrist S (1977) Homosexual rape and sexual selection in acanthocephalan worms. 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