Nixon Aid Plan!

Foreign Aid More Arms Help

(AP/AFRTS).---President Nixon is U.S.NAVALUS.?uAriAoA. A WASHINGTON calling for a continued high rate of U.S. arms help abroad and a modest increase in foreign usN~aeaen ama ca economic assistance, under a sharply revamped foreign aid program. Nixon called for a $4 billion outlay for in- ternational affairs and finance in his fiscal 1972 budget message. This figure surpasses this year's outlay of $3.6 billion. 0rnrttun For security assistance, the President wants to spend $1 billion in the year starting July 1. This level is about the same as in this fiscal year. But this does not include $2.4 billion this JANUARY 29, 1971 Phone 9-5247 year and again next year for South Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. That money comes out of regular Defense nday Department funds as part of the war budget. Apollo Launching Su Of the $1.7, the President earmarks $658 million for a- or 'support as- CAPE KENNEDY (AP/AFRTS)--The tomic defense . mainly for South Vi- Apollo 14 launch crew pumps sistance, etnam and Cambodia. supercold liquids servicing development aid, the the Apollo command ship's fuel For President allots $1' billion cells today in preparation for in fiscal 1972. This is a Sunday's moon launching. REPORT million increase over Temperature controls must be $200 this year. by technicians in SPAACE maintained He says much of this econo- the delicate operation. An ex- Edgar mic assistance will be chan- plosion in one of the fuel nauts Alan B. Shepard, Roosa neled through international cell oxygen tanks aborted the D. Mitchell and Stuart organizations such as the last Apollo mission in April spent several h ours yesterday World Bank. as it neared the moon. Astro- with trainers. MCB 71 to Begin Sherman Avenue Repaving Project Monday Cdr. Hawkins mentioned the Mobile Construction Batta- the. .section will be removed attributable 71 will begin Monday the completely, and four layers of delay was also lion of facilities first phase of a four-phase the roadway will be replaced. to the capacity needed a- repaving project on Sherman "If everything goes very on base to produce mounts of asphalt and crushed Avenue. smoothly, hopefully we will be The first part to be paved through with it by the middle rock. of will be from BOQ 3 to the in- of March or the beginning of Hawkins said the purpose sectioning of tersection at Hospital Point April," he said. the four-phase project is to avoid block- Road. He said the repaving didn't the on the road. The section will be closed begin this month as previously ing intersections the first re- for about three weeks, accord- announced because "we wanted Traffic during be detoured ing to a release from Public to be sure that we had every- paving phase will Street in Villamar Works Center. thing operational so that to Sixth Skyline Drive to Kit- Cdr. Robert Hawkins, PWC ex- everything would go swift- and over ecutive officer, said parts of ly." tery Beach Road. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, Jan- ary 29, 1971 r, GAZETTEER Cambodia Aid Protects U.S. Forces KANSAS CITY (AP/AFRTS)--Vice President Spiro .a digest of late news T. Agnew said yesterday U.S. aid to Cambodia is designed primarily to protect American I - troops in South Vietnam as President Nixon's troop withdrawal timetable contiues. "We are engaged in one principal objective, Senator William Fulbright says any furtherCongres- that objective is to take care of the security sional effort to limit U.S. airpower in Cam- of our forces in South Vietnam as we continue bodia will be futile. The Arkansas Democrat to make the President's timetable for their :eads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, withdrawal," the Vice President told newsmen. which questioned Secretary of State Rogers yes- Meanwhile senators fearful of expanded in- terday on the U.S. role in Cambodia. Fulbright volvement in Cambodia questioned Secretary of feels Congress would not pass any such bills. State William P. rogers yesterday while Democratic leader Mike Mansfield expressed United Auto Workers officials plan meetings. today to concern abo t a suggestion that U.S. support discuss details of a tentative contract agree- might have to be increased. ment with the International Harvester Company. "I think we are treading dangerous ground," A strike has idled 40,000 employes at six Mansfield told reporters, when about the locations of the heavy machinery manufacturer statement Wednesday by Sen. John C. Stennis, since Jan. 14. D-Miss. Reports from Mozambique describe the deaths of hi-ndreds from flooding after a cyclone sent torrential rains down on the Portugese ter- Truman Continues to Improve ritory. The reports say the cyclone h t the KANSAS CITY (AP/AFRTS)--Former President Quelimane area, 200 miles up the Indian Ocean Harry S. Truman spent another good night at coast from Mozambique's capital, Beria. Research Hospital and his doctor said today High International Oil Company officials meet with he is pleased with Truman's progress. oil ministers of Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia In a mid-morning bulletin, Dr. Wallace today in further oil price negotiations. Ser- Graham, the 86-year-old doctor, said his con- ious bargaining and offering prices have been dition remains good and his appetite is im- reported between the Persial Gulf producers and proving steadily. the companies. One report~ says the producers are asking for oil prices as high as $3 a barrel. (Related story on Page 7). More Problems inCulebra DEWEY, Culebra (AP/AFRTS)--Three more Communist supply routes along the-North Vietnam- civilians yesterday penetrated the U.S. Navy Laos border have been hit by B52 bombers today. firing range on Flamenco Beach on tiny Culebra The military command in Saigon has released no Island after the Navy arrested five others reports of communistssurface to air missile late ,Wednesday night. threats from the North Vietnamese side of the Head of the Puerto Rico Independence Party border. The strikes in Laos reportedly are (PIP) Ruben Berrios Martinez said in San Juan close to the North Vietnamese missile sites. that "the Culebra residents, including women, No major ground fighting has been reported in are willing to enter the area to replace those South Vietnam. that have been arrested. They will continue Stateside Temperatures until the Navy stops their maneuvers." Albany, N.Y. 17 Guantanamo Gazette Albuquerque 61 Ashville, N.C. 27 Local Forecast ComsoavBase.RAdm. B. McCauley Birmingham 35 Public Affairs Officer.ICdr. W. Boer II. Bismark 18 Partly cloudy this afternoon Editorial Advisor.JOC Jim Teague Editor. JO3 Allan Smith Minneapolis 0 becoming mostly clear tonight. Editorial Assistant.J03 Bob Wellborn Phoenix 67 Winds will be NE-10-15 with Staff Photographer.J03 Tom Betz Staff Artist.JOSN Steve Duren Seattle 50 gusts to 23, becoming N 4-8 Beeline Editor. 1YtBill Walker Memphis 33 after sunset. The high today The GUANTANA4D GAZETTE is published according to Philadelphia 22 will be 80 and the low to- the rules and regulations for ship and station news- papers as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the Norfolk 36 night will dip to 68 degrees. direction of the Naval Base Public \ffairs Officer. It is printed four days a week at government expense 10 The low last night was a cool on government equipment. The opinions or statements 67 69 degrees. in sews ites that appear heroin are not to he con- strued as official or as reflecting the views of Denver 26 ComNavnase or the Department of the Navy. (6 a.m. temperatures) Friday, January 29, 1971 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 Pay Hike Sentimental Here's how you get those greenbacks Journey And everyone went away with a chunky paycheck. That's the A former admiral end of our story, here is how it happened: comes back A scant two weeks ago, Pres- ident Nixon ordered into ef- for a visit fect a 7.9 per cent pay raise By TOM BETZ for all active duty military personnel. "The only way up John Paul Jones Hill was by horseback," The new pay hike, retroac- retired VAdm. William G. Coop- tive to Jan. 1, brought the er, former base commander, military man's wage level to a said. little more than twice as much Adm. Cooper described the as he was making in 1958. VADM. COOPER biggest change in the base Last payday came a bit'too ,,fewer ships now. since he was in command from early for the money issuers to September 1955 to October 1956, adjust to the new pay scale. He was here on a sentimen- So, left with all this extra tal journey with his wife Lo- money in the till this week, Sewing Cente is. He retired from the Navy they are going to make sure r in 1960, military personnel get not on- He was an executive with ly their regular number of United Fruit Company and re- greenbacks, but they'll get Set to Open tired in 1966. all that back pay too. The admiral and his wife The Navy Exchange will open came here on the SS Fra Ber- a new Sewing Center tomorrow langa, a United Fruit ship at 2 p.m. which brings fresh fruits to Here's the new pay scale that went into ef- Admission will be by ticket fect after an order from President Nixon about the base every two weeks. two weeks ago: only after the preliminary Adm. Cooper was base .com- Pay ceremonies. mander during the construction Grade 2-under over 2 over 3 over 4 over 6 Free tickets will be avail- E-9e and establishment of the re- E-8 able at the Customer Relations E-7 399.00 478.50 496.20 513.60 531.30 creation area which now bears E-6. 344.10 417,90 435.00 453.00 470.40 Desk in the main retail store his name, Cooper Field, E-5 297.30 366.00 383.70 400.50 426.60 at 10 a.m. E-4 249.90 312.90 330.90 356.70 374.40 The Naval Hospital was moved E-3 180.90 252.30 269.70 287.40 287.40 E-2 149,10 208.80 208,80 208.80 "08.80 into its present facilities E-1 143.70 191.10 191.10 191.10 191,10 (under during his tenure. 4 months) 134.40 The admiral notes that the Pay Grade over 8 over 10 over 12 over 14 over 16 Trail Rides: 13 number of ships trained here E-9* 756.90 774.30 792.00 809.70 great as E-8 635.10 652.80 670.20 687.90 705.30 doesn't seem to be as E-7 548,10 565.50 583.50 609.60 626.70 Special Services will spon- it was. He says that while he E-6 487,50 505.20 531.30 548.10 565.50 E-5 444.00 461.70 478.50 487.50 487.50 sor trail rides Mondays and was in command there was al- E-4 374.40 374.40 374.40 374.40 374.40 Tuesdays E-3 287.40 297.40 287.40 287.40 287.40 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ways an aircraft carrier here. E-2 208.60 208.80 208.80 208.80 208.80 to raise money for Mardi Gras. Once USS Boston and USS For- E-1 191.10 191.10 191.10 191.10 191.11 Pay Special services will supply restal were here together, he Grade over 18 over 20 over 22 over 2b over 30 E-9 827,70 843.90 888.60 975.00 975,00 horses and trail bosses. Cost says. E-8 722.10 740.10 783,60 870.90 870.90 is $3 per person. Call 95160 The Fra Berlanga, known here E-7 644,10 652.80 696.60 783.60 783.60 E-6 574,50 574.50 574.50 574,50 574.50 for reservations. as the Chiquita Banana Boat, E-5 487.50 487.50 487.50 487.50 487,50 E-4 374.40 374.40 374.40 374,40 374,40 will be up for sale soon, 287,40 287.40 267.40 287.40 E-3 287,40 to reports. But - E-2 208.80 208.60 208.00 208.80 208.80 according E-1 191.10 191.10 191.10 191.10 191.10 Costumes on Sale there has been no word on ex- *While serving as sergeant major of the Army, Spanish dancers' costumes actly when. master chief petty officer of the Navy, chief master sergeant of the Air Force, or sergeant will go on sale tomorrow at Fra 3erlanga's last trip to major of the Marine Corps basic pay for this 10 a.m. in front of the Navy Guantanamo will grade is $1,185 regardless of cumulative years be Feb. 6, af- of service. Exchange, ter which her resupply job Proceeds from the auction will be assumed by another will go to the Mardi Gras. ship. Paae 4 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, January 29, 1971 6 Movie Schedule

Sat. Sun~ Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Naval Station 1/8 2 3 4 5 6 7/9 Naval Air Station 10/9 1 2 3 4 5 6/8 Marine'Site 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 Hospital 12 11 10 1 2 3 4 Camp Bulkeley 13 12 11 10 1 2 3 EM Leeward Point 14 13 12 11 10 1 2 NAg Leeward Point 17/18 14 13 12 11 10 1/15 BOQ Leeward Point 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 1. THE KREMLIN LETTER: , Patrick 7. PAPA'S DELICATE CONDITION; Jackie Gleason, O'Neal. An anti-hero and five Americans se- Glynis Johns. Gleason is a tippling, travel- cretly infiltrate themselves into Russia to ing railroad supervisor. Comedy, Color, 98 buy or steal the Kremlin Letter Drama, Color min., NRA. GP 122 Min. 6. HARD CONTRACT; James Coburn, Lee Remick. Coburn a professional assassin agrees to kill 2. PIECES OF DREAMS: Robert Forster, Lauren three men. Drama, Color, 106 min., R. Hutton. Forster is a modern young priest 5., ROBBERY= Stanley Baker, Joanne Pettet. assigned to Our Lady of the Assumption Church Baker is the leader of a gang of robbers in Drama, Color, 99 min. GP London who deal in high stakes. Melodrama, Color, 114 min., NRA. 3. TROG: Joan Crawford, Michael Gough. Three 4. TASTE THE BLOOD OF DRACULA; Christopher students explore a desolate cave on a hiking Lee, Linda Hayden. A salesman discoveres trip. Science Fiction, Color 91 min. NRA Dracula dying from a stake in the heart. Horror Drama, Color, 97 min., GP. 4. KASHMIRI RUN: Pernell Roberts, Alexandra 3. Bastedo. Roberts, a fur trader in Tibet is I LOVE MY WIFE Elliott Gould, Brenda being chased by Chinese Communists. Drama Vaccaro. Gould begins as a normal, obsessed Color, 104 min. NRA kid whose methier makes him neurotic. Drama, Color, 102 min., R. 5. THE APRIL FOOLS: Jack Lemmon, Catherine 2. DIARY OF A MAD HOUSEWIFE; Richard Benjamin, Deneuve. Wall Street broker Jack Lemmon has Carrie Snogress. A rising young lawyer lives just received a promotion from company boss on Central Park West, has his own set of Peter Lawford. Comedy, Color, 95 min. NRA. opinions and must be with the right people at the right time. Comedy, Color, 101 min., R. 6. LADY IN CEMENT: Frank Sinatra, Raquel 1. CRY OF THE BANSHEE; Welch. While skin diving, Sinatra comes across Vincent Price, Joanne Woodward. 16th ced-tury the nude corpse of a blonde which leads him England a cruel lord seeks to destroy a witches into a complicated murder, drama. Drama, Co- cult. Horror Drama, Color, 94 min., GP. lor, 95 min. NRA. 8. SUBMARINE X-1; James Caan, David Summer. Commander Bolton has recently lost his sub- 7. GENERATION: Kim Darby, David Janssen. Kim marine and crew in an encounter with a German Darby and Pete Duel are two young people very vessel. War Drama, Color, 90 min., G. much in love and ready for marriage. Comedy, 9. CITY BENEATH THE SEA; Anthony Quinn, Color, 105 min. NRA Robert Ryan., Professional deep sea divers are hired to find a lost ship off the coast of THE CHEYENNE B. SOCIAL CLUB: James Stuart, Jamaica. Adventure Drama, Color, 87 min., NRA. Henry Fonda. Texas during 1867-Jimmy Stuart learns he has inherited the Cheyenne Social Club, Comedy, Color, 102 min. NRA Movie Rating Codes THE IRON PETTICOAT: Bob Hope, Katherine Hep- G Recommended bon general audience. GP Recomended Aot geneAat burn. Katherine Hepburn is a Captain in the audience with eseuAvaZon. R Recommended bot aduLt audience. Russian Air Force. Drama, Color, 94 min. NRA X Recomended bon nature aduLts onty. NRA No Jating availtabe. National Motion Pctite Association &tinos Friday, January 29, 1971 Guantanamo Gazette Paae

S 9:02 Flintstones W 4:00 Sparky CLU B A 9:30 Mellotones E 4:30 Monkees (last show) T 10:00 1-2-3-Go D 5:00 Doris Day U 10:30 Quick Draw McGraw N 5:30 Room 222 R 11:01 Captain Kangaroo E 6:00 Panorama D 12:00 Get It Together S 7:OC Dante Saturday-COTTON COMES TO HAR- A 12:30 All American College Show D 7:30 The Virginian LEM-Godfrey Cambridge Y 1:00 Movie-Curse of Yellow Snake A 9:00 Burke's Law Sunday-HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS- 2:30 American Sportsman Y 10:00 News Jonathan Frid-Grayson Hall 3:30 Wrestling 10:05 Tombstone Territory Monday-CANNON FOR CORDOBA- 4:00 Greatest Fights 10:30 Movie-Fair Warning George Peppard-Giovanna Ralli 4:30 World of Golf 5:30 CBS Sports T 4:00 Sparky Tuesday-COVER ME BABE-Rubert 6:00 News Brief H 4:30 Mr. Ed Forster-Sondra Locke 6:05 Eye of the Storm U 5:00 Bill Anderson Wednesday-SUNFLOWER-Sophia 6:45 21st Century R 5:30 Kelleys Cook In Loren-Marcello Mastroianni 7:00 Everly Brothers S 6:00 Panorama Friday-IMITATION OF LIFE-Lana 8:00 Gunsmoke D 7:00 Laugh In Turner-John Gavin 9:00 Happy Days A 8:00 Hawk 10:00 News Y 9:00 Ray Stevens Acey Ducey 10:05 Detectives 10:00 News 10:30 Movie-Hello Frisco, Hello 10:05 Sheriff of Cochise Saturday-MISSION IMPOSSIBLE- 10:30 Dick Cavett HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS S 10:30 Music and the Spoken Word Sunday-COVER ME BABE-Robert U 11:00 The Christophers F 4:00 Sparky Foresster-Sandra Locke N 11:15 Sacred Heart R 4:30 Across the Seven Seas Monday-CLUB CLOSED D 11:30 This is the Life I 5:00 College Bowl Tuesday-CANNON FOR CORDOBA A 12:00 Crossroads D 5:30 Navy information Wednesday-CHITTY CHITTY BANG Y 12:30 To be announced A 6:00 Panarama 1;00 On Campus Y 7:00 Comedy Tonight Tus- Bose n ight 1:30 To be announced 8:00 Iron Horse 2:00 Game of the Week 9:00 High Chaparral Friday-Bingo 4:30 To be announced 10:00 News 5:00 Ted Mack 10:05 Boxing COMO 5:30 Pentagon Forum 11:00 Movie-Curse of Yellow Snake Sunday-SUNFLOWER 6:00 News Brief 12:30 Perry Mason Tuesday-HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS 6:05 The Unexplained 7:00 Bonanza SATURDAY Thursday-CANNON FOR CORDOBA 8:00 Ed Sullivan 1 PM Movie: "The Curse of the Yellow Snake" 9:00 Mission Impossible Snake" A jewel.embellished brass snake believed to endow its possessor witt 10:00 News magical powers becomes the object of violent intrigues as a secret society 10:05 Best from Broadway of oriental anarchists plot world-wide revolution. 10:30 Anastasia 6:05 Special: "The Eye of the Storm" 8-year old white children are taking 4:00 Sparky part in an experiment in discrimination conducted by a courageous and 4:30 Wild Kingdom (last show) creative third grade teacher. 5:00 Green Acres 5:30 Julia 10:30 Movie: "Hellc Frisco, Hello" It's the ups and downs of show biz in 6:00 Panorama the late 1800's when a song and dance man promotes a street act into a 7:00 Daniel Boone fortune. 8:00 Music Hall (last show) 9:00 Hawaii 5-0 SUNDAY 10:00 News Special: "The Unexplained" An Encyclopaediae:05 Britannica entertainment 10:05 Wanted: Dead or Alive documentary employing unusual fili clips, original film footage and anima- 10:30 Tonight tion to explore the challenging enigma of space, unknown powers of the brain and body and several baffling geographic mysteries. 4:00 Sparky 4:30 Lloyd Bridges 10:05 The Best from Broadway "Anastasia" The Romanov dynasty (1917)was 5:00 Honey West overthrown by revolution and the Tsar and family were imprisoned and later 5:30 Physical Fitness executed. One child, however was said to have escaped and later appears. 6:00 Panorama A 7:00 Voyage to the bottom of SeaWEDNESDAY Y 8:00 Andy Williams: 10:05 Movie: "FAIR WARNING" The owner of the Lost Nugget Gold Mine in 9:00' Here Come the Brides Death Valley is murdered when he decides to sell all his interest in the min 10:00 News 10:05 Target FRIDAY 10:30 Playboy After Dark 11:00 Movie: "The Curse of the Yellow Snake" Friday, January 29, 1971 Page 6 Guantanamo Gazette f Nixon Seeking Draft End Summer '73 WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--President Nixon yes- to reduce draft calls to zero, subject to the terday pledged to make every endeavor to end overriding con siderations of the national se- the draft by midsummer of 1973 as he urged curity." Nixo n urged Congress to increase the Congress to enact reforms to bring the nation pay of service men by $1.5 billion, especially closer to an all volunteer army. "No one knows in the lower e listed grades, initiate a test precisely when we can end conscription," Nixon program of spe cial pay incentives, and expand said in a special message to Congress. But, he recruiting, me dical scholarships and ROTC pro- said "the objective of this administration is grams to make military life more desirable. These legislative proposals, Nixon said, "would move up substantially closer to the goal of an all volunteer Oil Tanker Runs Aground force." Nixon asked Congress to ex- NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)-.-A tanker loaded with 420,000 gallons of tend induction authority only oil ran aground and sprang a leak yesterday off Rockaway Beach for two years to July 1, 1973. on the Atlantic Ocean, the Coast Guard reported. The Coast The normal extension period is Guard said it was a small leak, and that it had been stopped for four years. or severely reduced" about two hours after the ship--the SS Verdon--went aground about 9 a.m. The ship, owned by the Morton Confirmed Spentonbus Transport Co'. of New York, was aground in the To Head Interior Check Chec The Th Lis' List! " East Rockaway Inlet, between Here is a list of the base Rockaway Beach and Atlantic WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS) -- The organizations that have not Beach between Queens and Nas- Senate yesterday confirmed submitted the name of their sau County on Long Island. President Nixon's nomination Rogers president or senior official The Coast Guard said a barge of former GOP Chairman to the administration office, had pulled alongside the Ver- C.B. Morton to be the new secretary of the interior. Information needed includes don to take on some of its name, title, home and duty oil. A spokesman said a tug Morton, until yesterday a telephone numbers, probably would try to pull the Republican congressman from of the Cha ship off the sandbar at high Maryland, pledged in hearings Protestant Women p Toastmasters; GTMO Swingers; tide. earlier this week he will use Leeward Point Community Organ- Police in Queens said there the post to help try to change ization; GTMO Bay Officers' was apparently no danger of the nation's priorities, plac- Wives' Club; Leeward Point the tanker breaking up. ing the environment high. Enlisted Wives' Club; Fleet Reserve Association: Ladies' Auxiliary of the Fleet Reserve Association: ditholic Men's Society; Altar and Rosary So- Manson Ejected From Court ciety: Protestant Chapel Altar Guild: Protestant Men of the (AP/AFRTS)--Charles Manson was ejected from the penalty phase of the Sharon Tate murder trial yesterday after Chapel; Church of Christ; Navy he struck his attorney as they sat side by side at the coun- Relief Society Auxiliary, GTMO sel table. Bay Bowling Association: COMO The light punch apparently did not harm the attorney, Irving Duplicate Bridge Club; Teen- Kanarek, and the trial continued after Manson, struggling with agers Advisory Board: All Cub bailiffs who seized him, was removed. Scout Organizations: Boy Manson was often removed for disruptive conduct during the Scouts of America; Little The- seven-month trial whose first phase ended Monday, when he and ater, Metacological Society; three women followers were convicted of murder-conspiracy in All Brownie Organizations: the killings of the actress and six others. Reef Raiders: Meanwhile, the chief defense attorney in the trial asked Stamp Club: Archery Associa- yesterday to enter a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity tion; Base Civic Council; for his client, Patricia Krenwinkel. Security Group Wives' Club, The judge did not immediately rule on the motion but called Naval Lodge. Caribbean all attorneys into chambers to discuss the request. Today is the deadline to Possible verdicts in the case are death and life in prison. submit the information. Friday, January 29, 1971 Guantanamo Gazette Page 7 Cambodian Planes Raid Enemy Cambodia PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP/AFRTS)--Cambodian planes raided enemy positions across the main river from Phnom Penh yester- day and today and black smoke was visible in the capital. But most of the nearby battlefields were quiet after three days of sharp fighting. The raid was carried out by Cambodian T28 fighter-bombers. The propeller-driven planes were among the few that escaped destruction in the enemy attack on the capital's airport last Friday. The only fighting was reported about 12 miles south of the capital. The sound of small arms fire and mortar fire showed fighting was in progress for the fourth straight day. the area is one hit by enemy forces this week. The Cambodian Command had no word on the progress of the Oil Price Talks Hit Snag large-scale sweep launched Wed- TEHRAN, Iran (AP/AFRTS)--Price talks between the world's nesday by 8,000 Cambodian in- major oil companies and the producer nations of the Persian fantrymen to clear the menaced Gulf ran into some rough going here yesterday. Delegates said area around Phnom Penh. there was a wide gap between the amount of money being de- Informed sources in Phnom manded and that offered. A spokesman for the companies de- Penh reported a U.S. military cared that whatever price in- team operating from the Cambo- crease might be won by the oil dian capital and Saigon, will U.S. Accuses states, it would have to be monitor the use of U.S. mili- passed on to the consumers, tary aid in Cambodia. mainly in western Europe and It will be known as the Mili- Soviets of Assault Japan. tary Equipment Delivery Team WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--The A threatened deadlock on de- with 16 members in Phnom Penh State Department accused Soviet mands by the companies for a and the rest in Saigon. The authorities yesterday of al- global agreement binding on all team will not act as teachers lowing a campaign aimed at in- 10 members of the organization or advisers but will see timidating American journa' of petroleum exporting coun- that U.S. military equipment lists against getting news tries known as Opec was suc- is used effectively, the infor- from Soviet citizens. cessfully averted. mants added. Spokesman Robert J. McClos- Separate negotiations with In South Vietnam, there were key said, "Under the Soviet the tough-talking Libyans were only scattered scirmishes but system this sort of thing can- to begin Thursday in Tripoli. terrorist bombs and grenades not occur without the acquie- This move ended a procedural in a theater and a market sence if not the approval of haggle that has been going on place in coastal Binh Dinh Soviet authorities." since the Tehran talks a week northeast of Saigon killed 19 "We condemn this irresponsi- ago with ministers from Iran, Vietnamese civilians and ble behavior intended to inti- Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The wounded 41. midate and prevent American ministers insist that they can The U.S. command in Saigon correspondents from carrying negotiate only on behalf of reported an increase in Ameri- out there normal news gather- the gulf oil states. The others can casulaties last week and ing functions." are Kuwait, Abud Abi and Qatar. spokesmen attributed the rise McCloskey said the Soviet If they can react a long-term largely to two plane crashes Foreign Ministry, in receiv- agreement quickly with the that killed 14 servicemen. ing the American Embassy pro- Gulf, the companies should be The command said 50 Ameri- tests, had given no explana- in a lot stronger position to cans died in combat in the tion so far concerning the face what will probably be far week that ended Saturday, com- assault in a street stiffer price demands by the pared with 37 the previous Tuesday of Associated Press Lybians. They want eventual week. Headquarters listed 295 correspondent James R. Piepert parity with North American Americans wounded, an increase or the roughing up Saturday of prices. of 84 over a week earlier. O Washington Post Correspondent No figures have been announ- There were 25 non-combat Anthony Astrachan. ced, but conference sources deaths. The only response was they said the companies have of- The report totalled 44,355 would look into the matter. fered an increase. killed in Indochina since 1961. Page 8 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, January 29, 1971 G Player Draft Underway NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)--The first three picks in the National Football Leagues collegiate draft were quarterbacks, followed by a wide receiver who was named fourth, and the Rams and Redskins lead a big trade involving a number of players and draft choices. As expected, the Boston Patriots picked Heisman SPORTS Trophy Winner Jim Plunkettof Stanford in the draft. The Patriots, dubious owners of the worst record in the NFL last season, were awarded the first choice 'in the draft. The New Orleans Saints pick- ed quarterback Archie Manning, Sports Editor and the Houston Oilers grabbed Santa Clara QB Dan Pasternia. Tom Betz The Buffalo Bills halted the QB parade by choosing wide receiver J.D. Hill of .Arizona State. The Philadelphia EagLes fol- Sports Shorts lowed by naming defensive tackle Richard Harris, and the George Pappas of Charlotte, New York Jets picked fullback N.C., has the first round lead John Riggins of Kansas. in the $5b,000 Los Angeles The Redskins of Washington Open Bowling tournament. obtained six players from the He leads veteran Bob Strampe Rams in a trade. by 13 pins. The tourney winds The Philadelphia Eagles trad- up Saturday. ed QB Norman Sneed to the Min- Dave McCarty (left) receives Curt Flood's suit to overturn nesota Vikings for tackle the first "Bowler of The baseball's reserve clause was Steve Smith and the Vikings Month" award from Bill Neve, argued before a court of ap- second and sixth picks in the president of the Inter Com- peals in New York yesterday. pro football draft. mand Scratch League which The three judges are expected The Eagles will also receive bowls on Monday nights. Dave to take at least a month before Minnesota's third round choice bowls for the NAS #1 team and issuing a decision. in next year's draft. has an average of 194. The Pittsburgh Pirate star out- The Baltimore Colts selected award was given to Dave from fielder Roberto Clemente has Don McCauley of the University a field of 10 nominees from signed another $100,000 plus of North Carolina, a running the various leagues on the contracts making him the high- back who broke the rushing base. Also speaking of est paid Pirate ever. record of O.J. Simpson. bowling the 8th Annual Guan- The Massachusetts Racing McCauley ran for 1,127 yards. tanamo Bay Bowling Association Commission is still trying to The Redskins had no first Tournament begins tonight at figure out what to do to help round pick they gave that up Marblehead and runs through Bill Veeck's Suffolk Downs in the deal with the Rams. Sunday. Competition includes Race Track. The track is re- Among other things they receive singles, doubles, and team portedly $14 million in debt. the three starting linebackers events. In the ABA, the Indiana for the Rams. They are Myron Pacers defeated the New York Pottis, 331 Jack Pardee, 357 The Sports Scene Nets 116-110, the Floridians and Maxie Vaughn,' 32. The swimming and diving bowed to Virginia 126-117, and George Allen said 'the reason meeting to discuss the up- Utah stopped Denver 111-105. he seeks older players is: coming swim meet on Feb. 13, In hockey, the Rangers and "that's what we've been playing will be held Tuesday at 9 a.m. the Boston Bruins fought to a with for five years. We like Monday the Junior Baseball 2-2 tie, Pittsburgh over experienced people who can Commission will meet in the Toronto 3-1, Montreal over St. discipline themselves. That PWC Conference Room at 7:30. Louis 4-2, Los Angeles and are winners. I think we up- Anyone needing further in- Buffalo tied at 3-3. graded our squad 25 per cent.') formation call 95384 nWH.